Offshore Wind Energy in Europe - A Review of The State-of-the-Art
Offshore Wind Energy in Europe - A Review of The State-of-the-Art
Offshore Wind Energy in Europe - A Review of The State-of-the-Art
Key words:
offshore wind
energy; offshore
wind turbine
After several decades of theoretical developments, desk studies, experimental wind turbines
and prototype wind farms, the first large-scale commercial developments of offshore wind
farms are now being built. To support and accelerate this development, the European
Commission funded a project, Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe (CAOWEE), which aimed to gather, evaluate, synthesize and distribute knowledge on all aspects
of offshore wind energy, including offshore technology, electrical integration, economics,
environmental impacts and political aspects. The partners are from a wide range of fields
and include developers, utilities, consultants, research institutes and universities. This article
reports on the final conclusions of this project, with the complete report being available
online at Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Offshore wind farms promise to become an important source of energy in the near future: it is expected that
by the end of this decade, wind farms with a total capacity of thousands of megawatts will be installed in
European seas. This will be equivalent to several large traditional coal-fired power stations. Plans are currently
advancing for such large-scale wind farms in Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch, Belgian, British and Irish
waters and the first such parks are currently being constructed at Horns Rev, off Denmarks western coast,
and Rdsand, in the Danish part of the Baltic coast.
Onshore wind energy has grown enormously over the last decade to the point where it generates more than
10% of all electricity in certain regions (such as Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany and Gotland in
Sweden). However, this expansion has not been without problems. The resistance by some members of the
public and planning procedures to wind farm developments experienced in Britain since the mid-1990s is
now present in several other countries. One solution to this problem is to move the developments offshore,
where land use disputes are avoided and noise and visual impacts greatly reduced. There are also a number
of other advantages:
availability of large continuous areas suitable for major projects;
higher wind speeds, which generally increase with distance from the shore (Britain is an exception to this,
as the speed-up factor over hills means that the best wind resources are where the turbines are also most
less turbulence, which allows the turbines to harvest the available energy more effectively and reduces the
fatigue loads on the turbine;
Correspondence to: Andrew R. Henderson, Section Wind Energy, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, NL-2628
CN Delft, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]
Contract/grant sponsor: European Commission; Contract/grant number: NNE5-1999-00562.
A. R. Henderson et al.
lower wind shear (i.e. the boundary layer of slower moving wind close to the surface is thinner), thus
allowing the use of shorter towers.
Set against these advantages is the very important disadvantage of the additional capital investment
necessary, relating to:
the more expensive marine foundations;
the more expensive integration into the electrical network and in some cases a necessary increase in the
capacity of weak coastal grids;
the more expensive installation procedures and restricted access during construction owing to weather
limited access for O&M during operation, which results in an additional penalty of reduced turbine
availability and hence reduced output.
However, the cost of wind turbines is falling and is expected to continue doing so over the coming decade,
and once sufficient experience has been gained in building offshore projects, the offshore construction industry
is likely to find similar cost savings. At locations with good wind speeds, onshore wind energy has become
a cost-competitive resource at a stable price compared with conventional power generation, especially when
environmental benefits are accounted for. Over the last decade, gas-powered CCGT generators have proved
to be the most cost-effective source of power for new-build plants. However, the increase in demand for gas
resulting from the many new power stations has increased the volatility of the price of the fuel, and a recent
study concluded that to fix the price for the next 10 years a premium of 050 US6 c/kWh was payable.1
It would seem likely that offshore wind energy can also become competitive in time. Other developments
that are likely to support this trend are the design of turbines optimized for the offshore environment, of
greater sizes (maybe up to 10 MW and over 125 m rotor diameter eventually) and with greater reliability
built in. At the moment the largest production machines have generating capacities of 25 MW, but prototypes
of machines with power outputs of up to 5 MW are currently being constructed, and with full-scale serial
manufacturing generally a couple of years behind, the middle of this decade should allow a developer to
choose between several competing machines. The wind turbine manufacturing industry has been following its
own exponential growth curves over the last decade of decreasing costs by 20%, increasing annual installed
capacity by 50% and doubling the size of the largest commercially available turbine every 3 years or so.
