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ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Practices for Information Technology


Committee Approval: November 2013
First Published: January 2014

BICSI International Standards

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The BICSI International Standards Program reviews its standards at regular intervals. By the end of the fifth year
after a standards publication, the standard will be reaffirmed, rescinded, or revised according to the submitted
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Suggestions for revision should be directed to the BICSI International Standards Program, care of BICSI.

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ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

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BICSI standards and publications are designed to serve the public interest by offering information technology
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 LEVELS OF REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................................... 1
2 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 REQUIRED STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................... 2
4.1 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 4
5 BIM PROJECT DESIGN ........................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 PRE-SCHEMATIC DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 SCHEMATIC DESIGN............................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 BID DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 6
5.7 A/E CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT .................................................................................................................................. 6
5.8 PROJECT AUDIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
6 BIM CONTENT MODELS ......................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 ORGANIZATION OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................................ 7
6.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
6.2.2 Categories ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.2.3 Subcategories ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2.4 Object Groups .................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2.5 Types ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2.6 Instances ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3 CONTENT DETAIL ................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.3.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.3.2 General Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................ 13
6.3.3 Levels of Detail.................................................................................................................................................. 14
6.4 HOSTING BEHAVIOR ............................................................................................................................................. 28
7 OBJECT PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................................ 29
7.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.2 NAMING AND IDENTITY PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 29
7.2.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.2.2 Usage ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
7.3 SHARED PARAMETERS AND SHARED PARAMETER FILES ................................................................................... 31
7.3.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 31
7.3.2 Examples............................................................................................................................................................ 32
7.4 GLOBAL OBJECT PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................................... 32
7.4.1 Required Object Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 32
7.4.2 Recommended Object Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 33
7.5 TELECOMMUNICATIONS PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... 33
7.5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 33
7.5.2 Outside Plant ...................................................................................................................................................... 33


ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

Building Interior Facilities Parameters: ............................................................................................................. 36

Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) Parameters: ............................................................................................ 37
Data Centers Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 38
Building Automation Systems (BAS), Management & Control Parameters ..................................................... 38

8 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................ 41

8.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
8.2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 41
8.2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
8.2.2 Outside Plant Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 41
8.2.3 Building Interior Facilities ................................................................................................................................. 42
8.3 ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY (ESS) CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 43
8.4 DATA CENTER CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.1 Outside Plant Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 44
8.4.2 Cabling and Pathways........................................................................................................................................ 44
8.4.3 Computer Rooms ............................................................................................................................................... 44
8.5 BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM (BAS) CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 45
APPENDIX A: DEPLOYING BIM (INFORMATIVE) .................................................................................. 47
A.1 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................... 47
A.2 IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................................................................................................. 47
A.2.1 Design Consultants/Contractors........................................................................................................................ 47
A.2.2 Manufacturers ................................................................................................................................................... 50
A.2.3 Owners .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
A.2.4 Training ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
A.2.5 The First Project ............................................................................................................................................... 50
APPENDIX B: ABOUT BIM (INFORMATIVE) .......................................................................................... 51
B.1 HISTORY AND CURRENT INDUSTRY CONDITION................................................................................................ 51
B.2 POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF BIM ........................................................................................................................... 51
B.3 CHALLENGES ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
B.4 THE INFORMATION WITHIN BIM................................................................................................................... 54
B.5 INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY ..................................................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX C: RELATED DOCUMENTS (INFORMATIVE) ..................................................................... 57



Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems

FIGURE 6-1: EXAMPLE OF DEDICATED SPACED AND WORK SPACE ............................................................................. 10
FIGURE 6-2: COVERAGE ZONE EXAMPLE .................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 6-3: EXAMPLE OF SYMBOLS REPLACING FEATURES ....................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 6-4: EXAMPLE OF PATHWAYS AT A LOW LEVEL OF DETAIL. .......................................................................... 15
FIGURE 6-5: EXAMPLE OF PATHWAYS AT AN INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DETAIL. ........................................................ 15
FIGURE 6-6: EXAMPLE OF PATHWAYS AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL. ......................................................................... 16
FIGURE 6-7: EXAMPLE OF A PATHWAY PLAN AT A LOW LEVEL OF DETAIL ................................................................ 18
FIGURE 6-8: EXAMPLE OF A RACK AT A LOW LEVEL OF DETAIL ................................................................................. 19
FIGURE 6-9: EXAMPLE OF A WALL-MOUNTED DEVICE AT A LOW LEVEL OF DETAIL ................................................. 20
FIGURE 6-10: EXAMPLE OF A WALL-MOUNTED FACEPLATE AT A LOW LEVEL OF DETAIL ......................................... 20
FIGURE 6-12: EXAMPLE OF A RACK AT AN INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DETAIL ............................................................ 22
FIGURE 6-15: EXAMPLE OF A ROUGH-IN DETAIL DRAWING AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL ......................................... 24
FIGURE 6-16: EXAMPLES OF REFLECTED CEILING PLANS AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL ............................................. 25
FIGURE 6-17: EXAMPLE OF A RACK AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL .............................................................................. 25
FIGURE 6-18: EXAMPLE OF A WALL-MOUNTED DEVICE AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL............................................... 26
FIGURE 6-19: EXAMPLE OF A WALL-MOUNTED FACEPLATE AT A HIGH LEVEL OF DETAIL ........................................ 27
FIGURE 7-1: EXAMPLE OF TEXT-BASED SHARED PARAMETER FILE ............................................................................ 32
FIGURE 7-2: EXAMPLE OF A SPREADSHEET SHARED PARAMETER FILE ....................................................................... 32
FIGURE A-1: PERSONNEL HIERARCHY ........................................................................................................................ 49
FIGURE B-1: BIM MODEL OF MEP DESIGN.................................................................................................................. 52

TABLE 7-1: TYPICAL IDENTITY PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................. 30


ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems

1 Introduction
1.1 General
Building information modeling (BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during its lifecycle.
BIM software can generate three-dimensional models used to support the design of a building. Utilizing BIM can
incorporate detailed product information, quantities, and properties into the models. This added intelligence has
huge potential for improving construction projects and ongoing facilities service. Just as the introduction of
computer-aided design (CAD) software brought major advancements over hand drawings, BIM is dramatically
altering how we communicate building design.

1.2 Purpose
The intent of this document is to expand the implementation of BIM in the telecommunications industry; explain
the function and different elements of BIM and suggest which are most useful for telecommunications; and to
recommend best practices for BIMs implementation and use.
The development of the BICSI BIM Standard reflects the importance of maintaining a good balance between the
3D modeling industry trends; the project basis of design modeling requirements; and the applicable Codes and
Industry Standards. This Standard is based on the current BIM experience of many A/E firms and
telecommunications industry experts. With the BICSI BIM Standards the ITS designer should be able to:
Evaluate the benefits and requirements of BIM before engaging on a new project
Better define the scope of work on a BIM project
Have a reference point while designing for BIM
Efficiently manage the BIM coordination
Finally, the intent of releasing this document is to provide the telecommunications industry a tool and Standard to
meet the demands of the fast-paced BIM world.

1.3 Levels of Requirement

Two levels of requirement are specified - mandatory and advisory.

Mandatory levels generally apply to protection, performance, administration, and compatibility; they
specify the absolute minimum acceptable requirements.
Advisory or desirable criteria are presented when their attainment will enhance the general performance
of the BIM system in all its contemplated applications.
Mandatory requirements are designated by the word shall; advisory recommendations are designated by the words
should, may, or desirable, which are used interchangeably within this standard. When possible, recommendations
and requirements are separated to aid in clarity.

2 Scope
The scope of this document will explain the usage of BIM objects provided by product manufacturers as well as
the level of intelligence integrated once these have been inserted to be part of the overall model. The level of
intelligence term refers to the well defined Level of Detail (LOD) that each model is compromised by its
components and design objects, (this will be elaborated further on this document). This document also attempts to
guide the ITS designer:

During the development process of the 3D model and related modeling tasks
Throughout the coordination with all disciplines to maintain standardization among all the different low
voltage systems
To deliver an efficient lean model


ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

3 Required Standards and Documents

The following standards and documents contain provisions that constitute requirements listed within this standard.
Unless otherwise indicated, all standards and documents listed are the latest published version prior to the initial
publication of this standard. Parties to agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying a more recent version, as applicable.
Where equivalent local codes and standards exist, requirements from these local specifications shall apply. Where
reference is made to a requirement that exceeds minimum code requirements, the specification requirement shall
take precedence over any apparent conflict with applicable codes.
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

E202, Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit

Building Smart Alliance (BSA)

National Building Information Model Standard

Construction Specifications Institute/Construction Specifications Canada

MasterFormat: Master List of Numbers and Titles for the Construction Industry, 2012 Update
UniFormat: A Uniform Classification System of Construction Systems and Assemblies, 2010 Edition

National Institute of Building Sciences

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)

R.S. Means Company, Inc.

