Wave Optics
Wave Optics
Wave Optics
Wave Optics
1. Nature of light : Light is a form of energy. To explain the nature of light, different theories were
proposed. Newtons Corpuscular theory, Huygens Wave theory, Maxwells electromagnetic
theory and Max-Plancks Quantum theory.
2. Newtons corpuscular theory : According to Newtons corpuscular theory light consists of tiny
invisible particles, moving with velocity of light. They are known as corpuscles. They are highly
elastic and gravitational effects on them can be neglected. The colour of the light depends on the
size of corpuscles.
This theory suggests that velocity of light is more in denser medium. Rectilinear propagation of
light is the strong basis of this theory. However this theory could not explain interference,
diffraction and polarization of light.
3. Huygens wave theory : According to Huygens light propagates in the form of longitudinal
mechanical waves. For the propagation of these mechanical waves, Huygens proposed the
existence of medium called ether which is present everywhere. The colour of the light depends
upon the wavelength of these waves. According to Huygens theory velocity of light is more in
rarer medium. That is later verified by Focaults experiment. This theory could explain
interference, diffraction and polarization. But the properties of polarization and photoelectric
effect, Compton effect could not be explained on the basis of this theory.
4. Electromagnetic theory : Maxwell proposed that light is an electromagnetic wave but not
mechanical. So it does not require a material medium. According to this theory electromagnetic
wave is composed of electric and magnetic fields, varying at right angles. These variations
propagate in vacuum perpendicular to the field. This theory could not explain photoelectric and
Compton effects.
5. Plancks quantum theory : Max Planck proposed his quantum theory to explain the black body
radiation. According to this theory light consists of photons which are quantized energy packets.
The energy of a photon is known as Quantum. Photons have dual nature of light and particle.
Optical phenomena explained () or not explained (X) by the different theories of light.
E.M. wave
Rectilinear Propagation
Double refraction
Dopplers effect
Photoelec-tric effect
Compton effect
Raman effect
Physical Optics
6. Wavefront : Wavefront is defined as the locus of the particles of the medium which are in the
same state of vibration.
7. The line along which energy is propagated is called a ray. It is perpendicular to wavefront at any
Types of wavefront :
8. Spherical wavefront : A wavefront due to a point source in a three dimensional isotropic space is
called spherical wavefront. In case of spherical wavefront intensity varies as 1/r2.
9. Cylindrical wavefront : If the source is a linear source of light, the wavefront is a cylindrical
wavefront. In case of cylindrical wavefront intensity varies as 1/r.
10. Plane wavefront : When the source is at infinite distance, the radius of curvature of wavefront will
be very large. A small portion of spherical wavefront with source at infinite distance is a plane
wavefront. In case of plane wavefront intensity is constant.
11. Huygens principle : Each point on the wavefront becomes a source of secondary disturbance and
sends secondary wavelets which travels with the same speed as that of the original waves.
12. A surface tangential to all these secondary wavelets is the new wavefront. Huygens theory
explained satisfactorily phenomena like reflection, refraction, interference and diffraction of light.
13. Secondary wavelets spread out as spherical secondary wavefronts with the speed of light.
14. The tangential surface to all the secondary wavefronts gives the new wavefront.
15. The intensity of the secondary wavefront is given by I=I0(1+cos ) where is the angle between
the original direction of propagation and the direction of observation. This shows that the
secondary wavefront has zero intensity in the backward direction.
Principle of superposition of light waves :
16. When two or more than two waves superimpose over each other at a common point of the medium
then the resultant displacement (y) of the particle is equal to the vector sum of the displacements
(y1 and y2) produced by individual waves i.e., y = y 1 + y 2 .
17. When the displacement due to two wave are in the same direction (i.e.,
same phase) then resultant displacement is y = y1 + y2.
18. When the displacement due to two waves are mutually in opposite
direction (i.e., opposite phase) then resultant displacement will be
y = y1 y2.
If two waves are represented by y1=a1sin( t) and y2=a2sin( t+ ), the
resultant wave equation is y=y1+y2=Asin( t+ ) where the resultant
a 2 sin
= Tan 1
a1 + a 2 cos
The resultant wave is also a harmonic wave of the same frequency. The resultant wave amplitude
A will be maximum when cos =1 i.e., when =2n , n=0, 1, 2, ..
