Analyst, 1980,105, 455-461
Analyst, 1980,105, 455-461
Analyst, 1980,105, 455-461
The efficiency of corticosteroids such as prednisolone for the treatment of ocular inflammatory
conditions is now well established. Prednisolone has a low solubility in water and for
aqueous formulations the more water-soluble phosphate ester is used, which can be formulated
for both parenteral and topical administration. Several workers have reported that corticosteroids such as prednisolone undergo thermal degradation in aqueous solution, involving
the 17-dihydroxyacetone ~ide-chain.l-~Transformations and eliminations have been shown
to occur in both the presence and absence of air. I n the presence of air under alkaline
conditions, the predominant reaction appears to involve cleavage of the C17 side-chain to
yield the corresponding etianic acid. In the absence of air, two reactions predominate,
yielding the 17-keto steroid and the hydroxy acid. Degradation of the A ring has also been
shown to occur in a related steroid, hydrocortisone, formulated in a polyethylene glycol
base.5 However, the A ring is an inherently stable structure and the rate of degradation
was much slower than that for the C,, side-chain. The degradation of steroid phosphate
esters has not been studied as extensively, although Marcus6 has reported that the degradation of hydrocortisone phosphate in aqueous solution involved hydrolysis as the only significant degradative pathway and was dependent on the hydrogen-ion concentration. It would
appear, therefore, that the thermal degradation of prednisolone sodium phosphate in aqueous
solution would involve the pathways illustrated in Fig. 1 and that hydrolysis of the phosphate
group on the C17 side-chain would be predominant.
Most published assay methods do not determine the phosphate ester directly. Both
prednisolone sodium phosphate and the parent prednisolone possess the 3-keto group and
related conjugated system and have similar absorption spectra in the ultraviolet region.
Kaplan and Levine7 have developed a column chromatographic method for separating the
two compounds using ion-pair formation between the ester and trihexylammonium chloride.
However, the method is tedious and lengthy for routine analysis. The C,, side-chain of
prednisolone has been determined by complexation with tetrazolium blue followed by
spectrophotometric determination of the coloured complex.* This method, however, is
specific for the C,, side-chain and prednisolone sodium phosphate would require preliminary
hydrolysis to the parent alcohol, which is difficult to achieve quantitatively. Other methods
reported are the determination of the inorganic phosphate produced as the ester hydrolysese
and gas - liquid chromatography. Upton et aL9 have reported a high-performance liquid
chromatographic (HPLC) method for steroid phosphates using a reversed-phase column.
However, preliminary work in our laboratories indicated that prednisolone sodium phosphate
was eluted immediately after a non-retained compound (potassium dichromate) on a
Spherisorb S5 ODS reversed-phase column. It is essential that any assay method distinguishes between the parent compound and its degradation products and we have therefore
developed an HPLC assay for prednisolone sodium phosphate using an anion-exchange
column, as the phosphate ester is present in an anionic form in aqueous solution.
Chromatograms were determined routinely using a Pye LC20 system, which has a fixedwavelength detector set at 254nm. Injections were made on-column with a Pye Unicam
fixed-volume 10-pl loop valve. All measurements were made a t ambient temperature in
Spectrophotometric determinations were made using a Pye Unicam SP1800 spectrophotometer.
p H determinations were performed using either a Pye Unicam 291 pH meter or a Radiometer Type 27 pH meter fitted with a PHA 630P scale expander. Both p H meters were
used in conjunction with Pye-Ingold combined glass - silver electrodes. All p H measurements were carried out on solutions equilibrated to 25 & 0.1 "C; meters were standardised
with two appropriate standard buffers.
