River City Aecom Defence
River City Aecom Defence
River City Aecom Defence
Form 33
Rule 16.32
r_77 D
757 ot 2012
Stephen Hopkins and another as Trustees for The Hopkins Superannuation Fund
AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 093 846 925)
(formerly known as Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd)
First Respondent
RiverCity Motorway Management Limited (Administrators appointed) ACN 117 343 361
Second Respondent
RiverCity Motorway Services Pty Ltd (Administrators appointed) (Receivers and Managers
appointed) ACN 117 139 992
Third Respondent
Headings are used in this Further Amended Defence for convenience only. They do not
form part of the response by the Respondent (AECOM Australia) to the Amended
Statement of Claim filed on 1 August 2012 (the Amended Statement of Claim).
Unless the context requires otherwise, AECOM Australia adopts the defined terms used
in the Amended Statement of Claim, but does not admit any factual assertions contained
in, or in any way implied by, any defined term used in the Amended Statement of Claim
and repeated in this Further Amended Defence.
To the extent that paragraph 1 of the Amended Statement of Claim makes allegations
against AECOM Australia, AECOM Australia:
AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 093 846 925) (formerly known as
Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd), First Respondent
Mark Desmond Chapple and Dr Ruth Higgins of counsel and settled by
Prepared by (name of persondlawyer)
Dr Andrew Bell SC.
Law firm (if applicable)
Baker & McKenzie
+ 61 2 8922 5227
+61 2 9225 1595
Address for service
Level 27, A.M.P. Centre, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
(include state and postcode)
Filed on behalf of (name & role of party)
does not know and therefore cannot admit that the Applicants or any Group
Members (individually a Class Member and together, the Class Members)
acquired an interest in the securities referred to in sub-paragraph (a) (the RCM
Stapled Units) on or about 4 August 2006 or at all;
denies that any Class Member has suffered loss and damage because of the
conduct alleged against AECOM Australia in the Amended Statement of Claim or
at all; and
does not know and therefore cannot admit that each Class Member has entered
into a litigation funding agreement with IMF (Australia) Ltd as at 27 July 2012.
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 2 of the
Amended Statement of Claim.
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 3 of the
Amended Statement of Claim.
admits that RCM Management is and was at all material times a company
registered pursuant to the Act; and
admits that RCM Services is and was at all material times a company registered
pursuant to the Act; and
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 7 of the
Amended Statement of Claim.
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph
Amended Statement of Claim.
11 of the
Clem7 Tunnel
says that the Brisbane City Council (BCC) granted a 45 year concession to
finance, design, construct and operate the Tunnel (the NSBT Concession) to:
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 12,
admits that the Tunnel opened to traffic on or about 16 March 2010; and
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 13.
admits that RCM Management was the responsible entity of RCMIT and RCMHT
(together, the RCM Trusts) on or about 21 June 2006;
admits that the offer under the PDS was an invitation to apply for RCM Stapled
RCM Services had agreed to ensure that appropriate due diligence and
verification was performed in respect of that product disclosure statement;
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 14.
admits that, in the PDS, RCM Management stated that RCM Services had
prepared the PDS as alleged in paragraph 15 of the Amended Statement of
Claim; and
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit that RCM Services in fact
prepared the PDS as alleged in paragraph 15.
admits that, in the PDS, RCM Management stated that RCM Services had given
the consent alleged; and
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit that RCM Services had in
fact given the consent alleged in paragraph 16.
says that it gave the consent as set out in the particulars to paragraph 17 in
respect of the PDS (the AECOM Australia PDS Consent);
will refer to the terms of the AECOM Australia PDS Consent for their full force and
effect at any trial; and
says that the "Consented Material" only comprised the statements to which
AECOM Australia expressly consented in writing to being included in the PDS;
admits that the Consented Material included the Summary Letter and that the
Summary Letter contained certain projections of future average annual daily
traffic for the Tunnel far a stated scenario;
will refer to the terms of the Summary Letter for their full force and effect at any
Consented Material):
otherwise denies paragraph 18 if, and insofar as, it alleges that AECOM Australia
consented to any other statements being included in the PDS apart from the
Summary Letter and the Additional Consented Material.
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 19 of the
Amended Statement of Claim.
AECOM Australia does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 20 of the
Amended Statement of Claim.
Earlier Forecasts
says that its earlier forecasts were in respect of a possible Brisbane North South
Bypass Tunnel across the Brisbane River at or about where the Tunnel is now
located (the Possible NSBT Tunnel), rather than the Tunnel;
says that its earlier forecasts in respect of the Possible NSBT Tunnel were made
using certain assumptions, estimates, forecasts and other information appropriate
and reasonably available to AECOM Australia in late 2004 and early 2005 (the
Older EIS Information);
says that its forecasts in respect of the Tunnel were made using assumptions,
estimates, forecasts and other information appropriate and reasonably available
to AECOM Australia at a later time, being mid-to late 2005 to mid-2006 (the Later
RCM Information); and
admits that the outcomes of those earlier forecasts were as set out in subparagraph (c);
The allegation that the Consented Material contained misleading or deceptive statemen
admits that the Forecasts set out in paragraph 23 in respect of the "base"
scenario, which was otherwise known as the equity scenario (the Base/Equity
Scenario), appear in the Summary Letter;
says that the Forecasts set out in paragraph 23 and which appear in the
Summary Letter were forecasts only in respect of the Base/Equity Scenario;
says that the Summary Letter expressly stated that, and if and insofar as any
Class Member read the Summary Letter (which is not known to AECOM Australia
and therefore cannot be admitted), that Class Member knew or, in the alternative,
ought to have known, that:
the Forecasts set out in paragraph 23 and which appear in the Summary
