Kappa 2009 PDF
Kappa 2009 PDF
Kappa 2009 PDF
Production Analysis/PDG
(DDA part II)
Advanced PTA
Foundation PL
Reservoir Surveillance
of Dynamic Data
Production Analysis
History Matching
Advanced PL
Rubis Modeling
Production Logging
Ecrin Software
Technical references
The Analysis
of Dynamic Data
Permanent Gauges
The requirement for an integrated suite first arose in the
late 1990s with the increasing deployment of permanent
downhole gauges (PDG). These gauges are constantly
monitoring downhole pressures and are a passive witness
to whatever happens in the well and the reservoir. In
particular, PDG under stable producing conditions provide
data to run production analysis, and from incidental shutins where we can perform a transient analysis. The initial
bubble of excitement burst quickly however. The data
stored in the historians were huge and, if an engineer could
find the data in the first place, it ground their computers to
a halt frequently ending with the blue screen of death.
Diamant Master
Diamant was originally a locally installed user application,
local being the key word. Any engineer wishing to process
PDG data would have to directly connect to the data
historian, define his / her own filter levels, and use the
results, locally. At a time when real-time reservoirs were
the new buzzwords, clients sought enterprise-wide or,
at least, reservoir team-wide collaboration and access.
In response KAPPA developed a client-server solution,
Diamant Master, in order to share the standardized data
within a workgroup and establish real time links with the
coming Intelligent Fields (see p.12 to 15). However there
was one remaining technical caveat: production rates.
Production rates
The well production history, generally coming from
very inaccurate reallocation processes, was absolutely
useless in order to extract a proper shut-in. So a lot of
manual work was left to the engineer. Early publications
on wavelets erroneously suggested that they could be
used to automatically identify shut-ins. In real life, hard
shut-ins and soft shut-ins, and anything between, were
so dissimilar that a single wavelet filter, however smart,
would miss too many transients to be of any practical
use. This problem has now been solved in v4.12, with
a new algorithm that identifies shut-ins with a high and
useable level of reliability. This was the missing link if we
wanted to automate the process of creating build-up files
in the intelligent field environment. This new algorithm is
detailed on p.14.
Ecrin browser
Flexible Upscaling
The traditional way of growing a simulation model involved
feeding it with manual data such as Skin and PI. Not so
in Ecrin. All Ecrin numerical tools use the same technical
kernel with the main difference being in the local grid
refinement around the wells.
To elaborate; consider the example of a horizontal well
in a rectangular reservoir (13). Outside the area directly
around the well, we have approximately 400 unstructured
cells to model this simple reservoir (14). We use, as a
reference, a test design using the Saphir analytical model
(15). The reservoir cells will be common to Saphir, Topaze
and Rubis. However, the requirement around the well is
going to be very different. For PTA (Saphir) we need to
have a very significant refinement (16 & 17) around the
well to perfectly simulate the different flow regimes on a
loglog scale (18). The price to pay to fit the early time
transients is 2,300 cells around the well.
The trick
Engineers familiar with numerical problems may wonder
how, and by what miracle, a coarse grid with six cells can
exactly fit after 24 hours the response of an analytical
model to the fifth decimal place. Correlations giving a well
index (connection between the well and the cell) are not
that good. The reason is we cheat. Whenever a coarse
grid is used, a refined PTA grid is also used and, before
anything else, for each well grid a small single phase
simulation around the well is run, one with the coarse
grid and one with the refined grid. Then the value of the
well index of the coarse grid is adjusted to match the
productivity given by the refined grid. Put another way;
before any simulation, for each well the coarse grid is
calibrated with the refined grid, which itself was calibrated
by the analytical model. By doing this when numerical
problems are transferred between applications, even
though they have different levels of upscaling, they will be
completely consistent. In v4.12, the Rubis sector to PTA
is a good illustration of this process, allowing a section of
a Rubis model to be sent to Saphir for pressure transient
analysis of detected shut-ins.
Running a full 3D / 3-Phase PTA model in a sector of the full field model
Topaze multiwell
Reservoir Surveillance
of Dynamic Data
Wavelet filtration
To perform a transient or production analysis we typically
need 100,000 data points. The trouble is it is a different
100,000 from the same dataset. To obtain both, Diamant
Master (DM) uses a wavelet algorithm. Wavelets may be
described as a smart filter with a threshold. For each
point the local noise is estimated for different frequencies.