The interference is then said to be constructive.
The resultant wave amplitude will be minimum when cos =1, i.e., when =(2n+1) , n=0, 1, 2,..
The interference is then said to be destructive.
Non coherent and coherent sources of light :
Physical Optics
19. Non coherent sources Two sources of light, whose frequencies are not same and phase difference
between the waves emitted by which does not remain constant with respect to time, are defined as
non coherent sources.
20. The light emitted by two independent sources (candles, bulbs etc.) is non-coherent and interference
phenomenon cannot be produced by such two sources.
21. The intensity of light or positions of fringes keep or changing in 108 second.
22. Coherent sources The two sources of light, whose frequencies (or wavelength ) are same and
the phase difference between the waves emitted by which remains constant with respect to time are
defined as coherent sources.
23. They are obtained from the same single source.
24. These can be apparent or real.
25. Laser light is highly coherent and monochromatic.
26. The distance between them is small.
27. Their state of polarization is the same.
28. These sources are of two types (i) Spatial coherent sources, (ii) Temporal coherent sources.
29. There are two methods of obtaining these sources (i) Division of wave front, (ii) Division of
Comparative study of two methods :
Division of wavefront
The light source is narrow.
Division of amplitude
Light source is extended.
Physical Optics
Constructive interference :
38. The resultant amplitude of wave is equal to the sum of amplitudes of individual waves. A=a1+a2.
39. The amplitude of resultant wave is maximum.
40. The resultant intensity is more than the sum of intensities of individual waves. i.e., I=I1+I2+2 I1I 2
41. The intensity of resultant wave is maximum. I.e., Imax= ( I1 + I 2 ) 2 .
42. The phase difference between two waves is an even multiple of , i.e., = 2n where n=0, 1, 2..
43. The path difference between two waves is an integral multiple of ; i.e., x=n where n=0, 1, 2,
44. The time interval between two waves is an even multiple of T/2 i.e., = 2n where n=0, 1, 2
Destructive interference :
45. The resultant amplitude of wave is equal to the difference of amplitude of two waves. A=a1a2
46. The amplitude of resultant wave is minimum.
47. The resultant intensity is less than the sum of intensities due individual waves. i.e.,
I=I1+I22 I1I 2 .
48. The intensity of resultant waves is minimum. i.e., Imin= ( I1 I 2 ) 2 .
49. The phase difference between two waves is an odd multiple of i.e., = (2n 1) where n=1, 2,
50. The path difference between two waves is an odd multiple of / 2 , i.e., x = (2n 1)
where n=1, 2,
51. The time interval between two waves is an odd multiple of T/2, i.e., = (2n 1)
Physical Optics
63. The interference fringes are hyperbolic in shape, because the
focus of path difference (S2PS1P) for a given value of n is a
hyperbola. The foci of this hyperbola are S1 and S2.
64. Fringes will be straight if D>>d.
65. Fringe of zeroth order The fringe obtained at the centre of
screen is known as zeroth order fringe. The distance of other fringes are measured from this central
where n=0, 1, 2, ..
67. The distance of nth dark fringe from central fringe y n = (2n 1)
where n=0, 1, 2, ..
68. The production of bright or dark fringes depends upon of path difference (x=S2PS1P).
= n , then bright fringes are produced on the screen.
69. If x=
70. If
71. The formation of fringes is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
72. The distance between two consecutive bright or consecutive dark fringes is known as fringe width
73. = y n+1 y n =
= .
D d
2 I1I 2
I max I min
I max + I min
I1 + I 2
80. If Imin=0, then V=1. In this state the fringe visibility will be maximum (best).
81. If Imax=0, then V=1.
82. With the help of visibility, knowledge about coherence, fringe contrast and interference pattern is
83. If Imax=Imin, then V=0. In this condition interference pattern will not be visible.
Resultant intensity :
84. I=I1+I2+2 I1I 2 cos where is the phase difference between two waves.
Physical Optics
85. I= a12 + a 22 + 2a1a 2 cos
I max + I min
88. I av = a12 + a 22 = I1 + I 2 = 2I 0
Difference between monochromatic light fringes and white light fringes :
Monochromatic light fringes
Central fringe is always bright.
There are alternate bright and dark fringes When path difference is small then some coloured
on both sides of central fringe.
fringes are obtained on two sides of the central
fringe. The outer edge of the fringe is violet and
inner edge is red.
