Moten - The Case of Blackness
Moten - The Case of Blackness
Moten - The Case of Blackness
DOI: 10.1353/crt.0.0062
The cultural and political discourse on black pathology has been so pervasive that it could be said to constitute the background against which all
representations of blacks, blackness, or (the color) black take place. Its manifestations have changed over the years, though it has always been poised
between the realms of the pseudo-social scientific, the birth of new sciences,
and the normative impulse that is at the heart ofbut that strains against
the black radicalism that strains against it. From the origins of the critical
philosophy in the assertion of its extra-rational foundations in teleological
principle; to the advent and solidification of empiricist human biology that
moves out of the convergence of phrenology, criminology, and eugenics; to
the maturation of (American) sociology in the oscillation between goodand bad-faith attendance to the negro problem; to the analysis of and discourse on psychopathology and the deployment of these in both colonial
oppression and anticolonial resistance; to the regulatory metaphysics that
undergirds interlocking notions of sound and color in aesthetic theory:
blackness has been associated with a certain sense of decay, even when that
decay is invoked in the name of a certain (fetishization of) vitality.
Black radical discourse has often taken up, and held itself within, the
stance of the pathologist. Going back to David Walker, at least, black radicalism is animated by the question, Whats wrong with black folk? The
extent to which radicalism (here understood as the performance of a general
critique of the proper) is a fundamental and enduring force in the black
public sphereso much so that even black conservatives are always constrained to begin by defining themselves in relation to itis all but selfevident. Less self-evident is the normative striving against the grain of the
very radicalism from which the desire for norms is derived. Such striving is
directed toward those lived experiences of blackness that are, on the one
hand, aligned with what has been called radical and, on the other hand,
Criticism, Spring 2008, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 177218.
2009 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI 48201. ISSN: 0011-1589.
and philosophical derangements that comprise the being that is neither for
itself nor for the other? What form of life makes such discovery possible as
well as necessary? Would we know it by its flaws, its impurities? What
might an impurity in a worldview actually be? Impurity implies a kind of
non-completeness, if not absence, of a worldview. Perhaps that noncompleteness signals an originarily criminal refusal of the interplay of
framing and grasping, taking and keepinga certain reticence at the ongoing advent of the age of the world picture. Perhaps it is the reticence of the
grasped, the enframed, the taken, the keptor, more precisely, the reluctance that disrupts grasping and framing, taking and keepingas epistemological stance as well as accumulative activity. Perhaps this is the flaw
that attends essential, anoriginal impuritythe flaw that accompanies
impossible origins and deviant translations.2
Whats at stake is fugitive movement in and out of the frame, bar, or
whatever externally imposed social logica movement of escape, the stealth
of the stolen that can be said, since it inheres in every closed circle, to break
every enclosure. This fugitive movement is stolen life, and its relation to law
is reducible neither to simple interdiction nor bare transgression. Part of
what can be attained in this zone of unattainability, to which the eminently
attainable ones have been relegated, which they occupy but cannot (and
refuse to) own, is some sense of the fugitive law of movement that makes
black social life ungovernable, that demands a para-ontological disruption
of the supposed connection between explanation and resistance.3 This exchange between matters juridical and matters sociological is given in the
mixture of phenomenology and psychopathology that drives Fanons work,
his slow approach to an encounter with impossible black social life poised or
posed in the break, in a certain intransitive evasion of crossing, in the wary
mood or fugitive case that ensues between the fact of blackness and the lived
experience of the black and as a slippage enacted by the meaningor,
perhaps too trans-literally, the (plain[-sung]) senseof things when subjects are engaged in the representation of objects.
The title of this essay, The Case of Blackness, is a spin on the title of
the fifth chapter of Fanons Black Skins, White Masks, infamously mistranslated as the fact of blackness. The lived experience of the black is more
literalexperience bears a German trace, translates as Erlebnis rather
than Tatsache, and thereby places Fanon within a group of postwar Francophone thinkers encountering phenomenology that includes Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Emmanuel Levinas, and Tran Duc Thao.4 The
phrasing indicates Fanons veering off from an analytic engagement with
the world as a set of facts that are available to the natural scientific attitude,
so its possible to feel the vexation of certain commentators with what might
Sexton and Copeland turn to the Fanon of Black Skins, White Masks, the
phenomenologist of (the lived experience of) blackness, who provides for
them the following epigraph:
I came into the world imbued with the will to find a meaning in things, my spirit filled with the desire to attain to the
source of the world, and then I found that I was an object in
the midst of other objects. (Black Skins, 77)
[Jarrivais dans le monde, soucieux de faire lever un sens
aux choses, mon me pleine du dsir dtre lorigine du
monde, et voici que je me dcouvrais objet au milieu dautres
Fanon writes of entering the world with a melodramatic imagination, as
Peter Brooks would have itone drawn toward the occult installation of
the sacred in things, gestures (certain events, as opposed to actions, of muscularity), and in the subterranean field that is, paradoxically, signaled by the
very cutaneous darkness of which Fanon speaks. That darkness turns the
would-be melodramatic subject not only into an object but also into a
signthe hideous blackamoor at the entrance of the cave, that world underneath the world of light that Fanon will have entered, who guards and
masks our hidden motives and desires.8 Theres a whole other economy of
skins and masks to be addressed here. However, I will defer that address in
order to get at something (absent) in Sexton and Copeland. What I am after
is something obscured by the fall from prospective subject to object that
Fanon recitesnamely, a transition from thing(s) (choses) to object (objet) that turns out to version a slippage or movement that could be said to
animate the history of philosophy. What if we bracket the movement from
(erstwhile) subject to object in order to investigate more adequately the
change from object to thing (a change as strange as that from the possibility of intersubjectivity that attends majority to whatever is relegated to the
plane or plain of the minor)? What if the thing whose meaning or value has
never been found finds things, founds things? What if the thing will have
founded something against the very possibility of foundation and against all
anti- or post-foundational impossibilities? What if the thing sustains itself in
that absence or eclipse of meaning that withholds from the thing the horrific
honorific of object? At the same time, what if the value of that absence or
excess is given to us only in and by way of a kind of failure or inadequacyor,
perhaps more precisely, by way of a history of exclusion, serial expulsion,
as an impure productas a function of a making that is not its own, an intentionality that could never have been its ownit could be said that Fanon
moves within an economy of annihilation even though, at the same time, he
mourns his own intentional comportment toward a hermeneutics of thingliness. Is blackness brought to light in Fanons ambivalence? Is blackness given
a hearingor, more precisely, does blackness give itself to a hearingin his
phenomenological description (which is not but nothing other than a representation) of it? Studying the case of blackness is inseparable from the case
blackness makes for itself in spite and by way of every interdiction. In any
case, it will have been as if one has come down with a case of blackness.