If the local noise is above threshold, as occurs for pressure
breaks when the well is shut in, this noise is considered
significant and it is kept. In this case, the wavelets act as
a high pass filter. Conversely, if the noise level is below
threshold, this is considered as noise and it is filtered
out. In this case the wavelets act as a low pass filter.
As a result, producing pressures will be filtered out and
reduced to a few points per day, while all early shut-in
data will be preserved. For the engineer, it is the software
equivalent of running a pencil through a noisy data cloud
but marking, and closely following, the data whenever the
engineer sees a shut-in.
Connecting to data
The beauty of standards is that there are so many to choose
from. So it is in the Oil Industry; there is no standard way to
store PDG data. There are many providers, and each has
their own data model. It is common for Operators to have
several providers and hence different data models will
co-exist. Most databases have low-level access (ODBC,
OLEDB, OPC, etc), but this is, at best, cumbersome for
end users. Each solution would require a specific adaptor
to navigate and access the data. KAPPA has implemented
a unique API; the External DataBase Interface (EDBI) that
permits the connection to customized adaptors. In most
cases the adaptor is written by KAPPA. Each adaptor
is delivered as a DLL that includes the data access and
the user interface to navigate the database. It acts as a
plug-in. At the first connection, Ecrin will automatically
download the DM plug-in and the user will navigate
without further installation. The database interface also
has adaptors to export the filtered data to external client
Data processing
At initialization, and as a one off process, DM proceeds
with a quick data scan of one point in every ten thousand to
offer a preview of the data and help in spotting anomalies
and gross errors. A selection on the data window can be
made and outliers immediately discarded. Within the load
window an initial sample of a fixed size, typically around
100,000 points or one week of data is extracted. In an
interactive and iterative process, the engineer will adjust
the wavelet setting, to get to the point where the required
data signature sensitivity is retained and superfluous data
filtered. Post-filtration, based on a maximum t and p,
is then used to reduce the number of points to the final
de-noised signal. Upon user acceptance the filtration is
performed using overlapping increments of the size of the
initial sample.
Calculating derived channels
These are user defined and permit mathematical
operations on data channels with a comprehensive
formulae package. The outcome may be another data set
or a Boolean function of time that may be used to create
an alarm. The outcome of the alarm is to display, in the
Diamant window, the execution of an alarm E-mail, or the
call of a user defined DLL.
Identifying shut-ins.automatically
We believe this to be a very important breakthrough. Until
recently all algorithms (including those involving wavelets)
failed miserably to automatically identify shut-ins,
especially when data sets were showing both soft and hard
shut-ins. In v4.12, an exclusive algorithm locates, without
user intervention, all transients within a selected time
period, with a rate of success that makes it a considerable
time saver for the engineer. Years of PDG data can be
scanned in seconds, the transients identified and made
available to the user for simultaneous or discrete analysis
in Saphir (PTA). This was the last missing link to allow full
automation of the data processing.
History matching in Topaze
Pressure Transient
Saphir was first developed over twenty years ago by two engineers who needed
a tool for their own interpretation work. It was fast, interactive and robust and it
remains so but much has changed. Saphir has grown to a dominant position in the
Industry with over 2400 commercial licenses used as standard by nearly all the
Major IOCs and NOCs and other clients across operators, service companies
and consultants on all continents.
The Saphir methodology has always been based on the Bourdet derivative as
the main diagnostic tool; matching the measured data to the model taking into
account the detailed production history.
The ever-increasing processing power of PCs has enabled KAPPA to aggressively
expand the technical capability of Saphir. This has resulted in the development
of extensive and fast numerical modeling, extension to nonlinear problems
in Saphir NL, multiple deconvolution methods and now integration with other
modules in the Ecrin suite.
In v4.12, as module interconnectivity develops, sectors of a full-field Rubis
model can now be extracted and simulated in Saphir. Layer rates from PLTs
in Emeraude for multilayer analysis can be imported and, with the concurrent
release of the Amethyste WPA module, wellbore models and IPR / AOF can be
exchanged on a single click. A new numerical fractured horizontal well model
is now available and Saphir NL can now model desorption for shale gas and
coalbed methane. A new deconvolution method has also been added.
There is a comprehensive range of interactive edit and
QA/QC tools including trends, tidal correction, gradient
analysis, and the possibility to compare various gauges to
detect gauge drift and wellbore effects between sensors.
