Life Coaching Draft 5
Life Coaching Draft 5
Life Coaching Draft 5
Kathryn Anne Chandler for everything.
Steve Hardison for the ultimate in coaching.
Deuce Lutui for the internal commitment.
Barbie Gummin for the life coach connection.
Maurice Bassett for the fearless club.
Michael Neill for the academy of super coaches.
Brandon Craig for sales mastery.
Rich Litvin for the confidence salon.
Todd Musselman for words and music.
Dusan Djukich for straight-line leadership.
Fred Knipe for doctoring and cabaret performing.
Sam Beckford for being the small business millionaire.
Terry Hill for the two guys quartet.
Peter and Victoria Sykes for the music school.
Regena Thomashauer for the womanly arts school.
Stephen McGhee for modeling ascendance.
Rob Owen for results now.
Ken Webb for a holly jolly Christmas.
Colin Wilson for the books.
Byron Katie for the work.
George Will for the review.
Table of Contents
1. Don't You Know How to Live?..............................1
2. Your Life Is Gathering Light...................................3
3. Are You Isolated or Connected?............................5
4. What Would People Think of Me?.........................7
5. Your Journey to Inner Space...................................9
6. Your Most Powerful Hidden Tool.......................14
7. Responsibility for My Energy?.............................16
8. If You Start Me Up I'll Never Stop.......................18
9. How to Bankrupt a Fool........................................19
10. You and the Universe Are One............................21
11. Work that Causes Inspiration...............................25
12. Corporations Are Waking Up!.............................27
13. Why Aren't You Connected?................................30
14. Coaching Can Be Challenging..............................33
15. Elvis as a Hero and a Fool.....................................36
16. You Don't Need to Attract ...................................42
17. How to Make a Real Difference...........................47
18. The Awakening Slave............................................50
19. How to Not Ever Grow Up...................................52
20. Coaching Is All About Practice............................54
21. My Inappropriate Limitations..............................57
22. Please Do What You Love.....................................58
23. Creating a Crime of Genius..................................61
24. But That Would Be Impossible.............................63
25. No One Can Bring You Down..............................65
26. Is Your Life Not Working?....................................67
27. The Courage to Change.........................................68
28. Help Means You Are a Pro...................................70
29. Find and Use Your Strength.................................74
30. What Is a Coaching Connection?.........................76
31. Coaches Want Your Word....................................82
32. Juicy and Sometimes a Little Messy....................84
lives and then get a watch and retire and wear the watch in
the open coffin.
Creative people and innovative small businesses were rising
up. People changed jobs often, and even changed careers, and
soon anyone who really wanted to succeed was considering
hiring a coach.
Why not? Two heads have always been better than one.
If you want something achieved, are you not better with two
people on the project than one?
A lot of people have thought that this explosion of personal
coaching is absurd. Why should the average person be hiring
a coach? A life coach? Are you kidding me? Dont you already
know about life? Dont you know how to live?
People asking those questions were missing the point. This
was not about survival. This was about thriving.
Even today, people wonder if their ordinary life qualifies
for coaching. Its that whole little old me approach to low
self-esteem and false modesty. Thats the very problem that
coaching ends up solving.
Mocking self-help is the ego protecting itself. However,
protecting the ego keeps me isolated and shrunken down to
my most survivable self. So I feel disconnected, not only from
the world, but from my own potential.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by
a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to
think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted
the flame within us.
~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer
The space Victor Frankl talks about is inner space. Its not
out there in the world. And even though we love stories about
journeys to outer space, the journey to inner space is even
more rewarding.
And thats where coaching connects.
My coach is the ultimate coach (dot net). He also coaches
TV stars and pro athletes like Deuce Lutui, the best offensive
lineman in the NFL. And those of you who have been following
the Deuce Lutui story will want to see the latest at www. Please go there and read the story. Read it and
send it to friends.
People today walk up to me at a seminar and say, The story
of Deuce is the story of you, and the story of you is the story of
me. Well, yes! My old story was also fearful, and my new story
is mine to create fresh each day. No matter how old I am. No
matter what my story of age may be at the moment.
Age itself is a story.
three books a year and travel all over to speak and coach. You
run your coaching prosperity school with such energy!!!
People change.
Thats the big secret that the scorners are trying to keep a
secret. People change if they are open and willing.
Picture me staring at that report card and seeing the word
L-A-Z-Y and confirming my worst fears and darkest beliefs
about myself.
I concluded that I was missing something that other people
had. Some kind of inner drive. I thought other people had a
genetically installed sense of purpose about life that I just
didnt have. Therefore I would either have to fake it in order to
survivein order to be accepted in society and civilizationor
just find some way out of life, some form of suicide that didnt
look too cowardly.
Well, for me, the worst thing that happened, that could have
happened, did happen.
