Complete Metalsmith Student

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Tim McCreight

Brynmorgen Press

I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

Chinese proverb


Metals 1
Tools 11
Surfaces 25
Shaping 43
Joining 59
Casting 71
Stones 85
Mechanisms 109
Appendix 127
Index 150

This book represents years of intensive research and experimentation.
Information from hundreds of sources has been collected, distilled,
and illustrated. It is intended to be both a text and a tool, a blend of
instruction and reference. Like other tools, its value increases as you
bring to it your own perceptions and skills. It is designed to make
the information easily accessible, and built to stand up to years of
benchside use.

This book was originally published in 1980, then revised and
enlarged in 1991. With the coming of a new century, plans were
made to revise it again. The challenge we faced was to deal with two
elements that were important to the books successthoroughness
and ease of use. The question became, How can we make it basic
and advanced at the same time? The solution was to create three
editions, each with its own virtues. This Student Edition gives solid,
must-have information that is appropriate for entry level students,
hobbyists, and casual metalsmiths. The Professional Edition covers
the same material, but goes into greater depth. The ProPlus Edition is
a package that includes the Professional print edition plus a CD with
the full text rendered as an electronic file. It also includes calculation
software, video clips, and two additional books by the same author,
Practical Jewelry Rendering and Design Language.

Metalsmithing involves some chemicals and procedures that
are potentially dangerous. Great care has been taken to omit hazards
where possible, and to give clear warnings wherever they apply. These
will be only as effective as you make them. So, be wise.

Chapter 1


Crystals move most easily within a semiordered structure. Crystals at a grain boundary
are caught in a logjam with the result that the
metal is tough and difficult to work.

When metal is worked, large crystals are
broken into smaller ones, which creates more
grain boundaries. We refer to such metal as
work-hardened. A similar condition is created when metal is rapidly
cooled. Because crystals do not have time to grow into an organized
structure, the metal recrystallizes into many small grains.

Eventually crystals will realign themselves into an organized
lattice. By heating metal we accelerate the movement of atoms and the
subsequent recrystallization. This process is called annealing.

When force is applied to a metal, it yields in a
process called elastic deformation. If only limited
stress is applied, the metal will bounce back.
There will come a point, though, when the force
is enough to permanently bend the metal, a
process called plastic deformation. Each alloy has
unique limits of elastic and plastic deformation.





When a metal is heated to its melting point it loses its crystalline

organization and becomes fluid.
When the heat source is removed
and the metal cools, it reestablishes its crystal pattern, starting
with the first areas to cool. Many
clusters of crystals start to form simultaneously, all having the same
order but not necessarily the same

Annealing is the process of reducing stress within metal by heating

it to a prescribed temperature with
a torch or kiln. Quench a piece in
water to cool, then slide it into
pickle to dissolve surface oxides.
In its annealed state, the crystal
arrangement contains irregularities
called vacancies. These facilitate
crystal movement and so contribute to malleability.

For most jewelry metals, heat
to a dull red and quench as soon as
the redness disappears.

As crystals form, they bump into one another,

forming irregular grains. The red line traces
grain boundaries.

Metals > Metallurgy

> Gold was probably the second

metal to be worked by early

humans, being discovered after
copper. Quality gold work can be
found from as early as 3000 B.C.
> If all the gold ever found (about
20,000 tons) were cast into a single
ingot, it would make only a 20-yard
> One ounce of gold can be flattened
to a sheet that will cover 100
square feet, or drawn to a wire
almost a mile long.
> Gold can be made into a foil that
is less than five millionths of an
inch thick. At this point it is semitransparent.

Gold Au
Melting point
1945 F

1063 C
Hardness 22.5
Specific gravity:
Atomic weight 197.2

This term refers to a material on which a layer of gold has been bonded
by fusing. The resulting ingot is rolled or drawn to make sheet and wire.
A standard practice is to clad the base with 10% (weight)
12K gold. Since 12K is half pure, this means that the
final result, if it were melted down and assayed, would
equal 1/20 or 5% pure gold. This is marked as 1/20 GF. This
technique has two advantages over plating: a thicker layer
of gold can be achieved, and the gold is denser because it
has been worked. The term rolled gold refers to a similar
material that has only half as thick a gold layer: 1/40.