Letter were forecasts only in respect of the Base/Equity Scenario;
the Debt Market Forecasts for the "bank' scenario produced lower traffic
forecasts than the Forecasts for the Base/Equity Scenario as a result of
the different and additional conservative assumptions and caps on daily
traffic flows alleged in sub-paragraph (ii) herein; and
further says that the Summary Letter expressly stated that, and if and insofar as
any Class Member read the Summary Letter (which is not known to AECOM
Australia and therefore cannot be admitted), that Class Member knew or, in the
alternative, ought to have known, that, the Forecasts were only AECOM
Australia's best judgements, at that time, of future Tunnel traffic volumes for the
Base/Equity Scenario, made:
within the time and budget available for the assignment; and
using reasonably available data and other information, including
assumptions and forecasts pertaining to population, population growth,
employment, land use, economic development and trip generation
developed, and directly or indirectly provided, by the National Institute of
Economics and Industry Research (NIEIR) to AECOM Australia (NIEIR's
says that it was clear from the Summary Letter that, and if and insofar as any
Class Member read the Summary Letter (which is not known to AECOM Australia
and therefore cannot be admitted), that Class Member knew or, in the alternative,
ought to have known, that:
traffic volumes on the future road network of a large and rapidly growing
city such as Brisbane depend upon many factors, including:
the traffic modelling process, from which the Forecasts were derived,
involved various steps, each with a number of inputs;
each of the following were steps or inputs in that traffic modelling process:
trip assignment;
(1 )
AECOM Australia could not, and did not, guarantee that the estimates,
assumptions and forecasts upon which the Forecasts were based would,
in fact, be correct or accurate;
AECOM Australia could not, and did not, guarantee that the Forecasts or
other projected outcomes would be achieved;
the Forecasts were only a prediction of what might happen in the future
and actual future Tunnel traffic volumes could vary materially from the
Forecasts by reason of numerous factors;
actual future Tunnel traffic volumes would be affected, both directly and
indirectly, by numerous factors, many of which were external and unable
to be controlled or predicted by AECOM Australia;
general traffic levels in the relevant area and on routes to and from
the Tunnel;
fuel prices;
there was a significant risk that the Tunnel's actual traffic volumes and
revenue may be adversely affected by the factors identified in section 8 of
the PDS, which included, but were not limited to:
economic developments;
there was both an obvious risk and an inherent risk that actual future
traffic volumes in the Tunnel would be materially below the Forecasts,
through no fault of AECOM Australia, if NIEIR's Forecasts were to prove
to be overly optimistic for any reason, including if:
actual wages and/or actual wages growth was lower than forecast
or assumed in NIEIR's Forecasts, either generally or in zones of
particular relevance to the Tunnel; and/or
AECOM Australia did not undertake any duty, nor did it accept any
responsibility, to potential acquirers of RCM Stapled Units;
RCM Management, as the responsible entity of the RCM Trusts and the
proposed and ultimate issuer of RCM Stapled Units, had agreed to
indemnity AECOM Australia for all claims made by third parties arising out
of the inclusion of the Summary Letter in the PDS which are in excess of
the aggregate amount of $500,000 (the RCM Trusts Indemnity); and
investors in RCM Stapled Units bore the risk of any claims being made
against AECOM Australia for which AECOM Australia could claim against
RCM Management under the RCM Trusts Indemnity;
will refer to the Summary Letter for its full force and effect at any trial;
further says that it was made clear elsewhere in the PDS that, and if and insofar
as any Class Member read the PDS (which is not known to AECOM Australia and
therefore cannot be admitted), that Class Member knew or, in the alternative,
ought to have known, that
the Forecasts were especially reliant on complex sets of data inputs and
assumptions in respect of what was, at the relevant time, a large and
rapidly developing Brisbane;
the fact that Brisbane was one of the most car dependant cities in
Australia would lead to increasing congestion in Brisbane over the
Tunnel's concession period;
the RCM Growth Belief was fundamentally based upon estimates and
forecasts relating to population, employment, the economy, economic and
employment growth;
(viii) but for NIEIR's Forecasts, RCM Management would not have held the
RCM Growth Belief;
traffic volumes may not grow at the rate or at the times projected;
investors in RCM Stapled Units bore the risk that the Tunnel's traffic
volumes may be adversely affected by various factors;
actual future Tunnel traffic volumes would be affected, both directly and
indirectly, by numerous factors, many of which were external and unable
to be controlled or predicted by AECOM Australia;
general traffic levels in the relevant area and on routes to and from
the Tunnel;
fuel prices;
(xiii) there was a significant risk that the Tunnel's actual traffic volumes and
revenue may be adversely affected by the factors identified in section 8 of
the PDS which included, but were not limited to:
economic developments;
(xiv) there was both an obvious risk and an inherent risk that there would be a
material adverse effect on traffic volumes, the results of operating the
Tunnel, the RiverCity Motorway Group's financial condition and the value
of any investment in RCM Stapled Units if there were subsequent adverse
there was both an obvious risk and an Inherent risk that actual traffic
volumes using the Tunnel, the results of operating the Tunnel, the
RiverCity Motorway Group's financial condition and the value of RCM
Stapled Units would be materially adversely impacted by subsequent
adverse developments in:
(xviii) the RiverCity Motorway Group's debt facilities may not be available if the
Tunnel performed poorly;
Actual traffic
admits that actual traffic volumes in the Tunnel have been lower than predicted in
the Forecasts in respect of the period up to and including April 2012; and
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 24.
admits that actual traffic volumes in the Tunnel up to and including April 2012
have been lower than predicted in the Forecasts in respect of that period, but
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit sub-paragraph (b); and
denies sub-paragraph (c) and says that such representations as were made by
reason of the Forecasts were made by AECOM Australia with respect to future
matters and upon reasonable grounds.