Specialized plots
Additional specialized analysis plots can be created with
options tailored to specific flow regimes. These include
very short term tests or FasTestTM for Perforation Inflow
Testing and predefined types such as MDH, Horner,
square root and tandem root. The user creates straight
lines, by regression or interactively, and Saphir calculates
the relevant parameters.
Saphir NL
Saphir NL (NonLinear), uniquely in the industry, handles
various types of nonlinearities: the slightly compressible
fluid assumption and pseudopressures are replaced by
the exact diffusion equations solving for real gas diffusion,
non-Darcy flow, pressure related physical properties,
multiphase flow, water injectors and water drives. In v4.12
gas desorption based on the Langmuir isotherm, for shale
gas (single phase, combined with the fractured horizontal
well) and coalbed methane (2-phase water-gas) have
been added.
Rubis Sector to Saphir PTA (new in v4.12)
A sector of a Rubis full field 3D reservoir model can be
imported and used in Saphir. In essence it enables Saphir
to go beyond the current Saphir NL limitations and to use
the Rubis sector analyses as a tool that can simulate
complex three-phase flow processes with gravity. The
key element of this new integration step between the
Ecrin modules is that the model is not simplified upon its
transfer from the full-scale simulator model in Rubis to the
PTA module Saphir. The full-scale simulation model is
simply stored in Saphir and re-simulated from there. This
approach is possible because the full-scale Rubis model
contains, by design, the ability to simulate, accurately
and precisely, transient flow responses due to the well
upscaling feature (see Numerical Upscaling in page 8).
Multilayer models
Saphir integrates a comprehensive multilayer analytical
and numerical option with an unlimited number of
commingled (analytical and numerical) or connected
(numerical) layers. Each commingled layer has its own
initial pressure. For the analytical models, for each
layer the engineer may select any standard or external
model. Individual stabilized and/or transient rates can be
loaded and associated to any combination of contributing
layers. Rates may be loaded directly from the Emeraude
PL analysis module. The model simulates the pressure
response and the combination of layer rates that were
loaded with simultaneous optimization on both pressures
and layer contributions.
Modern PA diagnostics
The three main and complementary diagnostics used
in Topaze are the rate and pressure history match, the
Blasingame plot and the log-log plot. The Blasingame plot
displays instantaneous and average productivity index with
respect to material balance time (cumulative production
divided by instantaneous rate). It also calculates the
derivative, in a display similar to an inverted loglog plot
tending to a negative unit slope when pseudo-steady
state is reached. A Blasingame type-curve plot can be
displayed representing the response of a vertical well in
a closed circle, with the data overlaid. This plot is also
present for gas where material balance time is replaced
by a material balance pseudo time. The loglog plot can
be used as a diagnostic tool with exceptionally clean
data although even with scattered data, trends may be
detected. The simulated model can be compared to the
data on both of these plots.
Water influx
3D model
Topaze NL
In Topaze NL (NonLinear), nonlinearities are also added
to the problem; the slightly compressible fluid assumption
and pseudopressures are replaced by the exact diffusion
equations solving for real gas diffusion, non-Darcy flow,
pressure related physical properties, multiphase flow
and water drives. In v4.12 gas desorption based on the
Langmuir isotherm, for shale gas (single phase) and
coalbed methane (2-phase water-gas) have been added.
Changing Skin
Production forecast
History Matching
Rubis Sectors
Unconventional gas
New in v4.12; as in Saphir NL and Topaze NL, a desorption
model is now available in Rubis to address issues related
to shale gas and coalbed methane.
Well Performance
Familiar Workflow
The workflow in Amethyste is similar to other Ecrin modules,
with the same logic for loading and manipulating data,
and a control panel guiding the user through the default
path. The Amethyste browser allows technical objects to
be transferred to and from other Ecrin documents. The
browser can be used to drag-drop components between
analyses or between other Ecrin modules. In particular, a
whole VLP object can be dropped in Saphir, Topaze, or
Rubis and run from those modules with the possibility of
changing any model parameter post-transfer.
After selecting the problem type, the user proceeds with
the definition of the Ecrin PVT Black-Oil model, with
correlations or tables. The user will define the Well and
then the VLP, or will to go straight to the IPR option. If
both IPR and VLP have been defined, Amethyste shows
an overlay on the WPA plot, which becomes the starting
point for subsequent sensitivity studies.
