G. R. S. Mead
Celephas Press
Ulthar - Sarkomand - Inquanok Leeds
Editors introduction
Bibliography .
Corpus Hermeticum
Poimandres .
[To Asclepius]
A sacred sermon of Hermes .
The Cup or Monad .
Though unmanifest God is Most Manifest .
In God alone is Good and elsewhere nowhere
The greatest ill among men is ignorance of God
That no one of existing things doth perish .
On thought and sense .
The Key .
Mind to Hermes .
About the Common Mind
The Secret Sermon on the Mountain .
To Asclepius, health of soul .
Definitions of Asclepius to Ammon
[Asclepius to the King] .
[The Econium of Kings] .
Of soul (i)
Of soul (ii)
Of soul (iii)
Of soul (iv)
Of soul (v)
Of soul (vi)
The power of choice
Of Isis to Horus
An Apophthegm
From Aphrodit .
A Hymn of the Gods
Kor Kosmou (i)
Kor Kosmou (ii) .
From the Sermon of Isis to Horus .
THE writings of Hermes Trismegistus were one of a variety of
things to emerge from the intellectual melting pot which
existed across the Eastern Mediterranean in general and in
particular in Alexandria from around 300 B.C.E to 300 C.E.
While almost certainly written in Greek by various authors
unknown, mostly in the latter half of this period, their authorship was traditionally ascribed to the syncretic figure of ThriceGreatest Hermes, formed by identifying the Greek Hermes
with the Egyptian Thoth, but thought to have been a human
sage roughly contemporary with Moses, who invented the
hieroglyphic writing system and gave the Egyptians a code of
laws. This tradition continued to be believed in through the
Middle Ages and Renaissance, although most of these works
were lost to Western Europe through the medival period,
known only in brief quotations or references by early Christian
writers such as Augustine of Hippo.
The translations of Hermetic literature here collected were
previously published in 1906 as part of a three-volume study by
G.R.S. Mead titled Thrice-Greatest Hermes, issued by the Theosophical Publishing Society.
That last detail goes some way to explaining why Meads
translations lack academic respectability; criticisms are rarely
specific, and the claim by Brian Copenhaver (in the introduction to his translation of the Hermetica for Cambridge
University Press) that Meads work must be watched for theosophical motivations seems strange when one considers that
theosophy (without the capital T) in the broad sense of divine
wisdom was pretty much what the original authors of these
works thought they were about; the general tone and style of
the discourses following is, in general, more one of revelationdiscourse or divinely-inspired authoritative teaching than
philosophical argument in the sense generally understood,
guage of the King James Bible and a poetic prose style which
sacrifices the normal rules of English prose word-order, and
occasionally readability, for the sake of scansion; contractions
(een for even, tis for it is, neer for never, &c.),
inversions, redundant insertion of words which are neither in
the text nor needed for the translation to be intelligible, and
complete inconsistency with regard to the use of definite
articles, are commonplace for no apparent reason other than to
maintain a prose rhythm.
A document containing Meads translations of CH I-XIII with
an introduction by J.M. Greer has been in Internet circulation
since the late 1990s (although the introduction appears to
belong to an edition which included XIV, XVI-XVII and the
Asclepius). The following collection comprises all the Corpus
Hermeticum texts, the Asclepius and the Stobus excerpts.
What has been left out.
The following extant theoretical Hermetica are not included
in the present collection.
(i) Fragmenta Hermetica. Brief quotations in Greek and Latin from otherwise
lost works found in writers of late antiquity through to the Middle Ages,
including Tertullian (fl. ca 200-216 C.E.), Lactantius (fl. early 4th cent. C.E.),
and Cyril of Alexandria (fl. early 5th cent. C.E.). Vol. III of Thrice Greatest
Hermes included 28 of these; vol. IV of Nock and Festigures 1946-54
edition of the Hermetica had 36. While probably genuinemany of these
authors also quote from identifiable workswhen read in isolation they
add little to our knowledge of the subject, and may in some instances have
been misquoted, or quoted out of context, for polemical purposes.
(ii) Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius. A tract in ten chapters which
survives in an Armenian translation (dated to the sixth century C.E.) and a
Greek MS. The Armenian version was first turned up in the 1950s, the
Greek some decades later; there is no public domain English translation.
One passage also appears in one of the Stobus excerpts.
(iii) Nag Hammadi Hermetica. Nag Hammadi Codex VI includes, besides the
famous Thunder: Perfect Mind and a garbled excerpt from Platos Republic,
two variant excerpts from the Asclepius (21-29 and the concluding prayer
from 41), a brief scribal note and a previously unknown tract now called The
Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth, all in Coptic translation. There is no
public domain English translation.
(iv) Vienna Fragments. Two Hermetic fragments found on separate papyri in a
Vienna museum (Papyri Vindobonense Grac 29456 r & 29828 r); first
described by Jean-Pierre Mah in 1984. No English translation has been
Betz, Hans Dieter (ed.): The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, including
the Demotic Spells. University of Chicago Press, 1986, 1992.
Chambers, John (ed. / trans.): The Theological and Philosophical Works of
Hermes Trismegistus, Christian Neoplatonist. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark,
1882; reprinted Kila, MT: Kessinger, 2003 (as Divine Pymander and Other
Writings of Hermes Trismegistus).
Copenhaver, Brian (trans.): Hermetica: the Greek Corpus Hermeticum and
the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation. Cambridge University
Press, 1992, reprinted 1994, 1995, 1997.
Everard, John (trans.): The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, in XVII books. London: printed by R. White for T. Brewster and G.
Moule, 1650, reprinted 1657 and ca. 1850; reprinted with an introduction by
Hargrave Jennings, Bath: Robert Fryar and London: George Redway, 1884;
this edition reprinted San Diego: Wizards Bookshelf, 1985, 2000. Reprinted
with an introduction by W. Wynn Westcott, London: Theosophical
Publishing Society, 1894 (Collectanea Hermetica series, no. 2; included in
subsequent collected reprints of that series).
Kingsford, Anna Bonus and Maitland, Edward (trans.): The Virgin of the
World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Bath: Robert Fryar & London:
George Redway, 1885; reprinted Minneapolis: Wizards Bookshelf, 1977 and
Kila, Montana: Kessinger, 1996, 1997.
Layton, Bentley (trans. / ed.): The Gnostic Scriptures. St. Albans: SCM Press,
1987, 1995.
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice Greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy and
Gnosis (3. vols.). London and Benares: Theosophical Publishing Society,
1906; reprinted London: John M. Watkins, 1949, 1964. Vol. I: Prolegomena.
Vol. II: Sermons. Vol. III: Excerpts and Fragments. Reprinted in one vol.
York Beach, Maine: Weiser, 1992, 2001.
Middle LiddellLiddell, Henry George & Scott, Robert: An Intermediate
Greek-English Lexicon, founded upon the seventh edition of Liddell and
Scotts Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1889, many
NHCNag Hammadi Codices; see Robinson (ed.), Nag Hammadi Library in
Nock, Arthur Darby & Festugire, A.-J. (ed. / trans.): Corpus Hermeticum (4
vols.). Paris: 1946-54, third edition 1972-3. Tome I: Poimandres, Traites I-XII.
Tome II: Traites XIII-XVIII, Asclepius. Tome III: Fragments extraits de
Stobe I-XXII. Tome IV: Fragments extraits de Stobe (XXIII-XXIX),
Fragments divers.
Parthey, Gustavus (ed.): Hermes Trismegisti Poemander. Berlin: 1854.
Patrizi, Francesco: Nova de Universis Philosophia. Ferrara, 1591, second edition
Venice, 1593.
PGMPapyri Grc Magic; see Betz (ed.), Greek Magical Papyri.
Robinson, J.M. (ed.): The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1978, 1988; paperback reprint, HarperCollins, 1990.
[Editors note]
The Corpus Hermeticum is the best known collection of theoretical (gnostic)
Hermetica. The oldest known MSS. are of Byzantine origin and were brought
to Western Europe after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The most complete
of these contain seventeen tracts, although textual evidence suggests that at
least one logos between those now denoted C.H. I and C.H. II is missing, along
with part of C.H. XVII and possibly another tract before that; in other words,
several pages were lost or removed from the prototype before it was copied.
The MSS. which came into the possession of Lorenzo di Medici and were used
as the basis for Marsilio Ficinos translation into Latin finish with C.H. XIV.
Following Ficinos edition, the collection has been frequently cited as the
Pimander or some variant spelling thereof, which strictly speaking only applies
to the first tract.
In a 1574 edition of the Greek text of the Corpus, C.H. XIV was followed by a
fifteenth tract nailed together by an editor out of three Hermetic excerpts from
the the anthology of Stobus and the entry on Hermes Trismegistus in the
Suda (a Byzantine encyclopdia of ca. 1000 C.E., cited by Mead following the
error of a 12th-century writer who mistook the title for the author as the
Lexicon of Suidas), which was in turn followed by the Definitions of Asclepius
to King Ammon, now C.H. XVI. Later editions dropped C.H. XV as spurious
while retaining the numbering of XVI-XVIII.
upon his Brothers creatures. They fell in love with him, and
gave him each a share of his own ordering. And after that he
had well-learned their eseence and had become a sharer in
their nature, he had a mind to break right through the
Boundary of their spheres, and to subdue the might of that
which pressed upon the Fire.
14. So he who hath the whole authority oer [all] the mortals in
the cosmos and oer its lives irrational, bent his face downwards
through the Harmony: breaking right through its strength, and
showed to downward Nature Gods fair Form. And when she
saw that Form of beauty which can never satiate, and him who
[now] possessed within himself each single energy of [all seven]
Rulers as well as Gods [own] Form, she smiled with love; for
twas as though shed seen the image of Mans fairest form
upon her Water, his shadow on her Earth. He in his turn
beholding the form like to himself, existing in her, in her
Water, loved it and willed to live in it; and with the will came
act, and [so] he vivified the form devoid of reaon. And Nature
took the object of her love and wound herself completely round
him, and they were intermingled, for they were lovers.
15. And this is why beyond all creatures on the earth man is
twofold; mortal because of body, but because of the essential
Man immortal. Though deathless and possessed of sway oer
all, yet doth he suffer as a mortal death, subject to Fate. Thus
though above the Harmony, within the Harmony he hath become a slave. Though male-female: as from a Father malefemale, and though hes sleepless from a sleepless [Sire], yet is
he overcome [by sleep].
16. Thereon [I say: Teach on],1 O Mind of me, for I myself as
well am amorous of the Word (logos).
The Shepherd said: This is the mystery kept hid until this
day. Nature embraced by Man brought forth a wonder, oh so
wonderful. For as he had the nature of the Concord of the
Seven, who, as I said to thee, [were made] of Fire and Spirit
Nature delayed not, but immediately brought forth seven
men, in correspondence with the natures of the Seven, malefemale and moving in the air.
[There is a lacuna in the text which Mead has conjecturally filled in.]
be made one with God. Why shouldst thou then delay? Must it
not be, since thou hast all received, that thou shouldst to the
worthy point the way, in order that through thee the race of
mortal kind may by [thy] God be saved?
27. This when Hed said, Man-Shepherd mingled with the
Powers. But I, with thanks and blessings unto the Father of
the universal [Powers], was freed, full of the power He had
poured into me, and full of what Hed taught me of the nature
of the All and of the loftiest Vision. And I began to preach to
men the Beauty of Devotion and of Gnosis: O ye people, earthborn folk, ye who have given yourselves to drunkenness and
sleep and ignorance of God, be sober now, cease from your
surfeit, cease to be glamoured by irrational sleep !
28. And when they heard, they came with one accord. Whereon
I say: Ye earth-born folk, why have ye given up yourselves to
Death, while yet ye have the power of sharing Deathlessness?
Repent, O ye, who walk with Error arm in arm and make of
Ignorance the sharer of your board; get ye from out the light of
Darkness, and take your part in Deathlessness, forsake
29. And some of them with jests upon their lips departed [from
me], abandoning themselves unto the Way of Death; others
entreated to be taught, casting themselves before my feet. But
I made them arise, and I became a leader of the Race towards
home, teaching the words (logoi), how and in what way they
shall be saved. I sowed in them the words (logoi) of wisdom; of
Deathless Water were they given to drink. And when even was
come and all suns beams began to set, I bade them all give
thanks to God. And when they had brought to an end the
giving of their thanks, each man returned to his own resting
30. But I recorded in my heart Man-Shepherds benefaction, and
with my every hope fulfilled more than rejoiced. For bodys
sleep became the soul's awakening, and closing of the eyes
true vision, pregnant with Good my silence, and the utterance
of my word (logos) begetting of good things. All this befell me
from my Mind, that is Man-Shepherd, Word (logos) of all
1 [This final paragraph seems somewhat at odds with the highly ascetic tone of
other passages in the Corpus Hermeticum (e.g., parts of I, most of IV, the first
half or so of XII, much of XIII) and has indeed been suggested (Zielinski (1905),
cited by Copenhaver, Hermetica, note to C.H. II.17) as being a polemic against
world-denying Platonic asceticism. Mead in his commentary points out that in
Hinduism, adopting the ascetic life of a religious recluse or wanderer would
only normally be acceptable for one who has already lived the life of a householder and raised children to adulthood.
More generally, this tension has been taken by some commentators as indicating not simply diversity of authorship but the existence of rival Hermetic
schools characterised as optimist on the one hand and pessimist or dualist
on the other. If, though, these works were indeed the production of a MysteryCult which recognised successive grades of initiation or stage of gnsis, it is
possible that the difference of attitude to the mani(n)fested kosmos rather
changed according to what was felt appropriate to each stage, with optimist
logoi targetted at those less advanced students who were only beginning to
sepearate themselves from the world and the dualist ones for those deemed
closer to final liberation (Fowden, Egyptian Hermes, cited by Cophenhaver,
Hermetica, Introduction xxxix); Mead holds a similar position position in some
respects (e.g. in his commentary on C.H. VI) but argues in the opposite
direction, that the doctrine of hating the body &c. is more generally found in
the logoi addressed to Tat, who represents the less advanced student (see C.H.
XIII:2-3 and XIV:1) whereas the more advanced Asclepius gets the more positive
world-affirming sermons (though V, one of the more optimistic tracts
according to Festugire (cited by Copenhaver, note on C.H. V:3) is among the
Tat-discourses); and those where Hermes, rather than addressing a student is
receiving revelations direct from divine figures, include the mixed C.H. I and
the generally optimistic C.H. XI.]
God and energy of Nature, for tokens of its blessings, for gnosis
of the power of God, that they might know the fates that follow
good and evil [deeds] and learn the cunning work of all good
4. [Thus] there begins their living and their growing wise,
according to the fate appointed by the revolution of the Cyclic
Gods, and their deceasing for this end. And there shall be
memorials mighty of their handiworks upon the earth, leaving
dim trace behind when cycles are renewed. For every birth of
flesh ensouled, and of the fruit of seed, and every handiwork,
though it decay, shall of necessity renew itself, both by the
renovation of the Gods and by the turning-round of Natures
rhythmic wheel. For that whereas the Godhead is Natures
evermaking-new-again the cosmic mixture, Nature herself is
also co-established in that Godhead.
1. I WILL recount for thee this sermon (logos) too, O Tat, that
thou mayst cease to be without the mysteries of the God
beyond all name. And mark thou well how That which to the
many seems unmanifest, will grow most manifest for thee.
