Differentiable Manifold
Differentiable Manifold
Differentiable Manifold
Eckhard Meinrenken
The main references for these lecture notes are the first volume of Greub-HalperinVanstone, and the book by Bott-Tu (second edition!).
Partitions of unity
Vector fields
Differential forms
De Rham cohomology
Compactly supported cohomology
Finite-dimensionality of de Rham cohomology
Poincare duality
Mapping degree
Kuenneth formula
De Rham theorem
Fiber bundles
The Thom class
Intersection numbers
1. Manifolds
1.1. Definition of manifolds. A n-dimensional manifold is a space that locally
looks like Rn . To give a precise meaning to this idea, our space first of all has to come
equipped with some topology (so that the word local makes sense). Recall that a
topological space is a set M , together with a collection of subsets of M , called open
subsets, satisfying the following three axioms: (i) the empty set and the space M itself
are both open, (ii) the intersection of any finite collection of open subsets is open, (iii)
the union of any collection of open subsets is open. The collection of open subsets of M
is also called the topology of M . A map f : M1 M2 between topological spaces is
called continuous if the pre-image of any open subset in M2 is open in M1 . A continuous
map with a continuous inverse is called a homeomorphism.
One basic ingredient in the definition of a manifold is that our topological space
comes equipped with a covering by open sets which are homeomorphic to open subsets
of Rn .
Definition 1.1. Let M be a topological space. An n-dimensional chart for M is a
pair (U, ) consisting of an open subset U Rn and a continuous map : U Rn such
that is a homeomorphism onto its image (U ). Two such charts (U , ), (U , ) are
C -compatible if the transition map
: (U U ) (U U )
is a diffeomorphism (a smooth map with smooth inverse). A covering A = (U )A of
M by pairwise C -compatible charts is called a C -atlas.
Some people define a C -manifold to be a topological space with a C atlas. It is
more common, however, to restrict the class of topological spaces.
Definition 1.2 (Manifolds). A C -manifold is a Hausdorff topological space M ,
with countable basis, together with a C -atlas.
Remarks 1.3.
(a) We recall that a topological space is called Hausdorff if any
two points have disjoint open neighborhoods. A basis for a topological space M
is a collection B of open subsets of M such that every open subset of M is a
union of open subsets in the collection B. For example, the collection of open
balls B (x) in Rn define a basis. But one already has a basis if one takes only
all balls B (x) with x Qn and Q>0 ; this then defines a countable basis. A
topological space with countable basis is also called second countable.
(b) The Hausdorff axiom excludes somewhat pathological examples, such as following: Let M = R {p}, where p is a point, with the topology given by open
sets in R, together with sets of the form (U \{0}) {p}, for open sets U R
containing 0. An open covering of M is given by the two sets U+ = R and
U = R\{0} {p}. The natural projection from M to R, taking p to 0, descends to smooth maps + : U+ R and : U R. Then M with atlas
(c) Grassmannians. The set GrR (k, n) of all k-dimensional subspaces of Rn is called
the Grassmannian of k-planes in Rn . A C -atlas may be constructed as follows.
For any subset I {1, . . . , n} of cardinality #I = k, let RI Rn be the subspace
consisting of all x Rn with xi = 0 for i 6 I. Thus each RI GrR (k, n).
Let UI Gr(k, n) be the set of all k-dimensional subspaces E Rn with
E (RI ) = {0}. There is a bijection I : UI
= L(RI , (RI ) )
= Rk(nk) of UI
with the space of linear maps AI : RI (RI ) , where each such A corresponds
to the subspace E = {x + AI (x)| x RI }.
To check that the charts are compatible, let I denote orthogonal projection
Rn RI . We have to show that for all intersections, UI UI, the map taking
AI to AI is smooth. The map AI is determined by the equations
AI (xI ) = (1 I )x, xI = I x
for x E, and x = xI + AI xI . Thus
AI(xI) = (I I)(AI + 1)xI , xI = I(AI + 1)xI .
(n j) = n(n 1)/2.
It is possible to construct an atlas for FlR (n) using this idea. Below we will give
an alternative approach, by showing that the flag manifold is a homogeneous
space (see below). Similarly, one can define a complex flag manifold FlC (n), consisting of flags of subspaces in Cn . Also, one can define spaces FlR (k1 , . . . , kl , n)
of partial flags, consisting of subspaces {0} = E0 E1 El El+1 = Rn
of given dimensions k1 , . . . , kl , n. Note that FlR (k, n) = Gr(k, n).
(e) Klein Bottle. Let M be the manifold obtained as a quotient [0, 1] [0, 1]/
under the equivalence relation (x, 0) (x, 1), (0, x) (1, 1 x). Exercise: The
quotient space has natural manifold structure. Hint: Write M as a quotient of
R2 rather than [0, 1]2 . Then use charts for R2 to define charts for M .
A manifold M is called orientable if it admits an atlas such that the Jacobians of all
transition maps 1
have positive determinants. An manifold M with such an atlas
is called an oriented manifold.
Exercise 1.4. Show that GrR (1, n + 1) = RP (n), and GrR (k, n) = GrR (n k, n).
Exercise 1.5. Construct a manifold structure on the space M = Gror
R (k, n) of orin
ented k-planes in R .
Exercise 1.6. Show that RP (n) is orientable if and only if n is odd. Any idea for
which k, n the Grassmannian GrR (k, n) is orientable? (Answer: If and only if n is odd.)
Show that the Klein Bottle is non-orientable. Show that any complex manifold
(viewed as a real manifold) is oriented.
1.3. Smooth maps between manifolds.
Definition 1.7. A map F : N M between manifolds is called smooth (or C )
if for all charts (U, ) of N and (V, ) of M with F (U ) V , the composite map
F 1 : (U ) (V )
is smooth. The space of smooth maps from N to M is denoted C (N, M ). A smooth
map F : N M with smooth inverse F 1 : M N is called a diffeomorphism.
In the special case where the target space is the real line we write C (M ) :=
C (M, R). The space C (M ) is an algebra under pointwise multiplication, called the
algebra of functions on M . For any f C (M ), one defines the support of f to be the
closed set
supp(f ) = {x M | f (x) 6= 0}.
Clearly, the composition of any two smooth maps is again smooth. In particular, any
F C (N, M ) defines an algebra homomorphism
F : C (M ) C (N ), f 7 F f = f F
F f
In fact, a given map F : N M is smooth if and only if for all f C (M ), the pulled
back map F f = f F is smooth. (Exercise.)
If M is a manifold, we say that a coordinate chart : U Rm is centered at x M
if (x) = 0.
Definition 1.8. Let F C (N, M ) be a smooth map between manifolds of dimensions n, m, and x N . The rank of F at x, denoted rankx (F ), is the rank of the
D(x) ( f 1 ) : Rn Rm ,
for any choice of charts : U Rn centered at x and : V Rm centered at F (x).
The point x is called regular if rankx (F ) = m, and singular (or critical) otherwise. A
point y M is called a regular value if rankx (F ) = m for all x F 1 (y), singular value
Note that the rank of the map F does not depend on the choice of coordinate charts.
According to our definition, points that are not in the image of F are regular values.
Lemma 1.9. The map M Z, x 7 rankx (F ) is lower semi-continuous: That is, for
any x0 M there is an open neighborhood U around x0 such that rankx (F ) rankx0 (F )
for x U . In particular, if r = maxxM rankx (F ), the set {x M | rankx (F ) = r} is
open in M .
Proof. Choose coordinate charts : U Rn centered at x0 and : V Rm
centered at F (x0 ). By assumption, the Jacobian D(x0 ) : Rn Rm has rank r =
rankx0 (F ). Equivalently, some r r-minor of the matrix representing D(x0 ) has nonzero determinant. By continuity, the same r r-minor for any D(x) , x U has nonzero
determinant, provided U is sufficiently small. This means that the rank of F at x must
be at least r.
Definition 1.10. Let F C (N, M ) be a smooth map between manifolds of dimensions n, m. The map F is called a
submersion if rankx (F ) = m for all x M .
immersion if rankx (F ) = n for all x M .
local diffeomorphism if dim M = dim N and F is a submersion (equivalently, an
Thus, submersions are the maximal rank maps if m n, and immersions are the
maximal rank maps if m n.
The Jacobian of at x = 0 is just the identity matrix. Hence the inverse function
theorem applies: There exists some smaller neighborhood U of 0 M Rn , such that
is a diffeomorphism U (U ). Then (U, ) is the desired coordinate system.
Exercise 1.17. Construct an explicit embedding of the Klein bottle into R4 . Solution: Given 0 < r < R define F (, ) = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) where
(R + r cos ) cos ,
(R + r cos ) sin ,
r sin cos /2,
r sin sin /2.
for 0 2 and 0 2.
1.4. Tangent vectors. There is a number of equivalent coordinate-free definitions
for the tangent space Tx M of a manifold x M at some point x M . Our favorite
definition defines Tx M as the space of directional derivatives.
Definition 1.18. Let M be a manifold. A tangent vector at x M is a linear map
v : C (M ) R satisfying the Leibnitz rule (product rule)
v(f1 f2 ) = v(f1 )f2 (x) + f1 (x)v(f2 ).
The vector space of tangent vectors at x is denoted Tx M , and called the tangent space
at x.
It follows immediately from the definition that any tangent vector vanishes on constant functions. Indeed, if 1 denotes the constant function f (x) = 1, the product rule
v(1) = v(1 1) = v(1) 1 + 1 v(1) = 2v(1)
thus v(1) = 0. Furthermore, the product rule shows that for any two functions g, h with
g(x) = h(x) = 0, v(gh) = 0.
Lemma 1.19. If U Rn is an open subset and x0 U , the tangent space Tx0 U is
isomorphic to Rn , with basis the derivatives in coordinate directions,
|x0 : f 7
(x0 )
ai i |x=0
where ai = v(xi ).
(dx F )( i ) =
xi y j
where xi , y j are the coordinates on U, V .
