Performance of Steel Structures During The 1994 Northridge Earthquake
Performance of Steel Structures During The 1994 Northridge Earthquake
Performance of Steel Structures During The 1994 Northridge Earthquake
Abstract: The performance of concentrically braced steel frames and moment resisting steel frames
during the January 17, 1994, Northridge, California, earthquake is examined. Most of the observations
made during the reconnaissance visits confirmed the current knowledge on the inelastic response of
these structural systems. This permits the anticipation of proper seismic behavior for buildings designed
according to the seismic provisions that have been recently introduced in the Canadian building code
and standard for steel structures. In some cases, however, the observed damage raised concerns that
should be addressed in future investigations or next editions of these codes. Preventing potentially
hazardous nonstructural damage, avoiding premature nonductile failures anywhere along the lateral load
paths, limiting structural and nonstructural damage due to brace buckling, and accounting for the
vertical ground motion are among those issues.
Key words: earthquake, seismic, steel, concentrically braced frames, moment resisting frames, weld.
R&um&: Dans cet article, on examine et commente le comportement de charpentes mCtalliques avec
contreventement en treillis ou cadres rigides lors du stisme qui a eu lieu le 17 janvier 1994 5
Northridge, en Californie. La majorit6 des observations faites lors des visites effectuCes sur le site
confirment les connaissances dCji acquises sur le comportement non lintaire de ces systbmes structuraux
lorsque soumis aux stismes. Ceci permet de croire que les bitiments conGus selon les dispositions
sCismiques nouvellement introduites dans le code du bitiment canadien et la norme canadienne pour la
calcul des structures d'acier seront adCquats dans 1'CventualitC de tremblements de terre importants.
Dans certains cas, cependant, les dommages subis soulbvent des interrogations qui devraient faire l'objet
d'Ctudes futures en vue dlamCliorer ces normes. Parmi les points qui devraient Ctre examinks, on
retrouve la prCvention des dommages non-structuraux 5 risque, la prevention de ruptures subites et
non-ductiles le long du cheminement des efforts induits par les charges latCrales, la rkduction des
dommages imposCes aux ClCments structuraux ou non-structuraux lors du flambement des membrures
diagonales des contreventements ainsi que la prise en compte des effets des mouvements verticaux du sol.
Mots c l b : tremblement de terre, sCisme, charpentes mttalliques, contreventement en treillis, cadre
rigide, soudure.
The earthquake resistance of steel frames has been known to
be tremendously reliable overall, with steel building collapses so far being the rare occurrence worldwide (Yanev et al.
199 1). In the January, 1994, Northridge earthquake, steel
frames also sustained well the ground shaking, as no fatali-
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 22: 338-360 (1995). Printed in Canada 1 Irnprirnt au Canada
Tremblay et al
Structural damage
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uted to the loss of bearing support of these beams and pounding damage due to the relative horizontal movement that took
place at the expansion joints. No other structural damage
could be noticed at the time of the visit.
According to the inspecting engineer, preliminary damage
assessment of the structure indicated the steel braced frames
had resisted very well the shaking with essentially no visible
damage. Later on, upon removal of the interior finishing, a
thorough inspection of the framework revealed a brittle
failure of the welded connection between brace gusset plates
and base plates as well as fracture of the base plates themselves at the bottom of approximately 75% of the columns
located within the bracing bents. Many of the 63 mm anchor
bolts used for these columns also suffered inelastic elongation up to 12 mm. In one case, the bolt failed in tension.
These failures have been reported elsewhere (EERI 1994).
So far, the investigation demonstrated that the capacity of the
welds was well below the actual strength of the bracing members and, thereby, below the forces that likely developed in
these members during the shaking. It is believed that such
failures "protected" the braced frames from undergoing
inelastic action during the shaking but, on the other hand,
likely resulted in larger horizontal deformations which could
have caused the collapse of the overhanging roof.
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Fig. 19. Asphalt and rock plant: typical conveyor and truss
Tremblay et al.
to the lateral load resisting system fully justified the imposition of a "limited entry" restriction, not allowing continued
occupancy. Upon revisiting the building three months after
the main shock, the structure had been stabilized using temporary bracing and repair was under progress. The retrofit
scheme that was adopted features interesting aspects worth
discussing in the following.