Now were It manifest, It would not be. For all that is made
manifest is subject to becoming, for it hath been made manifest.
But the Unmanifest for ever is, for It doth not desire to be
made manifest. It ever is, and maketh manifest all other
things. Being Himself unmanifest, as ever being and ever
making-maniest, Himself is not made manifest. God is not
made Himself; by thinking-manifest, He thinketh all things
manifest. Now, thinking-manifest deals with all things made
alone, for thinking-manifest is nothing else than making.
2. He, then, alone who is not made, tis clear, is both beyond all
power of thinking-manifest, and is unmanifest. And as He
thinketh all things manifest, He manifests through all things
and in all, and most of all in whatsoever things He wills to
manifest. Do thou, then, Tat, my son, pray first unto our Lord
and Father, the One-and-Only One, from whom the One doth
come, to show His mercy unto thee, in order that thou mayest
have the power to catch a thought of this so mighty God, one
single beam of Him to shine into thy thinking. For thought
alone sees the Unmanifest, in that it is itself unmanifest. If,
then, thou hast the power, He will, Tat, manifest to thy mind's
eyes. The Lord begrudgeth not Himself to anything, but
manifests Himself through the whole world. Thou hast the
power of taking thought, of seeing it and grasping it in thy own
hands, and gazing face to face upon Gods Image. But if what
is within thee even is unmanifest to thee, how, then, shall He
Himself who is within thy self be manifest for thee by means of
[outer] eyes?
the ears; who He who openeth [the portal of] the mouth; who
He who doth stretch out and tie the nerves; who He who
channels out the veins; who He who hardeneth the bones; who
He who covereth the flesh with skin; who He who separates the
fingers and the joints; who He who widens out a treading for
the feet; who He who diggeth out the ducts; who He who
spreadeth out the spleen; who He who shapeth heart like to a
pyramid; who He who setteth ribs together; who He who wideneth the liver out; who He who maketh lungs like to a sponge;
who He who maketh belly stretch so much; who He who doth
make prominent the parts most honourable, so that they may
be seen, while hiding out of sight those of least honour?
7. Behold how many arts [employed] on one material, how
many labours on one single sketch; and all exceeding fair, and
all in perfect measure, yet all diversified! Who made them all?
What mother, or what sire, save God alone, unmanifest, who
hath made all things by His Will?
8. And no one saith a statue or a picture comes to be without a
sculptor or [without] a painter; doth [then] such workmanship
as this exist without a Worker? What depth of blindness, what
deep impiety, what depth of ignorance! See, [then] thou neer,
son Tat, deprivest works of Worker! Nay, rather is He greater
than all names, so great is He, the Father of them all. For
verily He is the Only One; and this His work, to be a father.
9. So, if thou forcest me somewhat too bold, to speak, His being
is conceiving of all things and making [them]. And as without
its maker it is impossible that anything should be, so ever is He
not unless He ever makes all things, in heaven, in air, in earth,
in deep, in all of cosmos, in every part that is and that is not of
everything. For there is naught in all the world that is not He.
He is Himself, both things that are and things that are not.
The things that are He hath made manifest, He keepeth things
that are not in Himself.
10. He is the God beyond all name; He the unmanifest, He the
most manifest; He whom the mind [alone] can contemplate, He
visible unto the eyes [as well]; He is the one of no body, the one
of many bodies, nay, rather He of every body. Naught is there
which He is not. For all are He and He is all. And for this
cause hath He all names, in that they are one Fathers. And for
this cause hath He Himself no name, in that Hes Father of
[them] all. Who, then, may sing Thee praise of Thee, or [praise]
to Thee? Whither, again, am I to turn my eyes to sing Thy
praise; above, below, within, without? There is no way, no
place [is there] about Thee, nor any other thing of things that
are. All [are] in Thee; all [are] from Thee, O Thou who givest
all and takest naught, for Thou hast all and naught is there
Thou hast not.
11. And when, O Father, shall I hymn Thee? For none can seize
Thy hour or time. For what, again, shall I sing hymn? For
things that Thou hast made, or things Thou hast not? For
things Thou hast made manifest, or things Thou hast concealed?
How, further, shall I hymn Thee? As being of myself? As
having something of mine own? As being other? For that Thou
art whatever I may be; Thou art whatever I may do ; Thou art
whatever I may speak. For Thou art all, and there is nothing
else which Thou art not. Thou art all that which doth exist,
and Thou art what doth not exist,Mind when Thou thinkest,
and Father when Thou makest, and God when Thou dost
energize, and Good and Maker of all things
(For that the subtler part of matter is the air, of air the soul,
of soul tbe mind, and of mind God.)1
1 [This sentence is repeated from C.H. XII:14 and is probably a scribal gloss or
comment that got appended to the text in error.]
4. The seeds of God, tis true, are few, but vast and fair, and
good-virtue and self-control, devotion. Devotion is God-gnosis;
and he who knoweth God, being filled with all good things,
thinks godly thoughts and not thoughts like the many [think].
For this cause they who Gnostic are, please not the many, nor
the many them. They are thought mad and laughed at; theyre
hated and despised, and sometimes even put to death. For we
did say that bad must needs dwell here on earth, where tis in
its own place. Its place is earth, and not Cosmos, as some will
sometimes say with impious tongue. But he who is a devotee of
God, will bear with allonce he has sensed the Gnosis. For
such an one all things, een though they be for others bad, are
for him good; deliberately he doth refer them all unto the
Gnosis. And, thing most marvellous, tis he alone who maketh
bad things good.
5. But I return once more to the Discourse (logos) on Sense.
That sense doth share with thought in man, doth constitute
him man. But tis not [every] man, as I have said, who benefits
by thought; for this man is material, that other one substantial.
For the material man, as I have said, [consorting] with the bad,
doth have his seed of thought from daimons; while the substantial men [consorting] with the Good, are saved by God.
Now God is Maker of all things, and in His making, He maketh
all [at last] like to Himself; but they, while theyre becoming
good by exercise of their activity, are unproductive things. It is
the working of the Cosmic Course that maketh their becomings
what they are, befouling some of them with bad and others of
them making clean with good. For Cosmos, too, Asclepius,
possesseth sense-and-thought peculiar to itself, not like to that
of man; tis not so manifold, but as it were a better and a
simpler one.
6. The single sense-and-thought of Cosmos is to make all
things, and make them back into itself again, as Organ of the
Will of God, so organised that it, receiving all the seeds into
itself from God, and keeping them within itself, may make all
manifest, and [then] dissolving them, make them all new again;
and thus, like a Good Gardener of Life, things that have been
dissolved, it taketh to itself, and giveth them renewal once
again. There is no thing to which it gives not life; but taking all
unto itself it makes them live, and is at the same time the
Place of Life and its Creator.
7. Now bodies matter [-made] are in diversity. Some are of
earth, of water some, some are of air, and some of fire. But
they are all composed; some are more [composite], and some
are simpler. The heavier ones are more [composed], the lighter
less so. It is the speed of Cosmos Course that works the
manifoldness of the kinds of births. For being a most swift
Breath, it doth bestow their qualities on bodies together with
the One Pleromathat of Life.
8. God, then, is Sire of Cosmos; Cosmos, of [all] in Cosmos. And
Cosmos is Gods Son; but things in Cosmos are by Cosmos. And
properly hath it been called Cosmos [Order]; for that it orders
all with their diversity of birth, with its not leaving aught
without its life, with the unweariedness of its activity, the
speed of its necessity, the composition of its elements, and
order of its creatures. The same, then, of necessity and of
propriety should have the name of Order. The sense-andthought, then, of all lives doth come into them from without,
inbreathed by what contains [them all]; whereas Cosmos
receives them once for all together with its coming into being,
and keeps them as a gift from God.
9. But God is not, as some suppose, beyond the reach of senseand-thought. It is through superstition men thus impiously
speak. For all the things that are, Asclepius, all are in God, are
brought by God to be, and do depend on Himboth things that
act through bodies, and things that through soul-substance
make [other things] to move, and things that make things live by
means of spirit, and things that take unto themselves the things
that are worn out. And rightly so; nay, I would rather say, He
doth not have these things; but I speak forth the truth, He is
them all Himself. He doth not get them from without, but gives
them out [from Him]. This is Gods sense-and-thought, ever to
move all things. And never time shall be when een a whit of
things that are shall cease; and when I say a whit of things
that are, I mean a whit of God. For things that are, God hath;
nor aught [is there] without Him, nor [is] He without aught.
4. For It doth will to be, and It is both Itself and most of all by
reason of Itself. Indeed all other things beside are just because
of It; for the distinctive feature of the Good is that it should be
known. Such is the Good, O Tat.
Tat. Thou hast, O father, filled us so full of this so good and
fairest Sight, that thereby my minds eye hath now become for
me almost a thing to worship. For that the Vision of the Good
doth not, like the suns beam, fire-like blaze on the eyes and
make them close; nay, on the contrary, it shineth forth and
maketh to increase the seeing of the eye, as far as eer a man
hath the capacity to hold the inflow of the radiance that the
mind alone can see. Not only does it come more swiftly down to
us, but it does us no harm, and is instinct with all immortal life.
5. They who are able to drink in a somewhat more than others
of this Sight, ofttimes from out the body fall asleep into this
fairest Spectacle, as was the case with Uranus and Cronus, our
forebears. May this be our lot too, O father mine!
Her. Yea, may it be, my son! But as it is, we are not yet
strung to the Vision, and not as yet have we the power our
minds eye to unfold and gaze upon the Beauty of the GoodBeauty that naught can eer corrupt or any comprehend. For
[only] then wilt thou upon It gaze when thou canst say no word
concerning It. For Gnosis of the Good is holy silence and a
giving holiday to every sense.
6. For neither can he who perceiveth It, perceive aught else; nor
he who gazeth on It, gaze on aught else; nor hear aught else,
nor stir his body any way. Staying his bodys every sense and
every motion he stayeth still. And shining then all round his
mind, It shines through his whole soul, and draws it out of
body, transforming all of him to essence. For it is possible, my
son, that a mans soul should be made like to God, een while it
still is in a body, if it doth contemplate the Beauty of the Good.
7. Tat. Made like to God! what dost thou, father, mean?
Her. Of every soul apart are transformations, son.
Tat. That meanest thou? Apart!
Her. Didst thou not, in the General Sermons, hear that from
One Soulthe All-soulcome all these souls which are made to
revolve in all the cosmos, as though divided off? Of these souls,
[Or becoming.]
lit., to Olympus.
17. Her. The hearer, son, should think with him who speaks
and breathe with him; nay, he should have a hearing subtler
than the voice of him who speaks. It is, son, in a body made of
earth that this arrangement of the vestures comes to pass. For
in a body made of earth it is impossible the mind should take
its seat itself by its own self in nakedness. For neither is it
possible on the one hand the earthy body should contain such
immortality, nor on the other that so great a virtue should
endure a body passible in such close contact with it. It taketh,
then, the soul for as it were an envelope. And soul itself, being
too a thing divine, doth use the spirit as its envelope, while
spirit doth pervade the living creature.
18. When then the mind doth free itself from the earth-body, it
straightway putteth on its proper robe of fire, with which it
could not dwell in an earth-body. For earth doth not bear fire;
for it is all set in a blaze even by a small spark. And for this
cause is water poured round earth, to be a guard and wall, to
keep the blazing of the fire away. But mind, the swiftest thing
of all divine out-thinkings, and swifter than all elements, hath
for its body fire. For mind being builder1 doth use the fire as
tool for the construction of all thingsthe Mind of all [for the
construction] of all things, but that of man only for things on
earth. Stript of its fire the mind on earth cannot make things
divine, for it is human in its dispensation.
19. The soul in man, however,not every soul, but one that
pious isis a daimonic something and divine. And such a soul
when from the body freed, if it have fought the fight of piety
the fight of piety is to know God and to do wrong to no man
such soul becomes entirely mind. Whereas the impious soul
remains in its own essence, chastised by its own self, and
seeking for an earthy body where to enter, if only it be human.
For that no other body can contain a human soul; nor is it right
that any human soul should fall into the body of a thing that
doth possess no reason. For that the law of God is this: to
guard the human soul from such tremendous outrage.2
[This appears to contradict 7-8, which can be read as teaching the ascent
and descent of soul through levels of being including the human.]
[A quotation from the Elegies of the poet Theognis of Megera (fl. 6th century
the deathless ones, [to make the lives] that suffer death. But
come! if there be two:if Matters one, and Soul is one, in
whose hands would there be the distribution a for the making?
Again, if both of them have some of it, in whose hands may
there be the greater part?
10. But thus conceive it, then; that every living body doth
consist of soul and matter, whether [that body be] of an
immortal, or a mortal, or an irrational [life]. For that all living
bodies are ensouled; whereas, upon the other hand, those that
live not, are matter by itself. And, in like fashion, Soul when in
its self is, after its own maker, cause of life; but the cause of all
life is He who makes the things that cannot die.
Her. How, then, is it that, first, lives subject unto death are
other than the deathless ones? And, next, how is it that that
Life which knows no death, and maketh deathlessness, doth
not make animals immortal?
11. Mind. First, that there is some one who does these things,
is clear; and, next, that He is also One, is very manifest. For,
also, Soul is one, and Life is one, and Matter one.
Her. But who is He ?
Mind. Who may it other be than the One God? Whom else
should it beseem to put Soul into lives but God alone? One,
then, is God. It would indeed be most ridiculous, if when thou
dost confess the Cosmos to be one, Sun one, Moon one, and
Godhead l one, thou shouldst wish God Himself to be some one
or other of a number !
12. All things, therefore, He makes, in many [ways]. And what
great thing is it for God to make life, soul, and deathlessness,
and change, when thou [thyself) dost do so many things? For
thou dost see, and speak, and hear, and smell, and taste, and
touch, and walk, and think, and breathe. And it is not one man
who smells, s second one who speaks, a third who touches,
another one who smells, another one who walks, another one
who thinks, and [yet] another one who breathes. But one is he
who doth all these. And yet no one of these could be apart from
God. For just as, shouldst thou cease from these, thou wouldst
no longer be a living thing, so also, should God cease from them
(a thing not law to say), no longer is He God.
13. For if it hath been shown that no thing can [inactive]1 be,
how much less God? For if theres aught He doth not make (if
it be law to say), He is imperfect. But if He is not only not
inactive, but perfect [God], then He doth make all things. Give
thou thyself to Me, My Hermes, for a little while: and thou
shalt understand more easily how that Gods work is one, in
order that all things may bethat are being made, or once
have been, or that are going to be made. And this is, My
belovd, Life; this is the Beautiful; this is the Good ; this, God.
14. And if thou wouldst in practice understand [this work],
behold what taketh place with thee desiring to beget. Yet this
is not like unto that, for He doth not enjoy. For that indeed He
hath no other one to share in what He works, for working by
Himself, He ever is at work, Himself being what He doth. For
did He separate Himself from it, all things would [then]
collapse, and all must die, Life ceasing. But if all things are
lives, and also Life is one; then, one is God. And, furthermore,
if all are lives, both those in Heaven and those on Earth, and
One Life in them all is made to be by God, and God is itthen,
all are made by God. Life is the makingone of Mind and
Soul; accordingly Death is not the destruction of those that are
at-oned, but the dissolving of their union.
