Heat Treatment of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Casting Alloys
Heat Treatment of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Casting Alloys
Heat Treatment of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Casting Alloys
Heat treatment of
Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys
Doktorsavhandlingar vid
Chalmers tekniska hgskola
Ny serie Nr 3210
ISSN 0346-718X
Heat treatment of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing Casting
Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology
Environmental savings can be made by increasing the use of aluminium alloys in the
automotive industry as the vehicles can be made lighter. Increasing the knowledge about the
heat treatment process is one task in the direction towards this goal. The aim of this work is
to investigate and model the heat treatment process for Al-Si casting alloys. Three alloys
containing Mg and/or Cu were cast using the gradient solidification technique to achieve
three different coarsenesses of the microstructure and a low amount of defects.
Solution treatment was studied by measuring the concentration of Mg, Cu and Si in the -Al
matrix using wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) after various times at a solution
treatment temperature. A diffusion based model was developed which estimates the time
needed to obtain a high and homogenous concentration of alloying elements for different
alloys, temperatures and coarsenesses of the microstructure. It was shown that the yield
strength after artificial ageing is weakly dependent on the coarseness of the microstructure
when the solution treatment time is adjusted to achieve complete dissolution and
The shape and position of ageing curves (yield strength versus ageing time) was investigated
empirically in this work and by studying the literature in order to differentiate the
mechanisms involved. A diffusion based model for prediction of the yield strength after
different ageing times was developed for Al-Si-Mg alloys. The model was validated using data
available in the literature. For Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys further studies regarding the mechanisms
involved need to be performed.
Changes in the microstructure during a heat treatment process influence the plastic
deformation behaviour. The Hollomon equation describes the plastic deformation of alloys
containing shearable precipitates well, while the Ludwigson equation is needed when a
supersaturated solid solution is present. When non-coherent precipitates are present, none of
the equations describe the plastic deformation well. The evolution of the storage rate and
recovery rate of dislocations was studied and coupled to the evolution of the microstructure
using the Kocks-Mecking strain hardening theory.
Keywords: Cast aluminium alloys, Heat Treatment, Solution Treatment, Artificial Ageing,
Tensile Properties, Plastic Deformation, Microstructure, Modelling
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to:
The European Project NADIA (New Automotive components Designed for and
manufactured by Intelligent processing of light Alloys) for financial support.
The partners involved in the NADIA project, especially MAGMAsoft and University of
Padova, for good cooperation.
Dr. Salem Seifeddine for being an excellent supervisor, always taking the time to discuss with
his students and for nice travel company.
Professor Ingvar L. Svensson for supervision and support and for giving me the opportunity
to do this work.
Dr. Nils-Eric Andersson for scientific discussions.
Leif Andersson, Lasse Johansson, Toni Bogdanoff and Mrta Thor for helping me with
experimental equipment.
Master student Andreas Ljung and Bachelor student Krzysztof Kwapisz for help with
experimental work.
Qumex Materialteknik AB for the optical emission spectrometer analyses.
All colleagues at the department of Mechanical Engineering at Jnkping University for
creating a superb working environment.
Martin Selin and Mathias Knig for studying, running, cooking, eating and drinking
Kristina Lewin and Hans-Erik Ekstrm at Sapa Technology for awakening my interest for
aluminium during my Master thesis at the company.
Family and Friends.
The following supplements constitute the basis of this thesis.
Supplement I E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine: The heat treatment of AlSiCuMg casting
alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 12491259.
Sjlander was the main author.
Supplement II E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine: Optimisation of solution treatment of cast
AlSiCu alloys. Materials and Design 31 (2010) S44S49.
Sjlander was the main author. Seifeddine was adviser regarding the work. Sjlander
performed the experimental part and evaluated the results. Seifeddine presented the work
at the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 2009,
Supplement III E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine: Optimisation of solution treatment of cast
Al-7Si-0.3Mg and Al-8Si-3Cu-0.5Mg alloys. Submitted to Metallurgical and Materials
Transactions A.
Sjlander was the main author. Seifeddine was adviser regarding the work. Sjlander
performed the experimental part and evaluated the results.
Supplement IV E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine: Artificial ageing of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting
alloys. Submitted to Materials Science and Engineering A.
Sjlander was the main author. The experiments were performed by a Bachelor student
under supervision of Seifeddine and Sjlander. Sjlander evaluated the results.
Supplement V E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine: Influence of alloy composition, solidification
rate and artificial ageing on the plastic deformation of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys.
Submitted to Materials Science and Engineering A.
Sjlander was the main author. The experiments were performed by a Bachelor student
under supervision of Seifeddine and Sjlander. Sjlander evaluated the results.
Supplement VI E. Sjlander, S. Seifeddine, I. L. Svensson: Modelling the yield strength
of heat treated Al-Si-Mg casting alloys. Submitted to International Journal of Cast Metals
Sjlander was the main author. Seifeddine and Svensson were advisers regarding the
diffusivity [m2/s]
strain hardening exponent for the Hollomon and Ludwigson equations [-]
natural aged
peak aged
permanent mould
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Alloy composition..................................................................................................................... 3
Casting process ......................................................................................................................... 3
Post solidification treatment ..................................................................................................... 4
Yield strength.......................................................................................................................... 24
Elongation to fracture ............................................................................................................. 25
Plastic deformation behaviour ................................................................................................ 26
RESPONSE (SUPPLEMENTS II AND III) .................................................................................................................... 20
FRACTURE AND PLASTIC DEFORMATION (SUPPLEMENTS IV AND V) ......................................................... 24
............................................................................................................................... 41
Compared to other metals such as iron, copper, tin, etc aluminium is a relatively new
material. Pure aluminium was first isolated around 1825. In 1845 a piece large enough to
study its properties was extracted and it was concluded that aluminium is ductile and non
magnetic [1]. The first factory for aluminium production was built in 1854 close to Paris. At
this time aluminium was still produced by chemical means and was more expensive than gold
[2]. In 1886 Hall and Hroult independently produced aluminium by electrolysis of alumina,
Al2O3, dissolved in molten cryolite [1]. The production of high purity alumina from bauxite
around 1890 was the last step in reaching a cost effective production of aluminium [1]. The
electrolysis is however very energy intensive and the aluminium production plants (smelters)
are placed in regions where electricity is cheap. Aluminium products have a long life and can
be recycled using only 5% of the production energy.
