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To support the educational process by helping to keep
children healthy, by teaching students & teachers
preventive health measures.
Objectives of SHS
Promote health and develop concern of there own
Detect disease and deviation from normal heath at an
early stage and arrange for promote, treatment and
follow up.

Prevent communicable disease and non communicable disease

Help children to make the best use of
educational facilities
Help children, their parents and teachers to be
health conscious and develop right attitude
towards health and illness

Major components of SHS

1. Health service
Health screening
Treatment of minor ailments
Surveillance of immunization status
Case finding for early detection of health
Case managements

Care of pupils with special health needs

Health promotion
Minimum routine examination
e.g., of common eye problems and intestinal
parasitosis and their Rx
Simple first Aid facilities

2. Environmental protection and control

Construction of toilets and waste disposal
Use of toilet
Water supply
Proper waste disposal
Cleanliness of the compound

3 Health education:
Teaching about first aids
Teaching about personal hygiene
Teaching about environmental
Sex education
Nutrition education

A planned and organized school health
program includes:
Administrative regulations that provide
human resource and facilities to participate in
school program
Policies acceptable to the school & health
Provision of health service

Co-operative study to all factors affecting the

health of school children.
Co-operative planning at all levels.
Health education, especially health as a part of
every day school lesson
Measures for the promotion of positive health
Environmental sanitation
Evaluation of the program

Comprehensive School Health

To create Health Cards for each student.
To create a health newspaper at least twice a
year/poster competition related to health
To conduct surveys on health related
To organize health walks as part of social

To organize health fairs and immunization

To tap the local resources in the community to
arrange health talks.
To render service in any area affected by a
disaster or a calamity.
To create health help line within the school to
distress, cope with emotional and social behavior
and to clarify misconceptions regarding
adolescent health.

Common health problems among school

Accident and injuries
Communicable diseases
Behavioral problem

Role of community nurse in school

Health program
As a member of school heath team and
participate in planning and coordinating heath
The nurse is the school health consultant
Control the development and maintainace of
a safe and healthful environment.
Conduct health program

Demonstrate technique for teachers heath

inspection and procedures.
Assist in screening physical, mental and other
examination of children in school.
Assist in communicable disease control.
Help to set up facilities and demonstrate first aid
Assist In school medical examination and follow


Main Purpose of Prison Health Service (PHS)
To solve the immediate health problems of the
prisoner both physical and mental.
Prisoners do have a right to get health service
To prevent transmission of diseases
To train the prisoners as first aide

Common Health Problems in the

Psychological health problem
Problem of food poisoning (dysentery)
Febrile illness like relapsing fever, typhoid, typhus
Intestinal parasites
Chronic diseased like TB
Skin infections
Urinary tract infection

Factors responsible for the origin and

spread of diseases
in prisons

Poor housing
Inadequate ventilation
Poor personal hygiene & environmental hygiene
Poor waste disposal
Prolonged stay in prison
Lack of knowledge

Responsibilities of the PHN during PHS

1. Work with prison administrators and the
2. Organize prisoners and form health
committee in the prison
3. Identify health and health related problems of
the prisoners using a developed checklist.
4. Make a plan and encourage them to solve the
identified problem
5. Identify the resources of the prison.

6. Work with other health professionals

7. Work to solve the identified problems
Screening of the prisoners
Treating the sick
Health education

Purposes of home health services
To prevent institutionalization (primary
To maximize clients level of
To maximize the effects of existing
disabilities through non-institutional

Factor influencing the growing of

home health
1. Increasing elderly population: because chronic
illness is more common in elderly & need help &
2. Growing of HIV/AIDS populations: for better
understanding of client need at home.
3. Advanced technology: technology allows all the
services at home level.
4. raising the cost of health care
5. Demands for consumer satisfaction