A review of the structure by the inspecting consultant
indicated that the structure had conformed to the code intents
for its period of construction. In the 1980 Los Angeles code,
however, neither brace connection strength requirements nor
additional strength criteria were recognized. Typically, concentrically braced frames built at that time would classify
under the aforementioned ordinary braced frame category
for which little or no attention was paid to ductile detailing
or capacity design concepts. Therefore, repair solutions had
to recognize this potential for less ductile failures, and avoid
local overstrengthening without carefully considering the
severe impact this may have on the rest of the structure.
For example, introducing overly strong new braces into
this structure would have possibly ensured elastic brace
behavior, but risked buckling of the columns in the bracing
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Fig. 38. Van Nuys office building: end wall fa~ilureon east
face of building.
been discovered in more than 60 buildings further to thorough postearthquake structural inspections (M. Engelhardt,
1994, private communication). As of November 1994, it was
believed that possibly hundreds of steel moment resisting
frames have suffered brittle joint failures in the Los Angeles
area (Ross and Mahin 1994).
Steel ranks very high among structural materials suitable for
earthquake resistance. It exhibits high strength and stiffness
as well as good ductility and toughness. Its strength-toweight ratio is also remarkably high. When compared to that
of other common materials, the behavior of steel is rather
well defined and understood and a high quality can be achieved
by the in-shop prefabrication of all components of steel frames.
This makes the seismic performance of steel structures more
predictable than that of other construction systems. Moreover, after an extreme event, damaged components can be
easily repaired or replaced.
However, building with steel is not sufficient by itself to
warrant a proper performance during a strong earthquakeinduced ground shaking. The characteristics of future ground
motions are highly uncertain and the prescribed design seismic loads are considerably reduced by reliance on the ductility of material, which means that designing structures to code
does not preclude the possibility of damage to occur. Satisfactory behavior can only be achieved if a sound structural
arrangement is provided and if the structural elements and
their connections are sized in such a manner that appropriate
means of absorbing and dissipating energy exist and premature failures are avoided, especially within the gravity
load resisting system.
Except in case of collapse, earthquake-induced damage to
steel frames, even serious and potentially catastrophic, is
generally less apparent and thus more difficult to detect and
assess than in other types of construction. The framework is
most often hidden and because damage is usually constrained
to a very limited portion of the structure (connections, local
buckling, anchor bolts, etc.), thorough inspection is needed
to obtain an overall and realistic assessment of the damage.
Tremblay et al
failures in its braces (G. Hichborn, 1994, private communication). Failure modes included complete tensile fracture of
two braces at their connections, serious tearing and deformation in most angle clips, partial plate pull through of rivets,
and permanent elongation deformations of remaining braces.
Another nearby structure, also several decades old, was
constructed as stacked framing modules. Each module contained four columns with connection flanges at their ends and
incorporated seismic cross or knee bracing. This structure
experienced column flange bolt failure in single shear. The
four bolts failed completely in all of the first level column
splices. Shearing between the first and second level modules
was accompanied by severe horizontal translation. Luckily,
this movement was stopped by a heavy walled water supply
pipe running up one of the columns. Further motion would
have resulted in catastrophic failure of the fully loaded structure. In addition, many of this plant's foundation anchors
failed in combined tension and shear, while others deformed
significantly by elongation.
This broad range of failure types illustrates very well how
arbitrary and uncontrolled the seismic performance of concentrically braced frames can be when a comprehensive
capacity design has not been applied thoroughly. During a
strong ground shaking, the most overstressed element in the
as-built lateral load resisting system reaches invariably its
capacity first. Because braced frames inherently exhibit very
low redundancy, this overstressed element would have to
undergo substantial inelastic deformation prior to subsequent
redistribution, if any, of forces to other elements. Failure of
the element may then occur early in the earthquake if it does
not possess sufficient toughness to absorb the energy fed into
it by the ground motion.
Such behavior would be typical of ordinary braced frames.
Although higher seismic loads are prescribed for that system,
they still represent only a fraction of the loads that would be
expected in a structure responding elastically to the design
base earthquake (40% when comparing the elastic and design
1990 NBCC base shears). Thus, some degree of inelastic
response is still anticipated in ordinary braced frames and
premature failure is probable if the weakest element does not
exhibit enough ductility. This could be the case, for instance,
of concrete roof and floor diaphragms or welded connections. Anchor bolts are also prone to early failure as the
demand on these elements can easily exceed their capacity to
absorb energy.