As I got into my teenage years and then off to college, I really
did take a kind of way out of life (without really knowing that
I did). I got deeply involved in alcohol addiction and rampant
use of drugs; I was lucky to have come out alive. There was a
time in my life when friends,family,and even medical people
were saying there would be no way I would live past the age of
Ive gone well past that number now, and I was very
fortunate to be able to recover from that addiction.
People told me that when I finally joined a program for
recovery that I would have to get a sponsor, and little did I
know that a sponsor would be an early life coach for me.
Addiction had been an artificial form of all the things
I thought I was lacking. They call alcohol false courage
because it is. Heavy emphasis on the false part of the
equation. When I thought I was lacking courage, I would
have a few drinks and I could do things I couldnt do when I
wasnt drinking. And then in college we were passing around
amphetamines to get ready for our exams, and I got into that
as well. It was a vicious circle. I thought I had to take speed to
pass the exams that would allow me to stay in college another
year so that I could drink and party and avoid the real world
and see if I might not just outwit and bypass this thing called
growing up and taking responsibility.
It just sounded awful to me, growing up and taking
responsibility. No fun at all. Just a total grind! I didnt realize
then that true happiness comes from growth. And growth is
fun and exciting. And a person could actually participate in his
own spiritual recovery and evolution.
I learned to embrace spiritual progress, not perfection. I also
began to realize, thanks to my sponsor, that responsibility
meant more power to me. It was not a shame-based concept. It
did not mean I would now have more of an obligation to you.
Speed was a false form of motivation. It stole from the
future to create an artificially jacked-up present moment. But
then you paid back way more than you borrowed if you stayed
alive; and a lot of us didnt. Many of my so-called drinking and
drugging buddies are no longer alive and havent been for a
good long while.
Sometimes you borrow everything, and when they come to
collect they take it all.
Later in the Army I had to stand guard late at night and
so the Army doctors would give me Ritalin to stay awake.
When I was in language school in the military, doctors would
regularly give Ritalin because the study load was so heavy that
we would study late into the night when we were studying our
languages.Then wed get drunk on weekends to unwind.
These artificial forms of motivation, courage, and purpose
(or whatever that is) are destructive and damaging and actually
take you (as everybody who has had any involvement in it
will tell you) in the opposite direction, eventually. Because
once you feel a little bit of a lift or a surge, you then pay for it
five or six times over with detox, hangovers, the long crash
and just the worst nightmarish stuff you could ever have to
go through. Its just really horrific. Theres no real reward to
any of that.
So I was fortunate to recover from all that and go through
a program of recovery that started everything all over again.
It allowed me to go back over my life and eliminate the guilt,
eliminate the shame, take away all the things that I had made
up about myself.
That whole belief system about myself that was so negative.
Now I could start all over.
A coach can help you reset your GPS.
whole world right now. We dont have to climb through all the
layers of permission and approval we used to have to climb in
the old hierarchical days.
Thats why life coaching is such a hot thing and growing
like crazy. Because people have more ways to succeed at life
than ever before. Why not get a coach and just make it happen?
If you want to be an author, for example, you dont have to
figure out a way to get some publisher or agent to approve of
your work before you can get it published. You dont have to
battle for shelf space in a bookstore any longer. You just hit a
key on your keyboard and you can be published.
Because these layers of hierarchical approval are
disappearing, anyone can form a garage band, rehearse, write
some songs, put up a website and sell a downloadable album.
People can write eBooks and sell them without anyone ever
approving of anything. No permission necessary.
And because of this expanded opportunity for everyone,
no one really has to settle for a mediocre performance of their
profession. Which is exactly why coaching is flourishing.
One of my clients a few years ago had an okay day job but
really wanted to be a poet. Hed written poetry and other things
on the side, but he wanted to see how good he could really
be. So he hired me to coach him. Id been a writer all my life,
and a full time songwriter for a number of years and even had
published some poems when I was younger. So I was able to
coach his writing as well as his whole life that circled around
the writing. Thats the beauty of life coaching: it coaches the
whole life, not just the special chosen focus.
My client learned to challenge himself more and more as a
writer and it wasnt long before literary magazines all over the
country were eagerly accepting his poems. He was giving readings.
The coaching relationship was very fulfilling for both of us.
At that same time I also had a coaching client who was
president of an aluminum manufacturing company. What
did those two clients have in common? What is the common
time because credit cards and free homes have been taken away
from peopleSorry, no more free money.
People can interpret this as tragedy. They can say its
shocking. I see clips on TV of people rioting, burning cars, and
smashing windows because the retirement age in their country
was going to be raised from sixty to sixty-two. Oh no! What a
horror, what a nightmare; we have to work two more years.
We dont want work or challenge! We want comfort! We
want retirement. We want out.
