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Internship 2010 Application

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Wycliffe Internship Application

If married, husband and wife should complete separate forms. After receiving your application, we’ll set up a
telephone interview with you. To fill out this application, use your Tab key to move from answer to answer.

Please attach two recent, close-up photos. Included with this application? Yes No

Please e-mail completed application to:

[email protected] (for Orlando Summer Internship)

[email protected] (for Discovery)

1. Full Legal Name                        
First Middle Last Preferred/Nickname

1. Date of Birth (month/date/year)       Age       Sex      

2. School Address                        

Street or PO Box City State Zip

3. Phone       ex.       E-mail address       Blog & Social Media (Facebook, Etc) locations:      
Best time to call       E-mail address effective until      

Last day at school address       Spring Break dates       Holiday dates      

1. Permanent Address                        

(If different) Street City State Zip

Phone       E-mail Address      

1. Place of Birth                  

City State Country

8. Marital Status: Single Engaged Married Full legal name of spouse or fiancé(e)      

9. Have you been divorced? Yes No If yes, please explain      

10. Do you have children? Yes No If so, how many      

Rank your preference of location where you would like to serve: (http://www.wycliffe.org/internships)

Wycliffe USA Headquarters (Orlando, FL)       JAARS Headquarters (Waxhaw, NC)      

Revised 01/03 1

Willing to go anywhere or list preferences below




10. How did you hear about us?      

11. What helped you make the final decision to apply with Wycliffe for your internship?      

12. Are you willing to obey the leadership of the project to which you are accepted as well as follow the guidelines and policies of the
internship and return home at your own expenses if Wycliffe leadership must send you home early?      

13. Dates you’re available: From       To      

14. What airport/city do you plan to travel from?      

What airport will you return to?      

15. How have you spent the last 2 summers?      

16. Will you be working through a school internship program? Yes No

School Name      

Contact person       Phone      

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************PRIVATE SECTION *************


9. Have you ever been in jail, prison or convicted of a felony? Yes No If yes, please explain.      

17. In the past two years, have you struggled in the areas of pornography, homosexual activity, heavy petting?      

a. How have you been working to remain pure in these areas?      

18. Have you ever (or do you now) struggle with any physical or emotional disorders? (anorexia, depression, bipolar disorder,
bulimia, cutting, gender identity issues, Asburger syndrome, etc.)

a. Are you currently working with a counselor or doctor of any kind to address these issues?      

b. If so, please explain your current plan to address these issues.      

19. What is your conviction about the use of alcohol, non-prescription drugs, tobacco, or your personal finances (consumerism)?


a. Have you ever struggled with addiction to any of these things?      


20. Height       Weight       Blood Type      

Do you have any of the following health problems? Are you regularly taking any of the following?

Yes No Lung or Breathing Problems Yes No Anticoagulants (blood thinners)

Yes No Asthma Yes No Cortisone (any steroids)
Yes No Hives or Eczema Yes No Anticonvulsants (Seizure medicines)
Yes No Allergies (food/animals/medicine/pollens) Yes No Insulin/other drugs to control blood sugar
Yes No Fainting spells Yes No Thyroid or other hormone supplements
Yes No Seizures Yes No Antidepressants
Yes No Liver disease Yes No Sedatives or antipsychotics
Yes No Thyroid Problems Yes No Birth control pills
Yes No Autoimmune disorder Yes No Any other regular medication
Yes No Kidney problems
Yes No Organ transplant
Yes No Anxiety or Depression
Yes No Chronic Fatigue In the past three years have you?
Yes No Are you pregnant or think you might be
Yes No Do you have any other health problems or Yes No Been in a hospital, E.R. or Urgent Care
physical limitations that might hinder your work in a different Yes No Been in an accident
climate, high altitude or adverse living condition Yes No Been under medical care for serious illness
Yes No Been in psychiatric care
Yes No Seen a counselor regularly

21. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please give a brief explanation      

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22. Education: List college, trade school, Bible school, etc. beginning with the present. (List three only)

School name and location Years Major Minor Degree/Certificate,

(From-To) semester hours complete

What year are you in school?       When will you graduate?      

23: Work History: Please list your last 2 jobs

Employer Dates Title Responsibilities


23. What is your first language?      

What other languages do you speak? (1 = very little, 2 = basic conversation, 3 = fluent)

24. My interests in an internship are:

(Numerically rank your interests) Briefly describe any experience/training you’ve had:









25. List 3 of your strengths:      

26. . List 3 of your weaknesses      

27. List your hobbies and interests:      

Revised 01/03 4

28. How and when did you start your spiritual journey? Trace your growth since that time. Please give a Scriptural basis for
believing you are a Christian.


29. Describe what your spiritual practice looks like today??


30. How have you grown spiritually in the last year? Explain.


31. How regularly do you attend church, church-related activities (Sunday school, prayer meetings, youth meetings, Bible study, etc.),
and other Christian meetings (InterVarsity, Campus Crusade, etc.)?


32. How are you involved in your local church? In other ministries?


33. What are your spiritual gifts and skills? How are you currently using them and how would you like to use them in our

34. Is there a church you would consider your home church?      
Senior Pastor’s Name      
Church Name      
Complete Address      
Phone       Best time to call       a.m.       p.m.
E-mail address (can speed up application process)      

35. Have you discussed your desire to work with Wycliffe this summer with your pastor? Yes No

The missions committee of your church? Yes No What was their response?      

If the Senior pastor doesn’t know you well, give name, phone and e-mail of someone in your church leadership who does.