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 26 of the Amended Statement of Claim, and further
says that:
the Forecasts were the product of the exercise of due skill and care by AECOM
AECOM Australia had reasonable grounds for relying upon, and did reasonably
reply upon, NIEIR's Forecasts;
acted at all material times in a manner that, at the time the services were
provided, was widely accepted by rational, peer professional opinion as
competent professional practice;
the mere fact that actual traffic volumes in the Tunnel up to and including April
2012 have been below the traffic volumes predicted in the Forecasts in respect of
the same period does not warrant any inference, or conclusion, that AECOM
Australia did not have reasonable grounds for making the Forecasts;
actual traffic volumes using the Tunnel up to and including April 2012 were below
the Forecasts because of, or, in the alternative, materially because of, the
combined effects of a number of subsequent, significant, adverse factors (the
Subsequent Adverse Factors), including:
different population and/or lower or different population growth and/or
adverse changes in land use compared to that forecast and assumed in
NIEIR's Forecasts, especially in zones of particular relevance to the
actual economic growth being lower and different than forecast and
assumed in NIEIR's Forecasts:
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 27 of the Amended Statement of Claim, and further
says that:
AECOM Australia denies that the Consented Material at pages 91, 92 and 97 of
the PDS (being pages of the Summary Letter) stated that the assumptions
adopted by AECOM Australia for its traffic modelling of the Base/Equity Scenario
were "conservative':
in the alternative to (c) if, which is denied, AECOM Australia stated that the
assumptions it used for the purposes of its modelling of the Base/Equity Scenario
were, in fact, reasonable (rather than stating its belief that those assumptions
were reasonable) it was, in fact, reasonable to use those assumptions for that
such statements as AECOM Australia did make as to the Forecasts being "based
on sound inputs and appropriate modelling processes" were statements as to its
belief that the Forecasts were "based on sound inputs and appropriate modelling
processes" and that it did, in fact, believe that the Forecasts were "based on
sound inputs and appropriate modelling processes";
in the alternative to (e) if, which is denied, AECOM Australia stated that the
Forecasts were "based on sound inputs and appropriate modelling processes"
(rather than stating its belief that the Forecasts were based on sound inputs and
appropriate modelling processes), the Forecasts were, in fact, "based on sound
inputs and appropriate modelling processes";
AECOM Australia denies that it wrongly overstated the size of the market for the
Tunnel and misstated the operation of Brisbane's existing road network in the
event of the opening of the Tunnel;
AECOM Australia is not required to plead to the particulars of paragraph 27, and
in any event cannot otherwise respond to the particulars in paragraph (b) (i)-(ii) of
paragraph 27 because the formulation of paragraph 27 of the Amended
Statement of Claim and those particulars is both ambiguous and embarrassing;
the population, land-use, economic growth and employment growth forecasts for
Brisbane for the period from 2005 to 2011 upon which AECOM Australia did rely
in the preparation of the Forecasts;
were prepared and provided by NIElR which was, and was, at all material
times, reasonably believed by AECOM Australia to be, a leading
Australian economic, demographic and trip generation forecaster which:
AECOM Australia admits that it stated in the Summary Letter that traffic
forecasts had been prepared for two population, employment, land-use
and economic development scenarios, being the Base/Equity Scenario
and the "bank" scenario prepared for consideration by the debt markets;
in those circumstances, denies that there is any reasonable basis for the
implication alleged against AECOM Australia; and
in the alternative to (i), even if, which is denied, that statement was wrong,
it could not, and did not, result in any material overstatement of the size of
the market for the Tunnel or the operation of Brisbane's existing road
network in the event of the opening of the Tunnel.
says that the Summary Letter which formed part of the Consented Material was,
and was clearly stated to be, only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic
forecasting methodology and its resultant traffic forecasts for the Base/Equity
Scenario as documented in AECOM Australia's full traffic report to RCM, titled
"North South Bypass Tunnel Traffic Report Forecasts for the North South Bypass
NSBT Project", which report was dated 22 May 2006 (the Final May 2006 Traffic
the nature and complexity of, and the numerous obvious risks, inherent
risks and intrinsic uncertainties associated with, traffic modelling and
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report; and
the length and complexity of the Final May 2006 Traffic Report;
says that the Summary Letter stated, amongst other things, and it was the case,
the trips in the morning peak period trip tables had been "assigned" to the
Brisbane model network upon the basis of travel times for freely flowing
and "stop/start" traffic, travel distances, toll costs where applicable and
parameters accounting for the other perceived benefits and drawbacks of
different routes;
the resultant 2005 traffic model was then calibrated against observed
2005 AM Peak traffic flows to derive forecasts of morning peak period
these calibrated forecasts had then been expanded by stated daily and
annual expansion factors, which had been calculated after analysis of the
relationships between AM Peak traffic and daily traffic on relevant major
roads in Brisbane and historical trends in these relationships as traffic
congestion increased; and
the most significant risks associated with the Tunnel and its revenue
included risks relating to the expansion factors used in the Forecasts;
denies that additional statements in respect of either the process of, or risks
associated with, AM Peak modelling, or the use of expansion factors (Additional
AM Peak Modelling Statements), might reasonably be expected to have had a
material influence on the decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirer in all of the circumstances, given:
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find Additional AM Peak Modelling Statements in the
Consented Material given:
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report;
denies that there were omissions in the Consented Material in relation to AECOM
Australia's use of AM Peak modelling; and
denies that there were omissions in the Consented Material in relation to AECOM
Australia's use of, and risks associated with the use of, expansion factors
(whether daily or annual).
