Anchoring Script For Seminar
Anchoring Script For Seminar
Anchoring Script For Seminar
The globalization of the worlds economies is a major challenge to local
industry and it is pushing the manufacturing sector to its next
transformation predictive manufacturing. In order to become more
competitive, manufacturers need to embrace emerging technologies, such
as advanced analytics and cyber-physical system-based approaches, to
improve their efficiency and productivity.
Now we would like to invite Dr. sharad mathur sir to put some light on total
quality management theory.
Thank you sir for your valuable information.
Now the time approaching for lunch. We all gathered here at 12.30
Now we would like to call Mr. sanjay singh sir to give knowledge of different
designing software and their application in advancement in manufacturing.
Student presentation
Now its time for student presentation on recent treands in manufacturing.
I would like to call
Vote of thanks
Now we would like to call Mr. kunal sharama sir head of
mechanical department for vote of thanks.