Many of the braced frames damaged during the Northridge earthquake were rather old and most likely belonged to
the ordinary braced frame category. Despite the higher seismic design loads prescribed for these braced frames, they
still remain popular today in seismically active regions
because they require less stringent seismic detailing provisions. Braced frames with some degree of ductile detailing
were also found to have behaved in a similar uncontrolled
manner in Northridge; that is, exhibiting inelastic action or
failures away from the braces. This was the case, for example, for the Oviatt Library Building, built in 1991, or the
First Interstate Bank Building retrofitted the same year. In
these structures, most likely the capacity check on the
damaged elements had not been performed or had not
included all the effects that actually occurred during the
earthquake. In Canada, this undesirable behavior due to lack
Nonstructural damage
Many of the structures visited experienced large interstorey
drifts and suffered extensive nonstructural damage. Moment
resisting frames, being more flexible than braced frames,
appeared to be involved in the more critical situations. In
some cases, the extent of damage was such that many injuries
and even fatalities could have occurred had the buildings
been occupied during the earthquake. Large portions of
exterior walls and interior partitions collapsed, glass broke,
suspended ceilings and mechanical equipment toppled, etc.
The objective of the NBCC earthquake-resistant design
provisions is to prevent not only building collapses but also
loss of life. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, hazard potential
associated with nonstructural damage should be explicitly
addressed at the design stage.
Controlling horizontal drift certainly is a possible avenue
in preventing damage in a structure. This can be achieved by
increasing the stiffness of the lateral load resisting system.
For short period structures, a more appropriate approach
would be to increase the strength to limit the drift to a target
value. This can be done by using inelastic displacement
spectra, as proposed by Priestley (1993).
Nonstmctural damage can also be limited by using better
construction techniques such as stronger wall attachments o r
improved suspended ceiling structures. Alternatively, proper
structural and architectural detailing can be provided, which
can allow the anticipated deformation to take place without
failure or collapse due to pounding, tearing, or loss of support. Without doubt, the existence of a good collaboration
and communication between the architect and the engineer is
also part of the solution to such problems.
Regardless of the approach used, engineers must humbly
recognize that a great deal of uncertainty is associated with
predicting drift in seismic design. Such incertitude should be
reflected in design and details by allowing a sufficient margin
of safety.
Connection failures in moment resisting frames
The brittle fracture of field welded beam-to-column connections in steel moment resisting frames is one of the most significant issue of the Northridge earthquake. The following is
a summary of the information available as of November 1994
on this consequential structural damage.
The first connection failures were reported only weeks
after the earthquake, mainly in buildings under construction,
where finishing and fireproofing materials had not been
installed yet, or in buildings exhibiting significant permanent
interstorey drifts which indicated that some structural damage
had likely taken place. In many cases, however, no apparent
sway nor architectural damage could suggest that failure had
Tremblay et al.
Fig. 44. Typical failure modes in beam flange to column connections (adapted from Bertero
et al. 1994; Miller 1994; Ross and Mahin 1994).
Tremblay et al.
.b-< 3 SIDES
Standard bolted web connection was used in these connections. In all samples but two, the beam underwent large plastic rotation (between 0.025 and 0.035 rad) and exhibited high
energy dissipation. Both failures initiated in beam flange
weld of cover-plated connections. In one sample, failure took
place at the interface of the weld and the column flange,
whereas crack propagated into the column flange material in
the second failed specimen.
The fourth connection design examined in the test program included side straps connecting the outer edges of the
beam flanges to the outer edge of the column continuity plates.
This arrangement (not shown here) had been proposed to
avoid through-thickness failure of the column flange. In the
tests, both samples of this joint exhibited only fair performance with failure occurring at plastic rotations less than
0.02 rad (this value is generally considered as the minimum
level for acceptance). This detail was also the most costly to
Although limited in scope, this experiment clearly indicated that improving welding quality was not sufficient by
itself to achieve the desired performance. On the other hand,
shifting the plastic hinging in the beams away from the face
of the column by reducing the stress level in the welds through
reinforcement plates appeared to be promising. However,
brittle failures still occurred in the reinforced connections,
which suggests that other issues such as the throughthickness properties of the column flange material and the
presence of continuity plates (one of the reinforced joint
which failed early did not have continuity plates) need further investigation.
