Questions in Ophthalmology

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Main Questions
1. Anatomy of Orbit
2. Third cranial nerve
3. Anatomy of conjunctiva
4. Describe circle of Willis, Lesions associated and the effects
5. Anatomy of Lacrimal System
6. Micro anatomy and blood supply of Retina and development
7. Anatomy, Blood and nerve supply, Actions, Tests of functions of EOM
8. Anatomy of lids/ LPS & importance
9. Anatomy ( gross & Microscopic ) of cornea, importance of each layer , corneal
metabolism & transparency
10. Anatomy of Choroid
11. Anatomy of Macula Lutea
12. Anatomy of Ophthalmic Artery
13. Describe ocular refractive media and their embryology
14. Visual Pathway – Anatomy and blood supply
15. Optic nerve head – anatomy & blood supply
16. Optic Nerve – anatomy & blood supply
17. Optic Chiasma ( anatomy & syndrome )

Short Notes
1. Cornea scleral function.
2. Apex orbit, Clinical presentation of “Tolosa hunt syndrome”
3. Cavernous sinus – Anatomy & syndrome
4. Lateral Geniculate body
5. Ciliospinal pathway
6. Anatomy of orbicularis oculi and Lacrimal punctum function
7. Corona Ciliaris
8. Nerve supply of Pupillary muscles
9. Development and microstructure of lens (EM – study)
10. Check ligaments - importance
11. Relationship of nasal sinuses with eye
12. Relationship and importance of Chiasma
13. Embryology of Lacrimal apparatus
14. Structure of rod & cone
15. Lacrimal drainage apparatus
16. Roof of the orbit
17. Surgical spaces of orbit
18. Cryptophthalmos
19. Aqueous veins
20. Anatomy of Nascociliary nerve
21. Anatomy of Apex of orbit
22. Inferior oblique - anatomy
23. Ciliary muscle
24. Superior oblique muscle
25. Anatomy & physiology of Ciliary Ganglion
26. Anatomy of vitreous and development.
27. SR – Anatomy and role in movement of upper eye lid
28. Orbital septum
29. Anatomy of Limbus and surgical importance.
30. Superior Orbital Fissure
31. A/C angle anatomy
32. Bruch’s membrane
33. Blood Retina Barrier
34. Cilioretinal Artery


1. Fine needle aspiration biopsy

2. Histopathology of
(a) Retinoblastoma
(b) Malignant melanoma
(c) Meibomian gland Carcinoma
(d) Congenital glaucoma
(e) Squamous cell carcinoma
(f) Basal cell carcinoma
Main questions:

1. Formation Circulation and drainage of aqueous humor

2. Physiology and theories of colour vision
3. Colour vision defects and Tests of colour blindness
4. Tear film , Physiology & abnormalities
5. Effects of light on retina -
6. Dark adaptation – biochemical changes
7. Metabolism & photochemistry of Retina
8. How is IOP maintained, Basis of provocative tests.
9. Physiology of Lacrimal Gland & its role in normal eyes
10. Lens metabolism , nutrition & electrolyte imbalance & biochemical changes
leading to cataract formation
11. BSV- development, grades, and how it is maintained

Short Notes

1. Blood aqueous barrier

2. Horopter
3. Entoptic phenomenon
4. Scotopic and photopic vision
5. T- Lymphocyte
6. Corneal endothelium
7. Pathway of light reflex and accommodation reflex
8. Rhodopsin
9. Factors governing Pupillary activity
10. Metabolism of cornea
11. Cup disc ratio
12. Electro retinogram
13. Haidinger’s brushes
14. Photostress test
15. Corneal transparency
16. Electrophysiology.
17. Steven Johnson syndrome
18. Macular function tests
19. Visual function tests in cataract
20. Pupils & mechanism of pupillary reflex
21. Physiology of vision
22. Diurnal variation of eye pressure
23. Immunological reactions
24. Limbal stem cell
25. Colour blindness
1. Anti viral drug
3. Fluoroquinolone
4. Ocular side effects of drugs used in Tuberculosis
5. Chemotherapy of Retinoblastoma
6. Adverse effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
7. Application of Botulinum toxin in ophthalmology.
8. Immunosupressives for posterior uveitis.
9. Discuss newer antibiotics in ophthalmology
10. Diagnostic importance of Immunoglobulins in ophthalmology
11. Cyclosporin in Uveitis
12. Antimetabolites
13. Antifungals
14. Healon
15. Artificial tears
16. 5 Flurouracil
17. Prostaglandins
18. Phosphorous 32
19. Collagenase
20. Uses & types of Viscoelastics
21. ACTH
22. Chymotrypsin
23. Doxuvidine
24. Mydriatics
25. Influence of factor as drug Penetration
26. Immunosuppressive drugs in ophthalmology.
27. Beta blockers in Ophthalmology
28. Acylovir
29. Sodium Cromoglycate
30. Phospholyl iodine
31. Miotics
32. Mydriatics and cyclopligies
33. Steroids in ophthalmology
34. Atropine and substitutes
35. Antiprostaglandins
36. Sodium Hylunorate.
37. Moxifloxacin
38. Local anaesthesia & complications
39. Anti glaucoma drugs
40. Ketaconazole
41. Epinephrine
42. Mitomycin C
43. Pilocarpine
44. Timolol
45. Brimonidine
46. Dorzolamide
47. Intra cameral medication

