Fresh Facts Dec 14
Fresh Facts Dec 14
Fresh Facts Dec 14
Fresh Facts
Newsletter #301
Presidents Message
Merry Christmas!
I hope you are all finishing up a wonderful year and preparing to spend time over the
holidays with family and friends. Now is also the season when we look back over the
past year but more importantly ahead to the next. As you go through this process, here
are a few gems to ponder from 45 Lessons From Life written by Regina Brett a 90
year old from Cleveland, Ohio.
Now is the time to get registered and your room booked for the OFFMA Summit that is
part of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention in February. This is really an annual
event not to be missed.
Wishing you all a joyous Christmas season and hope you find the miracles in
your life even if they are not wrapped with a bow.
See you in Niagara Falls in February.
Brian Hugli
OFFMA President
Dec. 2014
Volume 30, Number 9
Lessons from a
Christmas Tree
On-Farm Market
Product Cross
Winter Activities
Highlights from
November Study
Built to Sell:
Creating a Business that can
Thrive Without
Premiers Award
for Agri-Food
Innovation Excellence
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Fresh Facts
Congratulations to
Landman Gardens & Bakery!
Landman Gardens and Bakery has
been awarded the Best New Tourism
Business category at the Hills of
Headwaters Tourism awards November 19th 2014!
A relatively new business with some
very shiny stars. Well done!
FOR SALE: Garland maker & Kelco
wreath machine for sale $350 for
the both or $200 each. Contact Joy
Westlaken at 519-762-3504. Pictures have been posted on the OFFMA Members Facebook page.
FOR SALE: Delhaven Orchards Ltd.,
Blenheim, ON
Frozen, pitted sour cherries
available for wholesale and retail
Call 519-676-4475 or
e-mail [email protected]
Classifieds are free for members. Send
your information to the OFFMA office
and it will be included in the next newsletter.
8 full members
1 associate member
Past president
Plus 2 appointed, non-voting members:
Executive Secretary
OMAFRA Representative
Colleen Pingle and Steve Smith are completing their second, three year terms
and will be stepping down. Brians term
as president will also be coming to a
close which means that Jesse Lauzon,
Past President will be leaving the Board,
as Brian moves into the Past President
That leaves 3 farm membership positions vacant with a need to be filled this
The time commitment for these positions includes attending 5-6 Board meetings per year, participating in one of the
Boards Committees, and a willingness
to contribute and make a difference to
the direct farm marketing industry.
If you are interested in making this commitment, contact Jesse Lauzon, Chair of
the Nominations Committee at 905-8784908. Additional nominations will be
accepted from the general membership
at the AGM as well.
Newsletter #301
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Merry Christmas
and best wishes for a wonderful New Year
from OFFMAs Board of Directors and Staff
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Fresh Facts
Newsletter #301
Winter business activities to help make 2015 your best year ever.
Update your listing on the OFFMA website the OFFMA website is the
gateway for consumers looking to find a farm they can visit. It is promoted
through all our efforts as the place to get this kind of information and as a
result we have thousands of people looking at it. Make sure your information is correct and your products and services are easy to find.
Sign up for OFFMAs Members Only Facebook Page it only takes a
minute and it will connect you to other on-farm marketers who share their
experiences, or are looking for a specific product or just want to highlight
something wonderful on their farm. Dont delay being a part of this resource.
Listen to a podcast or two from the members section of the OFFMA
website Six podcasts were posted this past year. Everything from
Diversifying Your Farm to Successful Farm Birthday Parties. OFFMA will
be working on adding some more this winter. If you have a topic you want to
see as a podcast, let the OFFMA office know.
Check out other resources on the OFFMA website there is a cache of
great material and interesting resources on the site. You will need your
username and password to get into that section. If you are unsure what they
are, just drop a line to the OFFMA office and we will get you all sorted out.
Register for the OFFMA Summit at the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention at Registrations opened on December 1st. The convention
takes place on February 18 and 19 at the Scotia Convention Centre in Niagara Falls. Dont miss this one!!
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Fresh Facts
The Cart
One of the things that Hollis, from Murphys Farm Market & Bakery has created to help her busy schedule is a photo cart. It is a little trolley that is full
of all the items she may use to enhance a photo of her products: coloured
twine, drinking straws, colourful tea towels, antique cutlery. When she
wants to take a picture to post on the many social media tools Murphys
Farm Market & Bakery employs to promote their business, she grabs the
cart and starts setting up the picture. She doesnt have to spend time trying
to track down individual items and bring them all together in spot. They are
already on the cart, all together. This idea would work for other things as
well. Perhaps a display cart or tote. Put your masking tape, your chalk, your
fishing line all in one container and when you need to make new displays,
you simply grab the tote and go.
Hollis other valuable tip was her photo boards. They were taking down one
of the buildings on the property this summer and she asked for pieces of the
wall to be cut into 3 by 3 sections. Each section is painted a colour that she
can then use as the background for any of her photos and one was left a rustic barnboard as well. If you need more proof that these tips work, check out
the Murphys Facebook page for a visual treat.