RSMeans Assemblies Cost Data

RSMeans Building Construction Cost Data
RSMeans Electrical Cost Data

US General Services Administration (GSA)

GSA Building Information Modeling Guide Series


Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems

4 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Units of Measurement

For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions, acronyms, abbreviations and units of measurement

4.1 Definitions
category: The broadest level of classification of BIM content. A category encompasses object groups, types, and
instances that have related functions or are parts of similar systems. Examples of categories include walls,
doors, electrical equipment cable trays, security devices, and communications devices.
COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange): A standard, developed by the National
Institute of Building Sciences in the U.S., for organizing building operations information. This information is used
for building handover and facility management. Information is organized into a series of tables describing
participants in the buildings design and maintenance, floors in the building, spaces on floors, fixtures and
equipment in spaces, periodic maintenance for equipment, spare parts suppliers, serial numbers, etc. Some of the
information can be extracted from an architects or engineers BIM model, while other information must be
supplied by contractors or facility managers.
content: Collectively models of devices, equipment, fittings, etc., which are suitable for use in BIM project
content Model: A model, at the type or object group level of classification, depicting devices, equipment, fittings,
etc., which can be instanced into a project model at multiple locations. A content model can be either a product
model, representing a specific product, or it can be generic, representing a device where the specific model has not
yet been selected.
firm: This refers to a consultant company, such as an MEP firm. This will be referenced in the context of an
RCDDs firms content
generic: Non-manufacturer-specific content. Generic content is used by some firms in the early building design
phases, because full requirements are not fully known at such an early stage.
instance: The most specific level of classification of BIM content, encompassing a single device, installed at a
single location in a single project.
model: A computer representation which simulates something in the real world. Depending on context, this term
can refer to a BIM project model, individual BIM product models that are to be placed in BIM project models,
generic content, or even a simple 3D (non-BIM) model of a geometric form.
object: The representation of a building component in a BIM system. A BIM object includes the geometric form
of the building component, as well as any graphic symbol used to represent the component in plan drawings, nongraphical data such as manufacturer name or required voltage, and behavior of the component such as being able
to be circuited to electrical panels or being able to be placed in a wall.
object group: An intermediate level of classification of BIM content, more specific than a category, but capable
of encompassing multiple closely related types that are similar in form and function. Examples could vary from
manufacturer to manufacturer, but might include two-post racks, angled patch panels, faceplates, etc.
NOTE: In programming vernacular, object groups are also known as families.
parameter: A data field comprising part of the definition of an object. Examples include manufacturer,
mounting height, voltage, or field of view.
product model: A piece of BIM content representing a product (or several similar products) from a particular
project model: A BIM model of a building or other construction project, created by placing many instances of
various generic or product models.
reflected ceiling plan: A type of scaled drawing, common in architecture but uncommon in technology design, in
which the underside of a ceiling is drawn as if the floor of the building was a mirror and the ceiling appeared
reflected in it.
rendering: Computationally producing a high-quality image of a model, usually by tracing the paths of many rays
of light. Rendering often takes into account such factors as the position and characteristics of light sources; colors,
patterns, and bumpiness of surfaces in the model; reflections; transparency; translucency; and diffraction.
Rendering (as opposed to simple shading) performed by high-end rendering software can produce images that are
difficult to distinguish from photographs of the real world.
scale-dependent: Having a graphical depiction whose plotted size is dependent on the scale of the drawing in
which it appears, i.e., being drawn to scale.

ANSI/BICSI 003-2014
scale-independent: Having a graphical depiction whose plotted size is always the same, regardless of the scale of
the drawing in which it appears. For example a triangular symbol for a faceplate, which always appears 4.8 mm
(0.19 in) on a side, regardless of the scale of the drawing.
type: An intermediate level of classification on BIM content, generally corresponding to a particular make and
model of device, which may be installed at multiple locations in a project.
value: An actual quantity, measurement, text string, selection, or other evaluation of a parameter associated with
an instance or object type. Examples of values might include Thingamabobs, Inc. (for a manufacturer), 107cm
or 42in (for a mounting height), 120V (for a voltage), or 30 degrees (for a field of view). Some values are
constant for a particular product (with other products having other values), while other values can vary from
instance to instance.