In 1906 Dr. Alfred Wilm investigated the possibility to increase the strength of aluminium
alloys [3, 4]. He knew that the strength of steel could be increased by a high temperature
treatment followed by a fast quench. Wilm applied the same procedure to aluminium alloys.
Disappointed he observed a decrease rather than an increase in strength. However, at one
occasion, Wilm quenched his samples and then left for the weekend. Returning, he was
surprised to find that the strength of the samples had increased. Age hardening was
discovered! The alloy Wilm used contained 3.5-5.5% Cu and less than 1% Mg and Mn and
was subsequently named Duralumin. The discovery was followed by a search for other
aluminium alloys which age harden.
The precipitates formed and which are responsible for hardening are too small to be seen in
the optical microscope and researchers speculated about the reason for the increase in
strength. Formation of precipitates from a supersaturated solid solution and their ability to
block crystallographic slip was proposed as the reason for the increase in strength [3-5]. In
1937 the precipitates were detected experimentally for the first time by Guinier and Preston
using x-ray diffraction and the precipitates were named Guinier-Preston, GP, zones [6]. It was
not until the development of the transmission electron microscope, TEM, that the ideas of
interactions between precipitates and dislocations could be confirmed.
Aluminium is a material of special interest due to its high strength to weight ratio. Further
beneficial properties are that it is easy to recycle, it is corrosion resistant and has a high
electrical and thermal conductivity. Less beneficial is its low strength at high temperature and
low stiffness. Aluminium is used in five major areas; building and construction, containers
and packaging, transportation, electrical conductors, machinery and equipment [2].
Aluminium alloys are designated as wrought and cast alloys. The Al-Si alloys are the largest
group of cast alloys due to their excellent castability. Addition of Si increases the fluidity and
decreases the solidification shrinkage, resulting in an increase in castability [7]. A further
advantage is that Si can be added without increasing the density of the alloy. Si increases the
strength and stiffness, but reduces the ductility. Commercial Al-Si casting alloys have Si
concentrations in the range of 5 to 23 wt% [8]. Three different microstructures form
depending on the Si concentration, i.e. the alloy can be hypoeutectic, eutectic or
hypereutectic, see Figure 1a. The microstructure of the hypoeutectic alloys consists of -Al
dendrites which solidify first followed by the Al-Si eutectic, see Figure 1c. The distance
between the secondary dendrite arms, SDAS, in Figure 1b is related to the local solidification
time. Primary Si particles form first in hypereutectic alloys followed by the Al-Si eutectic, see
Figure 1d. The Si concentration of alloys used in the automotive industry often ranges
between 5 and 10 wt% and they are frequently used in applications such as engine blocks,
cylinder heads and wheels. Hypereutectic alloys are used when increased wear properties are
needed [1]. Typical applications are cylinder liners, pistons and piston rings.
Figure 1 a) Al-Si phase diagram [9]. b) Illustration of SDAS. Microstructures of c) hypoeutectic and d)
hypereutectic alloys [10].
The tensile properties of Al-Si casting alloys can be altered within a large spectrum by the
choice of 1) alloy composition, 2) casting process and 3) post solidification treatment.
1.3.1 Alloy composition
The Si particles have a plate-like morphology in unmodified aluminium alloys, which act as
crack initiators and have a negative influence on ductility [11]. The alloy ductility can be
improved by changing the morphology of the Si particles towards a more fibrous form. This
can be done by using a high cooling rate, by addition of a chemical modifier, by exposing the
casting to a high temperature for long periods, or by a combination of these processes [12].
Strontium, Sr, is often used as a chemical modifier and small additions of 50-300 ppm are
often made [13]. The Sr concentration needed to obtain a fibrous morphology depends on
the purity of the melt; Mg for example negates some of the modifying effect [13, 14]. The
fibrous morphology obtained through Sr modification is much easier to fragment and
spheroidize during solution treatment and the solution treatment time can be shortened [11].
Cu, and Mg are added to increase the strength of the alloy, but this also lead to a reduction in
ductility [7, 15]. The strength and ductility obtained are affected by factors such as if the Cu
and Mg are present as coarse phases after solidification, as atoms in solid solution, as GP
zones formed at room temperature, or as precipitates formed during artificial ageing [7]. The
coarse phases which may form during solidification are the Al2Cu phase and the QAl5Mg8Si6Cu2 phase in Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys [16, 17], while the -Al8Mg3FeSi6 phase and the
Mg2Si phase form in Al-Si-Mg alloys [18]. These coarse phases do not contribute to strength
and their degree of influence on ductility depends on their distribution and size relative to the
Si particles [19]. The strength increase obtained in the as-cast condition arises from atoms in
solid solution and from GP zones which form at room temperature. The highest strength
contribution is obtained when Cu and Mg are present as small precipitates after a heat
treatment, but a reduction in ductility also results. Additions of Cu and Mg also leads to the
formation of bands of coarse Si particles and an increased risk for shrinkage porosity due to an
increased solidification interval, which may decrease the elongation to fracture [15].
Iron is often regarded as an undesirable impurity as it forms long and brittle -Al5FeSi plates
that initiate and link fracture. Fe is however needed to reduce die soldering in high pressure
die casting, HPDC [7]. Manganese, Mn, is added to change the shape of the brittle -Fe
plates into the more compact -Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2 phase having a Chinese script morphology,
which has less tendency to initiate and link fracture [7]. The usefulness of Mn additions is
however not clear. Mn additions have for example been shown to have a negative effect at low
Fe concentrations, as the volume fraction of brittle intermetallic phases increases [20]. The
size of the Fe rich phases can be refined by increasing the solidification rate, leading to an
increase in elongation to fracture [7, 20]. When Cu and Mg are present Fe containing phases
in addition to the -Fe may form as for example the -Fe phase and the Al7FeCu2 phase [7].
Grain refinement is achieved by additions of Al-Ti-B master alloy. The grain size itself does
not have a large influence on mechanical properties for casting alloys, but it does influence the
distribution of phases and porosity [7].
1.3.2 Casting process
The casting process determines both the solidification rate and the defect content. Typical
defects found in Al-Si casting alloys are oxides and pores. The defect content depends on the
cleanliness of the melt and how it is introduced into the mould, while the solidification rate
depends on the geometry of the component (wall thickness and mass centre) and the ability to
remove heat from the casting (mould material, chill, water cooling).