1. Sterilization of Instruments
2. TRIC virus – developmental cycle
3. List normal conjunctival flora and discuss the circumstances under which
they become Pathogenic
4. Hormone receptor assay
5. Morax – Axenfeld Baccili
6. Morphology of Pneumococcus Adenovirus
7. Morphology and cultural characteristics of Gonococcus
8. Morphology :cultural characteristics of lepra Bacillus
9. Morphology and culture of Bacillus Pyocyaneus
10. Immunoglobulin – G
11. Morphology of Acanthamoeba
12. Anaphylaxis
13. Bacterial cell
14. Lab diagnosis of keratitis
15. Cystecronis
16. Immunity - development and hypersensitivity reactions
17. Chlamydia
18. Gonoccocus
19. AFB
20. Adenovirus
21. MK media
22. Aspergillosis
23. Common bacteria affecting eye.
24. Pseudomosa Pyogens
25. Taenia solium infection
26. Parasite in ocular disease
27. Diplobaccilli
28. Rubella syndrome
29. Rhinospordiosis
30. Molluscum Contagiosum
32. Koch – Weeks baccili

1. Myopia –etiology, clinical types, changes in eyes & complications – how do
you treat them
2. Normal vision with ideal co – axial lens.
3. Prisms in ophthalmology- what is prism angle
4. Hypermetropia.
5. Optics of retinoscopy
6. Contact lens – uses in ophthalmology , fitting and complications
7. Astigmatism
8. Strums Conoid & clinical applications
9. Accommodation – theories and failure
10. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy _ principles , clinical uses & advantages over direct
11. Anisometropia.
12. Presbyopia.- factors involved in its development
13. Optical principle of Lensometer / Focimeter
14. Describe principle and theories of Accommodation – Convergence
15. Slit lamp – principles , optics & various methods of evaluation
16. Principles of Keratometry

1. Jacksons Cross cylinder.
2. Optical Abberation
3. Low vision Aids
4. Computerized eye testing
5. Bagolini’s striated lens
6. Direct ophthalmoscopy – principles & uses.
7. Donders reduced eye
8. Principle of 60 D , 78 D & 90 D lenses
9. Maddox Wing
10. Cover Test
11. Friends Test
12. Use of Plane mirror
13. Gonioscope
14. Optics of microscope
15. Maddox Rod
16. Telescopes
17. Three mirror lens
18. Applanation Lens
19. Hruby Lens and principles
20. Placido disc
21. Staenopic slit
22. Criteria for visually handicapped persons
23. Duochrome test
24. Optics & uses of corneal microscope
25. Laser Biophysics

1. Ectropion of lower lid& management

2. Entropion causes & surgery
3. Ptosis & Principles and Complications of Ptosis surgery
4. Lid Tumours – Basal cell ca’
5. Chalazion
6. Discuss lid reconstruction
7. Blepharophimosis
8. Investigations & management of paralytic ptosis
9. Choice of operation in various types of ptosis
10. Investigations of acquired ptosis & treatment
11. Lid retraction
12. DD of congenital ptosis
13. Discuss the principles of ophthalmic plastic surgery and procedure for
correction of lid coloboma.
14. Symblepheron – causes and management.


