Fisiologia y Met. Entrenamiento - Intermitente
Fisiologia y Met. Entrenamiento - Intermitente
Fisiologia y Met. Entrenamiento - Intermitente
Resistance training for acyclic sports has traditionally been carried out using training
methods developed for cyclic sports. These methods were developed from the study of
the physiological bases of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), prioritising
central cardiovascular factors (cardiac) above peripheral factors (muscular) and
omitting in-depth analysis of muscular behaviour during acyclic resistance. This article
intends to: a) analyse certain physiological aspects needed to understand intermittent
resistance exercise, b) define what intermittent resistance effort is, what its unique
features are and how it differs from interval exercise, and c) develop a specific proposal
for designing intermittent resistance training loads for acyclic sports. Keywords:
training, intermittent, resistance, sports, acyclic.
Acyclic sports (e.g. football, basketball, rugby, hockey, tennis, handball, combat sports,
etc.) consist of a blend of actions of different intensities, durations, frequencies and
kinetic characteristics that significantly modify the metabolic and muscular analysis of
effort. Acyclic sports base their actions on highly specific movement patterns that
demand, for example, changes in direction at speed. This and other specific abilities
such as the ability to repeat accelerations, demand the development of training
methods that take them into account (Bishop, 2002; Carling and Reilly, 2005; Bangsbo,
1992; Colli, 1997). The training method known as the intermittent method is precisely
that which is able to respond to the demands of acyclic sports in ideal fashion.
This article is divided into two parts: the first deals with the physiological aspects of
intermittent resistance exercise and the second looks at the methodological aspects of
intermittent resistance training.
1. Definition of Intermittent Exercise: first considerations
The appearance in sports training* of intermittent exercise as a training method could
be regarded as a more or less recent phenomenon, although physiological research into
these kinds of efforts and their effects began in around 1960.
Currently, many articles deal with intermittent exercise without answering the question
What is intermittent effort? and this lack of precision leads to uncertainty and
All disciplines based on the study and application of scientific knowledge must be based
on precise and universally agreed terminology. It is therefore essential to define the
concept of intermittent exercise. The Spanish dictionary refers to Exercise as the
action of playing or exercising. Gymnastics and its different associated activities agree
that it is a configuration of movements with more or less specific aims. Pate et al.
(1995) defines exercise as a set of voluntary, planned and structured movements
designed to maintain or increase one or more components of physical aptitude. The
dictionary defines Intermittent as something that is interrupted and restarts in alternate
fashion. In our field of study, Intermittent is not a synonym of Interval, as the
famous Swedish researcher Per Olof Astrand made clear in his early publications
(1960a; 1960b), using both terms (interval exercise and intermittent exercise) for
different applications. One of the substantive differences that Astrand refers to is the
duration of the effort and its intensity: intermittent exercise involves periods of
intensive muscular activity followed by periods of moderate exercise or even rest with a
maximum time for the load of 1 minute. Later, Astrand (1992) stated that intermittent
work was different to interval work, as the latter type of training used a load duration of
Sports Training is a complex process of activities, designed for the planned development of certain
states of sports performance and its exhibition in situations of sports verification, especially in
competitive activities (Martin et al, 2001).
Training Methods are planned procedures for the transmission and configuration of content, as part of
certain types of training designed to achieve a goal (Martin et al, 2001).
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2 to 6 minutes. Here it is true, as stated by Bisciotti (2004), that the interval work
known as the classic Freiburg method is based on repetitions over distances of 200,
300 and 400 metres and can involve a time of less than 1 minute (Van Aaken and
Berben, 1971), but its aims are different to those of intermittent work.
As regards the duration of the load, this factor has significant physiological
implications. When making an effort involving over 1/6 or 1/7 of total body
musculature (e.g. running), the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular and
metabolic systems actively participate in the exercise. If the duration of exercise is equal
to or less than 1 minute, the cardiovascular system will be important throughout the
repetitions (and during the pauses) but there will not be enough time in each
repetition, mainly the first for the neuromuscular system to take part. We could say
that there is a physiological delay in the response and adjustment between the
cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems that is used by intermittent exercise (Seiler,
Intermittent exercises place the accent on stress at peripheral level (neuromuscular,
vascular and metabolic), these being the muscle factors of resistance. This is highly
significant, as the study model applied in the field of the physiology of exercise and
sports training for decades placed the role of the central factors (cardiac) above that of
the peripheral factors (muscular) in the resistance performances of all sporting
disciplines. I recommend the works of Richardson, 2000 and 2004, to gain a deeper
understanding of these factors.
The early contributions of Astrand (1960a; 1960b) to the topic are certainly surprising,
the author states that during short periods of work with high energy rates, aerobic
provision is adequate, despite the incomplete transport of oxygen during the activity of
the load. With very short periods of work, of 30 seconds or less, a very intense load may
be placed on the muscles and oxygen transport organs, without affecting the anaerobic
processes that lead to any significant rise in blood lactate concentrations. In order to
study intermittent exercise and its effects, Bangsbo (2000a) recommends placing special
emphasis on intensity, especially relative intensity. For example: it is possible to
complete an hour of exercise with efforts of 15 x 15 if the intensity is 100% or
slightly above VO2max, while only a few minutes of exercise can be completed if the
intensity is 70% of Peak Power (PP). An elite sportsperson can have a PP of 1000 W,
reaching their VO2max at 250W (25% PP). With exercises such as running, the
parameter or reference value used for intensity is the Maximal Aerobic Velocity
(MAV). Suggested training loads are between 100 and 150% of MAV, according to the
functional orientation of the work (see below, methodology of training section). For
the moment, we shall consider two types of intermittent exercise: 1) Intermittent
aerobic (ITA), 2) Intermittent High Intensity (ITHI). They each have different
functional approaches and training effects. During this article we will go into these
kinds of work and will see that ITHI should not be confused with speed resistance work.
Another important point is that intermittent efforts see alternating variations in the
Intensity, Duration, Frequency, Kinetics and Kinematics ** of muscular actions,
Maximal Aerobic Velocity (MAV) is the speed of movement at which one reaches 100% oxygen
consumption (VO2max).
Kinetics: study of the forces that act o objects and bodies (Watkins, 1999).
Kinematics: study of the movement of bodies and objects (Watkins, 1999).
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meaning that the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems take part in a specific
fashion that is very different to the physiological model of continuous or interval
exercise. Several studies have shown, for example, the relationship between muscle
contraction cycle and vascular function in the muscle tissue involved. Blood flow in the
skeletal muscle varies in direct relationship with the type of effort and the moment of
the exercise (start, middle or peak effort), observing fluctuations in muscle blood flow
depending on the type of mechanical work involved, with specific effects in training
(Schoemaker et al, 1994; Tschakovsky et al, 1995; Walloe and Wesche, 1988).