The total wind power resources available offshore are vast and will certainly be able to supply a significant
proportion of our electricity needs in an economic manner. Earlier studies by Garrad Hassan/Germanischer
Lloyd2 and EWEA/Forum for the Future3 concluded that a large proportion of Europes power could be
supplied from offshore wind turbines.
Average Turbine Size
construction and operation. Avoiding unnecessary costs is especially important now when offshore wind
energy has the opportunity of also becoming competitive on price with traditional energy sources.
Rated power
Tip speed
(m s1 )
A. R. Henderson et al.
in the longer term, innovative wind turbine architectures might become an option, but engineering effort
will be needed to achieve the theoretical potential.
Some of the main findings and conclusions from the full report with regard to offshore wind turbine
technology are presented below, with a focus on identifying expected technology trends.
Under conditions of true similarity in design style, state of technological progress and design specification,
costs of large turbines might be expected to scale cubically with rotor diameter. Considering, however
historical, data over the range of machine sizes, ongoing technology development results in a scaling closer
to a square law than a cubic law. Price data of onshore machines show a gently rising unit cost (per m2
swept area) for rotor diameters of 40 m and greater (Figure 3), although this could partly reflect the fact
that smaller turbines were generally introduced to the market longer ago, and with the development costs
previously having been recouped, the selling price can be reduced. Although marinization of onshore design
generally adds 10% in costs, the currently available offshore-specific machines are now essentially on lower
cost curves than their onshore predecessors.
Blade Technology
The demand for high-strength blades of low solidity in conjunction with diminishing carbon fibre costs may
drive the industry in the direction of carbon epoxy. Carbon prices are falling, and if it were used in significant
quantities in blades for offshore machines, that could become by far the largest market for high-quality carbon
fibres, thus resulting in further cost reduction.
P = 0.1215D2.23
It is not clear whether the current gearbox concept (three-stage units, input stage planetary, the two higherspeed stages parallel with helical gears) will be applicable for larger offshore turbines, since it is likely that for
larger machines, i.e. >3 MW, an additional gearbox stage will be required, resulting in increased complexity
and probability of failure. This may be an important driver towards direct drive systems.
Variable Speed
There is a tendency towards variable-speed designs. Wide-range variable speed has a further advantage in the
ability to avoid damaging resonances, important for offshore turbine structures, where the resonant frequencies
have proved difficult to predict accurately and may also change over the lifetime of the structure. It remains
somewhat unclear whether power electronic converters can be made reliable enough at suitable cost.
Support Structure
The current design philosophy for wind farms in water depths of up to 20 m is based on the monopile,
except in the shallowest waters (up to 5 m) where gravity base structures have been preferred (Figure 4). The
installation methodology (driving, drilling or combination) will depend on soil properties and water depth. For
deeper waters, tripod support structures are being considered, but the optimum solution is not yet certain and
may well be a concept currently being brought into the field by offshore and coastal engineering specialists.
Floating support structures remain a challenge with regard to cost, but this will need to be met if countries
with less extensive regions of shallow water, such as Japan, are also to exploit offshore wind energy to a
significant extent.4
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Figure 4. Types of support structure: monopile, tripod and gravity base structures
include fixed platforms, flexible gangways, friction posts against which the vessel maintains a forward thrust
during transfer, vessel lifting facilities and winch/netting for personnel and equipment (eliminating the need
for specialist lifting vessels for major component replacement).
The issue of availability should also be addressed through improvements in offshore wind turbine reliability.
Unplanned maintenance levels can be reduced by increasing the reliability of the turbine. Particular emphasis is
being placed on reliability issues, from overall design improvements through to component level. Designing
for reduced maintenance could drive wind turbine designs away from current onshore standards, such as
towards two bladed configurations, direct drive technology or application of electrical actuators; however, use
of unproven technologies is intrinsically less reliable than using proven systems.
Electrical Systems
There are many areas where technical developments in electrical systems are expected which will improve
the economics and reliability of offshore wind farms. Some of these will arrive because of developments in
other industries and in onshore wind, but others are specific to offshore wind and are therefore more risky.