What karat is it?

Determining karat requires a testing kit:
nitric acid and aqua regia
metal samples of known karat
touchstone (slate or ceramic)
Rub the object to be tested on the stone (called
touching) to leave a streak. Make a parallel line
on the stone with one of the test needles. Flood
both marks with acid and observe the reactions.
When the two streaks change color at the same
rate, a match has been made. Nitric acid is used for
low-karat golds and aqua regia is used for high karats.
Metals > Gold

Silver Ag

Sterling .925

Melting point
1763 F

961.7 C
Hardness 2.5
Specific gravity 10.5
Atomic weight

Melting point

Specific gravity

1640 F
893 C

Sterling is the alloy most commonly used in jewelrymaking and
silversmithing. It was adopted as a standard alloy in England in the 12th
century when King Henry II imported refiners from an area of Germany
known as the Easterling. Coin silver, an alloy once used in currency,
contains more copper (10% to 20%) than sterling. It melts at a lower
temperature than sterling and is more likely to tarnish. A 90% alloy was
used in U.S. coins until 1966 but now no silver is used in any U.S. coin.
An alloy popular in the Far East uses 9093% silver and the balance zinc,
producing a metal with a low melting point and a bright, white shine.

In recent years a number of alternate sterling alloys have been
patented. Most replace a small amount of the copper with a metal that is
less likely to oxidize such as tin, germanium, zinc, or platinum. These alloys
are commonly used in casting but have not become widely available as
sheet and wire.


Electrolytic Cleaning

Argyria, a condition caused by

ingesting silver, is evidenced by
a blue or blue-gray skin color.
Until the 1950s silver was used in
several medicines, and it is still
sold as a miracle cure for such
ailments as leprosy, plague, and
anthrax. In 1999 the Food and Drug
Administration prohibited sellers
of colloidal silver preparations
from making claims about health

This kitchen version of

electrostripping is especially useful
for removing tarnish from flatware.
Line a pot with aluminum foil
and stir in cup of baking soda,
salt, and liquid soap with enough
water to cover the
objects. Set the
sterling in the pot,
bring the mix to a
simmer and allow
it to stand for at
least 20 minutes.
The oxides will be transferred to
the aluminum, which youll see
is darkened. Throw that away and
wash the silver before using it.

Metals > Silver

Copper was probably the first
metal to be put to use by our
ancestors and remains important
to us today. It conducts heat and
electricity very well, can be formed
and joined, and combines with
many elements to form a broad
range of alloys.
8000 BC Copper was
6000 BC Egyptians used copper
5000 BC Beginning of the
Bronze Age.
3800 BC Evidence of controlled
bronze alloying.
2750 BC Egyptians made
copper pipes.

Copper Cu
Melting point
1981 F

1083 C
Hardness 3
Specific gravity 8.96
Atomic weight

Copper is available in more than

100 alloys. Comprehensive data is
available from:
Copper Development Association
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Commercial Copper
> Copper is sold in standard sheets 36"x 96" (3' x 8') and in coils 12
and 18 inches wide. When ordering, specify Hard, Half-hard, or
> When copper is hot-rolled it develops a slightly rough surface. For
this reason most craftspeople prefer cold-rolled material. Copper
alloy #110 is a common choice.
> Copper cannot be heat-hardened, but responds to work-hardening.

Japanese Alloys

0.5% to 4% gold, balance copper.

Melting point 19681980 F (10701082 C).

This alloy is valued for the deep purple color
achieved through oxidation.

75% copper, 25% silver.

Melting point 1775 F (968 C).

This is a silvery pink alloy that darkens and
reticulates easily.
Metals > Copper

Brass & Bronze

Yellow Brass

26 0

Jewelers Bronze 226

Melting point

Specific gravity

1750 F
954 C
8. 5

Melting point

Specific gravity

1886 F
1030 C

Brass Facts
> Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and it can achieve a wide range
of properties and colors.