Other studies underline how the biomechanical and physiological characteristics of
muscle contractions condition, regulate and modulate the effects of training (Bosco,
2000; Gardiner, 2001).
Main characteristics of intermittent exercises.
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the load was reduced by 50% (175W) he was comfortably able to exercise for 60
minutes, with an average VO2 of 50% during the work. During another session, the
same subject was asked to work at 350W, but alternating 3 minutes under load with the
same time for recovery (interval work), and he managed to work for one hour with
difficulty, and in this case the average VO2 was maximal. The duration of the loads (and
pauses) was then reduced and it was seen that the total VO2 during the hour of work did
not fall significantly during 30 second work with the same recovery time (intermittent
work). Two points in these studies should be underlined: 1) when working continuously
the subject could only perform 8 minutes exercise at 350W, while with interval and
intermittent exercise he achieved 30 minutes at 350W, and 2) when the loads exceeded
1 minute the stress was very high, mainly at metabolic level, with an increase in lactic
acid values. However, during intermittent work, with 30 second loads alternated with
the same recovery time, an effect on VO2 similar to that of interval work was achieved.
If a person runs continuously at the speed that correspond to 100% VO2 (MAV), he will
only be able to sustain the effort for 4 to 11 minutes. This time is known as the Limit
Time at Maximal Aerobic Velocity (Lim.T MAV). However, if he performs intermittent
efforts (e.g.: 15 x 15), he can work for 60 to 70 minutes without difficulty, with
similar observations as those made above concerning the study by Astrand. The
resistance efforts demanded by team games (intermittent sports such as football,
basketball, hockey, handball, rugby, etc.) involve the development of this capacity:
intermittent resistance.
Muscle VO2 kinetics
Muscle VO2 kinetics refers to the time needed by the skeletal muscle to increase oxygen
uptake to accompany the increased mechanical power of the effort.
When the exercise begins, the integrated response of the pulmonary, cardiovascular and
muscular systems characterises VO2 kinetics. This response is highly sensitive to
aerobic training (Phillips et al, 1995) and can by precisely measured (Grassi et al, 1996).
The role played by each of these systems to determine VO2 kinetics in effort is still
being debated (Cerretelli et al, 1980; Hughson et al, 1996). A wide range of studies
have been made of the subject, using different kinds of exercises and even animal
models (Grassi et al, 1998a and 1998b). This very diverse selection of work demands
very careful analysis.
Certain studies showed that the increased blood flow in the lower members (and its
provision of O2) contributed to the increase in VO2 during exercises of moderate
intensity (Bell, 2001; MacDonald, 1998 and 2000; Shoemaker, 1994).
Bangsbo et al. (2000) studied the kinetics of muscle VO2 at the start of an intense
dynamic exercise. The authors showed that the intense muscle contractions after some
12 seconds of the exercise increased muscle O2 uptake by 50% and, reaching a peak O2
uptake of 90% after 50 seconds. The use of limited O2 at the start of the intense
exercise does not appear to be related to insufficient availability of O2, but may well be
associated with inadequate distribution of the blood flow in the active muscles that
limits the uptake of O2 at cell level.
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inhibiting infusion at 180 seconds. The adenosine infusion increased flow 30% more
than the effect caused by the exercise itself.
Figure 2. The effect of Adenosine on the change in femoral artery blood flow by time (Radegran and
Calbet, 1999).
Muscle blood flow varies as a direct function of the type of effort and the moment of the
same. The variation in speed and the rapid increase in blood flow at the start of the
exercise are related to the muscle contraction cycle. Figure 3 shows the behaviour of
different variables during the muscle contraction cycle, studied in the dynamic knee
extensor exercise. Speed and blood flow undergo variations during the muscle
contraction and relaxation stages of the exercise (Radegran and Saltin, 1998).
Figure 3 shows the four variables analysed, the first (at the top) is the intra-arterial
blood pressure (BPia), the second is the intramuscular pressure (IMP), the third is the
force (F) expressed in Newtons and the fourth and last is the average blood flow speed.
Note how the latter is the one showing most variations as regards the others. Another
point I would like to underline in this Figure is the relationship between the Peak F and
the other variables, it logically coincides with Peak Imp and precedes Peak blood flow
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Figure 3.Variations in femoral artery blood flow and muscle contraction (Radegran and Saltin, 1998).
(Many studies of the subject use the dynamic knee extensor exercise as their
physiological study model, described and published by Andersen et al, 1985a).
The same researchers measured arterial flow and estimated the time for the increase in
flow at different work rates or intensities (Radegran and Saltin, 1998). Figure 4 shows
how very light loads reach half the peak blood flow value in less than 5 seconds, while
heavier loads close to peak power, require <10 seconds.
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Figure 4. Measurement of femoral artery blood flow at rest with passive mobilisation and during exercise
with different intensities (Radegran and Saltin, 1998).
There is a physiological link between blood flow and mechanical work with muscle
O2 uptake, similar to that existing between Cardiac Output per Minute (COM) and O2
uptake at systemic level (for every 5 litres of blood/1 litre uptake of O2/ minute), while
with an exercise carried out with the knee extensors, for every 7 litres of blood/1litre
uptake of O2/minute (Andersen and Saltin, 1985). These values vary according to the
muscle mass involved and, of course, the training status.
It has been suggested that O2 delivery could limit muscle uptake kinetics during intense
exercises, but there are few studies of this. Paterson et al. (2005) recently studied blood
flow (arterial femoral) increase time related to VO2 during a high intensity exercise and
found that the slow phase (2nd) of VO2 was accompanied by a sustained increase in
blood flow in the legs, with a consequent increase in O2 uptake in response to the
greater demand. This data leads us to believe that there are elements at muscle level
with significant potential for control.
Previously, studies by Tordi et al (2003) analysed the influence on VO2 kinetics of
alternating high intensity exercises (>85%VO2max) with accelerations and sprints. They
showed that VO2 was faster with these kinds of exercises. This kind of exercise clearly
corresponds to that of intermittent sports.
Krustrup et al (2004) studied the effects of intermittent training on one leg (Le) with the
other used for control purposes (Cl). An intensity of 150% VO2max was used. After 7
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weeks training, the effects were evaluated by using tests of different intensities (10, 30
and 50 W, respectively) The results showed that this kind of training causes increased
performance with high intensity exercises (30 W to 50 W), while no significant
improvement was observed for low intensity exercises (10W).
Other related factors
The studies carried out on muscle O2 dynamics have confirmed that the speed to
increase oxidative phosphorylation is limited by the adaptive mechanisms for the
transport and use of muscle O2.