admits that Parsons Brinkerhoff (PB) had stated, in its peer review of AECOM
Australia's base year model and base year model calibration for the Tunnel, that
ideally that base year model would have extended to an "all day" traffic model
(the PB Preference Statement);
noted that AM Peak was the most robust period for Brisbane in modelling
terms, as existing empirical data was more readily available for this
period, while sound data for validation of the base year AM Peak trip table
was available in the form of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
journey to work data; and
concluded that:
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included PB's
Preference Statement in the Consented Material or, in the alternative, at least
without an additional clarifying explanation as to the substance and effect of PB's
Ultimate Conclusions (the Further PB Clarifying Statement);
further says that it would not have been reasonable, in all of the circumstances,
for a Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer to expect to find the PB Preference
Statement in the Consented Material given:
PB's Ultimate Conclusions were that AM Peak was the most robust period
for Brisbane in modelling terms, as existing empirical data was more
readily available for this period, while sound data for validation of the base
year AM Peak trip table was available in the form of the ABS journey to
work data;
that AM Peak was, in fact, the most robust period for Brisbane in
modelling terms because existing empirical data was more readily
available for this period, while sound data for validation of the base year
AM Peak trip table was available in the form of the ABS journey to work
PB's Ultimate Conclusion that AECOM Australia's base year model was a
suitable base year model on which to base forecasting models;
the disclosures made in both the Consented Material and otherwise in the
PDS as to the nature and complexity of, and the numerous obvious risks,
inherent risks and intrinsic uncertainties associated with, traffic modelling
and forecasting; and
the fact that including the PB Preference Statement would have required
the inclusion of the Further PB Clarifying Statement in order to properly
reflect PB's Ultimate Conclusions and so as to avoid the PB Preference
Statement causing confusion or potential confusion or rendering the
Consented Material misleading or likely to mislead; and
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
says that PB was retained by the sponsors of the Tunnel project to undertake a
review of AECOM Australia's base year model and to provide advice to those
sponsors and to financiers regarding the model's calibration;
says that, to the best of AECOM Australia's current knowledge and belief, PB was
not retained by those sponsors or financiers to review AECOM Australia's
forecasting assumptions in respect of future years or its resultant traffic forecasts;
says that the Summary Letter accurately summarised what PB had been
commissioned to do to the best of AECOM Australia's knowledge and belief,
namely, a peer review of model structure and key assumptions;
denies that statements as to all of the things PB had not been asked to do by the
sponsors or RCM Management might reasonably have been expected to have
had a material influence on the decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included a
statement of all of the things PB had not been asked to do;
says that it would not have been reasonable, in all of the circumstances, for a
Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer to expect to find, in the Consented Material,
statements as to all of the things PB had not been asked to do by the sponsors or
RCM Management given:
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
admits that the earlier forecasts had been prepared by AECOM Australia using
"all day" modelling;
says that the Summary Letter stated, amongst other things, and it was the case
the trips in the morning peak period trip tables had been "assigned" to the
Brisbane model network upon the basis of travel times for freely flowing
and "stop/start" traffic, travel distances, toll costs where applicable and
parameters accounting for the other perceived benefits and drawbacks of
different routes;
the resultant 2005 traffic model was then calibrated against observed
2005 AM Peak traffic flows to derive forecasts of morning peak period
these calibrated forecasts had then been expanded by stated daily and
annual expansion factors, which had been calculated after analysis of the
relationships between AM Peak traffic and daily traffic on relevant major
roads in Brisbane and historical trends in these relationships as traffic
congestion increased; and
the most significant risks associated with the Tunnel and its revenue
included risks relating to the expansion factors used in the Forecasts;
says that the earlier forecasts and the Forecasts were not meaningfully
comparable, given that AECOM Australia's earlier forecasts were made in respect
of the Possible NSBT Tunnel using the Older EIS Information while AECOM
Australia's later Forecasts were made in respect of the Tunnel using the Later
RCM Information;
says that PB correctly noted that AM Peak was the most robust period for
Brisbane in modelling terms, as existing empirical data was more readily available
for this period and sound data for validation of the base year AM Peak trip table
was available in the form of the ABS journey to work data;
says that PB ultimately concluded that the duration of the AM Peak was adequate
to reflect travel throughout the traffic network and that AECOM Australia's base
year model was a suitable base year model on which to base forecasting models;
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included a
statement that the earlier forecasts had been prepared using an "all day" traffic
model (the All Day Statement) in the Consented Material or, in the alternative, at
least without an additional clarifying explanation as to why AM Peak modelling
provided a better basis for Tunnel traffic modelling for the base year in Brisbane
day" modelling, as to the substance and effect of PB's Ultimate
Conclusions and as to the many reasons why the earlier forecasts and the
Forecasts were not meaningfully comparable (the Further All Day Clarifying
denies that a combination of the All Day Statement, together with any Further All
Day Clarifying Statement, might reasonably have been expected to have had a
material influence on the decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirer in all of the circumstances;
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find in the Consented Material any statement as to the
fact that the earlier forecasts were modelled on a different basis in all of the
circumstances, given:
the fact that including the All Day Statement would have required the
inclusion of the Further All Day Clarifying Statement In order properly to
reflect AECOM Australia's reasoning and PB's Ultimate Conclusions, and
so as to avoid the Consented Material causing confusion or potential
confusion or being misleading or likely to mislead; and
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
admits that the Consented Material did not contain the earlier forecasts or any
reference to the percentage by which the Forecasts were higher than the earlier
forecasts (the Earlier Forecasts Statements);
says that the earlier forecasts and the Forecasts are not meaningfully
comparable, because AECOM Australia's earlier forecasts were made in respect
of the Possible NSBT Tunnel using the Older EIS Information while AECOM
Australia's later Forecasts were made in respect of the Tunnel using the Later
RCM Information;
says that it was expressly stated in the Summary Letter, as was the case, that
AECOM Australia's traffic model used to produce the Forecasts was enhanced,
compared to the model used to derive the earlier forecasts, by revised
demographic and economic forecasts, the use of more recent household travel
survey data, improved modelling of intersections, an additional market research
survey, additional market research analysis, additional traffic counts and
improved calibration;
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included the Earlier
Forecasts Statements in the Consented Material having regard to:
the fact that the Older EIS Information (unlike the Later RCM Information)
also did not:
denies that including the Earlier Forecasts Statements, together with any
necessary further explanation as to why the earlier forecasts are not meaningfully
comparable with the Forecasts (the Further Earlier Forecasts Clarifying
Statement), might reasonably have been expected to have a material influence
on the decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer;
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find that information in the Consented Material in all of
the circumstances, including given:
the fact that including the Earlier Forecasts Statement would have
required the inclusion of the Further Earlier Forecasts Clarifying
Statement in order to properly reflect the fact that the earlier forecasts and
the Forecasts were not meaningfully comparable and so as to avoid the
Consented Material causing confusion or potential confusion or being
misleading or likely to mislead; and
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
does not know and therefore cannot admit the allegations as to the performance
of the Cross City Tunnel (the CCT) and the WestlinkM7 (M7);
admits that the Consented Material did not contain any reference to the
performance of either the COT or the M7 (Cross CityJM7 Statements);
says that neither the CCT nor the M7 were meaningfully comparable to the
Tunnel so as reasonably to require the inclusion of Cross City/M7 Statements in
the Consented Material;
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included the Cross
