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Center for Microcomputers in Transportation


Volume 21 Fall 2000 Newsletter


McTrans is upgrading modules of the Highway

Capacity Software (HCS) to add new
features and to incorporate the modified


procedures in the new Highway Capacity

Manual (HCM2000). This exciting new release
(HCS2000) will be distributed immediately
following the publication of the HCM2000 by
HCS2000 includes:
Full maintenance and technical support
Full office license (not single computer)
Signal Timing Optimization (being finalized).
(see Page 2)

Transportation Research Center

512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585
Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Messages 1-800-226-1013
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the Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Updated Products

New Products

TSIS/CORSIM User Profile

Did you know?

Conference & Training Calendar

Products Listing

McTrans fall 2000




General Information

Site Information


Mac Trans


Jones & Market


McTrans Center


Alachua County

Date Performed


Analysis Year


Analysis Time Period

AM Peak

Project ID


East/West Street: Market

North/South Street: Jones

Intersection Orientation: EW

Study Period (hrs.): 0.25

Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Major Street

HCS2000 comprises a complete

new release of the HCS in which
modules have been upgraded to
incorporate procedures in both US
and metric units to faithfully
implement the upcoming










Peak-Hour Factor, PHF





Hourly Flow Rate, HFR





Percent Heavy Vehicles



Median Type
RT Channelized



Upstream Signal



Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service






v (vph)



C (m) (vph)






95% queue length



Control Delay



Lane Configuration

HCS2000 also adds several new

features, including a new graphic, quick entry option for lane
configuration and volume data in
Signalized and Unsignalized







Approach Delay


Approach LOS

HCS2000 introduces new interactive, formatted reports that produce

forms like the HCM2000 worksheets. These web-like reports react to
data entry and modifications, and produce dynamic results in the appropriate fields, right on the forms. Printing is handled like any web
page, offering additional control and flexibility.
Significant changes to the HCM procedures that are implemented in
this new release include: revised passenger-car equivalents for heavyvehicle factors with slight changes in LOS thresholds and speeds calculations in Freeways, Weaving, Ramps and Multilane; new saturation
flow adjustment factors for pedestrians and bicycles, and a maximum
back of queue length estimation for the average and several percentile
values in Signals; a new methodology based on speed and percent
time spent following (PTSF), and a new directional analysis in
TwoLane; a new methodology that focuses on service availability and
quality, and emphasizes bus operation on surface streets in Transit;
and a new set of procedures to provide quality of service for directional freeway facilities that permits the analysis of multiple contiguous
segments over multiple time intervals and integrates the methods in
the HCM Freeways, Weaving and Ramps chapters for undersaturated
analysis and extends these methods to oversaturated conditions.
HCS2000 (#HCS2000.W95) remains priced at $500 and is free to all
users who purchased HCS-3 since September 1, 2000. Upgrades
(#HCS2000.UPG) for HCS-3 users who purchased prior to that date
(without pre-ordering) are $150.

McTrans fall 2000

Updated Products

Ready for Distribution
HCS2000 upgrades modules in

aaSIDRA In the Summer

the Highway Capacity Software (HCS

TM) to add new features and incorporate the modified procedures in the
new Highway Capacity Manual
(HCM2000). HCS2000 comprises a
complete new release in which
modules faithfully implement the
HCM2000 in both US and metric units.
This exciting new release will be distributed immediately following the
publication of the HCM2000 by the
Transportation Research Board (TRB).
HCS2000 adds several new features,
including a new graphic, quick entry
option for lane configuration and volume data in Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections. This option allows
the user to select lane configurations
graphically and place them on the appropriate approach, then add turning
movement volumes on the same
screen. Data entered on this screen
will automatically be inserted on the
standard data entry form, and vice
HCS2000 also introduces new
interactive, formatted reports that will
produce forms like the HCM2000
worksheets. These web-like reports
will react to data entry and modifications, and produce dynamic results in
the appropriate fields, right on the
forms. Printing is handled like any
web page, offering additional control
and flexibility.
Signal timing optimization options
for HCS-Signals is planned for
automatic update soon. HCS2000
(#HCS2000.W95) remains priced at
$500 with upgrades (#HCS2000.UPG)
from HCS-3 for $150.