The solidification rate determines the coarseness of the microstructure including the fraction,
size and distribution of intermetallic phases and the segregation profiles of solute in the -Al
phase. Large and brittle intermetallic phases form during a slow solidification, which may
initiate or link fracture, decreasing elongation to fracture. Additionally, the defect size such as
pore size, is also controlled to some extent by the solidification rate. The influence of defects
on the elongation to fracture depends on their size, shape, distribution and fraction.
Different casting processes can be used for Al-Si alloys, as for example high and low pressure
die casting and gravity casting in permanent mould or sand. HPDC has a turbulent filling
and air and oxides are easily entrapped in the casting. The defect content is high, but the
defects are normally small and evenly distributed, and the high solidification rate does not
allow defects or intermetallic phases to grow coarse [21]. The filling in gravity casting is
gentler giving a lower defect content. The defects may however be larger and have time to
grow or unfurl if the solidification rate is low [21]. HPDC material normally has a low
elongation to fracture due to the high defect content. Gravity cast material has a higher
elongation to fracture which increases with increasing solidification rate.
1.3.3 Post solidification treatment
The post solidification treatment of interest for Al-Si casting alloys is heat treatment, while
both cold working and heat treatment are of interest for wrought alloys. The main reason for
doing a heat treatment is to obtain an increase in strength. Different heat treatment processes
are available depending on the casting process and the desired properties of the alloy. A T6
heat treatment; consisting of a solution treatment, a quench and an artificial ageing, is often
used for gravity cast components to achieve an increase in strength. The T6 heat treatment,
which is the focus of this thesis, is discussed in more detail in the next section. The T6 heat
treatment can not be used for HPDC components, as they can not be solution treated at a
high temperature due to blistering. A T5 heat treatment, consisting of a fast cooling after
solidification together with an artificial ageing is instead used to improve the strength. A short
solution treatment prior to artificial ageing has however been shown to be successful in
increasing the yield strength above that of a T5 heat treatment without occurrence of blisters
The T6 heat treatment is illustrated in Figure 2 for an Al-Si-Cu alloy as an example. The
evolution of the microstructure is shown; from 1) atoms in solid solution at the solution
treatment temperature, through 2) a supersaturated solid solution at room temperature after
quench, to 3) precipitates formed at the artificial ageing temperature.
1. Solution treatment
Al + liquid
3. Artificial Aging
2. Rapid quench
transforms into the -Fe phase and Mg in solid solution when the Mg concentration is low
(0.3-0.4 wt %). The transformation does not take place or may be reversed when the Mg
concentration is high (0.6-0.7 wt %) [18, 28].
1.4.2 Quench
The objective of quenching is to suppress precipitation upon cooling of the casting from the
high solution treatment temperature to room temperature. If the quench rate is sufficiently
high a high concentration of solute in solid solution and of vacancies is retained. On the other
hand if the cooling is too slow, particles precipitate heterogeneously at grain boundaries or
dislocations, which results in a reduction in supersaturation of solute and concomitantly a
lower maximum yield strength after ageing. In Al-Si casting alloys; Si may diffuse from the
matrix to eutectic Si particles and Mg2Si phases may form on the eutectic Si particles or in the
matrix, reducing the supersaturation of Mg and Si in the matrix [29].
The quench rate is especially critical in the temperature range between 450 C and 200 C for
most Al-Si casting alloys where precipitates form rapidly due to a high level of supersaturation
and a high diffusion rate. At higher temperatures the supersaturation is too low and at lower
temperatures the diffusion rate is too low for precipitation to be critical. 4C/s is a limiting
quench rate above which the yield strength increases slowly with further increase in quench
rate [30-32].
1.4.3 Artificial ageing
A general and simplified precipitation sequence can be described as follows. After solution
treatment and quench the matrix has a high supersaturation of solute atoms and vacancies.
Clusters enriched in Si and Mg atoms form rapidly from the supersaturated matrix and evolve
into GP zones. Metastable coherent or semi-coherent precipitates form either from the GP
zones or from the supersaturated matrix when the GP zones have dissolved. The precipitates
grow by diffusion of atoms from the supersaturated solid solution to the precipitates. The
precipitates continue to grow in accordance with Ostwald ripening when the supersaturation
is lost. The length of each step in the sequence depends on the thermal history, the alloy
composition and the artificial ageing temperature.
In Al-Si-Mg alloys separate clusters of Mg and Si atoms form initially, which develop into coclusters [33]. GP zones form from the co-clusters, which elongate and transform into the Mg5Si6 phase [33], which is the phase having the greatest strength contribution. Upon
overageing some of the phases transform into the rod-like phase. The Mg:Si ratio
increases through the precipitation sequence [33, 34], which makes the supersaturation of Si
an important parameter as it influences the fraction of precipitates formed during initial
The precipitation sequence for Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys is similar, but more complex, as the Q
phase and the phase may also form. Cu can increase the fraction of the phase formed,
but it can also form the Q phase [35, 36], which has a lower strength contribution compared
to the phase. The phase is therefore preferred, rather than the Q phase. It is however
not clearly stated when the Q phase forms at the expense of the phase in cast alloys. For
wrought alloys it has been shown that the fraction of the Q phase increases with natural
ageing and artificial ageing time and temperature [37-39].
The precipitation sequence in Al-Si-Cu alloys is influenced by the high density of dislocations
formed during quenching due to the difference in thermal expansion between the Si particles
and the -Al matrix [40]. Fine and evenly dispersed phases form in the centre of the
dendrites, while coarse phases form on the dislocations close to the Si particles. The coarse
phases have a negligible strength contribution and can be seen as a loss of Cu atoms that
could have increased the fraction of phases.
