Gender Construction
Gender Construction
Gender Construction
By Zaheer Abbas
School curriculum plays a vital role in making any discipline appropriate and attractive to
students and encourages their involvement in the particular subjects. In many
developed and developing countries, it is a primary source to share, directly or
indirectly, the notion of education for all citizens. With respect to this all-encompassing
perspective, one may assume that both male and female are equally portrayed in
textbooks. This paper specifically discusses the analysis of three science textbooks for
grade 8 (Punjab, Sindh and a Private Textbook Board) in terms of how equally females
and males are represented in both illustrations and text. It concludes with some
recommendations based on the findings, and the implications for different stakeholders
of education. In order to determine the representation of male and female in the science
textbook, content was thoroughly analyzed. Firstly, the frequency of male and females
appearing in the illustrations in the textbooks were computed. From the results, it was
evident that illustrations depicting male were more than four times of the illustrations
representing females. Although science textbooks of Punjab and Sindh have more
female images as compared to the private textbook; however when the nature of
images were explored, it was found that these images or photos were representing
female in very conventional roles especially in Punjab and Private Textbooks. For
example, in Punjab Textbook, in the uses of acids in cotton and textile industries, an
image of a girl is given who is wearing a colourful dress. None of the illustrations
represent females doing any science activity. In addition, it seems that an effort has
been made in the textbook of Sindh Textbook Board to avoid stereotyping by including
illustrations of females in science activities. For example, two illustrations are given
where two girls are doing an activity about how sound travels in water. On the other
hand, in all the three textbooks, males were over represented doing science related
activities and notions like, males have presented in science concepts of force and
motion, energy, food chains, sound and so on. The three textbooks also differed in the
way the common nouns are used in the text. The analysis of the text revealed that on
average, frequency of common nouns representing males was more than seven times
(84%) of the frequency of common nouns representing females. In other words, males
were heavily over-represented in the text as compared to females. When further
analysis was carried out to see the types of commons nouns, it was found that males
were presented as astronauts, policeman, and climbers while none of such common
nouns were used for females. In comparison with other two textbooks, the textbook of
Punjab seems to have a balance in the representation of both male and female in text.
In all the three textbooks, the names of male and female scientists were also counted to
explore whether male and female scientists have represented equally or not. From the
analysis, it was quite clear that all the scientists presented were male. In other words,
the representation of scientists was gender biased favouring males. In Sindh textbooks,
both male and female scientists are absent while in Punjab textbook, only one male
scientists name is presented. Contrarily, 12 scientists names are given in the Private
textbook and all are males. This paper reported the analysis of three science textbooks
of grade 8th of different textbook boards of Pakistan. The results revealed that on
average, there is a clear gender imbalance in both the illustration and text favouring
males. Only in two illustrations, female have been shown doing a science experiment
while all the other illustrations do not represent females doing any science activity. In
other words, the textbooks have portrayed female image stereotypically. Hence, from
the under-representation and stereotypes of women in these textbooks, it seems that
the textbooks are gender blind in nature. In developing countries like Pakistan,
textbooks are considered as the major source of instructions in schools. Shared aims of
publishing the textbooks especially science textbooks, are to use these textbooks to
stimulate students interest, motivate them towards science and science related fields
and help them to acquire a better understanding of science without marginalizing any
social group. In this sense, gender imbalance favouring male in the science textbooks
means to exclude woman from science. So the messages delivered by such a gender
biased school textbooks will be taken by students as science is preserved for males
more as compared to female. This imbalance, Potter and Rosser (1992) believe, may
disseminate the message that males are the norm in science. Walford (1980) also
argues that gender bias and masculine face of science in textbooks may play a role in
promoting the view that science is a boys subject more than the girls subject. The
gendered biased curricula have also some other negative impacts on female science
education. When young students enter school, the images of males and females
portrayed in the textbooks crystalize their conceptions about gender. It results in
developing their self-image, their behaviour, aspirations and expectations. Therefore,
balanced depiction of male and females in the illustration of textbooks is important as it
can provide them with role models. When textbooks are biased in terms of gender, then
lack of role models especially for girls will dampen their aspirations and dispirit their
attendance and achievement in science. Less representation of females in science text,
illustration and as scientists will also limit the chances of young girls to perceive them in
science related careers. It would also hinder their participation in science related
activities in classrooms as it would not allow them to nurture perceptions of themselves
in possible social roles in science. Different research studies have identified gender
biased textbooks as one of the important factors contributing to the academic failure
and resultant dropout among girls in science. Moreover, women portrayal in nonscientific roles in science, especially in the illustrations of the middle school textbooks
may act as stereotype threat for young girls which may result in their low performance in
science. This stereotype threat may, in further consequences, negatively impact their
enrolment in secondary and higher classes. Female under-representation and
stereotypes in Pakistani textbooks are one of the key factors hindering womens entry
into science. Further, such textbooks do not offer learners, the space to imagine a
different set of gender relations. This desperate situation indicates the need for
improved role models of girls in science textbooks. The need is not only to have gender
aware textbooks but to have gender sensitive textbooks. As the textbooks are revised,
therefore, instead of emphasizing traditional roles of women, including females in
scientific activities as chemist, astronaut, astronomer and researcher in a laboratory
may be helpful. Furthermore, while selecting names that appear in text, the authors and
publishers should consider gender equity and equality in mind. In other words, the
whole content, which includes text and illustration, should be gender inclusive. For
example, words representing only male (gender) can be replaced with the wordshuman
being/people (gender neutral) or man and woman (when both male and female are
referred) and he (pronoun for male) with she and he or they(Dean, 2007). It is important
to note that unless the textbooks are not gender balanced, children will continue to
absorb the biases of existing understanding of society and reproduce these stereotypes
in future. To get the goal of gender sensitive textbooks, human resource development in
gender equality should be made a permanent feature of the textbook development
process. It is very surprising that presently there is no gender expert/consultant at any
level of the curriculum and textbook development process in Pakistan. Therefore, it can
be recommended that such personnel should be hired for training the concerned people
in creating and developing gender sensitive/responsive curricula, textbooks and other
teaching and learning material (Ashraf, 2009). - See more at:
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The report also says available information suggests that at least 1,300 people were killed in the conflict during 2009.
"Nearly four million people are effectively living under the Taliban in north-west Pakistan without rule of law and effectively abandoned by the
Pakistani government," said Claudio Cordone, Amnesty's interim secretary general.
The report quotes a teacher, who fled the Swat valley with his family in March 2009, describing how the Taliban operated.
"[The Taliban] took over my school and started to teach children about how to fight in Afghanistan. They kicked out the girls from school, told the
men to grow their beards, threatened anybody they didn't like."
The teacher said the government failed to protect them.
"What's the point of having this huge army if it can't even protect us against a group of brutal fanatics?"