Or so we think.
I have never heard of a person on his deathbed looking back on
his life and saying, What a great life Ive had and what I most loved
were the long spans of comfort I experienced. Let me recount those
hours of my life where I felt so comfortable I didnt even know I
was there. And that was the real greatness of lifebeing taken care
of like an infant. Im glad Im here attached to all these tubes. Its
like the womb almost. I have gone back to those wonderful days of
yesteryear. Being fed by others, not having to do anything.
No one ever talks that way at the end of his life. People talk about
the challenges they faced. People talk about what they went up against.
I remember my father talking about World War II. War is
hell, but not in his memory.
And as he got older he would talk about the adventurous
things he did when he grew up poor, in Parker, Arizona. The
challenges the family had! How they took in laundry at night
and they all worked on it. His eyes lit up. You could see it in his
face. Those were the great times.
He made a lot of money in business and then retired early
to drink all day and sit in front of the TV set and watch re-runs
of Happy Days. That wasnt the part of his life that he recounted.
He never wanted to talk about that phase.
Isnt that funny? He never wanted to talk about the very
thing he worked so hard all his life for, an early retirement!
Thats what the future will do for you. Thats what living in the
future of comfort produces. Shame.
stone block. Susan was cleaning her home office when she
coincidentally came upon this card.
She writes, Look at what I found. Isnt the title just the
best for the topic of cleaning...? The Awakening Slave. And
that delicious quotation from the artist, Michelangelo, comes
to mind: I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set
him free.
Coaching, when its great, does that too.
One of the ways I coach people is via email. Ill often put
other peoples quotes in my emails that have helped people
wake up to the real power inside themselves. They prefer this
power to being hypnotized by the imaginary power of others.
This is such a quote from Dr. Brad Blanton:
Wishing is a way to remove oneself
from what is going on now. Hope is how
most of us avoid growing up.
One of my email clients didnt like that quote, and we went
back and forth debating the relative value of hope. We finally
agreed to the difference between hope that led to action and
hope that did not. It was a great debate, provoked by Blantons
rather harsh quote.
My inappropriate limitations
My two-hour coaching session was today with Steve
Hardison. I enjoy being coached because I always move beyond
my comfort zone. I go farther than I would have gone on my
own because its easy to fool myself about my limitations, but
its hard to fool both him and me.
That takes some twisted skill. Its not that I dont often try.
Somewhere in his home Hardison has a framed quotation
from Nathaniel Branden that pretty much sums up how he
approaches coaching and life:
I am convinced that one of the most helpful things
we can do for people is to refuse to buy into their
inappropriately restricted views of their limitations.
~ Nathaniel Branden
this how you want to live life? I can tell you, I have
done this many times in life. It is not fun. Once
he made the decision to move his energy into a
career he loves his life has transformed. He has
dropped over twenty pounds in two months. His
relationship with his wife is more intimate and
loving. He looks different. He walks different. He
is inspiring other people in his life as an example
of leadership. Getting real in one major area has
transformed every arena of his life.
I invite you into the miracle of reality. My
former coach and mentor Steve Hardison says
Why would you ever do anything in your life
that you dont love doing? At the time that
concept struck me as incredibly insightful.
Why would I do that to myself? I thought I
was being responsible by being tough. Then,
I began to wonderresponsible to whom? To
those around me that just want me to be happy?
I no longer see it that way. It was my silly idea,
not my familys.
Someone on a recent flight to DC asked me
about my job? I said I dont have a job. I have not
had a job for twelve years and yet I do something
that enlivens me every day of every week. Its
lucrative and enjoyable. Some of us feel those
two elements are mutually exclusive. Thats not
true. The story some people have is that work
should be hard. You show me someone that
is in touch with reality and I will show you a
person that succeeds. I will show you inspiration
in action. There will be poetry in that persons
motion, because there is no gap in reality. It is
clean and crisp.
One of the reasons people dont hire a coach and get good
coaching is because they would rather look outside themselves
(to circumstances) for help than inside. A coach will have them
look inside. But most people prefer outside help, sometimes in
the form of loans or investments.
As if money were the answer to their lack of success.
They are the classic incompetents made more incompetent
with a handout, not less. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish (a good coaching session is really a fishing
lesson) and he eats for a lifetime.
I just remembered a few variations on the teach a man to
fish concept that Ive always liked:
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach
a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his
incessant whining about how hungry he is.
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a
man to use the Net and he wont bother you for weeks.
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a
man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime. Teach
a man to sell fish and he eats steak.
they work so hard. You should have seen them taking notes and
asking questions. That killer who might be on the loose is now
at a real disadvantage up against these brave, smart people.
And thats the kind of thing thats fun for me to write about.