These three alloy groups show different age hardening response, which is the increase in yield
strength on artificial ageing compared to the yield strength in the as-quenched or natural aged
condition. The age hardening response depends on the fraction, size, distribution and
coherency of precipitates formed. Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys and Al-Si-Mg alloys generally have a
high age hardening response, while Al-Si-Cu alloys have a slow and low age hardening
Designing an alloy and a heat treatment process for a material that meets specified
requirements for a certain component can be facilitated by the use of models. Development of
models can also help in the search for new alloys as knowledge is gained about the influence
of a specific part of the microstructure on the alloy properties. The first model where the yield
strength is coupled to the evolution of the microstructure during artificial ageing was
developed by Shercliff and Ashby in 1990 [41]. More refined models have been developed
since then for prediction of yield strength [42-44] and elongation to fracture [45] after
artificial ageing. To be able to model the tensile strength after heat treatment, the evolution of
the microstructure has to be modelled from casting to artificial ageing.
1.5.1 Modelling of the microstructure Solidification
The Scheil equation is a simple model giving fair results for segregation profiles and fraction
of particles formed during solidification for aluminium alloys. The Scheil equation assumes
no diffusion in the solid and complete diffusion in the liquid [46]. The correctness of the
predictions of the Scheil segregation model depends on the diffusivity of the alloying elements
in the -Al phase. If the diffusivity is high the model will predict a too low concentration in
the matrix and a too high fraction of particles. In this case the model can be improved by
including diffusion in the solid phase. In addition, much more complicated models are
available in the literature [46]. Solution treatment
From the as-cast microstructure the time needed for dissolution and homogenisation can be
modelled. The model developed by Rometsch et al. [47], which handles solution treatment of
Al-Si-Mg alloys, is an example of a simple, but efficient model. Spherical Mg2Si particles with
an interparticle distance equal to SDAS dissolve by diffusion of Mg into the matrix.
Homogenisation within the matrix is then calculated when the particles have dissolved. The
situation becomes more complicated when the number of alloying elements is increased.
Models for industrial alloys have been developed by for example Dons et al. [48]. The
number of phases to take into account increases and a phase diagram for the alloy system
studied is needed to determine the stability and the risk of local melting of solute rich phases. Artificial ageing
To calculate the strength after artificial ageing from the microstructure the volume fraction of
precipitates and their radii need to be known, as well as the concentration of alloying elements
in solid solution. The evolution of the microstructure during artificial ageing involves
nucleation, growth and coarsening. Two main approaches are used; precipitates having an
average radius or precipitates having a size distribution. For the case of precipitates with a size
distribution, coupled nucleation, growth and coarsening can be calculated, while for an
average radius growth is sequentially followed by coarsening.
The models by Shercliff et al. [41] and Esmaeili et al. [42] are examples of models using an
average precipitate radius and where separate laws for the evolution of the volume fraction of
precipitates and their average radius are used. Shercliff et al. [41] estimates the fraction of
precipitates from an expression proposed by Shewmon [49] for the exponential decrease of
solute concentration in the matrix. The radius of the precipitates is calculated using the
Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner, LSW, coarsening law. Esmaeili et al. [42] calculates the fraction of
precipitates from the Johson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorow equation with constants derived
from isothermal calorimetry. The radius of the precipitates in the underaged condition is
estimated using a square root growth law with the constants derived from measurements of
the precipitate radius using TEM, while the LSW coarsening law is used for the overaged
The Kampmann Wagner Numerical, KWN, model treats coupled nucleation, growth and
coarsening [50]. The KWN model was first applied to Al-Mg-Si alloys by Myhr et al. [43].
The basic assumptions of the model are as follows:
1) A particle distribution is used which is divided into a series of discrete size classes.
2) Nucleation is calculated and the new particles are given a radius larger than the critical
radius for growth and the particles are added to the correct size class.
3) The concentration left in the matrix after nucleation is calculated using mass balance.
4) The growth or dissolution of the particles in each size class is calculated. The GibbsThomson equation is used to calculate the interface concentration, which means that
the radius of the particles determines if it will dissolve or grow.
5) The particle distribution is updated using population balances.
The model takes coarsening into account naturally as small particles will start to dissolve when
the concentration in the matrix becomes low. The drawback with the model is that it is very
sensitive to the choice of particle-matrix interface energy and that the model is based on a
constant interface energy for the whole ageing sequence, while the coherency of the
precipitates in reality changes during ageing.
Models based on both approaches have been developed further, for example by taking
nucleation of dislocations [51] and natural ageing [52] into account.
1.5.2 Modelling of the tensile strength
The strength of an alloy derives from the ability of obstacles, such as precipitates and atoms in
solid solution, to hinder the motion of mobile dislocations. The strength contributions from
atoms in solid solution and from shearable and non-shearable precipitates change during
ageing, while contributions from lattice, dislocations and grain boundaries are constant.
Superposition laws have been proposed to calculate the total strength of an alloy from the
different contributions [53]. A linear superposition law, i.e. q=1 in eq. 1, is recommended
when many soft obstacles are present (as atoms in solid solution) together with few strong
obstacles (as precipitates or dislocations). A non-linear superposition law should be used for
all other combinations of weak and strong obstacles [53]. The exponent q varies between 1
and 2 depending on the relative strength of the obstacles and is equal to 2 when the obstacles
have similar strength.
All strength contributions that do not change during ageing, with the exception of that from
dislocations, are included in the intrinsic strength, i. The solid solution strengthening, ss,
depends on the concentration of solute in solid solution and on the strain field around the
solute atom. The dislocation strength, dis, depends on the dislocation density. Dislocations
form during quenching from the solution treatment temperature due to differences in thermal
expansion between the Si particles and the -Al matrix. The largest increase in dislocation
density however takes place during plastic deformation. The strength contribution of
precipitates, ppt, is determined by the volume fraction, size and distribution of the
precipitates, and by the coherency of the precipitates with the matrix. Small and not too hard
precipitates are normally sheared by moving dislocations, see Figure 3a. When the precipitates
are larger and harder the moving dislocations pass the precipitates by bowing, leaving a
dislocation ring around the precipitate, see Figure 3b. The strength of the precipitates
increases with size as long as it is sheared by dislocations. When dislocations pass the
precipitates by looping, the alloy strength decreases with increasing radius of the precipitates.
Figure 3c shows the different strength contributions to the total yield strength for different
ageing times.
Figure 3 Dislocations passing a precipitate by a) shearing and b) looping (Orowan mechanism) [54] c)
Illustrates the different strength contributions to the total yield strength
Different equations can be used to describe the plastic part of the stress-strain curve. Some are
empirical, as the Hollomon [55] and Ludwigson [56] equations, while others have a physical
background, as the Kocks-Mecking, KM, strain hardening theory [57-59]. The Hollomon
equation is given by eq. 2. where is the true stress, p the true plastic strain, K1 a material
constant and n1 the strain hardening exponent. The Ludwigson equation, eq. 3, is based on
the Hollomon equation, but has a correction term for small strains.