VLP traverse
Sensitivity Analysis
Production logging is now seen as a powerful quantitative method that takes its
own place in the set of data acquisition tools for the reservoir engineer, along
side transient and production analysis. No longer just the tool of last resort, PL is
now used as a calibration point for the reservoir model and as an important tool
in the development over time of the producing intervals in the wellbore.
The interpretation process has shifted into the hands of the end-user engineer
due, to a great extent, to the development of client, as opposed to tool focused
software; Emeraude.
Production logging surveillance has given the reservoir engineer a powerful tool
in the drive for more accurate and refined reservoir characterization. Emeraude
is now used by all the major service companies and all the major producers
and many independent operators and service providers. Emeraude is seen
as the industry standard allowing a common platform for communication and
interpretation between service companies and operators.
From vertical injectors, to horizontal or highly deviated multiphase producers,
Emeraude provides a comprehensive and intuitive set of tools, to produce
results from the log data from simple through to the most sophisticated tool
strings. KAPPA remains committed to the ongoing development of the industry
standard PL interpretation package by remaining in close contact with tool
Emeraude is currently a stand-alone application that will migrate to the Ecrin
environment under Generation 5.
Spinner calibration
Main window
Data browser
Flow map
PNL Interpretation
Output / Export
Channels present in an Emeraude document can be
exported in LIS, LAS, or ASCII format. The log output in
Emeraude is WYSIWYG. Single or multiple log tracks,
as well as any X-Y plot can be copied to the clipboard in
Bitmap or WMF format. The log printout includes a preview
option where fonts, scales and grid lines can be modified.
Screen captures can be made at any point and returned
to with a single click. API logs can be produced from the
print preview option and stored within the document. A
built-in report can be printed and previewed that includes
predefined sections. It is possible to produce a report
in MS-Word using the OLE interface of Emeraude.
A template MS-Word report is installed and can be
customized as required. All reporting and exporting
features are accessible with the free Emeraude reader.
Temperature Interpretation
Log preview
PVT correlations
Pb & RS
Kaya et al
Chierici et al
Griffith et al
No storage
Constant storage
Changing storage (Fair, Hegeman)
Finite radius
Fracture - uniform flux
Fracture - infinite conductivity
Fracture - finite conductivity
Limited entry
Slanted fully penetrating
Slanted partially penetrating
Time dependent
Rate dependant
Time dependant
2-porosity P.S.S.
2-porosity transient sphere
2-porosity transient slab
2-layer with X-flow
Radial composite
Linear composite
Areal anisotropy
Single sealing fault
Single constant pressure fault
Closed circle
Constant pressure circle
2 parallel faults
Composite rectangle
Leaky fault
Commingled production
Layered pi
Packer-probe interference with storage
and Skin
Probe-probe interference (0, 90, 180 )
with storage and Skin
Horizontal anisotropy
Varying thickness, porosity and permeability fields
Conductive faults
Multiple wells
Numerical well upscaling
Fractured well with finite / infinite conductivity
Limited entry vertical well with vertical anisotropy
Fractured well with limited entry and vertical anisotropy
Horizontal well with vertical anisotropy
Horizontal well intersecting multiple fractures
Changing storage (Saphir only)
Time-dependent and rate-dependent Skin
Saphir and Topaze: slightly compressible liquid
Non-Darcy flow for gas (NL)
2-phase W-O and W-G (NL)
3-phase W-O-G (NL Topaze and Rubis)
Real gas diffusion (NL)
Water influx (NL) : Carter-Tracy, Fetkovich, Pot,
Shiltius, Numerical
Multilayer : crossflow, multiwell, partial completion of
the wells
Horizontal well in multilayer
Limited entry well in multilayer
Fractured well in multilayer
Composite multilayer
Gas desorption (with or without diffusion)
Petroleum Engineering
Training and Consulting Services
for the real world
Whenever fluid is moved through the reservoir with pressure and/or rates
recorded with a study being made, we are performing Dynamic Data Analysis.
The process involves data handling, analytical and numerical methods and there
is frequently an overlap and complement between the data and methodologies.
The industry standard KAPPA Ecrin Dynamic Data Analysis suite of reservoir
engineering software is fully integrated so that the full potential of using the same
data and objects maybe made during complementary analysis.
KAPPA Training and Consulting Services (TCS) is the service arm of the
KAPPA Group that provides training and consulting services specializing and
complementing the methodologies applied in our software namely, transient and
production analysis, production log analysis, data management, modeling and
history matching.
