BaiTap Chuong4 PDF
BaiTap Chuong4 PDF
BaiTap Chuong4 PDF
Ex. 1. Caches and Address Translation. Consider a 64-byte cache with 8 byte blocks, an
associativity of 2 and LRU block replacement. Virtual addresses are 16 bits. The cache is
physically tagged. The processor has 16KB of physical memory.
a) What is the total number of tag bits?
b) For the following sequence of references, label the cache misses.Also, label each miss as
being either a compulsory miss, a capacity miss, or a conflict miss. The addresses are given
in octal (each digit represents 3 bits). Assume the cache initially contains block addresses:
000, 010, 020, 030, 040, 050, 060, and 070 which were accessed in that order.
c) Which of the following techniques are aimed at reducing the cost of a miss: dividing the
current block into sub-blocks, a larger block size, the addition of a second level cache, the
addition of a victim buffer, early restart with critical word first, a writeback buffer, skewed
associativity, software prefetching, the use of a TLB, and multi-porting.
d) Why are the first level caches usually split (instructions and data are in different caches)
while the L2 is usually unified (instructions and data are both in the same cache)?
Ex. 2. Assume the following 10-bit address sequence generated by the microprocessor:
The cache uses 4 bytes per block. Assume a 2-way set assocative cache design that uses the LRU
algorithm (with a cache that can hold a total of 4 blocks). Assume that the cache is initially empty. First
determine the TAG, SET, BYTE OFFSET fields and fill in the table above. In the figure below, clearly mark
for each access the TAG, Least Recently Used (LRU), and HIT/MISS information for each access. And
then, derive the hit ratio for the access sequence.
Ex. 3.
a) Why is miss rate not a good metric for evaluating cache performance? What is the
appropriate metric? Give its definition. What is the reason for using a combination of first
and second- level caches rather than using the same chip area for a larger first-level cache?
b) The original motivation for using virtual memory was compatibility. What does that mean
in this context? What are two other motivations for using virtual memory?
c) What are the two characteristics of program memory accesses that caches exploit?
d) What are three types of cache misses?
Ex. 4. Design a 128KB direct-mapped data cache that uses a 32-bit address and 16 bytes per block.
Calculate the following:
a) How many bits are used for the byte offset?
b) How many bits are used for the set (index) field?
c) How many bits are used for the tag?
Ex. 5.
Design a 8-way set associative cache that has 16 blocks and 32 bytes per block. Assume a
32 bit address. Calculate the following:
Ex. 7. A processor has a 32 byte memory and an 8 byte direct-mapped cache. Table 0 shows the
current state of the cache. Write hit or miss under the each address in the memory
reference sequence below. Show the new state of the cache for each miss in a new table,
label the table with the address, and circle the change. Calculate Hit, Miss rates.
Ex. 8. A processor has a 32 byte memory and an 8 byte 4-way set associative cache. Table 0 shows
the current state of the cache. Use the Least Recently Used replacement policy. Write hit or
miss under the each address in the memory reference sequence below. Show the new state
of the cache for each miss in a new table, label the table with the address, and circle the
change. Calculate Hit, Miss rates.
Ex. 9. How many total SRAM bits will be required to implement a 256KB four-way set associative
cache. The cache is physically-indexed cache, and has 64-byte blocks. Assume that there
are 4 extra bits per entry: 1 valid bit, 1 dirty bit, and 2 LRU bits for the replacement policy.
Assume that the physical address is 50 bits wide.
Ex. 10. Caches: Misses and Hits
int i;
int a[1024*1024];
int x=0;
Consider the code snippet in code above. Suppose that it is executed on a system with a 2-way set
associative 16KB data cache with 32-byte blocks, 32-bit words, and an LRU replacement policy. Assume
that int is word-sized. Also assume that the address of a is 0x0, that i and x are in registers, and that the
cache is initially empty. How many data cache misses are there? How many hits are there?
Ex. 11. Describe the general characteristics of a program that would exhibit very little temporal
and spatial locality with regard to instruction fetches. Provide an example of such a
program (pseudo-code is fine). Also, describe the cache effects of excessive unrolling. Use
the terms static instructions and dynamic instructions in your description.
Ex. 12. You are given an empty 16K 2-way set-associative LRU-replacement cache with 32 byte
blocks on a machine with 4 byte words and 32-bit addresses. Describe in mathematical
terms a memory read address sequence which yields the following Hit/Miss patterns. If
such a sequence is impossible, state why. Some sample sequences are given:
Hit/Miss pattern
Miss, Hit, Hit, Miss :
Miss, (Hit)*
(Miss, Hit)*
Ex. 13. Assume an instruction cache miss rate for gcc of 2% and a data cache miss rate of 4%. If a
machine has a CPI of 2 without any memory stalls and the miss penalty is 40 cycles for all
misses, determine how much faster a machine would run with a perfect cache that never
missed. Assume 36% of instructions are loads/stores.