Meanwhile, Heidegger remains with the question of the essential nature
of the thing that has never yet been able to appear (171). He asks, What
does the jug hold and how does it hold? How does the jugs void hold
(171)? By taking and keeping what it holds but also, and most fundamentally, in a way that constitutes the unity, the belonging together, of taking
and keeping, in the outpouring of what is held. The holding of the vessel
occurs in the giving of the outpouring. . . . We call the gathering of the twofold holding into the outpouring, which, as being together, first constitutes
the full presence of giving: the poured gift. The jugs jug-character consists
in the poured gift of the pouring out. Even the empty jug retains its nature
by virtue of the poured gift, even though the empty jug does not admit of a
giving out (172). What is it to speak of this outpouring, to speak of the
thing, the vessel, in terms of what it gives, particularly when we take into
account the horror of its being made to hold, the horror of its making that it
holds or bears? This question is necessary and decisive precisely insofar as it
insists upon a rough-hewn accompaniment to Heideggers talk of gift and
consecration. Sometimes what is given is refusal. How does refusal elevate
celebration? Heidegger invokes the gush as strong outpouring, as sacrificial flow, but perhaps what accentuates the outpouring, what makes it
more than mere filling and decanting, is a withholding that is aligned
with refusal, a canted secret (173). At any rate, in the outpouring that is the
essence of the thing/vessel dwells the Heideggerian fourfold of earth, sky,
divinity, and mortals that precedes everything that is present or that is
represented. The fourfold, as staying and as appropriation is where thing
approaches, if not becomes, event. This gathering, this event of gathering, is,
for Heidegger, what is denoted in the Old High German word thing. By
way of Meister Eckhart, Heidegger asserts that Thing is . . . the cautious
and abstemious name for something that is at all. He adds:
Because the word thing as used in Western metaphysics
denotes that which is at all and is something in some way
or other, the meaning of the name thing varies with the
interpretation of that which isof entities. Kant talks about
things in the same way as Meister Eckhart and means by this
term something that is. But for Kant, that which is becomes
the object of a representing that runs its course in the selfconsciousness of the human ego. The thing-in-itself means
for Kant: the object-in-itself. To Kant, the character of the
in-itself signifies that the object is an object in itself without
reference to the human act of representing it, that is, without
the opposing ob- by which it is first of all put before the
representing act. Thing-in-itself, thought in a rigorously
Kantian way, means an object that is no object for us, because
it is supposed to stand, stay put, without a possible before: for
the human representational act that encounters it. (17677)
human who moves only in response to inclination, whose reflexes lose the
name of action. At the same time, this dangerous supplement, as the fact
out of which everything else emerges, is constitutive. It seems to me that
this special ontic-ontological fugitivity of/in the slave is what is revealed as
the necessarily unaccounted for in Fanon. So that in contradistinction to
Fanons protest, the problem of the inadequacy of any ontology to blackness, to that mode of being for which escape or apposition and not the
objectifying encounter with otherness is the prime modality, must be understood in its relation to the inadequacy of calculation to being in general.
Moreover, the brutal history of criminalization in public policy, and at the
intersection of biological, psychological, and sociological discourse, ought
not obscure the already existing ontic-ontological criminality of/as blackness. Rather, blackness needs to be understood as operating at the nexus of
the social and the ontological, the historical and the essential. Indeed, as
the ontological is moving within the corrosive increase that the ontic instantiates, it must be understood that what is now meant by ontological
requires special elucidation. What is inadequate to blackness is already
given ontologies. The lived experienced of blackness is, among other things,
a constant demand for an ontology of disorder, an ontology of dehiscence, a
para-ontology whose comportment will have been (toward) the ontic or
existential field of things and events. That ontology will have had to have
operated as a general critique of calculation even as it gathers diaspora as an
open setor as an openness disruptive of the very idea of setof accumulative and unaccumulable differences, differings, departures without origin, leavings that continually defy the natal occasion in general even as they
constantly bespeak the previous. This is a Nathaniel Mackey formulation
whose full implications will have never been fully explorable.12 What
Fanons pathontological refusal of blackness leaves unclaimed is an irremediable homelessness common to the colonized, the enslaved, and the enclosed. This is to say that what is claimed in the name of blackness is an
undercommon disorder that has always been there, that is retrospectively
and retroactively located there, that is embraced by the ones who stay there
while living somewhere else. Some folks relish being a problem. As Amiri
Baraka and Nikhil Pal Singh (almost) say, Black(ness) is a country (and a
sex) (that is not one).13 Stolen life disorders positive value just as surely as it
is not equivalent to social death or absolute dereliction.
So if we cannot simply give an account of things that, in the very fugitivity
and impossibility that is the essence of their existence, resist accounting, how
do we speak of the lived experience of the black? What limits are placed on
such speaking when it comes from the position of the black, but also what
constraints are placed on the very concept of lived experience, particularly in
its relation to the black when black social life is interdicted? Note that the
interdiction exists not only as a function of what might be broadly understood as policy but also as a function of an epistemological consensus broad
enough to include Fanon, on the one hand, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, on
the otherencompassing formulations that might be said not only to characterize but also to initiate and continually re-initialize the philosophy of the
human sciences. In other words, the notion that there is no black social life is
part of a set of variations on a theme that include assertions of the irreducible
pathology of black social life and the implication that (non-pathological) social life is what emerges by way of the exclusion of the black or, more precisely, of blackness. But what are we to make of the pathological here? What
are the implications of a social life that, on the one hand, is not what it is and,
on the other hand, is irreducible to what it is used for? This discordant echo
of one of Theodor W. Adornos most infamous assertions about jazz implies
that black social life reconstitutes the music that is its phonographic.14 That
music, which Miles Davis calls social music, to which Adorno and Fanon
gave only severe and partial hearing, is of interdicted black social life operating on frequencies that are disavowedthough they are also amplifiedin
the interplay of sociopathological and phenomenological description. How
can we fathom a social life that tends toward death, that enacts a kind of
being-toward-death, and which, because of such tendency and enactment,
maintains a terribly beautiful vitality? Deeper still, what are we to make of
the fact of a sociality that emerges when lived experience is distinguished
from fact, in the fact of life that is implied in the very phenomenological
gesture/analysis within which Fanon asserts black social life as, in all but the
most minor ways, impossible? How is it that the off harmony of life, sociality,
and blackness is the condition of possibility of the claim that there is no black
social life? Does black life, in its irreducible and impossible sociality and precisely in what might be understood as its refusal of the status of social life that
is refused it, constitute a fundamental dangeran excluded but immanent
disruptionto social life? What will it have meant to embrace this matrix of
im/possibility, to have spoken of and out of this suspension? What would it
mean to dwell on or in minor social life? This set of questions is imposed
upon us by Fanon. At the same time, and in a way that is articulated most
clearly and famously by W. E. B. Du Bois, this set of questions is the position,
which is also to say the problem, of blackness.
Now I want to place the problem of blackness, and the question of dwelling on and in minor social life in relation to the work of art, to the question
of the artworks thingliness, its madness, its lateness. Id like to bring the set
of questions that is black social life into relief by way of, and by passing
through, the notion of chromatic saturation and the illicit commerce it bears
between the language of music and the language of vision. Ill do so by
turning to an audiovisual ensemble comprising Ad Reinhardt and Cecil
Taylor, Albert Ammons and Piet Mondrian. Something is unhinged in
this set that might recalibrate in multiple ways our sense of the black/
white encounter, particularly insofar as we acknowledge certain possibilities
that emerge in and from impossible black social life when the city is about to
be born and when minor conflictits outlaw ontology, and its interdicted,
criminal lifetends toward death but, escaping all ends, moves in relation
to thrown ends, to a vast, stupendous range of throwing ends. Ill argue that
Mondrian is deregulated by the urban underground hed been dreaming of;
that his great, final picture, Victory Boogie Woogie, is all black, is all of what
had been absorbed in black, is the explication of a dissonant, chromatic saturation, the inhabitation of a break or border, the disruption embedded in
the grids boundaries. I want to amplify (Ammons, father of the jug, in
Mondrian and) Taylor in Reinhardt, where Taylor is severely threatened
with submergence in Reinhardts intractable misunderstanding of what is
done through Reinhardt, by forces Reinhardt can neither understand nor
assimilate due to his attempt to encompass what pierces and absorbs him. Ill
try to illuminate Taylors attempt to open things up in exchange with Reinhardt: embodying sound in a discourse of sight, making sound matter like
an irruptive thing, enacting the victory of refusing to arrive, sayingHere
we are, never having got here, dancing an insistent after effect evading each
and every fatal occasion, each minor occasion that is not one.