Last year the Pakistani army declared the Swat valley to be free of militants after completing an anti-Taliban operation in and around Mingora, the
main city in the valley.
Pakistani military spokesman Athar Abbas dismissed the report, describing it as "factually incorrect". He said that tribal elders supported the army's
action to bring stability, particularly to the Swat region.
"Local journalists as well as foreign journalists who have been visiting Swat, talking to the people, the elders, the notables, the locals there, they have
endorsed the contribution of the military in bringing normalcy and protecting the people," he told the BBC.
Amnesty has documented what many civilians in north-west Pakistan have often been scared to openly say, the BBC's Aleem Maqbool reports from
The report talks of systematic human rights abuses by the Taliban and accuses militants of increasing the likelihood of civilian casualties by dispersing
themselves among civilians during clashes with government forces.
But it also accuses the Pakistani army of not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties in its operations against militants, and the government of
neglecting the basic needs of the millions of people living in the frontier regions close to Afghanistan. Deal with that, Amnesty says, and many of the
conditions that have led to the considerable unrest in these areas, would be removed. The group has appealed to both the Taliban and the Pakistani
government to end human rights abuses in north-west Pakistan. It has also called on Islamabad to reform the Pakistani constitution, which excludes
the Fata from the legal and parliamentary system of the country.
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence. Violence is any day preferable to
impotence. There is hope for a violent man to become non-violent. There is no such hope for the impotent.-Mahatma Gandhi
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was associated with the private hospital where he reached for his routine work.
It was around 8am when Mr Jafri parked his car and walked to enter the hospital, said Sub-Inspector Jehanzeb, the SHO of the Nazimabad police
station. Two men riding motorbikes came close to him. One of them pulled out a 9mm pistol and fired multiple shots at him. He received three bullets
and died on the spot.
It appears a targeted killing on sectarian grounds as we have not yet found facts that may suggest personal enmity as a motive, said SSP Abdul
Hameed Khosa of Liaquatabad Town.
Information gathered by the investigators suggested that one of the attackers wore an off-white shalwar-kameez and the other a shirt and trousers.
The latters face was covered in a helmet.
Both attackers rode away after the shooting, leaving the young victim in a pool of blood. The victims body was later taken to the Abbasi Shaheed
The victim was married and lived in Surjani Town. He was a laboratory technician at the private hospital, said the Nazimabad police station SHO.
Almost an hour later, a young activist of the Sunni Tehreek was gunned down while he was standing with friends at a paan shop in New Karachi. The
area police said 25-year-old Rizwan Qadri was among the at least six youngsters hanging out at a known paan shop in Sector 5-E of New Karachi.
All of a sudden two men on a motorcycle emerged and one of them got off the motorbike holding a 9mm pistol, said Inspector Chaudhary Nazar, the
SHO of the Bilal Colony police station. Most youngsters, including the paan-shop owner, escaped the attack, though Rizwan and Ayaz sustained bullet
wounds and were rushed to the Civil Hospital Karachi.
Before reaching the hospital, Rizwan died. Adnan, having been hit by a single bullet in the abdomen, survived, said the Bilal Colony SHO.
As the news of the ST workers death reached his residential area in Madina Colony in Sector 5-E of New Karachi, a law-and-order situation developed
when unknown men resorted to uninterrupted firing into the air that forced the shopkeepers to pull down their shutters and transporters to stay off
roads in the area.
Fear further gripped the localities of New Karachi, including Sindhi Hotel and Godhra Camp Colony, when two buses were set on fire in Madina
We were informed of arson attacks on two buses of routes W-1 and W11 in New Karachi at 11am. The registration number of only W-1 bus could be
ascertained as JE-5272 while the other one was damaged so badly that its number had become illegible, said an official at the central fire station.
Charged atmosphere was also witnessed on Shahrah-i-Pakistan for a fourth consecutive day where dozens of youngsters gathered and blocked the
main road in protest against the killing of Naseer Hussain Jafri. Charged youths also pelted passing vehicles with stones.
The police blocked Shahrah-i-Pakistan from the Water Pump end to the Sohrab Goth end as a precautionary measure to avert untoward incidents.
Life and business activity in the adjoining blocks of Federal B Area remained suspended amid deployment of a heavy contingent of the police backed
by the Rangers.
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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Karachi target killings are mostly sectarian targeted against shia community by Pak army/ISI supported Sipah-e-Sahaba terror group which was also
involved in resent bombings of Ahamadi mosques in lahore in which 100 people died......for mor information on karachi killings read this ...
Kill a Shia doctor a day, a joint operation by the ISI and Sipah-eSahaba in Karachi
Shia Muslims hold a banner through the streets of Karachi, condemning recent target killings. Photo by Reuters; Source: Dawn
Killing of Shia doctors continues unabated in Karachi. There is ample evidence of the states institutional involvement in crimes against Shias and other
religious minorities in Pakistan.
Here is how it works:
1. Pakistan Armys intelligence agencies recruit mercenaries for their jihadi wings (proxy army) by fanning sectarian and faith based hatred against
Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus etc.
2. Jihadi terrorists recruited and trained by the ISI, MI etc are allowed to pursue their sectarian agenda within Pakistan by target killing of Shias,
Ahmadis, Christians etc. (Read Khalid Ahmeds excellent article on the Shia killings on Jahane Rumi)
3. In most cases, Pakistan Police are unable to arrest the culprits because terrorists mentors and protectors in Pakistan Army pressurize the police to
refrain from arresting their assets.
4. In a few cases, when the terrorists are arrested and produced before a court of law, terrorists mentors and protectors in Pakistan
Army (ISI, MI etc) influence the police to refrain from submitting a substantial evidence. A similar pressure is exerted on judges in the court who
are also sent anonymous letters threatening them with dire consequences if the court failed to release the terrorists.
The end result is as follows: terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba have once again successfully launched their kill a Shia doctor a day operation in Karachi.
Caught up with confusion and presumptions, doctors at the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) are trying to connect the loose ends of fresh killings of
doctors in the city as they express concern over the killings.
In the last 36 hours, two doctors have been killed in Karachi and one abducted for ransom in Hyderabad, having spread terror and fear among the
doctors. Calling the killings sectarian in nature, Dr Habib Ur Rehman Soomro, Secretary General of PMA said that once again the doctors are being
targeted because they are easy targets and can be easily located in their clinics.
Dr Hassan Raza Bokhari, 32, was killed by two gunmen as he prepared to leave for home after completing his night duty at National Medical Center
near Kala Pull. The investigation officer at Frere Police Station, Ali Ahmad, where the First Information Report was filed (222-10/302), had a
completely different take on the story and said that it can not be said with certainty that the victim was killed on sectarian grounds.