The KM strain hardening theory is based on the evolution of the dislocation density, ,
during plastic deformation and their contribution to strength, dis. The KM strain hardening
theory is divided into four stages [58]. Stage I, single slip, occurs only in single crystals. Stage
II is a pure hardening due to an increase in dislocation density. Stage III starts when
Stage II
Stage III
YS [MPa]
Figure 4 Change in strain hardening rate with reduced flow stress (experimental curve).
In Al-Si casting alloys containing Cu and/or Mg the situation becomes more complex as Cu
and Mg atoms can be present in solid solution, as shearable precipitates or as non-shearable
precipitates, all interacting with the moving dislocations. These interactions will influence
both the storage rate and recovery rate of dislocations affecting the plastic deformation
behaviour of the alloy. When non-coherent precipitates are present eq. 4 must be modified as
the mean free path of the dislocations is reduced. The storage of dislocations at non-coherent
precipitates is introduced in the model, see eq. 7, by adding a constant term kD=(bd)-1 to eq. 4,
where d is the distance between the precipitates [57]. Further, a non-linear superposition law
should be used when non-coherent precipitates and dislocations are present.
The requirements on reduced emissions from vehicles have sharpened and forced the
automotive industry to search for new solutions. One way to reduce the emissions is to
decrease the weight of the vehicle, which will reduce the fuel consumption. A lighter vehicle
also means that a smaller engine can be used, leading to a further reduction in weight. Al-Si
casting alloys are of considerable interest for the automotive industry due to their high
strength to weight ratio and high thermal conductivity.
Al-Si casting alloys are well studied and there exists a lot of knowledge about the influence of
alloying elements and solidification rate on the microstructure formation. The influence of
heat treatment on hardness and yield strength is also well studied, while the influence on the
plastic deformation behaviour and elongation to fracture is less studied. The tensile properties
of a component can be simulated for the as-cast condition using commercial casting
simulation software. The tensile properties for the heat treated condition can however not be
simulated, but equations valid for certain alloys have been developed. The aim of this work is
to be able to model tensile properties after heat treatment for alloys with chemical
compositions within certain limits taking the as-cast microstructure into account. This work
focus on solution treatment and artificial ageing, assuming that the quench is rapid and that
no natural ageing takes place between quench and artificial ageing.
To be able to model the tensile properties in the heat treated condition, knowledge about the
whole chain from solidification to artificial ageing is needed. Experimental work is needed
despite the fact that there is a lot of data available in the literature. In some cases, information
is missing and in other cases it is necessary to produce independent data to have full
knowledge of all the process parameters. In order to model the tensile properties in the heat
treated condition several questions need to be answered to be able to model each process
involved in this chain. Some of the questions are raised below.
Solidification (Supplements I, II & III)
How does the solidification rate influence:
a. the type of phases formed?
b. the distribution of Mg/Cu rich phases?
c. the segregation profiles of solutes in the -Al matrix?
This knowledge about the as-cast microstructure is needed as it defines the initial
condition for the solution treatment model. Information is available in the literature
regarding the phases formed during solidification and in some cases also on how the
solidification rate influences the type and fraction of phases formed. However it is not
well-known how the phases are distributed in the microstructure. The influence of the
solidification rate on the segregation profiles of alloying elements is not well studied and
there is scatter in the results presented.
Solution treatment (Supplements I, II & III)
Which phases are stable at the solution treatment temperature and which will dissolve
or transform?
Phase diagrams offer information about the stability of phases and the solubility of
alloying elements. Phase diagrams which are able to predict the solubility limit of the
alloying elements are a necessity when modelling the solution treatment. No general study
of phase diagrams was done, rather a check if the phase diagrams derived by ThermoCalc
[9] can be used for the alloys of interest in the present study.
How does the coarseness of the microstructure influence the time needed for
dissolution and homogenisation?
Is the solution treatment process diffusion or interface controlled?
Is the diffusion of one alloying element influenced by the fact that it is diffusing in a
concentration gradient of other alloying elements?
These questions need to be answered to develop a model for solution treatment. The
concentration increase of solute in the matrix during solution treatment has earlier been
studied for Al-Si-Mg alloys, but no systematic measurements have been done for Al-Si-Cu
and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. Further, no investigations where the coarseness of the
microstructure has been varied have been found. The concentration increase for the
different coarsenesses of the microstructure can be used to determine whether the solution
treatment process is diffusion controlled or not. The concentration increase in the matrix
for different alloys can be compared to determine if the diffusivity of one alloying
elements is affected by the presence of the other.
Artificial ageing (Supplements I, IV V & VI)
Which parameters determine the shape of the ageing curves?
The microstructure evolution during artificial ageing is difficult to follow as the
precipitates formed are only a few nanometres in size and must be studied using TEM. It
is however possible to study the yield strength that the precipitates cause and try to
identify the mechanisms determining the appearance of the ageing curves. Available
literature data was compared in the search for these mechanisms. There is however a large
number of parameters that can be varied which will influence the shape of the ageing
curves. Tensile tests after artificial ageing were performed to obtain data sets for which all
process parameters are known. These data sets are compared with the data presented in
the literature.
Modelling of the microstructure evolution during artificial ageing raises a large number of
questions for example, i) the composition, morphology and surface energy of the
precipitates, ii) the influence of excess vacancies on the diffusivity of Mg, iii) the need for
a metastable solvus boundary and iv) the number density of precipitates formed. The
answers to these questions have been searched for in the literature.
How is the yield strength composed?
In order to model the yield strength from the artificially aged microstructure different
strengthening laws need to be identified and evaluated. A superposition law for the
different strength contributions also need to be decided on.
How does artificial ageing influence the plastic deformation behaviour and the
elongation to fracture?
To be able to model the plastic part of the stress-strain curve more knowledge is needed
about the influence of the microstructure on the formation and annihilation of
dislocations which determine the plastic deformation behaviour. The influence of artificial
ageing on the plastic deformation and elongation to fracture has earlier been studied for
Al-Si-Mg alloys, but no investigations have been done for Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg
Which model is most suitable to describe the plastic deformation behaviour?
