Flooding Method
Flooding Method
Flooding Method
Surface irrigation may be classified as flooding method, furrow method and contour farming method,
1. Flooding Method: In flooding irrigation, water is allowed to cover the surface of land in a continuous
sheet, the water standing just long enough in the field for the soil to absorb the water applied to refill
the root zone. A properly designed size of irrigation stream aims at proper balance against the intake
rate of soil, the total depth of water to be stored in the root zone and the area to be covered so as to
give reasonably uniform coverage of water over the entire field. The flooding may be (i) wild, and (ii)
(a) Wild Flooding: It is also called uncontrolled flooding. It is the primitive and most inefficient method of
irrigation. In this method water is spread over the smooth or flat field without much control over the
flow or prior preparation. The water is spread into the field from the ditch excavated either on the
contour or up and down the slope. This method is applicable to inundation irrigation system or for
pastures or forage crops where water is available in abundance at the highest elevation and is
inexpensive or the crop values do not justify adoption of better method. The water distribution is quite
uneven. The method is suitable for all medium to fine texture soils. It has low cost and does not
interfere with tillage. The disadvantages of the method are (i) wasteful use of water, (ii) non-uniform
distribution of water, (iii) excessive soil erosion on steeper slopes, (iv) require drainage arrangement to
(b) Controlled Flooding: (i) Free flooding. Also called ordinary flooding. It is the commonly adopted
method where irrigation water is in abundance and cheap. The land is divided into plots or kiaries of
suitable size depending on porosity of soil. Water is spread over the field from watercourse. The
irrigation operation begins at the higher area and proceeds towards the lower levels. The flow is
stopped when the lower end of the field has received the desired depth of water. The field watercourse
is properly spaced, the spacing depends on the topography, oil texture, depth of soil and size of stream.
The spreading may vary from less than 15 m to more than 60 m. Porous soil requires close spacing than
tight soil. The method is most suitable for soils of medium texture and with moderate slopes.
It is by far the most common type of irrigation. In surface irrigation method, since water is applied to the
field in varied quantities and at different times, the flow remains unsteady. The method involves
diverting a stream of water from the head of a field into furrows or borders, and allowing it to flow
downward. Water infiltrates into the soil while traversing the furrow. By subsequent ponding and lateral
movement, the soil is restored to its full water holding capacity to a depth that depends on the quantity
of water introduced, the duration and rate of stream flow, the gradient and the soil structure and
texture. Generally under open-ditch conveyance and surface irrigation methods, less than one-half of
the water released reaches plants. Highly efficient irrigation can be achieved by an appropriate
combination of size of the irrigation stream, uniform application of water, minimum soil erosion,
minimum labour requirement, maximum land use, size and shape of field and use of machinery. The
surface irrigation
Allows use of machinery for land preparation, cultivation and harvesting, and
(ii) Helps to store the required amount of water in the capillary zone of the soil for supply to the
root zone of plants.
Greater loss of water by surface runoff and deep percolation, larger requirement of water per
unit area,
Water is lost in infiltration and deep percolation,
Low efficiency due to imperfect control over the water flow,
Inferior quality crops with a low yield,
Wasteful use of water compared to better irrigation methods, and
Costly and time consuming preparation of land.
Sub-surface irrigation:
In sub-surface or sub-irrigation water is applied beneath the ground by creating and maintaining an
artificial water table at some depth, usually 30 to 75 cm, below the ground surface. Moisture moves
upwards towards the land surface through capillary action to meet requirements of the crops in plant
roots. Water is applied through underground distribution system consisting of a properly designed main
field ditches, laterals, laid 15 to 30 m apart. Water may be obtained from wells, streams, lakes etc.
Water is introduced into soil profile through open ditches, mole drains or tile drains. Open ditches are
preferred because they are relatively inexpensive and suitable for all types of soils. Tiles and mole drains
are suitable only for organic soils. Sub-surface irrigation requires little field preparation and labour. It
entails minimum evaporation loss and surface waste. The irrigation water is essentially required to be of
good quality to prevent excessive soil salinity. The flow rate in supply ditches is required to be low to
prevent waterlogging of the field. The use of sub-irrigation is limited because it requires certain soil
condition that is the soil is permeable in root zone, underlain by an impervious horizon or high water
The essential requirements for a successful sub-surface irrigation are (i) Availability of adequate supply
of good quality water throughout growth period of the crop, (ii) Fields must be nearly level and smooth.
