Materials Science & Engineering A: Lu Shen, Zheng Yu Tan, Zhong Chen
Materials Science & Engineering A: Lu Shen, Zheng Yu Tan, Zhong Chen
Materials Science & Engineering A: Lu Shen, Zheng Yu Tan, Zhong Chen
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, AnSTAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602, Singapore
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 24 August 2012
Received in revised form
22 October 2012
Accepted 25 October 2012
Available online 10 November 2012
SnBi alloy is an attractive soldering material for temperature-sensitive electronic devices. With its
excellent yield strength and fracture resistance, SnBi alloy has become one of the promising candidates
to replace Pb-based solders. However, due to the low melting temperatures of this alloy, the prominent
time-dependent deformation at service temperatures hinders its wide applications. In this study, low
concentration (no more than 4 wt%) of reactive nano-metallic llers, i.e., Cu and Ni, have been added
into the Sn58Bi alloy aiming to enhance its creep resistance. The elastic, plastic and creep properties
are characterized by nanoindentation constant strain rate (CSR) technique. The addition of the llers
has rened the microstructure of the solder matrix leading to moderate strengthening and hardening.
The creep resistance of the Sn58Bi alloy has been improved with the ller addition. Two regions of
stress-dependent creep rates were found in the alloys with and without llers. An optimum ller
concentration for creep resistance enhancement is identied at which there is a balance between the
effects of particle pinning and microstructure renement.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
SnBi, with its superior yield strength, fracture resistance and
comparable solderability with SnPb alloy [1], has drawn great
research focus as potential replacement for Pb-containing solders
in the microelectronic industry. Its low melting point (Tm 139 1C
at eutectic concentration) could effectively reduce the thermal
stress built-up at the electronic joints during the multiple reow
processes. However, the high homologous temperature at service
environment or even at room temperature causes large creep
deformation in the alloy. As the creep properties are closely
related to fatigue life which is a function of the accumulated
plastic deformation, enhancing the creep resistance of the low Tm
solder becomes one of the chief objectives of the works carried
out with such alloys. Composite solder, as one of the effective
ways to enhance the hardness and strength of the alloy, has been
investigated extensively. However, relatively less work has been
done for the creep enhancement. In what have been reported so
far, it was suggested that creep resistance is enhanced by
stabilizing the ne-grained microstructure so that homogenized
deformation is realized [2,3].
To serve as suitable ller materials, similar density of the ller
as the constituent materials of the base solder is required as it
0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
concentration exist for each compatible ller-solder matrix system, in which the effect of pinning and restricting of the grain
boundary motion is maximized by the ller addition.
In the present study, nano-Cu and Ni particles were added into
the Sn58Bi alloy. The creep behaviour of the composite alloys were
studied by nanoindentation constant strain rate (CSR) method [14].
The stress and strain rate relation is obtained by capturing the stress
responses at eight controlled indentation strain rates. The indentation creep behaviour and the effect of ller distribution and the
microstructural change are discussed. The current work contributes
to the limited literatures on the effect of ller type, loading, size, etc.
on the creep behaviour of low-melting SnBi solders.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials and sample preparation
Sn-Bi solder paste with the eutectic composition of 42%Sn
58%Bi and nano-Cu and Ni particles were obtained from ESL
Europes and US Research Nanomaterials, Inc., respectively. Two
types of composition mixture were prepared, i.e., SnBi solder
paste blended with nano-copper powder (average particle size
100 nm) and SnBi solder paste blended with nano-nickel powder
(average particle size o70 nm). The composite solders with
several weight percentages of the nano-llers ranging from
0.5 wt% to 4 wt% were prepared. The mixture was homogenously
blended in an aluminum dish rst before melt in a furnace
maintained at temperature of 300 1C for an hour. The mixture
composition was then air cooled to room temperature.
The solidied samples were prepared for subsequent morphology study and mechanical testing. The samples were moulded
using mixture of epoxy and hardener. Sample preparation
involved grinding using progressively ner grade of silicon
carbide papers with copious amounts of water. After which, ne
polishing was carried out using 6, 3 and 1 mm diamond paste with
polishing cloth. Mirror nishing of the sample surfaces was
achieved using silica suspension as the nal polishing step.
2.2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive
X-ray (EDX) analysis
The polished and indented samples were examined using JOEL
SEM 6360 for the microstructure study. The accelerating voltage
of 10 kV was used for the secondary electron (SEI) and backscattered electron images (BEI) collection. Elemental analysis of
the samples was done with an Oxford EDX instrument, attached
to JEOL FESEM 7600 F system. The accelerating voltage of 15 kV
was used to examine the nano-particle distribution in the alloys.
