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Water Well 2

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UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2008)
-------------------------Preparing Activity: USACE
UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2013
SECTION 33 20 00


Test Hole
Water Well
Observation Well
Geophysical Logging
Well or Test Hole Decommissioning/Abandonment
Site Cleanup
Abandonment of Wells
Well Installation Plan
Test Holes
Sampling for Chemical Analysis
Sampling for Geotechnical Analysis
Observation Wells
Geophysical Logging


Steel Casing and Couplings
Plastic Casing and Couplings
Metal Screen
Plastic Screen
Plastic Pipe
Bonding Materials
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 1
Plastic Well Screen
Cement Grout
Bentonite Grout


Decontamination Station
Water Source
Setting Outer Casing
[Temporary Casing
Construction of Inner Casing and Screen
Construction of Filter Pack
Bentonite Seal
Grout Placement
Intermittent Pumping
Well Development Criteria
Capacity Test
Test for Plumbness and Alignment
Test for Quality of Water
Sand Test
Borehole Logs
Installation Diagrams
Well Development Records
Geophysical Logs
Well Decommissioning/Abandonment Records
Project Photographs
Survey Maps and Notes
-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 2

UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2008)
-------------------------Preparing Activity: USACE
UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2013
SECTION 33 20 00
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for drilling of water supply wells in
addition to extraction, and injection wells at
hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste (HTRW)
sites, and furnishing and installing the pump, and
associated testing.
Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide
Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable items(s) or insert
appropriate information.
Remove information and requirements not required in
respective project, whether or not brackets are
Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for
this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).


Go to http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/NAVGRAPH/graphtoc.pdf.
Drawings should include the following and any other
information necessary to indicate layout and general
configuration of the well.
Diameter of drilled hole

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 3

Casing sizes - outside casing, inside casing

Well screen size
Minimum depth of outer casing and minimum depth
of well screen
Limits of gravel envelope around inside casing
and screens
Limits of neat cement grout around outer casing
Location of air line and altitude gage
Type of cap, cover, or seal required at top of
Required well capacity in gallons per minute.


NOTE: Separate pay items for test holes and water
wells must be included in the contract.
Payment for each specified item will be made at the contract unit price for
that item. Payment will include full compensation for equipment, materials
and labor for drilling; removal and disposal of temporary casing, cuttings,
and drill fluid; preparation of borehole logs; and sample handling,
containers, storage, and testing. Depth, logging, installation, casing,
riser pipe, and well screen shall be measured by linear distance. Payment
will not be allowed for test holes or wells abandoned due to construction
practices not in accordance with this specification, faulty construction
practices or for the convenience of the Contractor.

Test Hole

Compensation for the test hole will be made at the contract unit price and
will include material, equipment, and labor required to drill and perform
tests on the test hole. Depth shall be measured as the total linear
distance between ground surface and bottom of hole. If the total depth of
hole is greater than that specified on the contract for "Test Hole," the
additional depth will be paid for at the contract unit price for
"Additional Test Hole Depth." If the test hole is developed into the
permanent well with no increase in diameter, the Contractor will be
compensated as described below, and separate payment will not be made for
the test hole.

Water Well

Compensation for the water well will be made at the contract unit price and
will include material, equipment, and labor required to drill, develop,
perform tests, and complete the permanent well. Depth shall be measured as
the total linear distance between ground surface and bottom of hole. If
the total depth of well is greater than that specified in the contract for
"Water Well," the additional depth will be paid for at the contract unit
price for "Additional Water Well Depth."
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 4



NOTE: The geologist must be aware of the
approximate depth of well and length of screen
required to provide sufficient water to fulfill
project requirements and the quality of water to be
expected at that depth. (The Post, or Resident
Engineers office, or local USGS office is a good
source for this information.) This knowledge is
necessary to estimate well drilling costs and to
determine what type of treatment is required to make
the water usable. Any such site-specific conditions
or criteria for individual projects should be
included in this paragraph. The geologist must
ensure that well design meets or exceeds Federal,
state, and local installation requirements.
Additional criteria may apply for wells at
radioactive, mixed, biological, solid, or medical
waste sites. Guidance on water well construction
may be found in Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Manual of Water Well Construction Practices
The well shall be located [as shown] [where directed], and be constructed
in accordance with these specifications. Each well shall be installed to
prevent aquifer contamination by the drilling operation and equipment,
intra- and inter-aquifer contamination, and vertical seepage of surface
water adjacent to the well into the subsurface, especially the well intake


The [Installation Environmental Coordinator (IEC)] [_____] [and the]

Contracting Officer shall be notified [_____] days prior to drilling. The
[Contracting Officer] [Contractor] [Installation Environmental Coordinator
(IEC)] [_____] shall be responsible for contacting the [State of [_____]]
[USEPA] in accordance with the applicable reporting requirements. Before
beginning work, the local United States Geological Survey office (USGS)
[and the] [State Environmental Protection office] [State Geological Agency]
[state health department] [local health department] shall be notified of
the type and location of wells to be constructed, the method of
construction and anticipated schedule for construction of the wells.

Abandonment of Wells

If the Contractor fails to construct a well of the required capacity, or if

the well is abandoned because of loss of tools, or for any other cause,
abandon the hole as specified in paragraph WELL DECOMMISSIONING/ABANDONMENT.


NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 8


List of applicable publications, including state and local regulations

and standards.


List of personnel assignments for this project, and personnel



Description of well decommissioning/abandonment procedures.


Description of well capacity testing techniques.


Description and discussion of geophysical techniques to be employed at

the site.


Description of permanent pump to be installed, and discussion of pump

operating tests to be employed at the site.


Description of specific methods to be employed to control potential

contamination or pollution arising from well installation activities.



NOTE: When installing extraction, or injection
wells for environmental purposes, it is important
that the Contractor have personnel experienced in
hazardous waste projects, and have the proper
safety training in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120.
Submit personnel qualification documentation. A geologist with at least
[3] [_____] years experience in [hazardous waste projects,] soil and rock
logging, and well installation, [registered in the state of [_____],] shall
be on site and responsible for all geophysical and borehole logging,
drilling, well installation, developing and testing activities. The
driller shall be licensed in the state of [_____], according to the state
requirements. Geophysical log interpretation shall be done by a qualified
log analyst. The log analyst shall be able to demonstrate competence
through background, training, and experience when so called upon. Document
a minimum of [_____] years of well installation experience. [The
Contractor's staff shall include appropriate health and safety personnel as
specified in Section 01 35 29.13 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE
PROCEDURES FOR CONTAMINATED SITES, and personnel qualified to perform the
necessary chemical sampling as presented in the approved Sampling and
Analysis Plan, prepared as specified in Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL

Test Holes

NOTE: The test hole and capacity test should be
specified if there is reason to believe that the
well may not produce the required yield at the
design depth. If the required yield is not
obtained, the test hole may be drilled deeper or the
location changed before the complete well is
constructed. Requirements for the test hole may be
deleted if the well is to be constructed in an area
where other wells of similar depth and design are
performing adequately. However, a drill log should
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 11

ASTM D2239

(2012) Standard Specification for

Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR)
Based on Controlled Inside Diameter

ASTM D2487

(2011) Soils for Engineering Purposes

(Unified Soil Classification System)

ASTM D2488

(2009a) Description and Identification of

Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)

ASTM D4318

(2010) Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and

Plasticity Index of Soils

ASTM D4750

(1987; R 2001) Determining Subsurface

Liquid Levels in a Borehole or Monitoring
Well (Observation Well)

ASTM D5079

(2008) Preserving and Transporting Rock

Core Samples

ASTM D5088

(2002; R 2008) Decontamination of Field

Equipment Used at Nonradioactive Waste

ASTM D5299

(1999; E 2012; R 2012) Decommissioning of

Ground Water Wells, Vadose Zone Monitoring
Devices, Boreholes, and Other Devices for
Environmental Activities

ASTM D5521

(2005) Standard Guide for Development of

Ground-Water Monitoring Wells in Granular

ASTM D5608

(2010) Decontamination of Field Equipment

Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites


(2012) Thermoplastic Well Casing Pipe and

Couplings Made in Standard Dimension
Ratios (SDR), SCH 40 and SCH 80


CED TR GL-85-3

(1985) Geotechnical Descriptions of Rock

and Rock Masses


EPA 600/4-79/020

(1983) Methods for Chemical Analysis of

Water and Wastes


49 CFR 172

Hazardous Materials Table, Special

Provisions, Hazardous Materials
Communications, Emergency Response
Information, and Training Requirements

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 7



NOTE: The geologist must be aware of the
approximate depth of well and length of screen
required to provide sufficient water to fulfill
project requirements and the quality of water to be
expected at that depth. (The Post, or Resident
Engineers office, or local USGS office is a good
source for this information.) This knowledge is
necessary to estimate well drilling costs and to
determine what type of treatment is required to make
the water usable. Any such site-specific conditions
or criteria for individual projects should be
included in this paragraph. The geologist must
ensure that well design meets or exceeds Federal,
state, and local installation requirements.
Additional criteria may apply for wells at
radioactive, mixed, biological, solid, or medical
waste sites. Guidance on water well construction
may be found in Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Manual of Water Well Construction Practices
The well shall be located [as shown] [where directed], and be constructed
in accordance with these specifications. Each well shall be installed to
prevent aquifer contamination by the drilling operation and equipment,
intra- and inter-aquifer contamination, and vertical seepage of surface
water adjacent to the well into the subsurface, especially the well intake


The [Installation Environmental Coordinator (IEC)] [_____] [and the]

Contracting Officer shall be notified [_____] days prior to drilling. The
[Contracting Officer] [Contractor] [Installation Environmental Coordinator
(IEC)] [_____] shall be responsible for contacting the [State of [_____]]
[USEPA] in accordance with the applicable reporting requirements. Before
beginning work, the local United States Geological Survey office (USGS)
[and the] [State Environmental Protection office] [State Geological Agency]
[state health department] [local health department] shall be notified of
the type and location of wells to be constructed, the method of
construction and anticipated schedule for construction of the wells.