Ground slope is moderate. Land is approximately parallel to water table, (iii) Availability of a layer of
permeable soil such as sandy loam or loam immediately below the surface soil to permit free and rapid
movement of water laterally and vertically, (iv) Availability of a relatively impervious layer at 2 to 3 m in
the substratum to prevent deep percolation of water or a permanently high natural water table on
which an artificial water table can be built, (v) A well planned distribupon system of main ditches, field
laterals, etc., which raises the water table to a uniform depth below the ground surface over the entire
area, (vi) Availability of adequate outlet for drainage of the area so irrigated particularly in humid areas,
(vii) Subsoil water table is within 2 to 3 m below the ground surface, (viii) Topographical conditions are
uniform, and (ix) Soil is capable of lifting moisture from the water table to the root zone. Also the soil
permits lateral and downward movement of water. The efficiency of water use depends on soil
characteristics, topography and operation and maintenance management. In good system, the efficiency
is 70-75 per cent.
The essential requirements for adoption of any irrigation method are (1) Application is within desirable
limits. Stream flow is adequate so that the quality of irrigation is such that the depth of wetting and
hence the stand of crop are approximately uniform. The irrigator achieves high productivity so that
during a days work he can irrigate a large hectarage, (2) Afford a uniform water distribution in root zone
of a crop with as small as 6 cm applications for light irrigation, (3) Allow
heavy uniform application of 15 to 20 cm of water depth and under some conditions as much as
25cm per irrigation for salt leaching where such a problem exists, (4) Allow use of large concentrated
water flows for reduction of conveyance losses, field channel network and labour cost,
(5) Suitable for use with economical conveyance structure, (6) Facilitate mechanized farming, (7) Occupy
minimum land under bunds, etc, (8) Inexpensive and economically justifiable, (9) High efficiency of
water application i.e., the ratio of water stored in the root zone to that delivered to the field should be
maximum, (10) Minimum wastage of water either through surface runoff or through deep percolation
A suitable irrigation method shall ensure maximum yield at optimum water utilization, i.e., conservation
of water resource. The choice of an irrigation method suitable to a specific situation is an important
aspect of water management of crops.
The design, equipment and technique of replenishing the soil water deficit by applying irrigation
water is referred to as irrigation method. Five basic methods of the application of irrigation water
to the fields to suit different crops, soil type, topography, water availability and its quality,
climatic conditions, individual holdings and costs are (i) flooding irrigation, (ii) furrow
irrigation, (iii) sprinkler irrigation, (iv) drip irrigation, and (v) sub irrigation, besides various
The primary objective of any irrigation method is to supply water to soil so that moisture will be
readily available at all times for crop growth but without indiscriminately adding to the water
table, as well as avoiding influence of soil salinity. An efficient irrigation method is that which
best suits local conditions such as (i) soil characteristics, (ii) kind of crop and its age, (iii) crop
rotation, (iv) topographic condition, (v) available water flow, (vi) underground water table
condition (high or low), and (vii) state of soil salinity.
Irrigation water can be applied to crop lands using one of the following irrigation methods :
(i)Surface irrigation
(a)Uncontrolled (or wild or free) flooding method,
(b)Border strip method,
(c)Check method,
(d)Basin method, and
(e)Furrow method
(ii)Subsurface irrigation
(iii)Sprinkler irrigation
(iv)Trickle(Drip) irrigation.
Each of the above methods has some advantages and disadvantages, andthe choice of the method
depends on the following factors:
(i)Size, shape, and slope of the field,
(ii)Soil characteristics,
(iii)Nature and availability of the water supply subsystem,
(iv)Types of crops being grown,
(v)Initial development costs and availability of funds, and
(vi)Preferences and past experience of the farmer.
Surface Irrigation
In all the surface methods of irrigation, water is either ponded on the soil or allowed to flow continuously
over the soil surface for the duration of irrigation. Although surface irrigation is the oldest and most
common method of irrigation, it does not result in high levels of performance. This is mainly because of uncertain
infiltration rates which are affected by year-to-year changes in the cropping pattern, cultivation practices, climatic
factors, and many other factors. As a result, correct estimation of irrigation efficiency of surface irrigation is
difficult. Application efficiencies for surface methods may range from about 40 to 80 per cent.
