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Aquaponics Proposal

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R. LeRoy Creswell
Florida Sea Grant
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
[email protected]


Aquaponics, the integration of fish and vegetable production in a recirculating system,

represents a significant advance for raising large amounts of food while utilizing limited amounts
of land and water. The effluent from intensive fish production systems contains high levels of
nutrients that are normally discharged to the environment, contributing to pollution. In an
aquaponic system, the waste nutrients are used to produce a valuable crop of vegetables.
Removal of nutrients by vegetables purifies the culture water which is returned to the fish rearing
tank. Water continuously cycles between the fish and vegetable components.
Plants grow rapidly with dissolved nutrients that are excreted directly by fish or
generated from the microbial breakdown of fish wastes. Recirculating systems which have very
little daily water exchange (< 5%) accumulate these nutrients in concentrations similar to
hydroponic nutrient solutions. The benefits of aquaponic systems is that dissolved waste nutrient
are recovered by the plants, reducing discharge to the environment, minimizing water exchange,
and operational costs. The daily application of fish feed provides a regular supply of nutrients to
the plants, providing a secondary crop to the fish a little cost. That being said, aquaponic
systems do require a significant capital investment, moderate energy costs, and skilled
An aquaponic production system is well suited for work farms at penal institutions
because in addition to producing large amounts of fish and vegetables, conserving and reusing
water and recycling nutrients, the system will serve as an excellent model to teach fish culture,
plant nutrition, water treatment, biological control of pests and diseases and the importance of a
balanced ecological system. Inmates learn fundamental science skills, experience the
satisfaction of agriculture growing their own food -, literally can enjoy the fruits of their labor,
and may generate income from sale of product.

The design of aquaponic systems is similar to many recirculating aquaculture systems

with the addition of a hydroponic (plant growing) component and the elimination of some
filtration devices. The essential elements of an aquaponic system are the fish-rearing tanks, a
settleable and suspended solids removal component, a biofilter, a hydroponic component and a
sumpt (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Optimum arrangement of aquaponic system components (not to scale). From Rakocy
et al. 2006.
Effluent from the fish-rearing tanks is treated first to reduce organic matter (settleable
and suspended solids), then biofiltration removes ammonia and nitrates; the hydroponic
component utilizes dissolved nutrients and additional ammonia and nitrates by the plants, and
finally, water collects in a reservoir sump for return to the fish-rearing tanks (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Layout of proposed aquaponic system, based on University of the Virgin Island
The biofilter and hydroponic components of the system are often combined by using
plant support media, such as gravel or sand, which also serves as a biofiltration media. However,
raft hydroponics, which consists of floating sheets of polystyrene and net pots for plant support,
can be equally efficient if space is not limited. Figure 3 demonstrates the commercial-scale
aquaponic system that has been developed at the University of the Virgin Islands which employs
raft hydroponics for lettuce production. System component specifications are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Aquaponic system specifications based on UVI system (SRAC 2006).
Rearing Tanks
Number = 4
10 feet
4 feet
2,060 gallon each
6 feet
4 feet (cone 3.6
1,000 gallon
Number = 2
feet; slope 45)
Length/width = 6 2 feet
185 gallon
Number = 2
feet/2.5 feet
Length/width =
100 feet/4 feet
Number = 6
4 feet
Total system water volume
Flow rate
Water pump
Air Blowers

16 inches

3,000 gallon (total)

3 feet

180 gallon

1.5 hp fish

Growing area =
2,304 feet

29,375 gallon
100 gpm
1 hp plants

Total land area

1/8 acre


Tilapia is the fish species most

commonly cultured in aquaponic systems
because they grow rapidly, can be stocked
at high densities, and they are extremely
hardy with respect to water quality
conditions (although several other species,
including catfish, carp, crappies and even
rainbow trout have been raised). In order
to recover operating expenses of
aquaponic systems, both the fish-rearing
and hydroponic vegetable components mut
be operated continuously near maximum
production capacity.

Figure 3. An early model of the UVI

aquaponic system showing staggered
production of leaf lettuce in six raft hydroponic
Multiple tanks for fish-rearing allow for staggered production with each tank being
harvested around every six weeks; it also eliminates the stress of grading fish and moving them
from tank to tank during the production cycle. In general, the critical standing crop (maximum
load) in aquaponic systems should not exceed 0.50 pounds/gallon. This density promotes fast
growth, efficient feed conversion and reduces crowding stress (which can lead to disease
outbreaks). The production cycle to produce a one pound tilapia is approximately 24 weeks.
Therefore, with four production tanks, one tank would be stocked every six weeks and one
would be harvested (perhaps longer in the winter if they are outdoors, due to lower temperatures)
and yield 1,000 pounds of fish. Annual fish yield from this system would be approximately
10,000 pounds.

Although the aquaponic system at UVI has grown a variety of plant crops, most of its
analysis has been on lettuce varieties. Other aquaponic systems (e.g. Rutgers University, Cropt
Diversification Center in Alberta, Canada) have cultivated a host of plant crops, including:
tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, melons, okra, Swiss chard, bok choi, Chinese cabbage, collard,
watercress, basil, cilantro, chives, parsley, and flowers (marigolds and zinnias). Some crops,
such as lettuce may have a production cycle as short as 3 to 4 weeks, while seasonal crops or
those that have long growing periods (> 3 months), such as tomatoes and cucumbers, may be
intercropped with other vegetables. For example, if lettuce is intercropped with tomatoes and
cucumbers, one crop of lettuce can be harvested before the tomato plant canopy begins to limit
light. The choice of plants to raise will likely be determined by demand, environmental
conditions, and space availability.

Without delving into technical details of solids removal, biofiltration, and other water
treatment components, the water surface area for hydroponic plant production (basing
this on a floating raft design rather than gravel or sand media) is related to the amount of

fish feed provided to the system daily (since that is the primary source of nutrients). As a
general guide, a ratio in the range of 60 100 grams of fish feed/m2 of plant growing area
should be used. In raft hydroponics, approximately 75% of the system water volume is in
the plant component. Estimated production for fish/lettuce in the system described herein
is 11,000 pounds of tilapia and 1,400 cases of leaf lettuce per year.


A budget for materials for the system

described herein was kindly provided by Dr.
James Rakocy, the director of the Agriculture
Research Station at the University of the Virgin
Islands and director of the aquaponics program
there for over 30 years. Although prices will
vary, a general estimate of the materials for the
aquaponic system is $ 48,000. Annual variable
costs for fish fingerlings, fish feed, and plant
seedlings is around $14,000, assuming that there
are no labor costs and electricity is absorbed into
the general operating expenses of the jail.
Nonetheless, those costs are broken out in the
tables provided by UVI.

Figure 4. Leaf lettuce being harvested from

a raft hydroponic tank in the UVA aquaponic
system in St. Croix.


Although the design of aquaponic systems and the combination of fish and plant
production in a single system may seem complex, it is in fact quite simple to operate when the
fish are stocked and fed at a rate that provides a good feeding rate ratio for plant production.
Aquaponic systems are easier to operate than recirculating fish culture systems or hydroponic
systems because they require less monitoring and have a wider margin of safety with regard to
water quality. Aquaponic systems also provide excellent educational opportunities and are
becoming increasingly popular in public schools. Finally, regardless of scale or purpose, the
culture of fish and plants through aquaponics is a gratifying endeavor that is a sustainable
approach to food production.

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