Number The Stars

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Name Number the Stars

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Study Guide
Directions: areto helpyou notethe detailsandimportant
the book aswell as the writer'scraft in creatingthe book.Yourteacherwill directyou in
r e c o r d i n ga n sw e rs-me n ta l l y,in wr itten notes r eady for or al discussion,or m or e
formally.Somestudentsfind it helpfulto reviewthe questionsbeforereadinga chapter.

Chapter'1,"Why Are You Running?"- Pages1-10

1 . How doesthe author grab your attentionat the startof the firstchapter?

2. What is the setting(time and place)of the novel? How do you know?

3. What was the encounterwith the Cermansoldiers?Why were the girlsscared?

4. Why do Ellenand Annemariedecidenot to tell their mothersabout the soldiers?

5. What is the mood of the chapter?

Chapter 2, "Who ls the Man Who RidesPast?"- Pages"1",-'17

1 . Ex p l a i nth e ch a p te rti tl e .

2. Why did ChristianX feel saferiding his horseJubileethrough the Cermansoldiers

on the streetsof Copenhagen?

prease the page on which you found your answer,either in your answeror
NOTE: write down by
next to it! fExample:
,,The grabsmy attentionat the start of the first chapter
"ulho, beingstoppedby the Germansoldiers."[p'6J)
showingAnnemarieand Ellensuddenly
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3. Why did ChristianX surrenderto the Germansso quickly?

4. What happenedto Lise?

Chapter 3, "Where ls Mrs. Hirsch?" Pages'18-26

1. How did lifechangein occupiedDenmark?

2. Why is the button shop important in the story?

3. How can the Danesbe bodyguards?

4. Why did Peterarriveafterthe curfew?

5. Why did the Cermansimposea curfew?

Chaptef 4, "lt Will Be a Long Night" - Pages27-38

1. What arethe fish shoes?

2. What were the "fireworks"on Kirsti'sbirthday?

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3 . W h y d o e s Mr. Jo h a n se nonce again have thr ee daughter sat the end of the

Chapter5, "Who ls the Dark-HairedOne?"- Pages39-49

act whentheygo to bed?

1. Howdo EllenandAnnemarie

2. How do the soldierstreatthe lohansens'

at 4 a.m.?

3. Why doesAnnemariehold the Starof Davidso tiqhtly?

Chapter 6, "ls the Weather Good for Fishing?"- Pages50-59

1. Why did Mama and Papadisagreein this chapter?

2. Why did Papatalk of bringing cigarettesto Uncle Henrik when there were no
cigarettesin the stores?

3. How doesKirstiworry Mama and Annemarie?

4. U/hereis Cilleleie?

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Chapter7, "The Houseby the 9s2,,_ pages60_66

1' How doesthe authorexpressa lookwith "fresheyes"at the

startof the chapter?

2- What was Mama'swarning? Wasit justified?

3. What contrastsdoesthe authorsuggestin this chapter?

Chapter 8, "There Has Been a Death" _ pages67_73

1. what is Annemarie's
joke about the butter? why do Mama and Elen

2' H o w d o Ma ma , E l l e n ,A n n emar ie,and Kir stioccupy

themselveswhile vi s i ti ng
'Jr L'r ': ,
Henr ik ? 'r

3' What explanations

and commentsfrom adultsseemmysterious
and strangeto

Chapter9, "WhyAre you Lying?"_ pages7+g1

1' UncleHenrikanswerAnnemarie's
that he and Mamaarelying

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2. Why doesthe family stagethe mourning of Great-auntBirte?

3. Who rluppearsat the end of Chapter g?

chapter 10, "Let Us open the Casksftr

- Pages82-BT

1 . Who poundedon the cottagedoor in the night?

2. How do Annemarieand Mama displaytheir bravery?

3. What is revealedin the psalmPeterreadsaloud?

Chapter 11, "Will We See You Again Soon, Peter?"- Pages88-94

1 . What is found when the casketis opened?

2. What is Peter'srole in the proceedings?

3. How do the Rosenschangetheir sourcesof prideas they entrustthemselves

Peterand Henrik?

4. What do you think the importantpacketfor Henrikis?

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Chapter 12, "Where Was Mama?,,- pages 95-f 0O

1. what is Mama'stask in Chapter 12? whatmakes it difficult?

2. How do Ellenand Annemariesaygood-bye?

3. Why doesAnnemarieqo in searchof her mother?

4. How doesthe chapterend?

Chapter '13,"Run! As FastAs You Can!"- Pagesl0l-105

1 . W h a t ha d h a p p e n e dto Ma ma?

2' what disturbsMama and Annemariewhen they find the packet

for UncleHenrik?

3. How do Annemarieand Mama hope to "savethe day?,,

4. what is in the packetfor uncle Henrik?

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Chapter 'ld "On the Dark Path" - Pages 106-1,,2

1. Why is it uncomfortableas Annemariehurriesto takethe packetto UncleHenrik?

2. What doesAnnemariethink about as sherunsto UncleHenrik'sboat?

3. What is the realgrowl Annemariehearsat the end of the chapter?

Chapter '15,"My Dogs SmellMeat!" - Pagesl l3-l 19

1. How doesAnnemariefollow Mama'sadvicein dealingwith the soldiers?

2. How doesAnnemariedistractthe soldiers?

3. How do both Annemarieand the soldiersshow displeasure

with eachother?

4. why doesUncleHenriksayhe hopesthe soldierschokeon his bread?

Chapter 16, u, Will Tell You f ust a Little" - pages 'l2O-,/27

1. How can you tell the climaxof the book haspassed?

2 . Wh y d o e sU n cl eH e n ri ksuggestthe m ilkinglesson?

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3 . what explanations
doesAnnemarieget asto the events
at the farm?

Chapter '17,"Ail This Long Timg'f_

1 . How do the Johansens and othercharactersin the book fare after
the Rosensffee?

2. How does Lowryend the book?

Afterword - pages133_137
1' what answeti do", Lowry provide
in her Afterwo rd?

2' what informationabouthistorical

fictiondoesLowryprovidein the Afterword?

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Name Date

Class Numberthe SfarsContextClueOrganizer

Pleasewritedownthe pageon whichyoufindeachword.(Thenumberin parentheses is the
chapteryou'llfindthe wordin!)Thenwritewhatyou thinkthe wordmeansbasedon context.
Finally,lookup the wordin the dictionary.
(To helpyou lookup words,rootwordsare

UnknownWord Page What I Think lt Means Whatthe PictionarySays

Basedon Gontext It Means
1, l a nk y ( 1)

2. rationed(3)

3. mourning(6)

4. haze (8)

5. wail (9)
UnknownWord Page WhatI Think lt Means What lt Means in the
Basedon Context Dictionary
6. commotion(11)

7. winced(13)

8. enrage(15)

9. bleak (171

10. sabotage

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