Thus dx F is just the coordinate-free definition of the Jacobian: any choice of charts
(U, ) around x and (V, ) around F (x) identifies dx F with the Jacobian of the map
F 1 : (U ) (V ) at (x). In particular,
rankx (F ) = rank(dx F ).
F is an immersion if dx F is injective everywhere, and a submersion if dx F is surjective
Definition 1.23. A map F C (N, M ) is called an embedding if F is an injective
immersion and F is a homeomorphism onto F (N ) (with the subspace topology).
T(t) M
by (t)
= () ( t
). The action of the velocity vector on functions is, by definition of
) = f ((t)).
the tangent vector for the curve F .
F ((t)),
every open cover has a locally finite refinement. We will show now that manifolds are
paracompact. First we need:
Lemma 2.1. Every manifold has an open covering (Si )N
i=1 where each S i is compact,
and S i Si+1 , for all i.
Proof. Let (Ui )
i=1 be a countable basis of the topology. Already the Ui s with
compact closure are a basis for the topology, so passing to a subsequence we may assume
that each Ui has compact closure. Let S1 = U1 . Let k(1) > 1 be an integer such that
U1 , . . . , Uk(1) cover S 1 . Put S2 := U1 . . . Uk(1) . Let k(2) > k(1) be an integer such
that U1 , . . . , Uk(2) cover S 2 . Put S3 := U1 . . . Uk(2) . Proceeding in this fashion, one
produces a sequence Si with the required properties.
Theorem 2.2. Every manifold M is paracompact. In fact, every open cover admits
a countable, locally finite refinement consisting of open sets with compact closures.
Proof. Let (U )A be any given cover of M . Here A is any indexing set. Let
S1 , S2 , . . . be the sequence from Lemma 2.1. Each S i is compact, and is therefore covered
by finitely many U s. It follows that there exists a countable subset A A such that
(U )A is a covering of M . Replacing A with A , we may assume that our indexing set
is A = {1, 2, . . .} (possibly finite). For each j, let k(j) be an integer such that the sets
Ui with i k(1) cover S j . For 1 k k(j) define
Vkj = Uk (Sj+1 \S j1 )
where j is the integer such that k(j 1) < k k(j) (we put k(0) = 0 and S0 = ).
Then the collection Vkj s are a locally finite refinement of the given cover, and each Vkj
has compact closure.
Lemma 2.3. Let C M be a compact subset of some manifolds M . For any open
neighborhood U of C there exists a smooth function f C (M ) with 0 f 1, such
that f = 1 on C and supp(f ) U .
Proof. For each x C, choose a function fx C (M ) with supp(fx ) U and
fx = 1 on a neighborhood of x. (Such a function is easily constructed using a local
coordinate chart.)Let Cx = fx1 (1). Then {int(Cx )}xC are an open cover of C. By
compactness, there exists a finite subcover. Thus we can choose a finite collection of
points xi such that the interiors of the sets Ci = Cxi cover C. Write fi = fxi . Then
f = 1 (1 fi )
Then take Vi+1 to be the open set where f > 0. Then V1 , . . . , Vi+1 , Ui+2 , . . . is an open
cover. Since the original cover was locally finite, (Vi )N
i=1 is a cover of M .
Theorem 2.5. Let (U )A be an open covering of a manifold M . Then there exists
a partition of unity subordinate to the cover U , that is, a collection of functions
such that
(a) Each point x M has an open neighborhood U meeting the support of only
finitely many s.
(b) 0 1,
(c) P
supp( ) U ,
(d) = 1
(The sum is well-defined, since near each point only finitely many are non-zero.)
Proof. Suppose first that the cover is locally finite and that each U is compact.
Choose a shrinking (V )A as in the Lemma. Choose functions 0 f 1 supported
in U with f = 1 on V . Since the covering is locally finite, the sum f =
exists, and clearly f > 0 everywhere. Put = f /f . This proves the Theorem for
locally finite covers with compact closures. In the general case, choose a locally finite
refinement (U )B consisting of open sets with compact closures. There is a function
j : B A, 7 = j() such that U Uj() , and define = j()= .
Exercise 2.6. Show that Lemma 2.3 holds for any closed, not necessarily compact,
subset of M .
Here is a typical application of partitions of unity.
Theorem 2.7. Every manifold M can be embedded into Rk , for k sufficiently large.
Proof. We will prove this only under the additional assumption that M admits a
finite atlas. The existence of a finite atlas is obvious if M is compact. It can be shown
that in fact, every manifold admits a finite atlas but the proof is not so easy (see e.g. the
book Greub-Halperin-Vanstone). Let (Uk , k )N
k=1 be a finite atlas. Choose a partition of
unity subordinate k , subordinate to the cover Uk . Then k k : Uk Rm extends by
zero to a function fk C (M, Rm ). Let
F : M R(m+1)N , x 7 (f1 (x), . . . , fN (x), 1 (x), . . . , N (x)).
A famous theorem of Whitney (1944) says that any manifold of dimension dim M =
m can be embedded into R2m , and immersed into R2m1 . See Smale, Bull.Am.Math.Soc.
69 (1963), 133-145 for a survey of results on embeddings and immersions.
3. Vector fields
3.1. Vector fields. Suppose A is an algebra over R. A derivation of A is a linear
map D : A A satisfying the Leibnitz rule
D(ab) = aD(b) + D(a)b.
If D1 , D2 are derivations, then so is their commutator [D1 , D2 ] = D1 D2 D2 D1 . Recall
that the commutator satisfies the Jacobi identity,
[D1 , [D2 , D3 ]] + [D2 , [D3 , D1 ]] + [D3 , [D1 , D2 ]] = 0.
Thus Der(A) is a Lie subalgebra of the algebra End(A). If A is commutative, the space
Der(A) is an A-submodule of End(A): If D is a derivation and x A, then xD is also
a derivation.
Definition 3.1. A vector field on M is a derivation X Der(C (M )). That is, X
is a linear map X : C (M ) C (M ) satisfying the Leibnitz rule
X(f g) = (Xf )g + f (Xg), f, g C (M ).
The space of vector fields will be denoted X(M ). If X, Y X(M ), the vector field
[X, Y ] = X Y Y X is called the Lie bracket of X and Y .
Thus, the space X(M ) of vector fields is a Lie algebra. They are also a C (M )module, that is, f X X(M ) for all f C (M ) and X X(M ). Evaluation at any
point x M defines a linear map
X Tx M, X 7 Xx , Xx (f ) = (Xf )(x).
Conversely X can be recovered from the collection of tangent vectors Xx with x M .
We write
supp(X) = {x M | Xx 6= 0}.
One can think of a vector field as a family of tangent vectors depending smoothly on the
base point.
Exercise 3.2 (Locality). Show that vector fields are local, in the following sense: If
U is an open subset of a manifold M , and X X(M ), there exists a unique vector field
XU X(U ) (called the restriction of X to U ) such that (XU )x = Xx for all x U .
The action of X on functions f C (M ) supported in U is given in terms of
the restriction by Xf |U = XU (f |U ). Using a partition of unity, this means that the
restrictions of X to coordinate charts determine the vector field X. In local coordinates,
vector field have the following form:
Lemma 3.3. Suppose U Rn is an open subset. Then any X X(U ) has the form
where ai C (U ).
Proof. From the description of tangent vectors v Tx U , we know that
Xx =
ai (x)
for some function ai (x). We have to show that ai is smooth. But this is clear since
ai = X(f ) where f C (U ) is the coordinate function f (x) = xi .
Any diffeomorphism F C (N, M ) induces a map F : X(M ) X(N ) of vector
fields, with F (F (X)(f )) = X(F f ). Thus
F (Xx ) = (F X)F (x) .
For a general map F , this equation does need not define a vector field F X, for two
reasons: 1) If F is not surjective, the equation does not specify F X at points away from
the image of F , 2) If F is not injective, the equation assigns more than one value to
points y M having more than one pre-image.
Definition 3.4. Let F C (N, M ). Two vector fields X X(N ) and Y X(M )
are called F -related if
F (Y (f )) = X(F f )
for all f C (M ). One writes X F Y .
Proposition 3.5. X F Y if and only if
F (Xx ) = YF (x)
for all x N . If X1 F Y1 and X2 F Y2 then
[X1 , X2 ] F [Y1 , Y2 ].
Proof. Exercise.
= X(t) .
If U Rm is an open subset and X X(U ) is a vector field on U , this has the following
interpretation. Letting xi be the local coordinates on Rm , write
ai i
where ai C (U ). Also write (t) = ( 1 (t), . . . , m (t)). Then the tangent vector
T(t) U is just
i i .
x (t)
to a function f C (U ):
X d i f
) = f ((t)) =
dt xi (t)
Thus is an integral curve if and only its components satisfy the following system of
first order ordinary differential equation:
d i
= ai ((t))
From ODE theory, it follows that for any x U , there exists a unique maximal solution
x of this system: That is, there is an open interval Ix around t = 0, and a curve
x : Ix U with
x (0) = x, xi (t) = ai (x (t))
such that any other solution of this initial value problem is obtained by restriction to
a subinterval. Moreover, this solution depends smoothly on the initial value x. By
applying this result in manifold charts, one obtains:
Theorem 3.8. Let X be a vector field on a manifold M . For each x M there
exists a unique maximal solution x : Ix M to the initial value problem
x (0) = x, x (t) = Xx (t) .
The solution depends smoothly on the initial value x, in the following sense:
({x} Ix ) M R.
on M = (0, 1) R. By choosing a
example for an incomplete vector field is X = t
dt t=0 t
Exercise 3.14. Show that for any vector field X X(M ) and any x M with
Xx 6= 0, there exists a local chart around x in which X is given by the constant vector
field x 1 . Hint: Show that if S is an embedded codimension 1 submanifold, with x S
and Xx 6 Tx S, the map U (, ) M is a diffeomorphisms onto its image, fo some
open neighborhood U of x in S. Use the time parameter t and a chart around x U to
define a chart near x.
For any vector field X X(M ) and any diffeomorphism F C (N, M ), we define
F X X(N ) by
F X(F f ) = F (X(f )).
