Salary Certificate
Salary Certificate
Salary Certificate
Date: 21-12-2009
This is ti certify that MD. ABDUL KAIUM SARKAR, Father’s Name: Late Abdul
Kader Sarkar, Vill: South Bargachar, P.O: Natore-6400, P.S: Natore, Dist: Natore,
(Mobile-01718506768) has been working in BASUMATI GROUP since 01-09-2007.
He is a permanent employee of the organization. As per our service rule/term of
employment his date of retirement is N/A. He is working in our Basumati Real Estate
Ltd. department as Project Engineer. His monthly salary is as follows:
Less: Deduction
Tax N/A
Provident Fund N/A
Loan Installment N/A
Other Deduction N/A