4.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviations and acronyms, other than in common usage, are defined below.
two dimensions
three dimensions
authority having jurisdiction
building information modeling
building product manufacturer
computer-aided design
construction document
construction operations building information exchange
electronic safety and security
integrated project delivery
level of development
mechanical electrical plumbing engineering design consultant/firm
national CAD standard
outside plant
power over Ethernet
reflected ceiling plan
request for information
wireless access points

4.3 Units of Measurement

The units of measurement used in this standard are metric. Approximate conversions from metric to U.S.
customary units are provided in parentheses; e.g., 100 millimeters (4 inches).
Units of measurement used in this standard are defined below:


Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems

5 BIM Project Design

5.1 Overview
Within the planning and implementation of a project, there are several phases where specific actions related to
BIM need to occur. The following sections provide information about BIM tasks for specific projects stages.

5.2 Pre-Schematic Design

Establish a BIM expectation plan containing the following:

Establish model sharing schedule and process

Model coordination objectives and tolerances
Level of development
Progress schedule what is to be seen in the model and at what phases
BIM startup matrix what needs to be modeled for other disciplines to start
Project origin point or common working point to be established collaboratively at the beginning of the
BIM documentation phase amongst the team members.
Specific project areas of concern
Document E202, BIM protocol exhibit, provides further information and considerations for the above items.

5.3 Schematic Design

Tasks and elements of the BIM project during schematic design include:

Establish the horizontal equipment layouts, duct mains, large diameter conduits, cable tray, and pipe
mains. Establish the vertical ducts, conduits, and pipes that will be going floor to floor (e.g., shafts and
The team shall review each others plans and discuss any changes that should be made
The team shall work out initial generic space zones for the each trade.
Examples include:

Lights at ceiling
Fire protection run between lights
Water & gas piping 250 mm (10 in) above ceiling (as measured from the bottom of piping)
Mechanical pipe 250 mm (10 in) above ceiling (as measured from the bottom of piping)
Ductwork 450 mm (18 in) above ceiling (as measured from the bottom of the duct)
Pitched piping above as tight to structure as possible

The team shall model all clearance requirements for their equipment
BIM lead shall include files for all disciplines and set up the batch for the model

5.4 Design Development

Tasks and elements of the BIM project during design development include:

BIM lead shall review the model and run the clash report.
Team shall discuss changes needed to clear up any clashes. If it is determined that assistance from the
architect or others is required to clear some clashes, the BIM lead will take snap shots from the model
showing the conflicts. These shall be sent to the appropriate party for resolution.
Discuss the next steps once all clashes are resolved and the appropriate space required for the design the
team has modeled has been provided.


ANSI/BICSI 003-2014

5.5 Bid Documents

Tasks and elements of the BIM project during creation and review of bid documents include:

Issues with required space need to be resolved and completed by the design team.
The following shall be modeled as required:

Telecommunication room
Cable tray, conduits, optical fiber duct, and other contiguous cable pathway systems
Cabinets, frames, and racks
Telecommunication devices
Devices shall be modeled to the overall height, width, and depth to the specific project
Telecommunication system backbone pathway.
Telecommunication cables, J-hook supports, and individual outlets wall conduit stubs may be
modeled on per project basis
Access control coordinated with door hardware (as applicable)
Card readers and door operators (as applicable)
These objects shall be modeled as required, subject to the accuracy of architectural drawings and
software capability.

Quantities and locations of telecommunications outlets shall be coordinated with the electrical engineer
for rough-ins to ensure there is power adjacent to each outlet.
Check for any remaining coordination issues. For example, the designer may wish to verify piping for
liquids or HVAC ductwork shall not be routed through telecom spaces, unless serving the room. The
ceiling space should be clear to allow the routing and installation of cable tray and cables. The height
should be at least 2.6 m (8.5 ft) and false ceilings shall not be installed.
Each discipline shall complete their BIM modeling
Team shall clear up all conflicts (clashes)

5.6 Construction Documents

A/E is expected to continuously maintain and update the model(s) with changes made during construction, as

5.7 A/E Contract Close-out

A/E shall update their respective models with contractor recorded changes. Republish record documents. Also
submit full model with all needed objects and reference drawings, in original authored software and in IFC format
(as required).
NOTE: Discuss possible changes to close-out requirements, as needed, with the owner or owners representative.

5.8 Project Audit

Once the first BIM project is complete, it is important to determine how well the workflow worked and how the
workflow needs to be modified. By looking at several factors, problem areas will be highlighted and can be
addressed prior to engaging in additional BIM projects.

Accuracy and integrity of the model

Process adoption
Project successes and failures
Project deliverables
RFI and addendum quantity


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