Discourse Community Essay
Discourse Community Essay
Discourse Community Essay
Chaiwat Grayson
ENC 1101
November 10, 2014
[email protected]
Discourse Community
The authors in the book Writing About Writing all talk about the same
consistent thing; writing. Their enjoyment of writing and the fact that they took their
time to create articles in order to improve others writing puts them in a discourse
community together. By James E. Porters definition, a discourse community is a
group of individuals bound by a common interest who communicate through
approved channels and whose discourse is regulated (Porter 91). Throughout the
year, this English class has gave us the pleasure to read multiple excerpts from
different authors and all of them have made me realize what it takes to be in the
discourse community of people who study writing. I will be analysing how effective
this book has introduced the reader to people who study writing. This book compiles
writings from Swales, Gee and Mirabelli who are leading researchers and writers on
the topic of writing and describing discourse communities.
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we study works of people in this discourse but also we mush faked our way through
an assignment where we studied our own writing.
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For the students in the class it isnt just each other and the professor, its also
the people and the authors who we read about who taught us the keys to being in the
discourse community. Authors get their writings published into articles, which then
get published into textbooks for students, and they help us become humans who study
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degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise (Swales, 222). This is present in
Writing about Writing when viewing different credentials of the writers such as James
Paul Gee who has received his B.A. in philosophy from University of California at
Santa Barbara, and both his M.A and Ph.D. in linguistics from Stanford University.
Distinguishing a members expertise in the discourse well in the textbook giving the
authors credibility. This applies with clubs at UCF and how they have certain labels
for people with different expertise such as President, Vice President, Treasure,
Recorder, Warden, Historian and Public Relations Chair to acknowledge
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As a nineteen-year-old learning about discourse communities, I would never
had understood what a discourse was if it wasnt for the fact that Writing about
Writing. This book had taught me a humongous amount of tools to add into my kit. I
am learning my passion of graphic design and videography and the knowledge gained
from discourse has given me food for thought about when it comes down to working
in a digital creative agency and being integrated into the digital field of art. Once I
graduate I will understand the importance and how to comprehend specific lexis of a
community and the ability to adjust my behaviours, attitudes and gestures to a desired
community. Once I enter into the design world I will mush fake my path everyday
with lots of creativity and dedication until I finally become accepted into the
community of the digital art.
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Works Cited:
Gee, James P. Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction. Journal of
Education 171.1 (1989): 5-17. Print.
Perl, Sondra. "The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers." Writing
About Writing: A College Reader. Eds. Wardle and Downs. 2nd ed. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 317-336. Print.
Mirabelli, Tony. Learning to Serve: The Language and Literacy of Food Service
Workers. What They Dont Learn in School. Ed. Jabari Mahiri. New York:
Peter Lang, 2004. 143-62 Print.
Rose, Mike. "Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language: A
Cognitivist Analysis of Writers Block." 1980. Writing About Writing. By
Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. 2nd ed. Boston: Leasa Burton, 2014. 52731. Print.
Swales, John. "The Concept of Discourse Community." 1990. Writing About Writing.
By Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. 2nd ed. Boston: Wardle and Downs,
2014. 215-27. Print.
Webcourses@UCF. Web.