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Nokia has a number of integrated mechanisms and

organisations for encouraging and searching for
innovation: Nokia Ventures Organisation; Nokia
research Centre; and Nokia Venture Partners; Nokia
Innovent; and Nokia Growth Partners.
Nokia Ventures Organisation has as its mission the renewal of Nokia. Nokias
venturing activities have created independent businesses, contributed to the growth
and profitability of core business, provided financial returns in their own right and
provided intangible assets and insights. It approaches its mission from two directions.
Firstly it tries to identify broad opportunities based upon industry analysis and
developing new ventures based on Nokia employees ideas as well as those from
external sources. Nokia has an annual Venture Challenge ideas campaign for
employees. But it also collects ideas from a broad network that extends beyond
Nokia and includes external research centres, academics, business partners and
entrepreneurs. In collaboration with other Nokia units it systematically scans
emerging trends and disruptions from the perspectives of technology, business and
users to spot opportunities.
The Nokia Research Centre explores new concepts, applications and technologies.
On the one hand the Centre develops disruptive technologies that go beyond the
current state-of-the-art and on the other hand it supports the locally based product
development units with technological expertise. The business units fund the majority
of the research undertaken by the Centre. In both cases the Centre helps develop
new business/venture ideas.
Ideas are collected and evaluated by New Business development teams across
Nokia. New business cases are developed for the most promising ideas and, where
appropriate, these are developed further in incubation units of the business unit
where the objectives and competencies best match the scope of the idea and the
resources needed to develop it. Projects where the business case is not yet clear or
where there are many opportunities to be explored continue to be incubated in the
Research Centres incubator unit. Later, when the business case is clear, they are
transferred to the Ventures Organisation. If the technology to support the business
idea has not yet been developed, Nokia Ventures Organisation will commission
technology research and development from the Research Centre or outside partners.
Nokia uses the same venturing process throughout the organisation. The process
ensures essential services and tools are available, facilitating the whole venturing
process. Support includes personal guidance, dedicated resources, business
planning and technology validation. A series of milestone reviews ensure projects
move along.
Nokia has three corporate
venturing arms. Nokia Venture
partners offer seed finance for
early-stage business ideas to both
internal and external ventures. It
also offers support on legal,
communications and human
resources issues. Technology
experts from the Research Centre
also support Venture Partners in
evaluating technologies that may
2008 Professor Pal Burns. Extract from: Corporate Entrepreneurship: Building the
Entrepreneurial Organization (2nd Edition), Paul Burns, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

be invested in. Nokia Innovent is its early-stage focused development team and
Nokia Growth Partners invests in mid- to late-stage mobile technology companies.
Both provide external funding only and focus on Nokias broad vision of Life Goes
Examples of Nokias innovations coming through this integrated network include:
Nokia One Mobile Connectivity Service This offers corporate employees easy
and secure access to mobile email, calendar, directory, contacts and mission
critical corporate applications from a mobile phone.
Nokia Mobile RFID Kit This Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Kit integrates
reader technology with the phone and allows mobile phones to be used to access
data and initiate familiar mobile phone functions simply by touching a smart
object with the phone. It is designed for use by security and maintenance service
Nokia Lifeblog This is a PC and mobile phone software combination that allows
you to keep a real-time multimedia diary text, photos, videos, text messages
with clear chronology.
Up-to-date information on Nokia can be found on their web site:
1. Compare and contrast the processes of Nokia designed to encourage innovation
with those of 3M.
2. Do you consider them more focused? If so, on what and is this a good thing?

2008 Professor Pal Burns. Extract from: Corporate Entrepreneurship: Building the
Entrepreneurial Organization (2nd Edition), Paul Burns, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

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