My other big motive in writing my first mystery was to
introduce people to coaching. In the book my life coach Robert
Chance has some coaching sessions with Madison Kerr. The
reader gets to see how a coach thinks and works, and how a
clients world opens like a butterfly.
In a wild kind of way I wanted to get the idea of coaching
to a wider audience. I always wanted to write mysteries, so I
made my hero a coach who used to be a cop. And a lot of friends
and readers have told me that they never knew anything about
coaching or what coaching could do until they were lured into
this murder mystery.
I love writing fiction. Its just huge fun, and very, very
difficult work. And I enjoy difficult work.
I didnt enjoy work before. Not before I got a coach. Before
I got a coach, work was something I hated. He transformed it
into something I absolutely love.
In my past life as a total victim (and I really was one!) I
avoided work.
Then, through my coaching sessions, I got it. Work, when
really engaged, is the most fun anyone could ever have. When
it is done in a thoroughly disciplined way, it is a total joy.
Coaching has given me a life-changing message: Only the
disciplined are free.
When you have purpose driving your life, you now have a
way of converting bad news into useful news. (Im putting
bad news in quotes here because we dont really know if its
bad until years later when we can see that it was not.)
Purposeless people (personalities) who get bad news
allow themselves to slide down the ladder and be in a bad
mood. Now theyre disheartened and discouraged. Theyre
not feeling so great. Thats what bad news does to them!
But, if you are up to something, and you are in the middle
of creating actions toward a project, and some news comes
in, you are able to ask, Given what I am up to in life, how
can I use this? That very question is a beautiful use of this
thing called purpose. I cant tell you how many times my
coach has asked me that very question. Given what you are
up to, how can you use this situation?
Often I am a prisoner and my coach just sets me free. With
that one question. Like the prisoners in the movie.
When those prisoners wake up in the morning and they
look around, everything they see and everyone they talk to
gets filtered in through How do I break out of this place?
and How does that help me with the plan Ive got going
on to break out? Because thats all theyre thinking about
breaking free.
Being up to something in life gives us energy and makes
us enjoy life. It is no coincidence or accident that a life coach
will ask a prospective client that very question in their first
conversation: So, what are you up to these days?
I want the clients I coach to really know the difference
between how it feels to be living from purpose versus living
from personality.
Personality can only be wounded and disrespected in
its everlasting fight to win appreciation from others. Thats
what living from personality does, but living from purpose
makes what other people say become unimportant. Unless I
can use it to fulfill my purpose.
There was another player on the same team who for almost
the whole season wasnt put in the games. But he used that
situation for his higher purpose. I will rest, I will save my
strength, I will learn, I will train, I will work out, I will be so
ready when they finally do put me in that my purpose will be
fulfilled and that is to make a real difference on the field.
They did put him in during the playoffs, when another
player was injured, and he was so fresh and strong and prepared
for his moment that he made all the highlight reels on ESPN after
the game.
I can wake up in the morning and ask myself (given the day
I have ahead), What do I want to create with this day? Because
my day is pure opportunity.
Or I can do whats most common and that is wake up and
ask myself, What do I fear? What do I dread? What do I hope
doesnt happen? What can I avoid? What steps can I take to
avoid what I dread the most?
And sadly thats how most people livea full day of
avoidance, trying to get around things, trying to avoid
something happeningI hope this audit doesnt happen, I
hope she doesnt find out that Im doing this, and I hope my
daughter doesnt think that if I dont send her this money
and everything is hoping that something doesnt happen;
because we are using our creative imagination in the most
negative, perverse way because we are using it to worry about
the imaginary negative future.
The antidote to thatin my experience and in the experience
of my clients is to reconnect human beings to their innate,
natural birthright of pure creativity.
If you look at kids, they are running around making up
names and making up games all day. They have no identity
system to maintain. Therefore they are very creative.
But then you look at adults and they just sit there.
Does anyone on the planet sit down as much as an adult?
Was this body designed for sitting? And you look in their eyes.
And their eyes are kind of bloodshot and nervous and darting
aroundWho is a threat to me? Who might embarrass me?
Who will unmask me and make me look like a fraud?
Even when that bloodshot adult is thinking positively
they are thinking, Who do I connect to? Who do I need to
impress and win the approval of?
One of the best people on the planet that I know of on the
subject of creativity is my friend Peleg Top. He coaches people
in the world of design, and he also coaches them on how to
bring the creativity of their art into their whole lives.
for another job. Soon they understood that the more creative
they were willing to get, the faster they would get a new job.
I said, Pick any company you would want to work for and
you can work there if you are willing to be creative enough in
how you apply. Many people didnt even want to hear that.
They kept coming back to me and saying, What am I supposed
to do? When do I send a thank you note? Do I send it after
the interview? And I would say, Listen to yourself. You are
trying to find out exactly what everyone else does. If people
are going to hire someone who they think is going to do a better
job for them than all the other people applying, why try to be
like everybody else?