(There are other resonances that I know I wont get to: broken speeches
of fugitive ontologues recorded in the texture of a black line; a boundary
diffused into epiphenomenal swatches, later to become what seems to be
unrecorded but showing up sounding everywhere; black differences, not
only the collective heads in Reinhardts unacknowledged black social thingliness, but also an unstable black cube named Gene Smith, mugging
rupped-up proprieties like an other Tony Smith [Saginaw, Michigan]
blowing up Michael Fried from way downtown, way outside. [I have
gone off privately in public, in Fred Oakleys club, the Neue Plastik, just
outside of Fordyce, Arkansas, in order to talk to somebody. Gone to curve
angles. Bend and drop these notes right where you lost them, to get at what
remainsunattainable, unrepresentableof the thing. My flaw.])
In Art as Art: The Selected Writings of Ad Reinhardt, there is a text called
Black as Symbol and Concept.15 Barbara Rose, the volumes editor, tells us
that its a transcript of Reinhardts contribution to a discussion involving
Taylor and five other artists based in New York or Toronto: Aldo Tambellini, Michael Snow, Arnold Rockman, Stu Broomer, and Harvey Cowan.
I am particularly interested in the encounter between Taylor and Reinhardt
that Roses transcription erases. That encounter is, I think, part of a far larger
structure of impossible erasures (of the impossible). This is to say that there
seem to be some fundamental incommensurabilities that animate the encounter. One is black and the other white, which means not just different
experiences that differently color their thinking about color but also Reinhardts palpable inability to take Taylor seriously, a handicap that more often than not still structures interracial intellectual relations. The more
important one, at least for my purposes, has to do with the fact that one is a
musician and the other a painter, and this means they speak in those different, seemingly incommensurable languages about that for which the term
chromatic saturation is only a beckoning gesture. Unfortunately, as well
see, Reinhardt reads blackness at sight, as held merely within the play of
absence and presence. He is blind to the articulated combination of absence
and presence in black that is in his face, as his work, his own production, as
well as in the particular form of Taylor. Mad, in a self-imposed absence of
(his own) work, Reinhardt gets read a lecture he must never have forgotten,
though, alas, he was only to survive so short a time that its unclear how or
whether it came to affect his work.
On August 16, 1967, with the cooperation of Bell Telephone Company
and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Arts/Canada magazine organized this simultaneous conversation, devoting a full issue to this discourse
on [b]lack as a special concept, symbol, paint quality; the social-political
implications of the black; black as stasis, negation, nothingness and black as
change, impermanence and potentiality.16 Reinhardt initiates things by saying black is interesting not as a colour but as a non-colour and as the absence
of colour. He adds, Id like then to talk about black in artmonochrome,
monotone, and the art of painting versus the art of culture (Black, 3). In
the notion of blackness as absolute dereliction, as absence of color and antithetical to admixture, Reinhardt moves on a parallel track to Fanon or, at
least, to a certain reading of Fanon. He proceeds by way of a bad or, at least,
meaningless example: Here is a quotation from [Japanese landscape painter
Katsushika] Hokusai: there is a black which is old and a black which is
fresh. Lustrous black and dull black, black in sunlight and black in shadow.
For the old black one must use an admixture of blue, for the dull black an
admixture of white, for the lustrous black, gum must be added. Black in
sunlight must have grey reflections. I want to read that because that doesnt
have any meaning for us (3). One wants to consider the relation between
what Reinhardt understands to be meaninglessa small treatise on the
relation between impurity and internal difference in the case of the color
blackand what Fanon understands as rendering ontological explanation criminal. What does the color black do to the theory of color (as the
manifestation of absence turned to the excessive, invaginative more-thanfullness of impurity)? What does the black or blackness do to ontological
explanation (as fugal, centrifugal, fugitive ontological, and epistemological
disruption)? For Reinhardt, the multiplicity of symbolic meanings that have
been attached to the color blacksinfulness, evil, femininity, maternity,
formlessness, and the yearning for whiteness in the West that counters and
accompanies these meaningsare and must be detachable from the absence (of difference) that defines and is internal to the color black (3). This
detachment is in the interest of the negativeness of black (3), which interests Reinhardt and which can, again, be understood in relation to something
Fanon both desires and desires to appose.
A bit later in the conversation, Taylor intervenes.
I think for my first statement I would like to say that the
experience is two-fold and later, I think youll see how the
two really merge as one experience.
Whether its bare pale light, whitened eyes inside a lions
belly, cancelled by justice, my wish to be a hued mystic myopic region if you will, least shadow at our discretion, to disappear, or as sovereign, albeit intuitive, sense my charity, to
dip and grind, fair-haired, swathed, edged to the bottom
each and every second, minute, month: existence riding a
cloud of diminutive will, cautioned to waiting eye in step to
wild, unceasing energy, growth equaling spirit, the knowing, of black dignity.
Silence may be infinite or a beginning, an end, white
noise, purity, classical ballet; the question of black, its inability to reflect yet to absorb, I think these are some of the
complexes that we will have to get into. (4)
Taylors musico-poetic intervention, which quotation marks mark as an intervention within an intervention, is a re-inaugural rupture. Taylor interrupts himself and the conversation he joins by raising the question of black
dignity in a discourse on black art. He moves differently to Reinhardt, whose
opening of the discussion is followed and carried forth in a kind of uninterrupted seriality by other participants in the conversationArnold Rockman, Michael Snow, Harvey Cowan, and Stu Broomerbefore Taylor
leaps, or breaks, in. Reinhardt will brook no interruption; this is confirmed
Its a kind of Ralph Ellison formulation that might seem more characteristic
of Wynton Marsalis than Taylor but for the fact that it waits upon a Fanonian
understanding of mixture or impurity as disruption even as it waits for
Fanon to get to the related nonexcluded, nonexclusive understanding of
mixture, of color, as constitutive of blackness and of blackness or black as a
constitutive social, political, and aesthetic power. Its a kind of Stokeley
Carmichael formulation.
Meanwhile, between Taylors formulation and Reinhardts next intervention, Rockman offers a kind of regulative mediation that displaces Taylors invocation of the priority and inevitability of another mixture that black
instantiates and is by calling upon a certain discourse or structure of (black)
feeling. He refers to the poem that erupts out of Taylors first intervention as
a very moving experience (6). He also invokes an earlier point in the discussion when Snow referred to his fathers blindness. Blindness, according
to Rockman, is an internal blackness that is opposed to the exterior or inessential blackness of which Taylor speaks in his invocation of black life, energy, and power. He adds, in a Fanonian vein, that the whole negro bit is a
creation of the white world (7). This moment is important in that it mediates between Taylor and Reinhardt, allows Reinhardt to avoid Taylors intervention, his invocation of the social even as it places Taylor between
Rockmans feelings and Reinhardts antisocial frigidity, both of which
emerge against a black background. Reinhardt follows this apparent escape route, which moves by way of the assumed inessentiality of black life,
in his objection to the introduction of blindness as sentimental. For Reinhardt, issues of blindness, space, and sexuality move away from what he calls
the highest possible discussion, which would be on an aesthetic level (7).
Taylors invocation of a necessarily social aesthetic, a black aesthetic and sociality whose essence is a politics of impure or impurifying facticity, is bypassed. Reinhardt is disturbed by Taylors intervention. Though he never
really addresses it, he is clearly unhappy with its power to make the discussion go off into too many subjects (7). Reinhardt adds:
Well, of course, we have enough mixed media here. I just
want to again stress the idea of black as intellectuality and
conventionality. There is an expression the dark of absolute
freedom and an idea of formality. Theres something about
darkness or blackness that has something to do with something that I dont want to pin down. But its aesthetic. And it
has not to do with outer space or the colour of skin or the
colour of matter. . . . And the exploitation of black as a kind
of quality, as a material quality, is really objectionable. Again
Im talking on another level, on an intellectual level. (7)
Taylor: The Russian ballet masters took the peasants and made
them fine dancers; but the spirit of the ballet comes from the
Reinhardt: Tambellini suggested that we may abandon the historical approach to art, and get into a kind of simultaneity
in which you have all twenty-five thousand years of art
and you have to think about it. Quoting an astronaut isnt
Tambellini: To me its essential and meaningful.