Developments can be expected to take place within the wind turbine (such as generation at high voltage) and
within the wind farm electrical systems, regarding set-up of substations, use of HVDC technology and cable
to conform with grid connection requirements. This may provide opportunities for the application of new
technologies for electricity storage combined with more reliable models for predicting fluctuations from wind
energy over longer periods.
Cross-border power transmission limitations prevent a geographical smoothing of the production/consumption imbalance. Solutions to deal with large imbalances are demand-side management, increased flexibility and
dispatching capability of conventional plants, the use of energy storage, application of wind power forecasting
techniques and increasing the controllability of wind farm output. It is concluded that, although all options
could eventually contribute to the solution (requiring much more RTD), the most promising immediate step
is to increase the accuracy and reliability of wind power forecasting techniques.
The impact of large-scale offshore wind power on power system performance (power quality) requires
special attention, since coastal connection points will often be relatively weak. Flicker, harmonics and
interharmonics and static stability are not considered as limiting factors, but dynamic grid stability may
be a limiting factor, in particular in relation to wind farm correlated sudden shutdown of wind turbines or
faults in the network causing many turbines to trip. These problems may lead to modifications in wind turbine
control philosophies for the high-wind-speed cut-out.
Large-scale offshore wind power will further impose an increase in primary control (response time of
the order of seconds) and secondary control (response time of the order of minutes) requirements of the
conventional production components of the system; such requirements could also be imposed on large wind
farms, although it remains unclear how such requirements could be efficiently implemented.
The connection technology between offshore wind farms and the grid is characterized by large power
(>100 MW) and potential long distances. HVDC links offer a possible lower-cost solution, which could also
contribute to alleviate the power quality management problems mentioned above. However, the application
will be limited to very large wind farm developments and the promised cost benefits will have to be realized.
Access of large offshore wind farms to the grid must be in accordance with national grid codes. Current
requirements imposed by national grid codes are in general not considered to be a limiting factor for the
development of large-scale offshore wind power, although these requirements are not particularly suitable for
non-predictable, highly variable energy sources. Anticipating the developments of very large projects in the
future, grid utilities in several countries are actively developing specific requirements. Project developers may
have to take additional measures to comply with the grid codes, such as use of variable-speed wind turbines,
special-purpose remote control systems (with individual power set points for the wind turbines), etc. In the
long term, HVDC transmission and/or on-site large storage facilities with controllable reactive power output
might present interesting opportunities, allowing large-scale offshore wind power plants to meet grid access
requirements more easily, to the point of possibly having a positive impact on grid stability.
Offshore projects require initially higher investments than onshore owing to turbine support structures and
grid connection. The cost of grid connection to the shore is typically around 25% (of the initial capital
investment), a much higher fraction than for connection of onshore projects. Other sources of additional cost
include foundations (up to 30% of the initial capital investment), operation and maintenance (with expected
lower availability) and marinization of turbines (Figure 5). Investment costs have been reduced from about
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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2200 /kW for the first Danish offshore wind farms to an estimated cost of 1650 /kW for Horns Rev
(equivalent to 49 c/kWh with a discount rate of 5% and a lifetime of 20 years). This compares with typical
figures for onshore sites of investment of 7001000 /kW and estimated energy cost of 38 c/kWh for
a mean wind speed of 510 m s1 . Direct comparison of costs remains susceptible to the widely differing
economic parameters used by different types of developers and in different countries. For comparison, Figure 6
shows a typical distribution of costs for an onshore wind farm.
Projected costs are downwards as the industry determines less expensive methods for installation and
maintenance using experience gained in the offshore industry. As the first offshore wind farms and contractors
gain sufficient confidence to tender at lower levels, with larger project and turbine sizes also reducing costs
per installed MW. Operation and maintenance charges are variable according to site, but a rough estimate
is 30 /kW per year with 05 c/kWh variable. A tentative conclusion is drawn that, for good sites (not too
deep water, benign wave climate, not too distant from shore, high enough wind speeds), large offshore wind
farms could in the near future generate electricity at costs that allow for true commercial exploitation.