I often use the approach of Jerry Garcia, who was a very
creative artist with The Grateful Dead. He said the trick was
not to be the best at what you do; the trick is to be the only
one doing what you are doing. Thats a different mindset than
trying to anticipate what someone wants from you. It always
produces a different mindset when I ask, How creative can I
be with it? Or, What can I do that no one else does?
Peleg recently visited a Pablo Picasso collection at a
Seattle museum.
It was worth the trip to Seattle to just go look at this
exhibit but what I remember most was the big letters on the
wall where his quote was written, One never knows what
one is going to do. One starts a painting and then it becomes
something quite different.
This is the Picasso effectthat element of unpredictability
in all creativity. Which is why good coaches wont even want
to give you the answer to your problem. They will want to keep
asking you questions until you empower yourself. Peleg says,
I think thats a really important distinction that a lot of people
dont realize when it comes to hiring a coach. Many people
think Ill hire a coach and hell show me what to do. And I
have to say I was in that place myself. I initially hired a person,
professionally, who I thought would coach me into what to do,
When I coach people who are stuck and not doing things
they wish they were doing I often see that they are overidentified with their personal traits and qualities.
They have been hypnotized by the appearance of consistency
in their habits and have started to believe in the permanence of
their characteristics. This habit can be absolutely spellbinding,
like watching Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho.
So my work as a coach is to break the spell. To hear that
screeching music that comes up while a person is telling
me what they are like and always do given their permanent
A client talked to me recently about how trapped he felt in
the limbo he was in between his old life habits of boredom and
disappointment and the new exciting person he wanted to be.
He so wanted to change his life and live his full potential that
he could almost taste it. Why was he stuck? Why couldnt he
develop the willingness to live differently? What were all these
frustrating feelings about and where were they coming from?
me see that the finger could tip and move over and still not hit
the edge of the circle.
Hardison was trying to show me that there wasnt anything
special about himself. Even though people were always telling
him how bold he was and how amazing he was in his ability to
approach anyone and ask him or her anything, he said, You
can do that, too. I wasnt that way always. I started with. (and
then he showed me a very small circle around the tilt switch of
his finger) this circle and I just did it and did it and it got
wider and wider. Anyone can do what I do. Anyone.
From that day on I couldnt get the tilt switch out of my
mind. It was an indelible visual metaphor for being bold and
challenging myself to always go a little further. To push the
envelope. To step up. To stretch myself whenever I could.
Of course my coach would make sure I didnt forget to do
this. One time I sent him a training proposal I had written to a
company who wanted me to train their sales people. I called
Steve to ask him what he thought of the proposal.
It was great, he said. Although I caught a typo.
Oh really? Where is it? Ill fix it. I want it to look clean and
The fee you proposed was missing a zero at the end.
Hed wanted my $8,000 fee to be $80,000 dollars. You can
begin to see now, maybe, why his huge fee is something I
always earn back rather quickly from being coached by him.
the best feedback on what it has done for their lives. Stephen
is a life coach with a specialty in re-introducing his clients to
their bodies.
He goes out into the world with people and puts their bodies
into the whole mind/body/spirit equation. And Ive found over
the years in my own life and in the lives of clients Ive coached,
that when the body gets left out of that equation, its not a good
outcome. You cant get an optimal result. Body-neglect brings
the other two things (mind and spirit) way down.
But when you lead with the body, the other two always
follow. Of the three elements, mind, body, and spirit, the body
is the only one that can get the other two to automatically rise
up with it!
If you can get up and walk and move your body, the mind
and the spirit will follow!
Most people try to do it the other way around.
They wait until they feel like moving the body. They think
theyve got to get their mind right before they exercise. Or they
have to be in the right kind of mood or spirit and then they will
dance, or then they will swim, or then theyll run or lift weights
or play basketball. And thats why people are so out of shape.
Thats exactly whybecause their bodies wait for inspiration
instead of just diving in.
Everybody talks about the mind-body connection. I hear
people say, Im a coach of mind/body/spiritbut theyve
got it in the wrong orderthey are misleading everybodyat
least in my experience.
If you were to lead with the body, amazing things would
happen. And you dont have to wait to be in a particular mood.
You dont have to figure out if your psychology is precisely
right or if the stars are aligning or if your DNA is perfectyou
dont have to wait for anything. The action itself is what lifts
you to act.
Stephen McGhee is in great shape. He climbs mountains, he
runs, and he does yoga.
Im more cynical about the world and the world situation. All I
need to know is that I feel better after exercise. So its not in my
world that I would consider not exercising.
The vitality McGhee radiates is part of the reason his
coaching practice is so successful. People love his energy.
