7001 F14 Roles-Leadership Syllabus

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Wright State University-Miami Valley

College of Nursing & Health

Fall 2014
COURSE TITLE: Role Development and Leadership
COURSE CREDIT: 2 semester credit hours





Graduate standing or permission of instructor

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on understanding and synthesizing concepts and
theories that will facilitate professional role development and leadership in clinical practice, nursing
administration or nursing education. Models of practice, role implementation, economic and financial
issues, health care delivery systems, current trends in health care, selected theories and processes and
Bobbe Ann Gray, PhD, RNC-OB, CNS-BC


134 UH
[email protected]


Articulate the history and development of advanced practice nurse roles.
Debate the differentiated advanced practice nurse roles.
Examine practice models and health care delivery systems.
Examine standard guidelines relative to clinical and administrative practice for advanced practice
Debate the legal-ethical implications of the economics, social, political, and technological
environment for advanced practice nursing roles.
Analyze current issues and research within advanced practice nursing.
Integrate selected practice, administration and education theories and concepts as a theoretical
basis for advanced nursing leadership.
Use principles of fiscal management to develop a budget for managing resources for advanced
nursing practice.
Examine selected processes that provide a basis for implementation of the APN role.
This is a web-based course in Pilot. Students will obtain course materials, submit assignments, and
communicate with faculty and other students via Pilot. You must have an active CaTS account to
access course materials and complete assignments. The Pilot course can be accessed through Wings
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

or directly at http:/pilot.wright.edu. Students enrolled in this course are expected to routinely check
their WSU email address as well as the course site on Pilot for communications from the course
instructor. E-mails will be returned within 48 business hours.
TEACHING METHODS: Lecture, Discussions, Exams, Electronic Portfolios, Leadership Application,
Scholarly Paper.
1. Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & OGrady, E. T. (2013). Advanced nursing
practice: An integrative approach (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.
2. Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2011). The five practices of exemplary leadership: Nursing. San
Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer, an Imprint of Wiley.
3. Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA:
4. APA style guidelines, 6th Edition. (Buy it now and keep it til you graduate!)
5. Scope & Standards of Practice for relevant Concentration. (Select the most recent standards
and/or scope of practice for your specialty or if you are an undecided major, pick any one.)
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Concentration
American Association of Critical Care Nurses. (2012). Acute care nurse practitioner
standards of practice. Aliso Viejo, CA: Author.
May be downloaded at www.aacn.org/wd/practice/docs/acnp-scope-and-standards.pdf
Administration of Nursing & Health Care Systems Concentration
American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators.
Washington, D. C.: Author.
Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist Concentration
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. (2004). NACNS Statement on Clinical
Nurse Specialist Practice and Education (2nd ed.). Harrisburg, PA: Author.
May be downloaded at http://www.nacns.org/docs/CNSCoreCompetencies.pdf
Clinical Nurse Leader Concentration
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2007). White paper on the education and
role of the clinical nurse leader. Washington, D. C.: Author.
Community Clinical Nurse Specialist Concentration
American Nurses Association. (2007). Public health nursing scope and standards of
practice. Washington, D. C.: Author.
Pediatric Advanced Nursing Concentration
American Nurses Association (2008). Scope and standards of practice for pediatric
nursing. Washington, D. C.: Author.
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (Family or Pediatric)
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2010). Scope of practice for nurse
practitioners. Austin, TX: Author. May be downloaded at
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2010). Standards of practice. Austin, TX:
May be downloaded at
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Concentration
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

American Nurses Association (2007). Scope and standards of practice for psychiatricmental health nursing. Washington, D.C.: Author.
School Nurse Concentration
American Nurses Association & National Association of School Nurses. (2011). School
Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Washington, D. C.: Author.
Bastable, S.B. (2007). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (3rd
Ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
Buppert, C. (2012). Nurse practitioners business practice and legal guide (4 th Ed.). Boston: Jones and
Bartlett Publishers.
Sullivan, E.J. (2012). Becoming influential: A guide for nurses (2 nd Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice Hall. For any wishing more information on influence.
GENERAL REMINDER: All graduate students must submit a program of study to be eligible for
graduation. Program of study forms are available in 160 University Hall. You must also apply for
graduation the semester before you plan to graduate.
September 12: last day to drop with 100% refund
September 21: last day to drop without a grade
October 26: last day to drop with a grade of W

DISABILITY STATEMENT: Any student with any type of disability (physical, emotional,
learning, etc.) is expected to accept responsibility for seeking whatever accommodation is
necessary to meet the objectives of the course. Please see your faculty member at the earliest
possible point in the quarter to discuss your issues. Accommodation requests will be discussed
among the course faculty, the student, CONH administration, and WSU Disability Services (as
needed). Type of accommodation will be determined on an individual basis depending on the
nature of the disability and the objectives to be met.