Whether offshore wind power could be commercially viable depends on whether sufficient project income
can be generated. This depends on whether the energy produced can be sold on the (then likely to be) fully
liberalized market at a reasonable rate and how the environmental benefit is valued. There are a number of
factors (e.g. use of forecasting techniques) which influence energy sales in a liberalized market and it can be
concluded that severe risks exist associated with market liberalization where the environmental benefits are not
adequately valued. This may jeopardize development at some sites. Despite the average cost of offshore wind
energy being competitive with many traditional energy sources, projects may not be viable. This may leave
Wind Turbines
Figure 5. Example breakdown of initial capital costs for an offshore wind farm7
Planning &
Wind Turbines
Figure 6. Example breakdown of initial capital costs for an onshore wind farm7
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Europe in the curious position of possessing an abundant environmentally friendly energy resource whose
exploitation enjoys a high degree of public and governmental support but without the market framework that
can support its development.
From the current developments of demonstration offshore projects of various sizes, it would appear that
sufficient equity capital is available for financing offshore wind farm projects. Some major oil and gas
companies and utilities have announced projects which could be financed by company equity. However, it
still remains to be determined under what conditions (due diligence, certification, insurance, etc.) bank loans
will be granted for offshore wind farm projects. Only test and demonstration projects will provide information
to allow an answer to this question. At least they will reduce the present uncertainties related to the cost
of energy generated. Important support comes from a variety of national incentive mechanisms, such as
investment subsidies, tax exemptions, fixed tariffs and green certificate schemes.
The resources available across the offshore regions of Europe are vast, particularly in Northern Europe,
and are in theory capable of supplying all electrical needs of the whole continent (though currently at an
uneconomical price). In practice, offshore wind energy could become a major source of energy for several
countries at a competitive price in the medium term.
So far, all offshore wind farms have been built in seas off Northern European coasts, where there are
large flat and shallow regions a short distance away from the coast and hence suitable for development. The
continental shelf around much of the Mediterranean Sea falls off much faster, leaving little space for bottommounted wind farm developments and hence limited prospects for offshore wind energy unless floating wind
energy can overcome its current cost disadvantage.4
Wind resource studies for EU offshore regions are based on monitoring data and modelling techniques. The
issue of offshore wind resources is complicated by a number of factors. Low roughness gives low turbulence
and wind shear, but thermal effects are important, particularly in coastal regions: wind speed profiles deviate
from logarithmic and thermal flows are generated, such as sea breezes and low-level jets. More details are
given in the full report on which this article is based,8 which discusses both offshore wind monitoring and
state-of-the-art modelling techniques, and a major conclusion is that while current modelling techniques
can provide good representation of general resources, specific site resource estimation still requires on-site
The offshore wind potential is derived from the wind resource in combination with a number of local
constraints, such as technology limits (e.g. water depth), economy, ecology and conflicts of interest with
other users. The resulting wind potential is thus a function of the constraints considered, the assumptions
applied and the level of detail. Available studies of the offshore wind power potential in the EU were reviewed,
though unfortunately, most studies have been performed on a national basis and a specific set of assumptions
and hence cannot easily be combined for the EU total. Notwithstanding this difficulty, the overall resource is
estimated to be 140 GW, which is well in excess of the EU White Paper target of 10 GW in 2010.
In the last decade of the 20th century, 80 MW of offshore wind power was installed in Europe. These wind
farms have operated successfully and have proved that offshore wind energy is technically, economically and
environmentally viable. Continued monitoring and detailed investigation of these wind farms will provide
invaluable data for use in better evaluating and harnessing the offshore wind resource and for meeting the
challenges of installing large wind farms.
The next generation of wind farms in the 100 MW range, consisting of multi-megawatt turbines, provides
new challenges. Hub heights are now beyond the height that measuring masts can be installed economically,
wakes within such large farms are not well understood and the influence of upwind farms requires further
research. Because of these new uncertainties, wind turbine technology may be less proven than was the case
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A. R. Henderson et al.
for the first offshore demonstration projects. Larger distances to the coast and deeper water give harsher
conditions for the turbines and supporting structures. Access for maintenance is more difficult, combined
with the demand for better availability. However, the physical and environmental challenges are within the
grasp of the offshore and wind energy industries. A greater challenge is posed by market uncertainty, which
has not been detailed in this report.