Different factors interact to determine muscle O2 uptake. The speed of adaptation
(adjustment) of the skeletal muscle at the start of the exercise is limited by: a) intrinsic
cellular factors (activation of metabolic signals and enzymes), and b) the availability of
O2 for the mitochondria (determined by extrinsic O2 convection and diffusion
mechanisms). Biochemical evidence indicates that cellular respiration speed is related to
phosphorylation potential, redox potential and the cellular pressure of mitochondrial O2
(PmitoO2). The first two are determined by intrinsic cellular factors, while PmitoO2 is
determined by extrinsic O2 convection and diffusion mechanisms. Within a determined
range of effort, PmitoO2 can regulate or modulate muscle metabolism, balancing the use
of ATP with its mitochondrial resynthesis and O2 consumption (Tschakovsky and
Hughson, 1999).
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Figure 5 shows the local factors (muscular) that interact to determine VO2 kinetics.
They are: A) - Ca+ levels in the mitochondrial matrix, activators of dehydrogenase and
ATP synthase, affecting mitochondrial resistance and redox potential, B) - the
ATP/ADP and NAD/NADH ratio, supplying electrons to the respiratory chain (electron
transport systems), this flow of electrons modulates the respiratory rate, C) the
mitochondrial O2 pressure (PmitoO2), which interacts with the ATP/ADP, NAD/NADH
and Pi ratio to determine the workflow of the respiratory chain and the effects on
mitochondrial resistance. PmitoO2 depends on the balance between the VO2 and the
flow of O2 into the cell (product of the capillary pressure of O2, PcO2), which varies
according to the local capillary blood flow and the affinity of the Hb to the O2
(Tschakovsky and Hughson, 1999).
These local factors are very much affected by intermittent exercise. For example: the
increase in intramuscular Ca+ directly corresponds with the intensity of the exercise.
The ATP/ADP ratio adapts to sudden, repeated demands according to the strength of the
In addition, during exercises with intensities above 100% MAV, muscle fibre
recruitment is specifically focused on the FT. Exercises with these intensities cause
slight (and temporary) modifications to the pH, a significant increase in blood
temperature and CO2, leading to a displacement of the oxygen dissociation curve to the
right and increasing O2 release (Bohr effect) (Krustrup, 2004).
Some studies indicate that VO2 kinetics at muscle level are determined by metabolic
intramuscular factors such as the phosphocreatine depletion rate (Barstow, 1994;
McCreary, 1996; Rossiter, 1999). There are many references relating Phosphocreatine
with performance during intense, intermittent exercises. Billat (2002) introduces the
concept of phosphocreatine threshold (PCT) when analysing exercises at between
50% and 125% VO2max. PCT refers to the intensity of the exercise in which all the
phosphocreatine stored is found in muscle depletion. The PCT is found at above 80%
VO2max. Billat also found an intimate relationship between muscle power and the
ability to mobilise and resynthesise Phosphocreatine. Bishop (2002) relates the ability to
repeat accelerations to buffer capacity, changes in pH Phosphocreatine resynthesis.
3. Use of substrates during intermittent exercise
Essn et al (1977) carried out one of the most interesting scientific studies related to this
subject. He studied and compared the metabolic responses of 5 subjects to two cycle
ergometer exercise protocols: one continuous (at 157 W) lasting for 60 minutes, and
another intermittent (15 x 15 seconds, at 299W), both with similar average VO2. The
results showed that the proportion of energy derived from carbohydrates and fats was
similar in both types of exercise (continuous and intermittent). A priori we would
imagine this not to be the case, as the relative intensity is higher with intermittent
exercise and this could indicate greater glucogenolitic participation.
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Figure 6. Lactate concentrations during continuous and intermittent exercise (Essn, 1978).
Figure 6 shows the lactate values during both exercises and no significant differences
can be observed, except that greater release of lactate from the muscle was observed
during the intermittent exercise (in the pauses). The ATP and CP values (Figure 7)
during the intermittent exercise show greater fluctuations than during the continuous
exercise. PC concentrations fell to 40% of resting values 5 minutes into the exercise,
and after the pause they reached 70% of resting values. The behaviour was similar over
the 60 minutes of intermittent exercise.
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Figure 7. Concentrations of ATP and CP during an intermittent exercise (Essn, 1978). (The filled circle
is the value at the end of the load, the empty circle is the value at the end of the pause).
This study showed a lesser glucolitic rate and a greater contribution of fats in the
intermittent exercise when compared to the continuous exercise. In each period of work,
ATP hydrolysis and the concentrations of ADP and AMP increased, accelerating
glucolysis and the Krebs cycle. At the end of the loads and at the start of the pauses
ADP and AMP concentrations were very high, but ATP was quickly restored. The
citrate accumulated and passed through the mitochondrial membrane to the cellular
cytoplasm, thus inhibiting glucolysis and facilitating the use of lipids for aerobic
processes (See Figure 8). The highest intramuscular citrate levels were mainly found at
the end of the pause but, after 8 minutes of intermittent exercise, muscle citrate values at
the end of the loads were higher than at the start of the exercise and were maintained
during all the work.
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The inhibitor effect of citrate on glucolysis IS NOT IN QUESTION, but whether this
mechanism is the predominant one during intermittent exercise IS NOT TOTALLY
CLEAR. Peters et al (1995) doubt the potential of citrate for inhibiting glucolysis
throughout an intense intermittent exercise, as they allocate this mechanism to a limited
range of time. In addition, Bangsbo (1994 and 2000) underlines the fact that the
mechanism that reduces the glucolytic rate during an intense intermittent exercise has
not been clearly defined.
Figure 8. Intermittent exercise (15 x 15 seconds) and behaviour of intramuscular Citrate (Essn, 1978).
Figure 9 shows the contribution of aerobic and anaerobic energy sources during the
intermittent exercise and the pause. The values have been calculated for a subject
exercising with an active muscle mass of 11 Kg. During the load, note the significant
percentage energy intake from the O2 (taken up by the muscle and myoglobin deposits),
while the glucolytic intake (lactate) is very limited. During the pause, O2 uptake is the
undisputed master of intake.
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Figure 9. Energy contribution during the intermittent exercise (15 x 15 seconds) (Essn, 1978).
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Figure 10. (A) Lactacidemia values during an intermittent exercise with loads of different duration. (B)
O2 provision during the intermittent exercise (Astrand, 1960).
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sudden stops, irregular intervals of intense effort, combinations of jumps, throws and
runs, etc.
Resistance training for sport must correspond to the structure of sport performance
(Neumann, 1989) and we need to look at the specific and unique nature of the
performance model and not assume that there is a universal resistance training model,
as has been the case for decades. Resistance performance, as with any other body
performance, is the result of the coordinated use of muscle power (Martin et al, 2001).
Verchoshanskij (1992) states that resistance is not only and not so much determined by
the amount of O2 that reaches the muscle, but by the adaptation of the latter to an
intense, prolonged activity. This clearly shows that the muscle factors related to
resistance are essentially conditioning factors.