Thus F : X(M ) X(N ) is just the inverse map to F : X(N ) X(M ). Any complete
vector field X X(M ) with flow t gives rise to a map t : X(M ) X(M ). One
defines the Lie derivative LX of a vector field Y X(M ) by
LX (Y ) = t Y X(M ).
dt t=0
In fact, this definition also makes sense for incomplete X: (To define the restriction of
LX Y to an open set U M with compact closure, let > 0 be small enough such
[, ] Ix for all x U . Then t : U 7 t (U ) is defined for |t| < , and the equation
above makes sense.)
Theorem 3.15. For any X, Y X(M ), the Lie derivative LX Y is just the Lie bracket
[X, Y ]. One has the identity
[LX , LY ] = L[X,Y ] .
Proof. Let t = X
t be the flow of X. For f C (M ) we calculate,
(LX Y )(f ) =
|t=0 (t Y )(f )
|t=0 t (Y (t (f )))
|t=0 (t (Y (f )) Y (t (f ))
X(Y (f )) Y (X(f ))
[X, Y ](f ).
The identity [LX , LY ] = L[X,Y ] just rephrases the Jacobi identity for the Lie bracket.
The definition of Lie derivative gives the formula
d X
(t ) Y = (X
t ) (LX Y )
X d
|u=0 (X
by the calculation, dt (t ) Y = du
u+t ) Y = (t ) du |u=0 (u ) Y . From this we
Theorem 3.16. Let X, Y be two complete vector fields, with flows X
t and s . Then
[X, Y ] = 0 if and only if t and s commute for all t, s: t s = s t .
( ) Y = (X
t ) LX Y = (t ) [X, Y ] = 0
dt t
for all t. Hence (X
t ) Y = Y for all t, which means that Y is t -related to itself.
It follows that X
t takes the flow s of Y to itself, which is just the desired equation
t s = s t . Conversely, by differentiating the equation X
t s = s t
with respect to s, t, we find that [X, Y ] = 0.
Thus [X, Y ] measures the extent to which X
t and t fail to commute. This can be
made more precise:
t ) f
(X)j (f ) + O(tk+1 ).
Show that
Ft f = f + t2 [X, Y ](f ) + O(t3 ).
4. Differential forms
4.1. Super-algebras. A super-vector space is a vector space E with a Z2 -grading.
Elements of degree 0 mod 2 are called even, and elements of degree 1 mod 2 are called
odd. Thus a super-vector space is simply a vector space with a decomposition E =
E 0 E 1 . Elements in E 0 are called even and those in E 1 are called odd. We will also
write E 0 = E even and E 1 = E odd , in particularly if E carries other gradings that might
be confused with the Z2 -grading. The space End(E) of endomorphisms has a splitting
End(E) = End(E)0 End(E)1 ,
where End(E)0 consists of endomorphisms preserving the splitting E = E 0 E 1 , and
End(E)1 consists of endomorphisms taking E 0 to E 1 and E 1 to E 0 . A = End(E) is a
first example of a super-algebra, that is, a Z2 -graded algebra 1 A = Aeven Aodd such
Ak Al Ak+l mod 2
for k, l {0, 1}. The sign conventions of supermathematics decrees:
Super-sign convention: A minus sign appears whenever two odd elements interchange their position.
Physicists thinks of elements of odd degree as fermions, and those of even degree
as bosons. Her are some examples of the super-sign convention. The tensor product
of super-algebras A, B is defined to be the usual tensor product A B, with Z2 -grading
(A B)k =
Al B m ,
l+m=k mod 2
this course, algebra always means an associative algebra over R with unit 1.
In this case, we will call E a Z-graded super-vector space. Ordinary vector spaces E can
be viewed as super-vector spaces by putting E even = E, E odd = 0.
4.2. Exterior algebra. We now give our main example of a graded algebra. Let
E be a finite dimensional real vector space. (The example to keep in mind is E = Tx M ,
the tangent space to a manifold. But other examples will appear as well.)
For any finite dimensional vector space E over R, one defines 0 E = R, 1 E = E ,
and more generally
k E = {antisymmetric k-linear maps : E
E} R}.
| {z
k times
k!(n k)!
where runs over all permutations. The wedge product extends to all of E by linearity.
For example, if f1 , f2 E then
(f1 f2 )(v1 , v2 ) = f1 (v1 )f2 (v2 ) f1 (v2 )f2 (v1 ).
More generally, if f1 , . . . , fk E ,
(f1 fk )(v1 , . . . , vk ) = det(fi (vj )).
the infinite dimensional case dim E = , one defines the exterior algebra somewhat differently.
Fortunately, we will only be concerned with finite dimensions.
Proposition 4.5.
(a) The wedge product is associative and super-commutative.
(b) Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of E and f 1 , . . . , f n the dual basis of E . For each
ordered subset I = {i1 , . . . , ik } {1, . . . , n} let f I = f i1 . . . f ik . Then
{f I | #I = k} is a basis for k E .
Exercise 4.6. If E1 , E2 are two finite dimensional vector space, show that
(E1 E2 ) = E1 E2
(tensor product of graded algebras).
There are two important operations on E called exterior multiplication and contraction. Exterior multiplication is just the algebra homomorphism
: E End(E )
for the graded commutative algebra E . Thus ()() = . For v E, one defines
the contraction operator
v : k E k1 E
by v ()(v2 , . . . , vk ) = (v, v2 , . . . , vk ). Sometimes we write v = (v).
Thus v End1 (E ). Clearly v v = 0. Hence also
[v , w ] = v+w v+w = 0.
If f1 , . . . , fk are vectors in E ,
v (f1 fk ) =
(1)j+1 fj (v)f1 fbj fk .
This follows from the definition of the wedge product, or equivalently by expanding the
determinant on the right hand side of (2) at the first column.
Theorem 4.7. The contraction operator v is a super-derivation of degree 1 of
E . One has
[v , ()] = (v ).
Proof. Let f1 , . . . , fr be vectors in E . From (3) we read off that for any l r,
v (f1 fr ) = v (f1 fl ) (fl fr ) + (1)l (f1 fl ) v (fl fr ).
By linearity, it follows that
v ( ) = v + (1)l v
for l E and E , proving that v is a super-derivation. The identity [v , ()] =
(v ) is just re-phrasing the same condition.
For any linear map A : F E the dual map A : E F extends uniquely to an
algebra homomorphism A : E F . Thus if f1 , . . . , fk E ,
A (f1 fk ) = (A f1 A fk ).
= ij .
(dxi )x
xj x
Theorem 4.11. The map d : 0 (M ) 1 (M ), f 7 df extends uniquely to a
super-derivation of degree 1 on (M ), called exterior differential, with d(df ) = 0. The
exterior differential has property
d d = 0.
I = (
Proof. It suffices to prove existence and uniqueness for the restrictions to elements
of an open cover (U )A . Indeed, once we know that d|U exist and are unique, then
the forms d|U agree on overlaps U U by uniqueness, so they define a global form
d. In particular, we may take (U )A to be a covering by coordinate charts. This
reduces the problem to open subsets U Rm .
The derivation property of d forces us to define d : k (U ) k+1 (U ) as follows,
dxj dxI .
I dxI ) =
dI dxI =
We have
X X 2I
d2 (
I dxI ) =
dxk dxj dxI = 0,
k xj
dx dy +
dy dz +
dz dx,
x y
y z
so d is essentially the curl, and on 2-forms = f dy dz + gdz dx + hdx dy,
g h
dx dy dz,
d =
x y z
so d is essentially the divergence. In general, one should think of d as the proper abstract
setting for grad, curl, div.
4.5. Functoriality. Any smooth map F C (N, M ) between manifolds gives rise
to an algebra homomorphism
F : (M ) (N )
such that (F )x = F (x ).
Theorem 4.12. F commutes with exterior differential:
F d = d F .
Proof. The algebra (M ) is generated by all functions f C (M ) together with
all differentials df . That is, any differential form can be written as a finite linear combination of expressions
f0 df1 dfk ,
and finally by linearity it holds everywhere. This follows by choosing a finite atlas of M
and a subordinate partition of unity. 3 Hence, it suffices to check the the identity on
functions f and differentials df .
For f C (M ), and any x M, v Tx M , we have
(F (df ))x (v) = (df )F (x) (dx F (v)) = (dx F (v))(f ) = v(F f ) = d(F f )x (v).
Thus F d = d F on functions. On differentials df :
F (d(df )) = 0, d(F (df ) = d(d(F f )) = 0.
For instance, if U Rm and V Rn are open subsets with coordinates xi , y j , and
F C (U, V ), with components F j = F y j , we have
X F j
F dy j = dF y j = dF j =
dxi .
If dim U = dim V = m, we obtain in particular
F j
) (dx1 dxm ).
Suppose X X(M ) is a complete vector field, with flow t . Then we have a 1parameter group of automorphisms t of (M ). We define the Lie derivative to be its
LX = |t=0 t .
The definition extends to incomplete vector fields: If U is any open subset with compact
closure, the map t : U M exists for |t| < , and the equation defines LX |U .
We have now defined three kinds of derivations of (M ): The contraction X , the
Lie derivative LX , and the exterior differential d. Recall that the graded commutator of
two derivations is again a derivation.
F (dy 1 dy m ) = det(
LX ,
L[X,Y ] ,
[X,Y ] .
mentioned earlier that any manifold admits a finite atlas, although we never proved this. The
following proof can be easily modified to close this gap: it is enough to check the identity on functions
supported in coordinate charts, where the fi for i > 0 can be taken as coordinate functions.
Proof. The first equation is just [d, d] = 2d2 = 0. Since (tX ) and d commute,
[LX , d] = 0 by definition of LX . The other identities can be checked on generators f, df
of (M ) (using that two derivations are equal if and only if they agree on generators).
For instance, the third equation is verified by the calculations,
[X , d](f ) = X df = (df )(X) = X(f ) = LX f
[X , d](df ) = X ddf + dX df = dLX f = LX df.