Reinhardt: Not you as an artist, but maybe as a human being. It
is certainly interesting to me as a human being.
Taylor: It is interesting to me as a musician, because it has to do
with space, and space automatically implies time. Like Im
involved with rhythm, and rhythm is like the marginal division of time. Of course Reinhardt visualizes blackness as
some kind of technical problem. I visualize it as the quality
that shapes my life, in terms of the quality of the acceptance
that my work gets or does not get based on the fact that it is
from the Afro-American community.
Reinhardt: But your art should be free from the community.
(Black, 1416)
As their encounter and their general contribution to the discussion concludes, it becomes clear that Reinhardt operates within a strict antipathy to
thinglinesswhich Reinhardt mistakes, perhaps after Michael Fried, for
objecthoodin or as artworks, which, in turn, requires the freedom (which,
for Reinhardt, is associated in its absoluteness with darkness and an idea
of formality) of art and the artist from the community, from politicotheatricality, from the city or polis as world stage.18 That antipathy is anticipated in the art criticism of Clement Greenberg and, even more stringently, in
that of Greenbergs protg, Fried, both of whom move within what YveAlain Bois, in an essay on Reinhardt, describes as a clear demarcation between pictoriality and objecthood (Limit, 15). Reinhardt believes intensely
in the legitimacy of the demarcations between art/ists and community, pictoriality and (objecthood-as-)thingliness, but those demarcations are irreparably blurred by Reinhardts most important work, his celebrated series of
black paintings. This blurring is a source of anxiety for Reinhardt, whose
allergy to mixture is an allergy to thingliness. That intolerance of the blurring of art and life, in the words of Marcel Duchamp and Allen Kaprow, is
famously formulated by Fried as a disavowal of theater, which is associated
with the thingly in art, with what Bois intimates that Greenberg might have
called the passage of the picture into the realm of things (Limit, 16).
Painting becomes something like a new kind of sculpture, according to
Greenberg, and Bois describes this logic as that which led Frank Stellas
black paintings, and presumably Reinhardts, to look almost like objects.
Reinhardts formulations on black are meant to stave off the slide into thingliness, the complete fall into the world of things. He wants his work to
represent (which is to say to present themselves as)as Mondrians
paintings do, according to Greenberg, and in spite of their overallness, their
sculpturalitythe scene of forms rather than . . . one single, indivisible
piece of texture.19 To insist upon the distinction between the canvas as scene
and the canvas as thing is to detach oneself from the scene as much as it is
also to represent the scene. It is to establish something like a freedom from
the community in the most highly determined, regulative, legal sense of
that word, in the sharpest sense of its constituting a field in which the human and the (disorderly) thing are precisely, pathologically, theatrically
indistinct. Lets call this community the black community, the community
that is defined by a certain history of blackness, a history of privation (as
Taylor points out) and plenitude, pain and (as Taylor points out) pleasure.
It is from and as a sensual commune, from and as an irruptive advent, at
once focused and arrayed against the political aesthetics of enclosed common sense, that Taylors musicIm thinking in particular of a recent
work titled All the Notesemerges.
Interestingly, Mondrian is invoked by both Greenberg and Reinhardt in
the interest of, on the one hand, establishing the difference between easel
paintings representational essence and minimalist, literalist, thingliness
and, on the other hand, maintaining the separation of art and life that
Duchamp and his minimalist descendants desired. At the same time, there
is a syntactic, compositional equivalencea social life of forms within
the paintingthat animates Mondrians work. It is not merely an accident
that this social lifeof which Mondrian writes a great deal in his extended
meditation on neo-plastic art productions relation to the city, to the bar, to
jazzis spoken of in theatrical terms as the scene of forms by Greenberg, who recognizes (or at least reveals) more clearly than Reinhardt or
Fried an irreducible theatricality.20
That theatricality or social life has a politics as well, which Taylor constantly recognizes and invokes, but to deaf ears. And its important to note
that deafness places the severest limitations on the visual imagination. Reinhardt cannot, or refuses to, hear, if you will, a certain chromatic saturation
that inhabits black as that colors internal, social life. The many colors that
are absorbed and reflected in the color black, and in and as black social life,
And Mondrians paintings are political if Bois is correct when he says that
an optical interpretation of Mondrian, conceived in the assurance of immediate perception, cannot account for his New York paintings (Piet
Mondrian, 182). This is to say that the political in Mondrian is initialized as
an excess, though not an erasure, of the optical, as an interplay of the sensual
and social ensembles in the constant cutting and augmentation of their fullness. Cooper moves us more firmly in the direction of a mediated, more
than visual perception and interpretation of Mondrians work not only by
attending carefully to the structural trace of boogie-woogie piano in Mondrians improvisatory, revisionary compositional practice but also by offering a brief history of the color blacks career in Mondrians late phase. He
notes, along with Bois, that the black lines that instantiated dualistic equilibrium by bounding color planes proliferate and are made glossier, more
reflective before Mondrian, in exile and at the unfinished end of a twenty-year
project, under the influence of boogie-woogie, burst[s] the pod of painting
and disseminated its elements across a broken border (Cooper, Mondrian,
136, 142). This is to say not only that the border is crossed, that something
moves through it; it is also to say, or at least to imply, that the border is
(already) broken, that what it had contained within itself pours out. Any
accounting of what the limit contains must also be an accounting of the contents of the limit. This is a matter of touchof painterly and pianistic feel.
Color pouring from as well as across the border records and reverses the
sound, the social music, which had been poured into the painting. The
rhythmic story of left hand, right hand, explodes into every note that can
and cant be played, in every possible shade and shading of that note. Implicature erupts from the primary and the tonic as if the painting were one of
Taylors cluster bombs, his detonated rainbows, his inside figures played
outside. Mondrian all but discovers certain ochres and blues in his strange,
estranged homecoming, in appositional placements of the primary that allow for the secondary, for the minor that had been repressed, to emerge. He
could be said to interpret, from the standpoint of a radical political-aesthetic,
the rhythmic images of his country. He joins Ammons in joining what we
will see Fanon come to recognize as that fluctuating movement which [the]
people are just giving shape to, and which, as soon as it has started, will be
the signal for everything to be called into question.24 That country, that
broken body, is black. That crossed, broken border is also a broken vessel.
Crossing borders and oceans in serial exile, crossing over into the dead zone,
involves staging the appositional encounter, which has always already
started, of blackness and color for Mondrian. The native returns to places
hes never been to get ready for one last trip. Were always crossing this frontier we carry. The smuggler who crosses is the border, its contents pouring
out. Invasion out from the outside continues. Black explodes violently, victoriously in Mondrians last painting, his careful, painstaking ode to proliferation, impurity, and incompleteness. It is the victory of the unfinished, the
lonesome fugitive; the victory of finding things out, of questioning; the victorious rhythm of the broken system. Black(ness), which is to say black social life, is an undiscovered country.