Main Questions
1. Congenital Dacryocystitis and management in detail.
2. Chronic Dacryocystitis,management & recent advances
3. Corneal Tear film physiology and abnormalities Dry eye- Clinical features &
complications ,Syndromes

Short Notes
1. KCS & Sjogrens
2. Evaluation of epiphora
3. Lacrimal Gland obstruction & treatment
4. Lacrimal Gland Tumour (esp. Mixed tumour )
5. DCT & DCR - Investigation & surgical procedure
6. Recent advances in Lacrimal system diagnosis & surgery
7. Steven Johnson syndrome
8. Canaliculoplasty
9. Anatomy of NLD and its blockage
10. DD of swelling at inner Canthus
11. Schirmers test
12. Acute Dacryocystitis

1. Anatomy and clinical evaluation of conjunctivitis

2. Chronic Blepharitis
3. Bacterial conjunctivitis
4. Viral conjunctivitis
5. Trachoma & Inclusion conjunctivitis
6. Ophthalmia Neonatorum
7. Allergic conjunctivitis
8. Autoimmune conjunctivitis
10. Conjunctival degenerations & management
11. Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis
12. Nodules at limbus
13. Recurrent pterygium & its management
14. Giant papillary conjunctivitis
15. vernal conjunctivitis
16. Describe keratoconjuctivitis sicca
17. DD & histopatho of Chalazion
18. Ocular pemphigus
19. Atopic dermatitis
20. Erythema multiforme
21. Xeroderma Pigmentosa
22. Essential shrinkage of conjunctiva
23. Molluscum contagiosum
24. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
25. Internal hordeolum
26. Keratomalacia
27. Scleritis & episcleritis
28. Pannus
29. Impression cytology in conjunctival diseases
30. Scleromalacia perforans
31. Epithilioma of limbus
32. Xerophthalmia
33. Membranous conjunctivitis
34. Epidemic Conjunctivitis


1. Bacterial Keratitis , diagnosis & management

2. Viral Keratitis HSV, diagnosis & management
3. Viral Keratitis HZO, diagnosis & management
4. Fungal Keratitis , diagnosis & management
5. Pathology of Corneal Ulcer , clinical features surgical & medical management &
6. Corneal degenerations & treatment
7. Etiology of moorens ulcer & fasicular ulcer
8. Cornea in syphillis
9. Surgical trends in cornea
10. Keratoconus & treatment
11. Surgical management of high myopia
12. Penetrating Keratoplasty
13. Corneal transparency , edema – causes , management ( DELK)
14. Corneal donation & eye banking
15. Contact lens Principles , clinical usages & complications
16. Interstitial keratitis –etiology, clinical features, & treatment
17. Corneal Refractive surgeries


1. Refractive Keratoplasty
3. Keratometry
4. Keratophakia, Epikeratophakia
5. Keratometry
6. SPK
7. Keratomiliueses
8. Lamellar Keratoplasty
9. Xerophthalmia & Bitot spots
10. Pigmentary Changes, / KF Ring & Haemosiderosis
11. Staining
12. Neurotrophic Keratitis
13. Keratoprosthesis
14. Preservation of donor cornea
15. Thermokeratoplasty
16. Arcus senilis
17. Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy
18. Cormeal graft rejection - pathogenisis
19. Oxygen delivery through contact lenses
20. Epikeratophakia vs contact lens in the correction of aphakia
21. Role of contact lenses in drug delivery
22. Bandage contact lens
23. Optical principles of contact Lens
24. Steep fit and flat fit in hard contact lenses
25. Recurrent corneal erosions
26. Herpes Corneal Ulcer
27. Fabry’s disease
28. maintainance of corneal transparency
29. Treatment of Bullous keratopathy
30. Hydrocurve Contact lens
31. Complications of PKP
32. Acanthamoeba Keratitis
33. Corneal lattice dystrophy
34. Epikeratoplasty in keratoconus
35. salzmann’s nodular degeneration
36. KF Ring
37. Selection of donor material for PKP
38. Blood staining of cornea
39. Therapeutic Keratoplasty
40. Disciform Keratitis
41. Corneal Dystrophy
42. Goldenhaar syndrome
43. Keratoglobus
44. Excimer Laser
45. Clinical features & complications of keratoconus
46. Terriens marginal degeneration
47. Retocorneal membrane
48. Management of non healing corneal ulcers
49. Corneal sensation _ anat basis & conditions in which it is reduced
50. Marginal degeneration
51. Non infective superficial keratitis
52. Megalocornea
53. Metaherpetic ulcer
54. Metastatic deposits in cornea
55. Lamellar Keratoplasty
56. Fascicular ulcer
57. Mooren’s ulcer
58. Types of corneal vascularisation
59. Pannus
60. band keratopathy
61. Graft failure & rejection
62. Corneal leucoma
63. Munsun’s sign
64. Rodent Ulcer
65. Specular Microscope