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Your assignments are to be done as an individual effort unless

otherwise stated. The University Guidelines for Academic Integrity apply to all work for the class.
Please refer to your student handbook (college and university, university Code of Conduct) for
general policy and procedures regarding student conduct. You are responsible for knowing these
A computer program called turnitin.com will be used in this course. This program is a
plagiarism detection program which highlights any areas that are quoted from other material in the
data bank and provides the instructor with the reference source. Student papers will be
automatically submitted to Turnitin.com when they put the paper into the dropbox. Students must
use Microsoft Word in PC format for all papers. Quotation marks, along with the reference source,
year, and page number, must be used for any direct quotes. Direct quotes of longer than 40 words
must be typed as a fully indented paragraph (indent both left and right margin). Paraphrasing must
reflect the students own interpretation of the information (do not just change a couple words) and
must be referenced with the page number or it will be counted as plagiarism. Material downloaded
from the Internet must be properly cited, referenced in the reference list, and must come from a

NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION. Style of format used for all papers is APA (6th edition).
Academic dishonesty will result on a zero for that assignment (which will probably result in a
course failure) and referral to the University Judicial Affairs Department for a formal review
regarding academic dishonesty. The results of this review will be documented in the students
record. Papers or assignments done for another nursing course or by another student will not be
accepted for credit

Papers and assignments are due on the date identified. A 10% penalty will be deducted from the
total grade received for late papers if an extension is not contacted prior to the due date. Contracts
for an extension must include a specific date when the paper is to be turned in.


Students will be expected to use their Pilot e-mail when sending e-mail in this course. Students
sending an e-mail to the instructor using their personal e-mail account must clearly state on the
Subject line that the e-mail refers to a 7001 question. Private email addresses that are cute or
colorful may be suspected to be viruses or spam and instructors are under no obligation to open
anything that looks suspicious.


Participants in this class are expected to utilize polite and respectful discourse. Before sending
any communications, review your message and read it with your reader's eyes to determine if
there is anything that could be misunderstood and needs to be revised. Remember humor and
sarcasm can be easily misunderstood and typing in all caps is not only hard to read but an
electronic form of shouting.


You can expect timely feedback and interactions from the faculty facilitators in this class.
Feedback from assignments will be given within two weeks (if not sooner). Responses from
questions or email will be given within 2 business days. If there is a time that the instructor will
be unavailable to meet these expectations, participants in the class will be notified.


Students are expected to log on to Pilot on a regular basis (at least 1x per week) to check for
updates and communications. Students are expected to respond to class communications within 2
business days. If there comes a time during the class where participants are unable to meet these
expectations, they should notify the instructor by email within Pilot.

A = 90.00
B = 80.00 to
C = 70.00 to
D = 60.00 to
F = 59.99

and above
and below

Note: By college policy, final grades are not rounded up. Also, see Academic Standards above.
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

Leadership Application Discussion Boards (3 x 5%)

Electronic Portfolio
Advanced Nursing Practice Paper
Exam 1
Exam 2
Comprehensive Final Exam


COURSE REQUIREMENTS (See Course Calendar for due dates)

I. Exams (55%)
(Detailed directions will be available on Pilot)
There will be 2 midterm exams and 1 comprehensive final exam covering the most important
APN concepts. These concepts will be discussed in class lectures and assigned readings. The 2
midterm exams and the comprehensive final exam will be posted in Pilot. The format for the
midterm exams will be multiple choice questions covering course and clinical content. The 2
midterm exams WILL BE AVAILABLE for a 24 hour period (See Course Outline for dates). The
final exam will be available on-line for a 24 hour period during finals week. Students will be
required to use Respondus Lockdown Browser to take the exams (info. available on Pilot course
page). It is expected that there WILL NOT be sharing of information or answers between students
and that students will not copy or print questions or answer sets. All exams will be OPENBOOK; however, each student will need to be knowledgeable of the material in a manner that
will facilitate completion of the exam in the required amount of time (e.g., answer 50 multiple
choice questions in 50 minutes). (All students are expected to follow the Academic Honesty &
Guidelines set out in the student handbook.)
II. Advanced Nursing Practice Paper (25%)
Arrange one hour interview with a nurse who is working in your anticipated advanced nursing
role. Please work with your course faculty to identify the nurse you will interview. You should
plan on contacting your interviewee by Week 4; however, do not contact the nurse until you have
discussed your choice with your faculty. After you and the faculty have agreed on an individual
for you to interview, you will be required to write a scholarly paper.
Name of person, current credentials, and title
Note if the person holds a COA or CTP.
What is the persons professional background? You may ask the person for a resume
and summarize the information.
Identify the persons job title.
What is the persons job description?
Describe a typical day.
Compare their job activities to the appropriate Scope and Standards of Practice.
Compare their job activities to the Ohio state law and rule.
Research and evidence based practice
Did/does the job include patient centered or agency centered research, significant
quality assurance, or audit activities? Describe these briefly.
Describe formal education/training received in research, EBP, and/or QI.
How did/does the person use research findings in practice? Give examples.
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14