power (MW)
depth (m)
from shore
Nogersund (SE)
Vindeby (DK)
Medemblik (NL)
Tun Knob (DK)
Dronten (NL)
Bockstigen-Valor (SE)
Middelgrunden (DK)
Utgrunden (SE)
Blyth (UK)
Yttre Stengrund (SE)
Horns Rev (DK)
Sams (DK)
1 022; WindWorld
11 045 D 495; Bonus
4 05 D 2; NedWind
10 05 D 5; Vestas
28 06 D 168; Nordtank
5 05 D 25; WindWorld
20 2 D 40; Bonus
7 1425 D 10; Enron
2 2 D 4; Vestas
5 2 D 10; NEG Micon
80 2 D 160; Vestas
10 25 D 25; Bonus
250 m
15 km
750 m
6 km
20 m
3 km
3 km
8 km
800 m
5 km
1420 km
5 km
Decommissioned 1998.
power (MW)
Other details
60 (1st phase)
72 22 Bonus D 158
60 2 D 120
38 2 Vestas D 76
12 5 D 60 (1st phase)
30 2/3 D 60/90
42 15 Enercon D 63
21 2 NEG Micon D 42
480 turbines
4961 2 D 98122
160 3 D 480
83 3 D 249
170 25 D 425
45 km from island in
30 m water
80 3 D 240
50 2
In January 2002 the Danish Government announced a change in policy regarding the offshore wind farms at
Gedser, Ls Syd and Om Stalgrunde. It is not clear at the time of writing to what extent the construction
of these wind farms will be delayed.
A. R. Henderson et al.
3% electricity from renewables. Offshore wind energy is not yet eligible for green
certificates (under discussion)
Government target revised; large-scale developments in two areas only
Plans to develop one wind farm
Several plans discussed
Target 5%6% electricity from renewables by 2010 and 50% by 2050; research project on
on- and offshore development. In spring 2001 a number of sites were announced
None publicly available
Targets set. Measurements under way. Green certificates introduced
Discussion of 1000 MW target installation. Local feasibility studies
Target set of 6000 MW for offshore wind in 2020. Several feasibility/environmental
studies under way. Two wind farms developed in IJsselmeer. Demonstration wind farm
of 100 MW planned at Egmond an Zee. Green certificates introduced
Two wind farms of 100 MW have consent near Bialogora and near Karwia
None publicly available
Some monitoring studies
No target set, but construction of wind farms undertaken by private developers
Targets set. Measurements under way at five sites. One site developed. In April 2001
preliminary licences for 18 offshore sites were awarded
and OWEMES (Offshore Wind Energy in the Mediterranean and Other European Seas;
conferences, and other important activities include an increasing number of electronic and traditional press
journals specifically focused on wind or giving wind energy a prominent position, and MSc courses in wind
or renewable energy at several universities across Europe.
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Table V. List of research projects
Project acronym
5 MW wind energy
converter for offshore
Klasorden 42 MW: a
demonstration of
large-scale, offshore
wind energy in the
Baltic area
Efficient development of
offshore wind farms
End date
Early 2005
End 2002
End 2003
End 2002
End 2003
A. R. Henderson et al.
the impacts will change somewhat when moving further offshore, it is crucial that aspects such as bird
migration paths and the visual impact of offshore wind turbines in an otherwise structureless landscape
are taken seriously already from the planning phase. The Middelgrunden wind farm makes an interesting
example: the initially proposed efficient rectangular layout was replaced by a graceful curve following consultations; this has helped the wind farm to become a tourist attraction in Copenhagen and avoid
excessive criticism in spite of its prominent visibility from many locations in the city, including the royal
Furthermore, potential effects on fish, marine mammals, fauna and benthos need to be investigated, as
the impacts from large-scale offshore wind farms (e.g. sound emissions and electromagnetic fields from
underwater cables) are currently relatively unknown. The effect from wind turbines on radar systems is also
an important issue that is currently poorly understood and must be dealt with both in generic studies and
in site-specific pre-investigations (environmental impact assessments). These investigations and the planning
process prior to large-scale offshore projects should be as open as possible and allow local involvement.
The role that public opinion plays is essential and has been an important difference between the countries
where onshore wind energy has become widespread and those where it has not. Care should be taken to
ensure that public opinion continues to support the advancement of offshore wind energy.