1. Cataract – Types, stages and factors for cataract formation.

2. Modern Procedure of ECCE.
3. Aphakia- disadvantages and management
4. IOL implantation – Merits &Demerits, calculation of power, complications
5. Complications of Cataract surgery
6. Traumatic Cataract – investigation and management.
7. Developmental ( Congenital & paediatric ) cataract & management, recent
8. Uses and limitations of Cryo in ophthalmology.
9. Secondary IOL Implantation.
10. IOL implantation in children.
11. Cataract surgery in HTN & DM
12. LIG clinical features & management
13. Principles of Keratometer
14. AC IOL implantation & complication
15. Complications of Vitreous Loss
16. Post op reduction in vision in Pseudophakia & management
17. Phacoemulsification and advantages over ECCE
18. Intra ocular Contact Lenses in the correction of refractive errors

1. IOL power calculation
2. Treatment of displaced lens
3. VWS / VTS
4. Marfan’s syndrome
5. A – Scan.
6. Foldable IOL
7. Atopic cataract
8. B Scan
9. Viscoelastics
10. Visual function test in cataract
11. Complicated cataract
12. Rubella cataract
13. Dermatogenic cataract
14. Management of Shallow A/ C
15. Glass Blowers cataract
16. IOLs
17. Multifocal IOLs
18. Astigmatism in Pseudophakia
19. Management of Updrawn Pupil
20. Lens Coloboma
21. Vascular Sheath of lens
22. YAG Laser
23. Phaco- ablation
24. Role of trace elements in senile cataract
25. IOL Complications
26. Lensectomy
27. PCO / After Cataract
28. Management of dislocated Nucleus in Vitreous
29. Zonular cataract
30. Post Op Shallow A/C causes & management

1. AC angle – Anatomy ,development of congenital glaucomas associated

with Mesenchymal Dysgenisis with role in Glaucoma
2. Primary congenital Glaucoma – CF and Medical management
3. Open Angle Glaucoma – DD, methods of diagnosis
4. Pathological changes in ACG
5. Causes of Secondary Glaucoma – brief management of each
6. Investigation in a case of suspected glaucoma
7. Buphthalmos in a child of 4 yrs, investigations & treatment
8. Low tension glaucoma , diagnosis & treatment
9. Hypertension & Diabetes in relation to glaucoma
10. Aphakic glaucoma ( glaucoma & lens )- causes & management
11. NVG – how will you diagnose & manage
12. Trabeculectomy, Indications, Steps, and complications
13. Viscocanalostomy
14. Filtering surgeries for OAG – merits & demerits of these
15. Discuss the various anti glaucoma drugs , merits & demerits of them
16. Gonioscopic findings in diagnosis & management of glaucoma
17. Discuss the value of Tonometry, Tonography, Gonioscopy & fundoscopy
in management of OAG
18. Recent advances in Glaucoma management
19. Ciliary Block Glaucoma- etiology, pathogenisis , clinical features &
20. Automated Perimetry
21. Malignant Glaucoma – etiopathogeneis & management
22. Role of Drainage Devices

Short Notes

1. OCT
2. Field defects in glaucoma
3. Malignant Glaucoma
4. Glaucoma Clinic and glaucoma screening
5. Cornea & glaucoma ( FHIOC & FED)
6. Iris & glaucoma
7. Tumors & glaucoma
8. steroid induced Glaucoma
9. Trauma, I/O haem & glaucoma
10. Laser in glaucoma
11. Trabeculotomy
12. Molteno implants
13. Possner- Schlossman syndrome ( Glaucomato cyclitic crisis )
14. mitomycin c with trabeculectomy
15. Laser Trabeculoplasty
16. Automated perimetry- merits & demerits
17. management of total hyphaema
18. diagnostic drainage procedures
19. Iatrogenic glaucoma
20. Causes of failure of filtration surgery
21. Laser Iridotomy
22. Plateau iris
23. PXM and syndrome
24. Cyclocryotherapy
25. Phacolytic Glaucoma
26. Rubeosis iridis and NVG
27. Phacolytic Glaucoma
28. Glaucoma associated with abnormal position of lens
29. recession of angle of anterior chamber
30. Intraocular pressure dynamics after laser application
31. Enzyme glaucoma
32. ICE syndromes
33. Essential Iris atrophy
34. Argon laser peripheral iridoplasty
35. spontaneous hyphaema
36. Causes and management of secondary glaucoma following intraocular
37. Naevus of Ota
38. Pathogenisis of glaucomatous cupping
39. Epidemic dropsy glaucoma
40. Ocular Hypotony
41. Goniotomy
42. Aphakic glaucoma
43. Pupillary Block glaucoma
44. Reigers syndrome
45. Paracentesis in glaucoma
46. Early field changes in glaucoma
47. Iris cysts
48. Role of diurnal variation in OAG
49. Thrombotic glaucoma
50. Glaucoma capsulare
51. Inverse Glaucoma
52. Myotonic glaucoma
53. Cyclodialysis and complications during and after surgery
54. Nodule in angle of anterior chamber
55. Glaucoma due to adultrated cooking oil
56. Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty


1. Signs ,Symptoms,DD of Acute Anterior uveitis and management

2. Etiology,History, and investigations in Uveitis
3. Malignant Melanoma - pathology ,pathogenesis ,CF and treatment.
4. Etiology, Pathogenesis, CF and treatment of Parsplanitis.
5. Sympathetic Ophthalmia – Signs / Symptoms, Etiology Histopathology &
6. Degenerative changes of Uveal tract.
7. Endophthalmitis / post surgical uveitis etology, CF prevention and treatment.
8. HLA antigens & Uveitis
9. Ocular Toxoplasmosis.
10. Viral Uveitis (HIV/ AIDS )
11. Granulomatous Uveitis, TB,
12. Syphillis, Lymes,
13. Tape Worm infestations ,Onchocerciasis,,Toxocara.
14. Sarcoidosis
15. Uveitis in white eye
16. Eales Disease
17. Leprosy.


1. Steroids in Uveitis
2. Mydriatics
3. Immunosuppresants.
4. Histoplasmiosis,
5. CMV, retinitis
6. HMV Retinitis
7. ARN,
8. Reiters Syndrome
9. Heterochromic Iridocyclitis
10. DD of Iris Nodules
11. Iris Bombe
12. Rubeosis
14. POHS
15. VKH
16. Seclussio puppilae
17. Iris Nodule
18. Polycoria
19. Pseudohypopyon
20. Masquerade syndrome
21. Aqueous flare
22. Behcet’s disease – Etiology, Signs/ Symptoms Immunology.
23. Syndromes :- Serpigmous c/p
Bird shot c/p


1. Degenerative changes in vitreous.

2. Vitreous opacties and inflammatory changes
3. Vitreous Hemorrhage – causes & management , esp of recurrent VH
4. Virectomy, indications, procedure, merits and demerits
5. Vitreous substitutes
6. Tapetoretinal Degenerations And Retinitis Pigmentosa.
7. Importance of examination of Periphery of Retina in management of RD.
8. Retinal detachment ,causes and management.
9. Macular degenerations ,etiopathogenis and management
10. Heredomacular dystrophies – clinical picture & diagnosis.
11. ARMD management & diagnosis.
12. Hypertensive Retinopathy
13. Diabetic Retinopathy _ management of PDR
16. Rhegmatogenous RD- clinical signs, causes, and management
17. Retino Blastoma- genetics, pathology, diagnosis & treatment & Amaurotic cats
eye reflex with DD leucocoria
18. Sickle cell retinopathy
19. Retinopathy of Pre maturity
20. How will you investigate and manage a case of macular hole with RD
21. Peripheral Retinal degenerations.
22. Malignant Melanoma.
23. Flouresein ,FFA discuss normal and abnormal fundus
24. Central Retinal Hereditary dystrophy
25. Surgical management of Retinal detachment
26. Pneumatic Retinopexy – principles, merits & demerits, gases
27. Various surgical and retinal problems in children .how will you investigate and
28. Lasers in Retina
29. Electrophysiology (ERG, EOG)