2000 issue of McTrans, we announced aaSIDRA version 1.0

by Akcelik & Associates as a
new product. McTrans is now
pleased to announce that we
will be not only be carrying
aaSIDRA-Full and aaSIDRACapacity but will also carry
upgrades for these products
as well as the hardcopy manual and a new technical support and maintenance
product called COVER. To
learn more about COVER see
the new products section of
this issue.
aaSIDRA-Full includes all
features all features of
aaSIDRA without any
limitation, including signaltiming optimization for actuated and pretimed (fixed-time)
signals. It is included in the
product list in the Traffic Engineering Signal Timing & Warrants section.
includes all features of
aaSIDRA-Full except signal
timing optimization. It is
included in the product list in
the Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis section.
For signalized intersection
evaluation using aaSIDRA-Capacity, the user needs to
specify the cycle time and
green splits. For optimizing
actuated and pretimed (fixedtime) signal timings, use
aaSIDRA-Full, professional
single computer (#SID.FPS)
version 1.0.2 is available at
LOS 6 for $690. aaSIDRA-Capacity, professional single
computer (#SID.CPS) version
1.0.3 is available at LOS 6 for
$490. The aaSIDRA Manual
(#SID.MAN) a printed copy of
the manual is available for
$60. Educational, multiple,
and upgrade licenses from
versions 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 & 5.2 for
both products are also available. Please contact McTrans
for details.

WINprofile has been updated to

version 1.05. Major changes include
expanded help file, parameter files for
control of symbology during transfer
to Microstation and AutoCAD and
increased functionality. WINprofile
(#WINPRO) by Donald Grisham is
available at LOS 6 for $50.
TRANSYT-7F patch 8.2a is now
available for downloading from the
McTrans website. This new version
corrects miscellaneous problems
found in release 8.2. TRANSYT-7F
upgrade release 9.1 is targeted for

Update Watch

SITE/TEAPAC Windows Version The popular program SITE/TEAPAC for site traffic
impact studies has recently been released by Strong Concepts as a new Windows-based
program. Like its DOS predecessor, SITE for Windows performs the fundamental
calculations necessary to estimate traffic for a land development project using typical traffic impact study techniques, including trip generation, trip distribution and traffic
assignment. Multi-use and multi-development projects of almost limitless combinations
can be analyzed using the unique cumulation feature, and special features support calculations for background traffic growth and pass-by trips. An on-screen assignment option
removes the drudgery of defining basic trip assignments, while still permitting easy manual adjustments to these assignments. Existing traffic and network data can be read directly
from other TEAPAC data files such as SIGNAL2000, TURNS and WARRANTS, and resulting
projected volume data can be sent directly to other TEAPAC programs like SIGNAL2000 for
optimized level of service calculations, and PREPASSR, PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM
for signal timing and modeling studies. Use of the TED and TUTOR programs in the
TEAPAC system allow complete automation of all of these calculations for unparalleled efficiency, accuracy and speed.
SITE is now available for all Windows platforms. The Windows versions have all of the
features noted above (found in the DOS version), plus a unique Visual Mode which
provides an intuitive, graphical user interface as a true Windows program. This Visual
Mode is the same WinTEAPAC2000 interface found in all other TEAPAC programs such as
SIGNAL2000. These Windows versions also provide a fully-indexed, on-line user guide and
context-sensitive help and error diagnostics. Data files are fully interchangeable with the
DOS version of SITE, for either previous or current versions. The .W95 versions will run on
any of the Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms; the .WIN versions will run on any of the Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98 platforms. All platforms are licensed together and delivered on
a single CD-ROM.
The 12-intersection version of SITE/TEAPAC Ver 4.00 from Strong Concepts
(#TPCSIT.1.W95, #TPCSIT.1.WIN and #TPCSIT.1) is available from McTrans for $395. The full
25-intersection version (#TPCSIT.2.W95, #TPCSIT.2.WIN and #TPCSIT.2) is available for
$495. Educational versions are available for half-price and demonstration versions are
available free as downloads from the Strong Concepts and McTrans web pages.
Registered licensees of DOS versions of SITE may upgrade to a Windows version at a reduced fee directly from Strong Concepts. (See ad on page 11.)
TUTOR/TEAPAC Windows Version The TUTOR/TEAPAC advanced tutorial program
for all TEAPAC programs has recently been released by Strong Concepts as a new
Windows-based program. Like its DOS predecessor, TUTOR for Windows demonstrates and
explains all of the advanced techniques which can be used in any TEAPAC program to automate the calculations which are normally done manually, thus producing unparalleled
efficiency, accuracy and speed for the use of any of these programs. The TEAPAC programs
for which these techniques can be applied include SIGNAL2000, SIGNAL97, SITE, NOSTOP,
used to create the automation files which are described and demonstrated by TUTOR.
TUTOR is now available for all Windows platforms. The Windows versions have all of the
features noted above (found in the DOS version), plus the unique Visual Mode which
provides an intuitive, graphical user interface as a true Windows program. This Visual Mode
is the same WinTEAPAC2000 interface found in all other TEAPAC programs. These Windows
versions also provide a fully-indexed, on-line user guide and context-sensitive help and error diagnostics. Data files are fully interchangeable with the DOS version of TUTOR, for
either previous or current versions. The .W95 versions will run on any of the Windows
95/98/NT/2000 platforms; the .WIN versions will run on any of the Windows 3.x or Windows
95/98 platforms. All platforms are licensed together and delivered on a single CD-ROM.
TUTOR/TEAPAC Ver 4.01 from Strong Concepts (#TPCTUT.1.W95, #TPCTUT.1.WIN and
#TPCTUT.1) is available from McTrans for $95. Educational versions are available for halfprice and demonstration versions are available free as downloads from the Strong
Concepts and McTrans web pages. Registered licensees of DOS versions of TUTOR may
upgrade to a Windows version at a reduced fee directly from Strong Concepts. (See ad on
page 11.)