> The practical limit of zinc in a copper alloy is 42%. Beyond this, the
alloy becomes too brittle for most uses.

> Low zinc brasses that contain up to 20% zinc are grouped under the
term gilding metals.

> Brass is mildly antibacterial.

> The bronze of antiquity was a mix of 1020% tin with the balance
being copper. Today the term bronze refers to any tin-bearing brass
or golden-colored brass.

> To distinguish brass from bronze, dissolve a small sample in a

50/50 solution of nitric acid and water. Tin is indicated by the
white precipitate, metastannic acid.
Common Alloys
Gun Metal

Historically an alloy of 88% copper, 10% tin, and 2% zinc,

it was used to cast cannons and large industrial products.


An alloy of about 83% copper and 17% zinc invented

by the English watchmaker Christopher Pinchbeck in
England around 1700. It resembles gold and was used to
make costume jewelry and inexpensive accessories. By
extension, the word has come to mean cheap imitation.

Nordic Gold

Alloy of 89% copper, 5% aluminum, 5% zinc, and 1% tin

that is used for euro coins.

Bell Metal

An alloy of roughly 80% copper and 20% tin, used for,

you guessed it, bells. It makes a rich tone when allowed
to vibrate but is notoriously brittle when the blows
are confined. For proof, visit Independence Hall in

Metals > Brass & Bronze

Nickel & Aluminum

Nickel Ni
Melting point

Specific gravity
Atomic weight

2651 F
1445 C

Aluminum Al
Melting point

Specific gravity
Atomic weight

1220 F
660 C

Nickel Silver


Copper 60%
Nickel 20%

Aluminum is the most abundant

metallic element on the planet,
making up 8% of the earths
crust. Because of its light weight,
resistance to corrosion and ability
to alloy well, it is used structurally
(buildings, aircraft, cars), as
architectural trim (siding), and in
functional objects like cookware.
It is the second most malleable
and sixth most ductile metal. It
is usually found in bauxite as an
oxide called alumina: AlO.

The term nickel silver refers to

several alloys with roughly the
proportions shown above. The
alloy was originally developed in
the Far East and came to be known
as Paktong (a.k.a. Pakton, Pakfong,
Paitun, Baitong, Baitung, and other
derivations). Other names include
Alpacca, Argentium, Electrum,
Stainless NS, and Nevada Silver.
Nickel silver gained in popularity
after 1840 when electroplating
created a need for an inexpensive
silver-colored substrate. This origin
can still be seen in the abbreviation
EPNS which stands for electroplated nickel silver.

This metal is used in jewelry
because of its low cost and
generally favorable working
properties. It can be forged,
stamped, soldered, and polished.
Though it can be cast, its high
melting point and tendency to
oxidize make casting difficult.

Common Alloys
Other alloys that contain nickel
are Monel Metal, Nichrome, and
Nickel Alloy #752.

Aluminum can be soldered and
joined only with special solders,
many of which are sold with their
own flux. Welding can be done
with 43S or #717 wire used with #33
flux. Check with your supplier for
detailed information. Welding is
made easier with a TIG (tungsten
inert gas) welder, but can be
achieved with gas/oxygen systems.

This is a process of electrically
causing the formation of a
resistant oxide film on the
surface of aluminum. This porous,
nonconductive layer can be colored
with dyes.

Metals > Nickel & Aluminum

White Metals
Britannia Metal
Melting point

Specific gravity

563 F
295 C

Health & Safety

The fumes produced by these
metals are potentially unhealthy.
Lead can be absorbed through
the skin. Wash after handling any
lead-bearing alloy.

White Metals
The term white metals refers to several malleable, gray-colored
metals and alloys with low melting points. These are also called easily
fusible alloys, pot metal, and type metal, the latter coming from the
use of these alloys in making printers type.

Because of their low melting points, white metals can be melted
with almost any torch or on a kitchen stove. Melting is best done in
a small-necked crucible or ladle to help reduce oxidation. Protect the
metal from oxygen during melting with a coating of olive oil, linseed
oil, or lard. These float on the surface of the melt and will slide out
from underneath when the metal is poured.