Empirical equations as the Hollomons and the Ludwigsons and equations where the
parameters are coupled to the microstructure as in the KM strain hardening theory can be
used to describe the plastic deformation behaviour. The KM strain hardening theory has
already been successfully used to couple the plastic deformation behaviour to the
microstructure for heat treatable wrought alloys and an Al-Si-Mg casting alloy. It is
therefore of interest to investigate if this hardening theory can also be used for different
Al-Si casting alloys.
Sr (ppm)
1. Al-Si-Mg
2. Al-Si-Cu
3. Al-Si-Cu-Mg
4. Al-Si-Mg
Cylindrical rods (length 18 cm, diameter 1 cm) were cast in a permanent mould, PM,
preheated to 200C. The rods were remelted with the gradient solidification technique. The
gradient solidification equipment is shown in Figure 5. The PM cast rods were inserted into
the furnace at 710C where they were remelted for 20 min. The furnace was then raised at a
prescribed speed and the samples were withdrawn from the furnace. Water cooling beneath
the furnace was used for high furnace speeds to cool the samples. The speed of the furnace
determines the solidification rate of the samples. Different microstructures can thereby be
produced by changing the speed of the furnace. Three different coarsenesses of the
microstructure, having SDAS of approximately 10, 25 and 50 m, were produced for the
present investigation. The samples produced using the gradient solidification technique have a
low defect content. The solidification is directional, giving a good feeding and gas and oxides
are pushed ahead of the solidification front. Samples for chemical composition measurements
were cast just before casting the cylindrical rods. The chemical composition was measured
using an optical emission spectrometer, OES.
Furnace moving
Protection gas
Sample inside
steel tube
Cooling zone
Water inlet
Water inlet
Water outlet
Water outlet
The extensometer was applied until fracture of the samples. Two tensile test bars were tested
for each heat treatment condition.
2.3.5 Microstructure evaluation
The microstructure of as-cast samples was studied using a scanning electron microscope,
SEM. The area fraction of intermetallic phases, SDAS, the distance between Mg/Cu rich
particles and the length of intermetallic phases were measured for the as-cast samples. The
areas investigated were normalized to the coarseness of the microstructure and were chosen to
cover the same numbers of dendrites on each frame. The areas were also adjusted to the alloy,
depending on the size of the intermetallic phases. 30 frames having an area of 7.3SDAS x
5.7SDAS were used for the Cu containing alloys and 80 frames having an area of 2.7SDAS x
2.1SDAS were used for the Al-Si-Mg alloy. The following number of measurements was used:
40 measurements for SDAS, 50 measurements for the distance between Mg/Cu rich phases
and 30 measurements for the length of the intermetallic phases. Fracture surfaces of artificially
aged samples were studied using SEM, and energy dispersive spectroscopy, EDS.
2.3.6 Concentration measurements
The concentrations of Mg, Cu and Si in the -Al matrix after solution treatment and
quenching were measured using wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, WDS. Measurements
were made over dendrite arms situated far from Cu and Mg rich phases. A minimum of 10
points per sample were measured. The points were situated either on the side or in the centre
of the dendrite arms. The acceleration voltage was set to 20 kV for Cu and 10 kV for Mg and
Si measurements and pure elements were used as standards. Dwell times were set to achieve
about 600 counts above the background counts at the peak energy for the element of interest.
Measuring the Cu peak is very time consuming and an equation was derived to decrease the
analysis time. A reduced scan was done for 50 points in the -Al matrix having concentrations
in the range 0.8-3.9 wt% Cu. The collected spectra were quantified and a relation between
the quantified concentrations and the maximum counts was derived. For the rest of the
measurement points in the dendrite arms 15 channels around the peak energy were measured
and the highest count obtained was used to calculate the concentration with the
experimentally derived equation.
EDS measurements were used to identify Fe-containing phases in the as-cast condition and to
follow their evolution during solution treatment.
The solidification rate and the alloying elements determine the as-cast microstructure, i.e. 1)
the coarseness of the microstructure, 2) the segregation profiles of alloying elements in the Al matrix and 3) the type, size and distribution of the intermetallic particles.
3.1.1 Coarseness of the microstructure
SDAS is often used as a measure of the coarseness of the microstructure. The relationship
between the solidification rate and the coarseness of the microstructure, SDAS, is well studied
in the literature, and is not the focus of the present study. The average measured SDAS and
standard deviations within brackets for the investigated alloys are presented in Table 2. A
small influence of the amount of alloying elements on the SDAS can be observed. The solute
lean Al-Si-Mg alloy has a slightly higher SDAS compared to the alloy containing 3 wt% Cu,
which is in agreement with data reported by Shabestari [60].
Table 2 As-cast parameters of the microstructure; SDAS and length of the largest intermetallic
particles. Standard deviations within brackets.
Length of particles
Fe rich
51 (7)
31 (20)
22 (7)
28 (3)
14 (9)
8 (2)
10 (1)
3 (1)
2 (1)
50 (6)
193 (86)
109 (29)
44 (11)
25 (4)
57 (20)
41 (16)
12 (3)
10 (2)
8 (3)
2 (1)
49 (7)
107 (41)
87 (28)
28 (8)
40 (24)
24 (3)
30 (10)
24 (11)
10 (2)
11 (8)
9 (1)
3 (1)
wt% Mg
wt% Si
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 10 m
-0.4 -0.2
0.2 0.4
Relative distance from dendrite centre
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 10 m
-0.4 -0.2
0.2 0.4
Relative distance from dendrite centre
wt% Cu
SDAS 50 m
SDAS 25 m
SDAS 10 m
-0.4 -0.2
0.2 0.4
Relative d istance from dendrite centre
Figure 6 As-cast concentration profiles. a) Si and b) Mg for the Al-Si-Mg alloy and c) Cu for the Al-SiCu alloy.
A small number of articles present segregation profiles for Cu and Mg in the -Al dendrites.