The objective of this part of the CA-OWEE project was to consider:
environmental impacts;
social acceptance;
conflicts of interest;
national planning rules throughout the EU.
The main conclusion regarding environmental impacts of offshore wind farms is that although there are no
strong indications of severe environmental effects, there is yet very little real experience. This uncertainty and
lack of actual experience threatens to develop into a limiting factor delaying licensing procedures for offshore
wind farms. All national regulations require that an EIA (environmental impact assessment) is carried out
before planning permission is given, which should typically cover an estimation and evaluation of the likely
effects on:
human beings, fauna and flora;
soil, water, air, climate and the landscape;
material assets and the cultural heritage;
the interaction between these factors mentioned.
Regarding biological issues, those considered potentially problematic are indicated as:
collision of birds with turbines;
ousting birds off their traditional feeding/roosting grounds;
unknown effect of low frequency noise emissions on fish life and sea mammals;
impacts on fish larvae;
disturbances of seabed and fauna during construction and operation.
It can be seen that the effect on birds features prominently, and several completed and ongoing research
programmes focus on this aspect. No definitive answer has been reached: a study at Tun Knob showed
no discernible effect on wintering eider-ducks;10 results from studies at Utgrunden and Yttre Stengrund are
The effect on seals has also been examined, at both Tun Knob and Bockstigen-Valor,11 with no impact
found; a similar study at the Rdsand/Nysted wind farm should concur with this. A potentially more serious
problem is that fish have been known to lose consciousness from the pile-driving shock waves; the effect is
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temporary and the fish do recover, but sensitive breeding periods should be avoided and the sight of stunned
fish could lead to public relations problems. During operation the noise from wind turbines should not be
audible above ambient underwater noise beyond about 20 m.12,13
Public attitudes are in general positive, but may turn negative with actual projects. This is based on two
different issues:
the perceived potential of ecological damage, in particular in relation to birds;
the perceived visual and noise impact, in particular in relation to the recreational use and value of the
adjacent coast.
Visual impact obviously diminishes with distance to shore, and in general it can be assumed that the visual
impact to viewers at sea level is negligible when the farms are located more than 8 km from shore. With
distances larger than 45 km the visibility will be almost zero owing to the curvature of the earths surface.
These distances will be greater where there are elevated viewpoints, but may also be severely reduced
depending on the atmospheric clarity.
The main other conflicts of interest in developing offshore wind farms are with radar systems and marine
traffic. Careful planning should resolve this conflict, as especially the potential effects on radar systems may
become a barrier for future development of offshore wind energy projects. Regarding marine traffic, improved
and suitable ship collision risk and damage consequence models should become available.
Since in most countries the political attitude towards offshore wind power is positive, national planning
and regulation rules are being adapted for licensing offshore wind farms, both inside and outside the 12 mile
The direct employment effects of offshore wind power are estimated as 45 full-time jobs/MW.14 European
industry could greatly benefit from taking the lead in offshore wind farm development and construction, with
an estimated 9000 and 30,000 people employed in Denmark15 and Germany16 respectively.
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions made to this article by all partners in the CA-OWEE
project. The project Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe (CA-OWEE) was funded by the
European Commission under contract NNE5-1999-00562.
The objectives of the project Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe (CA-OWEE) were to
define the current state of the art of offshore wind energy in Europe through gathering and evaluation of
information from across Europe and to disseminate the resulting knowledge to all interested parties, in order
to help stimulate the development of the industry. The project was funded by the European Commission
and was completed at the end of 2001. The knowledge gathered is freely available through an internet site
( and a printed report.
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Table VI. RTD objectives identified as being of highest priority
Offshore technology
Better definition of design criteria and extreme wind/wave recurrence periods for inshore
Development and validation of models for reliable prediction of fatigue and extreme loads
Assess reliability of existing spectral wave models
Aeroelastic and structural design of large rotor blades
Measurement campaigns on early projects
Review of safety factors
Investigation of breaking waves, shallow water effects and resulting loads
Further research on geotechnics of inshore watersimprove understanding of the
interaction of seabed/soil characteristics with system dynamicssensitivity of resonant
frequencies, fatigue loading, etc.