With whom does this person interact on a frequent basis?

What is the relationship of this person with other health care professionals
(collaboration, supervision, consultation)?
Is the person an independent practitioner (with regard to both salary and work
To whom must they defer decisions?
What are their pay/salary arrangements?
Coaching and Guidance
Does the person have personnel to assist them with the job (office staff, other nurses,
medical assistants, etc.)? If so, what is the preparation of those personnel?
What responsibility does the person have for conducting work evaluations and/or
appraisals of other staff?
Who evaluates the work of the person and what is the procedure for this? If possible,
include the evaluation form in an appendix.
Are standards of practice used? Describe or why not
Is the persons position and role appropriately marketed within the organization?
(e.g., with directional signs, phone book listings, printed material in the office that
includes the nurses name and title, etc.)
Is the persons position and role appropriately marketed outside the organization?
(e.g., web information, directory listings, answering machine, agency advertising
materials, name in agency title, name on the main door, etc.)
Leadership and Influence
How has this person influenced systems of health care delivery or professional
standards of practice? (Ask for example, involvement with the agency or professional
organization in setting policy or change) Describe this in terms of course readings.
Describe why this nurse is a role model for you and/or a leader in the profession.
Practice Issue
What does this person see as the primary issue in his/her practice role? Describe.
Include your evaluation of whether this issue is important to current practice
(reference 2 journal articles, not your textbooks).
Analysis and Conclusion
Analyze the persons job/role using an advanced nursing practice model from your
readings. Be clear on how the model applies using examples.
Adhered to APA 6th edition, appropriate references


III. Electronic Portfolio (5%)

Students are expected to keep an electronic portfolio containing professional goals and
information as well as course and clinical materials throughout their graduate program of study.
The process begins in this class. Information from such a portfolio is valuable in seeking
certification, licensure, and employment after graduation.

Rsum or curriculum vitae
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14


A one page elevator speech marketing yourself. Relate your specific skills
within the scope of practice for your concentration. You will need to access your
Scope and Standards of Practice as well as other articles to develop a convincing,
concise presentation. DO NOT use direct quotes and please paraphrase for the
general public.
Five year plan: list of at least five professional goals for the next five years with
a plan and time line for achieving those goals. Identify needed resources and
how you will obtain those resources.
Word document that contains the relevant professional links to:
1. The State Nurse Practice Act (Ohio Revised Code) and Administrative Code
(Ohio Administrative Code) or the Law and Administrative Codes for RNs
and advanced practice nursing for the state you plan to practice in.
2. Link to information related to the Certificate to Practice in the state you plan
to practice in.
3. Link to information related to the Certificate to Prescribe in the state you plan
to practice in.
4. Link to your professional Scope and Standards of Care/Practice if the source
is available online or link to purchase site.
5. Link to information on continuing education requirements for advanced
nursing practice in the state you plan to practice in.
6. School nurses should have a link to the Board of Education components that
apply to them.
7. Link to the certification organization and specialty exam with requirements
for certification, application procedures, costs, testing requirements,
availability of testing.
8. Link to salary range data for nurses in your specialty.
9. Link to information on malpractice insurance for nurses in your specialty
Organized folder for course related materials including subfolders for:
1. Course syllabi
2. Major course papers, case studies, etc.
3. Clinical hours logs
4. Clinical log regarding types of patients seen, care given, procedures, etc.
5. Preceptor and site information
6. Clinical evaluations
7. Nurse educators may include teaching plans
8. Any letters of commendation, awards, etc.


