This document lists 28 references used in research on teaching vocabulary. The references were published between 1975 and 2010 and cover topics like vocabulary development, teaching vocabulary to young learners, using pictures and dictionaries, and methodology for teaching English as a second or foreign language. Key authors mentioned include Bauer, Cameron, Chambers, Gebhard, Harmer, Nation, Parnwell, Richards, Thornbury, and Wallace. The references come from published books, academic journals, conference presentations, and online sources.
This document lists 28 references used in research on teaching vocabulary. The references were published between 1975 and 2010 and cover topics like vocabulary development, teaching vocabulary to young learners, using pictures and dictionaries, and methodology for teaching English as a second or foreign language. Key authors mentioned include Bauer, Cameron, Chambers, Gebhard, Harmer, Nation, Parnwell, Richards, Thornbury, and Wallace. The references come from published books, academic journals, conference presentations, and online sources.
This document lists 28 references used in research on teaching vocabulary. The references were published between 1975 and 2010 and cover topics like vocabulary development, teaching vocabulary to young learners, using pictures and dictionaries, and methodology for teaching English as a second or foreign language. Key authors mentioned include Bauer, Cameron, Chambers, Gebhard, Harmer, Nation, Parnwell, Richards, Thornbury, and Wallace. The references come from published books, academic journals, conference presentations, and online sources.
This document lists 28 references used in research on teaching vocabulary. The references were published between 1975 and 2010 and cover topics like vocabulary development, teaching vocabulary to young learners, using pictures and dictionaries, and methodology for teaching English as a second or foreign language. Key authors mentioned include Bauer, Cameron, Chambers, Gebhard, Harmer, Nation, Parnwell, Richards, Thornbury, and Wallace. The references come from published books, academic journals, conference presentations, and online sources.
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Bauer, Laurie. (1998). Vocabulary. New York, NY: Routledge.
Cameron, Lyne. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chambers, Ellie and Gregory, Marshall. (2006). Teaching and learning English literature. London: Sage Publications. Forcellini, Egidio. (2012). Dictionary. (Online), Available in th Accessed on August 29 2014. Gebhard, J. G. (1996). Teaching English as a foreign or second language. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. Graham, Carolyn. (2003). Childrens picture dictionary. Hongkong: Pearson Education North Asia Limited. Harmer, Jeremy. (2007). Teaching vocabulary to young children by using full color pictionary. Accessed on September 3th 2014. Hedgcock, Jhon S and Ferris, Dana. R. (2009). Teaching readers of English students, texts, and contexts. New York, NY: Routledge. Hiebert, Elfrida. H and Kamil, Michael. L. (2005). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New Jersey, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Julianti, Eka Putri. (2010). Teaching vocabulary by using pictorial dictionary to fifth grade students of SDN 32 Palembang. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis: Fkip Sriwijaya University. Leny. (2010). Teaching vocabulary through pictures to the kindergarten students. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis: Islamic University of Jakarta. Manser, Martin, H. (1996). Macmillan students dictionary 2nd edition. London: Macmillan Education, Ltd. McCharten, Jeanne. (2007). Teaching vocabulary lessons from the corpus, lessons for the classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Molinsky, Steven and Bliss, Bill (1994). Handbook of vocabulary teaching
strategies communication activities with the word by word picture dictionary. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. Murcia, M. Celce. (1991). Teaching English as a secondary of a foreign language. Boston: Henley Publisher. Napa, Pieter, A. (2000). Vocabulary development skill. Yogyakarta: Kasinius. Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. New York, NY: Cambridge university press. Parnwell, E. C. (1988). The new oxford picture dictionary. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Redman, Stuart. (1997). English vocabulary in use. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J. C and Willy, A. R. (2002). Methodology in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sarosdy, Judit, Et al. (2006). Applied linguistics I: for BA students in English. Unisoviet: Bolcseszc konzorsium. Shastri, Pratima Dave. (2010). Communicative approach to the teaching of English as a second language. Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house. Stacey, Karen. (2007). A teaching resource for using the picture dictionary for new learners of English. Accessed on September 3th 2014. Thornbury, Scott. (2002). How to teach vocabulary. England: Pearson Educational Limited. Tuttle, Harry Grover. (1975). Using visual material in the foreign language classroom. HarryTuttle_VisualMaterialInForeignLanguageClassrooms.pdf. Accessed on October 15th 2014. Wallace, Michael, J. (1982). Teaching vocabulary. London: Heineman Educational Books, Inc.
Yopp, Hallie Kay. Yopp, Ruth Helen and Bishop, Ashley. (2009). Vocabulary instruction for academic success. Huntington Beach: Shell Education.
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