Under development
Under development
Under development


Patch Download
Registered users may upgrade
Automatic to registered users
Registered users may upgrade

McTrans fall 2000


Please note that all new and updated products that are based on
HCM2000 will not be distributed until HCM2000 has been released.

COVER for aaSidra

COVER is a
new technical support and maintenance
product by Akcelik & Associates. COVER means a reasonable amount of technical support plus free upgrades for
major new aaSIDRA versions. Under
their continuous development policy,
Akeclik & Associates be producing a
number of new improved versions of
aaSIDRA. You may choose to pay the upgrade fees when the new versions come
out, or you may choose to take COVER
for free upgrades.
A reasonable amount of technical
support means assistance to make
aaSIDRA operate on your computer system, and investigation of example files
that fail to run or produce unexpected results. It does not include assistance in
the normal use of aaSIDRA such as coding of aaSIDRA input from an
intersection plan. aaSIDRA training
courses that cover these topics are
offered from time to time.
Free COVER is provided for 2 months
(60 days) from the purchase date. This is
applicable to new purchases only (not to
upgrades). The COVER that can be
purchased at fees shown in the Product
List is for 12 months. If ordered with a
new purchase, the COVER period is 14
months including the 2-month free COVER period that is included in the
software price.
The COVER is provided for the latest
version of aaSIDRA only. You need to upgrade to the latest version before you
can order COVER. Upgrade with a COVER costs less than ordering the upgrade
and COVER separately. Contact McTrans
for upgrade pricing information.
COVER BENEFITS include: Free
upgrades to major new versions
released during the COVER period. This
means savings since the COVER fee is
likely to be less than the total cost of upgrades during a year due to our continuous development policy.
Notification by EMAIL regarding new
patches that become available from our
A reasonable amount of technical
support (see below) beyond the initial 2month COVER period.
Discount offers for other aaTraffic
software products.
COVER means that you will have the
benefit of always using the latest version
of aaSIDRA.
COVER (#SID.CVS) by Akcelik &
Associates, Pty. Ltd. is available from
McTrans for $170 for a single computer
license and $220 for a multiple computer