Do we have your permission to contact them? Yes No

36. Will your church take an active part in sending you out as their short-term missionary?

By becoming prayer partners? Yes No I don’t know

By becoming financial partners? Yes No I don’t know

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You need 3 references for this application. Ideal references are:

 Spiritual Mentor
 Pastor or church leader who know you well
 Leader of your previous Short-term mission trip
 Roommate, friend or co-worker

37. Name and complete mailing address of two people we can contact that you would like to use as references:

Name       Name      

Address       Address      
Phone       Phone      
E-mail       E-mail      

38. I have sent out my 3 reference forms (1 must be a pastor and no more than 1 can be from a peer): Yes

39. Have you participated in any other Wycliffe events or internships? (Total It Up, Explore Wycliffe, Get Global, etc. )

40. Write a detailed statement explaining why you feel motivated to be involved in missionary work and why you desire to be a part
of a Wycliffe internship.


41. What is the attitude of your parents, girlfriend/boyfriend (if dating) toward your missionary interest?


Revised 01/03 6

Name       Address      

Phone       Additional contact number:       Relationship      

I give you permission to use this application as a source of information for Wycliffe personnel I will be working with during my
time with my Wycliffe Internship. I also certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. My typed
name will serve as my signature.

Applicant’s Signature       Date      


I, the undersigned, hereby grant permission to Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. ("WYCLIFFE USA") to photograph /
videotape / film / interview me and to record / transcribe my voice, words, performances, poses, acts, plays and
appearances, and use my picture, photograph, videotape, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness and/or
voice and/or words (as quotation) as part of future visual / audio / printed productions and the unlimited distribution,
advertising, promotion, exhibition and exploitation of the productions by any method or device now known or hereafter
devised in which the same may be used, and/or incorporated and/or exhibited and/or exploited.

My typed name will serve as my signature.

Applicant’s Signature       Date      

42. Please describe your previous mission/cross-cultural experience? .

43. Passport Number       Place and date of issue      

(if in possession)

Expiration Date       Country of Citizenship       List previous citizenships, if any      
If you do not have a passport valid for at least 6 months AFTER the end of the trip, please apply for one immediately

Revised 01/03 7
Reference for Application to Wycliffe Discovery Program
To the applicant:
Print your name below and sign the waiver. Ask the person filling out this reference to mail the completed form directly to Wycliffe
USA Discovery office in a stamped envelope, which you provide, or fax or e-mail it as an attachment to the appropriate address
listed at the end of this document.

Applicant name printed Applicant signature

To the person filling out this reference:

The above-named person is applying to Wycliffe Bible Translators Discovery program, a non-profit Christian organization. S/he may
serve overseas in a stressful, cross-cultural situation. Your honest appraisal, including any negative or weak areas of which you are
aware, will help us guide him/her to an appropriate decision and could save much embarrassment, stress, and possible failure in a
future assignment.
How long have you known this person?
In what circumstances?
Please mark the appropriate box next to each item as it applies to this applicant. Please check the “N/A” box if you have not had
opportunity to observe this area. If possible, please make additional comments to support, explain, or add to your evaluation.
Spiritual Living
Yes No N/A
Is clearly committed to Christian values and lifestyle.
Has an evident love for God's Word.
Is able to apply scriptural principles to one’s own and others' lives.
Christian commitment is not evident much of the time.

Yes No N/A Family

If single, has a balanced perspective toward being single.
May be overly dependent on others to meet his/her needs.
If married, communicates with and understands spouse.
Marriage seems able to withstand outside difficulties and stress.
Marriage relationship needs strengthening.
Relates well to parents.
The family has significant needs that should be addressed.

Yes No N/A Relationships

Has a network of close and mutually beneficial relationships.
Relates appropriately to the opposite sex.
Shows patience and tolerance of differing viewpoints.
Willingly accepts direction and correction.
Has difficulty making and keeping friends.
Inappropriate at times in mixed settings.
Can be insensitive and intolerant of others.
Inappropriately criticizes those in authority.

Yes No N/A Skills

Works hard and completes even difficult tasks.
Is an effective and cooperative team member.
Maintains a balance of work and leisure time.
Is able to work well in spite of ambiguity.

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Yes No N/A
Tends to procrastinate.
Gives up or becomes discouraged easily.
At times has difficulty working with others.
Tends to be a workaholic.
Becomes frustrated easily.

Yes No N/A General Life Attitudes

Maintains a positive attitude in difficult circumstances.
Open to new insights and perspectives; teachable.
Has a healthy sense of humor.
Willing to try new things.
At times impatient, easily frustrated, or upset.
Has strong opinions and tends to be argumentative.
Evidences ethnic, gender, or other prejudices
Is sensitive to people and other cultures.
May be stand-offish; a loner.

Yes No N/A Finances

Trusts God for personal/family needs.
Spends money wisely and within means.
Handles indebtedness responsibly.
Struggles with finances in some way.

Additional Comments:
What is this person's response toward authority?      

Characteristics of this person that makes him/her a good applicant:      

Characteristics that are possible problem areas:      

Does this person over-emphasize any doctrinal or personal views? If so, please explain:      

What else would you like us to know about this person?      

Do you recommend acceptance? Yes No, I cannot recommend acceptance.

Yes, but with reservation as suggested above. No, but could become acceptable with growth in areas mentioned above.
Your name printed:       Your signature:      

Date:       Telephone number:      

Thank you very much for your insight and comments. Please e-mail (as an attachment), fax, or mail this completed reference to:

Discovery : Orlando Summer Internship / JAARS Summer Internship :

[email protected] [email protected]
Fax: 714/649-5284 Fax: 407-852-3615
Phone: 714/374-6093 Phone: 407-852-3799
Wycliffe Discovery Wycliffe Recruitment
19891 Beach Blvd Suite 129 PO Box 628200

Revised 01/03 9
Huntington Beach CA 92648 Orlando, FL 32832

Revised 01/03 10

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