15. on, moreover, is Gods image; Cosmos [is] ons; the Sun,
of Cosmos; and Man, [the image] of the Sun. The people call
change death, because the body is dissolved, and life, when its
dissolved, withdraws to the unmanifest. But in this sermon
(logos), Hermes, my beloved, as thou dost hear, I say the
Cosmos also suffers change,for that a part of it each day is
made to be in the unmanifest,yet it is neer dissolved. These
are the passions of the Cosmosrevolvings and concealments;
revolving is conversion and concealment renovation.
16. The Cosmos is all-formed,not having forms external to
itself, but changing them itself within itself. Since, then,
1 [Mead did not place with word in square brackets, but footnoted it as his
interpolation since a word has apparently dropped out of the text, observing
that earlier editions had conjectured apart from God. Copenhaver, following
amendments proposed by Nock & Festigure, has that you cannot be
without making something ]
will soar up to the last Body [of them all]. And shouldst thou
will to break through this as well, and contemplate what is
beyondif there be aught beyond the Cosmos; it is permitted
20. Behold what power, what swiftness, thou dost have! And
canst thou do all of these things, and God not [do them]? Then,
in this way know God; as having all thine in Himself as
thoughts, the whole Cosmos itself. If, then, thou dost not make
thyself like unto God, thou canst not know Him. For like is
knowable to like [alone]. Make, [then,] thyself to grow to the
same stature as the Greatness which transcends all measure;
leap forth from every body; transcend all Time; become
Eternity;2 and [thus] shalt thou know God. Conceiving nothing
is impossible unto thyself, think thyself deathless and able to
know all,all arts, all sciences, the way of every life. Become
more lofty than all height, and lower than all depth. Collect
into thyself all senses of [all] creatures,of fire, [and] water,
dry and moist. Think that thou art at the same time in every
place,in earth, in sea, in sky; not yet begotten, in the womb,
young, old, [and] dead, in after-death conditions. And if thou
knowest all these things at once,times, places, doings,
qualities, and quantities; thou canst know God.
21. But if thou lockest up thy soul within thy body, and dost
debase it, saying: I nothing know; I nothing can; I fear the sea;
I cannot scale the sky; I know not who I was, who I shall be;
what is there [then] between [thy] God and thee? For thou
canst know naught of things beautiful and good so long as thou
dost love thy body and art bad. The greatest bad there is, is not
to know Gods Good;3 but to be able to know [Good], and will,
and hope, is a Straight Way, the Goods own [Path], both leading
there and easy. If thou but settst thy foot thereon, twill meet
thee everywhere, twill everywhere be seen, both where and
when thou dost expect it not,waking, sleeping, sailing,
[However, you may have to make a few SAN checks.]
[awn. It is unclear why Mead here actually translated the word, since the
statement recalls the cosmogony of 2-4 where Ain is the immediate
production of God.]
3 [t qeon, lit. the divine. Compare also title of C.H. VII.]
The Secret Sermon on the Mountain
Concerning Rebirth and the Promise of Silence
of Thrice-greatest Hermes unto Tat his Son
Her. Thus is it, son: That which is upward borne like fire,
yet is borne down like earth, that which is moist like water, yet
blows like air, how shalt thou this perceive with sensethe
that which is not solid nor yet moist, which naught can bind or
loose, of which in power and energy alone can man have any
notion,and even then it wants a man who can perceive the
Way of Birth in God?
7. Tat. I am incapable of this, O father, then?
Her. Nay, God forbid, my son! Withdraw into thyself, and it
will come; will, and it comes to pass; throw out of work the
bodys senses, and thy Divinity shall come to birth; purge from
thyself the brutish torments-things of matter.
Tat. I have tormentors then in me, O father?
Her. Ay, no few, my son; nay, fearful ones and manifold.
Tat. I do not know them, father.
Her. Torment the first is this Not-knowing, son; the second
one is Grief; the third, Intemperance; the fourth, Concupiscence; the fifth, Unrighteousness; the sixth is Avarice; the
seventh, Error; the eighth is Envy; the ninth, Guile; the tenth
is Anger; eleventh, Rashness; the twelfth is Malice. These are
in number twelve; but under them are many more, my son; and
creeping through the prison of the body they force the man
thats placed within to suffer in his senses. But they depart
(although not all at once) from him who hath been taken pity
on by God; and this it is which constitutes the manner of
Rebirth. And . . . the Reason (logos).1
8. And now, my son, be still and solemn silence keep! Thus
shall the mercy that flows on us from God not cease.
Henceforth rejoice, O son, for by the Powers of God thou art
being purified for the articulation of the Reason (logos). Gnosis
of God hath come to us, and when this comes, my son, Notknowing is cast out. Gnosis of Joy hath come to us, and on its
coming, son, Sorrow will flee away to them who give it room.
The Power that follows Joy do I invoke, thy Self-control. O
Power most sweet! Let us most gladly bid it welcome, son!
How with its coming doth it chase Intemperance away!
[It is unclear if there is a lacuna in the text here. Copenhaver merges these
last words with the previous sentence: this is the basis of rebirth, the means
and method.]
disunions in them, son, while in their action they are one. Not
only can we never part Rashness from Wrath; they cannot even
be distinguished. According to right reason (logos), then, they
naturally withdraw once and for all, in as much as they are
chased out by no less than ten powers, that is, the Ten. For,
son, the Ten is that which giveth birth to souls. And Life and
Light are unified there, where the One hath being from the
Spirit. According then to reason (logos) the One contains the
Ten, the Ten the One.
13. Tat. Father, I see the All, I see myself in Mind.
Her. This is, my son, Rebirthno more to look on things from
bodys view-point (a thing three ways in space extended), . . .
though this Sermon (logos) on Rebirth, on which I did not
comment;in order that we may not be calumniators of the All
unto the multitude, to whom indeed the God Himself doth will
we should not.
14. Tat. Tell me, O father: This Body which is made up of the
Powers, is it at any time dissolved?
Her. Hush, [son]! Speak not of things impossible, else wilt
thou sin and thy Minds eye be quenched. The natural body
which our sense perceives is far removed from this essential
birth. The first must be dissolved, the last can never be; the
first must die, the last death cannot touch. Dost thou not know
thou hast been born a God, Son of the One, even as I myself?
15. Tat. I would, O father, hear the Praisegiving with hymn
which thou didst say thou heardest then when thou wert at the
Eight [the Ogdoad] of Powers.
Her. Just as the Shepherd1 did foretell [I should], my son,
[when I came to] the Eight.2 Well dost thou haste to strike thy
tent, for thou hast been made pure. The Shepherd, Mind of all
[i.e., Poimandres, the divine figure of C.H. I.]
[A reference to C.H. I:26 where after being purified of seven vices the soul
enters the eighth spherethe sphere beyond the planets and thus free of their
baneful influence. There is though a dual meaning of Ogdoad; in some
Gnostic systems such as that attributed to Ptolmey (a disciple of Valentinus) by
Irenus, the first productions of the parent of the entirity formed a group of
eight powers (see IrPt in Layton, The Gnostic Scriptures). The prototype was
possibly the company of eight gods in the Hermepolitan creation myth, also
alluded to in the Hermetic Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth in NHC VI.]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes to Asclepius
Unto Asclepius Good Heath of Soul!1
[The form is epistlatory rather than the more usual dialogue / sermon.]
4. For what is sweeter than one's own true Sire? Who, then, is
He; and how shall we learn how to know Him? Is it not right to
dedicate to Him done the name of God, or that of Maker, or of
Father, or rather [all] the three;God for His Power, and
Maker for His Energy, and Father for His Good? Now Power
doth differ from the things which are being made; while Energy
consisteth in all things being made. Wherefore we ought to put
away verbosity and foolish talk, and understand these twothe
made and Maker. For that of them there is no middle [term];
there is no third.
5. Wherefore in all that thou conceivest, in all thou hearest,
these two recall to mind; and think all things are they,
reckoning as doubtful naught, nor of the things above, nor of
the things below, neither of things divine, nor things that suffer
change or things that are in obscuration. For all things are
[these] twain, Maker and made, and tis impossible that one
should be without the other; for neither is it possible that
Maker should exist without the made, for each of them is
one and the same thing. Wherefore tis no more possible for
one from other to be parted, than self from self.
6. Now if the Maker is naught else but That which makes,
Alone, Simple, Uncompound, it needs must do this [making] to
Itself,to Which its Maker's making is its being made. And
as to all thats being made,it cannot be [so made] by being
made by its own self; but it must needs be made by being made
by other. Without the Maker made is neither made nor is;
for that the one without the other doth lose its proper nature by
deprivation of that other. If, then, all things have been
admitted to be two,the that which is being made and that
which makes,[all then] are one in union of these,the that
which leadeth and the that which followeth. The making
God is that which leadeth; the that which is being made,
whateer it be, the that which followeth.
7. And do not thou be chary of things made because of their
variety, from fear of attribution of a low estate and lack of glory
unto God. For that His Glorys one,to make all things; and
this is as it were Gods Body,the making [of them]. But by
the Makers self naught is there thought or bad or base. These
11. For that the duty of the Gods is to give benefits; the duty of
mankind is to give worship;1 the duty of the daimons is to give
requital. For as to all the other things men do, through error,
or foolhardiness, or by necessity, which they call Fate: or ignorancethese are not held requitable among the Gods; impiety
alone is guilty at their bar.
12. The Sun is the preserver and the nurse of every class. And
just as the Intelligible World, holding the Sensible in its
embrace, fills it [all] full, distending it with forms of every kind
and every shapeso, too, the Sun distendeth all in Cosmos,
affording births to all, and strengtheneth them. When they are
weary or they fail, He takes them in His arms again.
13. And under Him is ranged the choir of daimonsor, rather,
choirs; for these are multitudinous and very varied, ranked
underneath the groups of Stars, in equal number with each one
of them. So, marshalled in their ranks, they are the ministers of
each one of the Stars, being in their natures good, and bad, that
is, in their activities (for that a daimons essence is activity);
while some of them are [of[ mixed [natures], good and bad.
14. To all of these has been allotted the authority oer things
upon the Earth; and it is they who bring about the multifold
confusion of the turmoils on the Earthfor states and nations
generally, and for each individual separately. For they do
shape our souls like to themselves, and set them moving with
them,obsessing nerves, and marrow, veins and arteries, the
brain itself, down to the very heart.
15. For on each one of us being born and made alive, the
daimons take hold on usthose [daimones] who are in service
at that moment [of the wheel] of Genesis, who are ranged under
each one of the Stars. For that these change at every moment;
they do not stay the same, but circle back again. These, then,
descending through the body to the two parts of the soul, set it
awhirling, each one towards its own activity. But the souls
rational part is set above the lordship of the daimons
designed to be receptacle of God.
Or to be pious.
16. Who then doth have a Ray shining upon him through the
Sun within his rational partand these in all are fewon
them the daimons do not act; for no one of the daimons or of
Gods has any power against one Ray of God. As for the rest,
they are all led and driven, soul and body, by the daimons
loving and hating the activities of these. The reason (logos),
[then,] is not the love that is deceived and that deceives. The
daimons, therefore, exercise the whole of this terrene economy:
using our bodies as [their] instruments. And this economy
Hermes has called Heimarmen.1
17. The World Intelligible, then, depends from God; the Sensible
from the Intelligible [World]. The Sun, through the Intelligible
and the Sensible Cosmos, pours forth abundantly the stream
from God of Good,that is, the demiurgic operation. And
round the Sun are the Eight Spheres, dependent from Him
the [Sphere] of the Non-wandering Ones, the Six [Spheres] of
the Wanderers, and one Circumterrene.2 And from the Spheres
depend the daimones; and from these, men. And thus all
things and all [of them] depend from God.
18. Wherefore God is the Sire of all; the Suns [their] Demiurge;
the Cosmos is the instrument of demiurgic operation. Intelligible Essence regulateth Heaven; and Heaven, the Gods; the
daimones, ranked underneath the Gods, regulate men. This is
the host of Gods and daimones. Through these God makes all
things for His own self. And all [of them] are parts of God; and
if they all [are] partsthen, God is all. Thus, making all, He
makes Himself; nor ever can He cease [His making], for He
Himself is ceaseless. Just, then, as God doth have no end and
no beginning, so doth His making have no end and no
1 [This fragment is untitled in MS.; Mead argues that some pages in the
prototpye MS. are missing including the ending of CH. XVI and the title, and
probably the bulk of the text, of the present work. The speaker is identified in
some texts as Tat; Mead considered this a spurious correction by a copyist.
The unnamed King is perhaps meant to be the King Ammon who is addressed
in C.H. XVI.]
2 [In the sense of Platonic Ideas, probably.]
For, you must know, the end of [this] our duty will be the
glorious fame of Kings, and the good-will of our discourse
(logos) [will occupy itself] about the triumphs which they win.
Come then, let us make haste! For that the singer willeth it,
and hath attuned his lyree for this; nay more, more sweetly will
he play, more fitly will he sing, as he has for his song the
greater subjects of his theme.
8. Since, then, he has the [stringing] of his lyre tuned specially
to Kings, and has the key of laudatory songs, and as his goal
the Royal praises, let him first raise himself unto the highest
Kingthe God of wholes. Beginning, [then,] his song from the
above, he, [thus,] in second place, descends to those after His
likeness who hold the sceptres power; since Kings themselves,
indeed, prefer the [topics] of the song should step by step
descend from the above, and where they have their [gifts of]
victory presided oer for them, thence should their hopes be led
in orderly succession.
9. Let, then, the singer start with God, the greatest King of
wholes, who is for ever free from death, both everlasting and
possessed of [all] the might of everlastingness, the Glorious
Victor, the very first, from whom all victories descend to those
who in succession do succeed to victory.
10. Our sermon (logos) then, doth hasten to descend to [Kingly]
praises and to the Presidents of common weal and peace, the
Kingswhose lordship in most ancient times was placed upon
the highest pinnacle by God Supreme; for whom the prizes
have already been prepared even before their prowess in the
war; of whom the trophies have been raised even before the
shock of conflict. For whom it is appointed not only to be Kings
but also to be best. At whom, before they even stir, the foreign
land doth quake.
11. But now our theme (logos) doth hasten on to blend its end
with its beginningswith blessing of the Better [One]; and
then to make a final end of its discourse (logos) on those
divinest Kings who give us the [great] prize of peace. For just
[Editors note]
Titles of this tract in extant MSS. vary. Perfect Sermon (Sermo perfectus,
lgoj tleioj) is how this tract is cited by the early Christian writer Lactantius,
who quotes passages in Greek in his Divine Institutes (ca. 311 C.E.). Logos
teleios could also mean Sermon of Initiation.
The earliest complete texts of the discourse are in Latin. The original language
of composition was almost certainly Greek; some Greek words appear in
romanized form in the Latin text as technical terms and a few passages appear
to depend on Greek word-plays.
Further excerpts from the Greek appear in the anthology of Stobus and the
writings of a 6th-century writer Johannes Laurentius Lydus. Mead, on comparing these quotations and those of Lactantius with the Latin, remarked that
the latter was an exceedingly free rendering of the Greek, showing many
expansions and contractions, and often missing the sense of the original
Some Latin quotations are found in the De Civitate Dei of Augustine of Hippo
(early 5th cent. C.E.). Since Mead wrote, a Coptic translation of sections 21-29
was found in a codex discovered at Nag Hammadi (NHC VI, 8); this contains
some quite significant variations with the Latin and is regarded as probably
closer to the Greek original. The same codex includes a slight variation of the
concluding prayer of the Asclepius (NHC VI, 7). The date of this codex is uncertain but probably no later than the fourth century C.E.