The fourth equation is obvious since both sides vanish on generators. The fifth equation,
on functions f , is just the definition of the Lie bracket, and on df follows since Lie
derivatives and d commute. In the last equation, both sides vanish on functions, and on
df we have
[LX , Y ](df ) = [[LX , Y ], d](f ) = [LX , [Y , d]](f ) = [LX , LY ](f ) = L[X,Y ] (f ) = [X,Y ] df.
(Alternatively, the last equation follows by direct application of the definition of the Lie
These identities are of fundamental importance in the Cartans calculus of differential
forms. It is somewhat remarkable that contractions, Lie derivatives and d form a graded
Lie subalgebra of the graded Lie algebra of derivations!
Proposition 4.14. For any k (M ) and any X0 , . . . , Xk X(M ),
cj , . . . , Xk ))
(d)(X0 , . . . , Xk ) =
(1)j Xj ((X0 , . . . , X
ci , . . . , X
cj , . . . , Xk )
(1)i+j ([Xi , Xj ], X0 , . . . , X
Proof. We give the proof for k = 2, which will show the relevant pattern. The left
hand side is X2 X1 X0 d. Using the commutation relations between d and contractions,
we find
X2 X1 X0 d = X2 X1 LX0 X2 X1 dX0
= X2 X1 LX0 X2 LX1 X0 + LX2 X1 X0 .
The desired identity now follows by permuting the Lie derivatives in each term all the
way to the left. For example, the first term gives
X2 X1 LX0 = X2 LX0 X1 X2 [X0 ,X1 ]
= LX0 X2 X1 [X0 ,X2 ] X1 X2 [X0 ,X1 ] .
For example, if is a 1-form,
d(X0 , X1 ) = X0 ((X1 )) X1 ((X0 )) ([X0 , X1 ]).
Exercise 4.15. Let U be an open subset of Rm , and X =
Xi x i a vector field.
Let = dx1 dxm be the standard volume form. Show that
X Xi
LX = (
) .
P Xi that the flow of X is volume preserving if and only if the divergence div (X) =
( i xi ) vanishes everywhere.
Exercise 4.17 (Oriented double cover). Let M be a connected manifold. The tangent space at any point x M has exactly two orientations. The choice of an orientation
M be the map with
on x also induces orientations on nearby points. Let : M
has a natural structure of
fibers 1 (x) the two possible orientations on x. Show that M
an oriented manifold, with a local diffeomorphism. Show that M is orientable if and
is disconnected, and the choice of an orientation is equivalent to the choice of
only if M
. One calls M
the oriented double cover of M . What is the oriented
a component of M
double cover for RP (2)? For the Klein bottle?
N , where M , N are the projections from M N to the two factors.
Exercise 4.18. Let F : N M be a smooth map between oriented manifolds, and
suppose a M is a regular value. Then any choice of volume forms N , M defines a
volume form S on the level set S = F 1 (a). In particular, S is oriented.
Suppose M is an oriented manifold with boundary M . We define an orientation
on M as follows: Given x M , let v1 Tx M \Tx M be an outward pointing vector.
That is, v1 (f ) 0 for any function f C (M ) with f 0 on M . Call a basis v2 , . . . , vm
of Tx M oriented if v1 , . . . , vm is an oriented basis of Tx M .
4.7. Integration on manifolds. Let U Rm be open. The integral of a compactly
supported differential form k (U ) is defined to be 0 unless k = m. For
= f dx1 dxm m (U ),
with f a compactly supported smooth function on U , one defines
= f (x1 , . . . , xm ) dx1 dx2 dxm
as a Riemann integral.
Recall the change of variables formula for the Riemann integral: If F : V U is a
diffeomorphism, then
F i
= (F f )(y 1 , . . . , y m ) det( j )dy 1 dy 2 dy m
)dy 1 dy 2 dy m is just the pull-back under F of the form dx1 dx2 dxm ,
Since det( F
y j
this can be written in more compact form,
F .
F 1 (U )
This formula shows that integration is independent of the choice of coordinates, and is
used to extend integration to manifolds:
R 4.19. Let M be an oriented manifold of dimension m. There is a unique
linear map M : comp (M ) R such that for all oriented charts (U, ) of M , and any
form with compact support in U ,
(1 ) .
(U )
) ( ).
(U )
This has the required property (4), since if is supported in a chart (U, ), the change
of variables formula shows
( ) ( ) =
( ) ( ) =
(1 ) .
(U )
(U )
(U )
Conversely, this equation also shows uniqueness of an integration map satisfying (4).
We will often use the following notation: If M is any manifold, and S M is an
oriented embedded submanifold, and : S M the inclusion map, one defines
: (M ) R,
/ comp ( 1 (y))
comp (B)
/ ({y}) = R
commutes. Here the horizontal maps are pull-back under the inclusion.
Proof. We may assume that the support of is contained in some coordinate chart
(U, ), where (U ) is an open subset of the half space {x1 0}. Write
ci dxm
fi dx1 dx
fi 1
dx dxm .
Using Fubinis theorem, we can change the order of integration, and in the ith term
integrate over the xi -variable first. Thus all terms, except the term for i = 1, vanish.
We find
f1 1
dx dx2 dxm
f1 dx dx =
d =
One can view Stokes theorem as a geometric version of Greens formula from calculus.
Two maps F0 , F1 C (S, M ) are called (smoothly) homotopic if there exists a map
F C ([0, 1] S, M ) such that F (0, ) = F0 and F (1, ).
Corollary 4.23. Suppose S is an oriented manifold, and F0 , F1 : S M two
smooth maps which are smoothly homotopic. For any closed form on M ,
F1 =
F0 .
F1 F0 =
d(Ft )
Ft d = 0.
F d + d F
( d + d )F
() F
(F 1 ) (F 0 )
F1 F0 .
hd + dh =
Corollary 4.26 (Poincare Lemma). Suppose U Rm is an open ball of radius R
around 0, possibly R = . If k (U ), with k > 0, is closed (i.e. d = 0) then is
exact, i.e. = d for some .
Proof. Let F : [0, 1] U U be the map F (t, x) = tx. Then F1 is the identity
map, and F0 is the constant map taking everything to the orgin. Thus F0 = 0 since
we assume the degree of is positive, and of course F1 = . Let h be the homotopy
operator for F . Then
= F1 F0 = dh + hd = dh = d
where = h.
Note that the homotopy operator provides an explicit primitive for the closed form
Examples 4.27. Let h be the homotopy operator for Rm , corresponding to the
retraction F (t, x) = tx. Consider the volume form = dx1 dxm on Rm . Then
dj dxm + . . .
(1)j+1 tm1 dt
(1)j xj dx1 dx
F =
The right hand sides is proportional to the volume form on S m1 . More precisely, one
h = c rm
where r = ||x|| and c is a certainP
Next, consider a 1-form = i fi dxi . Then
F =
xi fi (tx)dt + . . .
so that
h =
fi (tx)dt.
H k (M )
is called the Poincare polynomial of M . Note that Z(M ) is a graded algebra under wedge
product. Moreover, B(M ) is an ideal in Z(M ), since (d) = d( ) for (M )
and Z(M ). Thus H(M ) becomes a super-commutative graded algebra.
We have seen that on Rm (and more generally, on star-shaped open subset fo Rm ),
every closed form of degree k > 0 is also exact. Thus
R for k = 0,
H (R ) =
0 otherwise
Examples 5.1.
(a) Since B 0 (M ) = 0, the zeroth cohomology space is just
H (M ) = Z (M ). A function f 0 (M ) is a cocycle if and only is f is
constant on connected components of M . Thus Z 0 (M ) is the space of locally
constant functions, and b0 is simply the number of connected components.
(b) Suppose M is a manifold of dimension m, d vanishes on m-forms since there are
no m + 1-forms. Thus
Z m (M ) = m (M ).
When is such a form exact? Suppose M is connected, orientable and
R compact,
and let M be a volume form on M defining the orientation.
R Then M > 0. If
= d for some m1-form , then we would have M = M d = 0 by Stokes
theorem. This contradiction shows that represents a non-trivial cohomology
class in H m (M ). We will show later that indeed, if M is compact, orientable
and connected H m (M ) is 1-dimensional, and is spanned by the class of . If M
is non-compact or non-orientable this is usually false.
(c) Let us try toR get a feeling for H 1 (M ). If 1 (M ) is exact, = df then
the integral S 1 along any closed path : S 1 M vanishes, by Stokes
df =
d f = 0.
The converse is true as well: If (M ) is such that S 1 is always 0, then
the integral of along a path : [0, 1] M depends only on the endR points.
One can then define a function f by fixing x0 M and setting f (x) = [0,1]
for any path from x0 to x. It is not hard to see that the function f obtained in
this way is smooth and satisfies df = . (Indeed, in a coordinate chart around
x0 , the function f is just the image under the homotopy operator from Poincares
Similarly, is closed if and only if the integral along closed paths does not
change under smooth homotopies of the path. We has already seen one direction
of this statement. The opposite direction can be seen as follows: Suppose is
not closed. then there exists x0 M with d 6= 0 at x0 . Choose X X(M ) such
that (X)d 6= 0 near x0 , and a loop 0 never tangent to X. Using the flow of X
(with > 0 sufficiently
R small), we can construct a homotopy : [0, 1] S M
of this loop. Then [0,1]S 1 d 6= 0, showing by Stokes theorem that the
integral of along t changes.
Exercise 5.2. Show more generally that a k-form is closed if and only if for all
maps F : S k M , the integral of F depends only on the homotopy class of F .
5.2. Homotopy invariance. For any F C (N, M ), the pull-back map F :
(M ) (N ) is a homomorphism of graded algebras commuting with d. Hence it
defines an algebra homomorphism F : H(M ) H(N ).
Theorem 5.3 (Homotopy invariance). If F0 , F1 C (N, M ) are smoothly homotopic, then the induced maps F0 , F1 : H(M ) H(N ) are equal.
Proof. We have to show that the map F1 F0 : (M ) (N ) induces the zero
map in cohomology. Thus, we have to show that if Z(M ) then F1 F0 B(N ).