With team games, running involves greater stages of acceleration and deceleration when
compared to other disciplines where running is in a straight line, as well as the fact that
the above-mentioned actions are not as frequent or intense. The intermittent running
in team sports implies greater energy expenditure (See Graph 1). The kinetics and
kinematics of muscle actions are always changing (due to the varied situations) and this
also involves different neuromuscular and metabolic effects (Bisciotti, 2000).
Graph 1. Aspetti bioenergetici della corsa frazionata. Gian Nicola Bisciotti, 2000.
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Linear Run
IT Run
420 s
324 s
Table 1. T = Maximum time sustained at said intensity (in seconds), HR = heart rate (beats/minute); LA=
lactic acid (mMol/L) (Bisciotti, 2000).
Special Force is how we refer to the specific and predominant direction of force in a sport.
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two basic aspects: a) the total distance covered in the match, and b) the distance covered
at high intensity (here Bangsbo includes running at above 15km/hr).
These two aspects are very useful for defining training volume.
(I recommend readers to study the work by Carling, Williams and Reilly, 2005 and
Antivero, 2006, which deal with these aspects in more depth).
The preparation and design of loads for intermittent training involves the following
Establishment of MAV
Definition of the functional orientation of the load
Establishment of Total Volume
Establishment of the Duration of the loads and pauses
Definition of the Intensity of the loads
Establishment of the type of pause
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Lap Speed
Linear Speed
Lap Speed
Linear Speed
Example: if a subject carries out the test in 12 laps, the MAV will be 17 km/hr, as this is
always a result of the Linear Velocity.
Alternatively, we can use the following equation to determine MAV from the Lger
MAV = 1.502 x Lap Velocity 4.0109 (Bisciotti, 2002)
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Training effects:
Increased VO2MAX (largely due to muscle factors:
>myoglobin efficiency, > muscle O2 kinetics, >
mitochondrial phosphorylation speed, > enzyme levels,
Enhances the Creatine Shuttle mechanism.
Table 3: Characteristics of IT work according to functional Orientation (Bisciotti, 2004; Billat, 2001;
Colli, 1997; Burgomaster, 2005 and 2006; Tabata, 1996; Tonkonogi, 2002). ** The 40 second period is
used in cyclic disciplines. Times from 5 to 10 seconds are used for acyclic sports.
The time of 20 minutes at 60% MAV is indicated by Billat (2002) and used with long-distance athletes.
When using it with acyclic athletes the time should be reduced to 10 minutes or they should perform 3
repetitions x 3 minutes at 60%, 70% and 80% MAV.
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ITHI training should not be confused with high-speed resistance training. Both types
of training coincide in that they increase acceleration resistance but with very
different intensities, volumes, densities and frequencies. For example, in acyclic
disciplines high-speed resistance training is based on the combined development of
explosive force and local muscle resistance, while specifically working with game
actions for 60 to 180 seconds over 6 to 10 series (Grosser, 1992). This means that ITHI
training is a method that places more emphasis on the metabolic-muscle aspects of high
intensity actions based in running during play. The intensity of work is higher than that
of the ITA, but below maximum speed (sprint). The previous table lists a range of
work of *>120% to 140% or 150% MAV for ITA. This means that we also need to
identify the maximum sprint speed of the subject and relate it to the MAV to choose a
limit percentage.
Example: Pedro has an MAV of 17km/hr (4.72 m/sec), so his range of intensity for ITA
is from 4.72 to 5.66 m/sec. However, the range for ITHI will lie between > 5.66 to 6.60
(140%) and 7.08 (150%) m/sec. Pedro also performed a 30 metre maximum sprint test
(from a defined starting position), obtaining a result of 3.75 seconds (8m/sec). In this
case, he can train with ITHI up to 150%, as his sprint speed is 14% above the ITHI
limit value. However, if Pedro had obtained a result of 4 seconds (7.5 m/sec) in the
maximum sprint test, he would use 140% MAV for ITHI training, as his sprint speed is
very close to 150% MAV (+ 5.5%). We understand that the difference between the %
MAV for ITHI and maximum Sprint Speed should be 10%, so that developing the
training volume of the session and the fatigue this causes does not have a negative effect
on the functional orientation of the work.
Another important factor is to identify the relevance of and need for ITHI work in sport.
The contributions of Gorostiaga et al. (2006) quoted by Antivero show that this
functional orientation of intermittent training can be highly beneficial in Handball.
3) Establishment of total Volume
In the field of sports training, one of the load components that causes most difficulties is
undoubtedly volume. Establishing the volume for intermittent training is no exception.
My criteria is, firstly, to consider the analysis of the sport based on the work rate (both
absolute and relative) and the training effects sought after by the functional orientation
chosen (ITA or ITHI). Many scientific studies have analysed the performance structure
of different sporting disciplines and the functional model of competition. Perusal of
these studies allows us, for example, to identify the total distance covered by
sportspersons in competition, how and at what intensity they do so, how they alternate
and other interesting facts, so that we can choose more reasonable and appropriate
training volumes for at least one specific model of competitive sport.
With acyclic sports, the constant and unpredictable stops and starts, accelerations and
changes in direction, and the alternation with other more or less complex actions
demand significant calorie expenditure that is not related to the distance covered (global
effort rate) but to the relative rate of the same (which actions are performed and how).
Analysis of the volume of work can in no way use the same criteria as for cyclic
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With acyclic sports, the dimensions of the fields of play even dictate different types of
running, with different kinetic and kinematic characteristics, which have a specific
influence at neuromuscular and metabolic level.
The different studies of the volume of effort of intermittent sportspersons show two
well-defined variables: a) total distance covered, and b) distances covered at different
speeds (generally: low, high and maximum). Study of the two variables allows us to
define a work rate for each functional orientation of intermittent resistance training (see
previous Table). 15% to 20% should be added to the distance covered when shaping the
volume of work. Finally, we should obviously remember that the volume is also
affected by specific aspects of both the subjects and the competitive calendars and
4) Duration of the loads and pauses
The duration of both components follow similar criteria.
4.1. The following are the criteria used for the load:
a- The sport and dimensions of the field of play
b- The MAV limit time
c- The Intensity of the load.
(a) Example: if a subject has an MAV of 17 Km/hr (4.72 m/ sec), his MAV limit time is 4
minutes and training is planned at 110% MAV (5.20 m/sec). By applying the abovementioned criteria, we can state that if the load is of 20 seconds the subject will run 104
metres in this time, if the subject is a basketball or handball player, the duration of the
load may well be exaggerated and non-specific, whereas it may be better for a rugby,
football or hockey player.
(b) The MAV limit time in the example (4 minutes) is low and this is another factor that
should be taken into account when establishing the duration of the load.