H : =&
H : =&
pathways of
Materi a1s
Prednisolone sodium phosphate was a gift from Smith and Nephew Ltd. and was used as
received. All buffer salts were of analytical-reagent grade and other reagents were of at
least laboratory-reagent grade. Potassium hydrogen phthalate was of an NPL certificated
grade supplied by BDH Chemicals Ltd. Solvent:; were of analytical-reagent grade. Water
was freshly distilled from an all-glass still. Poly(viny1 alcohol) (Gohsenol N300, Nippon
Goshei) was supplied by British Traders and Shippers Ltd. Trihexylammonium chloride
was prepared from trihexylamine (Eastman Kodak Co.) according to the method of Kaplan
and L e ~ i n e . ~
May, 1980
The stationary phase was Partisil 10 SAX (Whatman), an anion-exchange material, packed
into either 250 x 4.6 mm or 100 x 4.6 mm stainless-steel columns. The mobile phase
consisted of a 1
9 V / V mixture of methanol and one-fifth strength McIlvaines citrate phosphate buffer (pH 5.2), and was de-gassed before use. The actual pH of the mobile
phase was 5.6.
decreases with increase in pH, and this is probably due to competition by the buffer components dominating the extent of the interactions between column and solute. Knox and
VasvarilO have shown that the capacity factor of phthalic acid on an anion-exchange column
can be selected by manipulation of the mobile phase pH. Fig. 2 also shows the capacity
factors for the more water-soluble potassium hydrogen phthalate over the mobile phase pH
range 3.50-6.10, and again it is observed that an increase in pH decreases the retention time.
However, it is apparent that over this pH range good resolution is obtained between prednisolone sodium phosphate and potassium hydrogen phthalate, and the latter was therefore
selected as the internal standard using a mobile phase pH of 5.2. The addition of 10%
V / V of methanol as organic modifier was found to reduce the analysis time and improve
peak symmetry, although the final pH of the mobile phase increased slightly to 5.6.
Initially, chromatograms were obtained using; the 250-mm column with a mobile phase
flow-rate of 1.5 ml min-l. Subsequently, a 100-mm column with a mobile phase flow-rate
of 1.2 ml min-l was shown to give improved pleak symmetry and a reduction in analysis
time. A typical chromatogram using this system is shown in Fig. 3(a).
Time/mi n
Prednisolone is un-ionised in
May, 1980
et al. : QUALITY
IFirst-order rate
constaat/h1.13 x
4.145 x
1.271 x
3.323 x
May, 1,980
Fig. 4. Chromatogram
of 0.02% m/V dexamethasone sodium phosphate.
Conditions as for Fig. 3;
detector, ultraviolet a t
254 nm, sensitivity 0.16
1, Dexamethasone sodium phosphate ;
and 2, potassium hydrogen phthalate (internal
T i me/m in
It has been shown that an anion-exchange column can be used for the HPLC assay of
prednisolone sodium phosphate in the presence of its degradation products and that the
assay is suitable for stability studies. Using a simple extraction procedure, prednisolone
sodium phosphate can be separated from interfering formulatory excipients such as viscolisers.
The extraction - UV assay procedure described is particularly useful for the routine analysis
of prednisolone sodium phosphate in quality control laboratories.
1. Mason, H. L., J . Biol. Chem., 1938, 124, 475.
2. Hertzig, P. T., and Ehrenstein, M., J . Org. Chem., 1951, 16, 1050.
3. Wendler, N. L., and Graber, R. P., Chem. Ind. (London), 1956, 549.
4. Guttmann, D. E., and Meister, P. D., J . A m . Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 1958, 47, 773
5. Allen, A. E., and Das Gupta, V., J . Pharm. Sci., 1974, 63, 107.
6. Marcus, A. D., J . Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. E d . , 1960, 49, 383.
7. Kaplan, G. B., and Levine, J . , J . Assoc. Ofl.Anal. Chem., 1973, 57, 735.
I). Mader, W. J., and Buck, R. R., Anal. Chem., 1952, 24, 666.
9. Upton, L. M., Townley, E. R., and Sancilio, F. P., J . Pharm. Sci., 1978, 67, 913.
10. Knox, J . H., and Vasvari, G., J . Chromatogr. ScZ., 1974, 12, 449.
1 1 . Flynn, G. L., and Lamb, D. J., J . Phavm. Sci., 1970, 59, 1433.
12. Burgess, C., J . Chromatogr., 1978, 149, 233.