Abandonment of Wells

If the Contractor fails to construct a well of the required capacity, or if

the well is abandoned because of loss of tools, or for any other cause,
abandon the hole as specified in paragraph WELL DECOMMISSIONING/ABANDONMENT.


NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 8

The Guide Specification technical editors have

designated those items that require Government
approval, due to their complexity or criticality,
with a "G." Generally, other submittal items can be
reviewed by the Contractor's Quality Control
System. Only add a G to an item, if the submittal
is sufficiently important or complex in context of
the project.
For submittals requiring Government approval on Army
projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.
Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force
and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.
Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;
submittals not having a "G" designation are for [Contractor Quality Control
approval.][information only. When used, a designation following the "G"
designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the
Government.] The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section
SD-02 Shop Drawings
Installation Diagrams[; G][; G, [_____]].
SD-03 Product Data
Well Installation Plan[; G][; G, [_____]].
Well Material
Site Conditions
Geophysical Logging
SD-06 Test Reports
Survey Maps and Notes
Well Development Records
Geophysical Logs
Decommissioning/Abandonment Record
Project Photographs
Water Source
Filter Pack
SD-07 Certificates

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 9

NOTE: Edit the submittal requirements based on the
type of well (consolidated or unconsolidated). If
the specification is written for a consolidated
well, delete the well components which are not
normally required in consolidated formations, such
as inner casing, well screen, and gravel fill.
Cement and Bentonite Grout
Air line and gauge
Drilling mud
Well Screens
Water removed
Graveling equipment list
Construction of Filter Pack

Well Installation Plan

Submit a plan as specified herein describing the drilling methods,

sampling, and well construction and well development [30] [_____] calendar
days prior to beginning drilling operations. Mobilization activities may
start prior to submittal of the plan. The plan shall be approved and
signed by an experienced geologist as specified in paragraph
QUALIFICATIONS. Incorporate the following requirements into the
Contractor's Well Installation Plan and follow them in the field. The plan
shall include, but shall not be limited to, a discussion of the following:

Description of well drilling methods, and installation procedures,

including any temporary casing used, placement of filter pack and seal
materials, drill cuttings and fluids disposal, and soil/rock sample


Description of well construction materials, including well screen,

riser pipe, centralizers, air line and gauge, tailpiece (if used),
filter pack and filter pack gradation, bentonite or drilling mud,
drilling fluid additives (if used), drilling water, cement, and well
protective measures.


Description of quality control procedures to be used for placement of

filter pack and seals in the boring, including depth measurements.


Forms to be used for written boring logs, installation diagrams of

wells, geophysical logs, well development records, well sampling data
records, state well registration forms, and well abandonment records.


Description of contamination prevention and well materials and

equipment decontamination procedures.


Description of protective cover surface completion procedures,

including any special design criteria/features relating to frost heave
prevention. The maximum frost penetration for the site shall be
included in this description.


Description of well development methods to be used.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 10


List of applicable publications, including state and local regulations

and standards.


List of personnel assignments for this project, and personnel



Description of well decommissioning/abandonment procedures.


Description of well capacity testing techniques.


Description and discussion of geophysical techniques to be employed at

the site.


Description of permanent pump to be installed, and discussion of pump

operating tests to be employed at the site.


Description of specific methods to be employed to control potential

contamination or pollution arising from well installation activities.



NOTE: When installing extraction, or injection
wells for environmental purposes, it is important
that the Contractor have personnel experienced in
hazardous waste projects, and have the proper
safety training in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120.
Submit personnel qualification documentation. A geologist with at least
[3] [_____] years experience in [hazardous waste projects,] soil and rock
logging, and well installation, [registered in the state of [_____],] shall
be on site and responsible for all geophysical and borehole logging,
drilling, well installation, developing and testing activities. The
driller shall be licensed in the state of [_____], according to the state
requirements. Geophysical log interpretation shall be done by a qualified
log analyst. The log analyst shall be able to demonstrate competence
through background, training, and experience when so called upon. Document
a minimum of [_____] years of well installation experience. [The
Contractor's staff shall include appropriate health and safety personnel as
specified in Section 01 35 29.13 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE
PROCEDURES FOR CONTAMINATED SITES, and personnel qualified to perform the
necessary chemical sampling as presented in the approved Sampling and
Analysis Plan, prepared as specified in Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL

Test Holes

NOTE: The test hole and capacity test should be
specified if there is reason to believe that the
well may not produce the required yield at the
design depth. If the required yield is not
obtained, the test hole may be drilled deeper or the
location changed before the complete well is
constructed. Requirements for the test hole may be
deleted if the well is to be constructed in an area
where other wells of similar depth and design are
performing adequately. However, a drill log should
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 11

be made and capacity test should be performed for

all wells to provide an "as-built" record.
Before starting construction of the well, a test hole of at least
[100][_____] mm [4] [_____] inches in diameter shall be drilled at the
location of the well into the target water bearing [stratum] [strata] as
directed by the Contracting Officer. Test holes should be drilled in a
manner to protect the subsurface from surface contamination. Test holes
should be carefully advanced and sampled to determine the presence of the
upper aquiclude if one exists. The boring should then be properly cased,
grouted, and sealed into the aquiclude before the boring is advanced
through the aquiclude into the aquifer. The test hole shall be used to
determine the expected yield from the well, water quality, optimum depth,
and to log the strata encountered. Before conducting a capacity test, the
well shall be cased, and screened in accordance with these specifications.
Test holes shall be logged in accordance with paragraph BOREHOLE LOGS. A
temporary casing [may] [shall] be used. If used, the temporary casing
shall be seated [into the top of the rock] [at the top of the stratum being
tested]. The test hole may be converted to the permanent well, in
accordance with these specifications. If the test hole is not used for the
permanent well, the test hole shall be abandoned as specified in paragraph


NOTE: Sampling for chemical and geotechnical
analysis may be combined to allow for obtaining
samples for both if that accomplishes project
requirements. If this is done, however, the
geotechnical sampling must be coordinated with the
requirements in Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA
QUALIFY CONTROL for sampling for chemical analysis.
When sampling at an HTRW site, properly
decontaminated stainless steel samplers should
always be used. If rock is cored at the site,
properly decontaminated stainless steel samplers
should always be used. If rock is cored at the
site, and it is determined that it should be
retained, it should be boxed, and photographed. Its
storage, and later disposal should be in accordance
with ER 1110-1-1901, and the proper storage and
handling protocol for such material as may be
required by other Federal, state, or local laws,
regulations and permits. Sampling procedures are
described in EM 200-1-3, Requirements for the
Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans.
Guidance for preserving and preparing core samples
for transport can be found in ASTM D5079.

Sampling for Chemical Analysis

Sampling requirements for obtaining and preserving samples for chemical

analysis shall be included in the Sampling and Analysis Plan as required in

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 12

Sampling for Geotechnical Analysis

Samples shall be taken of all materials penetrated by each drilled

well/test hole. Soil sampling shall be done with a [split] [thin-walled]
tube sampler using standard sampling techniques in accordance with [
ASTM D1586] [ASTM D1587]. Samples shall be extracted from their in-situ
environment in as near an intact, minimally disturbed condition as
technically practical. Samples shall be obtained continuously through the
area expected to be screened. Provide sieve analyses of all drive-sampled
material. Sieve analyses shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C136.
The gradation of the natural formation shall be determined through the use
of sieve analyses performed on formation samples taken from the areas to be
screened. Drive-sampled materials shall be placed in airtight containers
and labeled as specified in paragraph SAMPLE CONTAINERS. Samples shall be
delivered to the Contracting Officer designated facility. Representative
soil samples s hall be tested for grain-size distribution by mechanical
means (sieves down to the 0.074 mm No. 200 size according to ASTM C136),
moisture content according to ASTM D2216 and Atterberg limits according to
ASTM D4318. Description and identification of soils shall be done in
accordance with ASTM D2488. Laboratory classification of soils shall be
done in accordance with ASTM D2487. Sampling shall be performed to allow
completion of the documents described in paragraph BOREHOLE LOGS.