Example: Luis plays 5-a-side football. His MAV is 17.8 km/hr and he trains at 110%
(5.43 m/sec). His workload is 1,800 metres (bearing into mind that 1,500 metres is the
average distance for high intensity runs in this sport. Therefore Luis will perform: 12
rep. X 10sec, 6 rep. X 15 sec, 12 rep. X 10 sec. All at 110% MAV. The training decision
was to prioritise the 10 second loads over the 15 second loads (both appropriate for the
sport), but Luis had a low TLIMMAV (4 minutes). In this example, the subject trained
at 38% above his TLIMMAV but with a MAV intensity 10% greater! (TLIMMAV
- 240 seconds, versus Total Load Time - 330 seconds). It is important to remember
that the training effects correspond to the number of muscle contractions performed at
optimum intensities and that these factors are related to total load time.
(c) The intensity of the load is another factor that should be taken into account when
establishing the duration of the same. The criteria is the same, meaning the greater the
intensity the lesser the duration of the load (and vice versa), of course within the abovementioned limits for each functional orientation for intermittent training according to
the level of the subject, total volume and other factors.
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4.2. The criteria for the duration of the pause are as follows:
a- Duration and Intensity of the load
b- Physiological aim of the work (within its functional orientation).
(a) The duration and intensity of the load used must obviously be in line with the
duration of the pause (generally 1:1, 1:1.5). For example: 15 x 15, 20 x 30, 10 x
15, etc.
(b) As regards the physiological aims, if we intend to increase the speed at which
myoglobin O2 is used and resynthesised, the literature makes it clear that the load times
should lie between 5 and 15 seconds and the pauses between 7 and 20 seconds.
Optimum load/pause ratio - 1:1.5 (Astrand, 1992; Treuth et al. 1996). In addition, the
shortest (although intense) loads create a lesser subjective perception of effort on the
Borg scale.
5) Definition of the Intensity of the loads
The intensity of the loads is defined according to the figures in the Table:
Characteristics of IT work according to their functional Orientation (Point 2).
6) Establishment of the type of Pause
Here we decide on the use of an active or passive pause to alternate with the loads.
Active pauses are take place at active recovery velocity (ARV). This is generally 50%
to 60% of MAV. The physical condition of the subject is obviously the most important
factor to take into account here.
- Intermittent efforts show the alternation of variations in the Intensity, Duration,
Frequency, Kinetics and Kinematics of muscle actions, meaning that the
cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems participate in a very specific way that is
different to the physiological model for continuous or interval exercise.
- The oxidative system (aerobic) makes a significant contribution to the supply of
energy during intermittent exercise, both during loading and the pauses.
- Muscle glucogen is the main substrate during loads, while fats and blood glucose
playing this role during the pauses.
- There is an exquisite body control and feedback system for the supply of O2 to the
muscles during intense, intermittent exercises and the muscle blood flow control
function. The skeletal muscle has extraordinary potential to provoke vascular
changes (with metabolic implications) during exercise.
- If the loads last for 30 seconds and intensity is above VO2max, the production of
lactate is reduced, but this does not necessarily imply less glucogenolysis.
- The benefits of intermittent exercise depend on the total distance covered at the
programmed intensity (e.g. 110% MAV), as this involves a certain number of
muscle contractions performed at optimal intensities. Training effects are
modelled on the basis of the duration of the loads and pauses, their intensity and
total volume.
- Fatigue during the exercises is multifactorial and complex. One of the factors may
be the accumulation of Potassium in the muscle instertice (Nielsen et al, 2004),
2008 University of Alicante. Faculty of Education.
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El entrenamiento de la resistencia en los deportes acclicos ha sido tradicionalmente
desarrollado a partir de mtodos de entrenamiento proveniente de los deportes cclicos.
Estos mtodos se desarrollaron sobre el estudio de las bases fisiolgicas del Consumo
mximo de O2 (VO2mx), priorizando los aspectos cardiovasculares centrales
(cardiacos) por sobre los perifricos (musculares) y omitiendo un anlisis en
profundidad del comportamiento muscular durante los rendimientos de resistencia
acclicos. Este artculo se propone: a) analizar algunos aspectos fisiolgicos necesarios
para la comprensin del ejercicio de resistencia intermitente; b) precisar qu es un
esfuerzo de resistencia intermitente y cules son sus particularidades y diferencias con
el ejercicio intervalado y c) desarrollar una propuesta concreta para el diseo de cargas
de entrenamiento de resistencia intermitente para deportes acclicos. Palabras clave:
entrenamiento, intermitente, resistencia, deportes, acclico.
En los deportes acclicos (por ejemplo, ftbol, bsquet, rugby, hockey, tenis, handbol,
deportes de combate, etc.) se alternan acciones de diferentes intensidades, duraciones,
frecuencias y caractersticas cinticas, esto modifica sensiblemente el anlisis
metablico y muscular de los esfuerzos. Los deportes acclicos basan sus acciones en
patrones de movimiento muy especficos, que requieren, por ejemplo, cambios de
direccin en velocidad, sta y otras habilidades especficas, como la capacidad para
repetir aceleraciones, requieren el desarrollo de mtodos de entrenamiento que
contemplen estas particularidades (Bishop, 2002; Carling y Reilly, 2005; Bangsbo,
1992; Colli, 1997). Es precisamente el mtodo de entrenamiento de la resistencia
denominado mtodo intermitente el que puede responder de manera idnea a las
exigencias planteadas por los deportes acclicos.
Este artculo presenta dos partes, la primera referida a los aspectos fisiolgicos del
ejercicio de resistencia intermitente y la segunda relacionada con los aspectos
metodolgicos del entrenamiento de resistencia intermitente.
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Velocidad Aerbica Mxima (VAM) es la velocidad de desplazamiento con la cual se alcanza el 100%
del Consumo de oxgeno (VO2mx).
2008 Universidad de Alicante. Facultad de Educacin.
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Cintica: estudio de las fuerzas actuantes sobre los objetos o cuerpos (Watkins, 1999).
Cinemtica: estudio del movimiento de los cuerpos u objetos (Watkins, 1999).
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Los beneficios del ejercicio ITA dependen de la distancia total recorrida a la intensidad
programada (por ejemplo, 110%VAM), ya que esto implica un nmero determinado de
contracciones musculares realizadas con intensidades ptimas (Noakes, 1991 y 1990).
Los efectos de entrenamiento se modelan a partir de la duracin de la carga y la pausa,
su intensidad y el volumen total (Daniels, 1998; Billat, 2001).
3. Particularidades del VO2 durante el ejercicio intermitente
En los trabajos de Astrand (1960) un sujeto con un VO2mx de 4,6 litros/min. logr
trabajar en un cicloergmetro con una carga de 350 Watts alrededor de 8 minutos.