The division into chapters seems somewhat arbitrary but is long-established
and is retained for citation purposes. Mead additionally added his own section
numbering within chapters, and also noted a division into fifteen sections from
the French edition of Mnard (1867), which latter was followed by Anna
Kingsford and Edward Maitland when they included the Asclepius in The
Virgin of the World, an 1885 collection of Hermetic texts. These are omitted,
and many apparently redundant paragraph breaks have been removed.
(When Ammon too had come within the holy place, and when
the sacred group of four was now complete with piety and with
Gods goodly presenceto them, sunk in fit silence reverently,
their souls and minds pendent on Hermes lips, thus Love
Divine began to speak.)
[Tris.] The soul of every man, O [my] Asclepius, is deathless;
yet not all in like fashion, but some in one way or [one] time,
some in another.
Asc. Is not, then, O Thrice-greatest one, each soul of one
[and the same] quality?
Tris. How quickly hast thou fallen, O Asclepius, from
reasons true sobriety! Did not I say that All is One, and
One is All, in as much as all things have been in the Creator
before they were created. Nor is He called unfitly All, in that
his members are the All. Therefore, in all this argument, see
that thou keep in mind Him who is One-All, or who Himself
is maker of the All.
All things descend from Heaven to Earth, to Water and to
Air. Tis Fire alone, in that it is borne upwards, giveth life;
that which [is carried] downwards [is] subservient to Fire.
Further, whatever doth descend from the above, begetteth;
what floweth upwards, nourisheth. Tis Earth alone, in that it
resteth on itself, that is Receiver of all things, and [also] the
Restorer of all genera that it receives. This Whole: therefore, as
thou rememberest, in that it is of all,in other words, all
things, embraced by nature under Soul and World, are in
[perpetual] flux, so varied by the multiform equality of all their
forms, that countless kinds of well-distinguished qualities may
be discerned, yet with this bond of union, that all should seem
as One, and from One All.
That, then, from which the whole Cosmos is formed, consisteth
of Four ElementsFire, Water, Earth, and Air; Cosmos [itself
is] one, [its] Soul [is] one, and God is one. Now lend to me the
whole of thee,all that thou canst in mind, all that thou
skillst in penetration. For that the Reason of Divinity may not
pass that though all genera are deathless, all species are not so.
The genus of Divinity is in itself and in its species [also]
deathless. As for the genera of other things,to their genus,
they [too] are everlasting; [for] though [the genus] perish in its
species, yet it persists through its fecundity in being born. And
for this cause its species are beneath the sway of death; so that
man mortal is, mankind immortal.
And yet the species of all genera are interblended with all
genera; some which have previously been made, some which
are made from these. The latter, then, which are being made,
either by Gods, or daimons, or by men,are species all most
closely like to their own several genera. For that it is
impossible that bodies should be formed without the will of
God; or species be configured without the help of daimons; or
animals be taught and trained without the help of men.
Whoever of the daimons, then, transcending their own genus,
are, by chance, united with a species: by reason of the
neighbourhood of any species of the Godlike class,these are
considered like to Gods. Whereas those species of the daimons
which continue in the quality of their own class,these love
men's rational nature [and occupy themselves with men], and
are called daimons proper. Likewise is it the case with men, or
more so even. Diverse and multiform, the species of mankind.
And coming in itself from the association spoken of above, it of
necessity doth bring about a multitude of combinations of all
other species and almost of all things.
Wherefore doth man draw nigh unto the Gods, if he have
joined himself unto the Gods with Godlike piety by reason of
his mind, whereby he is joined to the Gods; and [nigh] unto the
daimons, in that he is joined unto them [as well]. Whereas
those men who are contented with the mediocrity of their own
class, and the remaining species of mankind, will be like those
unto the species of whose class they've joined themselves.
It is for reasons such as these, Asclepius, man is a mighty
wonder,an animal meet for our worship and for our respect.
The Lord and Maker of all things, whom we call rightly God,
when from Himself He made the second [God], the Visible and
Sensible,I call him Sensible not that He hath sensation in
Himself (for as to this, whether or no He have himself
sensation, we will some other time declare), but that He is the
object of the senses of those who see;when, then, He made
Him first, but second to Himself, and that He seemed to Him
[most] fair, as one filled to the full with goodness of all things,
He fell in love with Him as being part of His Divinity.
Accordingly, in that He was so mighty and so fair, He willed
that some one else should have the power to contemplate the
One He had made from Himself. And thereon He made man,
the imitator of His Reason and His Love. The Will of God is in
itself complete accomplishment; inasmuch as together with His
having willed, in one and the same time He hath brought it to
full accomplishment. And so, when He perceived that the
essential (ousids) [man] could not be lover of all things,
unless He clothed him in a cosmic carapace, He shut him in
within a house of body,and ordered it that all [men] should be
so,from either nature making him a single blend and fairproportioned mixture.
Therefore hath He made man of soul and body,that is, of
an eternal and a mortal nature; so that an animal thus blended
can content his dual origin,admire and worship things in
heaven, and cultivate and govern things on earth. By mortal
thingse I do not mean the water or the earth [themselves], for
these are two of the [immortal] elements that nature hath
made subject unto men,but [either] things that are by men,
or [that are] in or from them; such as the cultivation of the
earth itself, pastures, [and] buildings, harbours, voyagings,
intercommunications, mutual services, which are the firmest
bonds of men between themselves and that part of the Cosmos
which consists [indeed] of water and of earth, [but is] the
Cosmos terrene part,which is preserved by knowledge and
the use of arts and sciences; without which [things] God willeth
not Cosmos should be complete. In that necessity doth follow
what seems good to God; performance waits upon His will. Nor
thy soul, but also with its living power [as well]. For tis a
Reason that most men cannot believe; the Perfect and the True
are to be grasped by the more holy minds. Hence, then, will I
The Lord of the Eternity is the first God; the seconds
Cosmos; man is the third. God is the Maker of the Cosmos and
of all the things therein; at the same time He ruleth all, with
man himself, [who is] the ruler of the compound thing; the
whole of which man taking on himself, doth make of it the
proper care of his own love, in order that the two of them,
himself and Cosmos, may be an ornament each unto other; so
that from this divine compost of man, World seems most fitly
called Kosmos1 in Greek.
He knows himself; he knows the World as well. So that he
recollects, indeed, what is convenient to his own parts. He calls
to mind what he must use, that they may be of service to
himself; giving the greatest praise and thanks to God, His
Image reverencing,not ignorant that he is, too, Gods image
the second [one]; for that there are two images of GodCosmos
and man.
So that it comes to pass that, since mans is a single
structure,in that part [of him] which doth consist of Soul, and
Sense, of Spirit, and of Reason, hes divine; so that he seems to
have the power to mount from as it were the higher elements
into the Heaven. But in his cosmic part, which is composed of
fire, and water, and of air, he stayeth mortal on the Earth,
lest he should leave all things committed to his care forsaken
and bereft. Thus human kind is made in one part deathless,
and in the other part subject to death while in a body.
Now of that dual nature,that is to say of man,there is a
chief capacity. [And that is] piety, which goodness follows
after. [And] this [capacity] then, and then only, seems to be
perfected, if it be fortified with virtue of despising all desires for
alien things. For alien from every part of kinship with the
Gods are all things on the Earth, whatever are possessed from
bodily desires,to which we rightly give the name possessions,
[The Greek word also has the meanings of order and ornament.]
in that they are not born with us, but later on begin to be
possessed by us; wherefore we call them by the name
All such things, then, are alien from man,even his body.
So that we can despise not only what we long for, but also that
from which the vice of longing comes to us. For just as far as
the increase of reason leads our soul, so far one should be man;
in order that by contemplating the divine, one should look down
upon, and disregard the mortal part, which hath been joined to
him, through the necessity of helping on the lower world.
For that, in order that a man should be complete in either
part, observe that he hath been composed of elements of either
part in sets of four;with hands, and feet, both of them pairs,
and with the other members of his body, by means of which he
may do service to the lower (that is to say the terrene) world.
And to these parts [are added other] four;of sense, and soul,
of memory, and foresight, by means of which he may become
acquainted with the rest of things divine, and judge of them.
Hence it is brought about that man investigates the differences
and qualities, effects and quantities of things, with critical
research; yet, as he is held back with the too heavy weight of
bodys imperfection, he cannot properly descry the causes of the
nature of [all] things which [really] are the true ones.
Man, then, being thus created and composed, and to such
ministry and service set by Highest God,man, by his keeping
suitably the world in proper order, [and] by his piously adoring
God, in both becomingly and suitably obeying Gods Good Will,
[man being] such as this, with what reward thinkst thou he
should be recompensed? If that, indeed,since Cosmos is
Gods work,he who preserves and adds on to its beauty by his
love, joins his own work unto Gods Will; when he with toil and
care doth fashion out the species (which He hath made
[already] with His Divine Intent), with help of his own body;
with what reward thinkst thou he should be recompensed, unless it be with that with which our forebears have been blest?
That this may be the pleasure of Gods Love, such is our
prayer for you, devoted ones. In other words, may He, when ye
[A rather weak wordplay in the Latin; possibly an attempt to render an
untranslatable wordplay in the Greek.]
have served your time, and have put off the worlds restraint,
and freed yourselves from deathly bonds, restore you pure and
holy to the nature of your higher self, that is of the Divine!
Asc. Rightly and truly, O Thrice-greatest one, thou speakest.
This is the prize for those who piously subordinate their lives to
God and live to help the world.
Tris. [To those], however, who have lived in other fashion
impiously,[to them] both is return to Heaven denied, and
theres appointed them migration into other bodies unworthy of
a holy soul and base; so that, as this discourse of ours will
show: souls in their life on earth run risk of losing hope of
future immortality.
But [all of this] doth seem to some beyond belief; a tale to
others; to others [yet again], perchance, a subject for their
mirth. For in this life in body, it is a pleasant thingthe pleasure
that one gets from ones possessions. Tis for this cause that
spite, in envy of its [hope of] immortality, doth clap the soul in
prison, as they say, and keep it down, so that it stays in that
part of itself in which its mortal, nor suffers it to know the part
of its divinity.
For I will tell thee, as though it were prophetic-ly, that no
one after us shall have the Single Love, the Love of wisdomloving, which consists in Gnosis of Divinity alone,[the practice
of] perpetual contemplation and of holy piety. For that the
many do confound philosophy with multifarious reasoning.
Asc. Why is it, then, the many make philosophy so hard to
grasp; or wherefore is it they confound this thing with multifarious reasoning ?
Tris. Tis in this way, Asclepius;by mixing it, by means of
subtle expositions, with divers sciences not easy to be
grasped,such as arithmetic, and music, and geometry. But
Pure Philosophy, which doth depend on godly piety alone,
should only so far occupy itself with other arts, that it may
[know how to] appreciate the working out in numbers of the
fore-appointed stations of the stars when they return, and of
be, just as they all have been, and that henceforth the nature of
being born from their own selves may be sufficient to all things
that will be born. Let this, then, be the reason given thee,
Asclepius, wherefore and how all things are made of either sex.
Asc. Thou speakst of God, then, O Thrice-greatest one?
Tris. Not only God, Asclepius, but all things living and inanimate. For tis impossible that any of the things that are
should be unfruitful. For if fecundity should be removed from
all the things that are, it could not be that they should be for
ever what they are. I mean that Nature, Sense, and Cosmos,
have in themselves the power of being born, and of preserving
all things that are born. For either sex is full of procreation;
and of each one there is a union, or,whats more true,a
unity incomprehensible; which you may rightly call Ers or
Aphrodit, or both [names].
This, then, is truer than all truth, and plainer than what the
mind[s eye] perceives;that from that Universal God of
Universal Nature all other things for evermore have found, and
had bestowed on them, the mystery of bringing forth; in which
there is innate the sweetest Charity, [and] Joy, [and] Merriment, Longing, and Love Divine. We might have had to tell the
mighty power and the compulsion of this mystery, if it had not
been able to be known by every one from personal experience,
by observation of himself.1
For if thou shouldst regard that supreme [point] of time
when . . .2 the one nature doth pour forth the young into the
other one, and when the other greedily absorbs [it] from the
first, and hides it [ever] deeper [in itself];then, at that time,
out of their common congress, females attain the nature of the
1 [From this sentence to around the middle of cap. xxix, a version of the text
appears in Coptic translation in NHC VI, with a number of significant variations from the Latin. See Robinson (ed.), Nag Hammadi Library in English for
a translation.]
2 [There is no lacuna in the text, and the Latin, which Mead helpfully gives in a
note (. . . quo ex crebro attritu prurimus ut . . .) presents no real difficulty for
translation; literally . . . when from constant rubbing we itch so that . . .
although prurimus, itch, is used in a transferred sense (one hopes . . . if not,
you should really get that checked out). Mead clearly still had at least one foot
in the nineteenth century.]
the Heaven and Earth, is Ruler of the Space which we call Zeus
[Above]. The Earth and Sea is ruled by Zeus Below;1 he is the
Nourisher of mortal lives, and of fruitbearing [trees]. It is by
reason of the powers of all of these that fruits, and trees, and
earth, grow green. The powers and energies of [all] the other
[Gods] will be distributed through all the things that are.
Yea, they who rule the earth shall be distributed [through all
the lands], and [finally] be gathered in a state,at top of
Egypts upper part,which shall be founded towards the
setting sun, and to which all the mortal race shall speed.
Asc. But now, just at this moment, where are they, Thricegreatest one?
Tris. They're gathered in a very large community, upon the
Libyan Hill. And now enough concerning this hath been
But now the question as to deathlessness or as to death must
be discussed. The expectation and the fear of death torture the
multitude, who do not know True Reason. Now death is
brought about by dissolution of the body, wearied out with toil,
and of the number, when complete, by which the bodys
members are arranged into a single engine for the purposes of
life. The body dies, when it no longer can support the lifepowers of a man. This, then, is death,the bodys dissolution,
and the disappearance of corporeal sense.2
As to this death anxiety is needless. But theres another
[death] which no man can escape, but which the ignorance and
unbelief of man think little of.
Asc. What is it, O Thrice-greatest one, that men know
nothing of, or disbelieve that it can be?
Tris. So, lend thy ear, Asclepius!
Jupiter Plutonius.
[This passage in Greek was quoted in the anthology of Stobus under the
head Of Hermes, from those to Asclepius. Followeth Meads translation of
this Greek version:
Now must we speak of death. For death affrights the many as the greatest
of all ills, in ignorance of fact. Death is the dissolution of the toiling frame. For
when the number of the bodys joints becomes complete,the basis of the
body's jointing being number,that body dies; [that is,] when it no longer can
support the man.
And this is death,the body's dissolution and the
disappearance of corporeal sense.]
When, [then,] the souls departure from the body shall take
place,then shall the judgment and the weighing of its merit
pass into its highest daimons power. And when he sees it
pious is and just,he suffers it to rest in spots appropriate to
it. But if he find it soiled with stains of evil deeds, and fouled
with vice,he drives it from Above into the Depths, and hands
it oer to warring hurricanes and vortices of Air, of Fire, and
Twixt Heaven and Earth, upon the waves of Cosmos, is it
dragged in contrary directions, for ever racked with ceaseless
pains; so that in this its deathless nature doth afflict the soul,
in that because of its unceasing sense, it hath the yoke of
ceaseless torture set upon its neck.1 Know, then, that we
should dread, and be afraid, and [ever] be upon our guard, lest
we should be entangled in these [toils]. For those who do not
now believe, will after their misdeeds be driven to believe, by
facts not words, by actual sufferings of punishment and not by
Asc. The faults of men are not, then, punished, O Thricegreatest one, by law of man alone?