City/M7 Statements in the Consented Material or, in the alternative, at least
without an additional clarifying explanation as to why neither the CCT or the M7
were meaningfully comparable to the Tunnel (the Further Cross City/M7
Clarifying Statement);
denies that including the Cross City/M7 Statements, together with any Further
says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirer to expect to find information on the performance of either the COT or the
M7 in the Consented Material in all of the circumstances, including given:
that neither the CCT nor the M7 were meaningfully comparable to the
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
admits that the Consented Material did not state that "the feeder routes" for the
Tunnel were "not constrained by capacity" in the off-peak period in 2005 (the
Feeder Roads 2005 Off-Peak Congestion Statement);
says that the PDS expressly stated at page 6 that "it is forecast that by 2010
sections of the key feeder roads (Pacific Motorway, Lutwyche Road, Inner City
Bypass and Newmarket Road) will be running at more than 95% capacity during
peak periods" (the Key Feeder Roads Peak Congestion Statement), from
which it was clear that feeder roads for the Tunnel were not fully congested in offpeak periods in 2005;
denies that the Feeder Roads 2005 Off-Peak Congestion Statement might
reasonably have been expected to have a material influence on the decision
making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer given the fact, and obvious
effect, of the Key Feeder Roads Peak Congestion Statement; and
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find the Feeder Roads 2005 Off-Peak Congestion
Statement in all of the circumstances given:
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
denies that the traffic forecast prepared by AECOM Australia for the BCC's
Feasibility Study in November 2004 stated that the notional daily capacity of the
Tunnel was 95,000 cars (the 2004 EIS Possible NSBT Tunnel Notional
Capacity Statement);
says that the 2004 EIS Possible NSBT Tunnel Notional Capacity Statement was
a reference to the notional vehicle capacity of the Possible NSBT Tunnel rather
than the Tunnel;
says that the Summary Letter expressly stated that the Forecasts were made
upon the assumption that the ultimate design of the Tunnel would deliver the
capacity required to carry the flows predicted in the Forecasts (the 2006
Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement);
says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion, and
would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included the 2004 EIS
Possible NSBT Tunnel Notional Capacity Statement in the Consented Material;
denies that the 2004 EIS Possible NSBT Tunnel Notional Capacity Statement
might reasonably have been expected to have a material influence on the
decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer given the fact, and
obvious effect, of the 2006 Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement;
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find the 2004 EIS Possible NSBT Tunnel Notional
Capacity Statement in the Consented Material in all of the circumstances, given:
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
says that the Summary Letter included the 2006 Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity
denies that the Consented Material does not make any reference to the risks
associated with Tunnel capacity and says that the Summary Letter expressly
stated that traffic volumes could be affected by Tunnel capacity (the Further
Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement);
denies that there was any other information that might reasonably be expected to
have a material influence on the decision of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirer, given the 2006 Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement and the
Further Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement; and
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find anything more on this topic in the Consented
Material in all of the circumstances given:
the 2006 Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement and the Further
Summary Letter Tunnel Capacity Statement in the Summary Letter;
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
admits that the Consented Material did not contain a reference to an estimate
made in connection with the earlier forecasts that approximately 40% of traffic
using Story Bridge, William Jolly Bridge or Captain Cook Bridge (the Three EIS
Bridges) were "through trips" (the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips
denies that the Consented Material contains any statement as to the percentage
of through trips over the Three EIS Bridges;
denies that the PDS otherwise states that 75% of traffic using the Three EIS
Bridges are through trips;
says that the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips Statement was a statement
by AECOM Australia:
as to its estimate of the percentage of trips across the Three EIS Bridges
which did not commence or end in the "Inner City Precinct", including the
Brisbane CBD, Fortitude Valley, New Farm, Teneriffe and parts of
Kangaroo Point (the EIS Inner City Precinct); and
was derived from the then most recent (1992) South East Queensland
Household Travel Survey data;
in respect of Story Bridge, William Jolly Bridge, Captain Cook Bridge and
Victoria Bridge (the Four PDS Bridges), rather than the Three EIS
were derived from more recent (2003) South East Queensland Household
Travel Survey data which had not been issued by the time that AECOM
Australia made the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips Statement in or
about January 2005;
further says that it would have been a source of confusion or potential confusion,
and would have been misleading or likely to mislead, to have included the 2005
Three EIS Bridges Through Trips Statement in the Consented Material or, in the
alternative, at least without an additional clarifying explanation as to why an
estimate of the percentage of trips across the Three EIS Bridges which did not
commence or end in the larger EIS Inner City Precinct made in 2006 using 1992
household travel survey data was not meaningfully comparable to an estimate of
the percentage of trips across the Four PDS Bridges which did not commence or
end in the smaller Brisbane CBD area made in 2006 using 2003 household travel
survey data (the Further Through Trips Clarifying Statement);
denies that including the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips Statement,
together with any Further Through Trips Clarifying Statement, might reasonably
have been expected to have a material influence on the decision making of a
Potential RCM Stapled Unit Acquirer; and
further says that it would not have been reasonable for a Potential RCM Stapled
Unit Acquirer to expect to find the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips
Statement in the Consented Material given:
the fact that including the 2005 Three EIS Bridges Through Trips
Statement would have required the inclusion of the Further Through Trips
Clarifying Statement in order to properly reflect the fact that the earlier
forecasts and the Forecasts were not meaningfully comparable and so as
to avoid the Consented Material causing confusion or potential confusion
or being misleading or likely to mislead; and
the stated scope and purpose of the Summary Letter, being that it was
only a summary of AECOM Australia's traffic methodology and its
resultant traffic forecast for the Base/Equity Scenario documented in the
Final May 2006 Traffic Report.
says that, in all of those circumstances, the reference contended for in paragraph
28(1) of the Amended Statement of Claim would have been based on a false
premise and been false, misleading or likely to mislead if included in the
Consented Material.
In further answer to paragraph 28(m) and paragraph 28(n) of the Amended Statement of
Claim, AECOM Australia:
says that it was clear from the Consented Material, and other parts of the PDS,
the Final May 2006 Traffic Report and the Forecasts were prepared by
AECOM Australia in connection with a competitive bid to the BCC for the
NSBT Concession; and
admits that the Consented Material did not state that up to $1 million of that up to
$2.5 million retainer was not payable to AECOM Australia unless financial dose
was achieved;
denies that this was information that might reasonably have been expected to
have a material influence on the decision making of a Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirer in all of the circumstances given .
that it was at least highly probable, if not virtually certain, by no later than
the date of the PDS, that financial close would, in fact, be achieved, so
that it was at least highly likely, if not virtually certain, as at that date, that
the full retainer would, in fact, be payable to AECOM Australia; and
refers to and repeats its denial in paragraph 27(h) herein, that the statements
attributed to AECOM Australia in sub-paragraph (b) of the particulars to
paragraph 27 of the Amended Statement of Claim were Consented Material; and
denies that sections 1013C and 1013E of the Act require a PDS to contain any
other information that might reasonably be expected to have a material influence
on the decision of a reasonable person whether to acquire RCM Stapled Units;
says, instead, that sections 10130 and 1013E of the Act require a PDS to contain
all other information that might reasonably be expected to have a material
influence on the decision of a reasonable person, as a retail client, whether to
acquire RCM Stapled Units other than information which it would not be
reasonable for such a person to expect to find in a PDS; and
does not know and therefore cannot admit that sections 1013C and 1013E of the
Act imposed any obligation upon AECOM Australia to provide any other
information in its Consented Material.