Observation Wells

NOTE: In some cases an observation well or wells
should be drilled an appropriate distance from the
test hole or pump well. The observation wells
(piezometers) should be monitored during the yield
test of the test hole and/or capacity test of the
pump well so that valid information of aquifer
potential and character may be obtained. The
observation wells must be designed, installed and
removed from service in a manner that precludes the
possibility of future groundwater contamination
resulting from their existence. If the decision is
made to keep the observation well for future
sampling, or for use in future pumping tests, the
observation wells must be properly completed as
specified in this section, or other USACE guidance,
such as Section 33 24 13 GROUND-WATER MONITORING
WELLS. When installing extraction, or injection
wells at an HTRW site, consideration should also be
given to leaving some observation wells inplace, to
be used for longterm operation and maintenance (O&M)
of the extraction, and injection wells
After completion of the [test hole] [pump well] [_____], [1] [____]
observation well(s) [, or more as directed], at least [45] [_____] mm
[1-3/4] [_____] inches in diameter shall be drilled to the target water
bearing stratum, [at the location(s) indicated on the drawings] [at a
location [_____] m feet from]
[at an appropriate location near] the [test
hole] [pump well] [_____]. The observation well shall be used in
conjunction with the [yield test of the test hole] [and] [capacity test of
the pump well]. After final acceptance of the pump well by the Contracting
Officer, the observation well shall be [abandoned as specified in paragraph
WELL DECOMMISSIONING/ABANDONMENT][left in place for future monitoring of
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 13

the well system].


Geophysical Logging

NOTE: The requirement to obtain borehole
geophysical surveys is optional. While it may not
be necessary to require a borehole geophysical
survey at a site where a great deal is known about
the subsurface, at another site, where very little,
or nothing is known, it may be prudent to require a
borehole geophysical survey. When it is deemed
necessary to require a borehole geophysical survey,
the specific type of survey should be specified.
This recommendation is made by the project
geologist. The project geologist should also
determine what geophysical logging may not be
allowed by state regulations, before specifying
them. See EM 1110-1-1802, Geophysical Exploration.
Guidance for planning and conducting borehole
geophysical logging may be found in ASTM D5753.
Submit [5] [_____] prints of the graphic boring log prepared to scale
showing the required details, within [_____] working days after completion
of the test hole. This drawing shall be used for determining the well
design, design of the filter pack, well screen location and screen
openings. The total depth of each test hole drilled shall be geophysically
logged. Geophysical logging shall be documented in accordance with
paragraph Geophysical Logs. Run [one successful natural gamma ray or
gamma-gamma for the full depth, (top to bottom of test hole);] [one
successful neutron in the fluid filled portion of the hole, (top to bottom
of test hole);] [one successful (top to bottom of test hole) spontaneous
potential (self-potential);] [and,] [one successful (top to bottom of test
hole) resistivity log], for each test hole. Log analyses and
interpretations shall be made by a person qualified in accordance with


Store and maintain well materials in a clean, uncontaminated condition

throughout the course of the project. Filter pack material shall not be
allowed to freeze before installation.


NOTE: If needed, edit and add Section 31 11 00
Access to each well site, including any utility clearance, permits,
licenses, or other requirements and the payment thereof necessary for
execution of the work, is the responsibility of the [Contractor]
[Government]. A copy of all permits, licenses, or other legal requirements
necessary for execution of the work shall be furnished [_____] working days
before commencement of the work. Obtaining rights-of-entry is the
responsibility of the [Contractor] [Government]. Visit each proposed well
location to observe any condition that may hamper transporting equipment or
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 14

personnel to the site. If clearing, or relocation is necessary, the

Contractor, [Installation Environmental Coordinator,] and the Contracting
Officer shall agree on a suitable clearing, or relocation plan, and the
location of any required access road.


NOTE: Well components do not have to be made of the
same materials to be compatible. With the proper
connectors, different materials can be used together
without causing detrimental results. When using
different materials together, the manufacturer
should be consulted.
Edit the submittal requirements based on the type of
well (consolidated or unconsolidated). If the
specification is written for a consolidated well,
delete the well components which are not normally
required in consolidated formations, such as inner
casing, well screen, and gravel fill.
All casing, screen, and other well material shall be of compatible
materials to prevent galvanic reaction between components of the completed
well. Submit catalog data, and name of supplier, for well screens (to
include the screen slot size), casing, riser pipe, filter pack material,
bentonite, cement, centralizers, surface protective covers, well vaults,
locking caps, airline oil filters for pneumatic drilling, dedicated
sampling equipment, pumps, and chemical specifications on drill lubricants,
tracers, disinfecting agents, and drill fluid additives, if used. Catalog
data shall include any information, written or otherwise, supplied by the
manufacturers or suppliers of the above listed items.

Steel Casing and Couplings

Steel casing shall be new [carbon steel, conforming to ASTM A139/A139M

Grade B][standard weight [galvanized] [black] steel pipe, conforming to
ASTM A53/A53M] [steel pipe conforming to AWWA C200][[type 304] [or] [type
316] stainless steel] and shall be nominal [_____] mm inch diameter, [_____]
mm inch wall thickness [schedule 5S meeting the requirements of
ASTM A312/A312M], as applicable. Joints shall be either threaded and
coupled, or field welded in accordance with AWWA C206. [Casings shall be
provided with [drive shoes] [_____].]

Plastic Casing and Couplings

NOTE: ASTM F480 covers several different types of
pipe materials and coupling configurations. If any
of these materials or couplings are to be
prohibited, this paragraph should clearly point out
which are or are not allowed. When installing
extraction or injection wells, for environmental
purposes, thermal or solvent welded couplings on
plastic pipe should not be used.
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 15


Capacity Test

NOTE: This test should be used to verify that the
well is developed properly and will produce the
required yield. Test pump should be capable of a
range of pumping rates, varying from about 50
percent to about 200 percent of the design capacity
of the well. Since there are a wide variety of pump
test methods, the designer should refer to a good
water wells reference book (such as "Ground Water
and Wells," by Fletcher G. Driscoll, published by
Johnson Well Screens, 1986 ) for test procedures
which best apply.
Furnish and install an approved temporary test pump, with discharge piping
of sufficient size and length to conduct the water being pumped to [point
of discharge][_____], and equipment necessary for measuring the rate of
flow and water level in the well. An [8] [_____] hour [constant-rate]
[step-drawdown] capacity test shall be run with the pumping rate and
drawdown at the pump well and observation wells recorded every [[30]
[_____] minutes] [1/2 minute during the first 5 minutes after starting the
pump; then every 5 minutes for an hour; then every 20 minutes for 2 hours.
From this point on, readings taken at hourly intervals, until the water
level stabilizes, shall be sufficient].[Observation wells (piezometers)
shall be read on the same schedule as the pump well.] [During the
step-drawdown test, the pumping rate shall be increased in steps at
[regular][[2][____] hour] intervals. Specific capacity shall be measured
for each step.] The test shall begin at the rate of [the expected capacity
of well] [[_____] L/s gpm] and at least that rate maintained throughout the
duration of the [test] [step interval]. [The well shall be "step" tested
at rates of approximately [1/2, 3/4, 1 and 1 1/2] [_____] times the design
capacity of [_____] L/s gpm.] If this capacity cannot be maintained for
the test period, the capacity test shall be terminated and the test hole
drilled deeper or relocated as directed. When the pump is shut off, water
level readings shall be taken during the rebound period for the same
intervals of time as the drawdown test. The record of the test, in
triplicate, shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer.

Test for Plumbness and Alignment

Upon completion of the permanent well, plumbness and alignment shall be

tested by lowering into the well, to the total depth of the well, a plumb
[12] [_____] m [40] [_____] feet long or a dummy of the same length. The
outer diameter of the plumb shall not be more than 13 mm 1/2 inch smaller
than the diameter of that part of the hole being tested. If a dummy is
used, it shall consist of a rigid spindle with three rings, each ring being
[300] [_____] mm [12] [_____] inches wide. The rings shall be cylindrical
and shall be spaced one at each end of the dummy and one in the center.
The central member of the dummy shall be rigid so that it will maintain the
alignment of the axis of the rings. The dummy shall be decontaminated as
specified in paragraph Decontamination, before use. If the plumb or dummy
fail to move freely throughout the length of the casing or well screen for
the depth of well or should the well vary from the vertical in excess of
two-thirds the inside diameter of that part of the well being tested for
each 30 m 100 feet of depth, the plumbness and alignment of the well shall
be corrected. If the faulty alignment and plumbness is not correctable, as
determined by the Contracting Officer, the well shall be abandoned as
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 30

NOTE: The designer must address disposal of drill

cuttings, rock core, grout or bentonite slurry, and
other solid or liquid materials bailed, pumped, or
otherwise removed from the borehole during drilling,
well installation, completion, and well development
procedures within all appropriate regulatory
requirements. The nature of these wastes (whether
hazardous or not) will potentially vary between well
sites on a single project. On an HTRW remedial
action project, it may be prudent to dispose of
drilling and well installation waste in coordination
with other project waste streams. In some
instances, rock core may be determined to be
contaminated and must be handled accordingly. Refer
to EPA/540/G-91/009, Management of
Investigation-Derived Waste From Site Investigations
and EPA OSWER Directive 9345.3-03FS, April 1992,
Guide to Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes,
for discussion of some issues relevant to Superfund
projects. State/local regulations must also be
Slurry, drill cuttings, rock core; other solid or liquid material bailed,
pumped, or otherwise removed from the borehole during drilling,
installation, completion, and well development procedures; and fluids from
material/equipment decontamination activities shall be disposed of by


NOTE: Guidance for installing survey markers can be
found in EM 1110-1-1002 Survey Markers and
Coordinates and elevations shall be established for each well/test hole.
Horizontal coordinates shall be determined to the closest 300 mm 1.0 foot
and referenced to the State Plane Coordinate System, or Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM). If the State Plane Coordinate System/UTM is not
readily available, an existing local grid system shall be used. A ground
elevation to the closest 30 m 0.1 foot shall be obtained at each well. The
highest point on the top of the riser pipe will serve as a measurement
point. The elevation of the well shall reference this point, and shall be
surveyed to the nearest 3 mm 0.01 foot using the [National Geodetic
Vertical Datum of 1929] [North American Vertical Datum of 1988]. If the
datum is not readily available, the existing local vertical datum shall be
used. The location, identification, coordinates, and elevations of the
well and monuments shall be plotted on maps with a scale large enough to
show their location with reference to other structures.