Du Bois might say that it is the evident incalculability in human action
that infuses Victory Boogie Woogie. He might claim, more pointedly, that
Mondrian brings to certain fields of attention and inattention the evident
incalculability of black life that corresponds to black lifes evident rhythms
in spite of how those rhythms might seem to lend themselves to the easy
arithmetic of so many births and deaths or so many heavy beats to the bar.25
In fact, it is the evidently incalculable rhythm of the life of things that Mondrian had been finding out in New York City, that he had been after for a
long time if his meditations on the relationship between jazz and neo-plastic
are any indication. In the end, what remains is Mondrians insistence on his
late paintings as a mode of finding things out, as things bodying forth a
self-activated, auto-excessive inquiry into the possibility of a politics of the
melodramatic social imagination. In Mondrians city, things making and
finding one another out actively disrupt the grids by which activities would
be known, organized, and apportioned. Mondrians late paintings show the
true colors with which blackness is infused. The paintings are an open, textured, mobile, animated, content-laden border, a sculptural, audio-theatrical
outskirts, whose chromatic saturation indicate that Mondrians late, exilic,
catastrophic work was given over to a case of blackness.
Like the more than mindless, more than visceral, events and things whose
meaning is unattained even as their political force is ascertained, for Fanon,
chromatic saturation has repercussions:
If we study the repercussions of the awakening of national
consciousness in the domains of ceramics and pottery-making,
the same observations [regarding the artists forging of an invitation to participate in organized movement] may be drawn.
Jugs, jars, and trays are modified, at first imperceptibly, then
almost savagely. The colors, of which formerly there were but
few and which obeyed the traditional rules of harmony, increase in number and are influenced by the repercussion of
the rising revolution. Certain ochres and blues, which seemed
forbidden to all eternity in a given cultural area, now assert
themselves without giving rise to scandal. (Wretched, 242)
Fanon speaks of repercussions that we might take to be the rhythmic accompaniment to this new harmonic disruption of the traditional, of the very
idea of the authentic and any simple recourse to it. Yet repercussion implies
a repetition, however different and differentiating, of a beat that, when it is
understood as resistance in the broadest sense, lies radically and anoriginally before us. Moreover, while the repercussive chromaticism of which
Fanon speaks is no simple analogue to the primary rhythms of Mondrian in
New York, one cannot help but hear in his paintings a striving for what is
underground and anoriginal in the city, for what is held in and escapes the
citys limits, the interiority of its black border or bottom, the bottom in which
its unwelcome bo(a)rders dwell politically as well as poetically.
Fanon shares Du Boiss Kantian ambivalence toward the tumultuous derangements that emerge from imagination and that are inseparable from
the imaginative constitution of reason and reality. The ambiguity is shown
in what elsewhere appears as a kind of valorization of the depths that are
held and articulated in the surface of actual events, as the call for intellectuals to linger in the necessarily rhythmic and muscular music of the lieu de
dsquilibre occulte (which Constance Farrington translates as zone of
occult instability and Richard Philcox translates as hidden fluctuation)
wherein son me et que silluminent sa perception et sa respiration (Farrington: our lives are transfused with light; Philcox: their perception and
respiration [is] transfigured.)26 Note in the choice of translations a return to
one of the problems with which we started, crystallized here in the distinction between our lives and their perception and respiration. The difference
between our and their does not displace, by way of a politico-intellectual
detachment, nearness with absolute distance. Rather, it attends the claim
which is to say that imaginative flight, that descent into the underground
that finding (the) people and things requires. On the other hand, it most
certainly can be said to recover a gap, a border of black color, that in the end
Fanon demands that we inhabit alongside the ones who have always been
escaping the absolute dereliction of the reality to which they have been
Meanwhile, Reinhardt sees black as a kind of negation even of Mondrianic color, of a certain Mondrianic urban victory. Like all the most profound
negations, his is appositional. This is to say that in the end the black paintings stand alongside Mondrians late work and stand as late work in the
private and social senses of lateness. Insofar as blackness is understood as the
absence and negation of color, of a kind of social color and social music, Reinhardt will have had no music playing, or played as he painted, or as you
beholdneither Ammonss strong left hand or Taylors exploded and exploding one. But blackness is not the absence of color. So far is black art also
himself to negate and therefore inadvertently confirms, or of a certain lateness in Fanons work that a certain earliness in his work seeks to negate but
inadvertently confirms). This canted zone or curved span moves between a
fact and an experience that, in themselves and in the commerce between
them, remain inaccessible to all concepts of and desires for the racial object
and unavailable to the protocols of dematerializing representation.
Finding things out, getting at the meaning of things, turns out to mean
and to demand an investigation of instability, a courting of tumult, of riot, of
derangement, of the constitutive disorder of the polis, its black market, border, and bottom, the field of minor internal conflict, of the minor occasion or
event through which the essence of an interminable struggle takes form. It
means settling down in the uninhabitable, where one is constrained to reinitialize what has been dismissed as the pathontological in the discourse of
the militant onto-pathologist. It means producing mad worksprematurely,
preternaturally late worksthat register the thingly encounter, works that
are both all black and in which black is conspicuous in its absence, between
blackness and chromatic saturation.
In the attention he pays in his late work to mental disorder and/as anticolonial refusal, Fanon understands that such blackness as Mondrian is infused
with and performs shows up in color, that it is more than merely mindless
and irresponsible, as Reinhardt believed. Now the interplay between blackness, color, madness, and late work that I have been trying to consider demands a turn to this important and familiar passage from On National
Culture, in Philcoxs translation of The Wretched of the Earth:
[T]he colonized intellectual frequently lapses into heated
arguments and develops a psychology dominated by an exaggerated sensibility, sensitivity, and susceptibility. This
movement of withdrawal, which first of all comes from a
petitio principi in his psychological mechanism and physiognomy, above all calls to mind a muscular reflex, a muscular contraction.
The foregoing is sufficient to explain the style of the
colonized intellectuals who make up their mind to assert
this phase of liberating consciousness. A jagged style, full
of imagery, for the image is the drawbridge that lets out
the unconscious forces into the surrounding meadows.
An energetic style, alive with rhythms bursting with life. A
colorful style, too, bronzed, bathed in sunlight and harsh.
This style, which Westerners once found jarring, is not, as
some would have it, a racial feature, but above all reflects a
single-handed combat and reveals how necessary it is for the
intellectual to inflict injury on himself, to actually bleed red
blood and free himself from that part of his being already
contaminated by the germs of decay. A swift, painful combat
where inevitably the muscle had to replace the concept.
Although this approach may take him to unusual heights
in the sphere of poetry, at an existential level it has often
proved a dead end. (157)
Fanons reading of the staging that launches the colonized intellectuals reflexive grasp at authenticity must itself be read in its relation to his analysis
of the particular psychosomatic disorders that colonialism fosters and that
resistance to colonialism demands. This is to say that the muscles problematic replacement of the concept needs also to be understood as psychosomatic disorder. The problem of the colonized intellectual as the condition of
im/possibility of emergent national culture shows up with a certain clarity in
Fanons attention to mental disorders under colonialism even when the limits of psychopathology are exposed.
The increasing occurrence of mental illness and the rampant development of specific pathological conditions are not
the only legacy of the colonial war in Algeria. Apart from
the pathology of torture, the pathology of the tortured and
that of the perpetrator, there is a pathology of the entire atmosphere in Algeria, a condition which leads the attending
physician to say when confronted with a case they cannot
understand: This will all be cleared up once the damned
war is over. (216)
Whose case is it? Whos on the case? Are we to consider the pathological
fantasy that this will all be cleared up; or the decayed orbit of diagnosis
that leads from the failure to understand down to that fantasy; or must we
be concerned with the one big case of an entire pathological public atmo/
sphere. In any case, the cases with which Fanon is concerned here are instances of psychosomatic pathology, the general body of organic disorders developed in response to a situation of conflict (216). In a note, Fanon
characterizes the tradition of Soviet psychological theorization of these
disorders as putting the brain back in its place as the matrix where precisely the psyche is elaborated. That tradition operates by way of a terminological shift from psychosomatic to cortico-visual (216n35). Such
disorders are both symptom and cure insofar as they constitute an avoidance
of complete breakdown by way of an incomplete outwitting, in Fanons
terms, of the originary conflict.