Newsletter #301
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Signs, Signs,
Everywhere a Sign
Many members have told me that no one reads anymore. Signs dont work. You may think so but they still send a
message and provide information. Johnstons Cranberries are outside of Bala. It is a beautiful, albeit remote location. They have done a great job suggesting activities that their customers can do once they arrive at the
farms location with signs. They also have very informative signs in their shop suggesting different ways you can
use some of the products they have for sale.
Dickey Bee has a huge blackboard that is set up to be the weekly job board. It cant be missed by staff and is
easy to make additions or changes.
Nicholyns signs are all very professional and some are very funny. They are informative and help to dress up the
market. When the major part of what you sell is in a freezer you need to have other things to make yoru market
look inviting.
Forget about five star restaurants, just come on an OFFMA Bus Tour especially when we are visiting other OFFMA members. The meals on this trip were exceptional,
from breakfast at Nicholyns to lunch at Valley Farm Market and dinners at the Murphys and HewittsWOW.
Meals are also the time you get to really connect, to build
relationships, to share information and to make lifelong
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Fresh Facts
Since 2006, the Premier's Award for AgriFood Innovation Excellence had recognized
the innovative contributions of producers,
processors, agri-food organizations and rural communities in Ontario. These innovations improve existing products, create new
jobs and grow Ontario's economy. OFFMA members continue to be highlighted as
winners each year. Congratulations to each
winner on a job well done.
Barrie Hill Farms, Barrie
Frozen vegetables are heating up the local economy
in Simcoe County. A few
years ago, Morris Gervais
discovered the value of
having a local processor
freeze his blueberry surplus. Spurred by that success, he has now turned
his sights to asparagus.
Using a variety that maintains a tight tip at longer
lengths, Gervais started a
trial of frozen 8.5-inch asparagus spears - a big
jump from the industry
standard of 5.5 inches.
Three generations of the Gervais Family
Longer spears mean less
trimmed waste and more tips in every package. Freezing surplus asparagus allows Gervais to sell it throughout the year, rather
than fighting for a share of fresh sales when
the market is swamped. Meanwhile, the
product itself has received an enthusiastic
thumbs-up from on-farm customers and
local retailers.
Carron Farms, Bradford
Customers love the beautiful red, purple,
black, white, yellow and orange heirloom
carrots grown at Carron Farms. But handsorting those veggies so each bag contained the full range of colours and the
right sized carrots was becoming a real
headache. To remedy those bagging blues,
Carron Farms tracked down equipment in
Europe that could be adapted to meet
their needs. The first of its kind in Canada,
the stainless steel system uses advanced
computerized scales and sensors to ensure
each retail-ready bag contains the right
weight and colour combinations. Thanks
to the efficient set-up, the farm's multicoloured carrots have made inroads into larger markets - a big win for heirloom food
grown close to home.
Everdale Farm, Hillsburgh
Urbanites, meet agriculture. Agriculture,
meet urbanites. Since 1997, Everdale has
operated a successful farm and environmental learning centre in rural Wellington
County. In 2013, however, it took sustainable agriculture into the big city. By converting eight acres of unused conservation
land into commercial-scale vegetable production, Everdale created Toronto's largest
urban farm. The 60 varieties of organic
veggies it produces at Black Creek Community Farm reflect the diversity of the
surrounding community. As well as onions, carrots and other standards, you'll
find callaloo, okra, Thai chili peppers, tomatillos and long eggplant. The farm is
bustling with interns, staff and local volunteers. Meanwhile, an on-site store sells the
harvest to a community hungry for fresh
produce and the taste of home.
Heeman Strawberry Farm, London
How good were those berries you enjoyed? Heeman Strawberry Farm invites
Newsletter #301
its customers to go
online, type in the
16-digit code on the
bottom of the quart
and rate the quality
of strawberries they
just ate. The unique
code allows Heeman to track those
berries back to the specific farm, field,
picker and harvest time. As well as engaging customers, the system boosts
food security. Should a recall ever be
necessary, Heeman can track affected
units from source to final sale. The system also streamlines payroll and generates crew efficiency reports. This new
technology is helping ensure the "berry"
best quality in every quart.
Johnstons Cranberry Marsh, Bala
Until recently, the folks at Johnston's
Cranberry Marsh & Muskoka Lakes
Winery were forced to compost 20,000
pounds of perfectly good fruit each year.
Because consumers prefer bright red
cranberries, the growers were discarding
white, pink and light-coloured berries.
Then they got to thinking. They had
already produced a successful red cranberry wine. Why not put their wasted
fruit to equally good use? It took some
doing, but after a lot of experimentation
the first-ever white cranberry wine was
born. Nowadays, those 20,000 pounds
of would-be compost are transformed
into 6,000 litres of award-winning fruit
wine that's sold at the farm, online and
through the LCBO. Now that's something worth raising your glass to.
T&K Ferri Orchards, Clarksburg
When you grow apples for a living,
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Fresh Facts
Upcoming Events
Jan. 15
Jan. 23
Jan. 24
Jan. 29-Feb.1
Jan. 31
Feb. 1-6
Feb. 17
Feb. 17
Feb. 18-19
Join us in Stratford
January 15th, 2015
A day of exploring, networking, planning
and inspiration for you and your staff.
Look for the reg form included with this newsletter for details.
Space is limited, so act now and register for this little winter