tuna-2013-WPNT03-18 Rev - 2 - India Longtail and Frigate Tuna - 0
tuna-2013-WPNT03-18 Rev - 2 - India Longtail and Frigate Tuna - 0
tuna-2013-WPNT03-18 Rev - 2 - India Longtail and Frigate Tuna - 0
IOTC2013WPNT0318 Rev_2
Neritic tuna fishery along the Indian coast and biology and population characteristics
of longtail and frigate tuna
E.M. Abdussamad, K.P. Said Koya, Prathibha Rohith and Somy Kuriakaose
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR)
Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O. Kerala State India, Pin: 682018
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Neritic tuna fishery in 20012 was supported by five species namely; Kawakawa
(Euthynnus affinis), frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), bullet tunas (Auxis rochei), longtail
tuna (Thunnus tonggol) and bonito (Sarda orientalist). Their catch was 57,078 t and
constitute 70.3 % of the total tuna catch of the country. Landings during 2008-12
varied between 37,785 t (2010) and 57,078 t (2012) with an average of 48,172 t. Neritic
tunas mainly form non-targeted catch in most gears along the area. Despite their
distribution and abundance along entire coast, fishery is mainly centered around south
and nortthwest coasts where traditionally high fishing activities are in vogue. The
extent of neritic tuna fishing varies depending on prevailing fishing practices of the area
and local demand for tuna. Evaluation of spatio-temporal distribution pattern,
abundance and fishery suggested that resource are being under-utilized from large
areas of the Indian mainland coast and Island territories. The fishery biological
observations and stock assessment of component species also indicates that stock in
general is healthy with sufficient spawning stock biomass to sustain the stock and yield.
The coast based fishery along the Indian coast witnessed considerable changes over
the years. However, the neritic tuna remain as an incidental bye-catch in other fisheries
targeting seerfishes and like fishes. The resources and fishery was supported by five
species; Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis), frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), bullet tunas (Auxis
rochei), longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) and bonito (Sarda orientalist). Their landing is
maintaining an uptrend in production since 1985 with wide annual fluctuations and
contribute 1.5-2.0 % of the total marine fish production of the country.
Third Working Party on Neritic Tunas, Bali, Indonesia, 25 July 2013
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E. affinis
T. tonggol
Major share of the catch was landed along the northwest coast (36.9%), followed by
southwest (33.6%) and southeast (20.4 %) coast. West coast contributed 70.5 % to the
neritic tuna production. Fishing activity along this region was relatively high. Catch from
northeast coast was very low.
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Long tail tuna
They are the second dominant species in the landing after kawakawa. Their fishery
restricted to west coast and Andaman waters with major abundance and fishery (96%) from
northwest coast. Fishery is maintaining a steady uptrend with annual production of 14,285
t. They support round the year fishery with peak landings during September-February.
Major share of the catch was landed by gillnets (77.7%), followed by hooks and
lines (13.2 %). Trawls and purse-seines also land this species in small quantities.
Frigate tuna
Annual landings declined during the year to 8,534 t from 10,173 t (2011) and
formed 15.0 % of the neritic tuna catch. Major share (79.5%) of their catch was from
southern coasts. They are caught by hooks & lines and gillnets which respectively
contributed 45.9 and 35.4% to the catch. Other gears landing the species are ring seines,
trawl and purseseines. Fishery occurred round the year with peak during April - May and
September - December.
Biology of Species
Longtail tuna
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model and it shows that the species grow relatively fast in length. They attain 29.4, 50.6,
79.7, 97.2, and 107.7 cm by the end of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. However, growth in weight
is slow compared to other species of the genera.
The age length data shows that minimum age of the fish in the catch is 5.8 months
and maximum 49.1 months (4.1 years). Major share of the catch was supported by 1 to 2.4
year old fishes with 1.6 year as mean age.
Food and feeding
The species is non-selective opportunistic feeder, feeds on teleost fishes (82%),
crustaceans (4.6 %) and molluscs (13.4%). Sardines (Sardinella sp.), anchovies (Thryssa
sp.), scads (Decapterus sp. and Selar sp.), ribbonfishes (Trichiurus sp.), flying fish,
hemiramphids, small tuna (Auxis rochei), threadfin breams and small perches (Lethrinus
sp) dominate the fish components in the diet. Crustaceans in the food are penaeid prawns,
Acetes sp., pelagic crabs and stomatopods. Squid, octopus and gastropods represented the
molluscan component.