Fanon continues by turning to a disorder that is seemingly unique to
the Algerian atmosphere:
g. Systemic contraction, muscular stiffness
These are male patients who slowly have difficulty making
certain movements such as climbing stairs, walking quickly,
or running (in two cases it is very sudden). The cause of this
difficulty lies in a characteristic rigidity which inevitably
suggests an attack on certain areas of the brain (central gray
matter). Walking becomes contracted and turns into a shuffle. Passive bending of the lower limbs is practically impossible. No relaxation can be achieved. Immediately rigid and
incapable of relaxing of his own free will, the patient seems
to be made in one piece. The face is set, but expresses a
marked degree of bewilderment.
The patient does not seem to be able to demobilize his
nerves. He is constantly tense, on hold, between life and
death. As one of them told us: You see, Im as stiff as a
corpse. (21819)
Fanon offers an anticipatory explication:
Like any war, the war in Algeria has created its contingent of
cortico-visceral illnesses . . . This particular form of pathology
(systemic muscular contraction) already caught our attention
before the revolution began. But the doctors who described it
turned it into a congenital stigma of the native, an original
feature of his nervous system, manifest proof of a predominant extrapyramidal system in the colonized. This contraction, in fact, is quite simply a postural concurrence and
evidence in the colonizeds muscles of their rigidity, their reticence and refusal in the face of the colonial authorities. (217)
Perhaps these contractions comprise a staging area for questions. Whats the
relation between the body seeming to be all of one piece and the uncountable
set of minor internal conflicts that Fanon overlooks in his assertion of the
absence of black interiority or black difference? Is jaggedness an effect or an
expression of rigidity, reticence, or refusal? Is such gestural disorder a disruptive choreography that opens onto the meaning of things? At the same
time, would it not be fair to think in terms of a gestural critique (of reason,
of judgment)? Muscular contraction is not just a sign of external conflict but
an expression of internal conflict as well. Perhaps such gesture, such dance,
is the bodys resistance to the psyche and to itself the things immanent transcendence, the fissured singularity of a political scene.
But is this anything other than to say that dance such as this moves in a
pathological atmosphere? It is fantastic and its rigor is supposed to be that of
the mortis, the socially dead, of a dead or impossible socius. The point,
however, is that disorder has a set of double edges in the case (studies) of
Fanon. Such disorder is, more generally, both symptom and curea symptom of oppression and a staging area for political criminality. And such disorder is deeply problematic if the onto-epistemological field of blackness is
posited as impossible or unexplainable; if the social situation of blackness is
a void, or a voided fantasy, or simply devoid of value; if resistance itself is,
finally, at least in this case, a function of the displacement of personality.
Fanon seeks to address this complex in the transition from his description of
muscular contraction to his understanding of the relation between what has
been understood to be a natural propensity to criminal impulsiveness and
the war of national liberation. Now the relation between the colonized intellectual and his impossible authenticity is to be thought in its relation to
that between the militant and his people, whom the militant believes
he must drag up from the pit and out of the cave (219). At stake is the
transition from romantic identification with the pathological to the detached
concern of the psychopathologist who ventures into the dead space of the
unexplainable in the interest of a general resuscitation. Fanon is interested
in a kind of rehabilitation and reintegration that the militant psychopathologist is called upon to perform in the interest of procuring substance, coherence, and homogeneity and reversing the depersonalization of the very
structure of society on the collective as well as individual levels (219). For
Fanon, the militant cortico-visceral psychopathologist, the people have been
reduced to a collection of individuals who owe their very existence to the
presence of the colonizer (220). A set of impossible questions ought to ensue
from what may well be Fanons pathological insistence on the pathological:
Can resistance come from such a location? Or perhaps more precisely and
more to the point, can there be an escape from that location; can the personhood that defines that location also escape that position? What survives the
kind of escape that ought never leave the survivor intact? If and when some
thing emerges from such a place, can it be anything other than pathological?
But how can the struggle for liberation of the pathological be aligned with
the eradication of the pathological? This set of questions will have been
symptoms of the psychopathology of the psychopathologistin them the
case of the one who studies cases will have been given in its essence. It is
crucial, however, that this set of questions that Fanon ought to have asked
are never really posed. Instead, in his text Fanon insistently stages the encounter between anticolonial political criminality and colonially induced
psychopathology. In so doing he discovers a certain nearness and a certain
distance between explanation and resistance as well.
Fanon is embedded in a discourse that holds the pathological in close
proximity to the criminal. At stake in this particular nearness is the relation
between psychic and legal adjustment. In either case, the case is precisely in
relation to the norm. But the case of a specifically colonial psychopathology,
in its relation to the case of a specifically anticolonial criminality, has no access to the norm. Moreover, if in either case there were access to the norm,
that access would be refused and such refusal would be folded into the description of criminal, pathological anticolonialism. In such cases, what would
be the meaning of adjustment or reintegration? What does or should the
liberation struggle have to do, in the broadest sense, with the rehabilitation
of man? The flipside of this question has to do, precisely, with what might
be called the liberatory value of ensemblic depersonalization. This is Fanons
question. He achieves it, in the course of his career, by way of an actual engagement with what is dismissed in Black Skins, White Masks as the minor
internal conflicts that show up only in contradistinction to authentic intraracial intersubjectivity but that is taken up, in The Wretched of the Earth,
with all of the militant psychopathologists ambivalence, under the rubrics
of cortico-visceral disorder (muscular contraction) and criminal impulsiveness in its irreducible relation to national liberation.
While Fanon would consider the zealous worker in a colonial regime a
quintessentially pathological case, remember that it is in resistance to colonial oppression that the cases of psychopathology with which Fanon is concerned in The Wretched of the Earthin particular, those psychosomatic or
cortico-visceral disordersemerge. Whats at stake is Fanons ongoing ambivalence toward the supposedly pathological. At the same time, ambivalence is itself the mark of the pathological. Watch Fanon prefiguratively
describe and diagnose the pathological ambivalence that he performs:
The combat waged by a people for their liberation leads
them, depending on the circumstances, either to reject or to
explode the so-called truths sown in their consciousness by
the colonial regime, military occupation, and economic exploitation. And only the armed struggle can effectively exorcise these lies about man that subordinate and literally
mutilate the more conscious-minded among us.
How many times in Paris or Aix, in Algiers or Basse-Terre
have we seen the colonized vehemently protest the so-called
indolence of the black, the Algerian, the Vietnamese? And
yet in a colonial regime if a fellah were a zealous worker or
a black were to refuse a break from work, they would be
quite simply considered pathological cases. The colonizeds
indolence is a conscious way of sabotaging the colonial machine; on the biological level it is a remarkable system of
self-preservation and, if nothing else, is a positive curb on
the occupiers stranglehold over the entire country. (220)
Is it fair to say that one detects in this text a certain indolence sown or sewn
into it? Perhaps, on the other hand, its flaws are more accurately described
as pathological. To be conscious-minded is aligned with subordination, even
mutilation; the self-consciousness of the colonized is figured as a kind of
wound at the same time that it is also aligned with wounding, with armed
struggle that is somehow predicated on that which it makes possible
namely, the explosion of so-called truths planted or woven into the consciousness of the conscious-minded ones. They are the ones who are given
the task of repairing (the truth) of man; they are the ones who would heal by
way of explosion, excision, or exorcism. This moment of self-conscious selfdescription is sewn into Fanons text like a depth charge. However, authentic upheaval is ultimately figured not as an eruption of the unconscious in
the conscious-minded but as that conscious mode of sabotage carried out
every dayin and as what had been relegated, by the conscious-minded, to
the status of impossible, pathological socialityby the ones who are not, or
are not yet, conscious. Healing wounds are inflicted, in other words, by the
ones who are not conscious of their wounds and whose wounds are not redoubled by such consciousness. Healing wounds are inflicted appositionally,
in small, quotidian refusals to act that make them subject to charges of pathological indolence. Often the conscious ones, who have taken it upon themselves to defend the colonized against such charges, levy those charges with
the greatest vehemence. If Fanon fails to take great pains to chart the tortured career of rehabilitative injury, it is perhaps a conscious decision to
sabotage his own text insofar as it has been sown with those so-called truths
that obscure the truth of man.