The victim was unmarried and was in relationship with someone. It is more likely that there was a feud among families, but at this point we are still
gathering proofs and a completely different story might unfold.
In another similar case, Dr Junaid Hussain was killed on his way to home by two unknown men. Inspector Mohsin at Bilal Colony Police Station, where
the FIR (287/2010) was filed, reiterated the same fact as his colleague and said, Up till now there is bee no evidence that it is a sectarian killing.
However, doctors at PMA refused to accept these killings as random. These killings indicate that some elements are trying to terrorise doctors, said
Dr Samrina Hashmi, former general secretary of PMA. Sitting among colleagues and friends at PMA, Dr Hashmi said that hitting prominent people
creates terror, anarchy and lawlessness, which such elements want.
Nine years ago, hordes of doctors were killed in a similar fashion which created furor among the medical community. Though the furor speeded up the
investigative process, it however could not bring up the desired results as was expected. A banned Islamic outfit, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was blamed for
the targeted killings of Shia doctors in June 2002 and put before the courts. Lashkars Akram Lahori was consequently arrested with two of his
accomplices and admitted all the charges against him.
Consequently, Lahori was given life sentence and imprisonment by an Anti Terrorism Court. He had admitted in his previous statement that even if he
is killed his accomplices will carry on the work that they are doing it now, says Dr Soomro.
Today, Pakistan Medical Association once again formally protested against the inability (or lack of willingness) of the state to stop killing of Shia
doctors in Karachi:
PMA upset as pathologist gunned down
Sunday, June 13, 2010
By our correspondent
The office-bearers of the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) staged a demonstration, attended by a handful of doctors, to condemn the killing of their
colleagues as a pathologist was gunned down on Saturday at around 8:30am.
An upset Dr Samrina Hashmi, former general secretary of the PMA, said that they could not blame the government as we cannot gather people from
our own community.
Dr Farhat Moazzam, a professor of Bio-Medical ethics at the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), said that instead of wasting time
talking about the incident, they should take concrete steps to put an end to this violence. I was told that the police know who the killers are, then
why they are not arrested? asked Dr Moazzam, adding that pressure will come from the civil society, which is being affected by these killings.
Speaking on the same lines was Dr Mirza Ali Haider, a senior member of the PMA, who said that the country was made on the basis of equality.
My religion should not be a matter of concern to anyone and I have a right to ask
why minorities and religious sects in Karachi are discriminated and innocent people are being killed in the name of religion? Strangely, the basis on
which the country was founded are the very same that are not being considered at all.
He said that if the killings continued, the doctors will not pay tax and will go on a strike.
Secretary Health, Syed Hashim Raza Zaidi, said that their protest has been registered with the government and pleaded that the doctors should not go
on a strike. Do not let your anger affect your profession for something which should unite all of us, added Zaidi.
President PMA Dr Idrees Adhi pointed out that killing of Shia doctors had been going on from 2000 till 2003, and said that the doctors should not go
on a strike as the people who will suffer the most are the patients and general public of the city.
Talking about the general apathy among the people in general and law enforcers in particular, he said that they do not react unless something major
It is pertinent to mention here that so far five doctors have been killed in the city with no clue of the killers. The doctors say that there is a clear
involvement of a banned outfit, which is contrary to what the police officials investigating the matter say.
Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Wasim Ahmed had claimed in a meeting with the doctors at the PMA that he knew the culprits, to which Dr Samrina
Hashmi says that they will believe it when they are arrested and punished accordingly.
Source: The News, 13 June 2010
Here are some news reports from recent past which point to the gravity of the situation:
Karachi death toll rises to 10
By Adnan Adil
KARACHI Street protests erupted and businesses were closed in parts of Karachi June 12 after two more people were killed on sectarian grounds,
news media reported.
That brings the death toll to 10 in the ongoing spate of targeted killings during the last three days, BBC Urdu reported.
Unidentified men riding a motorbike shot and killed a Shia medical doctor, Naseem Hasan Jaffri, June 12, when he was on his way to his clinic, news
media reported.
Police and the Rangers were patrolling tense areas of the city, including New Karachi, Federal B. Area, Golimar, Rizvia Society, Lyari, Pak Colony,
Qaidabad, news media reported.
Since June 2, four doctors have been killed in what is believed to be tit-for-tat killings on sectarian basis.
Shia doctor gunned down
KARACHI: Another doctor belonging to the Shia sect was shot dead on Thursday by unidentified gunmen near the Railway Colony. Frere police said
the deceased Hassan Hyder, 33, son of Kausar was a resident of Bilal Apartments, adding he was shot as he returning home from his clinic The police
said the victim used to work at the National Medical College. Allama Abbas Komaili condemned the targeted killings of Shias and said the government
should take notice of the killings of Shia doctors. In another incident, a mobile shop owner was gunned down on a business dispute in Gulistan-eJauhar Block, 16. Police said the victim Babar Irshad was a resident of Jauhar square. Mishaps: A man was knocked to death by a metro passenger
coach while crossing the road near the Abbot Laboratory in Quaidabad police precincts. Police said the deceased Gul Adar Khan was a resident of
Kohat Colony, Quaidabad and a labourer by profession. In other mishap, a young man was electrocuted at Shershah Godown while at work. Shershah
police shifted the body of the victim Sheraz Fakhar, 25, to Civil Hospital, Karachi for legal formalities. staff report
Daily Times, 4 June 2010
Shia doctors killing reaches Quetta
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (, Dr. Qamar Hussain Zaidi and Murtaza shot martyred on Sirki Road Quetta. Accrording to SFP Reports a terrorist of
Sipah-e-Yazeed started firing upon Dr. Qamar while he was passing on Sirki Road at abtout 7:00 PM. He martyred on the spot. A young man Murtaza
caught terrorists and griped him tightly but he also got bullet in his neck by a terrorist. Resulting he was seriously injured and rushed to CMH Quetta.
Later on he also succumbed to his injuries and got martyrdom.
This incident occurred just one night before when Organizing committee of Shuhda-e-Baluchistan has arranged a protests in Quetta against Shia
Killings and terrorism.. terrorists are showing that there is law of Jungle. There is bitter violation of basic human rights of Shia Muslims in certain cities
of Pakistan. It needs immediate concern of human rights and higher authorities of country to be alert and pay their responsibilites.