On the basis of these findings, AISC reiterated that the use
of the standard welded beam and bolted web connection
described in the 1992 Seismic Provisions should be suspended unless it can be shown that such connection is adequate or that proper reinforcement is provided. It must be
noted that in September 1994, the ICBO had deleted from the
1994 UBC code the section that allowed the use of this connection without testing and calculation. In view of the
difficulty experienced in achieving high quality welds and
detecting weld defects in the test program, AISC also recommended that all welding be performed in strict compliance
with comprehensive welding procedure specifications to be
developed for each project and suggested that ultrasonic testing of groove welds be conducted from the top and bottom
sides of the welds as well as from the back side of the column
American Institute of Steel Construction also developed
tentative provisions to assess the adequacy of existing connections and to design reinforced joints (Englekirk 1994).
The approach directly accounts for material overstrength,
lower reliability of through-thickness resistance of steel, and
actual stress -strain relationships of the different materials
involved (weld, base metal, etc.). It also includes ultimate
strain limit states for weld metal and steel material. Unfortunately, the testing program did not investigate all the possible contributing factors to the observed connection failures in
Northridge and the provisions could not be thoroughly validated. Moreover, data on the mechanical properties of the
material and on the initial state of stress and strain in connections are also insufficient. Even the expected demand on the
components of moment resisting frames in future earth-
Tremblay et al.
Some concentrically steel braced frames and steel moment
resisting frames experienced various structural and nonstructurd damage during the Northridge earthquake. None of them
collapsed as they generally maintained their gravity load
carrying capacity as well as some degree of lateral stability.
The observations made and the information presented in
this paper support for the most part the relevance of the current seismic design provisions included in the Canadian
building code and standard for steel structures. However,
Canadian researchers, code writing committees, and structural engineer designers will need to address a number of
additional issues which can have a significant impact on the
seismic resistant design of steel structures and which are not
(or deficiently) addressed by the current edition of the Canadian codes and standards. This includes the need to
- extend a capacity design approach to the whole lateral
load resisting system of the structure, as well as to all
categories of moment resisting frames and, particularly,
concentrically braced frames, because of their lower
inherent redundancy;
- account for secondary effects that occur upon buckling of
bracing members in concentrically braced frames;
- consider vertical ground accelerations in the design of
horizontal cantilever structures and exterior columns of
bracing bents in concentrically braced frames;
- account for the lower redundancy exhibited by moment
resisting frames having only a few moment resisting bays;
- recognize in the design process the hazard potential from
nonstructural damage occurring during earthquakes.
The first item is most important as the benefits of capacity
design in ensuring a stable ductile behavior positively impact
structural performance, particularly in view of the large
uncertainties involved in the definition of the design earthquake.
One of the main lessons learned from the Northridge
earthquake is the potential deficiency of welded flange and
bolted web beam-column joints in moment resisting frames.
The observation of the damage and the research performed
so far indicate that this type of connection is not adequate to
allow cyclic flexural hinging to take place in beams. Though
some interim guidelines have been proposed for the repair,
retrofit, and design of beam-column joints in moment resisting frames, further research is still needed to determine the
causes of this deficiency and to propose sound connection
details and design rules. The findings of this work may eventually justify the need for strengthening existing moment
resisting frames in seismically active regions of Canada,
even those designed under recent code provisions.
Finally, the Northridge earthquake has sent a strong signal that careful inspection of steel frames is mandatory after
a seismic event, even though only minor damage is apparent
from visual preliminary examination.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada for providing
AISC. 1992. Seismic provisions for structural steel
buildings. American Institute of Steel Construction,
Inc., Chicago, Ill.
AISC. 1994a. Executive summary - Interim observations
and recommendations of AISC Special Task Committee
on the Northridge Earthquake. Proceedings of AISC
Special Task Committee on the Northridge Earthquake
Meeting, American Institute of Steel Construction,
Chicago, Ill.
AISC. 19946. AISC Northridge Technical Bulletin No. 2 Interim observations and recommendations on steel
moment resisting frames. Northridge Steel Update I,
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago Ill.
Astaneh-Asl, A., Goel, S.C., and Hanson, R.D. 1985.
Cyclic out-of-plane buckling of double angle bracing.
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Bertero, V.V., Anderson, J.C., and Krawinkler, H. 1994.
Performance of steel building structures during the
Northridge earthquake. Earthquake Engineering Research
Center, College of Engineering, University of California,
Berkeley, Calif., Report No. UCBIEERC-94/09.
Bonneville, D.R. 1994. Northridge earthquake damage to
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Proceedings of the AISC Special Task Committee on
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