This black operation that Fanon performs on his own text gives the lie to
his own formulations. So when Fanon claims, The duty of the colonized
understood, in terms Brent Hayes Edwards establishes, as diasporic practice.28 This is what he carries with him, as the imagining thing that he cannot quite imagine and cannot quite control, in his pathologizing description
of it that itthat hedefies. A fugitive cant moves through Fanon, erupting out of regulatory disavowal. His claim upon this criminality was interdicted. But perhaps only the dead can strive for the quickening power that
animates what has been relegated to the pathological. Perhaps the dead are
alive and escaping. Perhaps ontology is best understood as the imagination
of this escape as a kind of social gathering; as undercommon plainsong and
dance; as the fugitive, centrifugal word; as the words auto-interruptive,
auto-illuminative shade/s. Seen in this light, black(ness) is, in the dispossessive richness of its colors, beautiful.
I must emphasize my lack of interest in some puritanically monochromatic denunciation of an irreducible humanism in Fanon. Nor is one after
some simple disavowal of the law as if the criminality in question had some
stake in such a reaction. Rather, what one wants to amplify is a certain
Fanonian elaboration of the law of motion that Adorno will come to speak
of in Fanons wake. Fanon writes, Here we find the old law stating that
anything alive cannot afford to remain still while the nation is set in motion,
while man both demands and claims his infinite humanity (221). A few
years later, in different contexts, Adorno will write: The inner consistency
through which artworks participate in truth always involves their untruth;
in its most unguarded manifestations art has always revolted against this,
and today this revolt has become arts own law of movement [Bewegungsgesetz] (Aesthetic Theory, 16869) and Artworks paradoxical nature, stasis,
negates itself. The movement of artworks must be at a standstill and thereby
become visible. Their immanent processual characterthe legal process
that they undertake against the merely existing world that is external to
themis objective prior to their alliance with any party (17677). In the
border between Black Skins, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth,
the body that questions is a truth that bears untruth. It is a heavy burden to
be made to stand as the racial-sexual embodiment of the imagination in its
lawless freedom, and the knowledge it produces exclusively, particularly
when such standing is a function of having ones wings clipped by the understanding.29 However the burden of such exemplarity, the burden of being the problem or the case, is disavowed at a far greater cost. So that what
is important about Fanon is his own minor internal conflict, the viciously
constrained movement between these burdens. On the one hand, the one
who does not engage in a certain criminal disruption of colonial rule is pathological, unnatural; on the other hand, one wants to resist a certain understanding of the Algerian as born idlers, born liars, born thieves, and born
criminals (Wretched/P, 221). Insofar as Fanon seems to think that the colonized subject is born into a kind of preconscious duty to resist, that the absence of the capacity to perform or to recognize this duty is a kind of birth
defect that retards the development of political consciousness, Fanon is
caught between a rock and a crawl space. Against the grain of a colonial
psychological discourse that essentially claims that the North African in a
certain way is deprived of a cortex and therefore relegated to a vegetative
and purely instinctual life, a life of involuntary muscular contractions,
Fanon must somehow still find a way to claim, or to hold in reserve, those
very contractions insofar as they are a mobilization against colonial stasis
(225). Against the grain of racist notions of the criminal impulsiveness of
the North African as the transcription of a certain configuration of the
nervous system into his pattern of behavior or as a neurologically comprehensible reaction, written into the nature of things, of the thing which is
biologically organized, Fanon must valorize the assertion of a kind of political criminality written into the nature of things while also severely clipping the wings of an imaginative tendency to naturalize and pathologize the
behavior of the colonized (228). Insofar as crime marks the Algerian condition within which each prevents his neighbor from seeing the national enemy and thereby arriving at a political consciousness, Fanon must move
within an almost general refusal to look at the way the colonized look at
themselves, a denial or pathologization or policing of the very sociality that
such looking implies (231). Here Fanon seems to move within an unarticulated Kantian distinction between criminality as the teleological principle of
anticolonial resistance and crime as the unbound, uncountable set of illusory
facts that obscure, or defer the advent of, postcolonial reason. This distinction is an ontological distinction; it, too, raises the question concerning the
irreducible trace of beings that being bears.30
This is all to say that Fanon can only very briefly glance at or glance off
the immense and immensely beautiful poetry of (race) war, the rich music of
a certain underground social aid, a certain cheap and dangerous socialism,
that comprises the viciously criminalized and richly differentiated interiority of black cooperation that will, in turn, have constituted the very ground
of externally directed noncooperation. It turns out, then, that the pathological is (the) black, which has been figured both as the absence of color and as
the excessively, criminally, pathologically colorful (which implies that blacks
relation to color is a rich, active interinanimation of reflection and absorption); as the cortico-visceral muscular contraction or the simultaneously
voluntary and impulsive hiccupped jazz lament that in spite of Fanons
formulations must be understood in relation to the acceptable jaggedness,
legitimate muscularity, and husky theoretical lyricism of the bop and post-bop
interventions that are supposed to have replaced it (176). Because finally the
question isnt whether or not the disorderly behavior of the anticolonialist is
pathological or natural, whether or not he is born to that behavior, whether
or not the performance of this or that variation on such behavior is authentic: the question, rather, concerns what the vast range of black authenticities and black pathologies does. Or, put another way, what is the efficacy of
that range of natural-born disorders that have been relegated to what is theorized as the void of blackness or black social life but that might be more
properly understood as the fugitive being of infinite humanity, or as that
which Marx calls wealth?
Now, wealth is on one side a thing, realized in things, material products, which a human being confronts as subject; on
the other side, as value, wealth is merely command over
alien labour not with the aim of ruling, but with the aim of
private consumption, etc. It appears in all forms in the shape
of a thing, be it an object or be it a relation mediated through
the object, which is external and accidental to the individual. Thus the old view, in which the human being appears
as the aim of production, regardless of his limited national,
religious, political character, seems to be very lofty when
contrasted to the modern world, where production appears
as the aim of mankind and wealth as the aim of production.
In fact, however, when the limited bourgeois form is stripped
away, what is wealth other than the universality of individual
needs, capacities, pleasures, productive forces, etc., created
through universal exchange? The full development of human mastery over the forces of nature, those of so-called
nature as well as of humanitys own nature? The absolute
working-out of his creative potentialities, with no presupposition other than the previous historic development,
which makes this totality of development, i.e., the development of all human powers as such the end in itself, not as
measured on a predetermined yardstick? Where he does not
reproduce himself in one specificity, but produces his totality? Strives not to remain something he has become, but is
in the absolute movement of becoming?31
Though Fanon is justifiably wary of anything that is presented as if it were
written into the nature of things and of the thing, this notion of wealth as the
finite being of a kind of infinite humanityespecially when that in/finitude
At the outset of this attempt to consider blackness in its relation to fugitivity and translation,
I must express my gratitude for two groundbreaking examples. See Daphne A. Brooks,
Bodies in Dissent: Spectacular Performances of Race and Freedom, 18501910 (Durham, NC:
Duke University Press, 2006), and Brent Hayes Edwards, The Practice of Diaspora: Literature,
Translation, and the Rise of Black Internationalism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1. Frantz Fanon, Black Skins, White Masks, trans. Charles Lam Markmann (1967; London:
Picador, 1970), 7778.