23 June 2010
Shia killing is systematic and country wide
Concern shown over target killing of Shias
_____. 27 February 2004. Karachi: LJ Activists Remanded in Murder Case. [Accessed 12 Oct. 2006]
_____. 19 February 2004. LJ Activists Remanded in Police Custody. [Accessed 12 Oct. 2006]
_____. 18 February 2004. Two LJ Leaders Arrested. [Accessed 12 Oct. 2006]
The News International [Karachi]. 26 February 2004. Court Gives Police Remand of Two LJ Activists. [Accessed 4 Oct. 2006]
_____. 31 August 2003. Zulfiqar Shah. The Killing Fields of Karachi. [Accessed 4 Oct. 2006]
Pakistan Press International Information Services. 30 August 2005. SSP Activist Acquitted in Parcel Bomb Cases. (Factiva)
_____. 22 March 2004. Police Submit Charge Sheets Against LJs Activist. (Factiva)
_____. 8 March 2004. LJs Activist Acquitted in Parcel Bomb Cases. (Factiva)
_____. 4 March 2004. LJ Activists Remand Extended in Parcel Bomb Cases. (Factiva)
_____. 17 August 2003. Violence Erupts in North Nazimabad Town after Funeral Prayers of Doctor Gunned Down in Malir Area. (Factiva)
Pakistan Times [Islamabad]. 18 February 2004. Kashiff Bhatty. Alleged Leader of Outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Nabbed in Pakistan. [Accessed 5 Oct.
Reuters. 17 August 2003. Pakistani Mourners Torch US Fast Food Outlet. (Factiva)
Shia News [Rugby, UK]. 30 January 2003. Ahmed Reza. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Put on US Terrorist List. [Accessed 12 Oct. 2006]
Telegraph [London]. 5 September 2004. Massoud Ansari. Daniel Pearl Refused to Be Sedated Before His Throat Was Cut. [Accessed 5 Oct. 2006]
United States (US). 5 October 2006. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Pakistan. The World Factbook. [Accessed 13 Oct. 2006]
_____. 11 October 2005. Department of State. Office of Counterterrorism. Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). [Accessed 13 Oct. 2006]
Additional Sources Consulted
Oral sources: The High Court of Sindh Karachi and a Pakistani criminal lawyer did not provide information within the time constraints of this Response.
Internet sites, including: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), Pakistan News
Service, South Asian Terrorism Portal, The Nation, World News Network.,0.html
Below is a list (1997-2005) of just some of the innocent victims of Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Jhangavi and other Wahabi groups including Al-Qaeda:
Year 2005
July 17: Quetta Professor Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi was shot dead in Quetta by two Wahabi terorists. His wife, Dr Nadir Khan, was severely injured in
the attack.
May 30: Karachi Five people were killed, including two suicide bombers, in an attack at Madintul Ilm Imambargah in the Gulshan e Iqbal area of
May 27: Islamabad At least 20 people were killed and many injured when a suicide bomber exploded himself in a mixed crowd of Shia and Sunni
devotees gathered at the shrine of sufi saint Bari Shah Latif.
March 19: Gandhawa At least 43 people were killed when a Sipah e Sahaba terrorist exploded himself in a mixed crowd of Shia and Sunni devotees at
the shrine of sufi saint Pir Rakhel Shah in Baluchistan province.
Year 2004
October 01: Sialkot At least 30 Shia worshipers were killed and more than 50 injured when a suspected suicide bomber detonated an explosive device
at a mosque during Friday prayers.
September 06: Quetta A retired professor Ateeq Hasan Naqvi was waiting at bus stop to return home from his private school when motorcyclists
opened fire on him killing him on the spot.
June 6: Lahore Former provincial minister Pir Binyamin Rizvi was shot dead along with his driver and bodyguard
June 5: Dera Ghazi Khan Dr. Surrayia Nisar Khosa was shot dead in her Al-Zahrah(AS) hopital by Wahabi terrorists.
May 31 : Karachi 26 Shias, including seven children were killed by Wahabi terrorists in a suicide attack at Imam Ali Reza Mosque.
May 14: Lahore Six people from a family, including 2 children one an infant were killed by Wahabi terrorists.
May 07: KarachiAt least 30 Shia worshipers were killed and hundreds injured by Wahabis in a suicide bomb attack at a mosque during Friday prayers.
March 03: Quetta At least 47 people including five police officers, were killed and 160 injured when Whabis attacked a mourning procession
February 28: Rawalpindi Three children were injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia mosque.
Year 2003
October 03:Karachi 6 Shia Muslim employees of SPARCO killed and 7 others injured by Wahabi terrorists.
August 16:Karachi Syed Wajeeh Haider, A 75 year old shopkeeper, shot dead by Wahabi mullahs in his shop.
August 16:Karachi Dr. Ibn-e-Hassan, 45, was shot dead by Wahabi mullahs near his clinic.
July 05:Renala Khord Catholic priest Father George Ibrahim was gunned down at his home by Wahabi mullahs.
July 04:Quetta 50 Shia Muslims were killed and 65 others injured when Wahabi terrorists carried out a suicide attack at a mosque during Friday
prayers in Quetta.
June 08:Quetta 12 Shia police cadets were killed and 8 seriously injured by Wahabi mullahs in Quetta.
June 06:Quetta Syed Niaz Hussain, Vice-President of Imambargah Sajjadia Sariab Road was killed by Wahabi terrorists.
February 27:Karachi Two Shia men, Ghulam Hussain and his nephew Baqar Raza, were shot dead at their bakery by three Sipah e Sahaba terrorists.
February 22:Karachi Nine Shia Muslims were killed and 10 injured when 4 Wahabi terrorists opened fire at worshipers in Mahdi Imambargah near the
Karachi airport.
Year 2002
December 21: Sawhiwal DR Syed Zahid Hasnain Sherazi, Child Specialist, District Headquarters Hospital Sahiwal was attacked and seriously injured by
Wahabi militants.
November 01:Lahore Capt Syed Imran Zaidi (retired), a 45 year-old doctor, was shot dead at his clinic on Wazeer Ali Road by a Wahabi terrorist
September 30:Charsada Agha Danish Alvi, a teacher at a government primary school, was shot dead by Wahabi terrorists inside the school premises.
August 10:Texila Three nurses were killed and 25 people were injured when Wahabis threw grenades on a chapel in the Taxila Christian Hospital
August 09:Quetta Brigadier Bartar Hussain Naqvi critically injured by Wahabi terrorists.
August 05:Murree Six people were killed when Wahabi militants opened fire at a Christian School in Murree
June 26:Waziristan Agency !0 Pakistani soldiers were martyred in a gun-battle with Wahabi terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda. Names of the martyrs:
Maj Rizwan, Lance Naik Sajawal, Sepoys Ishaq, Safdar Khan and Fazle Rabbi of the Baluch Regiment, and Capt Naeem, Lance Naik Hazrat Hussain,
Lance Naik Din Muhammad, Sepoy Jameel Khan and Lance Abdus Samad of the South Waziristan Scouts.
June 17:Multan 3 Shia youths were shot dead by Wahabi terrorists near Imam Bargah Al-Hussaini in New Multan. The victims were identified as
Hassan Raza Zaidi, his younger brother Ali Raza Zaidi and their friend Raza Haider
June 14:Karachi 11 killed in suicide bomb attack at the U.S. consulate.