The width of all fringes is the same.
The number of fringes obtained is more The number of fringes obtained is less than that
than that with white light source.
with monochromatic light source.
Youngs double slit experiment :
89. The interference of light was demonstrated for the first time with the help of this experiment.
Physical Optics
92. The slit S1 and S2 behave as coherent sources.
93. The bright and dark fringes are obtained alternately.
94. The bright fringes are the result of constructive interference whereas dark fringes are the result of
destructive interference.
95. The central fringe is bright with monochromatic light whereas it is achromatic (white) with white
96. The formation of fringes is explained on the basis of the Huygens wave theory of light.
Changes observed in the interference pattern obtained in Youngs double slit experiment :
97. The fringe width increases with increase of distance between the source and the screen and vice
98. decreases by increasing distance between two slits S1 and S2 and vice versa.
99. If the experiment is repeated in water instead of air, then decreases and consequently decrease.
100.When S1 and S2 both are open, then I=4a2=(a1+a2)2.
101.When one of the slits of S1 and S2 is close, then I=a2= a12 = a 22 in this state interference does not
take place and uniform illumination is obtained on the screen.
102.When one slit is fully open and another one is partially open the contrast between the fringes
103.When the two slits are illuminated by two independent sources then interference fringes are not
104.If a transparent thin film of mica or glass is put in the path of one the slits (waves) then the whole
of interference pattern gets shifted towards the side where film is placed. The distance through
which the central fringe gets shifted is
( 1)t .
105.When one of the slits is closed and width of another is made of the order of , then diffraction
fringes are observed.
106.When one of the slits is covered with the blue and another one with red transparent papers, the
interference pattern is not observed because the wavelengths of two are not same.
107.When slit is illuminated with different colours, then fringes are obtained of the same colour but
their fringe width is different.
108.When the distance between the slits d< then >D i.e., the fringe pattern will not be visible
= d
d < > D
109.When D>>d and white light source is used, then the wavelength absent infront of one of the
sources will be =
d2 d2 d2
D 3D 5D
Path difference=(D2+d2)D=
of the point.
= ( 2n 1)
d2 d2
are obtained.
D 3D
Physical Optics
110.If an additional phase difference of is created in one of the waves then the central fringe becomes
111.Stokes Law : When a light wave is reflected from the surface of an optically denser medium, it
suffers a phase change of but it suffers no change in phase when reflected at the surface of
optically rarer medium.
112.A soap film or a thin film of oil spread over water surface, when seen in white light, appears
coloured due to interference of light reflected by them. Therefore, the effect path difference is
2t cos r
For nearly-normal incidence cosr=1 and the conditions of maxima and minima become
2t = (2n + 1)
For near-normal incidence, the intensity of reflected light depends only on thickness. If for a
particular thickness the condition of minimum is satisfied, the film will appear dark and the
condition of maximum is satisfied, the film will appear bright.
The conditions of maxima and minima in transmitted light are just reverse of the conditions for
reflected light.
If white light is used, then the film will appear predominately of that colour for which the condition
of maximum is satisfied.
114.Newtons rings : When a planoconvex lens of large radius of curvature is
placed with its convex surface in contact with a plane glass plate, an air
film is formed between the upper surface of the plate and the lower surface
of lens.
The thickness of this film increases gradually from the point of contact towards the edge. If a
monochromatic beam of light falls normally on this film, alternate dark and bright concentric rings
are formed in the air film. These are called Newtons rings. These are formed as a result of
interference between the light waves reflected from the upper and lower surface of air film. The
center of the Newtons rings pattern is a dark spot when seen in the reflected light and it is a bright
spot when seen in the transmitted light.
115.Applications of interference phenomenon :
Interference of light is used
i) to determine the wavelength of a monochromatic light and the difference between the
wavelengths of two closely spaced spectral lines.
ii) to determine the thickness of a thin transparent material.
iii)to determine the refractive index of a liquid or a gas.
iv) to test the flatness of surfaces
v) to test the reflectivity of the surfaces of lenses and prisms.
Physical Optics
1. The phenomenon of bending of light waves around the sharp edges of opaque obstacles or aperture
and their encroachment in the geometrical shadow of obstacle or aperture is defined as diffraction
of light.