Let h : (N ) (M ) be the homotopy operator for a smooth homotopy between
F0 , F1 :
F1 F0 = h d + d h : (M ) (N ).
Apply this equation to , using d = 0:
F1 F0 = d(h).
Two maps F : N M and G : M N are called homotopy inverses if F G is
homotopic to IdM and G F homotopic to IdN . In this case, the theorem shows:
Corollary 5.4. Suppose F : N M and G : M N are homotopy inverses.
Then F : H(M ) H(N ) is an isomorphism with inverse G : H(N ) H(M ).
Proof. According to the theorem, the maps G F : H(M ) H(M ) and F G :
H(N ) H(N ) are the identity maps.
Definition 5.5. Let N be a submanifold of a manifold M . A smooth map F :
[0, 1] M M such that F (0, ) = IdM and F (1, x) N for all x M is called a
deformation retraction from M onto N . It is called a strong deformation retraction if
F (t, x) = x for all t [0, 1] and x N .
As a special case, one has:
Proposition 5.6. If M admits a strong deformation retraction onto an embedded
submanifold N , then the inclusion map : N M gives an isomorphism : H(M )
H(N ).
Proof. Let F : [0, 1]M M be a strong deformation retraction. Let : M N
be the map thus obtained, i.e. = F (1, ) : M N . Then F gives a homotopy
between IdM and . But = IdN . Thus and are homotopy inverses; in particular
is an isomorphism in cohomology.
This Proposition once again explains Poincares Lemma: Since Rm admits a strong
deformation retraction onto a point, its cohomology is trivial.
6. Mayer-Vietoris
6.1. Exact sequences. A (finite or infinite) sequence of vector spaces and maps
is called exact at E if the kernel of the map E E is equal to the image of the map
E E . The sequence is called exact if it is exact everywhere. An exact sequence of
the form
0 F E G 0
is called short exact. This has the following interpretation: Exactness at F means that
the map : F E is injective. That is, we can think of F as a subspace of E. Exactness
at G means that the map : E G is surjective. Thus we may think of G as a quotient
space G = E/ ker(). Exactness at E tells us that ker() = im()
= F . Putting all this
together, we conclude that F is a subspace of E and G = E/F .
Exercise 6.1. Let A : F E be any linear map. Show that the sequence
0 ker(A) F E E/ im(A) 0
is exact.
Suppose the sequence
0 E E E
is exact. Then E can be thought of as a subspace of E , and the map k : E E
vanishes exactly on E E . That is, k descends to an injective map E /E E . Thus
we obtain a new exact sequence
0 E /E E
Exercise 6.2. Show that if the sequence 0 E 0 E k 0 is exact, then
the alternating sum of dimensions vanishes:
(1)i dim E i = 0.
E k E k+1 E k+2
One calls (E, d) a differential complex if d squares to 0. The kernel of the map d :
E k E k+1 is called the space of k-cocycles, and is denoted Z k (E). The image of the
map d : E k1 E k is called the space of k-coboundaries and is denoted B k (E). Since
d d = 0, B k (E) is a subspace of Z k (E). The quotient space
H k (E) = Z k (E)/B k (E)
is called the kth cohomology of the complex (E, d). We denote H(E) =
Note that H(E) = 0 if and only if the sequence (5) is exact.
H k (E).
(In the special case E = (M ), we will continue to write B(M ), Z(M ), H(M ) rather
than B((M )), Z((M ), H((M )).
Definition 6.3. Let (E, d) and (E , d) be two differential complexes. A linear map
: E E of degree 0 is called a homomorphism of differential complexes or cochain
map, if d = d .
A cochain map : E E takes cocycles to cocycles, hence it gives a map in
cohomology, which we denote by the same letter:
: H(E) H(E ).
For example, if F : M N is a smooth map of manifolds, it defines a cochain map
= F : (N ) (M ), and therefore H(N ) H(M ).
Definition 6.4. A homotopy operator (or chain homotopy) between two cochain
maps 0 , 1 : E E is a linear map h : E E of degree 1, with property
h d + d h = 1 0 .
If such a map h exists, 0 , 1 are called chain homotopic. Two cochain maps : E E
and : E E are called homotopy inverse if : F F and : E E are
both homotopic to the identity, if such maps exist, E, E are called homotopy equivalent.
For example, if F0 , F1 : N M are smoothly homotopic, we had constructed a
homotopy operator between 1 = F1 and 0 = F0 . As in this special case, we see:
Proposition 6.5. Chain homotopic cochain maps induce equal maps in cohomology.
If two differential complexes E, E are homotopy equivalent, their cohomologies are equal.
Suppose now that E, F, G are differential complexes, and let
0 E F G 0
be a short exact sequence where all maps are homomorphisms of differential complexes.
We will construct a map : H(G) H(E) of degree +1 called the connecting homomorphism. This is done as follows: Let [] H k (G) be a given cohomology class,
represented by Z k (G). Since k : F G is surjective, we can choose, F k with
k() = . Then
k(d) = d(k()) = d = 0.
Thus, d ker(k) = im(j). Since j is injective, there is a unique E k+1 with
j() = d. Then j(d) = dj() = dd = 0, so d = 0. Set
([]) = [].
One has to check that this definition does not depend on the choices of and . For
example, if F k is another choice with k( ) = , then k( ) = 0, so
ker(k) = im(j). Since j is injective, there is a unique element E k with j() = .
Thus if E k+1 is the unique element such that j( ) = d , we have = d,
so [ ] = []. Similarly, one checks that the definition does not depend on the choice of
representative for [].
Theorem 6.6. Let
0 E F G 0
be a short exact sequence of homomorphisms of differential complexes with connecting
homomorphism . Then there is a long exact sequence in cohomology,
0 p (U V ) p (U ) p (V ) p (U V ) 0
where j() = (|U , |V ) and k(, ) = |U V |U V is exact. It induces a long exact
0 H p (U V ) H p (U )H p (V ) H p (U V ) H p+1 (U V ) 0
The connecting homomorphism takes the cohomology class of Z p (U V ) to the class
of () Z p+1 (U V ), where
()|U = d(V ), ()|V = d(U ).
The formula for () makes sense, since on the overlap U V ,
d(V ) (d(U )) = d((U + V )) = d = 0.
Proof. Exactness at p (M ) is obvious since the map p (M ) p (U ) p (V ) is
clearly injective. The kernel of the map p (U ) p (V ) p (U V ) consists of forms
, with |U V = |U V . These are exactly the forms which patch together to a global
form on M , with = |U and = |V . This shows exactness at p (U ) p (V ). It
0 0comp (M ) 1comp (M ) m
comp (M ) 0
one defines Hcomp
(M ) as the cohomology of this complex,
(M ) = H p (m
comp (M )).
If M is compact, Hcomp (M ) agrees with the usual cohomology, but for non-compact
manifolds it is quite different. For instance, if M has no compact component,
(M ) = 0.
This follows since Zcomp
(M ) consists of locally constant functions of compact support,
and there are no such if M has no compact component. It is also different in higher
degree: For instance,
(R) = R
in contrast to H 1 (R) = 0. To see (6), let 1comp (R). Write = f dt, where t is
for k = m,
(U V ) Hcomp
(U ) Hcomp
(V ) Hcomp
(U V ) Hcomp
(U V ) .
The connecting homomorphism : Hcomp
(U V ) Hcomp
(U V ) takes the class of
Zcomp (U V ) to the class of
() := dU = dV .
Note that the formula for () is well-defined since dU = dV 1comp (U V ).
Proof. This is very similar to the proof of Mayer-Vietoris for (), and is left as an
Again, the direct sum Hcomp (M ) is an algebra under wedge product. Since the wedge
product of a compactly supported form with any form is compactly supported, we see
that Hcomp (M ) is a module for the algebra H(M ).
8. Finite-dimensionality of de Rham cohomology
Using the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, we will now show that H(M ) is for any compact
manifold M , or more generally for all manifolds of so-called finite type.
Definition 8.1. A cover {U }A is called a good cover if all finite non-empty intersections of the sets U are diffeomorphic to Rm . A manifold admitting a finite good
cover is called of finite type.
Theorem 8.2. Every given cover of a manifold M has a refinement which is a good
Sketch of proof. We wont give the full proof here, which requires some elements
from Riemannian geometry. The idea is as follows. Choose a Riemannian metric g on
M . That is, g is a symmetric C (M )-bilinear form X(M ) X(M ) C (M ), with
the property that g(X, X)x > 0 if Xx 6= 0. Using g one can define the length of curves
1/2 dt. An open set U M is called geodesically
: [a, b] M as length() = a g(,
convex, that is any two points in U are joined by a unique (up to re-parametrization)
curve : I U of shortest length.
Geodesically convex open sets are diffeomorphic to Rm , and the intersection of two
geodesically convex sets is again geodesically convex. Thus any cover consisting of
geodesically convex open sets is a good cover. It can be shown that for any point
x M , there exists > 0 such that the set U of points that can be joined by a curve of
length < is a geodesically convex open neighborhood of x. This shows that any cover
can be refined to a good cover.
In particular, every compact manifold is of finite type.
Theorem 8.3. For any manifold of finite type, the de Rham cohomology H(M ) and
the compactly supported de Rham cohomology Hcomp (M ) are finite dimensional.
Proof. Suppose U, V are open subsets of M , and suppose H(U ), H(V ), H(U V )
are all finite dimensional. Exactness of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence
H k1 (U V ) H k (U V ) H k (U ) H k (V )
dim(H k (U V )) = dim(ker ) + dim(im )
= dim(im ) + dim(im )
dim H k1 (U V ) + dim H k (U ) + dim H k (V ) < .
Now let U1 , . . . , UN be a finite good cover ofSM . For each l N , the open subsets
U1 . . . Ul and (U1 . . . Ul ) Ul+1 = jl (Uj Ul+1 ) have a finite good cover
by l open sets. Hence, by induction on l they all have finite dimensional de Rham
cohomology, and by the Mayer-Vietoris argument it follows that U1 . . . Ul Ul+1
has finite dimensional de Rham cohomology. A similar argument applies to cohomology
with compact supports.
