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Visual Media Portfolio: Delaney Nelson

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Visual Media Portfolio

Delaney Nelson


Delaney Nelson

649 S 2nd W
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
[email protected]

Table of Contents

Business Cards



Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130-Visual Media
Date: December 6, 2014
Description: This is an off-set Brochure that has
information on an event planning business that I
would like to start one day!
Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded
document. Create an original, new logo. Incorporate at least four quality images, not including
the logo. One should be clipped in Photoshop
and text-wrapped in InDesign. Write at least
250 words of original copy in at least three paragraphs, headers, and subheaders. Trim for a full
bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign
Process: I used a template from our off-set brochure activity to get started. I used Adobe Indesign to make the layout of the design. I then
placed several pictures I took from my sisters
wedding in the brochure so it would give it a
theme and some color. I also made the logo on
Adobe Illustrator with the paint tool and the
pen tool and then placed the image in the Indesign brochure. I received several rounds of critiques and change a couple things to make the
brochure more legible and professional looking
(changing the text box backgrounds, changing
my logo, etc.).

Business Cards

Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130-Visual Media
Date: November 8, 2014
Description: This is a business card for Camp
Kesem, a non-profit organization that helps kids
whose parents have cancer.
Objectives: Use Illustrator & InDesign. Create
a new logo to fit a company or personal image.
Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for
a business card. Business card should be 3.5 x
2. Apply typography rules, keeping small copy.
Keep designs simple with light watermarks and
drop shadows and plenty of white space.
Include contact information.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign
Process: First I sketched new designs for the
Camp Kesem logo. Then I opened Adobe Illustrator and attempted to recreate them in this
program. I then placed the logos in Adobe Indesign. There I was able to craft the exact business card size and begin to create my card. After
making the card design and inputing contact information I found that I should have made one
of the sides of the card all one color.


Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130-Visual Media
Date: November 8, 2014
Description: This is a letter head and a business
card for Camp Kesem, a non-profit organization
that helps kids whose parents have cancer.
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator &
InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or
personal image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Letterhead should be 8.5 x 11. Apply typography rules, keeping small copy. Keep designs
simple with light watermarks and drop shadows
and plenty of white space. Include contact information.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign
Process: I then added elements from my business card to my letter head to make them unified. I used the dotted line and the color scheme
to do this. I then included the same information
that I had on the business card on my letter
head. Then I included the watermark by placing the logo without the complete name of the
camp on my letterhead and putting it in greyscale. Because the greyscale was too dark I made
the watermark more transparent.



Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130-Visual Media
Date: November 22, 2014
Description: This is a webpage for an organization called Camp Kesem.
Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as
a .png for a web page. Write content to describe
the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Acquire a working
knowledge of HTML. Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. Identify hex colors to match logo,
using Photoshop color picker.
Programs: Text Wrangler/Google Chrome &
Adobe Indesign
Process: First I connected the CSS document to
the HTML document so I would only have to
use the CSS stylesheet. I then used the stylesheet
to change the colors of the background and
the body. I then chose a picture to place as the
background. I wrote the content and changed
the font types of the heading and the body so it
had contrast. I made a thick dashed border and
made the body shape rounded on the edges. I
also made the link colors change so it stood out
and when you hover over it, it changes color. I
fixed the background so the background fits the
screen no matter what size it was.




Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130; Visual Media
Date: October 25, 2014
Description: This is a design that uses montage
skills to create a spiritual message.
Objectives: Use the FOCUS design process with
strong focal point and flow. Unify a layout with
a consistent theme and dominant spiritual message. Learn to blend using masks. Use a mask
to apply a filter to one part of the image. Apply
typography principles Format type: Legibility;
Small copy & Title with varying text size. Select
good quality images
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Process: First I brainstormed a list of unique
spiritual themes that I could recreate on Photoshop. I then chose pictures that went along
with that theme. I found images on EdenPics
and Google Images. I opened each picture into
Photoshop and used the lasso tool to cut out the
parts of the image I wanted, and paste them on
the background photo. I then used the blending tool to blend them into the background. I
also changed the transparency of the the images. Next I pasted the scripture that I had chosen
earlier and used the blending tool to make it
look like the letters were clouds in the sky.


Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130; Visual Media
Date: November 1, 2014
Description: These designs are logos for a camp
and organization for kids with parents who have
Objectives: Create three completely different,
original logos to fit a company or personal image
that will appeal to the audience. Do not imitate
existing logos or use previous designs.
Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw
your logos. Gather opinions from at least ten
people about which logo appeals most to them.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator
Process: For this design I took a lot of time
sketching out potential logos and asked people
which ones they liked the best. After, I started playing around with the design elements on
Adobe Illustrator. Once I recreated the sketches I liked the most I tried to put more sophisticated design methods in to showcase the skill I
had in Illustrator. Then I received critiques on
my design from my roommates and others in a
Comm. 130 class. I then went back and made
the necessary changes to the three logos to make
them each separate and unique.




Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130; Visual Media
Date: October 18, 2014
Description: This is a designed centered around
a photo that I took. This was designed to show
off skills of photography, editing and graphic design all in one place.
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills.
Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match
those colors, then incorporate the colors into
the layout. Use a digital camera to take a quality
image. Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for NDE
(non-destructive editing.) Size and crop the
image.Use layers to design text, and repeating
graphic elements in Photoshop.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Process: To take the photo I waited until the
sun was setting so there was better lighting. I
then chose a location with a bright color scheme.
After I was finished taking the photos, I loaded
them onto Adobe Photoshop and edited them.
I used four different tools to edit them; levels,
vibrance/saturation, color selections, and the
sharpening tool. When I was finished I chose
my favorite photograph and created a complementary color scheme.

Photo Design





Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130; Visual Media
Date: October 4, 2014
Description: This is a flier that is informing
graduating seniors about a graduate leadership
conference being held.
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use
appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve
image and logo from links on this page. Create
a project folder with image, logo and InDesign
document to keep links in InDesign intact.
Programs: Adobe Indesign
Process: To design this flier I sketched possible outlines for the flier and chose the format
that would appeal most to my audience. Next I
used Adobe Indesign to create a draft that was
eye catching and interesting but still looked professional. I then sought out critiques from my
peers to edit and discuss the positives and negatives of the design. I recorded these critiques so
I could revise my flier and produce something
that would have a clear message to the audience.
I also was careful to include contrasting aspects
within the flier to make it interesting.



Event Ad

Instructor: Joel Judkins

Course: Comm. 130; Visual Media
Date: October 11, 2014
Description: This is an ad for a used electronic donation drive that will have the Chamber of
Commerce donate money to schools that are
less fortunate for every electronic donation.
Objectives: Comprehend image sizing (how
pixels and inches work together) Find, scan and
import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed
design. Choose a color scheme and typeface(s)
that work for your message and audience. Learn
to use only Word design features without using
any Adobe programs, including Photoshop.
Programs: Microsoft Word
Process: To design this ad I drew up sketches
of possible designs that would convey the right
message to my audience. I then played around
with the different design sketches on Microsoft Word. When I found the design and color
scheme I thought was appealing, I asked three of
my peers to critique my design. After getting critiques on my design and identifying the positives
and negatives, I crafted a design that had good
use of white space and a clear message.


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