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 31 of the Amended Statement of Claim and refers to
and repeats paragraphs 25 to 27 herein in answer to paragraph 25 to 27 of the Amended
Statement of Claim.
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 32 of the Amended Statement of Claim and refers to
and repeats paragraphs 28 to 41 herein in answer to paragraph 28 of the Amended
Statement of Claim.
denies that it made the Misleading Statements and refers to and repeats
paragraphs 25 to 27 herein in answer to paragraph 25 to 27 of the Amended
Statement of Claim;
denies that there were Omissions and refers to and repeats paragraphs 28 to 41
herein in answer to paragraph 28 of the Amended Statement of Claim; and
says, in the alternative to (a) and (b) that if, which is denied, there were
Misleading Statements and/or Omissions, it denies that they were, either
denies that the Consented Material contained Misleading Statements and refers
to and repeats paragraphs 25 to 27 herein in answer to paragraph 25 to 27 of the
Amended Statement of Claim;
denies there were Omissions from the Consented Material and refers to and
repeats paragraphs 28 to 41 herein in answer to paragraph 28 of the Amended
Statement of Claim;
denies that the Forecasts were significantly inflated and refers to and repeats
paragraphs 26 and 27 herein;
does not know and therefore cannot admit whether any Class Member relied
upon the Consented Material as alleged or at all;
does not know and therefore cannot admit that any Class Member acquired RCM
Stapled Units;
says that if, which is not known and therefore cannot be admitted, any Class
Member acquired RCM Stapled Units:
it does not know and therefore cannot admit that any Class Member
would not have acquired those RCM Stapled Units but for their reliance on
the Consented Material; and
it does not know and therefore cannot admit that any Class Member has
suffered loss or damage;
says that if, which is not known and therefore cannot be admitted, any Class
Member has suffered loss or damage it denies that the Class Member has
suffered loss or damage because the Consent was given by AECOM Australia;
says that if, which is not known and therefore cannot be admitted, any Class
Member has suffered loss or damage and if, which is denied, that Class Member
suffered that loss or damage because the Consent was given by AECOM
Australia then that loss or damage is not recoverable from AECOM Australia
insofar as that such loss or damage was caused by Subsequent Adverse Events
by reason of the External Change Events Release and AECOM Australia refers to
and repeats paragraph 23 and 26(g) herein.
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 35 of the Amended Statement of Claim and refers to
and repeats paragraphs 45 to 48 herein.
otherwise does not plead to those paragraphs as they make no allegation against
admits that it knew that the PDS containing the Summary Letter and the
Additional Consented Material was to be provided to Potential RCM Stapled Unit
Acquirers; and
otherwise does not know and therefore cannot admit paragraph 41.
AECOM Australia denies paragraph 44 of the Amended Statement of Claim and refers to
repeats paragraphs 51 to 55 herein in answer to paragraphs 41 to 43 of the Amended
Statement of Claim.
AECOM Australia owed any Class Member a duty to exercise reasonable care
and diligence in preparing the Summary Letter and the Forecasts;
that Class Member acquired RCM Stapled Units in reliance upon the Consented
Material or, in the alternative, the Summary Letter and the Forecasts; and
any loss or damage actually suffered by any Class Member was not suffered by
reason of the negligent conduct of AECOM Australia, but by reason of
subsequent events which were beyond the control and responsibility of AECOM
Australia (in particular the Subsequent Adverse Factors) and AECOM Australia
refers to and repeats paragraph 26(g) herein;
further, or in the alternative, to (e), any loss or damage actually suffered by any
Class Member was not suffered by reason of the negligent conduct of AECOM
Australia, but solely by reason of that Class Member's own failure to take
reasonable care, in particular having regard to what that Class Member knew or
ought to have known at the time of investing;
any loss and damage actually suffered by the Class Member is economic
loss or damage which was not suffered solely by reason of the negligent
conduct of AECOM Australia, but was contributed to by the failure of the
Class Member to take reasonable care, in particular having regard to what
that Class Member knew or ought to have known at the time of investing;
by reason thereof, the amount of loss and damage that the Class Member
can claim against AECOM Australia should be reduced to the extent to
which the Court thinks just and equitable having regard to that Class
Member's share of responsibility for that loss or damage pursuant to:
the Law Reform Act 1995 (Old) and/or the Civil Liability Act
2003 (QId), where a Class Member's cause of action arose
in Queensland;
the Wrongs Act 1954 (Tas) and/or the Civil Liability Act
2002 (Tas), where a Class Member's cause of action arose
in Tasmania;
the Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA) and the Law Reform
(Contributory Negligence and Apportionment of Liability)
Act 2001 (SA), where a Class Member's cause of action
arose in South Australia;
Further, and in answer to the whole of the Statement of Claim, if, which is denied, any
Class Member is otherwise entitled to recover loss or damage from AECOM Australia
either or both pursuant to section 1022B(2) of the Act, (a Corporations Act Claim) or
pursuant to the AECOM Australia Negligence Claim, then AECOM Australia says that
that Class Member is a person who relied upon information contained in the
Summary Letter within the meaning of the External Change Events Release;
AECOM Australia and that Class Member thereby became contractually bound to
an agreement, by course of conduct, which requires that Class Member accept
full responsibility, and hold AECOM Australia harmless, for the impacts on the
Forecasts or the earnings of the Tunnel of External Change Events (the External
Change Events Contract);
by reason thereof, the Class Member has released AECOM Australia from any
Corporations Act Claim and any Negligence Claim (together, the Class
Member's Claims) to which it might otherwise be entitled;
further, or in the alternative, to (d), the Glass Member is required by the External
Change Events Contract to indemnify AECOM Australia in respect of any liability
AECOM Australia might otherwise have to the Class Member in respect of, or
arising out of, the Class Member's Claims; and
AECOM Australia has suffered, and will continue to suffer loss or damage;
by reason of those breaches, which AECOM Australia is entitled to
recover from the Class Member (Proceedings Damages);
Apportionment defences
a claim for economic loss arising from a duty to take reasonable care; and
Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic) Part IVAA, sections 24AE to 24AS; or, in
the alternative:
Civil Liability Act 2003 (Old), Part 2, sections 28 to 33; or, in the
Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA), Part 1F, sections 6AI to 5A0; or, in
the alternative:
Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (ACT), Chapter 7A, sections 107A to
107K; or, in the alternative:
Civil Liability Act 2002 (Tas), Part 9A, sections 43A to 43G; or, in
the alternative:
For the purposes of AECOM Australia's Apportionment Defences only and without
admission save to the extent expressly stated below, AECOM Australia refers to and
By no later than April 2005, the following companies (together, the Sponsors) had
formed a consortium for the purpose of bidding, directly and, or in the alternative,
indirectly through special purpose vehicles to be created for that purpose (RCM SPVs),
for the right to design, finance, construct and operate the Tunnel (the NSBT Project):
RBS Group (Australia) Pty Limited (then known as ABN AMR() Australia Limited)
Bilfinger Berger Project investments Pty Limited (then known as Bilfinger Berger
Concessions Pty Limited) (Bilfinger).