May 25:Karachi Wahabi terrorists shot dead Agha Abbas, owner of a juice center in Nazimabad. Gul Zaman, a worker was wounded in the attack.
May 8:Karachi 11 French navy experts and two Pakistanis killed by a suicide bomber outside Sheraton Hotel
May 7:Lahore Renowned Sunni scholar Dr Ghulam Murtaza Malik, his driver and a policeman were shot dead by terrorists
May 7:Karachi 32 years-old Shia Muslim, Syed Asghar Ali Ziadi was shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba at his tailoring shop in Karachi
May 6:Karachi Syed Zafar Mehdi Zaidi, a prominent Shia figure and principal of Jamia Millia Technical College, Malir was shot dead along with his driver
Qamar Zaman, and his peon, Mukhtar by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists. Qamar Zaman and Mukhtar belonged to the Sunni sect of Islam.
May 5:Karachi Dr Athar Hussain Rizvi, aged 50 was shot at and injured by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists at his clinic in F-South in Khokhrapar.
April 25:Bhakkar 7 women and 5 children were killed and at least 50 injured in a bomb blast at a religious gathering of thousands of Shia Muslims in
the grounds of a mosque. A Wahabi terrorist using the name, Tauseef Ali was arrested on May 5, 2002 in connection to the Bhakkar massacre.
April 23:Karachi Nasir Ali aged 20 and Aal e Raza Rizvi aged 30 were shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists in Orangi Town area. Their third
victim 18 year-old Fahad Hussain was wounded in the attack
April 10:Karachi Isfahan Haider, a 37 year-old shopkeeper was shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba in North Nazimabad
March 19:Lahore Professor Attaur Rahman, a prominent Sunni scholar was shot dead along with his driver by Sipah e Sahaba terroristsThe same
terrorists then shot dead Syed Hasan Raza, a Shia Muslim who was standing outside a mosque near Professor Rehmans institue, Idara Minhaj ul
Quran in the Jain Mandir area.
March 17:Islamabad 5 people were killed and 45 injured in a grenade attack carried out by Wahabi terrorists on a crowded Protestant church.
March 12:Karachi Anwar Ali Tirmizi and Zulfiqar Haider killed by the Sipah e Sahaba at a Tehrik e Jafria office in Shah Faisal Colony.
March 12:Shahkot Syed Gul Hassnain was killed along with his driver by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists in Shahkot (60 Kilometeres west of Multan).
March 12:Karachi Sipah e Sahaba terrorists attacked a Shia family killing three brothers Ahsan Ali, Mohsin Ali and Abbas Ali while their fourth brother,
Irfan Ali was wounded in the attack.
March 11:Karachi Three doctors, Dr Ali Jaffar Naqvi, Dr Bilal and Dr Shahnaz Ahad escaped an attacked by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists in Defence
Housing Authority
March 08:Karachi Dr. Muzaffar Ali Soomro was killed by Wahabis in Gizri, Clifton.
March 05:Karachi Dr. Aale Safdar Zaidi was killed by Wahabis in Gizri, Clifton.
January 29:Karachi Jawwad Rizvi, a retired employee of an insurance company in his early-60s was shot dead and his friend Zumarrud Hussain Jaffery
wounded seriously by suspected Sipah e Sahaba terrorists.
January 23:Karachi Wall Street journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and brutally murdered by Wahabi terrorists.
January 09:Karachi A Shia official Syed Hasan Ali shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba
Syed Rashid Mehdi was also shot dead by Wahabis in the Hussainabad area of Karachi. We were unable to get the exact date of his martyrdom.
Year 2001
November 15:Karachi A Shia industrialist, Syed Hasan Abidi shot dead.
October 28:Bahawalpur 15 Christian worshipers and a Muslims guard were killed at St. Dominics Church by Wahabis. Shafiq-ur-Rehman, a Sipah e
Sahaba terrorist was arrested on November 01 in connection to the church massacre
October 10:KARACHI: Sindh Board of Technical Education Chairman Syed Hassan Zaidi gunned down
October 09:KARACHI: College principal Syed Gul Imam Shah shot dead
October 04:KARACHI: 7 Shia Muslims were killed and 6 injured when Sipah e Sahaba terrorists opened fire at worshippers at Ali Murtaza Mosque
(Azam Basti).
September 13: QUETTA: Professor Atiq Hasan Naqvi hurt, son killed in Quetta
September 12: KARACHI: Pesh Imam of Defence mosque, Allama Syed Razi Hyder and his son shot dead
September 10: KARACHI: Capt (Retd) Altaf Hussain Bungasha, a PTCL official, killed
September 04: KARACHI: Pesh Imam of Hussainiya Sajjadiya, Maulana Hussnain Naqvi, shot dead
September 01: KARACHI: Three, including Hamid Rizvi, gunned down
August 29: QUETTA: Masked men kill civil engineer Syed Abid Abbas Naqvi
August 18: KARACHI: Grenade attack on Pesh-Imam of Masjid-e-Shah-e-Khorrasan
July 30: KARACHI: Syed Zafar Hussain, Director R&D in the Ministry of Defence killed
July 30: LAHORE: Imam Masjid Syed Rizwanul Hassan killed
July 28: MULTAN: Former MPA Siddiq Kanju and friend shot dead
July 26: KARACHI: Shaukat Raza Mirza, MD of PSO, and driver shot dead
July 24: MAILSI: Religious leader Syed Ziaul Hassan Kirmani and others killed
July 20: KARACHI: Commissioner office staffer shot dead in Lines Area
July 15: KARACHI: Another Shia killed in Orangi Town
July 09: KARACHI: Two gunned down outside Imambargah
July 08: KARACHI: Doctor Ishrat Hussain falls prey to Wahabism
July 03: Rahimyarkhan: Syed Ibrar Hussain, a computer engineer and member of Imambargah Hussaineya was brutally beaten up at his shop by Sipah
e Sahaba terrorists. Ibrar died later in the hospital.
June 27: DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Top Shia leader, Syed Hassan Ali Kazmi, gunned down by SSP terrorists
June 26:Karachi: Dr. Mohammad Raza, was shot dead by Wahabis in Saeedabad area.
June 26: KARACHI: Shia doctor shot dead in Soldier Bazaar
June 17:Karachi: Dr. Asad Ali was killed by Wahabis in Saeedabad area.
June 14: MULTAN: Two Shias shot dead
June 01:Karachi: Dr. Raza Mohammad Jafri was killed by Wahabis in the Gulshan area.
May 31: KARACHI: Doctor shot dead in Gulshan-e-Iqbal
May 24:Karachi: Dr. Syed Javed Nazim was killed by Wahabis on M T Khan Road.