2.3. Indentation constant strain rate (CSR) test
The indentation strain rate, e_ i , is dened as the instantaneous
displacement rate of the indenter, dh/dt, divided by the instantaneous displacement, h:
e_ i k1 U
where k1 is a constant. The indentation stress (s) is dened as
instantaneous load divided by projected contact area. The stress
and strain rate follows the phenomenological description as
Eq. (2) when the steady state deformation process is achieved.
e_ i C 0 sn
P max
Fig. 1. Morphology of the constituent phase distribution of (a) Sn58Bi, and the composite alloy with (b) 1%, (c) 2%, and (d) 4% nano-Cu.
Fig. 2. Morphology of the constituent phase distribution of the SnBi composite alloy (a) with (a) 0.5%, (b) 1%, (c) 2%, and (d) 4% nano-Ni.
Table 1
Evolution of inter phase spacing (IPS) in SnBi composite alloys with increasing
ller percentage.
Filler concentration (wt %)
0 (Sn58Bi)
2.62 7 0.18
1.73 7 0.26
1.53 7 0.13
1.51 7 0.23
1.39 7 0.13
1.21 7 0.19
2.62 70.18
1.77 70.14
1.74 70.36
1.28 70.23
1.25 70.10
1.18 70.10
Fig. 3. Elemental mappings of cross-section of SnBi with 4 wt% nano-Cu addition. (a) Low angle backscatter electron (LABE) image and EDX mappings of (b) Sn, (c) Bi,
and (d) Cu.
Fig. 4. Elemental mappings of cross-section of SnBi with 4 wt% nano-Ni addition. (a) Low angle backscatter electron (LABE) image and EDX mappings of (b) Sn, (c) Bi,
and (d) Ni.
where Ep,m and Vp,m are the IMC particle and matrix modulus and
volume fraction, respectively. k is empirically determined falling
in the range of 0 to 1. The higher the value of k, the greater the
enhancement effect from the IMC particles. The slope of the linear
t, s, of the composite modulus vs. IMC volume fraction (Vp) can
Fig. 5. (a) Modulus and (b) hardness of Sn58Bi alloys with and without nano-Cu
and Ni additions.
Fig. 6. Strain rate and stress relation of Sn58Bi solder comparing with its
composite solders with (a) 4 wt% Cu addition, and (b) 4 wt% Ni addition.
Table 2
Modulus and hardness of Sn58Bi and its composites with nano-Cu and nano-Ni
Table 3
Stress exponents of Sn58Bi and its composites with nano-Cu and nano-Ni llers.
SnBi-1% Ni
SnBi2% Ni
SnBi3% Ni
SnBi4% Ni
Modulus (GPa)
Hardness (MPa)
38.43 7 0.57
38.29 7 1.75
40.347 0.74
39.43 7 1.98
39.12 7 0.64
41.67 7 0.98
38.81 7 0.26
39.19 7 1.01
38.89 7 1.31
39.69 7 2.30
43.23 7 1.08
287.3 720.0
299.9 725.9
317.4 711.9
311.9 717.0
327.7 717.0
333.8 734.1
298.7 712.8
297.5 710.3
326.5 78.0
318.3 730.5
354.1 77.6
0 (Sn58Bi)
Cu ller
Ni ller
Fig. 7. Strain rates of SnBi(Cu) alloys deformed at (a) 200 MPa and (b) 100 MPa. Strain rates of SnBi(Ni) alloys deformed at (c) 200 MPa and (d) 100 MPa.
Fig. 8. SEM images of Sn58Bi with Ni 4% deformed at stress of (a) 354 MPa; and (b) 116 MPa.
Fig. 8(a) shows the SEM image of SnBi with 4 wt% Ni deformed
at 354 MPa. The indentation imprint displayed a regular triangle
with evaginated boundaries indicating discernible pile-up of the
material during the indentation process. It is believed that the
indentation induced deformation is accomplished by the bulk
deformation inside Sn-rich and Bi phases. As a result, the
hardened individual phases push the surrounding material outwards causing signicant pile-up around the indented area.
However, when material is deformed at a lower stress of
116 MPa where a lower strain rate is applied, signicant number
of pores are formed at the boundaries of the adjacent phases as
shown in Fig. 7(b). Prominent delamination at phase boundaries
is formed at the surrounding area of the indent. It is believed that
at a lower stress condition, the deformation of the material is
mainly channelled through slipping or shifting at the phase
boundaries between Sn-rich and Bi phases. Comparing to the
indentation creep results, the stress exponent n2 at lower stress
region ( o170 MPa) is in the range from 2.42 to 3.85, which
corresponds well with the phase boundary sliding mechanism.
As shown above, the creep resistance reaches a maximum at
3 wt% Cu and 1 wt% Ni ller concentration, and then starts
decrease when more ller is added. With the nano-ller incorporation, it is believed there are two major strengthening
mechanisms from the stiff metal particles. One comes from the
4. Conclusions
The elastic, plastic and creep properties of Sn58Bi alloy have been
studied with varying amount of nano-metal ller additions. Moderate
stiffness enhancement is found in the two types of composite alloys.
The formed hard particles and the microstructure renement due to
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