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Fecundity estimate varied between 227,364 and 1092,891 eggs per fishes measuring
53.7 and 79.4 cm. The relative fecundity found to increase with the size of the fish and it
varied between 103,347 and 147,688 respectively in the smallest and largest fish studied
with a mean of 132,840.
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Frigate tuna
Length composition
Landings was supported by 18 to 56 cm fishes dominated by 2540cm size groups.
Mean size in the catch was 34.7 cm. The estimated length-weight relationship was log W =
-2.082723 + 3.081 log L (n = 884, r2= 0.92) indicating near isometric growth pattern.
Food and feeding
They are opportunistic carnivore, feeding on crustaceans, cephalopods and
finfishes. Crustaceans were dominated by the non-penaeid prawns, Acetes spp. and crabs
and cephalopods by squid, Loligo duvaucelli. Finfish component in the diet were sardines,
anchovies, mackerels, scads and tuna juveniles.
Growth parameters, L and K was 57.95 cm and 1.2 year-1 and the asymptotic weight
(W) was 3205 g. Their size at first capture (Lc) was 32.83 cm at an age (tc) of 0.69 year.
Growth performance index was 3.605 and t0 at -0.0075 years. The von Bertalanffy growth
equation was: Lt = 57.95 [1 - e - 1.2 (t + 0.0075)]. They grow to 40.75 cm and 52.77 cm, at the
end of 1st year and 2nd year respectively. Their longevity was 2.49 years.
Reproductive Biology
They attain sexual maturity at 29.7 cm fork length at the age of 7 months. Gravid,
ripe and spent females were recorded throughout the year with peak occurrence during
February and July-October, suggesting prolonged spawning season. Mature females
accounted for 37.2% of the catch, followed by spent ones (23.7%). Their relative fecundity
ranged between 6,97,531 to 11,63,438 eggs/kg body weight with an average of 8,07,986.
Fecundity generally increased with the weight and size of the fish.
Recruitment pattern
The species exhibited a bimodal recruitment pattern with young ones being
recruited into the fishery almost round the year. The major peak in recruitment was during
February - April and this pulse produced 53.3 % of the recruits. The minor peak was in
June and this pulse produced 11.2 % of the recruits. The smallest length of recruitment was
18 cm.
Third Working Party on Neritic Tunas, Bali, Indonesia, 25 July 2013
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Mortality, exploitation and VPA
The mortality rates M, F and Z were 1.65, 3.24 and 4.89, respectively. Present
exploitation rate was 0.658, exploitation ratio 0.66 and the Emax 0.778. The large value of
Emax over the present exploitation, indicates that the stock remain under-exploited and offer
scope for increasing their production.
VPA indicated that main loss from the stock up to 21 cm was due to natural causes.
Fishes became more vulnerable to fishing after this size and mortality due to fishing
increased and eventually outnumbered the natural losses from 31 cm onwards. The
maximum fishing mortality of 5.36 was recorded at size of 48.9 cm.
The maximum yield and yield/recruit could be obtained by increasing the present
level of fishing by 100 %. The maximum yield and yield per recruit obtained by doubling
the present fishing effort is 11,484 t and 342.1 g, whereas at the present level of fishing, it
is 8,279 t and 332.3 g. The increase in relative yield at the increased effort would be 38.7%.
Indian EEZ is very extensive and is characterised by high productivity and
species richness. The distribution pattern, indicate presence of neritic tunas all along
coastal waters of the Indian coast. The diet of oceanic tunas and other species further
indicated the availability of many neritic species in appreciable numbers in deeper
waters, especially around Island systems, seamounts, ridges and knolls. Evaluation of
fishery scenario and spatial production pattern indicate that fishery in general is
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restricted to coastal waters of selected areas, where naturally high fishing activities are
in vogue. The fishery biological observations and stock assessment of component
species indicate that stock in general is healthy with sufficient spawning stock biomass
to support successful recruitment. It further indicates that component species as a
whole are exploited below the optimum levels offering some scope for further
improving their production from the present fishing grounds. Also there is scope for
increasing production from the coastal waters of presently less exploited areas and
deeper waters. Their abundance and potential from such areas needed to be assessed
for expanding their fishery and production.
The distribution pattern of component species indicate their abundance all along
the Indian coast. This offers scope for improving their production from presently less
exploited areas of the coast.
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