Tris. In the first place, Asclepius, all things on Earth must
die. Further, those things which live by reason of a body, and
which do cease from living by reason of the same,all these,
according to the merits of this life, or its demerits, find due
[rewards or] punishments. [And as to punishments] theyre all
the more severe, if in their life [their misdeeds] chance to have
been hidden, till their death. For [then] they will be made full
conscious of all things by the divinity, just as they are,
according to the shades of punishment allotted to their crimes.
Asc. And these deserve [still] greater punishments, Thricegreatest one?2
[The Coptic goes into more detail here.]
[From this point on the Coptic is almost completely different and for the
remainder of the extract goes off on one about the tortures inflicted on sinners
by daimons (NHC VI, 78:14-43), apparently regarding those who steal from
temples as the worst offenders.]
God, then, hath [ever] been unchanging: and ever, in like
fashion, with Himself hath the Eternity consisted,having
within itself Cosmos ingenerate, which we correctly call [God]
Sensible. Of that [transcendent] Deity this Image hath been
made,Cosmos the imitator of Eternity. Time, further, hath
the strength and nature of its own stability, in spite of its being
in perpetual motion,from its necessity of [ever] from itself
reverting to itself.1
And so, although Eternity is stable, motionless, and fixed,
still, seeing that the movement of [this] Time (which is subject
to motion) is ever being recalled into Eternity,and for that
reason. Times mobility is circular,it comes to pass that the
Eternity itself, although in its own self, is motionless, [yet] on
account of Time, in which it is(and it is in it),it seems to be
in movement as all motion. So that it comes to pass, that both
Eternitys stability becometh moved, and Times mobility
becometh stable. So may we ever hold that God Himself is
moved into Himself by [ever-] same transcendency of motion.
For that stability is in His vastness motion motionless; for by
His vastness is [His] law exempt from change.
That, then, which so transcends, which is not subject unto
sense, [which is] beyond all bounds, [and which] cannot be
grasped,That transcends all appraisement; That cannot be
supported, nor borne up, nor can it be tracked out. For where,
and when, and whence, and how, and what, He is,-is known to
none. For Hes borne up by [His] supreme stability, and His
stability is in Himself [alone],whether [this mystery] be God,
or the Eternity, or both, or one in other, or both in either.
And for this cause, just as Eternity transcends the bounds of
Time; so Time [itself], in that it cannot have bounds set to it by
number, or by change, or by the period of the revolution of some
second [kind of Time],is of the nature of Eternity. Both, then,
seem boundless, both eternal.
And so stability, though
naturally fixed, yet seeing that it can sustain the things that
are in motion,because of all the good it does by reason of its
firmness, deservedly doth hold the chiefest place.
The principals of all that are, are, therefore, God and on.1
The Cosmos, on the other hand, in that tis moveable, is not a
principal. For its mobility exceeds its own stability by treating
the immoveable fixation as the law of everlasting movement.
The Whole Sense, then, of the Divinity, though like [to Him] in
its own self immoveable, doth set itself in motion within its own
stability. Tis holy, incorruptible, and everlasting, and if there
can be any better attribute to give to it, [tis its],Eternity of
God supreme, in Truth itself subsisting, the Fullness of all
things, of Sense, and of the whole of Science, consisting, so to
say, with God.
The Cosmic Sense is the container of all sensibles, [all]
species, and [all] sciences. The human [higher2 sense consists]
in the retentiveness of memory, in that it can recall all things
that it hath done. For only just as far ae the man-animal haa
the divinity of Sense descended; in that God hath not willed the
highest Sense divine should be commingled with the rest of
animals; lest it should blush for shame on being mingled with
the other lives. For whatsoever be the quality, or the extent, of
the intelligence of a mans Sense, the whole of it consists in
power of recollecting what is past. It is through his retentiveness of memory, that mans been made the ruler of the
Now the intelligence of Nature can be won by quality of
Cosmic Sense,from all the things in Cosmos which sense can
perceive. Concerning [this] Eternity, which is the second
[one],the Sense of this we get from out the senses Cosmos,
and we discern its quality [by the same means]. But the
intelligence of Quality [itself], the Whatness of the Sense of
God Supreme, is Truth alone,of which [pure] Truth not even
the most tenuous sketch, or [faintest] shade, in Cosmos is
discerned. For where is aught [of it] discerned by measurement
of times,wherein are seen untruths, and births [-and-deaths],
and errors?
[Still ternitas in the Latin.]
[The frequent interpolation of the word higher where there is nothing in the
text corresponding is one of the few respects in which this translation is
distorted by the views of the theosophical schools of the nineteenth century.]
1 [As noted, kosmos in Greek also has the meaning of order. In the Latin text
the word used is mundus which Mead has rendered Cosmos in most, though
not all instances.]
Now when they came forth from the holy place, they turned
their faces towards the south1 when they began their prayers to
God. For when the sun is setting, should anyone desire to pray
to God, he ought to turn him thitherwards; so also at the rising
of the same, unto that spot which lies beneath the sun. As they
were just beginning to recite the prayer, Asclepius did whisper:
[Asc.] Let us suggest to father, Tat,what he did bid us do,
that we should say our prayer to God with added incense and
with unguents.
Whom when Thrice-greatest heard, he grew distressed and
[Tris.] Nay, nay, Asclepius; speak more propitious words!
For this is like to profanation of [our] sacred rites,when thou
dost pray to God, to offer incense and the rest. For naught is
there of which He stands in need, in that He is all things, or all
are in Him. But let us worship, pouring forth our thanks. For
this is the best incense in Gods sightwhen thanks are given
to Him by men.2
[We give] Thee grace, Thou highest [and] most excellent! For
by Thy Grace we have received the so great Light of Thy own
Gnosis. O holy Name, fit [Name] to be adored, O Name unique,
by which the Only God is to be blest through worship of [our]
Sire,[of Thee] who deignest to afford to all a Fathers piety,
and care, and love, and whatsoever virtue is more sweet [than
these], endowing [us] with sense, [and] reason, [and] intelligence;with sense that we may feel Thee; with reason that we
may track Thee out from the appearances of things; with
means of recognition that we may joy in knowing Thee.
Saved by Thy Power divine, let us rejoice that Thou hast
shown Thyself to us in all Thy Fullness. Let us rejoice that
Thou hast deigned to consecrate us, [still] entombed in bodies,
to Eternity. For this is the sole festival of praise worthy of
man,to know Thy Majesty. We have known Thee; yea, by the
Single Sense of our intelligence, we have perceived Thy Light
1 [Considered an error for south-west or west by Mead, but the same direction
is given in C.H. XIII:16.]
2 [Compare the speech offerings (Copenhavers trans.) of C.H. XIII:19, 21.
[Editors note]
Johannes Stobus (fl. late 5th cent. C.E.), to use the Latinised form of his
name, compiled a massive collection of extracts from Greek writers for the
purpose of instructing his son. These include around forty excerpts of
varying length from Hermetic writings. Some of these represent portions
of otherwise known texts including parts of C.H. II, IV and IX and the
Asclepius; the majority are from otherwise unknown logoi, including two
substantial parts of a tract known as the Kor Kosmou or Virgin of the
Mead has translated 27 of these excerpts (in addition to the quotation from
Asc. xxvii, which appears in a note to his rendering of the Latin). The
ordering seems influenced by his classification scheme of the literature
where Hermes and his various disciples represent different stages of
gnsis; thus we have I-XI adressed to Tat, XII-XIX addressed to Ammon,
XX with no clear adressee and XXI-XXVII mainly featuring Isis and
Horus. These numbers are thus peculiar to this edition. The numbering of
excerpts used in modern literature (e.g. the apparatus to Copenhavers
Hermetica) follows Nock & Festugires edition of the texts (first pub. 194654) in which excerpts numbered I-XXIX appeared in vols. III-IV.
Three of the excerpts (I, III and VIII by Meads numbering) were
interspersed in a rearranged Latin edition of C.H. I-XIV by Francesco
Patrizi (1591) which was used as the basis for J. Everards Divine
Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus.
An English translation by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland of the
Kor Kosmou and other Stobus excerpts, along with C.H. XVI-XVIII (run
together under the title Definitions of Asclepios) and the Asclepius was
published in 1885 under the title Virgin of the World by Robert Fryar of
Bath, as a companion to his re-issuing of Everards seventeenth-century
translation of CH. I-XIV and three Stobus excerpts. J.D. Chambers
included 21 excerpts in his 1882 edition of the Hermetica, rejecting
Aphrodite, the Kor Kosmou, and the other Isis to Horus material and
expressing doubts about Of the Decans and the Stars, but including the
fragment on Death from Asclepius xxvii despite having rejected the work
as a whole. I am aware of no more recent English translations.
Excerpt I
1.1 Her. Both for the sake of love to man, and piety to God, I
[now], my son, for the first time take pen in hand. For there
can be no piety more righteous than to know the things that
are, and to give thanks for these to Him who made them,
which I will never cease to do.
Tat. By doing what, O father, then, if naught be true down
here, may one live wisely?
2. Her. Be pious, son! Who pious is, doth reach the height of [all]
philosophy; without philosophy the height of piety cannot be
scaled. But he who learns what are existent things, and how
they have been ordered, and by whom, and for whose sake,he
will give thanks for all unto the Demiurge, as unto a good sire, a
nurse [most] excellent, a steward who doth never break his trust.
3. Who giveth thanks, he will be pious; and he who pious is, will
[get to] know both where is Truth, and what it is. And as he
learns, he will more and more pious grow. For never, son, can
an embodied soul that has once leaped aloft, so as to get a hold
upon the truly Good and True, slip back again into the
contrary. For when the soul [once] knows the Author of its
Peace, tis filled wit wondrous love, and with forgetfulness of
every ill, and can no more keep from the Good.
4. Let this be, O [my] son, the goal of piety;to which if thou
attain, thou shalt both nobly live, and happily depart from life,
for that thy soul no longer will be ignorant of whither it should
wing its flight again. This is the only [Way], my son,the Path
[that leads] to Truth, [the Path] on which our forebears, too, did
set their feet, and, setting them, did find the Good. Solemn and
smooth this Path, yet difficult to tread for soul while still in
12. All in the heaven is free from change; all on the earth is
subject unto it.
Naught in the heavens a slave; naught on the earth is free.
Nothing can not be known in heaven; naught can be known
on earth.
The things on earth do not consort with things in heaven.
All things in heaven are free from blame; all on the earth are
The immortal is not mortal; the mortal, not immortal.
That which is sown, is not invariably brought forth; but that
which is brought forth, must have invariably been sown.
13. [Now] for a body that can be dissolved, [there are] two
times:[the period] from its sowing till its birth, and from its
birth until its death; but for an everlasting body, the time from
birth alone.
Things subject unto dissolution wax and wane.
The matter thats dissolved, doth undergo two contrary transformings:death and birth; but everlasting [matter], doth
change either to its own self, or into things like to itself.
The birth of man [is] the beginning of his dissolution; mans
dissolution the beginning of his birth.
That which departs, [returns; and what returns] departs
14. Of things existent, some are in bodies, some in forms, and
some [are] in activities.
Body[s] in forms; and form and energy in body.
The deathless shares not in the mortal [part]; the mortal
shares in the immortal.
The mortal body doth not mount into the deathless one; the
deathless one descends unto the mortal frame.
Activities do not ascend, but they descend.
15. The things on earth bestow no benefit on things in heaven;
the things in heaven shower every benefit on things on earth.
Of bodies everlasting heaven is the container; of those
corruptible, the earth.
Earth [is] irrational; the heaven [is] rational.
The things in heaven [are] under it; the things on earth
above the earth.
Excerpt II
Excerpt III
Of Truth
Hermes to Tat
[The title is Patrizis edition. This forms the Fifteenth Book in Everads
Divine Pymander. The teaching is mostly ordinary Platonism.]
Excerpt IV
Excerpt V
[Of Matter]
Hermes to Tat.
[The title is Meads. It is identified as being from those (sermons being
understood by Mead) to Tat by Stobus heading and by the speaker
addressing the listened as son.]
Matter both has been born, O son, and it has been [before it
came into existence]; for Matter is the vase of genesis, and
genesis, the mode of energy of God, whos free from all necessity
of genesis, and pre-exists. [Matter], accordingly, by its reception of the seed of genesis, did come [herself] to birth, and [so]
became subject to change, and, being shaped, took forms; for
she, contriving the forms of her [own] changing, presided over
her own changing self. The unborn state of Matter, then, was
formlessness; its genesis is its being brought into activity.
Excerpt VI
Of Time
Hermes to Tat.
[The title is Patrizis.
1. Now to find out concerning the three times; for they are
neither by themselves, nor [yet] are they at-oned;1 and [yet]
again they are at-oned, and by themselves [as well]. For
shouldst thou think the present is without the past, it cant be
present unless it has become already past. For from the past
the present comes, and from the present future goes. But if we
have to scrutinize more closely, thus let us argue:
2. Past time doth pass into no longer being this, and future
[time] doth not exist, in its not being present; nay, present even
is not present, in its continuing. Time, then, which stands not
[steady] (sthke), but which is on the turn, without a central
point at which to stop,how can it be called in-stant (nestj),2
seeing even that it hath no power to stand (stnai)? Again,
past joining present, and present [joining] future, they [thus]
are one; for they are not without them in their, sameness, and
their oneness, and their continuity. Thus, [then], times both
continuous and discontinuous, though one and the same [time].
Excerpt VII
Of Bodies Everlasting
[and Bodies Perishable]
Hermes to Tat.
[The first half of the title is Patrizis, Mead has interpolated the rest to fit
the actual contents of the excerpt. In the texts of Stobus this is identified
as being from those to Ammon to Tat; Mead considers to Tat to be a
scribal correction of an erroneous to Ammon since the hearer is named in
the text.]
flowing into us, which renovates our bodies, and keeps our tent1
together. We are too weak to bear the motions [of our frames],
enduring them not even for one single day. For know, [my] son,
that if our bodies did not rest at night, we should not last a
single day.
4. Wherefore, our Maker, being good, and with foreknowledge of
all things, in order that the animal may last, hath given sleep,
the greatest [calm] of the fatigue of notion, and hath appointed
equal time to each, or rather more, for rest. Ponder well, son,
the mightiest energy of sleep,the opposite to the souls
[energy], but, not inferior to it. For that just as the soul is
motion's energy, so bodies also cannot live without [the help of]
sleep. For tis the relaxation and the recreation of the jointed
limbs; it also operates within, converting into body the fresh
supply of matter that flows in, apportioning to each its proper
[kind],the water to the blood, the earth to bones and marrow,
the air to nerves and veins, the fire to sight. Wherefore the
body, too, feels keen delight in sleep, for it is sleep that brings
this [feeling of] delight into activity.
sknos again.
Excerpt VIII
their nature to [do] this, though [it may be] against their will,
tis plain they do not do it or by science or by art.
4. For Tat, these energies, though [in themselves] they are
incorporal, are [found] in bodies, and act through bodies.
