Shielding and Grounding
Shielding and Grounding
Shielding and Grounding
Electrical Panels
Best Practices
Guide to Shielding, Grounding, and Design Techniques for Motion Control Servo Systems used in Factory
Multi-axis motion control servo systems contain digital and micro-processor circuitry that can be affected by ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI). They also contain high energy switching amplifiers which can generate significant EMI at
frequencies from 10MHz to 300MHz. Clearly the potential exists for this switching noise to interfere with correct operation of both the motion controller and any other electronic equipment in the vicinity. While most manufacturers,
including ORMEC, are very careful to minimize susceptibility of their products to EMI, complete immunity is not possible. Some responsibility for avoiding EMI problems will inevitably fall to the control system integrator. This guide describes panel layout, wiring, grounding, and shielding techniques that we have found effective in designing and building
motion control systems. As in all engineering designs, compromise between the perfect design and what is practical is
unavoidable. You may not be able to employ all the suggestions we make. However, careful attention to EMI reduction
will minimize startup costs and future operating problems in any system. If you are interested in a more complete understanding of EMI design considerations and techniques, the bibliography at the end of this guide will direct you to
authoritative texts on the subject.
Design Goals and Techniques
One of the primary design goals is to keep all signal common return points at the same potential. With the high frequency (up to
300MHz) harmonics generated by switching amplifiers, this is not always easy. At these frequencies, the typical 12 gauge ground
wire looks more like a series of inductors and capacitors instead of a low resistance path to ground. Use of silver tinned flat braid
and the steel sub-panel itself provide a much better return path than conventional wire. A second, equally important, goal is to
minimize the magnetic coupling between circuits. This is generally achieved by minimum separations and wire routing. Radio Frequency coupling is a problem primarily tackled with appropriate shielding and grounding techniques. Protection from and elimination of transient spikes, is achieved with power line filters and appropriate suppressors on relay coils and other inductive loads.
Organization of Guide
The topics in this guide are grouped into related system components and circuitry. Each group requires the designer to employ
grounding and shielding techniques appropriate to the type of energy it emits and the type of emissions to which it might be susceptible. This guide includes techniques for the follow topics:
Motor Cable Installation
Motor Cable Installation
Encoder/Resolver Cables
DC Power Wiring
DC I/O Wiring
AC Power Wiring
AC I/O Wiring
Communications Cables
General Placement, Mounting, and Routing Practices
Cabinet to Machine Grounding
ORMEC Systems Corp. | 19 Linden Park | Rochester, NY 14625 | phone (585) 385-3520 |
Encoder/Resolver Cables
Try to keep a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) separation between encoder or resolver feedback cables and the motor cables or
any AC power cables. This is usually more critical with resolver cables than encoder cables due to the analog nature of the signals.
We highly recommend placing resolver and encoder feedback cables in separate conduit or wire-ways.
The voltage drop in encoder cables longer than 150 feet (50 meters) reduces the voltage at the encoder below the minimum value.
If you must use cables longer than 150 feet (50 meters) you will need to provide a 5VDC power supply located close to the motor/
encoder to power the encoder.
If encoder or resolver cables must cross motor or AC power cables, try to arrange for them to cross at right angles to each other.
If at all possible do not add terminal blocks between the encoder/resolver and the servo drive or controller. Doing this reduces the
effectiveness of the high energy noise path back to the servo drive or controller and should be avoided.
ORMEC Systems Corp. | 19 Linden Park | Rochester, NY 14625 | phone (585) 385-3520 |
leakage current when the output is off. This will help prevent false tripping on the input when the output is off. The size of the resistor depends on the output devices leakage current and the input devices OFF voltage. ORMEC Customer Support Engineering
Tech Note #11 and the ORION Model 30/50/70 Manual provide very detailed information on the selection, configuration and wiring of sensors for use with the high speed sensor inputs on the DSP axis cards. Contact ORMEC and ask for a copies of these if you
are planning to use high speed sensor inputs.
AC Power Wiring
Incoming power brought onto the panel can bring many dirty components along with it. This is especially true in facilities that
have a large number of SCR controlled devices such as variable speed drives and heating furnaces. Line filters (three phase or single
phase as appropriate) should be placed in the incoming power lines immediately after the safety circuits and before any critical
control units. ORMECs controllers do have built-in line filters and transient suppressors to protect them from line induced noise
and transients. However, these internal devices cannot prevent such noise from affecting other parts of the system such as high
speed sensor inputs and the analog circuits.
Mount filters as close to the incoming power feed as is practical.
High voltage wiring should be as short and direct as possible
Avoid having clean wiring from filtered sources run parallel with dirty unfiltered wiring. If clean and dirty wiring must cross, keep
the two sets of wires at right angles to each other.
Constant voltage transformers can be installed if the AC power tends to drop below the specified minimum voltages needed to
keep the controllers from resetting.
Where loss of power is critical or an orderly shutdown in the event of a loss of power is required, consider using an uninterruptable
power supply (UPS).
Some industrial equipment can punch holes in the line causing missed cycles lasting hundreds of milliseconds. Problems caused
by this can only be resolved by an active line conditioner such as a UPS or a separate clean feed.
Ground the neutral of any transformer secondary to the panel with a low impedance ground strap made from silver tinned flat
copper braid of appropriate width based on the current and voltage in the circuit. The ground strap should be used in addition to
any safety ground wires required by applicable electrical codes.
Twisting hot and neutral wires together will help minimize any EMI effects that may be present.
Communications Cables
Cables used for communications are designed to transmit and receive high frequency signals. When placed in the same electrical
enclosure with high energy noise sources such as servo drives, any noise coupled to the communications cabling can be similar in
frequency to the actual communications signals. It is important to use cable, termination devices, splitters, etc. that conform exactly to the detailed recommendations contained in the applicable communications standard. Inexpensive hardware store or consumer electronics store substitutes can result in problems. Most communications standards define recommended network
ORMEC Systems Corp. | 19 Linden Park | Rochester, NY 14625 | phone (585) 385-3520 |
topography, minimum drop lengths and terminator locations. These recommendations should be followed exactly. Communication
cables should be placed in the low voltage DC wire-ways. Keep communication separated from AC power and motor cables. If they
must cross such wiring, keep them at right angles to each other.
Brief Bibliography
Morrison, Ralph. Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation, 2nd ed., (Wiley-Interscience 1977).
Ott, Henry W. Noise Reduction Technique in Electronic Systems. 2nd ed., (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976).