They love being in his presence. When he coaches business
leaders, they open up to more exciting ranges of possibilities
for their future.
Like so many people who have become enlightened to the
power of living a committed life, McGhee can trace his inspiration
back to a negative experience. This once again illustrates the
value of bad experiences in life. Its a paradoxical factor that
Napoleon Hill called inspirational dissatisfaction. Ill often
use it with new coaching clients. Lets find where you are most
dissatisfied in life, and lets use that as inspiration for creating
a new future.
McGhee was twelve when he contracted Osgood-Schlatter
disease. It severely limited the movement of his knees. When
all his friends were out playing football or baseball he couldnt.
For ten months he had to stay sitting at home while the world
outside played.
McGhee remembers that painful period: When that finally
healed up, I can remember making a decisiona choicethat
I would always exercise, because I got to feel what it was like
not to.
Some of the men who joined him for the mountain climbing
project were out of shape. McGhee brought in a professional
trainer to work with them, and said, But it really started, and
this is important for everybody who is out of shape, with the
important foundation-setting time. So anyone thinking, Its time
for me to start to move my body again, its important to start
slowly. So we took two months of building foundation for these
guys that were not in particularly great shape. So we werent
carrying heavy packs; we werent running up mountains. We
were doing core abdominal work at the beginning. And think
about it. A lot of our strength comes from our core and our legs.
People think its big bicepslike Popeye. Remember Popeye?
He ate a lot of spinach and he had big arms, but I dont know
how strong his core was. The core is your abdominal area, so
thats strengthening it through sit-ups; or there are other ways
to do it, but that is very important when one begins a physical
regime, because everything comes from there. You have a lot
better chance of staying healthy without low-back problems or
any other complications from heavy exercise.
McGhees group took two months to build the core. All the
while he was also coaching them in the core stability of their
business and financial world, as well as family relations.
Theres a core there too.
Theres a principled, committed life versus a life of pleasure,
pain and egothe life of seeking love and approval from others.
A life lived in vain. Coaching addresses the whole life of the
client. Not just his abdominal muscles.
After the two months of core work, McGhees guys knew
that in six months they would be climbing Aconcaguaone of
the toughest mountains in the world.
It really shows how quickly and how powerfully a person
can get in top condition, said McGhee.
During the training McGhee saw that there was an even
greater connection between the body and the spirit than he had
previously appreciated. (Coaches often become inspired by
their clients.) He saw his clients grow strong.
When one starts to get his or her body in shape, all kinds
of possibilities start to emerge, he said. No longer is a person
distracted by twenty pounds of overweight excess fat. Suddenly
they are moving their body better, so they are thinking more
clearly, and all of a sudden they are saying, Lets talk about my
having an extraordinary relationship with my wife.
funny. How can you sell yourself as a success coach when you
yourself are not successful? What do they say to prospective
clients? Hire me! Ill help you get anything you wantIll help
you dream big and reach that dream please hire me. Which
Starbucks do you want to meet me at? It has to be a Starbucks
because I have no office. And it has to be in my bus line because
I have no car. But I can help you reach any goal you set.
So I think maybe it was an association of homeless
coachesthats what I said to Michael. Maybe it wasnt an
association of professional coaches. Maybe he got it wrong.
He could have had them all over to the Academy and formed
a soup line for them.
McGhee is right. If a coach cannot first take care of himself
and succeed and be vibrant and strong, imagine now going
to someone and saying What do you want to achieve? You
name it and Ill help you get there! And then you look at the
guy and hes out of shape and out of money. This is one of the
most hilarious parts of our profession. There are many amusing
things about the work we do and this is just one of them.
The coaching profession has gotten so hot and popular that
everyone now wants not only to have a coach but to be one.
I had a cab driver in L.A. tell me he was a coach on the side
and he gave me his card. I gave him a book of mine as I left the
cab and he said, Oh I know who you are! Ive read this book!
Someday he and I will coach each other.
Most people think, If I were to take up exercise, I would
have to give up something else. The other parts of my life would
get worse and they would suffer and they would go downhill.
Business people especially tell me that. If I took the time to get
into shape, then I wouldnt be able to call Tokyo in the morning
and do my deals!
And this fear reveals a key element of physical training.
Even more important than the training itself: commitment.
Keeping ones commitment to it is even more strengthening
than the workout itself.
thing to do. And he thinks its some frivolous thing like the joy
of cooking?
And I noticed, too, when I started coaching coaches and
putting them in my coaching school, that the part of coaching
that they had the biggest struggle with was how to sell coaching.
It really isnt a big mystery as to why selling and sales is
difficult for so many people. Its in the culture, its in the movies,
its in the novels, its on TV, its in the media, and its even in
our educational system. The demonization of the profit motive
is everywhere!