2. The phenomenon resulting from the superposition of secondary wavelets originating from different
parts of the same wavefront is defined as diffraction of light.
3. Greater the wavelength of wave higher will be its degree of diffraction i.e., more deviation from its
rectilinear path.
4. The phenomenon of diffraction of light waves takes place in the near vicinity of the edge
geometrical shadow of the obstacle only whereas the diffraction of sound waves is observed in
other parts of geometrical shadow also.
5. Due to low degree of diffraction of light waves, it appears to be propagating in straight lines where
as due to high degree of diffraction, sound waves do not travel in straight lines.
6. The phenomenon of diffraction was first discovered by Grimaldi in the year 1665. Its experimental
study was done by Newton and Young. But the systematic explanation was given by Fresnel on the
basis of Huygens wave theory of light.
7. Dependence of diffraction of waves The phenomenon of diffraction depends on (a) the size of the
obstacle (b) the wavelength of waves.
8. Necessary conditions of diffraction of waves The size of the obstacle must be of the order of the
wavelength of the waves i.e.,
9. The condition for observing the diffraction at an object (obstacle, narrow slit) on a screen is
where D is the distance between screen and object, d is the size o the object and is
wavelength of light.
10. The wavelength of sound waves is large (1.65 cm to 16.5 m). Hence the diffraction of sound can be
observed in our daily life which occurs due to large obstacles like windows, doors, walls, stem,
branches of tree etc.
11. The wavelength of audible sound waves is of order of one metre, hence these are diffracted by
ordinary obstacles.
12. The wavelength of ultrasonic waves is of the order of 1 cm. Hence these are not diffracted by
ordinary obstacles.
13. The wavelength of light (4800 8000 ) is very small. Hence its diffraction is not observed in
daily life. But diffraction of light waves can be observed in the laboratory under special
14. The wavelength or radio waves is very large (2.5 m 250 m), hence their diffraction can take place
due to large building and small hills. The wavelength of telephone waves is comparatively very
( 0.3 m), hence their diffraction cannot occur due to large buildings and hills.
15. If the size of the obstacle as compared to the wavelength of the wave is
a. very small (i.e., a<< ) then the waves will undergo reflection and not diffraction.
b. very large (i.e., a>> ) then its distinct geometrical shadow will be formed and the wave will not
be diffracted.
Physical Optics
c. almost equal (i.e, a ) then the waves spread maximum in the geometrical shadow and hence
undergo maximum diffraction.
16. Consequences of diffraction in daily life :
a. Sound produced in one room can be heard in the nearby room.
b. When an intense source of light is viewed with the partially opened eye, colours are observed in
the light.
c. Appearance of a shining circle around the section of sun just before sunrise.
Rectilinear propagation of light :
17. When the diffraction effect is negligible then the law of rectilinear propagation of light is quite
valid. i.e., when a>> then the law of rectilinear propagation is obeyed.
18. When the size of the obstacle or aperture is of the order of wavelength of light then the diffraction
effect takes place and light encroaches in the region of geometrical shadow of obstacles thereby
deviating from its straight path. Under this condition the rectilinear propagation of light is
19. The diffraction effect is observed near the edge of the obstacle or the aperture, hence rectilinear
propagation is approximately obeyed in this region. Inside the region of geometrical shadow,
diffraction effect is not observable and hence the law of rectilinear propagation is perfectly obeyed.
20. Diffraction can be explained by Huygens Fresnel principle. According to this principle each
point on a wavefront, which is unobstructed, acts as a source of secondary waves. Diffraction is
due to interference of secondary waves coming from same primary wavefront.
21. Condition for observing diffraction :
a) If
<< 1 , Fraunhofer diffraction is observed.
b) If
1, Fresnel diffraction is observed.
c) If
>> 1 , the approximation of geometrical optics is applicable.
The phenomenon resulting from the superposition of The phenomenon resulting from the
secondary wavelets originating from two coherent superposition of secondary wavelets
sources is known as interference.
originating from various parts of a single
coherent source is known as diffraction.
Interference fringes are of equal width in case of a Diffraction fringes are never of equal width.
monochromatic source whereas these are of unequal
width in case of white light.
All bright fringes are of equal intensity.
The intensity of all dark fringes is zero, i.e., all dark The intensity of dark fringes is not zero i.e.,
fringes are perfectly black.
the dark fringes are not perfectly black.