is and was a corporation within the meaning of section 4 of the Trade Practices
Act 1974 (Cth) (the TPA);
supplied goods and services in the course of trade and commerce within the
meaning of the TPA;
had prior to all material times and by no later than 2005 prepared and made bids,
(either in its own right or as part of a consortium and either directly or through
special purpose vehicles), for or in respect of at least the following major toll road
infrastructure projects (the Prior Leighton Toll Road Projects):
the Sydney Harbour Tunnel in Sydney, New South Wales (the SHT);
the M7;
the Lane Cove Tunnel in Sydney, New South Wales (the LCT);
the COT;
had thereby developed, and at all material times, had, and held itself out as
extensive experience in, and a deep and thorough understanding of, all
aspects of the development of major toll road infrastructure projects of
which the NSBT Project was an example, including:
had, at all material times, including by reason of its Toll Road Expertise, extensive
knowledge of, a deep and thorough understanding of, and a core competency in,
all or, in the alternative, all of the material, assumptions, inputs, factors,
judgements, issues, risks and uncertainties involved in traffic forecasting, and
reporting on traffic forecasts, for proposed major toll road infrastructure projects of
which the NSBT Project was an example (Relevant Traffic Forecasting
Expertise), including extensive knowledge and experience of:
the different scenarios and bases upon which, and the different purposes
for which, traffic forecasts can be commissioned and prepared, including
that different traffic forecasts in respect of the same project could, and
would or, in the alternative, likely would, be commissioned and, or in the
alternative, prepared, depending upon whether the forecast was to be
made on the basis of, or for (as the case may be):
a realistic scenario;
an optimistic scenario;
the fact that traffic volumes may not grow at the rate andfor times
the fact that traffic forecasters cannot guarantee that all, or necessarily
any, estimates and assumptions upon which traffic forecasts are based
the fact that traffic forecasting and traffic forecasts are subject to obvious
risks, inherent risks and intrinsic uncertainties, especially in respect of
what is, or is believed to be, a large and rapidly growing city;
the fact that traffic volumes on a future road network of a large and rapidly
growing city depend upon many factors, including future population and
employment demographics, traffic and congestion levels on the road
network and future changes to the city and its road network;
(viii) the fact that the traffic modelling process, from which traffic forecasts are
derived, involves many various steps, each with a number of inputs which
may be interdependent, which would or may include:
data assessment;
trip assignment;
base and future year estimates of traffic and travel time; and
the necessity for, and the role and importance of, assumptions and
forecasts pertaining to population, population growth, employment, land
use, economic development and trip generation;
the fact that actual future traffic volumes would, or could, be affected, both
directly and indirectly, by numerous factors, many of which were external
and unable to be controlled or necessarily predicted by either the traffic
forecaster or those providing instructions, assumptions and/or inputs to
the traffic forecaster;
the factors which could affect actual future traffic volumes, both directly
and indirectly, including:
economic developments;
industrial and residential shifts in the areas that the proposed toll
road would, or might, service;
general traffic levels in the relevant area and on routes to and from
the toll road;
toll rates;
the relevance and impact of the proximity and quality of alternative roads
and competing transport infrastructure;
(xviii) the potentially adverse effect(s) that existing and future government plans
and policies would, or may, have on actual traffic compared to forecast
the material factors relevant to the assessment of the short and longer
term possible future capacity of a proposed toll road and its feeder roads,
including the anticipated rate of future improvements in vehicle
technology, and their impact upon traffic forecasts;
(xxvi) the available choices as between, and the advantages and disadvantages
of, forecasting traffic by reference to week day AM Peak traffic volumes
or, instead, by reference to week day All-Hour or other multi-period traffic
(xxvii) the consequences of choosing to base traffic forecasts upon week day
AM Peak traffic volumes, rather than All-Hour or other multi-period traffic
volumes, including the resultant need to use expansion factors to forecast
future average weekday traffic demand for a proposed toll road;
(xxviii) the use and impact of, and the judgements, uncertainties, limitations and
risks involved in determining, appropriate expansion factors;
(xxix) the necessity for, the use and impact of, and the judgements,
uncertainties and risks involved in determining, annualisation factors to
predict future annual traffic demand for a proposed toll road based upon
estimated future average weekday traffic;
the inherent risks associated with forecasting future traffic and that risks
inevitably increased as the forecast period lengthened;
the risk that actual future traffic volumes may be lower, including very
significantly lower, and that a new toll road project may prove to be
unsuccessful, or even financially disastrous, for owners, lenders and
investors through no fault of the traffic forecaster, including if:
the use of fee structures where part of the third party consultant's fee is
dependent upon financial close of the project;
at all material times conducted itself as, and held itself out to be, an originator,
instigator and sponsor of the NSBT Project;
is and was at all material times a corporation within the meaning of section 4 of
the TPA;
at all material times supplied goods and services in the course of trade and
commerce within the meaning of the TPA;
had prior to all material times, and by no later than 2005, prepared and made or
advised in respect of bids (either in its own right or as part of a consortium and
either directly or through special purpose vehicles), for or in respect of at least the
ED, the M7, the LCT, the MFM and the CCT (the Prior ABN AMR() Toll Road
had thereby developed, and at all material times had, Toll Road Expertise;
had thereby developed, and at all material times had, Relevant Traffic
Forecasting Expertise;
at all material times conducted itself as, and held itself out to be, an originator,
instigator and sponsor of the NSBT Project.