Note that the theorem is not true, in general, for manifolds of infinite type: For
instance, any manifold with an infinite number of components certainly has infinitedimensional H 0 .
9. Poincare duality
Let M be an oriented manifold. Recall that we have defined a linear map
: comp (M ) R
equal to zero on forms of degree k < dim M . Since the wedge product of a compactly
supported form and any form is compactly supported, we can use this to define a bilinear
(M ) comp (M ) R, (, ) 7
Since M d = 0 (Stokes theorem), integration descends to a linear map
: Hcomp (M ) R.
(M ).
Theorem 9.1 (Poincare duality). The map P : H p (M ) Hcomp
(M ) is an isomorphism for all p.
/ H p (U ) H p (V )
(1)p1 D
(U V )
/ H p (U V )
/ Hcomp
(U ) Hcomp
(V )
/ Hcomp
(U V )
/ H p+1 (U V )
(1)p D
/ Hcomp
(U V )
Here the upper horizontal map is the Mayer-Vietoris sequence in cohomology, and the
lower horizontal map is the dual of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence in compactly supported
Proof. Let Z(U V ) and (, ) Zcomp (U ) Zcomp (V ). We have
|U +
|V =
( + )
which shows commutativity of the first square. Commutativity of the second square is
obtained similarly. To prove commutativity of the third square, let U , V be a partition
of unity for U, V . Let Z p (U V ) and Zcomp
(U V ). We have to show
() = (1)p
Recall that
()|U = d(V ), ()|V = d(U ).
and that
() = d(U ) = dU .
We have
(() )|U = d(V ) |U |U = (1)p |U dV |U .
Since dV |U is compactly supported in U V , we see that (() )|U is supported
in U V . Switching the roles of U, V , we find that () is supported in U V , and
() = (1)p
as desired.
Proof of Poincare duality. We give the argument for finite type manifolds;
the general case is covered in Greub-Halperin-Vanstone. As in the proof of finite dimensionality of H(M ), the proof is basedSon induction on the number of elements in a good
cover (Ui )N
i=1 . For l N , let U =
il Ui , V = Ul+1 . Then the induction hypothesis
applies to U, V, U V . Hence the corresponding Poincare duality maps are all isomorphisms. The following algebraic fact implies that H(U V ) Hcomp (U V ) is then
an isomorphism as well.
Lemma 9.3 (Five-Lemma). Let
/ E2
/ E3
/ F2
/ E4
/ F3
/ E5
/ F4
/ F5
be a commutative diagram of vector spaces and linear maps. Suppose the rows are exact,
and that 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 are isomorphisms. Then 3 is also an isomorphism.
Proof. We will only show injectivity of the map 3 . The proof of surjectivity is
very similar and is left as an exercise. Suppose x3 E3 is in the kernel of 3 . We have
to show x3 = 0. Since
4 (j3 (x3 )) = k3 (3 (x3 )) = 0,
and 4 is injective, we have j3 (x3 ) = 0. Thus x3 ker(j3 ) = im(j2 ). Thus we can write
x3 = j2 (x2 ). We have
k2 (2 (x2 )) = 3 (j2 (x2 )) = 3 (x3 ) = 0.
Thus 2 (x2 ) ker(k2 ) = im(k1 ). Thus we can write 2 (x2 ) = k1 (y1 ). Since 1 is
surjective, we can write y1 = 1 (x1 ). Then
2 (j1 (x1 )) = k1 (1 (x1 )) = k1 (y1 ) = 2 (x2 ).
Since 2 is injective, this shows j1 (x1 ) = x2 . Thus x2 im(j1 ) = ker(j2 ). It follows that
x3 = j2 (x2 ) = 0.
Poincare duality has many applications. As a first consequence, we can finally get a
handle on the top degree cohomology.
Corollary 9.4. For every connected oriented manifold M , one has Hcomp
(M ) = R,
if M is compact,
H (M ) =
0 if M is non-compact.
If M is connected but non-orientable, one has H m (M ) = Hcomp
(M ) = 0.
Proof. For the case M oriented, all the facts are immediate by Poincare duality,
and using that Hcomp
(M ) = 0 if M is non-compact, and equal to R if M is compact. Note
that if M is compact, the non-trivial generator of H m (M ) is represented by a volume
be the oriented double cover.
form. Suppose now that M is non-orientable. Let M
One may think of as some kind of delta measure along S, keeping in mind however
that this equation only holds true for closed forms .
In fact, it is not important that S is an embedded submanifold: If S is any compact,
oriented manifold of dimension k m and C (S, M ), we can define a Poincare dual
class [ ] Hcomp
(M ) by the condition
for all Z(M ). Since the left side depends only on the homotopy class of , it
follows that [ ] is invariant under homotopies of . Note furthermore that if U M is a
neighborhood of the image (S), the Poincare dual of S in U also serves as a Poincare dual
in M . In other words, one may choose the Poincare dual to be supported in arbitrary
small neighborhoods of (S).
Example 9.5 (Poincare dual of a circle inside an annulus). The Poincare dual of
S 1 R2 inside the annulus U = {x R2 | 1/2 < |x| < 2} is given by the 1-form ,
written in polar coordinates as
= F (r)dr
where F (r) = 0 for r > 1 + and F (1) = 0 for r < 1 . To see this, we have to check
the defining equation for the Poincare dual. Let = f (r, )dr + g(r, )d be a closed
form on U . Since is closed,
= g
. We calculate, using integration by parts,
g(r, )F (r)d dr
g(r, )F (r)dr d
(g(r, )F (r))drd
(r, )F (r)drd
2 r
R2 r
(r, )F (r)ddr
g(1, )d
g(1 , )d
i(S, S ) :=
We will see later (?) that this is always an integer. Already at this stage, one can see
that i(S, S ) = 0 if S S = {0}. (Why?)
Example 9.7 (Linking number). Let M be any 3-manifold with H 1 (M ) = 0. (E.g.,
M simply connected.) Let , : S 1 M be two smooth loops with (S 1 ) (S 1 ) = .
Let U, U be disjoint open neighborhoods of the images of , . Let 2comp (U )
represent the Poincare dual of in U and 2comp (U ) represent the Poincare dual
of in U . Extend , by 0 to forms on M . Since Hcomp
(M ) = H 1 (M ) = 0, we can
write = d and = d , where , have compact (but usually not disjoint) support.
lk(, ) =
(since , have disjoint support.) Furthermore, the choice of U, U does not matter, since
the Poincare duals may be represented by a form supported in an arbitrarily small open
neighborhood of the images of , .
The linking number is invariant under smooth isotopies of , , provided the curves
remain disjoint:
Finally, note that lk(, ) = 0 if it is possible to contract one loop to a point while
keeping it disjoint from the other loop during the retraction.
Since , have disjoint support, it follows that is closed on the support of . That
is, we have
lk(, ) =
( ) =
It turns out that the linking number is always an integer. Let us prove this for the
special case : S 1 R3 is the unit circle in the x y plane. Let > 0 be small. After
applying some isotopy to in M \(S 1 ), we may assume that meets the region |z| <
in a number of line segments, and does not meet the region |z| < , |r 1| < . Let n+
(resp. n ) be the number of line segments in the region r < 1 going from z = to
z = , (resp from z = to z = ). We claim that
lk(, ) = n+ n .
Indeed, the Poincare dual of may be represented by a form
= dF dG = d(F dG)
where F = F (r) is equal to 1 for r < 1 and F (r) = 0 for r > 1 + , and G = G(z) is
equal to 1 for z > and equal to 0 for z < .
R Let = F dG. Note that is supported
the region r 1 + , |z| < . The integral S 1 ( ) is a sum of integrals over the line
segments described above. But = dG on the region U {|r 1| < }. Thus each
integral over a line segment is calculated by Stokes, and gives 1 depending on whether
the line segment travels from z = to z = or vice versa.
Exercise 9.8. Generalize the above concept of linking number to disjoint, immersed
compact submanifolds S, S of a manifold M , with dimensions dim S +dim S = dim M
1. What are the conditions on H(M ) so that the definition makes sense?
Basic properties of the mapping degree, which follow immediately from the definition,
are: (1) deg(F ) Rdepends only on Rthe smooth homotopy class of F . (2) or any
m (M ), one has N F = deg(F ) M . (3) Under composition of maps, deg(F G) =
deg(F ) deg(G). (4) If F is a diffeomorphism, then deg(F ) = 1 if F preserves orientation
and deg(F ) = 1 if F reverses orientation.
Example 10.1. Let F : S m S m be the diffeomorphism x 7 x. The standard
volume form on S m transforms according to F = (1)m+1 . Thus F preserves
orientation if and only if m is odd. We conclude deg(F ) = (1)m+1 . Thus F cannot be
homotopic to the identity map if m is even.
We will now show that the mapping degree is always an integer, and also give an
alternative interpretation of the degree. Without proof we will use Sards theorem,
which implies that for every smooth map between compact manifolds, the set of regular
values is open and dense. (Recall that points that are not in the image are regular
values, according to our definition.) Thus let x M be a regular value of F . Since
dim M = dim N , the pre-image F 1 (x) is zero dimensional, i.e. is a finite collection of
points y1 , . . . , yd . For each i = 1, . . . , d, let i = 1, according to whether or not the
tangent map Tyi N Tx M preserves or reverses orientation.
Theorem 10.2. The mapping degree is given by the formula,
deg(F ) =
i ,
for any regular value x with pre-images y1 , . . . , yd , and i defined as above. In particular,
deg(F ) is an integer.
Proof. Let U be a connected open neighborhood of x, with the property that U is
contained in the set of
values of F . Let m
comp (U ) be a form of total integral
R regular
deg(F ) =
F =
(F |Vi ) =
i .
Corollary 10.3. Suppose deg(F ) 6= 0. Then F is surjective.
Proof. Apply the Theorem to any x in the complement of the image of F .
