orphaned due to the death or disability of their human companions. Hospets focuses its efforts on addressing this issue. This document will provide a way for you to document the instructions outlining the care of your pets to help secure lifetime care for them. Taking the time to complete these forms and provide copies to potential caregivers will help to guarantee that your pets will always be cared for. Selecting Caregivers Identifying the right individuals to provide care is the most important part of lifetime care planning for your pets. You should first take into account whether you want all your pets to be cared for by one person, or if different pets should be cared for by different people. When selecting caregivers, consider partners, adult children, parents, brothers, sisters and friends who have met your pets and have successfully cared for pets themselves. Other options include staff members at your veterinarians office, or an animal rescue organization. Identify alternate caregivers should your first choice become unable or unwilling to take over the care of your pets. Remember, the caregiver will have full accountability for your pets care including veterinary treatment and end of life care. Stay in touch with designated caregivers and alternates. Over time, peoples circumstances and priorities change. Locating a new home for your pets can take several weeks or several months, so it is important to arrange temporary care as part of your planning efforts. ENSURING LONG TERM, PERMANENT CARE FOR YOUR PETS The best way to make sure your wishes are fulfilled is by making formal arrangements that specifically cover the care of your pets. We suggest that you complete the Letter to Pet Guardian. This contains important information and instructions for the care of your pets. We also strongly suggest you complete the Pet Care Durable Power of Attorney. This is a legally binding document which allows your chosen caregiver to care for your pets should you become unable. Keep a copy with your will. Give a copy to the chosen caregiver. Place the Emergency Information for our Pets form on your refrigerator in plain sight.
This letter contains important information and instructions for the care of my pets. It is not a legally binding document and is only intended to help my Pet Guardian provide proper care for my pets. Name of Pet Owner: _________________________________ Date Completed: _________________________ The location where vaccine records, health records, and county licenses on my pets can be found is: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Important Contact Information Name of Pet Guardian: ____________________________ Pet Guardians Phone #: ______________________ Pet Guardians Mailing and Email Address: _______________________________________________________ Name of Veterinarian: _____________________________ Veterinarians Phone #: _______________________ Veterinarians Office Address: __________________________________________________________________ Name of Groomer: _____________________________ Groomers Phone #: _____________________________ Groomers Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Other Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________ Description of First Pet Pet Name: _________________ Species: _________ Breed: _________ Color: _________ Age: _____________ Distinctive markings: _________________________________________________________________________ Brand of Food: ______________ How often fed?__________________ How Much?______________________ Food Allergies: ____________________ Medications: ______________________________________________ Weight: ___________ Housetrained: _____ Yes _____ No Crate Trained: _____ Yes _____ No Diseases & Injuries: __________________________________________________________________________ Biting or Snapping Issues: _____________________________________________________________________ Description of Second Pet Pet Name: _________________ Species: _________ Breed: _________ Color: _________ Age: _____________ Distinctive markings: _________________________________________________________________________ Brand of Food: ______________ How often fed?__________________ How Much?______________________ Food Allergies: ____________________ Medications: ______________________________________________ Weight: ___________ Housetrained: _____ Yes _____ No Crate Trained: _____ Yes _____ No Diseases & Injuries: __________________________________________________________________________ Biting or Snapping Issues: _____________________________________________________________________ Other Behavior or Health Issues of My Pets Are Noted Below: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Decisions Regarding My Pets Check Only 1 of the 3 Choices Below: ___ I want my pets to receive all medical treatments available to treat any disease, illness or injury they have, including but not limited to, chemotherapy, radiation, acupuncture, massage therapy, dialysis, etc. ___ I want my Pet Guardian to use his or her discretion and best judgment in determining the type of veterinary care, medications, and medical treatments my pets should receive, taking into consideration the amount of suffering my pet will endure, the likelihood such care, medication or treatment will improve my pets longevity and quality of life, and the recommendation of the treating veterinarian. ___ I want my Pet Guardian to ensure my pets receive routine veterinary examinations, medications, pain relievers, vaccinations, preventative medications, steroidal treatments, antibiotics, and surgeries as recommended by the treating veterinarian. However, I do not want my pets subjected to chemotherapy, radiation, dialysis or similar types of treatment that could put my pets through unnecessary pain and suffering that may outweigh the benefits. My Pet Guardian should follow the recommendation of the treating veterinarian to ensure my pet is comfortable and does not experience unnecessary pain. If my pet is experiencing a significant amount of pain that cannot be relieved with medications, my Pet Guardian should use his or her discretion and best judgment in deciding whether to have my pet euthanized. Last Wishes Regarding My Pets After their death, I prefer my pets be: ______ cremated ______ buried ___ I made arrangements for my pets to be buried at: __________________________________________________ ___ I have not made arrangements for the burial of my pets and leave this decision to my Pet Guardian. If my pets are cremated, I want their ashes stored as follows: ___________________________________________
ADVANCE DIRECTIVE Durable Power of Attorney for Pet Care I, _______________________________________, hereby appoint ___________________________________ of (complete address) _______________________________________________________________________ Ph. #s ( ) ______________________________ Evening or Other ( ) _________________________ as my agent to make any and all pet care decisions for my pet(s), except to the extent that I state otherwise in this document or as prohibited by law. This durable power of attorney shall take effect in the event that I become unable to care for my pet(s) or when I die. Statement of Desires, Special Provision and Limitations Regarding Care of My Pet(s) 1. If I am unexpectedly hospitalized, I have made arrangements with (agent) ___________________________, (agents address)________________________________________ (agents phone)______________________ to care for my pet(s) in a responsible manner. 2. Should my pet(s) be unable to continue living with a comfortable quality of life, I authorize the agent to direct that my pet(s) be humanely euthanized. Circle and initial your choice: 3. If I should die or become permanently institutionalized: A. I should authorize my agent to use her/his best judgment in finding good homes for my pet(s). If necessary my agent is authorized to seek the help of an animal shelter, veterinarian, and animal adoption service, and or a breed rescue/relocation organization to assist in the placing of my pet(s). I realize that there is the possibility that my pet(s) may have to be euthanized if suitable homes cannot be found. B. I have made arrangements with I have made arrangements with (agent) ___________________________, (agents address)________________________________________ (agents phone)______________________to take care of my pet(s) for the rest of her/his/their natural lifespan. Other specific desires: 4. In the event that the person I have appointed is unable, unwilling, unavailable, or ineligible to act as my pet care agent, I hereby appoint the following as alternatives: Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________ Ph. #s ( ) ___________________________________ Evening or Other ( ) ______________________ Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________ Ph. #s ( ) ___________________________________ Evening or Other ( ) ______________________ I hereby release the named person(s) and/or institution(s) relying on this Durable Power of Attorney for Pet Care from any and all liability to me or to my estate for any actions taken pursuant to this Advance Directive and them harmless for their reliance on any instructions of the designated agent or alternate. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed my name_____________________________ this day of _________________________________ I declare that the principal appears to be of sound mind and free from duress at the time of the signing of this Durable Power of Attorney for Pet Care and that the principal has affirmed that she or he is aware of the document and is signing it freely and voluntarily. Witness _________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Witness _________________________________ Address _____________________________________________
CUSTODIAL PLACEMENT AGREEMENT Florida Custodial Placement of Medical Authorization For Child Between Parents Either Relative or Non Relative Adult Sample Agreement
CUSTODIAL PLACEMENT AGREEMENT Florida Custodial Placement of Medical Authorization For Child Between Parents Either Relative or Non Relative Adult Sample Agreement