NOTE: Guidance for decommissioning of wells may
also be found in EM 1110-1-4000.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 33


Make and manufacturer's model designation of drilling equipment and

name of drilling firm.


Date boring was drilled.


Reference data for all depth measurements.


Name of driller and name and signature of geologist preparing log.


Nominal hole diameter and depth at which hole diameter changes.


Total depth of boring.


Method of drilling, including sampling methods and sample depths,

including those attempted with no recovery. Indication of penetration
resistance such as drive hammer blows given in blows per 150 mm 6 inches
of driven sample tubes. Information shall include hammer weight and
drop distance. Information such as rod size, bit type, pump type,
etc., shall be recorded. A description of any temporary casing used,
drill fluids and fluid additives used, if any, including brand name and
amount used, along with the reason for and start (by depth) of its use
shall be included. If measured, mud viscosities and weight shall be


Depth of each change of stratum. If location of strata change is

approximate, it shall be so stated.


Description of the material of which each stratum is composed, in

accordance with [ASTM D2488] [_____], and/or standard rock nomenclature
in accordance with [CED TR GL-85-3][_____], as necessary. Soil
parameters for logging shall include, but shall not be limited to,
classification, depositional environment and formation, if known,
Unified Soil Classification Symbol, secondary components and estimated
percentages, color, plasticity, consistency (cohesive soil), density
(non-cohesive soil), moisture content, structure and orientation, and
grain angularity. Rock core parameters for logging shall include, but
shall not be limited to, rock type, formation, modifier denoting
variety (shaly, calcareous, siliceous, etc.), color, hardness, degree
of cementation, texture, crystalline structure and orientation, degree
of weathering, solution or void conditions, primary and secondary
permeability, and lost core. The results of any chemical field
screening shall also be included on the boring log. Classification
shall be prepared in the field at the time of sampling. The results of
visual observation of the material encountered, and any unusual odor
detected shall also be duly noted and recorded.


Depth of any observed fractures, weathered zones, or any abnormalities



Depth and estimated percent of drill fluid loss or lost circulation.

Measures taken to regain drill water circulation. Significant color
changes in the drilling fluid return.


Depth to water, and any non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) and date
measured before, during, and after each drilling shift, and prior to
well installation. Provide and maintain at each well under
construction a portable water [,and NAPL] level measuring device of
sufficient length to measure the water [/NAPL] level to [50] [_____]
meter [165] [_____] foot depth. The device shall be available onsite
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 35

placed at the top of the bentonite seal, to provide an additional barrier

to any downward migration of grout.


Cement Grout

Cement grout shall consist of Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150/C150M,

Type I or II, sand and water. Cement grout shall be proportioned not to
exceed 2 parts, by weight, of sand to 1 part of cement with not more than
23 liters 6 gallons of water per 42.6 kg 94 lb bag of Portland cement, with
a mixture of such consistency that the well can be properly grouted. No
more than 5 percent by weight of bentonite powder may be added to reduce

Bentonite Grout

High-solids bentonite grout shall be made from sodium bentonite powder

and/or granules. Water from an approved source shall be mixed with these
powders or granules to form a thick bentonite slurry. The slurry shall
consist of a mixture of bentonite and the manufacturer's recommended volume
of water to achieve an optimal seal. The slurry shall contain at least 20
percent solids by weight and have a density of 4.3 kg/L 9.4 lb/gallon of
water or greater.


NOTE: The pump and motor diameter should be at
least 25 mm (1 inch) smaller than the inside
diameter of the well screen or casing, whichever is
smaller, in order to allow it to be removed for
servicing after buildup of scale on the outside of
the pump and inside of the well screen and casing.
Pump components need to be compatible with the
contaminants of concern, when installed at an HTRW
site. A permanent pump should not be specified
until it is known how much the well will produce.
The installation of the permanent pump may need to
be in a separate section, (refer to Section 43 21 39
Permanent pump shall be an approved [submersible] [jet] [or] [_____] type
with a capacity sufficient to deliver [_____] L/s gpm. The pump shall be
connected to the pump controls by a three-wire drop line. Piping for the
well drop line shall be [polyethylene plastic pipe conforming to ASTM D2239
][galvanized steel pipe conforming to ASTM A53/A53M]. The pump shall
operate on [208] [_____] volts, 60 Hz, [3] [single]-phase power, and the
motor shall be of sufficient size to operate the pump under the maximum
operating conditions without exceeding its rating. Pump shall be equipped
with necessary controls to provide for automatic operation of the pump.
The pump and motor unit shall be no larger than [_____] mm inches in
diameter at any point.


NOTE: If installing extraction, or injection wells
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 19

at a hazardous waste site, the investigation-derived

waste (IDW) such as development water, or drill
cuttings may have to be containerized. If this is
not the case, this paragraph may be deleted.
Water removed during development and testing operations, and cuttings from
the drilling operations shall be contained in D.O.T.-approved drums,
containers, or vessels as specified in 49 CFR 172. Furnish polyethylene
and steel drums with lids, lid gaskets, bolts, chain of custody forms and
drum labels. Mark each drum label in accordance with 49 CFR 172 in
addition to the following information: drum number, site name, well name
and number, contents and date, approximate depth of material contained in
each drum and the name and phone number of the [Installation Environmental
Coordinator (IEC)] [Contracting Officer] [_____].


NOTE: Delete requirements for boxing core, if rock
coring is not anticipated at the site. Rock core
samples should be containerized, boxed and stored in
accordance with ER 1110-1-1901, EM 200-1-3, EM
1110-1-1804, and EM 1110-1-4000.
Drill cuttings and driven samples for geotechnical purposes shall be placed
in air-tight liter pint size [plastic] [glass] containers and labeled with
the project name, date of sample, well number and depth at which the sample
was taken. Both the container and lid shall be labeled in permanent
indelible ink. Jars shall be placed in partitioned [cardboard] [_____]
boxes. Boxes shall be labeled with project number and well number.
Containers and boxes shall be furnished by the Contractor. Core samples
shall be preserved and prepared for transport as described in ASTM D5079.
Cored rock samples shall be placed in [wooden] [_____] core boxes as
indicated on the drawings. Spacers shall be placed in the proper positions
in the core boxes to show the location and actual extent of voids and core
losses as clearly as possible. The spacers shall be made of [wood] [_____]
[or some other relatively light material] which is of sufficient strength
to withstand jarring and crushing in handling. Spacers shall be of a
strongly contrasting color pattern so that core losses will be accented
either by direct observation or in photographs. In the smaller sizes, up
to and including 150 mm 6 inches, the spacers shall be the same width as
the cores. The outside and the inside of the core box lid shall be labeled
with the project name, hole number, date sampled, location, surface
elevation, core box number, and interval of depth of core. The information
on the label shall be such that it can clearly be read in photographs of
the core box. Both ends of the core box shall also be labeled with the
hole number and box number. The core shall be placed in the core box
starting at the left hand corner on the hinge side and running to the
right. Successive cores down the hole shall be placed in successive
troughs, starting from the back and working toward the front of the box so
that the core can be read in the same manner as a printed page, from left
to right, when standing in front of the open box.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 20


Tool length, cable head to detector.




Logging speed cm/min ft/min.


Log vert. scale m/cm ft/in.


Module settings.


Recorder settings.


Document all field problems, including equipment malfunctions. This

should include the steps taken to solve the problem and how the log
might have been affected.


Well Decommissioning/Abandonment Records

Decommissioning/abandonment records shall include, as a minimum, the


Project name.


Well or test hole number.


Well/boring location, depth and diameter.


Date of decommissioning/abandonment.


Method of decommissioning/abandonment.


All materials used in the decommissioning/abandonment procedure and the

interval in which test materials were placed.


Casing, and or other items left in hole by depth, description, and



Description and total quantity of grout used initially.


Description and daily quantities of grout used to compensate for



Water or mud level (specify) prior to grouting and date measured.


The reason for decommissioning/abandonment of the well/test hole.


