KAT-B 2452 EROXplus Edition1 07-02-2014 EN PDF
KAT-B 2452 EROXplus Edition1 07-02-2014 EN PDF
KAT-B 2452 EROXplus Edition1 07-02-2014 EN PDF
Standard Version
Open Version
1 General
1.1 Safety
2.1 Transport
2.2 Storage
3 Product features
4.2.1 Fixing the VAG EROX plus Penstock to the structure with anchor bolts
6 Actuators
6.1 General
8 Trouble-shooting
1 General
1.1 Safety
These Installation and Operation Instructions must be
observed and applied at all times along with the general VAG Installation and Operation Instructions for
Valves (see www.vag-group.com/Category: Installation and Operating Instructions).
Arbitrary alterations of this product and the parts supplied with it
are not allowed. VAG does not assume any warranty or liability for
consequential damage arising from non-compliance with these
instructions. When using this valve, the generally acknowledged
rules of technology have to be observed (e.g. DIN standards,
DVGW guidelines, VDI directives, etc.). The Penstock must only
be installed by qualified, specially trained staff. For further technical information such as dimensions, materials or applications,
please refer to the respective documentation (KAT-A 2452).
VAG valves are designed and manufactured to the state of the art
and their safety of operation is ensured in general. However,
valves may be potentially dangerous if they are operated improperly or are not applied for the intended use.
Everyone dealing with the assembly, disassembly, operation,
maintenance and repair of the Penstock must have read and understood the complete Operating and Maintenance Instructions
(Accident Prevention Regulations, VBG 1 14 ff [Regulations issued by the Trade Associations].
The pressure in the pipeline section must be relieved and hazards
must be eliminated before protective devices are removed and/or
work is performed on penstocks. Unauthorised, unintentional and
unexpected actuation as well as any hazardous movements
caused by stored energy (pressurised air, water under pressure)
must be prevented.
For equipment for which monitoring is mandatory, the relevant
laws and regulations such as the Industrial Code, Accident Prevention Regulations, Boiler Inspection Regulations, AD Data
Sheets (AD = Boiler Study Group) etc. must be complied with. In
addition to this, local accident prevention regulations must be
complied with.
For customised models of the VAG EROXplus Penstock, please
read the order-related instructions which may be included separately and/or are included in the order documentation.
Arbitrary alterations of this product, the parts and accessories
supplied with it are not allowed. VAG does not assume any liability for any hazards and damage resulting from the improper use of
the product and from non-compliance with the instructions contained in this document.
1.3 Identification
According to DIN EN 19 all valves bear an identification label specifying the nominal diameter (DN), nominal pressure (PN), body
material and the manufacturers logo.
A rating plate is attached to the body and contains at least the
following information:
Manufacturers name
2.2 Storage
The VAG EROXplus Penstock must be stored lying flat on its rear
The elastomeric parts (seals) must be protected against direct
sunlight and/or UV radiation as otherwise their long-term sealing
function cannot be guaranteed. Store the Penstock in a dark, dry
and well-aerated place. The direct exposure of the Penstocks to
radiation heat emitted by sources of heat should be avoided. Protect any assembly units important for proper function such as the
stem, stem nut, sealing ring or gate against dust and other dirt by
adequate covering.
The Penstock can be stored in ambient temperatures ranging
from -20 C to +50 C (protected by adequate covers). If the Penstock is stored at temperatures below 0 C, it should be warmed
up to at least +5 C before installation and before it is put into
3 Product features
3.1 Features and function description
up to 10 m WC (1.0 bar)
DN 400 to DN 800:
up to 8 m WC (0.8 bar
DN 900 to DN 1200:
up to 7 m WC (0.7 bar)
above DN 1200:
up to 6 m WC (0.6 bar)
As a standard, the VAG EROXplus Penstock is available in nominal diameters from DN 150 to DN 1200 in the following versions:
for flange connection (F)
with smooth surfaced bottom seal (G)
The VAG EROXplus Penstock is available in two basic versions
Standard version EROXplus (Picture 2) with closed frame,
compact valve, ready for assembly, with non-rising stem
and integrated stem bearing. This version should preferably
be used for non-submerged installation as the sensitive
components moving in relation to each other (stem, stem nut
and stem bearing) are arranged directly on the Penstock. In
submerged installation, they would come into direct contact
with the medium and be difficult to service. Also, the soiling of
the operating components increases the operating torques and
may even lead to the Penstocks not being operable any more,
which means increased wear and tear and a shorter useful life.