Highway Safety Analysis

Safety Analysis (HSA) Software is a new program for conducting traffic accident studies
on major highways or local roads. HSA
Software is designed to assist engineers in
analyzing accident data while performing
highway safety investigations or other traffic
engineering studies.
HSA Software includes entering and
editing accident data from the source
documents, filtering data by multiple criteria,
preparing accident data listing and summaries
with proportional distribution of different accident categories, calculating accident rates using US customary (English) or metric units for
the segment length, estimating safety benefits
based on proposed safety improvements, and
producing Collision Diagrams.
Collision Diagram is a unique and powerful
feature of the HSA Software. Diagrams are
generated based on accident data entered and
filtered for the particular intersection or roadway segment. After the diagram is displayed,
it may be edited to better reflect the existing
conditions and accident locations. Accident
symbols may be moved to more precise location, and/or copied to display the same
accident type with the same vehicle
direction(s) of travel at different locations
within one diagram. For example, some rightangle accidents could occur at the
intersection, and others at the driveway on the
corner, etc.
Different accident categories, such as fatal,
injury, wet road, or night time accidents may
be highlighted. This feature allows better identification of the problem areas on the diagram.
Collision Diagrams can be prepared for the
preset roadway layouts, such as a 4-legged intersection (which may be converted into an
offset intersection), T-intersection, or
segment, and for a custom geometry layout
using a bitmap image prepared by the
HSA Software has been written for the Windows operating system. It was developed using Microsoft Access and can run under
Access 97 or 2000 environment, or as a standalone program using Runtime Access 2000,
which is included in the installation package.
HSA Software is user friendly and easy to
operate. Conducting traffic accident studies
with the HSA Software saves time, and allows
organizing the data to reveal existing accident
patterns in the most effective way for developing highway safety improvements.
Highway Safety Analysis Software
(#HSA.W95) version 2.1 is available from X32
Group at LOS 7 for $500. A users manual is
included with the software. Please see the
HSA Software ad on page 9.


new program that implements the capacity analysis techniques of the
2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for signalized intersections
(Chapter 16). Like its popular predecessors (SIGNAL97, SIGNAL94 &
SIGNAL85), SIGNAL2000 adds an optimization option in Usage Level 2
of the program (#TPCS2K.2) that produces the best possible capacity
analysis for the given conditions, including optimized signal timings
and optimized signal phasing. This optimization option allows the operations method of the capacity analysis to be used quickly and effectively for all aspects of signal analyses, including signal timing,
planning studies, impact analysis and geometric design. SIGNAL2000
is a faithful implementation of the Chapter 16 HCM procedures, which
was developed by the chairman of the Signals Subcommittee of the
Highway Capacity Manual Committee.
SIGNAL2000 produces all of the analyses and worksheets
according to the methods prescribed by the new 2000 HCM, including
the new queue model, the new ped/bike analysis, and several of the
auxiliary analyses found in the appendices such as the initial queue
delay. SIGNAL2000 also offers a powerful and unique comprehensive
queuing analysis which provides side-by-side comparison of 10 different queue models for all movements of an intersection. SIGNAL2000
uses data files which are both upwards and downwards compatible
with SIGNAL97 and SIGNAL94, and is integrated with all the other TEAPAC programs such as SITE (impact studies), TURNS (turn count
analysis), WARRANTS (MUTCD warrant analysis), PREPASSR
(pre/post-processor for PASSER-II), PRETRANSYT (pre/post-processor
for TRANSYT-7F) and PRENETSIM (pre-processor for CORSIM). Using
these programs, a comprehensive traffic study can be completed
using a single database of information shared among all of the
TEAPAC programs. Both inputs to and results from SIGNAL2000 can
be used by these other TEAPAC programs, and SIGNAL2000s
optimized results can be exported directly to HCS. Use of the TED and
TUTOR programs in the TEAPAC system allow complete automation of
all of these calculations for unparalleled efficiency, accuracy and
speed. All of these programs are available from McTrans.
SIGNAL2000 is now available for all Windows platforms and for
DOS. The Windows versions have all of the features noted above
(found in the DOS version), plus the unique TEAPAC Visual Mode
which provides an intuitive, graphical user interface as a true Windows
program. This Visual Mode is the same WinTEAPAC2000 interface
found in all other TEAPAC programs. Windows versions also provide a
complete and fully-indexed on-line user guide and context-sensitive
help and error diagnostics. Data files are fully interchangeable with the
DOS version of SIGNAL2000, as well as all other TEAPAC programs, either Windows or DOS. The .W95 versions will run on any of the
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms; the .WIN versions will run on the
Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98 platforms. All platforms are licensed together and delivered on a single CD-ROM.
The Optimization version of SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC Ver. 1.00 from
Strong Concepts is available from McTrans for $595 (#TPCS2K.2.W95,
#TPCS2K.2.WIN and #TPCS2K.2). The Capacity-Analysis-Only version
of SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC is available for $295 (#TPCS2K.1.W95,
#TPCS2K.1.WIN and TPCS2K.1). These prices include a complete, printed Tutorial/Reference Manual. SIGNAL2000 is also available as part of
the TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1), the TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2) and the TEAPAC Site Impact
Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.3) in place of the SIGNAL97 program. Educational versions are available for half price and demonstration
versions are available as free downloads from the Strong Concepts
and McTrans web pages. Registered licensees of SIGNAL97/TEAPAC
may upgrade to SIGNAL2000 at a reduced fee directly from Strong

