Cabo Bob'S Notorious Books: Cribsheet
Cabo Bob'S Notorious Books: Cribsheet
Cabo Bob'S Notorious Books: Cribsheet
Even though Spanish is so easy to learn from reading, there's nothing like
hearing it out loud. And the best w ay to hear it is in rhyme. The reason so
many elementary teachi ng materials are in rhyme is
because it makes things easier to remember: w hen
you learn a song you never forget it, and you'd be
surprised how often you refer back to lyrics for the
w ay to use a tense or construction.
So the recommendati on is to get music and listen
to it; not such bad homew ork. And to make it come
faster and more efficiently, you w ant to have
access to the lyrics, preferably in both languages,
though of course is you have the Spanish letra
you can alw ays translate them one w ay or the
In pre-Internet days the hot set up w as looking in
music and bookstores for Cancioneras that listed song lyrics, sometimes
w ith chords or staffs for the melody. Especiall y hand are the Guitarra
Facile series if you play guitar or keyboards.
Linda Ronstadt's "Canciones De Mi Padre" records are perfect for this
perfect: popular in Mexico (they are old timey Mexican songs know n to all
generations), easily avail able in the US A, and both
come w ith lyrics in Spanish and good English
translati ons.
But anything you can find the lyrics for w ill w ork, and
that means almost everything in these days of
Googl e. Search for the name of the song w ith the
term letra and you're sure to turn up the w ords for
w hatever songs you like to listen to.
Type in
translate from Spanish and you w ill generally get a
site w here you can paste in the Spanish lyrics and
get a crude translation instantl y. And of course, you
can also use the ask around and w rite it in your notebook method. This is
one of the most useful and enjoyable w ays to learn, and also acquaint you
w ith the music of the country. If you hear songs you like on the radio, or on
videos in restaurants or clubs, find out the name and artist and look up the
w ords.
The next step should be obvious.. . start w atching films and TV show s. You'll
find that in Mexico movies are much cheaper than in the U.S. And that most
of the films are subtitl ed in Spanish. (Not
children' s films, and you w ant to look at the
cartelera of chains like Cinepol is for SUB
rather than DOB or ESP for films dubbed
into or filmed in Spanish. You'll find that the
subti tles aren't perfect translations: they are
greatl y cleaned up for one thing, and
sometimes have errors that can be a little
funny, or annoyi ng. But it's a great form of
immersion w ith training w heels.
The Internet offers a lot of good instructional
view ing, tooand you don't have to be in Mexico to do it. Netflix is w idely
use in Mexico for films and TV programs in
both languages. (Note many residents and
expatriates get Virtual Private Netw orks, so
they can w atch Netflix and other streaming
movie sites from both Mexican and U.S.
locations. YouTube is inval uabl e for
learning and searching for learn Spanish
and other terms can show you anythi ng
from songs to films to new s broadcasts. A
huge advantage is that you can pause and
replay in order to slow things dow n and
learn. You can even send links to friends
w ho speak Spanish and ask for translati ons
and explanations. And of course w atching a new s show also helps you get
the picture on the society and culture behind the language.
The advanced step w ould be to just w atch normal TV show s. If you can do
that and get most of w hat's going on, you're there: no longer learning but
just refining and getting more fluent and comprehensi ve.
The s la ng book a ll Me x ic o k now s a bout, the
new book of jok e s a nd ve r y Me x ic a n for ms
of hum or .
P r oc la im e d a s fun, c ultur a l
guide s ,
tr ouble ,
a nd
jus t
pla in
ne ce s s ar y
tr a ve le r s ,
e x pa ts ,
a nd
s tude nts .
Le t' s put it this w a y... if yo u don' t ha ve
Ca bo B ob's book s a r ound, w hy bothe r to
e ve n le ar n S pa nis h?
Ava i l a b le in pa pe r
a nd e book .
C hec k ' em out, le t us k now how you lik e d
'e m .
M e x i c a n S l a n g 1 0 1 i s a u n i q u e b o o k t h a t r e ve a l s t h e hi p t a l k a n d o c c a s i o n a l l y
l ew d e l o q u e n c e o f t h e S p a n i s h c o m m o n l y s p o k e n i n M e x i c o a n d L a t i n
Am e r i c a . . . yo u s h o u l d b u y t hi s b o o k !
"Mexico Mike" Nelson
Th i s b o o k i s n ' t a l i g h t w ei g ht g i m m i c k b u t a u s e f u l ,
i n si g h t f u l
p a d r i si m o !
C a r l F r a n z , Au t h o r o f " A P e o p l e ' s G ui d e To M e x i c o "