The presented Cu concentrations in the centre of the dendrite arms show some variations and
values of 1.2 wt% [63] and 0.6 wt% [64] are reported for an Al-7Si-3.5Cu alloy. The
consistency in reported data is better for Mg [61, 65] and is in line with data from the present
investigation. Possible reasons for deviations in the reported results in the literature are
differences in measurement method used, EDS or WDS, and the difficulty of finding a
dendrite that is cut through its centre. None of the reported studies show as detailed
measurements of Cu and Mg segregation profiles as the ones reported in the present
3.1.3 Type, size and distribution of intermetallic particles
The -Fe phase is the main phase containing Mg in the Al-Si-Mg alloy for all three
solidification rates, although a small amount of Mg2Si was observed in the coarsest
microstructure. The area fraction of the -Fe phase increases, while the fraction of the -Fe
phase decreases with increasing solidification rate, see Figure 7a. The -Fe phases are small
and uniformly distributed in the finest microstructure, while they are present as large script in
the two coarser microstructures. The Al2Cu phase is the main phase containing Cu in the AlSi-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. In the coarsest microstructure the Al2Cu particles are large and
situated far from each other, mostly in regions far from the well-modified Si eutectic. Their
distribution is more homogenous for the finer microstructures and small individual Al2Cu
particles form on the well-modified eutectic Si particles. In the finest microstructure there are
no regions that are without Al2Cu particles. The fraction of the Al2Cu particles increases with
increasing solidification rate, see Figure 7b. The Q phase forms in addition to the Al2Cu
phase in the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy. For the coarsest microstructure the Q phase is present either
as large independent particles or in a complex eutectic with Si and Al2Cu phases. The fraction
of large independent Q phases decreases when the solidification rate increases. The length of
the intermetallic phases for the different solidification rates is presented in Table 2.
The distances between phases containing the largest concentrations of Cu and Mg are
presented in Figure 7c. The solidification rate has a large influence on the distance between
the phases, while alloy composition has a smaller influence. The distance between the phases
is larger than the SDAS for the two coarser microstructures. A comparison of solution
treatment results with data from the literature for gravity cast Al-Si-Mg alloys [65, 66]
indicated that the phases have a finer distribution in gravity cast material compared to the
gradient cast material used in the present investigation. The solidification behaviour, being
directional for gradient solidification and mainly equiaxed for gravity casting, is believed to be
the reason for the difference.
Al2Cu: Al-Si-Cu
Q: Al-Si-Cu-Mg
Al2Cu: Al-Si-Cu-Mg
-Fe: Al-Si-Mg
Area% of phases
Area% of phases
-Fe: Al-Si-Mg
SDAS [m]
SDAS [m]
Al2Cu: Al-Si-Cu-Mg
Al2Cu: Al-Si-Cu
-Fe: Al-Si-Mg
20 30 40 50 60
SDAS [m]
Figure 7 As-cast parameters of the microstructure; Area% of phases a) in the Al-Si-Mg alloy and b) in
the Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. The Q phase and the Al2Cu phase could not be measured
separately for the finest microstructure of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy. c) Distance between Mg/Cu rich
The results of the dissolution and homogenization process depend on the coarseness of the
microstructure (.i.e. the diffusion distance), the type of diffusing elements and the stability of
phases in combination with the temperature and time used. In the present study the influence
of time, coarseness of the microstructure and diffusing elements is investigated. The
coarseness of the microstructure is known to influence the time needed for dissolution and
homogenisation. In some articles both alloy and coarseness of the microstructure is varied [27,
47], but no experiments have been found where SDAS is varied for a certain alloy.
The time needed for dissolution and homogenization depends strongly on the coarseness of
the microstructure. For the Cu containing alloys, 10-30 min at 495C was sufficient to
achieve complete dissolution and homogenisation for the finest microstructure (Figure 8a),
while more than 10 h was needed for the coarsest microstructure (Figure 8c), as undissolved
Al2Cu particles still remained after 10 h. The long time needed for a coarse microstructure is
in agreement with the literature, where 8-12 h at 490-505C is reported for alloys having 3-4
wt% Cu and SDAS of 40-60 m [26, 67-69]. In the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy the Q phase, which
forms during solidification, is observed to be stable at 495C. The presence of a stable Q
phase has a minor influence on the Cu concentration, but a major influence on the Mg
concentration. The Mg concentration reaches about 0.22-0.25 wt% where it remains stable
for long solution treatment times, see Figure 9b. This observation is in agreement with the
literature where the Q phase is reported to be stable or slow dissolving at 500C for alloys
having a high Cu concentration (3.5-4.4 wt %) and various Mg concentrations [26, 27].
The homogenisation and dissolution process of the Al-Si-Mg alloy is faster than for the Cu
containing alloys due to the higher temperature that can be used and the faster diffusivity of
Mg compared to Cu in the -Al phase. The -Fe phase transforms into the -Fe phase and
Mg in solid solution when solution treated at 530C and the concentration of Mg in the
matrix increases rapidly, which is in agreement with literature [18, 28]. Complete dissolution
and homogenisation is obtained after 30 min. for the two finest microstructures (Figure 8d-e),
while about10 h is needed for the coarsest microstructure (Figure 8f).
A high and homogenous Si concentration after solution treatment is important for the Al-SiMg and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys as the (Mg2Si) phase forms during artificial ageing.
Homogenization of Si is faster than for Mg and Cu and does not determine the time needed
to achieve complete dissolution and homogenization. As an example; a homogeneous
concentration in the dendrites of 1.1-1.2 wt % Si, close to the equilibrium value of 1.06 wt %
Si at 530C [9], is reached after 10 min. for the finest microstructure and after 30 min. for
the two coarser ones for the Al-Si-Mg alloy.
SDAS 10 m
30 min
10 min
wt% Cu
wt% Cu
SDAS 25 m
30 min
10 min
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
-10 -5
5 10
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
wt% Cu
SDAS 50 m
10 h
wt% Mg
30 min
10 min
SDAS 10 m
10 min
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
SDAS 28 m
30 min
10 min
SDAS 51m
10 h
wt% Mg
wt% Mg
30 min
10 min
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
-20 -10 0 10 20
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
Distance from dendrite centre [m]
Figure 8 a-c) The increase in Cu concentration over dendrite arms for the Al-Si-Cu alloy solution
treated at 495C for SDAS of a) 10 m, b) 25 m and c) 50 m. d-f) Mg concentrations over dendrite
arms for the Al-Si-Mg alloy solution treated at 530C for SDAS of d) 10 m, e) 28 m and f) 51 m.