Improved dissemination of knowledge of offshore marine-related construction procedures
and techniques amongst designers/developers
Reduce sensitivity to wave/wind conditions
Reduce time for offshore working
Minimization of offshore lifting operations
Safety of personnel
Remote control facilities to allow manual override of turbine control system from an
onshore base
Development of purpose-built jack-up barges, floating barges and landing craft
Develop condition monitoring via SCADA systems (enhanced capability, 2 from 3
decision-making, improved reliability)
Development of forecasting methods for wind energy production up to several days ahead
Improvements in methods for estimating wind resource in coastal areas, mean wind speeds
Vertical wind speed and turbulence profile
Development and validation of inshore joint wind/wave simulations
Evaluation and prediction of wake effects and turbulence on power output of large wind
Cost reduction and reliability improvement for methods for offshore wind data collection
Generic evaluation of LSOWE investment costs taking into account cost-influencing factors
(distance from shore, water depth, wind and wave climate, soil conditions, etc.)
Risk assessment (construction cost, delay risk, energy production, operating costs,
Joint wind/wave loading on short time scales for weather forecasting, power output and
improved maintenance scheduling
Baseline and impact studies from individual projects to be disseminated and jointly
Manage public awareness of stunned fish during construction (pile-driving)
Safety of civil air traffic
Safety of air traffic related to project
Studies of disturbance to radar
Identification and avoidance of sensitive areas
Avoidance of site works during sensitive time periods
Resources and
The project focused on the large-scale exploitation of the offshore wind resource through the use of very
large wind turbines with improved performance and reliability and reduced environmental impacts. The
objective of the project was to collect the accumulated knowledge about offshore wind energy from all over
Europe, evaluate and summarize this knowledge and distribute it to all who can benefit. In addition, a report
has been produced for the Commission with recommendations for which actions are needed to ensure that
the development of offshore wind energy continues to expand and becomes a major source of power in the
coming century.
This project divided offshore wind energy into five clusters of subjects, reviewed the recent history and
summarized the current state of affairs, relating to:
offshore technology of the wind turbines and the support structures;
grid integration, energy supply and financing;
resources and economics;
activities and prospects;
social acceptance, environmental impact and politics.
The projects 17 partners came from 13 countries, thus covering the majority of the European Communitys
coastline. The partners covered a broad range of expertise and included developers, utilities, consultants,
research institutes and universities:
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands;
Garrad Hassan and Partners, United Kingdom;
John Brown Hydrocarbons Ltd (formerly Kvaerner Oil and Gas), United Kingdom;
Energi & Miljoe Undersoegelser (EMU), Denmark;
Ris National Laboratory, Denmark;
Tractebel Energy Engineering, Belgium;
CIEMAT, Spain;
CRES, Greece;
Deutsches Windenergie-Institut (DEWI), Germany;
Germanischer Lloyd, Germany;
ECN, The Netherlands;
Espace Eolien Developement (EED), France;
ENEA, Italy;
University College Cork, Ireland;
Vindkompaniet i Hemse AB, Sweden;
VTT, Finland;
Baltic Energy Conservation Agency (BAPE), Poland.
1. Bolinger M, Wiser R, Golove W. Quantifying the value that wind power provides as a hedge against volatile natural
gas prices. LBNL-50484, 2002. ( pubs.html#RE)
2. Germanischer Lloyd and Garrad Hassan. Study of offshore wind energy in the EC. ETSU Report W/35/00250 and
Publ. Verlag Naturliche Energie JOUR 0072, 1994.
3. Forum for Energy and Development. Windforce 10. A blueprint to achieve 10% of the worlds electricity from wind
power by 2020. 2000 Available la:, report accessed 1/2/03
4. Henderson AR, Leutz R, Fujii T. Potential for floating offshore wind energy in Japanese waters. ISOPE Conference,
Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002; 505512.
5. Van Bussel GJW, Zaaijer M. Reliability, availability and maintenance aspects of large-scale offshore wind farms, a
concept study. Marine Renewable Energies Conference, Newcastle UK, 2001; 119126.
6. The dawn of micropower. The Economist 2000.
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A. R. Henderson et al.
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