Project Photographs

Before, during, and after completion of work, take a minimum of [one view]
[[_____] views] of each well installation. If rock is cored at the site,
after the core has been logged, the core shall be dampened, if it has
dried, neatly arranged in the core box, and photographed. Photographs
shall be [80] [_____] by [120] [_____] mm [3] [_____] by [5] [_____] inch
color prints. The photographs shall be mounted and enclosed back-to-back
in a double face clear plastic sleeve punched to fit standard three ring
binders. Each color print shall show an information box, [20] [_____] by
[50] [_____] mm [1-1/2] [_____] by [3-1/2] [_____] inches. The box shall
be typewritten and arranged as follows:

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 39

Project No.

Contract No.

Photograph No.


Direction of View:

Survey Maps and Notes

Submit Survey maps and notes, including a tabulated list of all wells and
monuments, copies of all field books, maps showing the locations, and
elevations of all wells, datum used (e.g. state plane NAD27, NAD83, UTM,
etc.), elevation datum, units of measurement, and all computation sheets,
within [_____] working days after completion of the survey. Also, submit a
diagram showing where on the top of the well the elevation was determined
by the surveyor. The tabulation shall consist of the designated number of
the well or monument, the X and Y coordinates, and all the required
elevations. Also, provide a diagram showing where on the top of the well
the elevation was determined by the surveyor.


Physical Characteristics
Threshold odor number
Resistivity in ohms per cubic
centimeter and 25 degrees C
pH value


Chemical Characteristics (Expressed as mg/L)

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 40


Chemical Characteristics (Expressed as mg/L)
Fluoride as F
Manganese as Mn (dissolved and
Iron as Fe (dissolved and total)
Suspended Solids
Total Dissolved Solids
Calcium as Ca
Magnesium as Mg
Sodium and Potassium as Na
Total Hardness as CaCO(3)
2, 4, 5 TP Silvex

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 41

filter pack. The outer casing shall be increased in size to provide for
this space, if this option is elected. The well screen and inner casing
shall be firmly attached, and lowered into the hole by a method which will
allow for control of the rate of fall of the well screen and inner casing
at all times. Well screen and inner casing shall not be dropped or allowed
to fall uncontrolled into the hole. The inner casing shall extend up
through the outer casing to [_____] meters feet [above][below]the ground
surface. Approved centering devices shall be installed at a spacing of 120
degrees, between the outer casing and inner casing prior to well
construction at [intervals not exceeding [8] [_____] m [25] [_____]feet
along the length] [the top of the inner casing and the bottom of the outer
casing]. If the screen length is greater than [8] [_____] meters [25]
[_____] feet, a [1] [_____] meter [3] [_____] foot length of blank casing
shall be placed in the middle of the screen interval for placement of
centering devices. Centering devices shall not be placed on the screened
interval, or within the bentonite seal, if used.

Construction of Filter Pack

NOTE: If the natural formation is developed as the
well filter, then this paragraph may be deleted. If
development of the well is done after the filter
pack is installed, but before the bentonite, or
annular seal is installed, additional filter pack
material may have to be added, if the level of the
top of the filter pack drops below the specified
elevation for the top of the filter pack. When
installing extraction, or injection wells at HTRW
sites, the top of the filter pack should be no more
than 1.5 m (5 feet) above the top of the screen.
After the screen and inner casing have been concentrically set in the hole
below the outer casing, the approved filter pack shall be constructed
around the screen by filling the entire space between the screen and the
wall of the hole in the water bearing stratum with filter pack material. A
tremie pipe having an inside nominal diameter of not less than [40] [_____]
mm [1-1/2] [_____] inches shall be lowered to the bottom of the well
between the hole and screen. The tremie pipe shall be arranged and
connected, at the surface of the ground, to water pumping and graveling
equipment so that water and filter material, fed at uniform rates, are
discharged as the filter material fills the hole from the bottom up. The
tremie pipe shall be raised at a rate that will keep the bottom of the pipe
no more than [1] [_____] m [3] [_____] feet above the filter material level
at all times. If the Contractor desires to use methods of placing filter
material other than those specified, the details of the method and
equipment proposed shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer, before
filter pack placement is begun; however, dumping filter pack material from
the surface of the ground and agitating the well in an effort to settle the
filter will not be allowed. The filter pack shall be installed
continuously and without interruption until the filter pack has been placed
to within [300 mm 1 foot of the top of the inner casing] [1.5 m 5 feet of
the ground surface] [ [10] [_____] m [30] [_____] feet above the top of the
screen]. The depth to the top of the filter pack shall be directly
measured, and recorded. Any water added to the filter pack material shall
be obtained in accordance with paragraph Water Source. Filter pack
material shall be protected from contamination prior to placement by either
storing it in plastic lined bags, or in a location protected from the
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 24

weather and contamination on plastic sheeting. Filter pack material shall

not be allowed to freeze before installation. Filter pack material shall
be transported to the well site in a manner which prevents contamination by
other soils, oils, grease, and other chemicals. Temporary drill casing, if
installed, or hollow stem auger, shall be removed simultaneously with the
above operation. Filter pack material shall be placed in no greater than 1
m 3 foot lifts prior to retraction of the temporary casing/auger. A
minimum of 150 mm 6 inches of filter pack shall remain in the temporary
casing/auger at all times during filter pack installation. Frequent
measurements shall be made inside the annulus during retraction to ensure
that the filter pack is properly placed.

Bentonite Seal

NOTE: Sufficient time should be allowed for the
bentonite seal to hydrate and form a low permeable
seal before grout is placed in the annular space
above the bentonite seal. By not allowing enough
time, grout material could infiltrate into the seal
and possibly into the filter pack. It is
recommended waiting a minimum of 3 to 4 hours for
hydration of bentonite pellets, or tablets. If
bentonite chips are used, the minimum hydration time
could be twice as long. Normally bentonite chips
should only be used if it is necessary to install a
seal in a deep water column. Because of their high
moisture content and slow swelling tendencies, chips
can be dropped through a water column more readily
than a material with low moisture content, such as
pellets or tablets. It is recommended that the
bentonite seal be placed in lifts, with each lift
allowed to hydrate for a minimum period of time.
Slurry seals may be used when the seal location is
too far below water to allow for pellet or other
containerized-bentonite placement, or within a
narrow well-borehole annulus. For more guidance
consult EM 1110-1-4000.
After the inner casing and [well screen] [and filter pack] have been
installed,[and after predevelopment of the well,] the annular space between
the inner and outer casings shall be sealed by use of a bentonite seal. A
minimum 1 m 3 foot thick hydrated bentonite seal shall be placed on top of
the filter pack in a manner which prevents bridging of the bentonite in the
annulus. The bottom of the bentonite seal shall be a minimum of 2 m 5 feet
above the top of the well screen. The depth to the top of the bentonite
seal shall be directly measured, and recorded immediately after placement,
without allowance for swelling. If the bentonite seal is located above any
borehole fluid levels, a [300] [_____] mm [1] [_____] foot layer of fine
sand shall be placed at the top of the bentonite seal.

Grout Placement

NOTE: Before installing an annular seal, the state
regulatory agency should be consulted. The state,
or local municipality, where the well is being
installed, may have specific requirements for
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 25

sanitary, and/or wellhead protection. There is a

provision for placing a high-solids bentonite grout
in the annulus above the bentonite seal rather than
cement grout. Advantages and disadvantages of using
a bentonite grout instead of cement grout are
discussed in EM 1110-1-4000. There may be a need
for a provision to grout the annular space in lifts
in deep wells to ensure that any PVC or other type
casing will not be collapsed by the weight and/or
heat created by the chemical reaction of cement
grout. If grouting in lifts is for some reason not
acceptable, the well should be designed to withstand
greater external pressures. This may mean using
higher schedule casing, or steel instead of PVC, for
After the inner casing and [well screen] [filter pack] have been installed,
a [non-shrinking cement] [high-solids bentonite] grout, shall be
mechanically mixed in accordance with paragraph CEMENT AND BENTONITE GROUT,
and placed by tremie pipe, in one continuous operation into the annulus
between the inner and outer casings above the bentonite seal to [within
[_____] mm feet of] [the ground surface] [the maximum depth of frost
penetration (frost line)]. Grout injection shall be in accordance with
AWWA A100. If the casing interval to be grouted is less than 4.5 m 15 feet,
and without fluids after any drill casing is removed, the grout may be
placed either by pouring or pumping. The tremie pipe shall be thoroughly
cleaned with high pressure hot water/steam before use in each well. The
bottom of the tremie pipe shall be constructed to direct the discharge to
the sides rather than downward. The discharge end of the tremie pipe shall
be submerged at all times. Additional grout shall be added from the
surface to maintain the level of the grout [within [_____] mm feet of the
ground surface] [at the land surface] as settlement occurs. Work shall not
be conducted in the well within [24] [_____] hours after cement grouting.
The alignment of the well shall be verified by passing a 1.5 m 5 foot long
section of rigid [PVC] [stainless steel] [PTFE] [_____] pipe 6 mm 1/4 inch
smaller in diameter than the inside diameter of the casing through the
entire well. If the pipe does not pass freely, the well will not be
accepted. The pipe section shall be thoroughly cleaned with high pressure
hot water/steam prior to each test.