May 21:Karachi: Dr. Raza Mehdi Jafri was killed by Wahabis in Gulshan e Iqbal area.
May 18: KARACHI: Sunni Tehrik Chief, six others shot dead in Karachi
May 09: KARACHI: Two shot and wounded in Orangi Town
May 07: NOWSHERA: Ali Sarwar Sarhadi, a Shia leader fired upon
May 07: DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Senior Superintendent of Police Ijaz Ahmad Langarial shot dead
April 28: KARACHI: Sub-inspector Syed Hashim Raza shot dead
April 3:VEHARI: Former TJP leader shot dead
March 22:Multan: Lashkar man confesses to several killings
March 18:Karachi Dr. Zahid Hussain was killed by Wahabis in Al-Asif Square area.
March 4: 12 killed in attacks on Shias in Sheikhupura
March 2: Tehrik-i-Jafria worker shot dead in Karachi
March 1: Riots claim 8 lives after attack on Shias in Hangu
Febuary 26: TJP activist shot dead in Vehari
Febuary 22: Lawyer dies in Gujranwala terrorist attack
Febuary 22: Ex-DSP, son shot dead; attackers arrested in Karachi
Febuary 18: Three killed in sectarian attack in Faisalabad
Febuary 17: Bodyguard killed in attack on TJP leader in Jhang
Febuary 9: Two shot dead in Karachi
October 30
June 27:Four Lashkar-e-Jhangvi activists arrested in Karachi for killing Dr Adib-ul-Hasan Rizvi & Dr Zafar Naqvi of Malir and others
June 14:Lashkar-e-Jhangvi activist confesses to killing 6 Shia leaders
June 06:Karachi: Dr. Wahid Baloch was killed by Wahabis in the Pakistan Quarters area.
May 16:Critically wounded brother of a local Shia leader in Hyderabad
May 15:Advocate Syed Sardar Jafary, President of Voice of Shia Organisation shot dead in Karachi
May 15:Killer of Magistrate Syed Fida Husain, his daughter Batool and gunman, held in Gujranwala
May 3:Advocate Malik Ibrar Hussain shot dead in Toba Tek Singh
May 2:Syed Sibtain Hasan Dosa and two others shot dead in Karachi
April 28:TJP activist Shahbaz Hussain Shirazi shot dead in Chishtian
April 26:Advocate Syed Farrukh Birjees Haider Tirmizi and another shot dead in Khanewal
April 19:Iqbal Hussain shot dead in Multan
April 12:17 people killed in an attack on a Majlis in Malohwali. Attock
April 7:TJP leader Syed Waqar Hussain Naqvi shot dead along with his son and driver Syed Munir Hussain Zaidi, Dr. Karamat Hussain and Dr. Syed
Nayyar Hussain were also shot dead by Wahabis in the year 2000 in Aurangi Town, Karachi. We were unable to get the exact dates of their
Year 1999
October 07:Aun Mohammad Rizvi of PTV was shot dead in Rawalpindi
October 07: Dr. Aale Hussain and his son were shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba on Abul Hasan Isphahani Road in Karachi.
October 1,:9 Shot Dead in Malir Imambargah in Karachi
September 30:Advocate Ejaz Rasoolnagri killed in sectarian attack
September 28:Advocate Khurshid Anwar advocate, his daughter Ume Laila and his guard shot dead near Bannu
January 05
era Ismail KhanDr.Ali Bangash was shot dead by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists
Year 1998
December 27:Ghazi Abad, Chichawatni Syed Taqi Mohsin S/O Syed Ashiq Hussain was killed by Wahabi terrorists.
October 07:Ijaz Hussain shot dead in Khanewal
September 29
May 14
kara President of Evan e Hussain, Okara Dr Hadi Hussain was shot dead by Wahabi terrorists.
May 6:SSP Ashraf Marth and his driver Tabbasum Zamir shot dead
April 14
March 19:Jhang Syed Mahmood-ul-Hassan was shot dead atAAyub Chowk in Jahang City by Sipah e Sahaba terrorists. Five months later, his son Syed
Mujahid Hussain was also shot dead.
Febuary 20:Seven, including Iranian diplomat, gunned down at Iranian Centre in Multan
January 04:Chichawatni Shaikh Barkat Ali and his nephew were killed by Wahabi terrorists.
The following were also killed in the same year. We were unable to get the exact dates of their martyrdom.
Dr. Mansoor Anis: Aurangi Town, Karachi.
Anisul Hasan Rizvi: Saeedabad, Karachi.
Iqtidaar Sajjad Naqvi: Korangi, Karachi.
Syed Jaffer Abbasi: Nazimabad, Karachi.
Dr. Shakir Ali: Nazimabad, Karachi.
Pervaiz Akhtar Naqvi: Saudabad, Karachi.
Syed Ali Jaan Jafri: Mohammad Hussain Road, Karachi.
Mehdi Hussain: Karachi.
Dr Muhammad Ali Naqvi: Lahore
Dr Qaider Reza Sayal: Lahore
Killing of Shia doctors continues unabated in Karachi. There is ample evidence of the states institutional involvement in crimes against Shias and other
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KARACHI: Seven more people were killed in different acts of target killings here on Tuesday, according to SAMAA TV.
One 28 year old got killed in Lee Market of Karachi late night by some unidentified assailants.
According to reports, unknown assailants shot and killed 65-year-old Ayub Naqvi in Nazimabad No-4. The victim received three bullets in his body,
which ultimately led to his death. Later in the day, hundreds of people attended the deceaseds funeral held at Imambargah Rizvi. He was buried at
Wadi Hussain Graveyard.
Dozens of people gathered in Nazimabad and burned tyres to protest the killings, causing huge massive traffic jam. Meanwhile, police reached the
scene and resorted to aerial firing and shelling to disperse them.
In Buffer Zone area, Tabish, 28, a rickshaw driver, was gunned down by unknown persons.
Another man, identified as Ibrahim, was shot dead in Gulistan-e-Johar. His funeral prayer would be offered at Al-Rahim Mosque at 10am near
On the other hand, Ishaq Meo died of wounds in a private hospital. He was attacked by unknown assailants on Sunday.
In another act of violence, unidentified persons shot and injured 18-year-old Naeem Ali in the limit of Sachal Police Station.
Sectarian tension gripped the city due to target killings as shops and business activities remained suspended in many areas.
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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Sectarian scourge
After an all-too-brief pause the curse of targeted killings has returned to Karachi. This time the victims are apparently being targeted not for their
ethnic background or political affiliation, but for their religious beliefs, giving the latest bloody cycle a sectarian colour. Up to 15 people have been
killed in the city in the first two weeks of June, mostly belonging to the Shia community. The latest incident saw the killing of a 68-year-old man in
broad daylight on Monday. Armed motorcyclists rode up to Syed Ayub Naqvis car and shot him. The elderly man was on his way to an imambargah.