2. For more on translation and its relation to the concept of anoriginal difference, see
Andrew Benjamin, Translation and the Nature of Philosophy: A New Theory of Words
(London: Routledge, 1989).
3. I am invoking, and also deviating from, Nahum Dimitri Chandlers notion of paraontology, a term derived from his engagement with W. E. B. Du Boiss long anticipation
of Fanons concern with the deformative or transformative pressure blackness puts on
philosophical concepts, categories, and methods. For more on para-ontology, see
Chandler, The Problem of Pure Being: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Discourses of the Negro
(New York: Fordham University Press, forthcoming).
4. For more on Fanons relation to phenomenology, see David Macey, Frantz Fanon: A
Biography (New York: Picador, 2001), 16268.
5. Jared Sexton and Huey Copeland, Raw Life: An Introduction, Qui Parle 13, no. 2
(2003): 53.
6. There is a certain American reception of Agamben that fetishizes the bareness of it all
without recognizing the severity of the critique he levels at movements of power/
knowledge that would separate life from the form of life. The critical obsession with
bare life, seen in its own vexed relation with the possibility of another translation that
substitutes naked for bare and perhaps has some implications, is tantamount to a kind of
sumptuary law. The constant repetition of bare life bears the annoying, grating tone that
one imagines must have been the most prominent feature of the voice of that kid who
said the emperor has no clothes. Its not that one wants to devalue in any way the efficacy
of such truth telling, such revelation; on the other hand, one must always be careful that
a certain being positive, if not positivism, doesnt liquidate the possibility of political
fantasy in its regulation of political delusion. Theres more to be said on this question of
what clothes life, of how life is apparelld (as John Donne might put it); this, it seems to
me, is Agambens question, the question of another commonness. So why is it repressed
in the straight-ahead discourse of the clear-eyed? This question is ultimately parallel to
that concerning why Foucaults constant and unconcealed assumptions of lifes fugitivity
are overlooked by that generation of American academic overseersthe non-seers who
cant see, because they see so clearlywho constitute the prison guards of a certain
understanding of the carceral. Judith Butler might say that they see too clearly to see
what lies before them. See her analytic of the before in the second chapter of her
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (New York: Routledge, 1989).
See also Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, trans. Daniel
Heller-Roazen (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998), and Means without Ends:
Notes on Politics, trans. Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino (Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 2000).
7. Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs (Paris: ditions du Seuil, 1952), 88.
8. This is an imagetaken from Denis Diderots reading of Samuel Richardsonthat
Brooks deploys in his analysis of melodrama. See Peter Brooks, The Melodramatic
Imagination: Balzac, Henry James, Melodrama, and the Mode of Excess (1976; New Haven,
CT: Yale University Press, 1995), 19.
9. Or it might show up as a refusal of the resonance of Fanon in Sexton and Copeland, or
in Achille Mbembe and David Marriott, or in important new work by Kara Keeling and
Frank Wilderson. See Keeling, In the Interval: Frantz Fanon and the Problems of
Visual Representation, Qui Parle 13, no. 2 (2003): 91117 (wherein she takes up that passage in Fanon with which I began, thereby both authorizing and directing the course of
my own reading; wherever I might diverge from her understanding, I do so only as a
function of her thinking, in kinship and respect). See also Keeling, The Witchs Flight:
The Cinematic, the Black Femme, and the Image of Common Sense (Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 2007); David Marriott, On Black Men (New York: Columbia University
Press, 2000); Achille Mbembe, On the Postcolony, trans. A. M. Berrett et al. (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2001); Frank Wilderson III, Red, White, and Black:
Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms (Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
10. Michael Inwood, ed., A Heidegger Dictionary (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999), 214.
11. Martin Heidegger, The Thing, in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter
(New York: Harper and Row, 1971), 174; hereafter cited in the text.
12. For more on the relation between evasive previousness and unavailable natality, consult
Mackeys multivolume epic From a Broken Bottle Traces of Perfume Still Emanate,
especially the first installment, Bedouin Hornbook, Callaloo Fiction Series, vol. 2
(Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1986).
13. See Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), Black Is a Country, in Home: Social Essays (New
York: Morrow, 1966), 8286, and Nikhil Pal Singh, Black Is a Country: Race and the
Unfinished Struggle for Democracy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004).
14. See Theodor W. Adorno, On Jazz, trans. Jaime Owen Daniel; modified by Richard
Leppert, in Essays on Music (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002), 472.
15. Black as Symbol and Concept, in Art as Art: The Selected Writings of Ad Reinhardt, ed.
Barbara Rose (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975), 8688.
16. Black, Arts/Canada 113 (October 1967); hereafter cited in the text.
17. Yve-Alain Bois cites the following statement by Reinhardt: Ive never approved or
liked anything about Marcel Duchamp. You have to choose between Duchamp and
Mondrian. See Bois, The Limit of Almost, in Ad Reinhardt, ed. William Rubin and
Richard Koshalek (New York: Rizzoli, 1991), 13.
18. Bois wonders if the non-sentence Reinhardt pronounces on theater (Theater, acting,
lowest of the arts ) alludes to Frieds in/famous essay on what he took to be the
degrading force of theatricality in minimalist art, Art and Objecthood. The essay
originally appeared in Artforum a couple of months before Reinhardts death on August
31, 1967, a couple of weeks after his encounter with Taylor. See Bois, Limit, 13 and
30n21. Also see Reinhardts unpublished notes from 1966 to 1967 collected by Rose
under the title Art-as-Art, in Art as Art, 74, and Michael Fried, Art and Objecthood,
in Art and Objecthood: Essays and Reviews (1967; Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1998), 14872. I would like to acknowledge the influence of Paul Kottmans ideas
regarding what he calls the politics of the scene on my attempt to think through this
interplay of politics and theatricality.
19. Clement Greenberg, The Crisis of the Easel Picture, in The Collected Essays and
Criticism: Arrogant Purpose, 19451949, 4 vols., ed. John OBrian (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1986), 223, quoted in Bois, Limit, 17.
20. See, for instance, Mondrians 1927 essay Jazz and Neo-Plastic, in The New ArtThe
New Life: The Collected Writings of Piet Mondrian, ed. and trans. Harry Holtzman and
Martin S. James (1986; New York: Da Capo, 1993), 21722.
21. See Harry Cooper, Mondrian, Hegel, Boogie, October 84 (Spring 1998): 136.
22. See/hear Cecil Taylor, Segments II (Orchestra of Two Continents): Winged Serpent
(Sliding Quadrants) (Milan: Soul Note, 1985).
23. Yve-Alain Bois, Piet Mondrian, New York City, in Painting as Model (Cambridge:
MIT Press, 1990), 183.
24. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth, trans. Constance Farrington (New York:
Grove Press, 1968), 227; hereafter abbreviated Wretched/F.
25. See W. E. B. Du Bois, Sociology Hesitant, boundary 2 27, no. 3 (2000): 41.
26. Frantz Fanon, Les damns de la terre (1961; Paris, 1991), 273. See also Wretched/F, p. 227,
and Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth, trans. Richard Philcox (New York: Grove
Press, 2004), 163; hereafter abbreviated Wretched/P. Forgive my oscillationundertaken
primarily due to considerations of style (which is not only eternal, as Mackey says, but
fundamental)between the poles of these translations.