Pewter, as used in antiquity and

associated with colonial America,
was an alloy of lead and tin. In
the late 1700s a substitute alloy
was developed in England and
named Britannia Metal. Today
the words pewter and Britannia
are used interchangeably and
usually refer to an alloy of 91%
tin, 7.5% antimony, and 1.5%

Pewter can be sawn, soldered, fused, formed, and cast.
Keep separate tools for pewter
and dont let filings accidentally
mix with silver or gold. Finishing
can be done with fine steel wool
and a mix of lampblack (soot)
and kerosene blended to a paste.
Fine steel wool (4/0) also leaves
a pleasant finish.

When heated above their melting points, white metals will

burn pits into gold, platinum,
silver, copper, and brass. Use
separate files and soldering tools
to keep these metals away from
each other.

Metals > White Metals

To remove white metal that is
fused onto sterling or gold, file,
scrape, and sand to remove as
much of the white metal as
possible, then allow the work to
soak in this solution overnight.

3 oz. glacial acetic acid

1 oz. hydrogen peroxide

Iron & Steel

Iron Fe

Mild Steel
Melting point

Specific gravity

2759 F
1515 C

Melting point

Specific gravity
Atomic weight

1535 F
2793 C

Hardening Steel
Not all steel alloys can be hardened; only steels with 1.5% to 3.0%
carbon will work. Hardening is a two-step process. First, heat the
object to a bright red (called the critical temperature) and quench it
in the appropriate media, most commonly oil. This leaves the steel
in a hard but brittle condition. In the second step, called tempering,
heat the steel to temperatures between 400600 F (200300 C),
depending on the desired balance between hardness and flexibility.
An alternate method, called case-hardening, diffuses carbon into the
outer layers of mild steel to create a thin shell that can be hardened.
0.150.3% carbon mild (low) carbon steel
0.30.5% carbon medium carbon steel
0.51.6% carbon high carbon steel
> 2.5% carbon
malleable iron

Iron is the worlds most widely
used metal. It can be alloyed
with a wide range of elements to
produce many diverse properties.
Iron ore usually contains sulfur,
phosphorus, silicon, and carbon.
When all but 34% carbon has
been smelted out, the resulting
metal is poured into ingots
and called cast iron or pig iron.
Further refining is necessary to
make a steel of good working

cannot be hardened
used for tools
specialty tools
for cast and machined parts

Metals Used for Steel Alloys

> Chromium increases corrosion
resistance; 1020% is used in
stainless steel.

> Manganese increases hardenability and tensile strength.

> Molybdenum increases corrosion resistance; high temperature
> Tungsten forms hard abrasionresistant particles called tungsten carbide. It is used for cutting

Metals > Iron & Steel

Reactive Metals
Titanium Ti

Niobium Nb

Melting point

Specific gravity
Atomic weight

Melting point

Specific gravity
Atomic weight

3047 F
1675 C

4474 F
2468 C

Reactive Metals
This term refers to a group of six tough, gray metals that are
lightweight, have a high melting point, and are resistant to corrosion.
In order of importance, they are titanium, niobium, tantalum,
zirconium, tungsten, and hafnium. The first two are of interest to
jewelers principally because of the colors produced by their oxidation
films. The others are included in this group by scientists but are not
important to jewelers.

Working Properties
Titanium and niobium cannot be soldered or annealed in the jewelers
studio but both metals lend themselves to all other traditional processes.
They can be drilled, filed, drawn stamped, or raised, with conventional
tools. Pure titanium is ductile and shows low thermal and electrical
conductivity. It is twice as dense as aluminum and half as dense as iron.
Its resistance to corrosion, combined with light weight and toughness,
make it well-suited to use in prosthetics. It is added to steel to reduce
grain size, to stainless to reduce carbon content, to aluminum to refine
grain development, and to copper to harden it.



Titanium is the ninth most

abundant element in the earths
crust and can be found in most
rocks, clay, and sand. It was first
identified in 1791 but has been
commercially viable only since 1947
when the Kroll refining process
was invented. Titanium dioxide is
a white powder used in paints and

Pure niobium is soft and ductile

and polishes to look like platinum.
It is more plentiful than lead
and less common than copper.
Niobium is extremely ductile.
This property can be a drawback
for applications where strength is

When this metal was first
discovered in 1801 it was called
columbium, but it was rediscovered
and renamed in 1844.