The death was followed by violent protests in the city. Many areas of Karachi remained tense on Tuesday. Also on Monday the activist of a banned
sectarian outfit was gunned down on University Road.
As usual, condemnations and promises to do more have come from the rulers as well as those tasked with enforcing law and order. The Sindh IG
police has said efforts are on to trace those behind the killings while the federal interior minister has said there is zero tolerance for those involved
in the violence. President Zardari and members of the Senate have also expressed concern over the incidents. Over the last year or so, hundreds of
people have fallen victim to targeted killings in Karachi for various reasons. Now the time for platitudes is over. Tough words need to be backed by
solid action, and if those tasked with maintaining peace arent capable of doing so, perhaps more capable individuals can be given the job.
The scourge of sectarianism in this country seems to be unstoppable. The seed planted three decades ago has grown into an uncontrollable hydra
eating away at the fabric of this nation. The recent slaughter of Ahmadis in Lahore is fresh in the mind, but believers of all persuasions have been
targeted by the self-proclaimed guardians of faith. Mosques, imambargahs and other places of worship have been brazenly attacked while religious
processions have been bombed. Areas like Dera Ismail Khan, Parachinar and Karachi remain tinderboxes, which can easily be set alight at the slightest
Hence the government needs to clamp down on those who openly preach and practise violence. Cosmetic measures like increasing frisking and snapchecks of motorists in Karachi will not end targeted killings. As we have repeatedly said, the criminals behind the killings need to be brought to book
while their support networks must be neutralised. Banned sectarian terror outfits must be permanently put out of business and not allowed to regroup
under different names. This madness has to end.
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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Some statistics regarding the persecution of Muslims of the Ahmadi / Ahmadiyya sect by their Muslim co-religionists in Pakistan.
While the the Ahmadi / Ahmadiyya sect of Islam undoubtedly faces the systematic and institutionalized discrimination of the Pakistani State, the
degree of violence directed against them is quite low from the standpoint of violence unleashed against the minority Shia Muslim sect in the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan.
The wealth and influence of Ahmadi / Ahmadiyya sect of Islam appears to insulate them from being impacted by more of the egregious violence
ostensibly motivated by the sunnis that is evident in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
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No Pakistani minority is as victimized as the country's 4 million Ahmadis, who believe in Islam but are viewed by the rest of the country as heretics.
Because they revere another prophet as well as the prophet Muhammad, the Pakistani government has declared Ahmadis "non-Muslims," made it a
crime for members to refer to their places of worship as mosques and even barred them from extending the common Muslim greeting, salaam
The Ahmadi community's vulnerability was evident May 28, when Pakistani Taliban gunmen stormed two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore, Pakistan's
second-largest city, and killed more than 90 people caught in a maelstrom of gunfire, grenades and suicide bombings.
Though Pakistan is a multiethnic and multilingual society, it has a long history of marginalizing minority groups. Shiite Muslims have been the target of
radical Sunni Muslim groups for years. Last year, in the central Punjab city of Gojra, a mob of 1,000 angry Muslims set more than 40 Christian homes
ablaze, killing seven people.
The plight of the Ahmadi community, however, provides a window onto the intolerance that permeates Pakistani society. Ahmadis say the risk they
face is heightened by the fact that, in a society where hard-line religious parties wield unchallenged clout, they are viewed as traitors to Islam.
Ahmadis consider themselves Muslims but believe that their late-19th century founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was a prophet of God, a belief viewed as
heresy by Pakistani Muslims who regard Muhammad as Islam's final prophet.The sect's marginalization was set into motion in 1974 when Pakistan's
parliament enacted the law branding Ahmadis as non-Muslims. The crackdown on the Ahmadis intensified in the 1980s during the rule of Gen. Zia ulHaq, who ordered a maximum three-year prison term for any Ahmadi who called himself a Muslim, carried out the Muslim call to prayer or referred to
an Ahmadi place of worship as a mosque."As a result of Zia's decrees, the state facilitated the mullahs who were already against us," said Syed
Mehmood, spokesman for the Ahmadi community in Faisalabad. "That's when the persecution started. Hundreds of Ahmadis were jailed just because
they said Salaam aleykum."
Mehmood said the persecution continues today, forcing Ahmadis in Faisalabad to find creative ways to survive. As a result of the killings of the three
Ahmadi businessmen in April, along with recent kidnappings and other acts of violence against Ahmadis, community members routinely change their
routes to and from home, vary the time of day they arrive and leave work, and lie when asked on the phone about their whereabouts. Many of them
have put their social lives going to parties, meeting friends for lunch or tea on hold.
At Zaheer Malik's Toyota dealership, a gleaming glass and silver-paneled building out of place amid the cinder-block merchant stalls on the outskirts of
Faisalabad, tall, broad-shouldered armed guards stand watch in the parking lot as well as at the foot of the stairs leading to Malik's second-floor office.
Malik, a wealthy Pakistani Ahmadi in his mid-30s, says he has received several threats recently, including one in May in which a man came to the
showroom and urged his driver to quit. "They told him, 'Your boss is not a Muslim and we might do something to him,' " Malik said. " 'It'll be better if
you leave the job. We don't want you to die with him.'
"For last the month, I can't go to the gym, I can't go anywhere to have dinner, can't go to parties, I just stay home," Malik said. "Every day I'm
changing schedules, changing cars. Every day I'm telling someone I'm in Lahore when I'm really in Faisalabad, or I'm in Dubai when I'm actually in
Karachi."Omar Ahmed, 27, keeps a pistol with him at all times and stations armed guards outside his jewelry store. Ahmed took over the shop after his
father, Ashraf Pervaiz, was killed in the same hail of bullets that killed Masood's father, Masood Javed, and his brother, Asif Masood. Ahmed says that
if he could leave Pakistan, he would. But his predicament is the same as Naeem Masood's: As elder sons, they have to stay for the sake of their
families and the family businesses."We're in a battlefield every day," Ahmed said. "We have to live with the fact that we are Ahmadis."
Ahmadis say they don't expect much help from city police, who they say have shown little interest in solving crimes committed against their
community. Masood said he recently visited police headquarters to ask whether investigators had made any progress finding the killers of his father,
brother and uncle.
"They said, 'You tell us the names of the gunmen, and we will go and capture them,' " Masood said.
Rao Sardar, a top Faisalabad police official, said it's not a question of police indifference but a simple matter of manpower. The Faisalabad district has
a police force of 7,000 officers charged with securing a population of 8 million, he said.
"That's a very low ratio, and that's the problem," Sardar said. "We're doing all we can do."