Example 10.4 (Fundamental theorem of algebra). Let p(z) = i=0 ai z i be a polynomial of degree d > 0, with ad = 1. The map p : C C takes to , so it extends to
a map F p : S 2 S 2 where we view S 2 as the one point compactification of C. The map
F p is smooth. Replacing ai with tai for i < d, we see that F p is homotopic to the map
defined by the polynomial q(z) = z d . The equation q(z) = 1 has exactly d solutions,
given by the dth roots of unity. Since holomorphic maps are orientation preserving at
all regular points, it follows that
deg(F p ) = deg(F q ) = d.
Thus F p is surjective. This shows that the equation p(z) = a has at least one solution,
for all a C. (In fact, we see that for an open dense subset of values, it has exactly d
Example 10.5. View S 1 as the unit circle in R2 = C, and let the kth power map
Pk : S 1 S 1 be the restriction of the map C C, z 7 z k . If = (2)1 d is the
standard volume form on S 1 , we have Pk = k. Thus deg(Pk ) = k.
Theorem 10.6. Two maps F0 , F1 : S 1 S 1 are smoothly homotopic if and only if
they have the same mapping degree.
Proof. Since homotopy is an equivalence relation, it suffices to show that any
smooth map F : S 1 S 1 of degree k is homotopic to Pk . In fact, since F Pk
has mapping degree 0, it suffices to consider the case k = 0. In this case, F has
integral 0. Locally, F = (2i)1 d log(F ). But since integration is an isomorphism
H 1 (S 1 ) R, we know that F1 = df for some globally defined function f C (S 1 ).
That is,
F (z) = e2if (z)
for all z S 1 . Let Ft (z) := e2it f (z) . Then Ft defines a smooth homotopy between F1
and F0 = 0 .
11. Kuenneth formula
Suppose the manifold M is a direct product M = B F . Let B , F denote the
projections from M to the two factors. The bilinear map
(B) (F ) (M ), (, ) 7 B F
is a chain map, hence it induces a map in cohomology,
Theorem 11.1 (Kuenneth theorem). Suppose B (or F ) is of finite type. Then the
map (8) is an isomorphism. That is,
H (B F ) =
H j (B) H pj (F ).
Put differently, the Kuenneth theorem says that any class in H(B F ) has a representative of the form,
B i F i .
H j (B) H pj (F )
(since the following long exact sequences would get too long otherwise.) We want to
show that the natural map H p (B; F ) H p (B F ) is an isomorphism. The idea is once
again to use induction on the number l of open sets in a good cover. Note first that the
Kuenneth theorem holds for B = Rn , since B F retracts onto {0} F in this case.
Thus the Theorem is true for l = 0. For the induction step, we use the Mayer-Vietoris
sequence. Suppose B = U V . We have the Mayer-Vietoris sequence
H j (U V ) H j (U ) H j (V ) H j (U V ) H j+1 (U V ) .
Tensor with H pj (F ), and sum over j to obtain a new exact sequence,
H p (U V ; F ) H p (U ; F )H p (V ; F ) H p (U V ; F ) H j+1 (U V ; F ) .
Consider the diagram
H p (U V ; F )
/ H p (U ; F ) H p (V ; F )
/ H p (U V ; F )
/ H p (U F ) H p (V F )
/ H p ((U V ) F )
H p ((U V ) F )
/ H p+1 (U V ; F )
/ H p+1 ((U V ) F )
We claim that this diagram commutes. As usual, this is fairly easy, except for the square
involving the connecting homomorphism. Thus let Z j (U V ) and Z pj (F ). Let
U , V be a partition of unity for U, V , and U V U , U V V the corresponding partition
of unity for U F , V F . Then is realized on the level of cocycles. We have to show
that the two forms
(U V F ),
U V () F
called the Poincare polynomial. For instance, p(Rm )(t) = 1 while p(S m )(t) = 1 + tm .
Poincare duality for a compact connected oriented m-dimensional manifold M says
tm p(M )(t1 ) = p(M )(t),
and the Kuenneth formula implies that
p(M1 M2 ) = p(M1 )p(M2 ).
For instance, the Poincare polynomial for an m-torus T = S 1 S 1 is p(T )(t) =
(1 + t)m .
There is also a Kuenneth theorem for compactly supported cohomology. It can
be derived using the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for compactly supported cohomology, or
simply by Poincare duality. One introduce Betti numbers bk (M )comp and a Poincare
polynomial p(M )comp as before.
where each f0 ...p : U0 ...p A. is locally constant, and anti-symmetric in its indices.
The differential is defined by the formula,
(f )0 ,...,p+1 =
(1)i f0 ,...,c
i ,...,p+1
where the hat means that the entry is to be omitted. For example, if f C 0 (U, A),
(f )0 1 = f1 f0
if g C 1 (U, A),
(g)0 1 2 = g1 2 g0 2 + g0 1 .
We thus see that
(f ) = (f2 f1 ) (f2 f0 ) + (f1 f0 ) = 0.
Exercise 12.1. Verify that = 0 in general.
p (U, A) := H p (C(U,
and therefore
d d = 0
Hence, there is a unique form Z 1 (M ) with |U = d . This shows that the map
1 (U, R) is an isomorphism.
H 1 (M ) H
12.2. De Rhams theorem.
Theorem 12.4 (De Rham). If U is a good cover, the Cech cohomology groups
H p (C(U,
q )).
(h)0 ...p1 =
0 ...p1
(1)i 0 ...c
i ...p1
h()0 ...p =
()0 ...p
0 ...p
(1)i 0 ...c
i ...p ,
C 0 (U, 2 )
1 (U, 2 )
C 0 (U, 1 )
1 (U, 2 )
1 (U, 1 )
1 (U, 1 )
C 0 (U, 0 )
1 (U, 0 )
1 (U, 0 )
Notice that the cohomology groups are trivial in both horizontal and vertical directions,
except in degree 0. One can make the double complex into a single complex, by letting
K p :=
C j (U, pj ),
with differential, D = +(1)p d. The factor (1)p is necessary so that D2 = 0. One calls
H(K, D) = H(C(U,
), D) the total cohomology of the double complex. A D-cocycle is
a collection ( , . . . , (p) ) of cochains (j) C j (U, pj ) with D( (0) + . . . + (p) ) = 0.
= (p1) ,
0 = (p)
Lemma 12.6. The restriction map p (M ) C 0 (U, p ) K p induces an isomorphism in cohomology,
H p (M ) = H p (C(U,
), D).
Proof. Surjectivity: Let ( (0) , . . . , (p) ) be a D-cocycle. We have to show that it
is cohomologous to a cocycle in the image of the restriction map p (M ) C 0 (U, p ).
Since (p) = 0 and the -cohomology is trivial, we can write (p) = (p1) , where
(p1) C p1 (U, 0 ). Subtracting from ( (0) , . . . , (p) ) the coboundary D (p1) , we thus
achieve (p) = 0. Then (p1) = d (p) = 0. Thus we can write (p1) = (p2) , and
subtracting D (p2) we achieve (p1) = 0. Proceeding in this manner, we successively
subtract D-coboundaries and arrange that (j) = 0 for all j > 0. The remaining (0)
C 0 (U, 0 ) satisfies d (0) = 0 and (0) = 0. Thus it is the restriction of a closed form
p (M ).
Injectivity: Let Z p (M ) be a cocycle, and (0) C 0 (U, p ) be defined by restriction. Suppose (0) is the D-coboundary of some ( (0) , . . . , (p1) ) K p1 . Then
(p1) = 0, so by adding a D-coboundary we can arrange (p1) = 0. Proceeding in
this manner, we can arrange that all (j) = 0, except maybe (0) . The remaining form
(0) satisfies (0) = 0, which means that it is the restriction of a global form , and
(1)p d (0) = (0) , meaning that (1)p d = . Thus [] = 0 and we are done.
Notice that the proof was purely algebraic. It involved that the -cohomology is
trivial in positive degree, and that the kernel of the map : C 0 (U, q ) C 1 (U, q ) is
exactly the image of the map q (M ) C 0 (U, q ).
Hence, the proof works equally well with the roles of , d reversed. That is, we also
Lemma 12.7. The restriction map C p (U, R) C p (U, 0 ) K p induces an isomorphism in cohomology,
p (U, R) = H p (C(U,
), D).
Putting the two Lemmas together, we have proved de Rhams theorem:
p (U, R) = H p (C(U,
), D) = H p (M ).
As one application, one can introduce the notion of integral de Rham classes: Indeed, the
inclusion Z R induces a homomorphism of Cech cochains, hence a map in cohomology
p (U, Z) H
p (U, R) = H p (M ). Classes in the image of this map are called integral.
One important consequence of de Rhams theorem is that they are topological invariants (since the Cech cohomology groups are). Hence they cannot be used to distinguish
different manifold structures on a given topological space.
12.3. Relative cohomology. Let C (M, N ) be a smooth map. Define a
p () := p1 (M ) p (N )
with differential, d(, ) = ( d, d). It is straightforward to check that d squares
to 0. A class in H p () is called a relative de Rham cohomology class for the map . Thus
classes in H p (M ) are represented by closed p-forms on N together with a primitive
p1 (M ) for the pull-back . The sequence
0 p1 (M ) p () p (N ) 0,
where the first map takes to (1)p (, 0) and the second map takes (0, ) to , is
an exact sequence of differential complexes. Hence it induces a long exact sequence in
H p1 (M ) H p () H p (N ) H p (M )
An immediate consequence is that if M is contractible, then H p () = H p (N ) for p > 0,
while if N is contractible, then H p () = H p1 (M ) for p > 0.
Suppose A is an abelian group, and Ui , Vi are good covers of M, N such that (Ui )
Vi . Such covers exist: Start with a good cover Vi of N , and replace the cover 1 (Vi ) by
a good refinement Ui . (We may use the same index set, if we allow the same Vi to appear
several times.) Let C (M, A), C (N, A) be the Cech complexes for the given covers. We
then have a pull-back map : C (N, A) C (M, A) which one can use to define
C p (, A) = C p1 (M, A) C p (N, A)
with differential
(, ) = ( (), ()).