1. Macular function tests and their interpretation

2. Roth’s spots in retina
3. Localisation of intra ocular foreign body
4. FFA in macular lesions of retina
5. CSR – Management
6. Post – operative complication of silicone oil
7. Distribution frequency of retinal breaks
8. Discuss retinal haemorrhage and its management
9. Flashes of light as a symptom
10. Discuss recent advances in Retino – vitreal surgery
11. Retinal dialyses
12. Retinoschisis and management
13. Distinguishing features of Rhegmatogenous RD
14. Persistant hyperplastic primary vitreous
15. Haemorrhagic choroiditis
16. VEP
17. Acute retinal necrosis
18. Epiretinal membrane
19. Complications of high myopia
20. Anatomy,Ultra structure of RPE: how will you diagnose clinically lesions
involving RPE
21. Fundus changes in ecclampsia and their management
22. Renal retinal syndrome
23. indications of using “silicone oil” in vitreo retinal surgery
24. Choroidal haemangioma
25. Macular star
26. Diabetic iritis
27. Circinate retinopathy
28. Causes, Management and prognosis of macular edema
29. Indications and contradictions of vitreous surgery
30. Clinical features of Von hippel landau disease and its differential diagnosis
31. Causes of disseminated choroiditis and its clinical features
32. Exudative RD and its management
33. Blunt injury to retina and Choroid
34. Juxtapapillary choroiditis
35. Retinal fronds
36. Open sky Vitrectomy
37. Vitreous biopsy
38. Intra ocular foreign body near posterior pole
39. Explants in RD surgery
40. Sub – retinal Neo – vascularisation
41. Silicone implant
42. Custodi’s procedure for retinal detachment
43. Fundus photography
44. compare venous stasis retinopathy and haemorrhagic retinopathy and
45. Etilogy, pathology, and management of traumatic ocular haemorrhage
46. Scintillating scotoma
47. Stargardts disease
48. Detachment of vitreous humor
49. Berlin’s edema
50. Posterior Staphyloma
51. Retinal photo toxicity
52. Drusen
53. Perflurocarbons
54. Solar retinitis
55. Toxic maculopathies
56. Indications of Pars-Plana Vitrectomy
57. Retinal Neovascularisation
58. Angioid Streaks
59. Berlins Edema / commoto Retinae
60. Drusen, C/W Spots
61. Indirect ophthalmology and Fundus charting
62. AV crossing changes
63. Giant Retinal Tears
64. Photocoagulation / Photoablation- limitations & scope
65. Anterior Segment .FFA
66. Retinal Vasculitis
67. Retinal infections
68. Lawrence Moon Bardet Beidel Syndrome.
69. Coats disease
70. Cystoid Macular Edema
71. Fleringa’s ring
72. Mechanism of Cherry red spot
73. Diode Laser
74. ICG
75. Salmon patch

Main Questions

1. Proptosis investigations, diagnosis & treatment

2. Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
3. Orbital Tumors
4. Painful Ophthalmoplegia
5. Orbital Fractures
6. Phacomatoses
7. Surgical approaches & indications

Short Notes
1. Pseudotumor
2. Investigations in exophthalmos
3. Marcuss Gunn syndrome
4. Investigate enophthalmos
5. Orbital spaces & surgical approaches
6. Blow out fractures – management & surgical treatment
7. Indications & steps of Lateral Orbitotomy
8. Rapidly progressive bil. Ptosis of 10 day duration in a 10 yr old child _ DD and
9. Ocular features in thyrotoxocosis
10. management of malignant exophthalmos
11. Orbital decompression in dysthyroid ophthalmopathy
12. Orbital calcification
13. Lateral approaches to orbit
14. specific role of radiotherapy in various orbital conditions
15. DD of bilateral. Ptosis
16. Ultrasound & CT scan picture in euthyroid disease
17. Mobility implants
18. Ocular rigidity
19. Socket reconstruction
20. secondaries in orbit
21. management of orbital tumors
22. Impure blow out fracture
23. Types of orbitotomies & their merits
24. Surgical managements of shallow orbits
25. Cysticercosis of the eye
26. Panophthalmitis
27. Kronlien’s operation
28. Tenonitis
29. Unilateral proptosis n children
30. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

Main Questions

1. Paralytic squint – Importance of Bielkovasky’s test.

2. Management and role of orthoptic tests in Concommutant squint
3. I0 muscle, diagnosis of I0 palsy
4. Investigation and treatment of child with alternating exotropia
5. Investigation and treatment of child of 7 yrs with alternating exotropia.
6. Squint surgery – principles and causes of failure, adjustable sutures
7. How will you investigate and manage a case of Diplopia in looking to
the right in male aged 40 yrs.
8. Discuss importance of Synoptophore examination in squint.
9. Diagnosis of ARC and treatment of ARC.
10. Examine a child with Convergent squint and treatment.
11. Investigation and treatment of child of 15 yrs with alternating Divergent Squint
12. Convergent Squint of 25° in a child of 4 yrs – evaluate and manage.
13. LR Palsy – causes and management
14. Compensatory mechanism of Diplopia
15. Ambylopia and management
16. Different head postures in paralytic squint and management
17. Management concomitant divergent squint
18. Management of Exophoria
19. Classify Esotropia – management