IV. Discussion Boards (15%)

The purpose of these discussion boards is to explore your current and hoped for leadership
abilities as a nurse in an advanced nursing role. Three graded discussions will take place in Pilot
via the discussion boards. The discussion board dates are listed in the Course Calendar. The
discussion boards will be open on Tuesday of the assigned week. Your initial posting is due by
Wednesday 11:59 p.m. of the assigned week. Your responses to the initial postings of two other
students in your group are due by the following Monday at 11:59 p.m. You must include at least
two reference citations in APA (6th ed.) format at the end of your post. Points will be given for
NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

posting an additional .pdf reading and/or appropriate web links (see grading rubric below). Late
postings will not be accepted for a grade.
You are assigned to a group of about 4-5 students for all three discussions. The discussion area of
your Pilot course will be labeled with your assigned group number for each activity. Depth of
thought is expected. Therefore, it is strongly recommend you prepare your postings in MS Word
and then copy/paste into the discussion area. An added benefit of off-line preparation of your
posting is that composing online may lead your browser to think your computer is idle and the
browser may kick you off before you have completed your work.
(points possible)
Timeliness (1)
Completeness (2)
Quality (2)

Format (1)



On time (1)
discussion as
assigned (2)
textbook, course
assigned readings,
and posts an
additional document
for reading (2)
Correct APA format
for citations and
references. (1)

On time (1)
Missing non-critical
components of
assignment (1)
textbook, course
assigned readings,
and posts a web link
to related
information (1)
A 1-2 errors in APA
format. (.8)

NUR 7001 Syllabus F14



On time (1)
Missing critical
components (0.5)

Late or missing (0)

Late or Missing
entirely (0)

Uses concepts and

ideas from textbook
and course assigned
readings only (0.5)

Late or Missing (0)

Relies on experience
only (1)

More than 1-2 errors

in APA format (.7)

Late or No
references or
citations used or
APA and grammar
errors render the
work difficult to read
and understand (0)

NUR 7001 Course Calendar for Fall 2014

(Changes to this outline may be required in order to facilitate course operations.
The information contained within this document is informational only, and is not intended to be
contractual in nature.)

Aug. 26

Topic and Assignments

Introduction to the course and on-line learning
Overview of advanced nursing practice

Hamric chapter 1
Kouzes & Posner, chapter 2

Sept. 02

What is advanced nursing practice?

Advanced nursing practice role development.

Hamric chapter 3, 4 and one

of the following:
14 (CNSs), 15 (primary NPs),
16 (acute NPs)
Bastable chapter 1 posted in
Pilot (nurse educators)
Rousset chapter 2 posted on
Pilot (nurse administrators)
TBA to be posted on Pilot
(school nurses)


Legal & ethical issues: Legislation of APN Practice

Certification & Credentialing

Hamric chapters 21

Sept. 16

Legal & ethical issues: Legislation of APN Practice

Privileging, Scope of Practice PART 2

Sept. 23

Sept. 30

EXAM 1 will be posted online. See Pilot

Practice models
Modern practice model initiatives (CNL & DNP)
Influence and power: theories, concepts and process
Leadership vs. management for advanced nursing practice

Discussion Board #1 this

Hamric chapters 21
Scope and Standards of
Practice for your
Hamric chapters 2, 5-6


Competencies of advanced nursing practice: Clinical

practice and prescriptive authority

Oct. 14

Competencies of advanced nursing practice: Coaching &


NUR 7001 Syllabus F14

Hamric chapter 11
Sullivan chapters 1-4 (on
content page)
Kouzes & Posner. The five
practices of Exemplary
Hamric chapter 7
Scope and Standards of
Practice for your
Hamric chapter 8
Kouzes & Posner chapter 3

Oct. 21

Competencies of advanced nursing practice: Consultation

vs. Collaboration


Oct. 28

EXAM 2 will be posted online. See Pilot

Competencies of advanced nursing practice: Ethical
Decision Making


Nov. 04

Business foundations and reimbursement: Budgets,

billing, and reimbursement

Hamric chapters 19


Nov. 11

Financial management: Marketing, negotiations, and risk


Hamric chapter 20
Sullivan chapter 9


Nov. 18

ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO due into drop box on

Pilot by Friday at 11:59 p.m.

Hamric chapter 10
Kouzes & Posner chapter 4,
6, 7


Nov. 25


Dec. 01


Dec. 9

Competencies of advanced nursing practice: Evidencebased practice

Strengthening advanced nursing practice in organizational
structures: Administration and outcomes evaluation for
nurses and patients
drop box on Pilot by Friday at 11:59 p.m.
Course review and wrap-up
online. See Pilot announcement.

NUR 7001 Syllabus F14


Discussion Board #2 this

Hamric chapters 9 & 12
Sullivan chapter 8 (on content
Kouzes & Posner Ch 5 & 8
Hamric chapters 13
Kouzes & Posner chapters 9,

Discussion Board #3 this

Hamric chapters 22, 23, 24
Kouzes & Posner chapter 11

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