Number The Stars
Number The Stars
Number The Stars
StudyCuide- Page1
Study Guide
Directions: areto helpyou notethe detailsandimportant
the book aswell as the writer'scraft in creatingthe book.Yourteacherwill directyou in
r e c o r d i n ga n sw e rs-me n ta l l y,in wr itten notes r eady for or al discussion,or m or e
formally.Somestudentsfind it helpfulto reviewthe questionsbeforereadinga chapter.
1 . How doesthe author grab your attentionat the startof the firstchapter?
2. What is the setting(time and place)of the novel? How do you know?
1 . Ex p l a i nth e ch a p te rti tl e .
prease the page on which you found your answer,either in your answeror
NOTE: write down by
next to it! fExample:
,,The grabsmy attentionat the start of the first chapter
"ulho, beingstoppedby the Germansoldiers."[p'6J)
showingAnnemarieand Ellensuddenly
Number the Sfors
StudyCuide- Page 2
3 . W h y d o e s Mr. Jo h a n se nonce again have thr ee daughter sat the end of the
2. Why did Papatalk of bringing cigarettesto Uncle Henrik when there were no
cigarettesin the stores?
4. U/hereis Cilleleie?
1. what is Annemarie's
joke about the butter? why do Mama and Elen
1' UncleHenrikanswerAnnemarie's
that he and Mamaarelying
1 . W h a t ha d h a p p e n e dto Ma ma?
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N ame Numberthe Sfors
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2 . Wh y d o e sU n cl eH e n ri ksuggestthe m ilkinglesson?
3 . what explanations
doesAnnemarieget asto the events
at the farm?
Afterword - pages133_137
1' what answeti do", Lowry provide
in her Afterwo rd?
@ Novel Units,Inc.
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Pleasewritedownthe pageon whichyoufindeachword.(Thenumberin parentheses is the
chapteryou'llfindthe wordin!)Thenwritewhatyou thinkthe wordmeansbasedon context.
Finally,lookup the wordin the dictionary.
(To helpyou lookup words,rootwordsare
2. rationed(3)
3. mourning(6)
4. haze (8)
5. wail (9)
UnknownWord Page WhatI Think lt Means What lt Means in the
Basedon Context Dictionary
6. commotion(11)
7. winced(13)
8. enrage(15)
9. bleak (171
10. sabotage