A History of The Pull in Olympic Weightlifting
A History of The Pull in Olympic Weightlifting
A History of The Pull in Olympic Weightlifting
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
1st Pull
Stretch !
(ends in the
Power Position)
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
2nd Pull
(jump shrug
or triple
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Rigert 170 SN
1978 WWC
Alexeev 240 CL
1978 WWC
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Pervy 160 S
152 S AR
172 S
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Rusev 155 S
Manolov 171 C WR
Michels 210 C
215 C
215 C
Pervy 210 C
Pisarenko 225 C
Schake 177 C
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Jeff Michels
3rd SN 182.5 Kg
Record Makers III
Atlantic City 1982
(American Record
# 3 for the day !
171.5, 177.5, 182.5 Kg)
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Cal Shake
Record Makers III
Atlantic City 1982
4th SN 152.5 Kg
(American Record
# 3 for the day: 140,
145, 150, 152.5 Kg !)
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Robin Byrd 3rd SN 62.5 Kg (48 Kg Class) 1st Women s WWC 1987
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
2003 Nationals
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author
Contents may be used for other publications/presentations without permission from the author