Cuando la carga se redujo al 50% (175W) pudo ejercitarse 60 minutos con comodidad y
el VO2 promedio durante el trabajo fue del 50%. Al mismo sujeto en otra sesin se le
pidi que trabaje con 350W, pero con un rgimen de 3 minutos de carga por igual
tiempo de recuperacin (trabajo intervalado), el evaluado logr trabajar durante una
hora con dificultad, en este caso el VO2 promedio fue mximo. Posteriormente se fue
reduciendo la duracin de la cargas (y de las pausas) y se comprob que el VO2 total
durante la hora de trabajo no disminua significativamente durante un trabajo de 30
segundos por igual tiempo de recuperacin (trabajo intermitente). Dos puntos para
destacar de estos trabajos: 1) en forma continua el sujeto slo poda realizar 8 minutos
de ejercicio con 350W, mientras que de manera intervalada e intermitente lograba 30
minutos con 350W y 2) cuando las cargas fueron superiores a 1 minuto el estrs result
muy elevado, principalmente a nivel metablico incrementando los valores de cido
lctico. Mientras que empleando trabajo intermitente, con cargas de 30 segundos por
igual tiempo de recuperacin se lograba un efecto similar sobre el VO2 al del trabajo
Si una persona corre a una velocidad que le representa el 100% del VO2 (VAM) de
manera continua solo podr sostener ese esfuerzo entre 4 a 11 minutos, este tiempo es
denominado Tiempo lmite a Velocidad Aerbica Mxima (T.Lm.VAM). En tanto que
si realiza esfuerzos intermitentes (por ejemplo: 15 x 15) podr desarrollar un trabajo
60 o 70 minutos sin inconvenientes, con similares observaciones a las realizadas
anteriormente sobre el trabajo de Astrand. Los esfuerzos de resistencia requeridos por
los deportes de conjunto (deportes intermitentes como el ftbol, bsquet, hockey,
handbol, rugby, etc.) implican el desarrollo de esta capacidad: la resistencia
Cintica del VO2 muscular
Se denomina cintica del VO2 muscular al tiempo que necesita el msculo esqueltico
para aumentar la captacin de O2 y acompaar el incremento de la potencia mecnica
del esfuerzo.
Al comienzo del ejercicio, la respuesta integrada de los sistemas pulmonar,
cardiovascular y muscular caracteriza la cintica del VO2. Esta respuesta es altamente
sensible al entrenamiento aerbico (Phillips y col, 1995) y puede ser medida con
precisin (Grassi y col, 1996). El rol que cada uno de estos sistemas juega para
determinar la cintica del VO2 en esfuerzo es tema de debate (Cerretelli y col, 1980;
Hughson y col, 1996). Una gran variedad de estudios se ocuparon del tema, empleando
diferentes modalidades de ejercicios, incluso modelos animales (Grassi y col, 1998a y
1998b), esta diversidad de trabajos requiere de un anlisis muy cuidadoso de la
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Algunos estudios demostraron que el incremento del flujo sanguneo en los miembros
inferiores (y su aporte de O2) contribua al aumento del VO2 durante ejercicios de
moderada intensidad (Bell, 2001; MacDonald, 1998 y 2000; Shoemaker, 1994).
Bangsbo y col. (2000) estudiaron la cintica del VO2 muscular al inicio de un ejercicio
dinmico intenso. Los autores demostraron que las contracciones musculares intensas
luego de unos 12 segundos de ejercicio incrementaban la captacin de O2 muscular un
50% y despus de 50 segundos lograba un pico de extraccin de O2 del 90%. La
utilizacin de O2 limitada al inicio del ejercicio intenso no parece estar relacionada
con una insuficiente disponibilidad de O2, s puede responder a una inadecuada
distribucin del flujo sanguneo en los msculos activos y as limitar la extraccin de O2
a nivel celular.
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Los cambios del flujo sanguneo muscular durante el ejercicio son estudiados bajo un
modelo bifsico (Hughson, 1997; Shoemaker, 1996 y 1997) el cual presenta una fase
inicial de rpida respuesta, seguida por una segunda fase ms lenta que comienza
luego de 15 a 20 segundos en la que predomina el feed-back.
Kurjiaka y Segal (1995) sealan que el responsable inicial del incremento del flujo
sanguneo muscular durante el ejercicio es la Acetilcolina (Ach), considerada por los
investigadores el verdadero enlace (link) entre la activacin neuro-motriz del msculo y
la hiperemia (gran concentracin de sangre). Otro elemento importante es la adenosina,
esta molcula se incrementa significativamente durante las contracciones musculares
intensas. En la figura 1 (Radegran y Calbet, 1999) los autores (con tcnica de
ultrasonido Doppler) evaluaron el incremento del flujo sanguneo en funcin del
tiempo, luego de una infusin de adenosina (6 segundos antes del ejercicio) y de una
infusin inhibidora a los 180 segundos. La infusin de adenosina increment el flujo
30% ms sobre el efecto propio del ejercicio.
Figura 2. Efecto de la Adenosina sobre el cambio del flujo sanguneo arterial femoral en funcin del
tiempo (Radegran y Calbet, 1999).
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Figura 3.Variaciones del flujo sanguneo arterial femoral y contraccin muscular (Radegran y Saltin,
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Figura 4. Medicin del flujo sanguneo arterial femoral en reposo, con movilizacin pasiva y durante
ejercicio con distintas intensidades (Radegran y Saltin, 1998).
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relacionado con el VO2 durante un ejercicio de alta intensidad y encontraron que la fase
lenta (2) del VO2 fue acompaada por un incremento sostenido del flujo sanguneo
en las piernas con un consecuente incremento del aporte de O2 en respuesta a la mayor
demanda. Estos datos inducen a pensar que existen elementos a nivel muscular con alto
potencial regulatorio.
Estudios previos de Tordi y col (2003) analizaron la influencia que tena sobre la
cintica del VO2 la alternancia de ejercicios de alta intensidad (>85%VO2mx) con
aceleraciones y sprints. Los investigadores demostraron que la cintica del VO2 era ms
rpida en este tipo de ejercicios. Este tipo de ejercicio claramente se corresponde con el
de los deportes intermitentes.
Krustrup y col (2004) estudiaron los efectos del entrenamiento intermitente sobre una
pierna (Pe) en tanto que la otra fue control (Pc). La intensidad utilizada fue del 150%
VO2mx. Luego de 7 semanas de entrenamiento se evaluaron los efectos con tests de
distintas intensidades (10, 30 y 50 W respectivamente) Los resultados demostraron que
este tipo de entrenamiento provoca incremento en el rendimiento para ejercicios de alta
intensidad (30 a 50 W) en tanto que para baja intensidad (10W) no se observaron
mejoras significativas.
Otros factores relacionados
Los estudios realizados sobre la dinmica del O2 muscular confirmaron que la velocidad
para incrementar la fosforilacin oxidativa es limitada por los mecanismos adaptativos
de transporte y utilizacin de O2 muscular.
