Battling Witchcraft and The Occult - Win Worley
Battling Witchcraft and The Occult - Win Worley
Battling Witchcraft and The Occult - Win Worley
By Win Worley
"Ye shall not eat anything with the blood; neither shall ye
use enchantments, nor observe times. Regard not them that
have familiar spirits, nor seek after wizards to be defiled by
them: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:26, 31). We
are not in any way to practice enchantments, soothsaying or
witchcraft because all are abominable in God's sight. He
detests and abhors such practices. We become defiled,
corrupted and are spiritually contaminated by becoming
involved with these things so deadly in the sight of the Lord.
''And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits
and after wizards; and to go awhoring after him, I will even
set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from
among his people" (Leviticus 20:6). The practice of
spiritual prostitution or whoring, depraves and corrupts us.
We must be very careful that we ourselves and those under
our spiritual authority avoid engaging in any of these
practices which are so widely accepted today!
The powers operating in the occult realm are very real and
far greater and stronger than most people realize. In II
Chronicles 33:6 is the story of wicked King Manasseh:
"And he caused the children to pass through the fire in the
valley of the sons of Hinnon: also he observed times and
used enchantments, and used witchcraft and dealt with a
familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in
the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger.”
“The story came out. This pastor had a deacon who fell into
adultery and he suspended him from his position and
authority in the church. This action was taken without
considering the church board, elders or deacons. Out of spite
the deacon's wife went to another town, dominated by
witchcraft, and hired a witch doctor to cast an spell on the
"It was revealed also that this was what happened to Fidel
Castro. When he spent time in Russia he was taken to the
basement of the Kremlin and put through this spiritual
operation so that Fidel Castro became the body of a man
who has the spirit of a demon. Those who knew Castro well
state that upon his return from Russia; Fidel was an entirely
different man. When communism took over Cuba, Castro
even had his own mother killed because she was an
evangelical Christian, opposed to communism.”
"The young man in the trance was next taken to the Vatican
in Rome and in the basement he was shown black witchcraft
being practiced there, the real power behind the Roman
Catholic hierarchy and system. ‘The dragon gave him his
power and his seat and great authority’ (Revelation 13:2).
We need not fear Satan but we do have to recognize that he
has great power and authority and gives that to whom he
"He opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out
of the pit and there came out of the smoke locusts (figures
of demons) and unto them was given power” (Revelation
9:2, 3). Satan, their ruler, gave these demons or locusts
power and this power can be transferred from a demon to a
man. When a man surrenders himself to these demons, the
demons take over and begin to use him. They will manifest
through him the power which has been given to them.
(verses 15, 17,18) "For to slay the third part of men ... By
these three the third part of men were killed by the fire and
the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their
(verse 19) "For the power is in their mouth and in their
"I was an asthmatic from the age of ten or eleven years. For
years I wouldn't dare go anywhere without proper covering
and medication, and always carried my pills in my pocket. In
those days the snow would have killed me. Now I am able to
go out with no special precautions. Snow and dust were my
enemies; out several years ago the Lord healed me. We
were so bound by medicine that a demon told me one day
that they just feed on medicine; they love it and lap it up.”
The Bible says that the Lord frustrates the tokens or the
signs of liars (those who practice the occult) and drives the
diviners mad (Isaiah 44:25). Norman Parish reports he has
seen this literally come to pass in Guatemala where witch
doctors were driven into madness and sometimes even killed
through deliverance. The workers did not purposely kill them
but the Bible says you reap what you sow, and when spells,
curses, etc., are destroyed and reversed often vengeful and
murderous spirits return and attack those who sent them
forth. We have power as believers, not only to stop the
works of darkness but to cause them to go back to the
source and destroy those aligned with the powers of
Often people remark that they feel they have been on earth
before or that their spirit has been around for a long time.