Metals > Reactive Metals

Chapter 2


Anyone reading this book already knows about tools, knows about
the timeless and universal appeal of the Right Tool. The handtools of
our field impart a wisdom that traces its roots not to brilliant thought
but to a genius of touch.

Value in handtools falls into several categories: design, quality,
and spirit. The first two are somewhat objective, while the last is
clearly up to you. Duke Ellington said about music, If it sounds good,
it is good, and the same thing applies here. If it feels good and works
well, its the right tool for the job.


Degree Gauge

Work in lighting that does not

cast shadows.
Do not take measurements from
the end of a ruler. It could be worn
and therefore inaccurate.
The smallest division of any ruler
is printed near one end.

In this springactivated tool,

the size of the
opening at the top
is indicated by the
scale at the bottom.

Gauge Plate


This is a
thick piece
of steel cut
with slots of
specific size.
It measures
both sheet
and wire
in the Brown and Sharpe system
(also called American Standard and
American Wire Gauge, AWG). The
other side often shows thousandths
of an inch.
To use a gauge plate, find the
slot that makes a snug fit, but dont
distort the metal by jamming it in.
Be careful not to measure where
the edge has been thinned by
planishing, or thickened by shears.

In addition to making
circles like a compass,
the dividers can be used
to hold a measurement
for quick reference.
Another use is to lay
out parallel lines by
dragging one leg of the
tool along the edge of a
piece of metal.


Tools > Handtools

Sliding Calipers

A casual tool like this brass model

should not be used for extreme
precision, but it is handy for quick
reference. Other sliding calipers
are equipped with digital readouts
or precise gauges. These can be as
accurate as a micrometer.

Pliers & Snips

Standard Pliers
Pliers come in several grades and a couple sizes. The
word watchmaker indicates a smaller than average pliers.
Generally the higher the cost, the better the steel and
manufacture. Box joints (which trap one piece inside
the other) are preferred over the weaker lap joint.

Specialty Pliers
Pliers can be purchased or modified in the studio to deliver specific
results. Here are a few possibilities.

> To make a large version of a round-nose pliers, solder

short pieces of copper or brass pipe onto pliers.
Some filing of the jaws might be needed to make a
good fit. For softer work, epoxy short pieces of plastic

> Sometimes the width of pliers is not exactly the right

width for a design. Solder a piece of steel, nickel silver,
or brass into a notch cut in the pliers.

Ring-Forming Pliers


One of the most versatile and

effective specialty pliers has one
flat and one curved jaw. These have
the advantage of a curved bending
mandrel matched with a flat
tangent face. Note how this differs
from round-nose pliers, which
focus energy at a single point,
almost always making a dent on
the convex side of a bend.

To make standard ringforming pliers, file, then sand one
jaw of a flat-nose pliers. To make
a larger version, solder a curved
piece of brass, nickel silver, or steel
to one jaw of a large pair of pliers.

Snips cut by creating stress that

breaks the molecular bonds of the
Side cutters:
most familiar,
all-purpose wire
End cutters: designed to reach
into tight corners, usually more
delicate, so not
for thick wires.

Sprue cutters: compound action

device that

Tools > Pliers & Snips


Saws & Files

American-made files use the names rough, bastard, second cut,
smooth, and super smooth. Foreign-made files (called Swiss files),
are graded by number from 00 (coarsest) to 8. American-made files
that emulate high quality files are called Swiss Pattern files.













Hand files are described by the

length of the working area,
usually 6, 8, or 10 inches. Needle
files are described by their total

Files should be equipped with

handles to provide increased
leverage and to protect your hand
from being poked by the tang.

The principal difference between frames
is the distance from the blade to the
back. Smaller frames (34") are easier
to control, but you might need a larger
frame for large-scale work. Cheap
sawframes are false economy because they result in broken blades and
wasted time. (This is also true of cheap sawblades.) To improve gripping
comfort, slide a foam bicycle handgrip over the saw handle.