Diferentes factores interactan determinando la captacin de O2 muscular. La velocidad
de la adaptacin (ajuste) del msculo esqueltico al inicio del ejercicio est limitada
por: a) factores intrnsecos celulares (activacin de seales metablicas o enzimas) y b)
disponibilidad de O2 para la mitocondria (determinada por mecanismos extrnsecos
convectivos y difusivos del O2). La evidencia bioqumica indica que la velocidad
respiratoria celular est relacionada con el potencial fosforilativo, el potencial redox y la
presin celular de O2 mitocondrial (PmitoO2). Los dos primeros son determinados por
los factores intrnsecos celulares, en tanto la PmitoO2 est determinada por mecanismos
extrnsecos convectivos y difusivos del O2. Dentro de un determinado rango de
esfuerzo, la PmitoO2 puede regular o modular el metabolismo muscular, equilibrando el
uso de ATP con su resntesis mitocondrial y el consumo de O2 (Tschakovsky y
Hughson, 1999).
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Figura 5. Factores locales que interactan determinando la cintica del VO2 muscular.
La figura 5 muestra los factores locales (musculares) que interactan para determinar la
cintica de VO2, ellos son: a- los niveles de Ca+ en la matriz mitocondrial, activadores
de la deshidrogenasa y de la ATP sintetasa, afectando la resistencia mitocondrial y el
potencial redox; b- la tasa ATP/ADP y de NAD/NADH aportando electrones a la
cadena respiratoria (sistema de transporte de electrones), ese flujo de electrones modula
la tasa respiratoria; c-la presin mitocondrial de O2 (PmitoO2) que interacta con la tasa
de ATP/ADP, NAD/NADH y Pi para determinar el flujo del trabajo de la cadena
respiratoria y los efectos sobre la resistencia mitocondrial. La PmitoO2 es dependiente
del equilibrio entre el VO2 y el flujo de O2 hacia dentro de la clula (producto de la
presin capilar de O2, PcO2), el cual vara dependiendo del flujo sanguneo local capilar
y de la afinidad de la Hb por el O2 (Tschakovsky y Hughson, 1999).
Estos factores locales son afectados sensiblemente por el ejercicio intermitente. Por
ejemplo: el incremento del Ca+ intramuscular responde directamente a la intensidad del
ejercicio. La tasa ATP/ADP se ajusta a las sbitas y repetidas demandas en funcin de
la potencia del ejercicio.
Adems, durante ejercicios con intensidades por encima del 100% VAM, el
reclutamiento de fibras musculares se centra especficamente en las FT. El ejercicio con
estas intensidades provoca ligeras (y temporarias) modificaciones en el pH, un
importante incremento de la temperatura sangunea y del CO2, la consecuencia es un
desplazamiento hacia la derecha de la curva de disociacin de O2, incrementando la
descarga de O2 (efecto Bohr) (Krustrup, 2004).
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Algunos estudios indican que la cintica del VO2 a nivel muscular est determinada por
factores intramusculares metablicos como la tasa de deplecin de la fosfocreatina
(Barstow, 1994; McCreary, 1996; Rossiter, 1999). No son pocas las referencias
cientficas que relacionan a la Fosfocreatina con el rendimiento en esfuerzos intensos e
intermitentes. Billat (2002) introduce el concepto de umbral de fosfocreatina (UPC)
cuando analiza ejercicios entre 50 y 125% del VO2mx. Se denomina UPC a la
intensidad de ejercicio en la cual la totalidad de la fosfocreatina almacena se halla en
deplecin muscular. El UPC se ubica por encima del 80%VO2mx. Billat, adems,
relaciona ntimamente la potencia muscular con la capacidad para movilizar y
resintetizar PC. En tanto que Bishop (2002) condiciona la capacidad para repetir
aceleraciones con la capacidad buffer, los cambios del pH y la resntesis de PC.
3. Utilizacin de sustratos durante el ejercicio intermitente
Essn y col. (1977) realizaron uno de los trabajos cientficos ms interesantes
relacionado con esta temtica. Los investigadores estudiaron y compararon las
respuestas metablicas de 5 sujetos a dos protocolos de ejercicio en cicloergmetro: uno
continuo (con 157 W) de 60 minutos de duracin y otro intermitente (15 x 15 segundos,
con 299W) ambos con un promedio de VO2 similar. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron
que la proporcin de energa derivada de carbohidratos y grasas fue similar en ambos
tipos de ejercicio (continuo e intermitente). A priori podra suponerse que esto no es as
ya que la intensidad relativa es ms elevada en el ejercicio intermitente y ello puede
significar una mayor participacin glucogenoltica.
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Este estudio demostr una tasa glucoltica menor y una mayor contribucin de grasas en
el ejercicio intermitente con relacin al continuo. En cada perodo de trabajo la
hidrlisis del ATP y las concentraciones de ADP y AMP aumentaron, acelerando la
gluclisis y el ciclo de Krebs. Al finalizar las cargas y en el inicio de las pausas, las
concentraciones de ADP y AMP eran muy altas pero rpidamente se restitua el ATP. El
citrato se acumulaba y pasaba a travs de la membrana mitocondrial al citoplasma
2008 Universidad de Alicante. Facultad de Educacin.
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Figura 8. Ejercicio Intermitente (15 x 15 segundos) y comportamiento del Citrato intramuscular (Essn,
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Figura 9. Contribucin energtica durante el ejercicio intermitente (15 x 15 segundos) (Essn, 1978).
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Figura 10. (A)Valores de lactacidemia durante un ejercicio intermitente con cargas de diferente
duracin. (B) Aporte de O2 durante el ejercicio intermitente (Astrand, 1960).
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Grfico 1. Aspetti bioenergetici della corsa frazionata. Gian Nicola Bisciotti, 2000.
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Carrera en Lnea
Carrera IT
420 s
324 s
Tabla 1. T= tiempo mximo sostenido a esa intensidad (en segundos); FC= frecuencia cardiaca
(latidos/minuto); AL= cido lctico (mMol/L). (Bisciotti, 2000)
ISSN 1699-1605
Determinacin de la VAM;
Definir la orientacin funcional de la carga;
Determinar el Volumen total;
Establecer la Duracin de las cargas y de las pausas;
Definir la Intensidad de las cargas;
Establecer el Tipo de pausa.
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Velocidad Estadio
El tiempo de 20 minutos al 60% VAM es indicado por Billat (2002) y aplicado con atletas de fondo.
Para implementarlo con deportistas acclicos es conveniente reducir el tiempo a 10 minutos o realizar 3
repeticiones x 3 minutos al 60%, 70% y 80% del VAM, respectivamente.
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minutos cada una con velocidades de 10,2; 11,9 y 13,6 Km. /h, respectivamente.
Finalmente correr a 17km/h intentando sostener ese ritmo el mayor tiempo posible. En
este ejemplo el sujeto alcanz a sostener la velocidad indicada 5 minutos, por lo tanto
esa es su VAM.