Special version EROXplus-O (Picture 3) with open frame. This
version is also delivered ready for assembly and especially
serves as basic version for all solutions with rising stem. This
version should preferably be used for submerged installation,
as in this case the sensitive components moving in relation to
each other (stem, stem nut and stem bearing) are arranged at
the same level as the actuator (handwheel, electric actuator or
gear box). In submerged installation, these components are
located outside the medium, are therefore easily accessible at
any time and can be easily serviced. Contrary to the standard
version described above, the EROXplus O type with rising
stem has constantly low operating torques and little wear of
the actuating components.
The VAG EROXplus Penstock has a sturdy, torsion-resistant
frame construction. It remains dimensionally stable when the
Penstock is mounted to walls (of evenness within the tolerances of DIN EN 18202).
Stem nut
Wall seal
Picture 2: Standart Version
open frame
Locking system
Bottom seal
Profil seal
The VAG EROXplus Penstock has some advanced technical features which form the basis of its reliable and tight sealing function
and ensure low operating torques.
Locking system:
This additional locking system (used from DN 700 on) effectively
supports the tightness of the upper lateral seal.
Profiled seal:
The specially shaped profiled seal inserted in the frame section
ensures the excellent tightness of the Penstock. To replace the
profiled seal, it is not necessary to dismantle the Penstock.
Bottom seal:
The wide, voluminous and flat bottom seal ensures reliable
sealing of the gate when the Penstock is in closed position.
Patented sliding wedge system:
The VAG sliding wedge system combines the advantages of the
sliding system (good guiding properties, vibration-free, valve
can also be used in intermediate position) with those of the
wedge system (relief of the load on the seal, reduced wear, low
operating forces and excellent, reliable tightness).
As the wedges are connected in series, more wedges can be
used and the frame sections remain compact and rigid.
10 m
15 m
must be complied with. In this connection, Table 3, surface evenness tolerances line 7 applies.
This means:
3 mm maximum deviation per 1 metre of concrete surface
5 mm maximum deviation per 2 metres of concrete surface
The edges of the structure must not be broken off to ensure that
the sealing ring rests completely on concrete.
Drill hole
Number of drill
penstock against the wall must rest completely on the even wall
surface of the structure.
The VAG EROXplus Penstock may now be used as a drilling
template. With a suitable drill (for the size of the drill hole see Picture 4) the holes for the anchor bolts are drilled through the holes
of the attachment claws. Afterwards the holes must be blown out.
Any loose drilling dust remaining in the holes will affect the bonding strength of the chemical reaction holes.
Any incorrect drilled holes must be properly closed before the
Penstock is attached. This prevents the steel reinforcement of the
concrete exposed by drilling from carrying corrosion into the
Anchor bolts (chemical reaction anchors) must be installed according to the instruction of the suppliers of the chemical reaction
anchors. Please only use the attachment material included in the
scope of supply (see Figure 7) observe the instructions provided
on the proper handling of chemical anchors (Picture 8).
After the setting time unfasten the VAG EROXplus Penstock to
remove any excess synthetic mortar which may have emerged
from the holes with a screw driver or chisel. Any excess adhesive
that remains outside the holes prevents the correct seating of the
penstock wall seal on the structure and thus affects the sealing
Deep of drill
max. tightening
14 mm
165 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
165 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
165 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
165 mm
40 Nm
165 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
14 mm
40 Nm
Attention! Nominal diameter of 500x500, the two holes for the upper crossmember must be drilled 190 mm deep!