Two additional courses have been added to the extensive training portfolio to
include Rubis modeling and problem solving and a software only course that
covers the functionality and interconnectivity of the complete Ecrin suite.
The KAPPA aim is to provide training that offers sufficient theory to understand
the subject and the tools to perform useful work immediately after the course.
Our trainers are all experienced practitioners in their fields and selected to get
the message across with clarity and bearing in mind we are in the commercial
world with a need to produce a real return on the vital training dollar.
KAPPA TCS provides training through its worldwide public course program and
also trains hundreds of engineers every year in client specific in-house courses
and workshops.
Clients have access to software support through extensive contextual help in
the application, our regional offices, web collaboration tools and, recently added,
interactive videos on the web.
Our consultants are some of the most experienced in their field in the industry
and are available for short or long term interventions anywhere in the world.
Course programme
The DDA course can be taken in one two-week session or in two,
one-week sessions. To attend the second week PA/PDG (DDA Part
II) course engineers must have already attended the Foundation
PTA course (DDA Part I) or equivalent.
The first week of the Dynamic Data Analysis course (DDA part I) is
the Foundation Pressure Transient Analysis (FPTA) course.
The second week (DDA part II) is the Production Analysis and
Permanent Downhole Gauge (PA/PDG) course.
If you plan to attend only the PA/PDG (DDA Part II) we strongly
recommend that you check your current level of knowledge by
taking the self assessment test on our website.
The use of the Ecrin DDA software suite including the PTA module
(Saphir), the PA module (Topaze) and the PDG Data Management
Module (Diamant) will be taught as part of this course.
For a comprehensive course content please see the PTA (DDA
Part I) and the PA/PDG (DDA Part II) pages in this booklet
Course programme
Basic theory
Software usage
The use of Saphir, the PTA module of the Ecrin DDA
software suite, will be taught as part of this course.
Boundary models
Workshop session
Course programme
Quick revision of PTA concepts
Production Analysis
Software usage
The use of the Ecrin DDA software suite including the
PTA module (Saphir), the PA module (Topaze) and the
PDG Data Management Module (Diamant) will be taught
as part of this course.
Field example
Workshop session
Software usage
The use of Saphir, the PTA module of the Ecrin DDA
software suite, will be taught at an advanced level as part
of this course. It is essential that attendees have attained
a good working knowledge of Saphir prior to registering
for this course.
Course programme
A theoretical and practical revision and deeper look at
Dynamic flow concepts
The principle and the use of the complete production and pressure
history, the use of the method as a time saver and for seeing deeper
into the reservoir coupled with the limitations and caveats of the
Complex, composite and heterogeneous reservoirs including multiwell analysis, PVT considerations, variable thicknesses, porosities
and permeabilities, diaphasic flow and gas cap/aquifer drive.
Workshop session
Course programme
Basic theory
Emeraude features
Course programme
Advanced modules
Multi-Probe Tools
Working with images and data from tools such as the Schlumberger
GHOST, DEFT, FSI and the Sondex MAPS suite. An in-depth review
of the Emeraude regression and calculation schemes, which will
assist the user in fine-tuning interpretations and troubleshooting.
Course programme
Basic theory
Course programme
Data Load and Edit
Analytical Modeling
Numerical Modeling
Special Processing
Interactive support video
As more modules are added and their interconnectivity increases it is important for users to have
access to various learning media. We have recently launched support videos to help Ecrin users
understand and simulate this workflow. This is free, expanding and available to all registered users
by visiting www.kappaeng.com/videos
More support...
The software is supported by intuitive help files, many worked examples, multilingual support and
we are always ready to help in person. Send us an email on [email protected] or contact
one of our regional offices. Our engineers are happy to help using the collaborative web based
tools all of which are included in the maintenance of the software.
KAPPA consultants are known for being some of the best in their field in the industry. We are
happy to assist with short or long term interventions, onsite or web based and at short notice.
Contact [email protected] to discuss your requirements.
Corporate office
France - Sophia Antipolis
Support and Development
KAPPAEngineering SA
TEL: +33 497 212 450
FAX: +33 497 212 451
[email protected]
Sales, Training
and Consulting
UK - Gatwick
TEL: +44 1342 837 101
FAX: +44 1737 821 518
[email protected]
[email protected]
Regional offices
USA & Latin America - Houston
KAPPANorth America inc
TEL: +1 713 772 5694
FAX: +1 713 772 5690
Middle East Asia - Bahrain
TEL: +973 17 229 803