Physical Optics
Condition for maxima
b) = (2n 1)
c) = (2n 1)
x = (2n 1)
= (2n 1)
= (2n 1)
a) x = (2n 1)
= 2n
= 2n
a) x = 2n
Fraunhofer diffraction
The diffracting device is at a finite distance from the The diffracting device is at infinite
source and the screen.
distance from the source.
The wavefront is either spherical or cylindrical.
The centre of diffraction pattern is either bright or dark The centre of diffraction pattern is always
depending upon the number of half period zones.
Lenses or mirrors are not used to observed diffraction Two convex lenses are used to observe
diffraction effect.
The diffraction pattern is the image of the obstacle or The diffraction pattern is the image of the
source itself.
In this the distances are important.
In this, there is diffraction effect of a single diffraction In this the effects of all diffracting devices
device i.e., the diffraction effects of devices are not are added.
The amplitudes at the point of observation due to The amplitudes at the point of observation
various HPZ at different obliquities are different. e.g. due to various HPZ are the same due to
circular obstacle or aperture etc.
same obliquity. e.g., singles lit, double
slit, diffraction grating etc.
22. Huygens-Fresnel half period zone theory of diffraction.
a. The wavefront originating from the source and striking the Wavefront
aperture or obstacle is divided into a number of circular and S
concentric half period zones.
b. Zone : A small area on a plane wavefront with reference to a
point of observation, so that all the waves from the area reach the
point without any path difference is called a zone. As the paths of light rays from successive
zones differ by / 2 these zones are called half period zones.
c. The center of half period zones lies at the point of intersection of the wavefront and the line
joining the source and the observer.
Physical Optics
nth half period zone
and b+(n1)
from O.
f. In case of circular half period zones, the area of half period
zone b. The areas of all zones are approximately same. The annular region between the (n
1)th and nth circle is known as nth zone.
g. Resultant disturbance produced by the nth zone will be out of phase with the disturbance
produced by (n 1)th (or the (n+1)th zone) zone.
h. The amplitude produced by a particular zone is proportional to the area of the zone and
inversely proportional to the distance of the zone from the observation point O (r) and also
1 + cos
depends on an obliquity factor which is proportional to
where is angle that the
normal to the zone makes with r. The net amplitude produced by the secondary wavelets
emanating from the nth zone is An = K
a n 1 + cos
A1 + A 3
A + A4
, A 3= 2
and so on Hence A= 1 + n when n is odd
A1 A n1
A n when n is even.
n. Therefore O will be maximum if the total number of half period zones is odd and it will be a
minimum when the total number of half period zones is even.
o. In Fraunhoffer diffraction width of central maximum 0 =
Applications of diffraction :
i) The wavelengths of either monochromatic or composite radiations can be measured accurately
by diffraction technique using diffraction grating.
ii) The wavelength of x-rays are determined by x-ray diffraction.
iii) Structures of crystalline solids are determined by x-ray, electron and neutron diffraction
Physical Optics
iv) Velocity of sound in liquids (organic or inorganic) can be estimated with the help of ultrasonic
diffraction techniques.
v) Ultrasound scanning used the principle of diffraction to assess the size and shape of ulcers,
tumours etc in human body.
Limit of resolution and revolving power of optical instruments :
21. Resolving power :
a. The ability of an optical instrument to produce separate diffraction pattern of two nearby objects
is known as resolving power.
b. The ability of an optical instrument to show two closely lying objects or spectral lines as
separate, is known as its resolving power.
22. Limit of resolution The reciprocal of resolving power is defined as the limit of resolution.
23. Rayleighs limit of resolution The distance between two object points, when the central
maximum of diffraction pattern of one coincides with the first minimum of diffraction pattern of
another, is defined as the Rayleighs limit of resolution.
24. Limit of resolution d =
1. Light waves :
Light propagates as transverse electromagnetic waves.
2. Description of light waves :
The magnitude of electric field vector is much larger as compared to the magnetic field vector.
(E=cB where c=speed of light).
Also, the eye is mainly affected by electric vector, Therefore, we generally prefer to describe light
as electric field oscillations.
3. Representation of polarized light :
Unpolarized light consists of a very large number of vibrations in all planes with equal probability
at right angles to the direction of propagation. Hence unpolarized light is represented by star.