NOTE: There is a provision for predevelopment, or
development after the filter pack is installed, but
before the bentonite seal is installed.
Well development criteria, such as the measurement
of certain ground-water parameters, may be deleted
if the well is not installed at an HTRW site.
Within 7 days of completion of each well, but no sooner than [48] [_____]
hours after cement grouting is completed, the well shall be developed.
[Predevelopment, or development after the filter pack has been installed,
but before the annular seal is installed, may be initiated before this
minimum 48 hour period.] The well shall be developed in accordance with
the Well Installation Plan, by approved methods until the water pumped from
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 26

UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2008)
-------------------------Preparing Activity: USACE
UFGS-33 20 00 (April 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2013
SECTION 33 20 00


Test Hole
Water Well
Observation Well
Geophysical Logging
Well or Test Hole Decommissioning/Abandonment
Site Cleanup
Abandonment of Wells
Well Installation Plan
Test Holes
Sampling for Chemical Analysis
Sampling for Geotechnical Analysis
Observation Wells
Geophysical Logging


Steel Casing and Couplings
Plastic Casing and Couplings
Metal Screen
Plastic Screen
Plastic Pipe
Bonding Materials
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 1

as it is being developed. Water used for development shall be free of

sand. The contracting officer may require other means of developing the
well such as intermittent pumping method, variation of the intermittent
pumping method, or surge block if it appears that the development of the
well is not producing the desired results.

Intermittent Pumping

NOTE: Backflow through the pump, while starting and
stopping a pump intermittently, with the check valve
removed, to produce rapid changes in the pressure
head within the well during development, called
"rawhiding," is allowed for developing extraction
and injection wells at HTRW sites. The alternate
lifting and dropping of a column of water in the
pump discharge pipe creates a surging action in the
well. For more information on this development
process, consult ASTM D5521.
Intermittent pumping shall be performed by pumping the well at a capacity
sufficient to produce a rapid drawdown of approximately [_____] m feet
stopping the pump (backflow through pump will not be permitted) to permit
the water surface to rise to its former elevation, and repeating this
procedure. Cycle time for this procedure will vary as directed but will
not be more than 3 cycles per minute. A pump discharge in excess of [_____]
L/s gpm will be required. A deep well turbine pump, or electric
submersible pump with check valve, shall be used with any attachment
necessary to accomplish rapid starting and stopping for intermittent
pumping. The intake shall be set at least 3 m 10 feet below the maximum
expected drawdown in the well. Prior to commencing intermittent pumping,
and periodically during development by this method, all sand and/or other
materials shall be removed from inside the screen. The amount of drawdown
may be decreased if, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, the
efficiency of the well might otherwise be impaired.


Surging of the well shall require use of a circular block, or multiple

blocks, which are approximately 25 mm 1 inch smaller in diameter than the
inside diameter of the well and is constructed of a material which will not
damage the screen if the block comes in contact with the screen, and a
bailer or pump to remove materials drawn into the well. The surging shall
be continued for a period of approximately [one][____] hour, or until
little or no additional material from the foundation or filter pack can be
pulled through the screen. The surge block shall be moved by a steady
motion up and down the full length of the well screen. Prior to commencing
surging, and periodically during development by this method, all sand
and/or other materials shall be removed from inside the screen. All
materials pulled into the well by the surging process shall be removed by
the Contractor.

Well Development Criteria

NOTE: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) may, according to their Technical Enforcement
Guidance Document (TEGD), 530/R-93/001, consider a
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 28

well installed at an HTRW site improperly completed

if a well yields turbid samples (turbidity greater
than or equal to 5 NTUs) after development. If the
local EPA Region enforces this criteria, it may be
necessary to include a requirement that the well be
developed until a turbidity of less than or equal to
5 NTUs is achieved.
A well development record shall be maintained in accordance with paragraph
Well Development Records. Development is complete when all of the
following criteria are met:

Well water is clear to the unaided eye [,and turbidity less than or
equal to [5] [____] Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs)],


Sediment thickness in the well is less than [1 percent of the screen

length] [30 mm 0.1 foot],


A minimum of three times the standing water volume in the well is

removed plus three times the volume of all added water and drilling
fluid lost during drilling and installation of the well is removed, and


[Temperature, specific conductivity, pH,oxidation-reduction potential

(ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity readings, measured before,
twice during and after development operations, have stabilized.
Stabilization shall mean [variation of less than 0.2 pH units,
variation of plus or minus + 0.5 degrees C 1 degree F,+ 3 percent
change in specific conductance; and less than a + 10mV for ORP; and +
10 percent for DO, and turbidity, measured between three consecutive
readings with one casing volume of water removed between each reading]
[_____]. ORP shall be determined in accordance with AWWA 10084.
Temperature, specific conductance, DO, turbidity, and pH readings shall
be conducted in accordance with EPA 600/4-79/020. At completion of
well development, approximately 0.5 liter 1 pint of well water shall be
collected in a clear glass jar. The jar shall be labeled with project
name, well number and date; and photographed using 35 mm color print
film. The photograph (minimally 125 x 174 mm 5 x 7 inch) shall be a
suitably backlit close-up which shows the clarity of the water and any
suspended sediment. The photograph and negative shall become a part of
the well development record. Water removed during development and
testing operations shall be [contained in D.O.T. approved drums,
containers or vessels and disposed of by [_____], in accordance with
and Drilling Waste Disposal] [discharged to the ground surface at least
[_____] m feet from the well in a down gradient area].]



After the wells have been developed, notify the Government and make the
necessary arrangements for conducting the capacity tests. If the capacity
test indicates that the required capacity can be obtained, the tests for
quality of water shall be made. If the capacity and quality tests indicate
that the required capacity and quality can be obtained, the permanent well,
as specified, shall be completed at that depth. Submit Test Reports within
[_____] [24] hours following the conclusion of each test. Prior to making
quality tests, drilling equipment, tools and pumps contacting well water
shall be cleaned with live steam.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 29


Capacity Test

NOTE: This test should be used to verify that the
well is developed properly and will produce the
required yield. Test pump should be capable of a
range of pumping rates, varying from about 50
percent to about 200 percent of the design capacity
of the well. Since there are a wide variety of pump
test methods, the designer should refer to a good
water wells reference book (such as "Ground Water
and Wells," by Fletcher G. Driscoll, published by
Johnson Well Screens, 1986 ) for test procedures
which best apply.
Furnish and install an approved temporary test pump, with discharge piping
of sufficient size and length to conduct the water being pumped to [point
of discharge][_____], and equipment necessary for measuring the rate of
flow and water level in the well. An [8] [_____] hour [constant-rate]
[step-drawdown] capacity test shall be run with the pumping rate and
drawdown at the pump well and observation wells recorded every [[30]
[_____] minutes] [1/2 minute during the first 5 minutes after starting the
pump; then every 5 minutes for an hour; then every 20 minutes for 2 hours.
From this point on, readings taken at hourly intervals, until the water
level stabilizes, shall be sufficient].[Observation wells (piezometers)
shall be read on the same schedule as the pump well.] [During the
step-drawdown test, the pumping rate shall be increased in steps at
[regular][[2][____] hour] intervals. Specific capacity shall be measured
for each step.] The test shall begin at the rate of [the expected capacity
of well] [[_____] L/s gpm] and at least that rate maintained throughout the
duration of the [test] [step interval]. [The well shall be "step" tested
at rates of approximately [1/2, 3/4, 1 and 1 1/2] [_____] times the design
capacity of [_____] L/s gpm.] If this capacity cannot be maintained for
the test period, the capacity test shall be terminated and the test hole
drilled deeper or relocated as directed. When the pump is shut off, water
level readings shall be taken during the rebound period for the same
intervals of time as the drawdown test. The record of the test, in
triplicate, shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer.

Test for Plumbness and Alignment

Upon completion of the permanent well, plumbness and alignment shall be

tested by lowering into the well, to the total depth of the well, a plumb
[12] [_____] m [40] [_____] feet long or a dummy of the same length. The
outer diameter of the plumb shall not be more than 13 mm 1/2 inch smaller
than the diameter of that part of the hole being tested. If a dummy is
used, it shall consist of a rigid spindle with three rings, each ring being
[300] [_____] mm [12] [_____] inches wide. The rings shall be cylindrical
and shall be spaced one at each end of the dummy and one in the center.
The central member of the dummy shall be rigid so that it will maintain the
alignment of the axis of the rings. The dummy shall be decontaminated as
specified in paragraph Decontamination, before use. If the plumb or dummy
fail to move freely throughout the length of the casing or well screen for
the depth of well or should the well vary from the vertical in excess of
two-thirds the inside diameter of that part of the well being tested for
each 30 m 100 feet of depth, the plumbness and alignment of the well shall
be corrected. If the faulty alignment and plumbness is not correctable, as
determined by the Contracting Officer, the well shall be abandoned as
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 30

specified in paragraph WELL DECOMMISSIONING/ABANDONMENT and a new well

drilled at no additional cost to the Government.