Short Notes:
1. Duane’s retraction syndrome.
2. Occlusion.
3. Hess char
4. AV phenomenon.
5. Maddox Rod
6. Simultaneous perception.
7. Fusion.
8. Convergence insufficiency.
9. Eccentric Fixation.
10. Accomadative estropia.
11. Cover test.
12. Supression.
13. Worth 4 dot test
14. Contrast sensitivity.
15. Uniocular Diplopia.
16. Prisms in ophthalmology.
17. Amslers chart.
18. Diplopia charting
19. Maddox wing
20. Tangent screen / scale
21. .Isopter
22. Ac/ A ratio
23. Microtropia
24. Congenital idiopathic Nystagmus
25. Types of divergent squint
26. Superior oblique sheath syndrome
27. Vergences & management
28. Residual deviation
29. Prism diopter
30. Pleoptics & otrhoptics
31. SO Palsy
32. Bilchowsky’s test
33. Adjustable sutures
34. Recent concepts in squint surgery
35. Convergence Excess
36. Forced duction test in squint surgery
37. Diplopia
38. Microstrabismus
39. Hirschbergs Reflex Test


1. Papilledema ,diagnosis & investigations and also differentiation with Papillitis.

2. Pupils and mechanism of pupillary reflexes
3. Optic Atrophy – investigations of primary OA
4. Ambylopia.
5. Causes and management of uniocular transient loss of vision.
6. Localisation of SOL and manifestations.
7. Enumerate Nystagmus. - describe in detail optokinetic nystagmus
8. Demyelinating diseases and their manifestations, Mysthania Gravis
9. Cavernous Sinus - Anatomy and syndromes.
10. Visual field defects.
11. Optic Chiasma - Anatomy and Syndrome.
12. 3rd N and Palsy.
13. 4th N and Palsy.
14. 5th N and Palsy..
15. 6th N and Palsy.
16. Differential diagnosis of headache Migraine
17. Pupillary anomalies assc with neurological involvement & principles of
pharmacological tests
18. Retrobulbar Neuritis / Optic neuritis
19. Craniofacial anomalies and their ophthalmic manifestations
20. Ocular manifestations of head injury
21. Field changes in pituitary tumors
22. Sudden loss of vision in a person of 50 yrs
23. Alcohol Ambylopia in a village epidemic due to illicit distilled arrack

1. Foster Kennedy syndrome.

2. Amaurosis fugax.
3. Ophthalmodynamometry.
4. Orbital venography.
5. Uniocular Pappiledema.
6. OKN
7. Uniocular Optic atrophy.
8. Pseudo Pappiledema.
9. Lebers optic atrophy
10. Craniopharyngioma
11. Oxycepahly
12. Miners Ambylopia
13. Struge Weber Syndrome
14. Defective elevation of one eye
15. Adies pupil
16. Horners syndrome
17. Electroretinography
18. Enlargement of optic canal
19. Eye complications of Head injury
20. Ocular Manifestations of intra cranial meningioma
21. Oculogyric crisis
22. Myotonic pupil
23. Diabetic ocular palsy
24. Clinical features of Diktyoma
25. Kimmel Steel Wilsons disease
26. VEP
27. Ambylopia ex anopsia
28. false localizing signs of neuro ophthalmology
29. Positive scotoma
30. Central scotoma
31. Tubular vision
32. Ophthalmoplegic migraine
33. Consecutive OA
34. AION.
35. Pseudotumor Cerebri – BIH
36. Bitemporal hemianopia
37. Pappilitis


1. NPCB – 76 Retrospective, steps taken in this programme, 3 tier system

2. Prevention of corneal blindness
3. Eye banking – principles, functions, method of collection & preservation of donor
4. DBCS and its organization
5. Vitamin deficiency & the eye
6. Eye camps – organization, steps to arrange OT, and asepsis
7. Prevalence of cataract blindness in India & steps to reduce it
8. Control & management of Endemic Trachoma
9. Rehabilitation & mobility training of blind and visually handicapped, also Low
Vision Aids.
10. Industrial Ophthalmology – evaluation by NPCB
11. School survey for ocular diseases