This feeling is sometimes reinforced by feelings of "deja vu"
when encountering a situation. It is as if the incident has
been previously experienced but when or where cannot be
remembered. It can be felt upon entering a house or finding
the scene is strangely familiar that has never been seen
Those who play it, relate that its hypnotic pun becomes an
obsession that crowds into every aspect of their life. Said
one former player, "I would think about it constantly. When
I went to bed I would have dreams about it, all I wanted to
do was to get back in the game, start killing and get the
The heavy occult influence is seen throughout Dungeons and
Dragons. Clairvoyance, telepathy, curses, spells, soul travel,
false tongues and healings, reincarnation, the raising of
demons and all sorts of other magical weapons, potions and
incantations are the basis of the game.
When the Lord Jesus taught the disciples to pray the model
prayer there is no mention of trying to influence other
people in any way. We should take this model and not allow
our prayers to become soulish and degenerate into the
realm of witchcraft and psychic powers.iv
Transcendental Meditation
Marks of Cultism
1. Deceptive Christology
6. Exclusivism or croneyism
There are many ways in which the occult spirits are given
ground through various contacts. They can cause marital
upheaval and other problems of all kinds. Unless the curse is
broken it will continue to plague the family and its
descendants to the third and fourth generations. It
predisposes people to be psychically oriented and. sensitive;
and through psychic heredity, to pick up more curses and
spirits, thus extending the hereditary blight to many
The five pointed star has been used by witches for centuries
and called the pentacle or pentagram. With the two points
up (as in Eastern Star) it is called the sign of the goat or
Satan, one point up symbolizes witchcraft. When witches
want to talk with demons they will often stand within a
pentagram and the demon will appear within a six pointed
star formed by two triangles (hexagram) commonly called
the Star of David. The Mogen David, as it was called, was
a Cabalistic magic symbol for white magic and the word hex
comes from the hexagram.
All the signs of the Zodiac are occult symbols as are the little
Mexican sun gods and Buddhas. The crescent moon and star
are the sign of an initiate into witchcraft
The use of these signs and symbols and others which are
the property of Satan can bring demons to your home
and/or person. These bits of "harmless" garbage in the
forms of books, decorations, jewelry, etc. gives legal ground
for demonic operations. Pictures, knickknacks, etc. of owls
and frogs (caned unclean creatures of the night in scripture)
have also been responsible for drawing demonic power to
focus on homes and people. God warns dearly against
bringing any accursed thing into our homes.
Broken vows can be a source of real trouble. That is why Jonah repented and
renewed his vows in the belly of the fish, saying, "I will say my vows." If a
vow is discovered to be contrary to Scripture and dishonoring to God, it
should be formally renounced and forgiveness sought for making it
(1 John 1:9). A vow that is expressly evil or is for an evil purpose should
never be made nor kept. To keep such a vow, for the sake of consistency, is
to compound one evil by another (Matthew 5:33-37).
A curse has been defined as: Uttering a wish of evil against one; to
imprecate evil; to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring
evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities. Such
curses represent individuals working in concert with a specific form of evil
spirit activity. We have dealt with cases where Satanic covens of witches and
warlocks, or even a person merely dabbling with witchcraft and sorcery, cast
spells, potions, enchantments and curses on a person (Psalm 109:15-18).
We have found that even the wrong kinds of "prayer" and laying on of
hands, or "prayers" at a distance, have resulted in hurtful and dismaying
results with the effects of a curse. It is not even necessary for the person on
the receiving end of this to know what is happening. Demons will come and
go into activity in susceptible persons in answer to this type of "praying."
For example: Curses came on a man and woman through a couple who were
casting witchcraft curses in a Full Gospel church! The pair who were
"praying" for the sick had no idea what evil they were wreaking on those
who came to them for help. The man had received his witchcraft
(unconsciously to him) by studying extensively in the writings of Edgar
Cayce and other occult writers. He had in turn transmitted this power to his
wife. He taught Sunday school class which the demons referred to as "the
Marketplace," explaining the "Dark Sayings" were given out there in the
guise of Bible teaching.