Test for Quality of Water

NOTE: The Post, or Resident Engineer, or the USGS
should be consulted to determine if any additions or
deletions should be made to the Water Quality
Analysis table.
When the capacity test in the test hole has been completed, and again after
the yield in the permanent well and drawdown test or capacity test have
been completed, secure samples of the water in suitable containers, and of
sufficient quantity, to have bacterial, physical, and chemical analyses
made by [a recognized testing laboratory][____], except that the bacterial
analysis may be made by the applicable State Board of Health, if desired.
Water Quality Analysis shall address each item specified in the Water
Quality Analysis Table at the end of this section. Expenses incident to
these analyses shall be borne by the Contractor and the results of the
analyses shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer. All sampling and
analyses shall be performed using EPA and State approved methods,
procedures, and holding times.

Sand Test

As part of each capacity test, or at the end of each intermittent pumping,

a determination of the amount of sand (filter pack and/or foundation
material) a well is producing shall be performed. Prior to starting the
sand test all material shall be removed from the bottom of the tailpipe.
Test each well by pumping at a rate [of [_____] L/s gpm] [sufficient to
produce approximately [_____] m feet of draw-down]. After the pump is at
the desired pumping rate the flow from the discharge shall be diverted
[into a container that will collect all the sand being carried by the
water][through a Rossum Sand Tester]. Development of the well is
satisfactory if the amount of sand collected is less than 0.5 L per 100,000
L 1 pint per 25,000 gallons of water pumped at the specified rate. Upon
completion of the test the amount of sand in the tailpipe shall be
determined to verify that no material is being deposited in the bottom of
the well.


NOTE: The yearly change in the regional water table
should be determined before specifying the minimum
pump depth.
The permanent well pump shall be installed in the well at a minimum depth of
[8] [_____] m [25] [_____] feet below the maximum drawdown groundwater
level after the drawdown test has been completed. The pump shall be
secured at the required elevation as recommended by the pump manufacturer.
After installation of the pumping units and appurtenances is complete,
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 31

operating tests shall be carried out to assure that the pumping

installation operates properly. Tests shall assure that the pumping units
and appurtenances have been installed correctly, that there is no
objectionable heating, vibration, or noise from any parts, and that all
manual and automatic controls function properly.


After completion of tests of well, or installation of permanent pump, or at

time of tests for yield and drawdown test, whichever is later, the wells
shall be disinfected by adding chlorine, conforming to AWWA B301, or
hypochlorite, conforming to AWWA B300, in sufficient quantity so that a
concentration of at least 50 ppm of chlorine shall be obtained in all parts
of the well. Chlorine solution shall be prepared and introduced into the
well in an approved manner and shall remain in the well for period of at
least 12 hours but not more than 24 hours. Information on methods for
preparing chlorine solution and introducing it into the well may be found
in AWWA C654. After the contact period, the well shall be pumped until the
residual chlorine content is not greater than 1.0 ppm. The well shall be
pumped to waste for an additional 15 minutes with less than 1 ppm chlorine
residual after which two samples shall be taken not less than 30 minutes
apart and tested for the presence of coliform bacteria. The well shall be
disinfected and redisinfected as may be required until two consecutive
samples of water are found upon test to be free from Coli Acrogenes group
of organisms.


NOTE: In some instances, a pumphouse and base slab
may not be appropriate. In such cases, alternate
designs must ensure that surface water cannot
infiltrate into the well and that the pump and well
head are protected.
Pumphouse and slab shall be constructed preventing the infiltration of
surface water or precipitation into the well. The slab shall be [1.2]
[_____] m square by [150] [_____] mm thick [4] [_____] feet square by [6]
[_____] inches thick and constructed of reinforced concrete. The top of
the outer casing shall extend [300] [_____] mm [12] [______] inches above
the top of the slab. The top of the slab shall be at elevation [_____] or
higher. The pumphouse shall be constructed on the slab and thermally


After completion of the work, tools, appliances, surplus materials,

temporary drainage, rubbish, and debris incidental to work shall be
removed. Excavation and vehicular ruts shall be backfilled and dressed to
conform with the existing landscape. Utilities, structures, roads, fences,
or any other pre-existing item which must be repaired or replaced due to
the Contractor's negligence shall be the Contractor's responsibility;
repair or replacement shall be accomplished prior to completion of this


SECTION 33 20 00

Page 32

NOTE: The designer must address disposal of drill

cuttings, rock core, grout or bentonite slurry, and
other solid or liquid materials bailed, pumped, or
otherwise removed from the borehole during drilling,
well installation, completion, and well development
procedures within all appropriate regulatory
requirements. The nature of these wastes (whether
hazardous or not) will potentially vary between well
sites on a single project. On an HTRW remedial
action project, it may be prudent to dispose of
drilling and well installation waste in coordination
with other project waste streams. In some
instances, rock core may be determined to be
contaminated and must be handled accordingly. Refer
to EPA/540/G-91/009, Management of
Investigation-Derived Waste From Site Investigations
and EPA OSWER Directive 9345.3-03FS, April 1992,
Guide to Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes,
for discussion of some issues relevant to Superfund
projects. State/local regulations must also be
Slurry, drill cuttings, rock core; other solid or liquid material bailed,
pumped, or otherwise removed from the borehole during drilling,
installation, completion, and well development procedures; and fluids from
material/equipment decontamination activities shall be disposed of by


NOTE: Guidance for installing survey markers can be
found in EM 1110-1-1002 Survey Markers and
Coordinates and elevations shall be established for each well/test hole.
Horizontal coordinates shall be determined to the closest 300 mm 1.0 foot
and referenced to the State Plane Coordinate System, or Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM). If the State Plane Coordinate System/UTM is not
readily available, an existing local grid system shall be used. A ground
elevation to the closest 30 m 0.1 foot shall be obtained at each well. The
highest point on the top of the riser pipe will serve as a measurement
point. The elevation of the well shall reference this point, and shall be
surveyed to the nearest 3 mm 0.01 foot using the [National Geodetic
Vertical Datum of 1929] [North American Vertical Datum of 1988]. If the
datum is not readily available, the existing local vertical datum shall be
used. The location, identification, coordinates, and elevations of the
well and monuments shall be plotted on maps with a scale large enough to
show their location with reference to other structures.


NOTE: Guidance for decommissioning of wells may
also be found in EM 1110-1-4000.

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 33

Any well disapproved by the Contracting Officer, or any well

decommissioned/abandoned by the Contractor for any reason shall be
decommissioned/abandoned according to the requirements of the State of
[_____], [ASTM D5299,] and the requirements of these specifications. Well
decommissioning/abandonment includes the removal of all materials left in
the borehole/well, excluding the filter pack, and including backfill
materials, casing, screen, and any other material placed into the hole
before the decision was made to abandon the borehole/well. Test holes
decommissioned/abandoned for any reason shall be grouted from the bottom to
within [_____] mm feet of the top of the ground surface according to the
protocol for grout/bentonite placement established in paragraph Grout
Placement, using the grout mix specified in paragraph CEMENT AND BENTONITE
GROUT. The top [_____] mm feet shall be backfilled with [material
appropriate for the intended land use] [_____]. Maintain a well
decommissioning/abandonment record as specified herein. Groundwater
levels, if encountered before the decision is made for
decommissioning/abandonment, shall be measured in all borings prior to
backfilling. These water levels shall be included in the well
decommissioning/abandonment records. No well shall be
decommissioned/abandoned without the approval of the Contracting Officer.


Establish and maintain documentation and quality control reports for well
construction and development to record the desired information and to
assure compliance with contract requirements, including, but not limited
to, the following:

Borehole Logs

NOTE: Borehole logging requirements can be found in
EM 1110-1-4000. Requirements can also be found in
ASTM D2113 and ASTM D5434. If rock is cored at the
site, and it is deemed necessary to determine the
rock quality designation (RQD) of the core for
design purposes, the RQD should also be shown on the
boring log. Guidance for determining the RQD may be
found in ASTM D6032. Item o. has a provision for
recording the level of non-aqueous phase liquids
(NAPLs). This only pertains to wells installed at a
hazardous waste site.
A borehole log shall be completed for each boring drilled. Borehole logs
shall be prepared by the geologist present onsite during all well drilling
and installation activities. The log scale shall be [10] [_____] mm equals
[300] [_____] mm [1] [_____] inch equals [1] [_____] foot. Copies of
complete well logs shall be kept current in the field at each well site and
shall be available at all times for inspection by the Contracting Officer.
Information provided on the logs shall include, but not be limited to, the

Name of the project and site.


Boring/well identification number.


Location of boring (coordinates, if available).

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 34


Make and manufacturer's model designation of drilling equipment and

name of drilling firm.


Date boring was drilled.


Reference data for all depth measurements.


Name of driller and name and signature of geologist preparing log.


Nominal hole diameter and depth at which hole diameter changes.


Total depth of boring.


Method of drilling, including sampling methods and sample depths,

including those attempted with no recovery. Indication of penetration
resistance such as drive hammer blows given in blows per 150 mm 6 inches
of driven sample tubes. Information shall include hammer weight and
drop distance. Information such as rod size, bit type, pump type,
etc., shall be recorded. A description of any temporary casing used,
drill fluids and fluid additives used, if any, including brand name and
amount used, along with the reason for and start (by depth) of its use
shall be included. If measured, mud viscosities and weight shall be


Depth of each change of stratum. If location of strata change is

approximate, it shall be so stated.