Again, we have a long exact sequence
p1 (M, A) H
p (, A) H
p (N, A) H
p (M, A)
De Rhams theorem extends to relative cohomology:
p (, R).
Theorem 12.8. There is a canonical isomorphism H p ()
Proof. As in the proof of de Rhams theorem, it is useful to introduce auxiliary
Cech cohomology groups. Consider the double complex
C p,q := C p (, q ) = C p1 (M, q ) C p (N, q )
with the obvious differentials d, . Since we are working with good covers, and since
the complex p () is acyclic if M, N are contractible, it follows that the columns of the
double complex are acyclic. We claim that the rows are acyclic as well. To this end, we
need to generalize Theorem 12.5 to our setting. Indeed, let hN , hM denote the homotopy
operators for the Cech complexes of M, N , cf. Theorem 12.5. Then
h : C p (, q ) C p1 (, q ), h(, ) = (hM ( (hN ) ), hN )
is a homotopy operator for the complex C (, q ). We verify:
h(, ) =
h( , )
(hM ( (hN ) + ), hN )
(hM ( (hN ) + ), hN )
(hM ( (hN )), hN )
h(, ) = (hM ( (hN ) ), hN )
= ( (hN ) + hM ( (hN )), hN ).
Adding the two expressions, we obtain
h(, ) + h(, ) = (, )
as desired. Hence the proof of de Rhams theorem goes through as before.
13.2. Vector bundles. A vector bundle is a fiber bundle whose fibers have the
structure of vector spaces. More precisely:
Definition 13.8. Let M be a manifold. A real (resp. complex) vector bundle of
rank k over M is a fiber bundle : E M with standard fiber F = Rk (resp. Ck ),
such that all fibers Ex (x M ) carry the structure of real (resp. complex) vector spaces,
and such that the local trivializations EU
= U F can be chosen fiberwise R-linear
(resp. C-linear). An isomorphism of vector bundles : E M and : E M is a
fiber bundle isomorphism that is fiberwise linear.
One can think of a vector bundle as a family of vector spaces smoothly parametrized
by the base. Suppose E is a real vector bundle with local trivializations : EU
U Rk . On U the map
: U R U R
(c) This example generalizes: Let M = GrR (k, n) be the Grassmannian of k-planes
in Rn . By definition, each x M represents a k-dimensional subspace of Ex
Rn . Let
E GrR (k, n) Rn
be the set of al (x, v) such that v is contained in the k-dimensional subspace
parametrized by x. The total space of this vector bundle is called the Stiefel
(d) Let M be a manifold with atlas {(U , )}. For each U , the map 1
(U ) (U ) is a diffeomorphism. For x U let g (x) GL(k, R) be
the Jacobian of the map 1
at (x). Clearly, the g satisfy the cocycle
condition. The resulting vector bundle is the tangent bundle T M of M . Its
fibers (T M )x are canonically identified with the tangent spaces Tx M . (Recall
that any choice of chart identifies Tx M
= Rk , and a change of chart changes
the identification by the Jacobian of the change of coordinates.) The space of
sections is just the space of vector fields:
X(M ) = (M, T M ).
Note that it seems somewhat miraculous from this perspective that X(M ) carries
a natural Lie bracket.
(e) Let S be an embedded submanifold of a manifold M . Then the restriction T M |S
is a vector bundle over S, containing T S. The quotient bundle NS := T M |S /T S
with fibers (NS )x := Tx M/Tx S is again a vector bundle called the normal bundle
of S in M .
All standard constructions for vector spaces carry over to vector bundles. Thus,
if E M is a vector bundle, one can form the dual bundle E M with fibers
(E )x = Ex , and the exterior powers p E M with fibers (p E)x = p Ex . If E E is
a vector subbundle, one can form the quotient bundle E/E with fibers (E/E )x = Ex /Ex .
Similarly, one defines tensor products, direct sums, ...
Exercise `
13.10. Work out the details of all these claims. E.g., show that the disjoint
union E := xM Ex carries a natural structure of a vector bundle. What are the
transition functions?
Starting from the tangent bundle T M one can form the dual bundle T M = (T M ) ,
with sections (M, T M ) = 1 (M ). One can also form k T M , with sections
(M, k T M ) = k (M ). If S M is any submanifold, one can consider the restriction T M |S S; sections of T M |S are called vector fields along S. The quotient
bundle NS := T M |S /T S is called the normal bundle to S in M . Given a Riemannian
metric on M , one identifies NS with the orthogonal complement of T S in T M |S , that is
one has a splitting T M |S = T S NS .
We will need the following fact about the normal bundle.
( ) =
Remark 14.2. The argument given above only applies to the case where M is also
oriented (and E carries the induced orientation.) However, one can show that this
assumption is not necessary. One can also drop the assumption that M be compact,
(E) with the cohomology of the complex of forms with compact
if one replaces Hcomp
support in fiber direction.
In particular, there is a unique class [Th(E)] Hcomp
(E), called the Thom class,
with property
Th(E) = 1.
A representative of the Thom class is called a Thom form. Now let : M E be the
inclusion of the zero section.
Remark 14.4. The definition of the Thom for extends to non-compact manifolds
M that need not be orientable. All that is required is a fiberwise orientation of the
vector bundle : E M . A differential form (E) is said to have fiberwise
compact support if for all compact subsets K M , the intersection 1(K) supp()
is compact. The space f.c. (E) of differential forms with fiberwise compact support
is a differential complex, and one defines the corresponding cohomology with fiberwise
compact support Hf.c. (E). One can prove that the fiber integration map defines an
isomorphism : Hf.c. (E) H(M ), and one defines the Thom class to be the inverse
image of 1 H 0 (M ) under this isomorphism. The space f.c. (E) is a module for (E)
under wedge product, and in cohomology one once again has Lemma 14.3.
Definition 14.5. The class Eul(E) := Th(E) H k (M ) is called the Euler class
of the oriented rank k vector bundle E. If M be a compact oriented manifold, one calls
Eul(T M ) the Euler class of the manifold M .
Note that e(M ) = 0 if the tangent bundle can be trivialized.
Definition 14.6. Suppose K = p0 K p is a differential complex with finite dimenL
sional cohomology H(K) = pZ H p (K). The polynomial p(K)(t) = p tp dim H p (K)
is called the Poincare polynomial of (K, d), and p(K)(1) Z is the Euler characteristic.
In particular, if K = (M ), one calls p(M ) := p((M )) the Poincare polynomial of M
and p(M )(1) the Euler characteristic of M .
Theorem 14.7 (Gauss-Bonnet-Chern). Let M be a compact oriented manifold. Then
the Euler characteristic of M equals the integral of its Euler class,
Eul(T M ) =
(1)i dim H i (M ).
Eul(N )
Let pr1 , pr2 : M M M denote the projections to the two factors. By the Kuenneth
theorem, pr1 j pr2 k represent a basis of H(M M ).
Proof. To find the coefficient cjk of [pr1 j pr2 k ], consider the integral
(pr1 j pr2 k ) = (pr1 j pr2 k ).
pa (pk +mpj )
cab (1)
pa (pk +mpj )
cab (1)
pr1 (a j ) pr2 (k b )
(a j )
(k b )
(pr1 j pr2 k ) =
j k = (1)pk (mpj ) jk .
pr1 j pr2 j
j j
(1)p dim H p (M ),
proving Theorem 14.7. The calculation just given has the following generalization. For
any smooth map F : M M from M to itself, let : = {x, F (x)| x M } M M
be its graph, and the Poincare dual.
UsingPour basis j for H(M ), introduce the components of F : H(M ) H(M ) by
F j = k Akj k . Thus
Akj =
(F j ) k
We have
k ) =
pr1 j pr2 k .
The left hand side is cjk (1)pj (pk +mpj ) as before. For the right hand side we obtain,
pr1 j pr2 k =
(pr1 j pr2 k )
j F k
(1)pj pk Ajk jk
(1)pj Ajj
(1)p tr(F | H p (M )).
S =
S S =
for all cocycles , which shows that S S represents the Poincare dual of S S .
In the special case that S, S have complementary dimension and intersect transversally. the Theorem shows that the intersection number
(mk)(mk )
S = (1)
i(S, S ) :=
S S =
is an integer, in fact
i(S, S ) =
SS =
where (x) = 1 according to whether the decomposition Tx M = Tx S Tx S preserves or reverses orientation. More generally, i(S, S ) is an integer whenever S can be
perturbed (i.e. homotoped) to have transversal intersection, since i(S, S ) is invariant
under homotopies. (It is a result from differential
R topology that this is always possible.)
In the last section, we considered integrals , where = {(x, F (x)} is the graph
of a smooth map F : M M . The intersection with the diagonal is in 1-1 correspondence with the fixed points x = F (x) of F . When is the intersection transversal?
Lemma 15.3. and are transversal, if and only if all fixed points x of F are
non-degenerate, that is,
det(dx F I) 6= 0.
The sign (x) := (x, x) at any point of intersection is equal to the sign of the determinant
det(dx F I).
Proof. Suppose x = F (x), so that (x, x) . We have
T(x,x) = {(v, v)| v Tx M }, T(x,x) = {(v, dx F (v))| v Tx M }.
The map Tx M Tx M
= T(x,x) T(x,x) T(x,x) M = Tx M Tx M
(v, w) 7 (v + w, v + dx F (w))
is described by a block matrix,
1 1
1 dx F
Note that the right hand side of this equation depends only on the smooth homotopy
class of the map F .
ROne can obtain a similar description for the integral . The integral is equal
to , where is the graph of a smooth map F homotopic to the identity map. To
obtain such a map, pick a vector field X X(M ), and let F t : M M be its flow. We
want that for t sufficiently small, all fixed points of F t are non-degenerate. For small t,
the fixed points of F t are exactly the zeroes of the vector field X. Let x M be such
a zero, Xx = 0. Since F t preserves x, we obtain a 1-parameter group of linear maps