is and was at all material times a corporation within the meaning of section 4 of
the TPA;
at all material times supplied goods and services in the course of trade and
commerce within the meaning of the TPA;
had, prior to all material times, and by no later than 2005, prepared and made
bids (either in its own right or as part of a consortium and either directly or
through special purpose vehicles), for or in respect of at least the M7, the LCT,
the MFM and the CCT (the Prior Baulderstone Toll Road Projects);
had thereby developed, and at all material times, had, Toll Road Expertise;
had thereby also developed, and at all material times also had, Relevant Traffic
Forecasting Expertise;
at all material times conducted itself as, and held itself out to be, an originator,
instigator and sponsor of the NSBT Project.
is and was at all material times a corporation within the meaning of section 4 of
the TPA;
at all material times supplied goods and services in the course of trade and
commerce within the meaning of the TPA;
had, prior to all material times, and by no later than 2005, prepared and made
bids, (either in its own right or as part of a consortium and either directly or
through special purpose vehicles), for or in respect of at least the M7, the LCT
and the CCT (the Prior Bilfinger Toll Road Projects);
had thereby developed, and at all material times, had, Toll Road Expertise;
had thereby developed, and at all material times had, Relevant Traffic
Forecasting Expertise;
at all material times conducted itself as, and held itself out to be, an originator,
instigator and sponsor of the NSBT Project.
By no later than April 2005, the Sponsors had determined that they would, or, in the
alternative, likely would, subsequently cause RCM SPVs to be registered, including to bid
for NSBT Concession and if that bid was successful, to hold the NSBT Concession and
undertake and complete the NSBT Project.
is and was at all material times, a natural person, able to be sued in his personal
was, between 2005 and 2006, and at all material times, a senior manager
employed by Leighton In a role designated "Executive General Manager,
investment and Facility Management" (Hicks' Leighton Employment);
had primary responsibility in 2005 and 2006, and at all material times, for
managing, for and on behalf of Leighton, all infrastructure projects in which
Leighton's Responsibilities);
was, at all material times, a director of Westlink Motorway Limited (ACN 096 512
300) (Westlink), which developed and operated the M7;
had, by no later than 2005 and prior to all material times, led, or otherwise
occupied and discharged senior management roles in respect of, at least the
Prior Leighton Toll Road Projects, with responsibilities which included
commissioning, co-ordinating and providing instructions in respect of, and input
into, or in connection with, the preparation of forecasts of future traffic and
reporting on those forecasts; the preparation of financial models; the submission
of bids In competitive tenders and the raising of debt and equity to fund those
projects (together, Toll Road Project Management Responsibilities);
had, at all material times, including by reason of Hicks' Leighton Employment, his
exercise and discharge of Hicks' Leighton Responsibilities and, or in the
alternative, his exercise and discharge of Toll Road Project Management
Responsibilities in respect of Prior Leighton Toll Road Projects, extensive
knowledge and experience of, and in, bidding in competitive tenders for, and
delivering, major new toll road infrastructure projects of which the NSBT Project
was an example (Toll Road Project Delivery Expertise);
had thereby developed, and at all material times had, Toll Road Expertise;
had thereby developed, and at all material times had, Relevant Traffic
Forecasting Expertise;
was, at all material times, appointed by the Sponsors, and acted, as:
the head of the NSBT Project's "Project Steering Group" and, or in the
alternative, of the NSBT Project's "Steering Committee" (if and to the
extent that they were different); and
the "RCM Project Director" and, or in the alternative, "Project Director" for
the NSBT Project (if and to the extent that they were different);
was, at all material times until his appointment upon or shortly after their
respective registrations, an intended secondee from Leighton to, and an intended
director and the intended Chief Executive Officer of, each RCM SPV once
registered or, in the alternative, each RCM SPV once registered other than the
RCM SPV which became RCM Management;
by reason of the matters alleged in sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (j)-(k) above, had
the authority of the Sponsors and the RCM SPVs once registered, and the
responsibility, to lead the NSBT Project and to act generally for and on behalf of
the Sponsors and those RCM SPVs once registered in connection with all
aspects of the implementation of the NSBT Project (Hicks' NSBT Project
finance issues;
legal issues;
bid documentation.
AECOM Australia refers to and repeats the particulars to subparagraph (j) above.
further to sub-paragraphs (1) and (m) above, was personally responsible for
"Traffic and Revenue Modelling" in connection with the NSBT Project;
further to sub-paragraphs (1)-(n) above, had the authority of the Sponsors and the
RCM SPVs once registered, and the responsibility, to:
receive, approve and accept reports, advice and other work product from
AECOM Australia in relation thereto,
further to sub-paragraphs (I)-(o) above, had the authority of the Sponsors and the
RCM SPVs once registered, and the responsibility, to:
receive, approve and accept reports, advice and other work product from
NIEIR in relation thereto,
the Sponsors engaged AECOM Australia (then known as Maunsell Australia Pty
Ltd) to provide certain professional traffic forecasting services in connection with
the NSBT Project to the Sponsors and each RCM SPV once registered (AECOM
the Sponsors (both on their own behalf and on behalf of each yet to be registered
RCM SPV) and AECOM Australia, entered into a Consultancy Agreement (the
Original Consultancy Agreement).
Within, and without limiting, Hicks' NSBT Project Authority and Responsibilities, Peter
Hicks had the authority of the Sponsors, and each RCM SPV once registered, and the
responsibility, to:
co-ordinate, supervise and provide instructions and other inputs, feedback and
technical and other advice and assistance to AECOM Australia in connection with
its commission to provide traffic forecasts for the Tunnel; and
receive, approve and accept reports, advice and other work product from AECOM
Australia in relation to traffic forecasts for the Tunnel.
1. Clause 8 of the Original Consultancy Agreement.