Ex. 14. Consider the following piece of code:
int x = 0, y = 0; // The compiler puts x in r1 and y in r2.
int i; // The compiler put i in r3.
int A[4096]; // A is in memory at address 0x10000
for (i=0;i<1024;i++) {
x += A[i];
for (i=0;i<1024;i++) {
y += A[i+2048];
a) Assume that the system has a 8192-byte, direct-mapped data cache with 16-byte blocks.
Assuming that the cache starts out empty, what is the series of data cache hits and misses
for this snippet of code. Assume that ints are 32-bits.
b) Assume that an iteration of a loop in which the load hits takes 10 cycles but that an iteration
of a loop in which the load misses takes 100 cycles. What is the execution time of this
snippet with the aforementioned cache?
Ex. 15. Consider the following piece of code:
int x = 0, y = 0; // The compiler puts x in r1 and y in r2.
int i; // The compiler put i in r3.
int A[4096]; // A is in memory at address 0x10000
for (i=0;i<1024;i++) {
x += A[i];
for (i=0;i<1024;i++) {
y += A[i+2048];
a) Assume that the system has a 8192-byte, the cache is 2-way set associative with an LRU
replacement policy and 16-byte sets (8-byte blocks). Assuming that the cache starts out
empty, what is the series of data cache hits and misses for this snippet of code. Assume that
ints are 32-bits.
b) Assume that an iteration of a loop in which the load hits takes 10 cycles but that an iteration
of a loop in which the load misses takes 100 cycles. What is the execution time of this
snippet with the aforementioned cache?
Ex. 16. Xt h thng my tnh bao gm cc thnh phn sau:
1. B x l c tc ng h 2.4Ghz
2. 2 b m nh x trc tip L1, kch thc 32KB
B m lnh (I-cache), mi ng (khi) kch thc 32bytes
B m d liu, kch thc ng (khi) 16 bytes. B m ny cho php ghi xuyn (writethrough) vi phn m ghi (write-buffer)
2 b m L1 c truy cp vi thi gian bng chu k ng h ca b x l (no penalty).
2 b m L1 c ni vi b m L2 bng ng bus 128 bit, tc 800Mhz
3. B m L2 dng chung, l b m ghi sau c cc thng s sau:
Thi gian ly a ch v cung cp 1 ng nh l 5ns (access time)
Kch thc ng l 64bytes
Kt ni vi b nh chnh bng ng bus 128bit tc 400Mhz
4. B nh chnh c thi gian truy cp l 20ns
Khi thc hin mt chng trnh benchmark, ta o c cc thng s sau: T l miss: b m I-cache l
2%, D-cache l 5% v L2 cache l 20%. Phn m ghi (write-buffer) cho php loi b tm dng trong
95% trng hp ghi. 50% tng s cc ng b thay th cn phi ghi li vo b nh (bit dirty = 1).
Xc nh
a. Thi gian truy cp lnh trung bnh
b. Thi gian c d liu trung bnh
c. Thi gian ghi d liu trung bnh
Ex. 17. Xt b m kt hp 4 ng, kch thc 32KB ca mt h thng n x l 32 bit. Kch
thc mi khi (ng) l 4 t. B m s dng chin lc ghi sau. Xc nh tng s bt cn
trin khai b m ni trn. S lng bt ny bo gm s bit lu d liu, trng tags, v
bt trng thi.
Ex. 18. Xt 01 b m nh x trc tip, 01 b m kt hp 2 ng v 01 b m kt hp ton
phn. Mi b m c kch thc 4 ng (khi); Kch thc 1 khi l 1 word. Gi s b x l
truy cp vo cc t nh a ch 0, 8, 0, 6, 8 theo th t tng ng. Gi s tt c cc khi
trong b m lc bt u c nh du khng hp l. B m kt hp v b m kt hp
ton phn s dng chin lc thay th LRU.
a) Xc nh bng cache cho tng loi b m ch ra ni dung b m sau mi ln truy cp b
b) Xc nh cho tng loi b m s ln cache miss.
Ex. 19. Cho 3 b x l ging nhau c trang b 3 b m khc nhau. S dng 1 chng trnh kim
tra, cc thng s ca b m c xc nh nh bng di y:
T l miss lnh
T l miss d liu
Cache 1 : nh x trc tip, khi
(ng) kch thc 1 word.
Cache 2 : nh x trc tip, khi
kch thc 4 words.
Cache 3 : Kt hp 2 ng; khi 2%
kch thc 4 words
Vi chng trnh kim tra ni trn, mt na s lnh cn truy cp b nh 1 ln. Mi ln xy ra miss, ta
cn (6+kch thc khi) chu k ng h truy cp b nh. B x l th nht c CPI l 2.0. Chu k ng
h ca b x l 1, 2 v 3 tng ng l 2ns, 2ns v 2.4ns
B x l no cn nhiu thi gian nht theo s chu k ng h khi xy ra cache miss.
B x l no nhanh nht, b x l no chm nht.