(a) Uncontrolled Flooding
When water is applied to the cropland without any preparation of land and without any levees to guide or restrict
the flow of water on the field, the method is called uncontrolled, wild or free flooding. In this method of
flooding, water is brought to field ditches and then admitted at one end of the field thus letting it flood the entire
field without any control. Uncontrolled flooding generally results in excess irrigation at the inlet region of the field
and insufficient irrigation at the outlet end. Application efficiency is reduced because of either deep percolation (in
case of longer duration of flooding) or flowing away of water (in case of shorter flooding duration)
from the field. The application efficiency would also depend on the depth of flooding, the rate of intake of
water into the soil, the size of the stream, and topography of the field. Obviously, this method is suitable
when water is available in large quantities, the land surface is irregular, and the crop being grown is unaffected
because of excess water. The advantage of this method is the low initial cost of land preparation
(b) Border Strip Method
Border strip irrigation (or simply border irrigation) is a controlled surface flooding method of
applying irrigation water. In this method, the farm is divided into a number of strips. These strips are
separated by low levees (or borders). Water from the supply ditch is diverted to these strips along which it flows
slowly towards the downstream end and in the process it wets and irrigates the soil. When the water supply is
stopped, it recedes from the upstream end to the downstream end. The border strip method is suited to soils of
moderately low to moderately high intake rates and low erodibility. This method, however, requires preparation of
land involving high initial cost.
Sometimes, when soil conditions are favorable for the production of cash crops (i.e., high-priced crops) on
small areas, a pipe distribution system is placed in the soil well below the surface. This method of applying water
is known as artificial sub-irrigation. Soils which permit free lateral movement of water, rapid capillary movement
in the root-zone soil, and very slow downward movement of water in the subsoil are very suitable for artificial subirrigation. The cost of such methods is very high. However, the water consumption is as low as one-third of the
surface irrigation methods.
Sprinkler Irrigation
Sprinkling is the method of applying water to the soil surface in the form of a spray which is somewhat
similar to rain. In this method, water is sprayed into the air and allowed to fall on the soil surface in a
uniform pattern at a rate less than the infiltration rate of the soil. This method started in the beginning of this
century and was initially limited to nurseries and orchards. In the beginning, it was used in humid regions as a
supplemental method of irrigation. This method is popular in the developed countries and is gaining popularity in
the developing countries too. Rotating sprinkler-head systems are commonly used for sprinkler irrigation. Each
rotating sprinkler head applies water to a given area, size of which is governed by the nozzle size and the
water pressure. Alternatively, perforated pipe can be used to deliver water through very small holes which are
drilled at close intervals along a segment of the circumference of a pipe. The trajectories of these jets provide fairly
uniform application of water over a strip of cropland along both sides of the pipe. With the availability of flexible
PVC pipes, the sprinkler system can be made portable too. Sprinklers have been used on all types of soils on
lands of different topography and slopes, and for many crops.
The following conditions are favorable for sprinkler irrigation:
Very previous soils which do not permit good distribution of water by surface methods,
Lands which have steep slopes and easily erodible soils,
Irrigation channels which are too small to distribute water efficiently by surface irrigation, and
Lands with shallow soils and undulating lands which prevent proper leveling required for surface
methods of irrigation
Low water loss (efficiency up to 80%)
Saving in fertilizer
Suitable for any topography
No soil erosion
Better seed germination, free aeration of root zone
Uniform application of water
High initial cost, cannot adopt by ordinary farmers
Poor application efficiency in windy weather and high temperature
High evaporation losses
Water should be free of debris
Equipment need careful handling
Physical damage to crops by application of high intensity spray
Power requires for running pumping
Trickle (Drip) Irrigation
Trickle irrigation (also known as drip irrigation) system comprises main line, sub mains, laterals, valves (to control
the flow), drippers or emitters (to supply water to the plants), pressure gauges, water meters, filters (to
remove all debris, sand and clay to reduce clogging of the emitters), pumps, fertilizer tanks, vacuum breakers,
and pressure regulators. The drippers are designed to supply water at the desired rate (1 to 10 liters
per hour) directly to the soil. Low pressure heads at the emitters are considered adequate as the soil
capillary forces causes the emitted water to spread laterally and vertically. Flow is controlled manually or
set to automatically either (i) deliver desired amount of water for a predetermined time, or (ii) supply water
whenever soil moisture decreases to a predetermined amount. A line sketch of a typical drip irrigation system is
shown in Fig.
Low water loss and hence saves water
Enhances plant growth and plant yield
Saves labor and energy
Control weed growth
No soil erosion
Improves fertilizer application efficiency
High skill in design, installation, and subsequent operation
Clogging of small conduits and openings in emitters due to sand, clay particles, debris, chemical
precipitates and organic growth
Not suitable for closely planted crops such as wheat and other cereal grains.