The woman supposed that she had a gift of divine healing and laid hands on
those seeking prayer. This instead bestowed curses on them and they
became worse, not better. Many evil spirits were thus transferred to open
and unsuspecting persons receiving "ministry" at the hands of these two
dupes. Were they sincere? Yes, they were, but deluded and deceived!
Included in the great number of evil spirits which had to be cast from the
people we dealt with were: Terminal Illnesses, controlled Cancer, Muscular
Dystrophy, Leukemia, Tuberculosis, and several varieties of heart disease.
This underlines how vital it is for the gift of discerning of spirits to operate,
in order to separate the operation of occult spirits from the genuine heatings
by the Lord. Use Galatians 3:13 and Colossians 2:14 to break curses.11
Types of Occultism
Occultism is participation or involvement in any way with fortune telling,
magic practices, spiritism, or false religious cults and teachings. Contact with
the occult may have occurred in childhood. Occult involvement can come
from previous generations (Deuteronomy 5:7-9).
incantations, potions, sorcery, curses, materialization or aport, apparitions,
ghosts, poltergeists; magic healing through wart or burn charming, powwow,
spiritualism, psychic, spirit, or metaphysical healing, Christian Science
healing, rod or pendulum diagnosis, trance diagnosis, hypnosis,
acupuncture, yin-yang: All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with
Keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than God
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute prayers and/or worship to
demons. Very often these are answered in the form of curses, for demons
can and do respond to those who request of them. Remember also that the
one offering the false prayer may be utterly deceived and think they pray to
God, but the results are the same in either case. When detected, curses
must be broken in order to rout the demons.
Verbally denounce Satan and his power and all of his demon hosts and claim
authority as a believer-priest because of the name of Jesus Christ and the
authority of His shed blood. After prayer let the believers alternate reading
Scriptures (preferably in every room of the house) and claim the cleansing of
the area by demanding in Jesus' name that the spirits leave and never
return. Do not overlook the dark places where spirits like to hide, such as
closets, attics, basements, crawl spaces, cupboards, etc.
Some Scripture which has proven useful in this include: Revelation 12:11;
Revelation 22:3; Colossians 2:14, 15; Galatians 3:13; Deuteronomy
21:23; Deuteronomy 32:5; Numbers 23:8, 23; II Samuel 7:29.
In some cases the door lintel and window sills have been anointed by
touching them with olive oil. Other things such as statues have been so
anointed in Jesus' name and many times the demonic power is checked or
destroyed. Each thing and area should be claimed as ground for the Lord
and taken back from Satan and his demons. Any known sins or occult
connections should be renounced and confessed as sin and put away. Any
specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should
be denounced by name (Proverbs 3:33).13
The information in this booklet has been taken from Pastor Worley's Host of
Hell Series. Similar information, relating to the topic of this booklet, may be
found in one of the eleven other books he authored.
John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day:
the night cometh, when no man can work.
Annihilating the Hosts of Hell/Book I by Win Worley, copyright 1981, HBC, P.O. Box 626,
Lansing IL 60438, reprinted by permission, pgs 23-37.
Ibid, pg 60-62.
Ibid, pg 63-64.
Ibid. pg 64-66.
Ibid. pg 67-68.
Ibid. pg 68.
Ibid. pg. 69.
Conquering the Hosts of Hell by Win Worley, copyright 1977, HBC, PO Box 626, Lansing IL
60483, reprinted by permission, pg 33.
Demolishing the Hosts of Hell by Win Worley, copyright 1976, HBC, PO Box 626, Lansing IL
60438, reprinted by permission, pg 75.
Ibid. pg 76.
Battling the Hosts of Hell by Win Worley, copyright 1976, HBC, PO Box 626, Lansing IL 60438,
reprinted by permission, pg 218-219.
Ibid. pg 219-220.
Ibid. pg 220-222.