McTrans fall 2000

TSIS/CORSIM User Profile


STEAM (The Surface Transportation

Efficiency Analysis Model) was developed in order to provide an analytical
tool for estimating impacts of multimodal transportation alternatives in a
system-planning context. Cost-effectiveness evaluation of alternatives is a
complex process requiring close
interaction among planning
professionals, decision makers, and
citizens. Such assessments require
an understanding, estimation, and
comparison of the wide range of
impacts transportation alternatives
typically generate. A variety of
economic, financial, social, and environmental impacts must be assessed
and tradeoffs made to present
decision makers with good
The user manual provides the
reader with a full understanding of the
STEAM software and a detailed explanation of each option incorporated in
the analysis. It is organized as
Chapter 2: Overview of STEAM.
This chapter provides a general
description of the STEAM analysis including the model objectives,
structure of the software, and analytical procedures that are incorporated
in the benefit-cost analysis.
Chapter 3: Input Files. This chapter explains in detail the concept of
Amarket sectors@ in relation to the
STEAM analysis and provides a
description and layout of each of the
market sector input files required by
the model.
Chapter 4: Software User
Interface. This chapter covers the
user interface of the STEAM software.
Areas discussed include: installation
of the program, defining market
sectors, changing parameter values,
improvement costs, transit service
changes, estimating run time,
performing investment analysis, and
viewing results.
Chapter 5: Risk Analysis. This
chapter describes the STEAM risk
analysis procedures, including the
definition of risk ranges and interpretation of results.
The manual also includes:
Appendix A: Case Study.
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms.
Appendix C: Sources for Default
Parameter Values.
Appendix D: Estimation of
Default Emission Rates.
STEAM (#STEAM), Ver. 1.0 by
FHWA is available at LOS 3 for $55.

Last year McTrans, in cooperation with

the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) conducted a TSIS User Profile
to gauge practitioner tendencies
regarding typical applications of TSIS,
as well as their preferences regarding
the general direction of software support and development. Currently, the
TSIS (Traffic Software Integrated System) software package is distributed
with the CORSIM microscopic traffic
simulation program, and also the
TRAFVU graphical animation module.
User profile respondents indicate
that TSIS and its component programs
are used in a wide variety of traffic
and transportation analyses,

verification of signal timing design

geometric alternatives comparisons

traffic impact studies

public presentations and hearings

verification and validation of other

software and methodologies

access management plans

queuing studies (turn pocket length,

closely spaced intersections, etc.)

signal warrant analysis

land-use impacts

freeway weaving sections and interchanges

ramp metering studies and HOV

forecasting, transportation planning,

and traffic assignment.
Regarding future TSIS
development, respondents would like
to see improved linking of TSIS with
other programs, and additional
improvements to the graphical input
data editors such as ITRAF or (with release 5) TRAFED. Although 83% would
like to see continued FHWA

involvement in the development of

CORSIM, in order to maintain the highest-quality models and methodology,
many of the same respondents feel
that the private sector is well-suited
for developing the interface software,
that is input and output tools.
Regarding the technical content of
CORSIM, respondents have good confidence in the program results, and
would not want additional software
improvements to compromise accuracy of the existing simulation methodology. On the other hand, they would
like to see increases in the amount of
training, calibration advice, and Web
discussion groups that are offered.
In general, the TSIS User Profile respondents feel that simulation and animation are an important component
of their engineering studies. The
majority (87%) find the TRAFVU
animation program to be an invaluable
component of their analyses, and 95%
intend to use TSIS just as often, if not
more frequently, in the future.
Overall, the user support of TSIS
and CORSIM was very strong and
both McTrans and FHWA were
gratified at the results. David Hale,
McTrans Center
[Ed. Note: McTrans is very pleased to
announce that David is now Dr. Hale, having
received his Ph.D. degree from the University
of Florida in August 2000. Congratulations
Dr. Hale!]


Transportation Research Board

80th Annual Meeting
January 7-11, 2001
Washington DC

Save with advanced registration before November 30, 2000

For information check the TRB Internet website:
Or call the TRB Annual Meeting Information Line: (202) 334-3472
Dont forget to visit the McTrans Exhibit booth!

McTrans fall 2000



K N O W ?