I noticed when my children were going to school, there was
never an hournot even one hour in the hundreds of thousands
of educational hoursspent talking about commerce, or about
the global marketplace and how to sell something and enjoy
doing it. Selling was the necessary evil that greedy profiteers
knew how to do. Good people dont do that kind of thing. Good
people spend their time taking care of others.
Selling was always referred to as being greed-based, or as
something you had to do as a last resort. Soon in our minds we
knew that the most difficult part of all of life would be to sell
somebody something!
No wonder its hard to learn. Look how weve been programmed.
Well. It gives a lot of business to coaches who can teach
clients to get good at selling. Coaches who specialize in that
like Brandon Craig, but Ill get to him in a minute.
Back to my sociological analysis: Movies would come out
like Wall Street wherein the villains would always be anybody
who had a company or who was involved in any kind of
corporation. Its still true today in movies. So kids growing up
in our country have no real positive way to relate to sales as a
joyful activity. They dont see it as an exchange of value, where
both sides can win, where the economy can move forward and
people can advance their lives.
Its thought of as a last resort. If you cant catch on with
some honorable altruistic organization, then you might have to
something you really believe in. Because we have far too many
people out there representing products and services they really
dont believe in. They are wasting a lot of time. It doesnt serve
you and it doesnt serve the company you are working for
and it certainly doesnt serve the customer. So once you find
something you believe in and you understand what it is, next
youve just got to be able to communicate that and communicate
it at a level where you are willing to be completely honest and
have integrity in every conversation.
Brandon also coaches people on the power of measurable,
doable daily process goals versus huge heartbreaking
soul-destroying deflationary outcome goals. Stressing the
simplicity of a successful sales day, he tells his coaching
clients: Make an agreement with yourself on what you plan
to do when you sell. A lot of people go backwards. They
say, Im going to sell twenty-four units this week. But
thats backwards and ineffective. Because they dont really
understand how to get to the number twenty-four. They
think that number, all by itself, is going to drive them. And
although I recognize the value of having a goal, theres more
value in making an agreement with yourself on what you
are going to do about it. Right now, in this present day, so
that its actionable. So you are better off saying, Today Im
going to make seventeen sales calls, and tomorrow Ill make
seventeen sales calls, and then actually honor the agreement
you have made with yourself so you can get some power in
your performance.
But what if Im reluctant to make those seventeen calls?
What if I have what the sales training industry politely calls
call reluctance? Brandon says, Handle your fear ahead of
time. Be prepared. Do that by recognizing that whoever it is
that you are calling could potentially benefit from your call. But
you cant do that from a position of fear.
Many sales training companies have made tons of money
training sales teams to overcome call reluctance. Its a huge
There are two ways to fix fear. One is internal and one is
external. I can fix it by doing the thing I am afraid of over and
over and over enough times so that its just easy and almost
boring for me. Thats one proven way. Or I can do it by cleaning
myself up internally and altering my beliefs so that my belief is
different when I make the call.
Its best to do both.
The external way would bewhether Im reluctant or not
Im going to make the seventeen calls. Im going to put a big
white sheet on my door with seventeen boxes in it; and at every
call, Im going to put an x in one box. I will not leave this office
until the seventeen are made. Now there is no longer a matter
of reluctance; its just something I am doing and there can be
fear or no fear or nervousness, but I am doing it anyway. If I
do that again tomorrow and the next day, Ill notice the fear
diminishes. Thats the external way to break this thing.
The internal way is to sit with my coach and allow him to
challenge my belief. He then helps me develop a stronger more
useful belief, and together we keep strengthening my belief in
what I am doing and dropping the negative aspect of what I
believe I am doing, and the fear tends to go away that way too.
As Brandon says, Why would someone buy anything from
you if you cant muster up the courage to sell it? So you might
want to get that handled before you move to the calling part.
Whywould I use my blog ( to SELL
my upcoming seminars and coaching schools? Why would I
openly sell on a blog that people innocently read? Why would
anybody ever sell anything? Why exchange value? Why not
SEIZE the wealth of others and redistribute it to those with the
most depressing grievances?
I got an email the other day that criticized my blogs saying,
Seth Godin would never do that. Seth expresses gratitude
in his blogs. Seth never markets without permission. Seth is
careful not to sell because his reputation is important to him.
My reputation is not important to me. If I can help people,
I will. I will not equate selling with harming. And that upsets a
lot of peoples paradigms. But if NO ONE is EVER at all UPSET
with my work and communications, then I know that I am
simply playing it safe and making caution my only mission.
When a guy like me dies with his music still in him, its a
shock to the pathologist when he opens the body up and the
music is released. All the attendants in the autopsy room back
away from the body they have now dubbed Pink Floyd.
When you had the power all along. You just werent using it.