Wherefore, O Tat, in that they are incorporal, thou sayest that
they are immortal; but, in so far as without bodies they cannot
manifest activity, I say that they are ever in a body. Things
once called into being for some purpose, or some cause, things
that come under Providence and Fate, can never stay inactive
of their proper energy. For that which is, shall ever be; for that
this [being] is [the very] body and the life of it.
5. It follows from this reason, [then,] that these are always
bodies. Wherefore I say that bodying itself is an eternal
[exercise of] energy. If bodies are on earth, theyre subject unto
dissolution; yet must these [ever] be [on earth to serve] as
places and as organs for the energies. The energies, however,
[are] immortal, and the immortal is eternally,[that is, that]
bodymaking, if it ever is, is energy.
6. [The energies] accompany the soul, though not appearing all
at once. Some of them energize the man the moment that hes
born, united with the soul round its irrational [parts]; whereas
the purer ones, with change of age, co-operate with the souls
rational part. But all these energies depend on bodies. From
godly bodies they descend to mortal [frames], these bodymaking [energies]; each one of them is [ever] active, either
around the body or the soul. Yea, they are active with the soul
itself without a body. They are for ever in activity. The soul,
however, is not for ever in a mortal body, for it can be without
the body; whereas the energies can never be without the bodies.
This is a sacred saying (logos), son: Body apart from soul
cannot persist; its being can.1
7. Tat. What dost thou mean, O father [mine]?
Her. Thus understand it, Tat! When soul leaves body, body
itself remains. But [even] the body so abandoned: as long as it
remains, is in activity, being broken up and made to disappear.
1 [Probably from some collection of sentences similar to those forming Excerpt
I 7-15.]
For body without [the exercise of] energy could not experience
these things. This energy, accordingly, continues with the body
when the soul has gone. This, therefore, is the difference of an
immortal body and a mortal one,that the immortal doth
consist of a one single matter, but this [body does] not. The
former's active, and the latters passive. For every thing that
maketh active is the stronger; and [every thing] that is made
active is the weaker. The stronger, too, being in authority and
free, doth lead; the [weaker] follows [as] a slave.
8. The energies, then, energize not only bodies that are
ensouled, but also [bodies] unensouled,stocks, stones, and all
such things;both making [them] to grow, and to bear fruits,
and ripening [them], dissolving, melting, rotting and crumbling
[them], and setting up [in them] all like activities which bodies
without souls can undergo. For energys the name, O son, for
just the thing thats going on,that is becoming. And many
things needs must for ever be becoming; nay, rather, all things
[must]. For never is Cosmos bereft of any of existent things,
but being borne for aye in its own self, it bears existent things,
[things] that shall never cease from being destroyed again.
9. Know, then, that energy of every kind is ever free from
death,no matter what it is, or in what body. And of the
energies, some are of godly bodies, and some of those which are
corruptible; some [are] general, and some special. Some [are] of
genera, and some are of the parts of every genus. The godly
ones, [accordingly], are those that exercise their energies
through everlasting bodies. And these are perfect [energies], in
that [they energize] through perfect bodies. But partial
[energies are] those [that energize] through each one of the
[single] living things. And special [energies are those that
energize] through each one of existent things.
10. This argument, accordingly, O son, deduces that all things
are full of energies. For though it needs must be that energies
should be in bodies,and there be many bodies in the Cosmos,
I say that energies are many more than bodies. For often in
one body there is [found] one, and a second and a third
[activity],not counting in the general ones that come with it.
By general ones I mean the purely corporal ones, that exercise
Excerpt IX
the Animals aloft up in the air, and [so] defining it. They share
the motion of the Planetary Spheres, and [yet] have equal
powers with the [main] motion of the Whole: crosswise the
Seven. Theyre checked by nothing but the All-encircling Body,
for this must be the final thing in the [whole grades of] motion,
itself by its own self. But they speed on the Seven other
Circles, because they move with a less rapid motion than the
[Circle] of the All. Let us, then, think of them as though of
Watchers stationed round [and watching] over both the Seven
themselves and oer the Circle of the All,or rather over all
things in the World,holding together all, and keeping the
good order of all things.
4. Tat. Thus do I have it, father, in my mind, from what thou
Her. Moreover, Tat, thou shouldst have in thy mind that
they are also free from the necessities laid on the other Stars.
They are not checked and settled in their course, nor are they
[further] hindered and made to tread in their own steps again;
nor are they kept away from the Suns light,[all of] which
things the other Stars endure. But free, above them all, as
though they were inerrant Guards and Overseers of the whole,
they night and day surround the universe.
5. Tat. Do these, then, also, further exercise an influence upon
Her. The greatest, O [my] son. For if they act in them, how
should they fail to act on us as well,both on each one of us
and generally? Thus, O [my] son, of all those things that
happen generally, the bringing into action is from these; as for
example,and ponder what I say,downfalls of kingdoms,
states rebellions, plagues [and] famines, tidal waves [and]
quakings of the earth; no one of these, O son, takes place
without their action. Nay, further still, bear this in mind. If
they rule over them, and we are in our turn beneath the Seven,
dost thou not think that some of their activity extends to us as
well,[who are] assuredly their sons, or [come into existence]
by their means?
6. Tat. What, [then,] may be the type of body that they have, O
father [mine] ?
Her. The many call them daimones; but they are not some
special class of daimones, for they have not some other kind of
bodies made of some special kind of matter, nor are they moved
by means of soul, as we [are moved], but they are [simple]
operations of these Six-and-thirty Gods. Nay, further, still,
have in thy mind, O Tat, their operations,that they cast in
the earth the seed of those whom [men] call Tans,1 some playing the part of saviours, others being most destructive.
7. Further the Stars in heaven as well do in their several
[courses] bear them underworkers; and they have ministers and
warriors too. And they in [everlasting] congress with them
speed on their course in ther floating, fullfilling [all] its space,
so that there is no space above empty of stars. They are the
cosmic engine of the universe, having their own peculiar action,
which is subordinate, however, to the action of the Thirty-six,
from whom throughout [all] lands arise the deaths of [all] the
other lives with souls, and hosts of [lesser] lives that spoil the
8. And under them is what is called the Bear,just in the
middle of the Circle of the Animals, composed of seven stars,2
and with another corresponding [Bear] above its head.3 Its
energy is as it were an axles, setting nowhere and nowhere
rising,4 but stopping [ever] in the self-same space, and turning
round the same, giving its proper motion to the Life-producing
Circle, and handing over this whole universe from night to day,
from day to night. And after this there is another choir of
stars, to which we have not thought it proper to give names;
but they who will come after us, in imitation, will give them
names themselves.
9. Again, below the Moon, are other stars,5 corruptible, deprived
of energy, which hold together for a little while, in that theyve
been exhaled out of the earth itself into the air above the
[Mead suggests that tnaj is a contraction of titnaj, Titans.]
[Ursa Major, the bear that chases its tail.]
3 [Ursa Minor, the bear swung round by its tail.]
4 [Again, the fact of Ursa Major being considered among the never-setting stars
gives a minimum possible latitude for the origin of the present logos.]
5 Referring, presumably, to the phenomena of shooting stars.
12. Tat. Blessd, in truth, is he, O father [mine], who contemplateth Him.
Her. But tis impossible, O son, that one in body should have
this good chance. Moreover, he should train his soul beforehand, here and now, that when it reacheth there, [the space]
where it is possible for it to contemplate, it may not miss its
way. But men who love their bodies,such men will never
contemplate the Vision of the Beautiful and Good. For what, O
son, is that [fair] Beauty which hath no form nor any colour,
nor any mass?
Tat. Can there be aught thats beautiful apart from these?
Her. God only, O [my] son; or rather that which is still
greater,the [proper] name of God.1
1 [The excerpt apparently breaks off some way prior to the end of the sermon;
the final sentence of 11 begins a new subject, which is hardly developed before
the text we have ends.]
Excerpt X
Excerpt XI
[Of Justice]
[Hermes to Tat.]
[The title is Meads. In the texts of Stobus this is vaguely headed as being
of Hermes, although the hearer is addressed as son which is characteristic of the Tat-logoi.]
Excerpt XII
All things are born by Nature and by Fate, and there is not a
[single] space bereft of Providence. Now Providence is the Selfperfect Reason. And of this [Reason] there are two spontaneous
powers,Necessity and Fate. And Fate doth minister to Providence and to Necessity; while unto Fate the Stars do minister.
For Fate no one is able to escape, nor keep himself from their
shrewd scrutiny. For that the Stars are instruments of Fate; it
is at its behest that they effect all things for nature and for
Excerpt XIII
1 [Mead describes the text as hopeless and so has apparently made up what
he thought it should say.]
Excerpt XIV
Of Soul [i]
Hermes to Ammon.
[The title is Patrizis. In the Physica of Stobus, it is headed Of Hermes
from those to Ammon.]
Excerpt XV
Excerpt XVI
Excerpt XVII
[Mead uses Heart for thumos and Appetite for epithumos. See note to
excerpt I 5.]
Excerpt XVIII
[Of Soul v]
[Hermes to Ammon.]
[The title is Meads. In the Physica of Stobus, it is headed simply Of the
same (i.e. Hermes), immediately following the preceding.]
Excerpt XIX
Excerpt XX
Excerpt XXI
Of Isis to Horus
[In Stobus, this brief fragment is headed simply Of Hermes from that of
Isis to Horus. Mead observes that the style is unlike the other Isis to
Horus Hermetica and suggests is it more likely from the Asclepius to
Ammon group such as C.H. XVI.]
Excerpt XXII
[An Apophthegm]
Hermes on being asked, What is God?replied: The Demiurge
of wholes,the Mind most wise and everlasting.
Excerpt XXIII
From Aphrodit
[In the Physica of Stobus, this is headed Of Hermes from Aphrodit.
No other specimens of this Hermetic text or group of texts are known. The
interlocuter is unnamed.]
Excerpt XXIV
Seven Stars far varied in their course revolved upon the [wide]
Olympian plain; with them for ever will Eternity1 spin [fate]:
Mn2 that shine by night, [and] gloomy Kronos, [and] sweet
Hlios, and Paphi3 whos carried in the shrine, courageous
Ars, fair-winged Herms, and Zeus the primal source from
whom Nature doth come.
Now they themselves have had the race of men entrusted to
their care; so that in us there is a Mn, Zeus, an Ars, Paphi,
a Kronos, Hlios and Herms.
Wherefore we are divided up [so as] to draw from the
therial spirit, tears, laughter, anger, birth, reason, sleep,
Tears are Kronos, birth Zeus, reason [is] Herms, courage
Mars, and Mn sleep, in sooth, and Cytherea4 desire, and
Hlios [is] laughterfor tis because of him that justly every
mortal thinking thing doth laugh and the immortal world.
[Poetic name for the Moon.]
3 [Poetic name for Aphrodit from her cult-centre at Paphos, Cyrpus.]
4 [Kuqreia, another title of Aphrodit (probably from another one of her cultcentres).]
Excerpt XXV
1. So speaking Isis doth pour forth for Horus the sweet draught
(the first) of deathlessness which souls have custom to receive
from Gods, and thus begins her holiest discourse (logos):
Seeing that, Son Horus, Heaven, adorned with many a wreath
[of starry crowns], is set oer every nature of [all] things beneath,
and that nowhere it lacketh aught of anything which the whole
cosmos now doth hold,in every way it needs must be that every
nature which lies underneath, should be co-ordered and fullfilled by those that lie above; for things below cannot of course
give order to the ordering above. It needs must, therefore, be
the less should give place to the greater mysteries. The ordinance of the sublimer things transcends the lower; it is both
sure in every way and falleth neath no mortals thought.
Wherefore the [mysteries] below did sigh, fearing the wondrous
beauty and the everlasting durance of the ones above. Twas
worth the gazing and the pains to see Heavens beauty, beauty
that seemed like God,God who was yet unknown, and the
rich majesty of Night, who weaves her web with rapid light,
though it be less than Suns, and of the other mysteries in turn
that move in Heaven, with ordered motions and with periods of
times, with certain hidden influences bestowing order on the
things bXXV. Kor Kosmou (i)elow and co-increasing them.
2. Thus fear succeeded fear, and searching search incessant,
and for so long as the Creator of the universals willed, did
ignorance retain its grip on all. But when He judged it fit to
manifest Him who He is, He breathed into the Gods the Loves,
and freely poured the splendour which He had within His
heart, into their minds, in ever greater and still greater
measure; that they they might have the wish to seek, next they
might yearn to find, and finally have power to win success as
this [our] land, until old Heaven doth bring forth meet
instruments for you, whom the Creator shall call souls.
Thus spake he; and, laying spells on them by means of his
own works, he shuts them safe away in their own zones. And
long enough the time has been since they were hid away.1
6. And Nature, O my son, was barren, till they who then were
under orders to patrol the Heaven, approaching to the God of
all, their King, reported on the lethargy of things. The time
was come for cosmos to awake, and this was no ones task but
His alone. We pray Thee, then, they said, direct Thy thought
to things which now exist and to what things the future needs.
7. When they spake thus, God smiled and said: Nature, arise!
And from His word there came a marvel, feminine, possessed of
perfect beauty, gazing at which the Gods stood all-amazed.
And God the Fore-father, with name of Nature, honoured her,
and bade her be prolific. Then gazing fixedly on the surrounding space, He spake these words as well: Let Heaven be filled
with all things full, and Air , and ther too! God spake and it
was so. And Nature with herself communing knew she must
not disregard the Sires command; so with the help of Toil she
made a daughter fair, whom she did call Invention. And on her
God bestowed the gift of being, and with His gift He set apart
all them that had been so-far made, filled them with mysteries,
and to Invention gave the power of ruling them.
8. But He, no longer willing that the world above should be
inert, but thinking good to fill it full of breaths, so that its parts
should not remain immotive and inert, He thus began on these
with use of holy arts as proper for the bringing forth of His own
special work. For taking breath from His own Breath and blending this with knowing Fire, He mingled them with certain other
substances which have no power to know; and having made the
twoeither with other-one, with certain hidden words of
power, He thus set all the mixture going thoroughly; until out
of the compost smiled a substance, as it were, far subtler, purer
far, and more translucent than the things from which it came;
it was so clear that no one but the Artist could detect it.
9. And since it neither thawed when fire was set unto it (for it
was made of Fire), nor yet did freeze when it had once been
properly produced (for it was made of Breath), but kept its
mixtures composition a certain special kind, peculiar to itself,
of special type and special blend,(which composition, you
must know, God called Psychsis, after the more auspicious
meaning of the name1 and from the similarity of its behaviour)
it was from this coagulate He fashioned souls enough in
myriads, moulding with order and with measure the efflorescent product of the mixture for what He willed, with skilled
experience and fitting reason, so that they should not be
compelled to differ any way one from another.
10. For, you must know, the efflorescence that exhaled out of
the movement God induced, was not like to itself. For that its
first florescence was greater, fuller, every way more pure, than
was its second; its second was far second to the first, but
greater far than was its third. And thus the total number of
degrees reached up to sixty. In spite of this, in laying down the
law, He ordered it that all should be eternal, as though from
out one essence, the forms of which Himself alone could bring
to their completion.