On external links with no nearby upstream signal, arrival

type must be specified as 3,
and the upstream
filtering/metering factor (Ifactor) must be specified as
1.0, in order to reflect
random vehicle arrivals in
the Signals module.
The HCM table titled LOS Criteria for Weaving Areas, lists
two categories of weaving
areas. One of the categories
is called Freeway Weaving
Area, and the other category is called Multilane and
CD Weaving Areas. Density
thresholds for the various
levels of service are
different, depending on the
type of weaving area being
analyzed. If the Multilane
and CD Weaving Areas
check box option is selected
within HCS-Weaving, then
the density LOS thresholds
for multilane and CD
weaving areas are applied. If
the check box is not selected, then the density thresholds for freeway weaving
areas are applied.
In the Signals module, it is possible for vehicle delays to be
relatively high on a
movement with very little
traffic volume. If the cycle
length is long, and the green
time is short, then any arriving vehicle will be delayed
by having to wait through
the long cycle length,
regardless of traffic volume.
In all HCS modules, input fields
for calculated values (e.g.
passenger car equivalents,
or PCEs) can be overwritten
by the user when
appropriate. In these cases
an asterisk appears in the
report next to the
overwritten value. Any overwritten values can be
automatically restored to
their original calculated value by using the menu item
Edit > Restore.


As with TRANSYT-7F, userdefined link lengths cannot

be too short. Link lengths and
and free flow speeds must
not allow a vehicle to
completely skip over any link
during one second of simulation. If a vehicle is capable of
skipping over a link
completely, this can potentially compromise simulation results or cause fatal errors.
In certain cases, it is possible to
increase freeway and ramp
capacities by lowering the desired free flow speed on ramp
links. Indeed, lower speed
limits are often observed on
short ramp links in the field.
This buys time for the drivers
to make better decisions.
In order to obtain accurate speed
and volume results on
congested freeways, one solution is to change car following parameters for vehicles
traveling on those links. Linkspecific car following
sensitivity multipliers cause
vehicles to follow the vehicle
in front of them closer than
they would using the
network-wide sensitivity factors. Threshold speed and
distance for anticipatory lane
changing for on-ramps can
be changed to minimize
anticipatory lane changing
that would contribute to the
weaving. Moving an off-ramp
warning sign location farther
upstream can lengthen the
weaving zone area and give
vehicles more distance to
make the required lane
The TSIS interface is capable of
disabling the large animation
files (e.g. the .TSD files)
generated by CORSIM. This
allows for faster running
times on the computer, and
potentially prevents the large
animation files from clogging
the hard drive. The obvious
disadvantage of this strategy
would be the inability to view
dynamic animation, although
the basic network geometry
can still be viewed within
TRAFVU even without animation files present.


As with CORSIM, user-defined link

lengths cannot be too short. Link
lengths and and free flow speeds
must not allow a vehicle to completely skip over any link during
one second of simulation. If a vehicle is capable of skipping over
a link completely, this can potentially compromise simulation results or cause fatal errors.
The degree of platoon dispersion on
internal links can be calibrated
for local conditions by using the
platoon dispersion factor (PDF).
High platoon dispersion factors
indicate heavy friction, i.e. urban
CBD areas having significant
amounts of parking, turning,
pedestrians, and narrow lane
widths, which conspire to reduce
platoon intensities. Low platoon
dispersion factors indicate low
friction, i.e. ideal suburban hightype arterial street conditions
that allow increased platoon
For optimization runs it is necessary
to specify an optimization node
list within the input file. Signal
timing is not optimized for intersections that are omitted from
this list. There is no required sequence of node numbers. Sometimes changing the optimization
node sequence can result in better signal timing plans generated
by the program. In addition,
nodes can be specified multiple
times on the node list if they deserve special attention, although
this may increase program
running times on the computer.
By selecting Edit/Run TRANSYT-7F
from within the Windows McT7F
interface, it is possible to locate
and run the actual TRANSYT-7F
program that may reside in a
separate subdirectory, or to customize the output filename without changing the input filename.
The electronic Help system available within the Windows McT7F
interface contains
documentation that describes
the TRANSYT-7F input file
format. Field specific help is
also available with the F1 key.
Detailed documentation of the
TRANSYT-7F methodology is
only available within the
hardcopy TRANSYT-7F Users
Guide, a.k.a. M|O|S|T Volume 4.
Several new Windows-generation integrator programs are currently
being developed that will provide
additional access to TRANSYT7F. These include the Arterial
Analysis Package 2000 (AAP2K),
Quick-7F, and UNITES.

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