I would have gladly paid $100,000 to learn what our moneycoaching program delivered. In fact, I did pay that, a few times
over, to learn what the program delivered. I learned the hard
way. I learned that of all the powerful things you can do with
money, spending it is the least powerful.
People fear money and death for the same reasonsbecause
of the same deep primitive misunderstanding.
A child will believe a superstition if enough adults verify
it and confirm it. A child will even believe in Santa Claus if
enough adults confirm that he is real. Its the same process with
any accepted belief. Each belief changes that childs whole life.
Like money makes you secure.
Until its deleted. Until we are willing to start over.
And thats where coaching comes in. It is one sure way of
starting over.
Been mistreated
When will I learn not to catastrophize?
But I love all this research because it has helped me reveal
another thing that happens when people get good coaching
they learn not to catastrophize.
Catastrophizing can become contagious. People get on
the phone and catastrophize with each other. People become
addicted to their own catastrophes as well as other peoples. It
becomes quite compelling.
The coach who sees it and calls you on it can seem heartless
at first, but stay with it. Because once the story of catastrophe
disappears, the story of opportunity replaces it.
Procrastination is good!
Procrastination is the soul
rebelling against entrapment.
~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Everyone else you talk to has his or her own focus. They
all want something. They may even love you, but they want
something. They have an agenda.
Your coach is the only person in your life who has no
agenda. Everyone else you talk to has an agenda of some sort.
Your coach only wants you to succeed.
And thats the key to the effectiveness of coaching.
all feel like they are facing an impossible goal. And they lack
the confidence to achieve it.
I have co-facilitated seminars with Rich and interviewed him
on one of my webinars recently. I asked him about being nervous
and whether he had butterflies even before this interview.
Thats the funny thing, he said. Every time I talk about
confidence on a radio interview, the irony doesnt escape me
that I get nervous as Im getting ready for that conversation.
I love it that he calls himself out on that. A lot of people
think that coaches who teach things have to be amazing perfect
experts in that category. And the truth is the best coaches are
people who really had to work hardharder than mostto
achieve things and to learn how to do things. Its always true
in sports. You look at all the best managers and coaches and
you never remember where they played the game because they
didnt distinguish themselves as players at allthey had to
learn the hard wayand thats why they can teach it so well.
So its great that Rich talks about his nervousness because
it allows his clients and everybody listening to my webinar to
listen better. Because when its hard for you to do, I really want
to hear about it. But when it comes naturally for you I tune out,
and I think, Ok, great, lucky you; I cant identify with you.
Rich says, Ive noticed, the more authentic Im willing to
bethe more willing I am to speak up when I feel nervous or
insecurethe more I relax on the inside and those fears seem to
disappear anyway.
Rich works with some clients who want confidence for
themselves and also want their partners to be confident. Its a
common misfire I also see in my own clients: the desire to have
my family members change. Or, even more common, the desire
to have my spouse or partner change for the better.
Its a total distraction to want other people to change. Its
misdirected energy, and it only leads to misery. A good coach
like Rich wont go there with you.
When you desire something from someone else in a
and I was like Tony doing karate kicks and having passion
and it just wasnt me.
My own coach Steve Hardison took me aside and said,
Why dont you just be you? Why dont you share the
stories of your life and where youve come from and all
youve been through?
And I said, Well, I dont want the audience being depressed
or suicidal at the end of my talk.
And he said, No, that wont happen. They will identify
with you. Youll feel the connection right away. Just be real.
Just be you. Forget about trying to be somebody successful. No
one will buy that.
How true.
But soon it was amazing because I just dropped all that
bad act about how great and successful I was and I just told the
truth about my kids and me and my life and alcohol addiction,
bankruptcyI mean the whole thing. Jerry Springers show! It
almost turned out to be that, but it was powerful and surprising
to me because people were able to identify with my stories, and
soon I started putting more of that in my books and people
started buying the books at a greater rate. People started asking
me to come speak.
The coach will get you to the truth. And the truth will
set you free.
People have dreams but they dont live those dreams. They
talk about their dreams sometimes after a glass of wine or two,
but when will the dream come true?
The first thing a good coach will do is find the dream
even if its lodged inside a complaint about life. Then the next
thing the coach will do is help transform the dream into a
doable project. Vladimir Nabokov says this in Speak Memory:
It is certainly not thennot in dreamsbut
when one is wide awake, at moments of robust
joy and achievement, on the highest terrace of
consciousness, that mortality has a chance to peer
beyond its own limits.
The Coaches
Steve Hardison,
Byron Katie,
Michael Neill,
Rich Litvin,
Ron Wilder,
Tom Rompel,
Stephen McGhee,
Brandon Craig,
Peleg Top,
Will Keiper,
Alison Arnold,
Matt Furey,
Dusan Djukich,
Shipping_ ______