Blade Size

The teeth of a sawblade are

angled outward alternately in
a pattern called the set. This
allows the corner of each tooth
to engage and shear off a chip.
The chip is then passed along
the tooth and ejected out of
the cut. When a sawblade is
dull, it is usually because the
set has worn away.

When three teeth engage the

metal, the first one cuts on the left,
the next tooth cuts on the right,
and the third tooth keeps the blade
running straight. If the blade is too
small for the metal being cut, it is
more likely to break. If the blade
is too large, it will cut with a jerky


Tools > Saws & Files

Drills & Drilling

At the moment the cutting edge
breaks through the underside
of the piece being drilled, there
is a tendency for the bit to
snag. To avoid this, always start
with a small bit and progress
sequentially to larger bits. Even
better, drill a small hole, then use
a saw to enlarge it.

General Rules for Drilling

> Run the drill slowly.
> Avoid wiggling.
> Keep the bit at a constant
> Let the bit do the work; dont
> Avoid creating friction heat;
lubricate with beeswax, oil of
wintergreen, or Bur-Life.

Pin Vise
For light use, grip a bit in a pin vise
or glue it into a dowel. The tool will
be more comfortable to use if it
has a freely rotating knob on top,
like the example shown here on
the left.

Step Bit
A step bit is a single tool that
accomplishes this without
spending a lot of time
changing bits. These
can be purchased
in several ranges,
and while they are
expensive, they can
pay for themselves in
saved time and saved

Many jewelers
use electric
and battery-pack
drills or flexible shaft
machines to drill holes. While
these are hard to beat for ease,
care must be taken not to
run them too fast. Whenever
possible, a drill press is preferred
over a handheld model because
it guarantees a perpendicular
angle of attack.
Drill Bit Styles

Tools > Drills & Drilling


Hammers & Mallets



The heart of the metalsmiths

shop is in the hammers. In fact
the word smith is derived
from the verb to smite which
means to hit. While only a
couple hammers are needed
to get started, most smiths
collect specialized hammers as
their shops grow. Metalworking
hammers can be bought new, but
many smiths acquire and alter old
hammerheads to suit their needs.

Tools in this family will bend

metal without stretching or
marring it. Probably the most
popular material for mallets is
treated rawhide. Other choices
include wood, horn, fiber, plastic,
and rubber. A popular material
for raising mallets is Ultra High
Molecular Weight (UHMW)
plastic, which is rigid and



Deadblow Mallets

Ball peen





Tools > Hammers & Mallets

Most hammers bounce back, a

phenomenon that makes the
blow seem
alive. This style
of mallet is
designed to kill
the recoil, hence
the name. A
deadblow mallet
has a hollow
interior partially
filled with sand or small pieces of
a heavy metal like steel or lead.
A split second after the blow is
delivered, this mobile weight
slams against the recoil and
cancels it out.

Bench Accessories
Bench Pin
Any hardwood can be used to make
a bench pin. This shape is a common
starting place, but in practice the pin is
filed, drilled, and carved to meet specific
needs. You might find you want different
interchangeable pins to meet a variety of
specific needs.

Avoid drilling holes in the bench pin because they trap metal and
eventually make the surface irregular. Keep a block of wood handy for
drilling. An exception to this is a few well-placed holes that make it
possible to work on objects with pinbacks and similar projections.


Bench Knife

A small square can be made from

steel or brass rod. One side is
thicker than the other to allow
the square to rest against the
item being marked. File a notch
and solder the pieces together
carefully. Test against a commercial
square, and if it is not right, reheat
and adjust. Do not try to fix by

A knife can be improvised by

grinding and resharpening a
kitchen paring knife. These can
often be bought at flea markets.

A scraper can be made by breaking
off an old triangular file and
grinding a point. Faces should be
ground smooth and polished.

Which Side Up?

Many people flip the pin over
depending on the work being
doneflat for sawing and sloped for
filing. A variation on this is to create
a sloped edge on the flat side.

Saw Blade Holders

Tools > Bench Accessories


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