4. Unpolarized light :
a) In polarized light the vibrations of electric vector are confined to only one direction
perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
5. Polarized light :
a) The light having oscillations only in one plane is called polarized
or plane polarized.
b) If the vibration of electric vector are parallel to the plane of paper
then polarized light is represented by arrow lines. They are
referred as components.
c) If the vibrations of electric vector are perpendicular to the plane of
paper, then polarized light is represented by dots. They are referred as
Physical Optics
6. If unpolarized light is incident on a Polaroid, the transmitted light is plane polarized as shown
Here, the vertical oscillations are transmitted because the transmission axis is also vertical. The
horizontal oscillations are not transmitted. That is why, on the right hand side there are no dots at
the intersection of lines.
polarised light
Plane of polarisation
Plane of vibration
7. Plane of vibration The imaginary plane in a crystal containing the vibrations of electric vector in
polarized light as well as the direction of propagation of light wave, is defined as the plane of
8. Plane of polarization The imaginary plane in a crystal containing the direction of propagation of
light wave and which is perpendicular to the plane of vibration is defined as the plane of
9. Optic axis The imaginary axis in a crystal (polarizer), parallel to which the vibrations of electric
vector in unpolarized light pass through it, is defined as the optic axis of the crystal.
10. Light can be polarized by transmitting through certain crystals such as tourmaline or polaroids.
11. Polaroids are thin films of ultramicroscopic crystals of quinine idosulphate with their optic axes
parallel to each other.
12. Quinine idosulphate is also called herpathite.
13. Polaroids allow the light oscillations parallel to the transmission axis pass through them.
14. The intensity of the transmitted light should be 50% of the incident light. However, in actual
practice it is found to be about 35% of the incident light.
15. The crystal or Polaroid on which unpolarized light is incident is called polarizer.
16. Crystal or Polaroid on which polarized light is incident is called analyzer.
17. If the transmission axes of the polarizer and analyzer are parallel, then whole of the polarized light
passes through the analyzer.
18. If the transmission axis of the analyzer is perpendicular to that of polarizer, then no light passes
through the analyzer.
Such polarizer and analyzer are said to be crossed.
19. Malus Law :
If I0 be the intensity of the polarized light incident on the analyzer and be the angle between the
transmission axes of the polarizer and analyzer, then the intensity of the light transmitted through
the analyzer is given by : I=I0cos2
20. If A be the amplitude of the light transmitted through the analyzer and A0 be the amplitude of the
polarized light incident on it, then
A2= A 02 cos 2 or A=A0cos
21. If Ii be the intensity of the unpolarized light incident on the polarizer and I be the intensity of the
light transmitted through the analyzer, then
Physical Optics
Ii= i cos 2
Here I0=Ii/2
In the above expressions is also angle between the plane of oscillation of the polarized light and
the transmission axes of the analyzer.
For the crossed polarizer and analyzer, =90o hence : I=I0cos290o=0.
Polarization confirms the transverse nature of the light waves.
Light can be polarized by the following methods
(i) reflection, (ii) refraction, (iii) double refraction, (iv) dichorism, (v) scattering.
Polarization by reflection :
a) If the light is incident on a surface at a certain angle known at
sin b
sin i
= tan b This equation is called Brewsters law.
sin r sin(90 b )
d) The polarizing angle b depends on nature of material and wavelength of incident light.
27. Polarization by refraction :
By using a pile of plates a large amount of polarized light can be obtained. Because the refracted
light is only partially polarized. So, when it is incident on the next plate, we obtain more polarized
light. Every subsequent plate contributes polarized light giving a strong beam of polarized light.
Also, larger the number of plates greater will be the polarization of the refracted beam. This is
called polarization by refraction.
Note : The Malus law is not applicable to the pile of plates.
28. Double refraction or Birefringence :
a) When a ray of unpolarized light is incident on calcite or quartz crystal, it splits into two
refracted rays. One of the refracted rays is called ordinary (O-ray) as it obeys the laws of
refraction. The other refracted ray is called extraordinary ray (E-ray) because it does not obey
the laws of refraction. Double refraction discovered by bartholinus in 1669.