Clean drill
hole with
brush. Blow
out drilling dust
Insert cartidge
Stir contents
of cartidge
Observe the
setting time
Now the VAG EROXplus Penstock is fastened evenly to the surface of the structure and the bolts are fastened cross-wise to the
wall of the structure until the retainers rest evenly on the surface
of the wall. This ensures that the wall seal of the penstock is optimally pre-tensioned on the wall surface
Before full load is applied to the VAG EROXplus Penstock, the
prescribed setting time of the chemical reaction anchor bolts
must have expired.
The now operational VAG EROXplus Penstock must be cleaned
from drilling dust and drilling residues, in particular the inner
area between the frame and the gate as well as the thrust
Pipe flange
Adapter plate
Picture 11: Assembly of the penstock on the adapter plate
All-thread rods
Do not use any other nuts and washers than those supplied
with the penstock. Attention! As the threaded bolts are not
arranged symmetrically, make sure they are properly aligned
when mounting the adapter plate. The threaded bolts on
the penstock side must be arranged on the sides and
Not permissible
Pipe flange
Nuts and
Slide rail
Limit stop
Recommended lubricants:
Stem, stem nut:
Especially after repair work but also during the set-up of new
equipment, the pipeline system must be cleared again with the
Penstock fully open. As a standard the Penstock is closed by turning the operating square end clockwise (via an operating key, a
handwheel or an electric actuator).
Klberplex BE 31-502
Lock nut
Seal, gate:
Fuchs Chemplex Si 2
Fuchs Notropeen Si 1
Klberbeta VR 67-17002
Picture 13: Readjustment of the limit stop screws of the sliding wedge system
6 Actuators
6.1 General
Directly mounted actuators/drives or VAG extension spindles in
many different types are available for the VAG EROXplus Penstock.
Actuators mounted directly to the penstock bridge (pneumatic,
hydraulic or electric actuators) are only designed for the operating
conditions specified in the order. The adjustment of the limit stops
(OPEN, CLOSED) must not be changed without the manufacturers
If the Penstock and the actuator are delivered separately, e.g. on
a headstock, the limit switches must be adjusted on site before
the actuator is put into operation.
The limit switches are adjusted in compliance with the operation
instructions of the respective manufacturer of the actuator, such
as AUMA, Rotork etc. When a gear unit is retrofitted, its nominal
torque and the adjustment of the limit stops (OPEN and CLOSED)
must be adapted to the Penstock.
For detailed information about drives and actuators, please refer
to the operation manuals of the manufacturers (e.g. AUMA,...).
Non-compliance with these Introductions may lead to physical injury and death and/or cause damage to the equipment. If actuators powered by external energy (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic)
have to be disassembled from the Penstock, the safety instructions in Chapter 1.1 must be observed and the external energy
source must be switched off.
Improper , wrong and abrupt use of the Penstock should be avoided. Prior to the performance of any work on the Penstock and
equipment it must be ensured that the relevant pipeline section
has been depressurised and/or de-energised.
8 Trouble-shooting
For all repair and maintenance work, please observe
the general safety instructions described in Section
Possible causes
Stem dirty
Check the torque adjustment of the electric actuator and readjust it,
if required, according to the manufacturers instructions
Seal damaged
Replace seal
9 How to contact us
Head office
VAG-Armaturen GmbH
Carl-Reuther-Str. 1
68305 Mannheim
Telephone: +49 (621) 749-0
Fax: +49 (621) 749-2153
[email protected]
Our service hotline can be reached 24/7 world-wide. In case of
emergency, please contact us by phone.
Service hotline: +49 621-749 2222
[email protected]
Edition 1 - 07-02-2014