11. Moreover, He appointed for them limits and reservations in
the height of upper Nature, that they might keep the cylinder
a-whirl in proper order and economy and [thus] might please
their Sire. And so in that all-fairest station of the ther He
summoned unto Him the natures of all things that had as yet
been made, and spake these words: O Souls, ye children fair of
Mine own Breath and My solicitude, whom I have now with My
own Hands brought to successful birth and consecrate to My
own world, give ear unto these words of Mine as unto laws, and
meddle not with any other space but that which is appointed
for you by My will. For you, if ye keep steadfast, the Heaven,
with the star-order, and thrones I have ordained full-filled with
virtue, shall stay as now they are for you; but if ye shall in any
way attempt some innovation contrary to My decrees, I swear
to you by My most holy Breath, and by this mixture out of
1 [The Greek word can have the signification either of giving soul or life to,
animating, quickening (LSJ, s.v.) or making cold.]
light, they formed the race of birds; while they were doing this
the mixture had become half-hardened, and by this time had
taken on a firm consistencythereon they fashioned out the
race of things which have four feet; [next they did fashion forth]
the race of fishless light and needing a moist substance of a
different kind to swim in; and as the residue was of a cold and
heavy nature, from it the souls devised the race of creeping
15. They then, my son, as though they had done something
grand, with over-busy daring armed themselves, and acted contrary to the commands they had received; and forthwith they
began to overstep their proper limits and their reservations,
and would no longer stay in the same place, but were for ever
moving, and thought that being ever stationed in one place was
death. That they would do this thing, however, O my son (as
Hermes says when he speaks unto me), had not escaped the
Eye of Him who is the God and Lord of universal things; and
He searched out a punishment and bond, the which they now in
misery endure.1 Thus it was that the Sovereign King of all
resolved to fabricate with art the human frame, in order that in
it the race of Souls throughout might be chastised.
16. Then sending for me, Hermes says, He spake: Soul of My
Soul, and holy mind of My own Mind, up to what point, the
nature of the things beneath, shall it be seen in gloom? How
long shall what has up to now been made remain inactive and
be destitute of praise? Bring hither to Me now, My son, all of
the Gods in Heaven, said Godas Hermes saith.
And when they came obedient to His command,Look
down, said He, upon the Earth, and all beneath. And they
forthwith both looked and understood the Sovereigns will. And
when He spake to them on human kinds behalf, they [all]
agreed to furnish those who were to be, with whatsoever thing
they each could best provide.
1 [This almost suggests the passage in I Enoch (cap. XVIII) where Enoch sees
seven stars imprisoned who, he is informed transgressed the commandment
of the Lord in the beginning of their rising, because they did not come forth at
their appointed times (Charles trans.). This sequence is also the nearest we
get in the Hermetic literature to the Gnostic notion of the rebellious demiurge; even in the most dualistic Hermetica the demiurge is not evil.]
17. Sun said: Ill shine unto my full. Moon promised to pour
light upon the after-the-sun course, and said she had already
given birth to Fear, and Silence, and also Sleep, and Memory
a thing that would turn out to be most useful for them.
Chronus announced himself already sire of Justice and
Necessity. Zeus said: So that the race which is to be may not
for ever fight, already for them have made Fortune, and Hope,
and Peace. Ars declared he had become already sire of
Struggle, Wrath, and Strife. Nor yet did Aphrodit hesitate;
she also said: Ill join to them Desire, my Lord, and Bliss, and
Laughter [too], so that our kindred souls, in working out their
very grievous condemnation, may not exhaust their punishment unto the full. Full pleased were all, my son, at Aphrodits words. And for my part, said Hermes, I will make
mens nature well endowed; I will devote to them Prudence and
Wisdom, Persuasiveness and Truth, and never will I cease from
congress with Invention, but ever will I benefit the mortal life
of men born underneath my types of life.1 For that the types
our Father and Creator hath set apart for me, are types of
wisdom and intelligence, and more than ever [is this so] what
time the motion of the Stars set over them doth have the
natural power of each consonant with itself.
18. And God, the Master of the universe, rejoiced on hearing
this, and ordered that the race of men should be. I, Hermes
says, was seeking for the stuff which had to be employed, and
calling on the Monarch for His aid. And He gave order to the
Souls to give the mixtures residue; and taking it I found it
utterly dried up. Thereon, in mixing it, I used more water far
than was required to bring the matter back unto its former
state, so that the plasm was in every way relaxable, and weak
and powerless, in order that it might not, in addition to its
natural sagacity, be full of power as well. I moulded it, and it
was fair; and I rejoiced at seeing mine own work, and from
below I called upon the Monarch to behold. And He did look on
it, and was rejoiced, and ordered that the Souls should be
enfleshed. Then were they first plunged in deep gloom, and,
1 [Again, Mead obfuscates the astrological reference by over-literal translation
of a reference to the signs of the Zodiac.]
I was
19. Now give good heed, son Horus, for thou art being told the
Mystic Spectacle which Kamphis,1 our forefather, was privileged to hear from Hermes, record-writer of all deeds, and I
from Kamphis, most ancient of [us] all, when he did honour
me with the Black [Rite] that gives perfection;2 hear thou it
now from me! For when, O wondrous son of mighty fame, they
were about to be shut in their prisons, some simply uttered
wails and groansin just the self-same way as beasts that once
have been at liberty, when torn from their accustomed haunts
they love so well, will be bad slaves, will fight and make revolt,
and be in no agreement with their masters; nay more, if
circumstance should serve, will even do to death those that
oppress them. Others with louder outcry hissed like snakes;
another one shrieked shrilly, and ere he spake shed many
tears, and, turning up and down what things served him as
eyes, he said:
20. O Heaven, thou source of our begetting, O ther, Air, O
Hands and holy Breath of God our Monarch, O ye most brilliant
Stars, eyes of the Gods, O tireless light of Sun and Moon, conurslings of our origin,reft from [you] all we suffer piteously.
And this the more, in that from spacious realms of light, from
out [thy] holy envelope and wealthy dome, and from the blessed
government we shared with Gods, we shall be thus shut down
into these honourless and lowly quarters. What is the so unseemly thing we miserables have done? What [crime] deserves
these punishments? How many sins await us wretched ones?
How many are the things we have to do in this our hopeless
plight, necessities to furnish for this watery frame that is so
soon dissolved?
1 [Kamphis is probably Khnum (Kneph), depicted as ram-headed and shown
crafting humans on a potters wheel (connecting him with the iconography of
Ptah). Khnum is also thought to be the Agathodaimon who appears as the
third of the dynastic of divine kings of Egypt according to Manetho after
Hephaistos (Ptah) and Hlios (R). Khnum got assimilated to Amen-R under
Theban syncretism but so did most of the other major male gods of Egypt.]
2 [Mead speculates at length in his commentary about this Black Rite or
Dark Mystery.]
21. For that no longer shall our eyes behold the souls of God;
when through such watery spheres as these we see our own
forefather Heaven grown small and tiny, we shall dissolve in
sighs,nay, therell be times we shall not see at all, for
sentence hath been passed on us poor things; the gift of real
sight hath not been given to us, in that it hath not been
permitted us to see without the light. Windows they are, not
eyes! How wretchedly shall we endure to hear our kindred
breaths breathe in the air, when we no longer shall be
breathing with them! For home, instead of this great world
high in the air, a hearts small mass awaits us. Set Thou us
free from bonds so base as these to which we have sunk down,
and end our grief! O Lord, and Father, and our Maker, if so it
be Thou hast thus quickly grown indifferent unto the works of
Thine own Hands, appoint for us some limits! Still deem us
worthy of some words, though they be few, while yet we can see
through the whole world-order bright on every side!
22. Thus speaking, Horus, son, the Souls gained their request;
for that the Monarch came; and sitting on the Throne of Truth
made answer to their prayers. O Souls, Love and Necessity
shall be your lords, they who are lords and marshals after Me
of all. Know, all of you who are set under My unageing rule,
that as long as ye keep you free of sin, ye shall dwell in the
fields of Heaven; but if some cause of blame for aught attach
itself to you, ye shall dwell in the place that Destiny allots,
condemned to mortal wombs. If, then, the things imputed to
your charge be slight, leaving the bond of fleshly frames subject
to death, ye shall again embrace your [father] Heaven, and sigh
no more; but if ye shall commit some greater sins, and with the
end appointed of your frames be not advanced, no longer shall
ye dwell in Heaven, nor even in the bodies of mankind, but
shall continue after that to wander round in lives irrational.
23. Thus speaking, Horus mine, He gave to all the gift of breath,
and thus continued: It is not without purpose or by chance I
have laid down the law of your transformings; but as [it will be]
for the worse if ye do aught unseemly, so for the better, if ye
shall will whats worthy of your birth. For I, and no one else,
will be the Witness and the Watcher. Know, then, it is for what
struggle amid direr ills. Let fever lay its heavy hand on them,
that losing heart they may submit desire to discipline.
28. Thou grievest, dost thou, Horus, son, to hear thy mother put
these things in words? Art thou not struck with wonder, art
thou not terror-struck at how poor man was grievously oppressed? Hear what is sadder still! When Mmos1 said these
things Hermes was pleased, for what he said was said out of
affection for him; and so he did all that he recommended,
speaking thus: Mmos, the Nature of the Breath Divine which
doth surround [all things] shall not become inert. The Master
of the universe appointed me as steward and as manager.
Wherefore the overseer of His command will be the keen-eyed
Goddess of the all, Adrasteia;2 and I will skilfully devise an
instrument, mysterious, possessed of power of sight that cannot
err, and cannot be escaped, whereto all things on earth shall of
necessity be subject, from birth to final dissolution,an instrument which binds together all thats done. This instrument
shall rule all other things on Earth as well [as man].
29. These words, said Hermes, did I speak to Mmos, and forthwith the instrument was set a-going. When this was done, and
when the souls had entered in the bodies, and [Hermes] had
himself been praised for what was done, again the Monarch did
convoke the Gods in session. The Gods assembled, and once
more did He make proclamation, saying: Ye Gods, all ye who
have been made of chiefest Nature, free from all decay, who
have received as your appointed lot for ever more to order out
the mighty on, through whom all universal things will never
weary grow surrendering themselves in turn the one to other,
how long shall we be rulers of this sovereignty that none can
ever know? How long these things, shall they transcend the
power of sight of Sun and Moon? Let each of us bring forth
according to his power. Let Us by our own energy wipe out this
inert state of things; let chaos seem to be a myth incredible to
[Mmos in Greek mythology appears to be a personification of blame or
censure; he is a critic who finds fault with everything the gods do or propose
and is here identified as the speaker in 25-27. Hesiods theongony (213-4)
makes him one of many fatherless children of Night.]
2 [A periphrastic name of Nemesis, supposed to mean the inescapable.]
future days. Set hand to mighty work; and I myself will first
30. He spake; straightway in cosmic order there began the
differentiation of the up-to-then black unity [of things]. And
Heaven shone forth above tricked out with all his mysteries;
Earth, still a-tremble, as the Sun shone forth grew harder, and
appeared with all the fair adornments that bedeck her round
on every side. For beautiful to God are even thihgs which men
think mean, in that in truth they have been made to serve the
laws of God. And God rejoiced when now He saw His works amoving; and filling full His Hands, which held as much as all
surrounding space, with all that Nature had produced, and
squeezing tight the handfuls mightily, He said: Take [these], O
holy Earth, take those, all honoured one, who art to be the
mother of all things, and henceforth lack thou naught!
31. God spake, and opening His Hands, such Hands as God
should have, He poured them all into the composition of the
world. And they in the beginnings were unknown in every way;
for that the Souls as newly shut in prison, not enduring their
disgrace, began to strive in emulation with the Gods in Heaven,
in full command of their high birth, and when held back, in
that they had the same Creator, made, revolt, and using
weaker men as instruments, began to make them set upon each
other, and range themselves in conflict, and make war among
themselves. Thus strength did mightily prevail oer weakness,
so that the strong did burn and massacre the weak, and from
the holy places down they cast the living and the dead down
from the holy shrines, until the Elements in their distress
resolved to go to God their Monarch [to complain] about the
savage state in which men lived. The evil now being very
great, the Elements approached the God who made them, and
formulated their complaint in some such words as these:
32. It was moreover Fire who first received authority to speak.
He said: O Lord, Artificer of this new World, thou Name
mysterious among the Gods, and up to now revered by all
mankind, how long hast Thou, O Daimon, judged it right to
leave the life of mortals without God? Show now Thyself unto
Thy World consulting Thee; initiate the savagery of life with
peace; give laws to life; to right give oracles; fill with fair hopes
all things; and let men fear the vengeance of the Gods, and
none will sin. Should they receive due retribution for their
sins, they will refrain henceforth from doing wrong; they will
respect their oaths, and no one any more will ponder sacrilege.
Let them be taught to render thanks for benefits received, that
I, the Fire, may joyfully do service in the sacrificial rites, that
they may from the altar send sweet-smelling vapours forth.
For up to now I am polluted, Lord; and by the godless daring of
these men I am compelled to burn up flesh. They will not let
me be for what I was brought forth; but they adulterate with all
indecency my undecaying state.
33. And Air too said: I also, Master, am made turbid by the
vapours which the bodies of the dead exhale, and I am
pestilential, and, no longer filled with health, I gaze down from
above on things I ought not to behold.
Next Water, O my son of mighty soul, received authority to
speak, and spake and said: O Father, O wonderful Creator of
all things, Daimon self-born, and Natures Maker, who through
Thee doth conceive all things, now at this last, command the
rivers streams for ever to be pure, for that the rivers and the
seas or wash the murderers hands or else receive the
34. After came Earth in bitter grief, and taking up the tale, O
son of high renown, thus she began to speak: O sovereign
Lord, Chief of the Heavenly Ones, and Master of the Wheels,
Thou Ruler of us Elements, O Sire of them who stand beside
Thee, from whom all things have the beginning of their
increase and of their decrease, and into whom they cease again
and have the end that is their due according to Necessitys
decree, O greatly honoured One, the godless rout of men doth
dance upon my bosom. I hold in my embrace as well the nature
of all things; for I, as Thou didst give command, not only bear
them all, but I receive them also when theyre killed. But now
am I dishonoured. The world upon the Earth though filled with
all things [else] hath not a God. For having naught to fear they
sin in everything, and from my heights, O Lord, down [dead]
they fall by every evil art. And soaking with the juices of their
were the authors of good pledges and of faith, and brought the
mighty witness of an oath into mens lives. Tis they who
taught men how to wrap up those who ceased to live, as they
should be. Tis they who searched into the cruelty of death, and
learned that though the spirit which goes out longs to return
into mens bodies, yet if it ever fail to have the power of getting
back again, then loss of life results. Tis they who learned from
Hermes that surrounding space was filled with daimons, and
graved on hidden stones [the hidden teaching]. Tis they alone
who, taught by Hermes in Gods hidden codes, became the
authors of the arts, and sciences, and all pursuits which men do
practise, and givers of their laws. Tis they who, taught by
Hermes that the things below have been disposed by God to be
in sympathy with things above,1 established on the earth the
sacred rites oer which the mysteries in Heaven preside. Tis
they who, knowing the destructibility of [mortal] frames,
devised the grade of prophets, in all things perfected, in order
that no prophet who stretched forth his hands unto the Gods,
should be in ignorance of anything, that magic and philosophy
should feed the soul, and medicine preserve the body when it
suffered pain.2
38. And having done all this, my son, Osiris and myself
perceiving that the world was [now] quite full, were thereupon
demanded back by those who dwell in Heaven, but could not go
above till we had made appeal unto the Monarch, that surrounding space might with this knowledge of the soul be filled as
well, and we ourselves succeed in making our ascent acceptable
[to Him]. . . . For that God doth in hymns rejoice.