El test de tiempo lmite VAM no slo permite comprobar la velocidad aerbica
mxima obtenida en cualquier test progresivo sino que brinda importante informacin
para el entrenamiento (Billat, 2001 y 2002).
2) Definir la Orientacin funcional de la carga
El entrenamiento intermitente presenta dos orientaciones: a) Intermitente
Aerbico(ITA) y b) Intermitente de alta intensidad (ITAI). La orientacin
funcional est determinada principalmente por la intensidad aplicada.
Duracin Carga: 10 a 30
segundos (hasta 1 minuto)
Efectos de entrenamiento:
Incremento del VO2MX
(principalmente por factores
musculares: >eficiencia de la
mioglobina; > cintica del O2 muscular;
> velocidad fosforilativa mitocondrial, >
niveles enzimticos, etc.).
Incrementa el mecanismo Shuttle de
5 a 40** segundos
Tabla 3: Caractersticas de los trabajos IT segn su Orientacin funcional (Bisciotti, 2004; Billat, 2001;
Colli, 1997; Burgomaster, 2005 y 2006; Tabata, 1996; Tonkonogi, 2002). ** El tiempo de 40 segundos
es empleado en disciplinas cclicas, para deportes acclicos se utilizan rangos entre 5 y 10 segundos.
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trabajos est por encima de los ITA pero por debajo de la velocidad mxima (sprint).
En la tabla anterior, se menciona un rango de trabajo para el ITAI de *>120 a 140 o
150%VAM, esto implica considerar tambin cul es la velocidad mxima de sprint del
deportista y relacionarla con el VAM para elegir uno u otro porcentaje lmite.
Ejemplo: Pedro tiene una VAM de 17km/h (4,72 m/seg.) su rango de intensidad para
ITA ser entre 4,72 a 5,66 m/seg. Mientras que el rango para ITAI ser entre > 5,66 a
6,60(140%) 7,08(150%) m/seg. Pedro a su vez realiz un test de sprint mximo de 30
metros (con partida detenida) y su resultado fue 3,75 segundos (8m/seg.). En este caso
podr entrenar en ITAI hasta 150% ya que su velocidad de sprint est por encima del
valor lmite del ITAI un 14%. En cambio, si Pedro hubiese tenido un resultado en el test
de sprint mximo de 4 segundos (7,5 m/seg.), para el entrenamiento ITAI utilizara
hasta el 140%VAM, ya que su velocidad de sprint est muy cerca del 150%VAM (+
5,5%). Se comprende que la diferencia entre el %VAM lmite para ITAI y la Velocidad
de Sprint mximo debe ser 10% de manera que el desarrollo del volumen de
entrenamiento de la sesin y la fatiga que provoca no incida negativamente en la
orientacin funcional del trabajo.
Otro elemento de importancia es identificar la relevancia y necesidad para el deporte de
los trabajos ITAI. Revisando los aportes de Gorostiaga y col. (2006) citados por
Antivero en este curso, en el Handbol esta orientacin funcional del entrenamiento
intermitente podra ser muy beneficiosa.
3) Determinar el Volumen total
En el campo del entrenamiento deportivo no caben dudas que uno de los componentes
de la carga que ms dificultades plantea es el volumen. Definir el volumen para el
entrenamiento intermitente no es la excepcin. Mi criterio es considerar en primer lugar
el anlisis del deporte a partir de la tasa de esfuerzo (tanto absoluta como relativa) y los
efectos de entrenamiento buscados dentro de la orientacin funcional elegida (ITA
ITAI). Existen en la actualidad muchos trabajos cientficos que analizan la estructura
del rendimiento de distintas disciplinas deportivas y el modelo funcional de
competencia. Revisar estos trabajos nos permite, por ejemplo, conocer la distancia total
que recorre un deportista en competencia, cmo y a qu intensidad lo hace, con qu
alternancia y otros detalles de inters para elegir volmenes de entrenamiento ms
razonables y adecuados, al menos a un modelo de competencia deportivo especfico.
En los deportes acclicos las constantes e imprevisibles detenciones y arranques;
aceleraciones y cambios de direccin; y la alternancia de otro tipo de acciones ms o
menos complejas imponen un significativo gasto calrico que no se relaciona con la
distancia total recorrida (tasa global del esfuerzo) sino con la tasa relativa del mismo
(cmo y qu acciones desarrolla). El anlisis del volumen de trabajo no puede de
manera alguna emplear criterios similares a los de las disciplinas cclicas.
Dentro de los deportes acclicos, las dimensiones del campo de juego de los distintos
deportes implican incluso diferentes usos de la carrera, con caractersticas cinticas y
cinemticas diferentes, las cuales influyen a nivel neuromuscular y metablico de modo
En los distintos trabajos que estudian la tasa de esfuerzo de los deportes intermitentes
pueden apreciarse dos variables bien definidas: a) distancia total recorrida y b)
2008 Universidad de Alicante. Facultad de Educacin.
ISSN 1699-1605
ISSN 1699-1605
- En los esfuerzos intermitentes se aprecia una alternancia de variaciones de
Intensidad, Duracin, Frecuencia, Cintica y Cinemtica de las acciones musculares,
esto hace que los sistemas cardiovascular y neuromuscular participen de manera
especfica y muy diferente al modelo fisiolgico del ejercicio continuo o
- El sistema oxidativo (aerbico) contribuye significativamente en el aporte de
energa durante el ejercicio intermitente, tanto en las cargas como en las pausas.
- El glucgeno muscular es el principal sustrato durante las cargas; las grasas y la
glucosa sangunea en las pausas.
- Existira un exquisito sistema de control y feedback corporal conformado por la
funcin de aporte de O2 a los msculos durante ejercicios intensos e intermitentes y
la funcin de control del flujo sanguneo muscular. El potencial del msculo
esqueltico para provocar cambios vasculares (con implicancias metablicas)
durante el ejercicio es extraordinario.
- Si las cargas son 30 segundos de duracin y la intensidad por encima del VO2mx
la produccin de lactato es reducida pero no necesariamente implica menor
- Los beneficios del ejercicio intermitente dependen de la distancia total recorrida a la
intensidad programada (por ejemplo, 110%VAM), ya que esto implica un nmero
determinado de contracciones musculares realizadas con intensidades ptimas.
Los efectos de entrenamiento se modelan a partir de la duracin de la carga y la
pausa, su intensidad y el volumen total.
- La fatiga durante los ejercicios intermitentes es multifactorial y compleja.
Posiblemente uno de los factores implicados sea la acumulacin de Potasio en el
intersticio muscular (Nielsen y col, 2004) provocando reduccin de los niveles de
fuerza y disturbios neuromusculares especficos. La deplecin glucognica
2008 Universidad de Alicante. Facultad de Educacin.
ISSN 1699-1605
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2008 Universidad de Alicante. Facultad de Educacin.
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