Description of the material of which each stratum is composed, in

accordance with [ASTM D2488] [_____], and/or standard rock nomenclature
in accordance with [CED TR GL-85-3][_____], as necessary. Soil
parameters for logging shall include, but shall not be limited to,
classification, depositional environment and formation, if known,
Unified Soil Classification Symbol, secondary components and estimated
percentages, color, plasticity, consistency (cohesive soil), density
(non-cohesive soil), moisture content, structure and orientation, and
grain angularity. Rock core parameters for logging shall include, but
shall not be limited to, rock type, formation, modifier denoting
variety (shaly, calcareous, siliceous, etc.), color, hardness, degree
of cementation, texture, crystalline structure and orientation, degree
of weathering, solution or void conditions, primary and secondary
permeability, and lost core. The results of any chemical field
screening shall also be included on the boring log. Classification
shall be prepared in the field at the time of sampling. The results of
visual observation of the material encountered, and any unusual odor
detected shall also be duly noted and recorded.


Depth of any observed fractures, weathered zones, or any abnormalities



Depth and estimated percent of drill fluid loss or lost circulation.

Measures taken to regain drill water circulation. Significant color
changes in the drilling fluid return.


Depth to water, and any non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) and date
measured before, during, and after each drilling shift, and prior to
well installation. Provide and maintain at each well under
construction a portable water [,and NAPL] level measuring device of
sufficient length to measure the water [/NAPL] level to [50] [_____]
meter [165] [_____] foot depth. The device shall be available onsite
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 35

at all times and measuring wire shall be graduated in mm 0.01 foot.

The method of measuring the liquid level shall be noted on the boring
log. Water [and NAPL] level measurements shall be taken to the nearest
mm 0.01 foot. It shall be noted on the boring log if the boring was
purged and allowed to recover at intervals during the installation, or
that water used in drilling was allowed to dissipate into the formation
prior to measuring the water level.

Box or sample number. Depths and the number of the core boxes and/or
samples shall be recorded at the proper interval.


Percent Rock Core Recovery. The percent core recovery for the
individual drill runs, if rock is cored, shall be shown.


Installation Diagrams

The well will not be accepted before the geologic logs and installation
diagrams are received. Submit As-built installation diagram for each well
installed, prepared by the geologist present during well installation
operations, within [_____] working days of the completion of the well
installation procedure. The diagram shall illustrate the as-built
condition of the well and include, but not be limited to, the following

Name of the project and site.


Well identification number.


Name of driller and name and signature of the geologist preparing



Date of well installation.


Description of material from which the well is constructed, including

well casing/riser pipe and screen material, centralizer composition, if
used, diameter and schedule of casing and screen, gradation of filter
pack, lithologic description, brand name (if any), source, and
processing method, and method of placement of the filter pack,
bentonite seal type (pellets, granules, chips, or slurry), grout type
(cement or high-solids bentonite) and type of protective cover
(protective casing or flush-to-ground),if used.


Total depth of well.


Nominal hole diameter.


Depth to top and bottom of screen, and filter pack.


Depth to top and bottom of any seals installed in the well boring
(grout or bentonite).


Type of cement and/or bentonite used, mix ratios of grout, method of

placement and quantities used.


Elevations/depths/heights of key features of the well, such as top of

well casing/riser pipe, top and bottom of protective casing (if used),
ground surface, the depth of maximum frost penetration (frost line),
bottom of well screen, top and bottom of filter pack, and top and
bottom of seal.
SECTION 33 20 00

Page 36


Other pertinent construction details, such as slot size and percent

open area of screen, type of screen, and manufacturer of screen.


Well location by coordinates. A plan sheet shall also be included

showing the coordinate system used and the location of each well. A
plan sheet is not required for each well installation diagram; multiple
wells may be shown on the same sheet.


Static water level upon completion of the well.


Special problems and their resolutions; e.g., grout in wells, lost

casing, or screens, bridging, etc.


Description of surface completion.


Well Development Records

NOTE: Delete item k. if not applicable for the
A well development record shall be prepared for each well, within [_____]
working days of the completion of development under the supervision of the
geologist present during well installation operations. Information
provided on the well development record shall include, but not be limited
to, the following:

Date, time, and elevation of water level in the well, before



Depth to bottom of well, name of project and site, well identification

number, and date of development.


Method used for development, to include size, type and make of

equipment, bailer, and/or pump used during development.


Time spent developing the well by each method, to include typical

pumping rate, if pump is used in development.


Volume and physical character of water removed, to include changes

during development in clarity, color, particulates, and odor.


Volume of water added to the well, if any.


Volume and physical character of sediment removed, to include changes

during development in color, and odor.


Source of any water added to the well.


Clarity of water before, during, and after development.

turbidity unit (NTU) measurements.


Total depth of well and the static water level as in accordance with
ASTM D4750from top of the casing, immediately after
pumping/development, and 24 hours after development.


[Readings of pH, specific conductance, DO, ORP, and temperature taken

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 37


before, during, and after development.]


Name and job title of individual developing well.


Name and/or description of the disposal facility/area, for the waters

removed during development.


Geophysical Logs

NOTE: Delete this paragraph if not applicable for
the project.
Geophysical logs shall be prepared and completed for each well/test hole
installed. Submit interpreted geophysical logs, within [_____] working
days of the completion of said logging. Information provided on the logs
shall include, as a minimum, the following:

Project name.


Test hole/well identification number.


Location of test hole (coordinates, and state, and county name).


Date test hole was drilled.


Fluid level in test hole before logging.


Fluid type and temperature.


Fluid resistance in ohm-m.


Casing type, diameter, and elevation (top and bottom).


Cement type and elevation (top and bottom).


Screen type, diameter, and elevation (top and bottom).


Date and time test hole was logged.


Reference elevation for all depth measurements.


Operator's name.


Equipment name and address.


Logger type and number.


Tool type.


Detector type (Nuclear Log only).


Source type (Nuclear Log only).


Source size (Nuclear Log only).


Source spacing (Nuclear Log only).

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 38


Tool length, cable head to detector.




Logging speed cm/min ft/min.


Log vert. scale m/cm ft/in.


Module settings.


Recorder settings.


Document all field problems, including equipment malfunctions. This

should include the steps taken to solve the problem and how the log
might have been affected.


Well Decommissioning/Abandonment Records

Decommissioning/abandonment records shall include, as a minimum, the


Project name.


Well or test hole number.


Well/boring location, depth and diameter.


Date of decommissioning/abandonment.


Method of decommissioning/abandonment.


All materials used in the decommissioning/abandonment procedure and the

interval in which test materials were placed.


Casing, and or other items left in hole by depth, description, and



Description and total quantity of grout used initially.


Description and daily quantities of grout used to compensate for



Water or mud level (specify) prior to grouting and date measured.


The reason for decommissioning/abandonment of the well/test hole.


Project Photographs

Before, during, and after completion of work, take a minimum of [one view]
[[_____] views] of each well installation. If rock is cored at the site,
after the core has been logged, the core shall be dampened, if it has
dried, neatly arranged in the core box, and photographed. Photographs
shall be [80] [_____] by [120] [_____] mm [3] [_____] by [5] [_____] inch
color prints. The photographs shall be mounted and enclosed back-to-back
in a double face clear plastic sleeve punched to fit standard three ring
binders. Each color print shall show an information box, [20] [_____] by
[50] [_____] mm [1-1/2] [_____] by [3-1/2] [_____] inches. The box shall
be typewritten and arranged as follows:

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 39

Project No.

Contract No.

Photograph No.


Direction of View:

Survey Maps and Notes

Submit Survey maps and notes, including a tabulated list of all wells and
monuments, copies of all field books, maps showing the locations, and
elevations of all wells, datum used (e.g. state plane NAD27, NAD83, UTM,
etc.), elevation datum, units of measurement, and all computation sheets,
within [_____] working days after completion of the survey. Also, submit a
diagram showing where on the top of the well the elevation was determined
by the surveyor. The tabulation shall consist of the designated number of
the well or monument, the X and Y coordinates, and all the required
elevations. Also, provide a diagram showing where on the top of the well
the elevation was determined by the surveyor.


Physical Characteristics
Threshold odor number
Resistivity in ohms per cubic
centimeter and 25 degrees C
pH value


Chemical Characteristics (Expressed as mg/L)

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 40


Chemical Characteristics (Expressed as mg/L)
Fluoride as F
Manganese as Mn (dissolved and
Iron as Fe (dissolved and total)
Suspended Solids
Total Dissolved Solids
Calcium as Ca
Magnesium as Mg
Sodium and Potassium as Na
Total Hardness as CaCO(3)
2, 4, 5 TP Silvex

SECTION 33 20 00

Page 41


Chemical Characteristics (Expressed as mg/L)
Total Organic Halogens
Sulphates as SO(4)
Chlorides as C1
Bicarbonates as HCO(3)
Carbonates as CO(3)
Nitrates as NO(3)
Alkalinity (methyl-orange)

Phenolphthalein as CaCO(3)
Silica as SiO(2)

-- End of Section --

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