Ay, mother, Horus said. On me as well bestow the knowledge of this hymn, that I may not remain in ignorance.
And Isis said: Give ear, O son!3
[Quod est inferius, est sicut id quod est superius?]
[This long list of the benefits bestowed on mankind by Isis and Osiris recalls
the briefer account in Plutarchs De Iside et Osiride (which probably contains
the exoteric teaching of the Grco-Egyptian Isis-cult of the 1st century C.E.) of
the earthly reign of Osiris.]
3 [The excerpt breaks off here. If this text really did originate in a Mysterycult, possibly a schism off the Grco-Egyptian Mysteries of Isis, then perhaps
the hymn was never written down but only communicated by the mystagogue
in oral instruction.]
Excerpt XXVI
41. They who have run a noble, blameless race throughout the
cycle of their lives, and are about to be changed into Gods, [are
born as kings,] in order that by exercise of kingship they may
train themselves to use the power the Gods enjoy; while certain
souls who are already Gods, but have in some slight way
infringed the rule of life which God inspired, are born as kings,
in order that they may not, in being clothed in bodies, undergo
the punishment of loss of dignity as well as nature, and that
they may not, when they are enfleshed, have the same lot as
other men, but have when bound what they enjoyed when free.
42. The differences which are, however, in the dispositions
shown by those who play the part of kings, are not determined
by distinguishing their souls, for these are all divine, but by the
constitution of the angels and the daimons who attend on them.
For that such souls as these descending for such purposes do
not come down without a guard and escort; for Justice up above
knows how to give to each what is its due estate een though
they be made exiles from their country ever fair. When, then,
my son, the angels and the daimons who bring down the soul
are of a warlike kind, it has to keep firm hold of their
proclivities, forgetting its own proper deeds, but all the more
remembering the doings of the other host attached to it. When
they are peaceful, then the soul as well doth order its own
course in peace. When they love justice, then it too defends the
right. When they are music-lovers, then it also sings. And
when they are truth-lovers, then it also doth philosophize. For
as it were out of necessity these souls keep a firm hold of the
proclivities of those that bring them here; for they are falling
down to mans estate, forgetting their own nature, and the
farther they depart from it, the more they have in memory the
disposition of those [powers] which shut them [into bodies].
43. Well hast thou, mother, all explained, said Horus. But noble
souls,how they are born, thou hast not told me yet.
As on the Earth, son Horus, there are states which differ one
from other, so also is it in the case of souls. For they have
regions whence they start; and that which starts from a more
glorious place, hath nobler birth than one which doth not so.
For just as among men the free is thought more noble than the
own. She hath her head set to the south of all, right shoulder
to south-east, left shoulder to south-west; her feet below the
Bear, right foot beneath its tail, left under its head; her thighs
beneath those that succeed the Bear; her waist beneath the
middle [Stars].
47. A sign of this is that men in the south, who dwell upon her
head, are fine about the head and have good hair. Those in the
east are ready for a fight and archer folkfor this pertains to
the right hand. Those in the west are steadier and for the most
part fight with the left hand, and what is done by others with
the right, they for their part attribute to the left. Those underneath the Bear excel in feet and have especially good legs.
Those who come after them a little way, about the zone which
is our present Italy and Greece, they all have well-made thighs
and backs. . . .
Moreover, all these [northern] parts being whiter than the
rest bear whiter men upon them. But since the holiest land of
our forebears lies in the midst of Earth, and that the midst of a
mans body serves as the precinct of the heart alone, and
hearts the spot from which the soul doth start, the men of it
not only have no less the other things which all the rest possess,
but as a special thing are gifted with intelligence beyond all
men and filled with wisdom, in that they are begotten and
brought up above her heart.
48. Further, my son, the south being the receiver of the clouds
which mass themselves together from the atmosphere . . .1
For instance, it is just because there is this concentration of
them in the south, that it is said our river doth flow thence,
upon the breaking up of the frost there. For whensoeer a cloud
descends, it turns the air about it into mist, and sends it
downward in a kind of fog; and fog or mist is an impediment
not only to the eyes, but also to the mind. Whereas the east, O
Horus, great in glory, in that tis thrown into confusion and
made overhot by the continual risings of the sun, and in like
fashion too, the west, its opposite, in that it suffers the same
things through its descents, afford the men born in them no
conditions for clear observation. And Boreas with his con1
Something has evidently fallen out here, as the sentence is nowhere completed.
cordant cold, together with their bodies doth congeal the minds
of men as well. Whereas the centre of all these being pure and
undisturbed, foreknows both for itself and all that are in it.
For, free from trouble, ever it brings forth, adorns and
educates, and only with such weapons wars [on men], and wins
the victory, and with consummate skill, like a good satrap,
bestows the fruit of its own victory upon the vanquished.
49. This too expound, O lady, mother mine! For what cause is it
that when men still keep alive in long disease, their rational
parttheir very reason and their very soulat times becomes
And Isis answer made: Of living things, my son, some are
made friends with fire, and some with water, some with air,
and some with earth, and some with two or three of these, and
some with all. And, on the contrary, again some are made
enemies of fire, and some of water, some of earth, and some of
air, and some of two of them, and some of three, and some of
all. For instance, son, the locust and all flies flee fire; the eagle
and the hawk and all high-flying birds flee water; fish, air and
earth; the snake avoids the open air. Whereas snakes and all
creeping things love earth; all swimming things [love] water;
winged things, air, of which they are the citizens; while those
that fly still higher [love] the fire and have their habitat near
it. Not that some of the animals as well do not love fir; for
instance salamanders, for they even have their homes in it. It
is because one or another of the elements doth form their
bodies outer envelope.
50. Each soul, accordingly, while it is in its body is weighted
and constricted by these four. Moreover it is natural it also
should be pleased with some of them and pained with others.
For this cause, then, it doth not reach the height of its
prosperity; still, as it is divine by nature, een while [wrapped
up] in them, it struggles and it thinks, though not such
thoughts as it would think were it set free from being bound in
bodies. Moreover if these [frames] are swept with storm and
stress, or of disease or fear, then is the soul itself tossed on the
waves, as man upon the deep with nothing steady under him.1
Excerpt XXVII
5. And if this be the case when they are plunged in flesh and
bloodthat they do nothing contrary to whats appointed them,
een though they are being punished (for being put in body is a
punishment for them)how much the more [is it the case] when
they possess their proper liberty [and are set free] from punishment and being plunged [in body]? Now the most holy ordering
of souls is on this wise. Turn thou thy gaze above, most noble
natured son, upon their orders. The space from height of heaven
to the moon devotes itself unto the gods and stars and to the rest
of providence; the space, my son, from moon to us is dwelling
place of souls. This so great air, however, has in it a belt to
which it is our use to give the name of wind, a definite expanse
in which it is kept moving to refresh the things on earth, and
which I will hereafter tell about. Yet in no manner by its motion
on itself does it become an obstacle to souls; for though it keeps
on moving, souls can dart up or dart down, just as the case may
be, free from all let and hindrance. For they pass through without immixture or adhesion as water flows through oil.
6. Now of this interval, Horus, my son, there are four main
divisions and sixty special spaces. Of these [divisions] the first
one upwards from the earth is of four spaces, so that the earth
in certain of its mountain heights and peaks extends and comes
so far, but beyond these it cannot in its nature go in height.
The second after this is of eight spaces, in which the motions of
the winds take place. Give heed, O son, for thou art hearing
mysteries that must not be disclosedof earth and heaven and
all the holy air which lies between, in which there is the motion
of the wind and flight of birds. For above this the air doth have
no motion and sustains no life. This [moving] air moreover hath
of its own nature this authoritythat it can circulate in its own
spaces and also in the four of earth with all the lives which it
contains, while earth cannot ascend into its [realm]. The third
consists of sixteen spaces filled with subtle air and pure. The
fourth consists of two and thirty [spaces], in which there is the
subtlest and the finest air; it is by means of this that [air] shuts
from itself the heavens above which are by nature fiery.
7. This ordering is up and down in a straight line and has no
overlapping; so that there are four main divisions, twelve inter-
vallic ones and sixty spaces. And in these sixty spaces dwell
the souls, each one according to its nature, for though they are
of one and the same substance, theyre not of the same dignity.
For by so much as any space is higher from the earth than any
other, by so much do the souls in them, my son, surpass in
eminence the one the other. What souls, however, go to each of
them, I will accordingly begin again to tell thee, Horus, [son] of
great renown, taking their order from above down to the earth.
above doth model out the vessels and shape out the tents in
which the souls are cast. Two energies, experience and memory,
assist her. And this is memorys task, [to see] that nature
guards the type of every thing sent down out of its source and
keeps its mixture as it is above; while of experience [the work is
this, to see] conformably to every one of the descending souls it
may have its embodiment, and that the plasms may be made
effectivethat for the swift ones of the souls the bodies also
may be swift, for slow ones slow, for active active ones, for
sluggish sluggish ones, for powerful powerful, and for crafty
crafty ones, and in a word for every one of them as it is fit.1
10. For not without intention hath she clad winged things with
plumage; and tricked out with senses more than ordinary and
more exact those which have reason; and some of the fourfooted things made strong with horns, some strong with teeth,
some strong with claws and hoofs; while creeping things she
hath made supple with bodies clad in easy-moving scales,
which easily can glide away. And that the watery nature of
their body may not remain entirely weak, she doth provide the
sharpened fangs of some of them with power; so that by reason
of the fear of death [they cause] theyre stronger than the rest.
The swimming things being timorous, she gives to dwell within
an element where light can exercise nor one nor other of its
powers, for fire in water gives nor light nor heat. But each of
them, swimming in water clad in scales or spines, flees from
what frightens it whereer it will, using the water as a means of
hiding it from sight.
11. For souls are shut in each class of these bodies according to
their similarity [to them]. Those which have power of judgment go down into men; and those that lack it into quadrupeds,
whose [only] law is force; the crafty ones [go] into reptiles, for
none of them attack a man in front, but lie in wait and strike
him down; and into swimming things the timid ones or those
which are not worthy to enjoy the other elements. In every
class, however, there are found some which no longer use their
proper nature.
1 [Mead regards the text at various points in this section to be highly corrupt;
much of this translation must thus be regarded as conjectural.]
those from the watery one live out their life in waters; those
from the [zone] of science and of art are occupied with arts and
sciences; those from the [zone] of inactivity inactively and
heedlessly live out their lives. For that the sources of all things
wrought on the earth by word or deed, are up above, and they
dispense for us their essences by weight and measure; and
there is naught which hath not come down from above, and will
return again to re-descend.
14. What dost thou mean again by this, my mother? Tell me!
And Isis once again did make reply: Most holy Nature hath
set in living creatures the clear sign of this return. For that
this breath which we breathe from above out of the air, we send
out up again, to take it in [once more]. And we have in us
organs, son, to do this work, and when they close their mouths
whereby the breaths received, then we no longer are as now we
are, but we depart. Moreover, son of high renown, there are
some other things which we have added to us outside the
weighed-out mixture [of the body].
15. What, then (said Horus), is this mixture, mother?
It is a union and a blend of the four elements; and from this
blend and union a certain vapour rises, which is enveloped by
the soul, but circulates within the body, sharing with each, with
body and with soul, its nature. And thus the differences of
changes are effected both in soul and body. For if there be in the
corporeal make-up more of fire, thereon the soul, which is by
nature hot, taking unto itself another thing thats hot, and [so]
being made more fiery, makes the life more energetic and more
passionate, and the body quick and active. If [there be] more of
air, thereon the life becomes both light and springy and unsteady
hoth in the soul and body. And if theres more of water, then
the creature also doth become of supple soul and easy disposition, and ready of embrace, and able easily to meet and join
with others, through waters power of union and communion
with the rest of things; for that it finds a place in all, and when
it is abundant, doth dissolve what it surrounds, while if [theres]
little [of it], it sinks into and doth become what it is mingled
with. As for their bodies, by dampness and by sponginess they
are not made compact, but by a slight attack of sickness are
dissolved, and fall away by little and by little from the bond
which holds them severally together. And if the earthy
[element] is in excess, the creatures soul is dull, for it has not
its body-texture loosely knit, or space for it to leap through, the
organs of sensation being dense; but by itself it stays within,
bound down by weight and density. As for its body, it is firm,
but heavy and inert, and only moved of choice by [exercise of]
strength. But if there is a balanced state of all [the elements],
then is the animal made hot for doing, light for moving, wellmixed for contact, and excellent for holding things together.1
16. Accordingly those which have more in them of fire and air,
these are made into birds, and have their state above hard by
those elements from which they came. While those which have
more fire, less air, and earth and water equal, these are made
into men, and for the creature the excess of heat is turned into
sagacity; for that the mind in us is a hot thing which knows not
how to burn, but has intelligence to penetrate all things. And
those which have in them more water and more earth, but
moderate air and little fire, these are turned into quadrupeds,
and those which have more heat are stronger than the rest.
Those which have equal earth and water, are made into reptiles.
These through their lack of fire lack courage and straightforwardness; while through their having water in them they
are cold; and through their having earth they heavy are and
torpid; yet through their having air, they can move easily if they
should choose to do so. Those which have in them more of wet,
and less of dry, these are made into fish. These through their
lack of heat and air are timorous and try to hide themselves,
and through excess of wet and earthy elements, they find their
home, through their affinity, in fluid earth and water.
17. It is according to the share [they have] in every element and
to the compass of that share, that bodies reach full growth [in
man]; according to the smallness of their share the other
animals have been proportionedaccording to the energy
which is in every element. Moreover, O my well-beloved, I say,
1 [Mead comments (it is not clear if this applies to just the last sentence or the
whole of this section): The text is faulty, the language artificial, the analogy
strained, and the sense accordingly obscure.]
that when, out of this state [of things], the blend based on the
first commixture [of the elements in any case], and the
resultant vapour from it, so far preserve their own peculiarity,
that neither the hot part takes on another heat, nor [does] the
aery [take] another air, nor [does] the watery part another
wetness, nor [yet] the earthy [take] another density, then doth
the animal remain in health.
18. But if they do not, son, remain in the proportions which they
had from the beginning, but are too much increased(I do not
mean in energy according to their compass or in the change of
sex and body brought about by growth, but in the blend, as we
have said before, of the component elements, so that the hot,
for instance, is increased too much or too much lessened, and so
for all the rest)then will the animal be sick.
19. And if this [increase] doth take place in both the elements of
heat and air, the souls tent-fellows, then doth the creature fall
into symbolic dreams and ecstasies; for that a concentration of
the elements whereby the bodies are dissolved has taken place.
For tis the earthy element itself which is the condensation of
the body; the watery element in it as well is a fluidity to make
it dense. Whereas the aery element is that in us which has the
power of motion, and fire is that which makes an end of all of
20. Just then as is the vapour which ariseth from the first
conjunction and co-blending of the elements, as though it were
a kindling or an exhalation,whatever it may be, it mingles
with the soul and draws it to itself, so that it shares its nature
good or bad. And if the soul remains in its original relationship
and common life with it, it keeps its rank. But when theres
added from without some larger share than what was first laid
down for it,either to the whole mixture, or to its parts, or to
one part of it,then the resulting change effected in the vapour
doth bring about a change or in the disposition of the soul or of
the body. The fire and air, as tending upward, hasten upward
to the soul, which dwells in the same regions as themselves; the
watery and the earthy elements, as tending down, sink down
upon the body, which doth possess the self-same seat.
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