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VIVA QUESTIONS:1. Define buckling facto r and buckling load.

Buckling factor: It is the ratio between the equivalent length of the column to the
minimum radius of gyration.
Buckling load : The maximum limiting load at which the column tends to have
lateral displacement or tends to buckle is called buckling or crippling load. The
buckling takes place about the axis having minimum radius of gyration, or least moment
of inertia
2. Define safe load.
It is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and is well below the
buckling load. It is obtained b y dividing the buckling load by a suitable factor o f safety
Safe load = Buckling load /Factor of safety
3. State Hookes law.
It states that when the material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is
directly proportional to the strain.
Stress Strain
4. Define Factor of Safety.
It is defined as the ratio of ultimate tensile stress to the permissible stress(working
5. State the tensile stress & tensile strain.
When a member is subjected to equal & opposite axial pulls the length of the
member is increased. The stress is included at any cross section of the member is called
Tensile stress & the corresponding strain is known as Tensile strain.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1. Define Stress.

When an external force acts on a body, it undergoes deformation. At the same
time the body resists deformation. The magnitude of the resisting force is numerically
equal to the applied force. This internal resisting force per unit area is called stress.
2. Define strain.
When an external force acts on a body, there is some change of dimension in the
body. Numerically the strain is equal to the ratio of change in length to the original length
of the body.
3. Define Modulus of Elasticity.
The ratio of tensile stress to the corresponding tensile strain is constant within its
elastic limit. The ratio is known as Youngs Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity.
4. State Bulk Modulus.
The ratio of direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain is constant within
elastic limit. The ratio is known as Bulk Modulus.
5. Define poisons ratio.
When a body is stressed, within its elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the
longitudinal strain is constant for a given material.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1. Who postulated the theory of curved beam?

Winkler-Bach postulated the theory of curved beam.
2. What is the shape of distribution of bending stress in a curved beam?
The distribution of bending stress is hyperbolic in a curved beam.

3. Where does the neutral axis lie in a curved beam?

The neutral axis does not coincide with the geometric axis.
4. What is the nature of stress in the inside section of a crane hook?
Tensile stress
5. Where does the maximum stress in a ring under tension occur?
The maximum stress in a ring under tension occurs along the line of action of load.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1. What are the planes along which the greatest shear stresses occur?
Greatest shear stress occurs at the planes which is inclined at 45
2. Define: Strain Energy
When an elastic body is under the action of external forces the body deforms and
work is done b y these forces. If a strained, perfectly elastic body is allowed to
recover slowly to its unstrained state. It is capable of giving back all the work
done by these external forces. This work done in straining such a body may be
regarded as energy stored in a body and is called strain energy or resilience.
3. Define: Unit load method.
load is removed and the unit load is applied at the point, where the
deflection or rotation is to found
4. Give the procedure for unit load method.
1. Find the forces P1, P2, . in all the members due to external loads
2. Remove the external loads and apply the unit vertical point load at the
joint if the vertical deflection is required and find the stress
3. Apply the equation for vertical and horizontal deflection.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1.What is uniformly distributed load?

If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of loading w is uniform
through out the length, then it is called as UDL.
2. Define shear force
Shear force-SF at any cross section of is defined as the algebraic sum of all the forces acting
side of a beam.
3. Define Bending Moment at a section.
BM at any cross section if the algebraic sum of the moments of all forces which are
placed either side from the support.
4. What is meant by positive or sagging BM?
BM is said to be positive or sagging if the moment of the forces in the left side of the
beam is clockwise or right side of the beam is counter clock wise. Otherwise the beam to
bend like concave manner.
5. What is meant by negative or hogging BM?
BM is said to be positive or sagging if the moment of the forces in the left side of the
beam is counter clockwise or right side of the beam is clock wise. Otherwise the beam to
bend like concave manner.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1. What are the factors affect the strength column?
1.Slenderness ratio:
Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the
compressive strength of the column decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased.

2. End conditions: Strength of the column depends upon the end conditions also
2 What is pure bending of a beam?
When the loads pass through the bending axis of a beam, then there shall be pure
bending of the beam.
3.What is shear centre or angle of twist?
The shear centre for any transverse section of the beam is the point of
intersection of the bending ax is and the plane of the transverse section.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1. Define principal stresses and principal plane?

Principal Stresses: The magnitude of normal stress, acting on a principal plane is
known as principal stresses.
Principal Plane: The planes which have no shear stress are known as principal planes.
2. What is the radius of Mohrs circle?
Radius of Mohrs circle is equal to the maximum shear stress.
3. What is the use of Mohrs circle?

VIVA QUESTIONS:1.Define: Column and strut.

A column is a long vertical slender bar or vertical member, subjected to an
axial compressive load and fixed rigidly at both ends.
A strut is a slender bar or a member in an y position other than vertical, subjected to a
compressive load and fixed rigidly or hinged or pin jointed at one or both the ends.
2. What are the types of column failure?
a. Crushing failure:
The column will reach a stage, when it will be subjected to the ultimate crushing
stress, beyond this the column will fail by crushing The load corresponding to the
crushing stress is called crushing load. This type of failure occurs in short column.
b. Buckling failure:
This kind of failure is due to lateral deflection of the column. The load
at which the column just buckles is called buckling load or crippling load or critical load.
This type of failure occurs in long column
3. What is slenderness ratio (buckling factor)? What is its relevance in column?
It is th e ratio of effective length of column to the least radius of
gyration of the cross sectional ends of the column.
Slenderness ratio = l eff / r
l eff = effective length of column
r = least radius of gyration
Slenderness ratio is used to differentiate the type of column.Strength of the column
depends upon the slenderness ratio,it is increased the compressive strength the column
decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased

VIVA QUESTIONS:1.Define beam?

Beam is a structural member which is supported along the length subjected to external
loads acting transversely. ie., perpendicular to the centre of the beam. Beam is
sufficiently long as compared to external load.
2.What is meant by transverse loading on beams?
If a load is acting on the beam which perpendicular to the support centre line
Then it is called transverse loading.

3.How do you classify the beams according to its supports?

The beam may be classified according to the support
Simply supported beam
Over hanging beam
Fixed beam
Continuous beam
4. What is cantilever beam?
A beam with one end free and other end fixed is called Cantilever beam
5. What is simply supported beam?
A beam supported or resting freely on the supports at its both ends the its is called simply
supported beam.
6. What is over hanging beam?
If beam one or both end extend beyond the support limit then it is called as over hanging

VIVA QUESTIONS:1.) Define hardening.

It is a heat treatment process to increase the strength and hardness.
2. Name some quenching mediums.
Air, water, oil.

VIVA QUESTIONS:1.)Define tempering.

It is a heat treatment process to reduce the stress and brittleness.
2. Define safe load.
It is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and is well below the
buckling load. It is obtained b y dividing the buckling load by a suitable factor o f safety
Safe load = Buckling load /Factor of safety
3. State Hookes law.
It states that when the material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is
directly proportional to the strain.
Stress Strain
4. Define Factor of Safety.
It is defined as the ratio of ultimate tensile stress to the permissible stress(working

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