1. Peripheral eye care centre.

2. Glaucoma Clinic.
3. IOL implantation in camps.
4. Geriatric Ophthalmic problems.
5. Ophthalmic ethics.
6. Safety of eye in Industries.
7. Hygiene of vision
8. Primary eye care.
9. Television and eyes.
10. Foresight – prevention of blindness.
11. Diabetic clinic.
12. School survey.
13. Xerophthalmia
14. eye care through eye camps
15. OT maintenance
16. Legal blindness
17. Merits & demerits of eye camp surgery

Main questions

1. Localisation management of IOFB

2. Ocular manifestations of Connective tissue disorders.
3. Mechanism & effects of concussion injury in and around the eye.
4. Immunological reactions & Ocular diseases based on them.
5. Investigation of sudden loss of vision in a young male.
6. Diagnosis ; Prevention ; Management of Post operative endophthalmitis
7. Gradual painful unilateral loss of vision – causes investigations & management
8. Marfans syndrome
9. Breakdown of blood aqueous barrier
10. Different ocular conditions in which Neovascularisation occurs – significance &
11. Describe ocular complications of blunt injury, and how will you manage such a
patient with total hyphaema
12. How will you assess the posterior segment of the eye in opaque media
-Ultrasonography in ophthalmology
13. Laser in Ophthalmology
2. Nd YAG
3. Diode Laser
4. Cataract & Laser
5. Photo coagulation and photo ablation
6. Cryo
7. Laser in Iridectomy
8. Laser in DR.
9. Laser in Glaucoma
10. Laser in Vascular diseases

Short Notes
1. Diagnosis ; Prevention ; Traumatic endophthalmitis
2. Significance of Ectropion Uvea
3. Trisomy 13- 21 in ocular disorders
4. Ocular manifestations of Rheumatoid arthritis
5. HLA – in ophthalmology
6. Arthus phenomenon
7. Ocular manifestations of thrombosis of cavernous sinus
8. 13q deletion syndrome
9. Discuss ocular involvement in homocystinuria
10. Ocular manifestation of Mucocutaneous bullous disorders
11. Ocular manifestation in leulaemia
12. Ocular involvement in Steven Jhonson’s syndrome
13. Horners syndrome
14. Pseudo xanthoma elasticum
15. Ocular changes in poly arthritis nodosa
16. Ocular changes in Pagets disease
17. Ocular manifestation of malnutrition
18. Ocular involvement in Mucopolysaccharidoses
19. Diagnosis and treatment of sudden blindness
20. Ocular manifestation of hyper viscosity syndrome and lymphoid disorders
21. Oral contraceptives and the eye
22. Methylene blue test
23. Peribulbar anaesthesia
24. Akinesia
25. Homo cystinuria
26. Factors producing new – vessels in ophthalmology
27. Commonest genetic disorders of eye in India
28. Ophthalmic – manifestation in hemiplegia
29. Ocular findings in Meningitis
30. Ocular findings in Sphingolipidoses
31. Ocular findings in Amino acid uria
32. Radiational hazards on eye
33. Contrast studies in ophthalmology
34. Oculocutaeneous syndromes
35. Coloboma Iris
36. Ocular syndromes in ANS – disturbances
37. Trauma – to retina
38. Chemical Burns
39. Causes of blindness in children
40. Detailed diagnosis of localized congestion in the eye.
41. Weber’s eye ( Arc eye )
42. Fungal endophthalmitis
43. Laser scanning ophthalmoscopy
44. Retinal nerve fibre analyzer.
45. CT
46. MRI
47. AR
48. Octopus perimetry
49. Orbital angiography (venography)
50. Carotid Angiography
51. Computerized Coherent Tomography ( OCT )
1. DCT
2. DCR
3. Lid tumour Resection.
4. Pterygum
6. Graft
7. Ectropion
8. Entropion
9. Ptosis
10 RK
11 PRK
12 Traumatic cornea repair
13 Iridectomy
14 Trabeculectomy
15 Goniotomy
16 ICCE, ECCE, Phaco
17. Glaucoma implant
18. Vitrectomy
19. RD Surgeries
1. Endolaser
2. Scleral buckle
21. DR surgery
22. Macular rotation for RD
24. Enucleation
25. Squint – Squint resection & rescission
26. Orbital repair

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