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New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
Buckling factor: It is the ratio between the equivalent length of the column to the
minimum radius of gyration.
Buckling load : The maximum limiting load at which the column tends to have
lateral displacement or tends to buckle is called buckling or crippling load. The
buckling takes place about the axis having minimum radius of gyration, or least moment
of inertia
2. Define safe load.
It is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and is well below the
buckling load. It is obtained b y dividing the buckling load by a suitable factor o f safety
Safe load = Buckling load /Factor of safety
3. State Hookes law.
It states that when the material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is
directly proportional to the strain.
Stress Strain
4. Define Factor of Safety.
It is defined as the ratio of ultimate tensile stress to the permissible stress(working
5. State the tensile stress & tensile strain.
When a member is subjected to equal & opposite axial pulls the length of the
member is increased. The stress is included at any cross section of the member is called
Tensile stress & the corresponding strain is known as Tensile strain.
VIVA QUESTIONS:1. What are the planes along which the greatest shear stresses occur?
Greatest shear stress occurs at the planes which is inclined at 45
2. Define: Strain Energy
When an elastic body is under the action of external forces the body deforms and
work is done b y these forces. If a strained, perfectly elastic body is allowed to
recover slowly to its unstrained state. It is capable of giving back all the work
done by these external forces. This work done in straining such a body may be
regarded as energy stored in a body and is called strain energy or resilience.
3. Define: Unit load method.
load is removed and the unit load is applied at the point, where the
deflection or rotation is to found
4. Give the procedure for unit load method.
1. Find the forces P1, P2, . in all the members due to external loads
2. Remove the external loads and apply the unit vertical point load at the
joint if the vertical deflection is required and find the stress
3. Apply the equation for vertical and horizontal deflection.
VIVA QUESTIONS:1. What are the factors affect the strength column?
1.Slenderness ratio:
Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the
compressive strength of the column decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased.
2. End conditions: Strength of the column depends upon the end conditions also
2 What is pure bending of a beam?
When the loads pass through the bending axis of a beam, then there shall be pure
bending of the beam.
3.What is shear centre or angle of twist?
The shear centre for any transverse section of the beam is the point of
intersection of the bending ax is and the plane of the transverse section.