Physical Optics
Optic axis
r1 r
E ray
O ray
b) The E-ray propagates through the crystal with different speeds in different directions. That is, it
has different refractive indices in different directions.
c) Along the optic axis of the crystal both O-ray as well as E-ray travel with the same speed and
have the same refractive index.
d) Both the O-ray as well as E-ray are plane polarized in mutually perpendicular directions.
e) If v0 and ve represent the speed of O-ray and
E-ray respectively, and 0 and e represent the corresponding refractive indices, then along the
optic axis of the crystal ve=v0 and 0 = e
f) Crystal having only one optic axis is called uniaxial. Calcite, quartz, ice, tourmaline sodium
nitrate are the examples of uniaxial crystals.
g) Crystal having two optic axes are called biaxial. Mica, topaz, borax etc. are the examples of
biaxial crystals.
h) If a double refracting crystal is placed on a dot and rotated in its own plane, then E-ray image
rotates about the O-ray image.
i) For calcite crystal v e v 0 and 0 e
Such crystals are called negative.
j) For quartz crystal v e v 0 and 0 e
Such crystals are called positive.
k) Polaroids also exhibit double refraction but they absorb one of the two rays. This phenomenon
of absorbing either O-ray or E-ray is called dichorism.
l) Nicol prism is a device for producing or analyzing the polarized light. It is made from calcite
crystal. It is a doubly refracting crystal.
m) In the Nicol prism the E-ray has oscillations in the principal section of the crystal and the O-ray
has oscillation perpendicular to the principal section.
n) By suitable cutting, the transmission of one of the rays is stopped in the nicol prism. Therefore,
the light transmitted through it is plane polarized
Canada balsam layer ( = 1.53)
E ray
O ray
Blackened surface
Physical Optics
According to Huygens theory each point on a wavefront acts as a fresh source of disturbance and
sends secondary wavelets. The envelope of all the secondary wavelets at any instant represents a
wavefront which is the locus of the particles vibrating in the same phase. Huygen;s theory as such
could not explain the phenomenon of double refraction. To explain the phenomenon of double
refraction in uniaxial crystals, he extended his thory of secondary wavelets. According to his theory
1) When any wavefront strikes a doubly refracting crystal, every point of the crystal becomes a
source of two wavefronts:
a) Ordinary wavefront corresponding to ordinary rays. Since ordinary rays have same velocity
in all directions, the secondary wavefront is spherical.
b) Extra-ordinary wavefront corresponding to extra-ordinary rays. Since extra-ordinary rays
have different velocities in different directions, the extra-ordinary wavefront is ellipsoid of
revolution, with optic axis as the axis of revolution.
2) The sphere and ellipsoid touch each other at points which lie on the optic axis of the crystal,
because the velocity of ordinary and extra-ordinary ray is same along the optic axis.
Negative Crystal
Positive Crystal
3) In certain crystals (like calcite and tourmaline) called the negative crystals, the ellipsoid lies
outside the sphere as shown in figure (a) This shows that in negative crystals, the extra-ordinary
wavefront travels faster than ordinary wavefront except along optic axis.
4) In certain crystals (like those of ice, quartz and rutile) called the positive crystals, the sphere lies
outside the ellipsoid as shown in figure (b). This shows that velocity of ordinary wavefront is
greater than extraordinary wavefront (in positive crystals) except along optic axis.
30. Polarisation by scattering :
Suppose, a ray of unpolarised light is incident on a microscopic particle from which it is scattered.
Then the scattered light is plane polarized.
31. Polaroids :
i) The tourmaline crystal is a natural polarizer.
ii) Man made polarizing materials are called as polaroids.
iii) Polaroid is a thin transparent film containing tiny synthetic dichroic crystals with their optic
axes are lined up parallel.
iv) A modern Polaroid is a molecular polarizer containing long chains of molecules of poly vinyle
alcohol oriented in a preferred direction and stained with an ink containing iodine.
v) Polaroids are used as polarizers and analyzers.
Physical Optics
32. Uses of polaroids :
1. There are used widely as polarizing sun-glasses.
2. Polaroid films are used in 3-D films or pictures.
3. Polaroid sheets are used as polarizers and analysers.
33. Applications of polarization and polarized light:
1. Polarizing light is used to test and measure the optical activity of crystal and liquids.
2. Polarized light can be used to study the helical structure of nucleic acids.
3. Studies of light-scattering estimate depolarization of transversely scattered light and help to
study size and shape of the molecules.
4. Polarizing glasses reduce the intensity of sun light falling on the eye and prevent the damage of