Kinds of Home Care

Home for the aged. This is a kind of home health care
provided for the elder greater than 65 years of age,
who need
a minimum care which is often characterized as
supervised living or residential care.
Basic home. It is a home for those individuals who
need assistance in activity of daily living (ADL), such as
breathing or routine nursing care including
administration of

Skilled home. It is a home for those individuals

with serious
health problems who need 24 hours nursing
care or

Areas (points) to be assessed during

Home visiting
1. General cleanliness
2. Solid waste disposal
3. latrine
4. personal hygiene
5. vaccination of <1yr infants
6. vaccination of women
7. ANC
8. Feeding of children <2 yrs
9. FP
10. Presense of insects / rodents in the house
11. Presence of sick person in the house and action taken

Community Health Nursing Bag

Definition: A specially prepared bag for carrying
supplies to the field a clean and orderly way.
Helps the nurse to give service effectively in
Reduces the danger of spreading infections
Provides the necessary items needed in the field
Identifies the nurse in the field because a home
visiting bag is a part of the uniform

Contents of the Bags

A. General supplies
B. Equipment
C. Others
A. General supplies
Soap and soap dish
Plastic apron
Plastic square to put the bag on
Aluminum cup for water
One or two small towels to dry the hand

Artery forceps
Tape measure

Antiseptic solution
Syringe and needle
GV. Tetracycline eye ointment
Kidney dish

Tongue depressor,
Disposable gloves
Cord tie
Anti pain tablets
Ergometrine tablets
Ferrous sulphate
Vitamin, A
Test tube
Baby scale

Small towel
Soap and soap dish
Plastic square
News paper for placement of the gag

Care of the bag

Change inner lining as needed.
Label bottles
Refill supplies as needed
Do not put bag on the beds
Do not put your properties on the bag
Do not put on the floor

Basic principles of using the bag

Select safe area to place it
Place on the plastic square
Wash your hands before you do anything
All wastes should be covered in newspaper
and burned

Responsibilities of nurses

Use the bag correctly

Keep the bag clean and orderly
Pay attention for broken equipment
Report all broken equipment
Do not miss equipment
Go through nursing process and form family
focused nursing

Ambulatory service settings

Include a variety of venues for
community health nursing practice in which
clients come for day or evening services that do
not include overnight stays.
Community health centers
Multiple clinics offering comprehensive
Family planning clinics or a well-child clinics

Day care centers, such as those for

physically disabled or emotionally disturbed
Offices (for example, a community health
nurse associated with a health maintenance
organization sees clients in the office and
undertakes screening, referrals, counseling,
health education, and group work.

Another type of ambulatory service setting

includes places where services are offered to
selected groups.
community health nurses practice in migrant
through churches as parish nurses,
in remote mountain and coal-mining

Occupational Health Settings

Community health nurses in occupational health
settings practice a variety of roles:
The clinician role as nurses continued to care for
sick or injured employees at work.
However, recognition of the need to protect
employees safety and, later, to prevent their
illness led to the inclusion of health education in
the occupational health nurse role.
Occupational health nurses also act as employee
advocates, assuring appropriate job assignments
for workers and adequate treatment for job-

Residential Institutions
Any facility where clients reside can be a setting
in which community health nursing is practiced.
Residential institutions can include
a halfway house in which clients live temporarily while
recovering from drug addiction,
an inpatient hospice program in which terminally ill
clients live.

Some residential settings, such as hospitals, exist

solely to provide health care;
others provide other services and support


The community health nurse functions as
advocate and collaborator to improve services
Residential institutions provide unique settings
for the community health nurse to practice
health promotion.
Clients are a captive audience whose needs can
be readily assessed and whose interests can be
These settings offer the opportunity to generate
an environment of caring and optimal-quality
health care provided by community health
nursing services.

Parish nursing finds its beginnings in an ancient
In parish nursing today, the practice focal point
remains the faith community and the religious belief
system provided by the philosophical framework
Parish nursing may take different names, such as:
church-based health promotion (CBHP),
faith community nursing, or
primary care parish nursing practice (PCPNP

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