Ahmadis say police indifference is only part of the problem. Laws that brand Ahmadis, a minority regarded elsewhere in the world as a Muslim sect, as
non-Muslims only serve to breed intolerance within Pakistani society, large segments of which are illiterate and easily swayed by radical imams and the
country's powerful patchwork of religious parties.
A neighborhood's lack of reaction to an act of persecution against an Ahmadi often provides an example of that intolerance. A year ago, Laeeq Ahmed
was driving home from work when, a few hundred yards from his house, gunmen sprayed his car with bullets. Ahmed's wife, Nuzhat Laeeq, rushed to
her husband, who was still alive but unconscious, and pleaded with bystanders to help. The crowd ignored her, she said.
Ahmed died the next day in a hospital. Later, witnesses of the slaying described to Laeeq what had happened, how the gunmen had celebrated
afterward by chanting, "We have killed an infidel!" Despite the presence of witnesses, however, the crime remains unsolved.
"We believe that the government, its legal system and the people here won't help us," Laeeq said, speaking in a hushed, quavering voice behind a
black veil. "The police won't give us any kind of investigation. We have left our fate, and this case, up to God."
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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The 11th victim of sectarian target killings in two months was buried in Orangi on Tuesday. Twenty-four year old Fayyaz Hussain
Naqvi was ambushed and shot by two men on motorcyles while on his way home from a motorcyle factory where he worked.
According to witnesses, he was shot dead from a close distance by two youngsters, one with a beard and the other cleanshaven.
When he reached Caf Taskeen hotel, they fired at him and fled on their bikes as he fell to the ground, a witness said. People
standing around said they took his body to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.
He died at the gate of the hospital, said Junaid, who accompanied the body. Doctors corroborated this, saying he arrived at 8:30am and expired at
the time of arrival.
Abbasi Shaheed MLO Dr Sheeraz told The Express Tribune that it appeared that he was hit from less than 12 metres away. He sustained two injuries
in the head, the MLO said. Pistols were used and the wounds were one centimetre deep. The killing took place in the jurisdiction of Iqbal police
station, Orangi 11 1/2. SHO Haji Liaquat Ali told The Express Tribune that as far as their investigations had revealed, the young man had no political
affiliations. An FIR was registered against unnamed people.
Soon after the incident, protesters gathered at the hospital and shouted slogans against the government for failing to prosecute the killers in sectarian
Scared shopkeepers in Pakistan Bazaar market, at Dua Chowk and in Rizvia shut down. News also spread to some parts of Nazimabad. The police
were sent in.
Naqvi was buried in the graveyard in Orangi after funeral prayers at a Rizvia Society imambargah.
He had two brothers and four sisters. According to the police, he was not married. He and his family had been living at the house of their uncle Jaffer
Hussain since their father passed away.
For the last one week, the killers have been using a new technique. They arrive at the spot on separate motorcycles instead of two men on one. This
makes it easy for them to take off in different directions after the incident.
The Jafferia Alliance of Pakistan has said that 22 members of the Shia sect have been shot dead over the last one month. The police say, however,
that only 10 Shias were killed in June and July. When contacted, the JAP said it could not give a list of the victims and places where they were
targeted. Fayyaz Naqvi is the 11th official victim.
An incensed Senator Allama Abbas Komaili condemned the attack, saying the government had failed to provide security to the citizens of Pakistan.
All Parties Conference today
An all parties conference will be held today, Wednesday at the Karachi Arts Council where religious leaders will come together to form a joint policy
against terrorism, said Jafferia Alliance Pakistan chief Komaili at a meeting with the Sunni Tehreeks Shahid Ghouri on Tuesday. Terrorists are openly
targeting Shias and Sunnis, he said. Had the government caught the terrorists involved in the Nishtar Park, Ashura and Chehlum attacks and
punished them, the Data Darbar incident would not have taken place.
One faction is manipulating others into following them, while those who do not agree are subjected to terror, alleged Komaili. Those who have been
caught have yet to be punished while some have even been allowed to escape, he alleged.
Ghouri supported his call for accountability. How will peace be restored to the country if the government refuses to take action? asked Ghouri.
Ahle Sunnat and Ahle Tehreek leaders said that they would unite on Wednesday
Deoband leaders on sectarian killings
Deoband ulema Maulana Asad Thanvi, Mufti Usmanyar Khan and Mufti Muhammad Naeem said that people involved in sectarian violence are enemies
of the country as well as religious sects and political parties.
Our peaceful position should not be considered a weakness. We know how to answer a brick with a stone, the ulema said.
They spoke against demands put forth by Mufti Muneebur Rehman, Shah Turabul Haq and Shehzada Fazle Kareem, going so far as to urge a ban on
Kareem in Sindh. Terrorists do not belong to any religion, sect or race. They breed terror only for the sake of terrorism, they concluded.
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif visited the area after the attacks, he met with Awan, who is a Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz supporter.
More than 100 people recorded their statements against Awan, who is known to be affiliated with a banned militant organisation, Paul Joseph,
another member of the committee, says. Joseph adds that he has reports about Awan inviting trained militants from Jhang to assist in the attack, but
was unable to prove this claim.
Meanwhile, Naveed Masih alias Naveed Fauji, one of the prime witnesses in the case, faces death threats by activists of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
(SSP). He had given refuge to several Christians during the attack.
I have been constantly receiving threats and avoid stepping out of my house in the evenings. My crime is that I resorted to aerial firing to keep the
mob away from attacking my house where my neighbours were hiding, he says.
Following the riots, Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti had also hinted at the SSPs involvement in the riots.
Naveed is also nominated in an FIR filed by some of the Muslims from the area a week after the incident and was even arrested. They denied that
Christians were attacked and instead claim that it was a fight between the two communities with blame on both sides.
Arthur Gill, another witness in the case, says that since many of their supporters have been implicated in the cross-version FIR, their case has become
Case progressing well: police
DPO Toba Tek Singh, Rana Ahmad Hussain, says that there wasnt enough evidence against those declared innocent. There were hundreds of people
in the mob. We cant possibly charge all those who were just standing around at the time of the attack.
Hussain also denies the involvement of any banned organisation in the attack. The police have done their job. The case is now in the court and is
proceeding well.
Prakash added that a Lahore-based organisation, which had offered to provide the Christians legal assistance, later pressurised them to reconcile with
the accused. Almas Hameed withdrew his case and the committee allowed him to leave the country, but we have decided to contest the case on our
own once Almas sends us the power of attorney, which he has promised to do.
Reverend John Samuel, Bishop of the Diocese of Faisalabad, also expresses his disappointment with the indifferent attitude of the government towards
the Christian community.
New houses have been built in place of those that were burnt, but those responsible for the attack are not convicted. Compensation is not enough;
justice should also be served, he says.
Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon
Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye....!!!!
"I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me."
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