By introducing a dimensionless diffusion time, see eq. 8, it was investigated whether the
differences in concentration increase for the different coarsenesses of the microstructure occur
due to differences in diffusion distances, i.e. if the process is diffusion controlled. In eq. 8. D
is the diffusivity of Mg or Cu in the -Al phase at the solution treatment temperature and rs is
the size of the diffusion field. A spherical diffusion geometry was used and its radius was
calculated from the measured distance between Mg/Cu rich phases, L, using eq. 9.
The Mg concentration in the centre of dendrite arms for the Al-Si-Mg alloy after various
solution treatment times is presented in Figure 9a. The distance between -Fe phases was
used to calculate the radius of the spherical diffusion field for the Al-Si-Mg alloy. Plotting the
concentration of Mg in the centre of the dendrite arms versus the dimensionless diffusion
time made the concentration curves for all three coarsenesses of the microstructure merge into
one curve (Figure 9b), confirming that the process is diffusion controlled and that a spherical
diffusion geometry can be used. The initial Mg concentration after solidification is not the
same for all coarsenesses of the microstructure, which has an influence at short solution
treatment times. This difference however levels out fast as homogenisation within the
dendrite arms is a rapid process and the continued increase in Mg concentration comes from
dissolution of distant -Fe phases. The increase in Mg concentration during solution
treatment for the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy was also evaluated using the dimensionless diffusion time
and the curves merged when SDAS was used to calculate the radius of the diffusion field, see
Figure 9b. The low Mg concentration is due to the presence of the Q phase as already
wt% Mg
wt% Mg
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 9 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 24 m
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 49 m
Dt/rs2 [-]
SHT time [min]
Figure 9 Increase in Mg concentration the centre of dendrite arms for the Al-Si-Mg alloy as a function
of a) the solution treatment time and b) the dimensionless diffusion time, using the distance between Fe phases to calculate the radius of the diffusion field. Results for the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy is also
included in b), where SDAS was used to calculate the radius of the diffusion field.
The increase in Cu concentration in the centre of dendrite arms for the Al-Si-Cu and Al-SiCu-Mg alloys after various solution treatment times is presented in Figure 10a. The Cu
concentration curves for the different coarsenesses of the microstructure in Figure 10a merge
into one curve when plotted versus the dimensionless diffusion time when the distance
between Al2Cu phases is used to calculate the radius of the diffusion field, see Figure 10b. The
Cu concentration increases a little faster for the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy compared to the Al-Si-Cu
alloy for the intermediate microstructure for solution treatment times up to 1 h, as can be
seen Figure 10a. The faster increase remains in Figure 10b and the distance between Al2Cu
phases is excluded as an explanation. A higher diffusivity of Cu in the -Al phase when Mg is
present in solid solution can also be dismissed as an explanation for the faster increase in Cu
in the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy as it is only observed for short solution treatment times.
Experimental variations in furnace temperature and heating rate could have caused the
differences observed. The deviations observed are however almost covered by the standard
deviation for the WDS measurements.
wt% Cu
wt% Cu
SDAS 25 m
SDAS 24 m
SDAS 50 m
SDAS 49 m
SDAS 25 m
SDAS 24 m
SDAS 50 m
SDAS 49 m
Dt/rs2 [-]
SHT time [min]
Figure 10 Concentration increase in the centre of dendrite arms for the Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg
alloys as a function of a) the solution treatment time and b) the dimensionless diffusion time, using the
distance between Al2Cu phases to calculate the radius of the diffusion field. The results for the SDAS
10 m samples are excluded to improve the readability of the figures.
Phases that do not dissolve are undesirable, because firstly they may initiate and/or link
fracture and secondly they bind alloying elements, which are therefore not available to
increase the alloy strength by artificial ageing. Iron-containing phases are difficult to dissolve
and are only present in low fractions in the investigated samples, due to the low Fe
concentration of the alloys. A transformation from -Al5FeSi plates into Al7FeCu2 plates was
observed in the Cu containing alloys during solution treatment for the coarser microstructures
(SDAS 25 m and 50 m), which is in agreement with literature [48, 70]. An AlCuFeSi
phase was observed for the finer microstructures, SDAS 10 m and 25 m, which seems to be
stable at 495C.
A heat treatment is normally applied to increase the yield strength of the alloy, but the plastic
deformation behaviour will also be influenced.
3.3.1 Yield strength
The age hardening response of the Al-Si-Mg alloy is high and fast, compared to the Al-Si-Cu
alloy which has a low and slow age hardening response, see Table 3. When both Mg and Cu
are present the highest age hardening response is obtained. In Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys either the
phase or the Q phase may form, or a combination of them [35, 36]. The Q phase is
reported to shift the position of the peak yield strength towards longer ageing times [36, 39].
In this investigation the time to peak yield strength of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy is longer than
for the Al-Si-Mg alloy, indicating the presence of the Q phase. The formation of the Q
phase may be a consequence of the use of natural ageing prior to artificial ageing [39]. A
further difference between the Al-Si-Mg alloy and the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy is that the peak
yield strength of the Al-Si-Mg alloy is less sensitive to the ageing temperature. It can be seen
in Table 3 that the difference in age hardening response between the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy and
the Al-Si-Mg alloy is smaller for ageing at 210C than at 170C.
The coarseness of the microstructure did not have a large influence on the yield strength when
the solution treatment time was chosen to be long enough to achieve complete dissolution
and homogenisation. For the Al-Si-Mg alloy aged at 170C the difference in peak yield
strength between the coarsest and the finest microstructure was 7 MPa, see Figure 11a. The
solution treatment time for the coarsest microstructures of the Cu containing alloys was not
long enough, resulting in a lower concentration of Cu in solid solution and a lower yield
strength after artificial ageing, see Figure 11b. The difference in peak yield strength for the
SDAS 10 m and SDAS 25 m samples was 1-7 MPa for ageing at 170C or 210C.
Table 3 Age hardening response and peak properties for the three alloys.
Time to peak
tpeak [h]
YS [MPa]
231 / 11
213 / 12
206 / 4
175 / 6
375 / 1
348 / 1
SDAS 9 m
SDAS 24 m
SDAS 49 m
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 51 m
Artificial ageing time [h]
Artificial ageing time [h]
Figure 11 Evolution of yield strength and elongation to fracture during artificial ageing at 170C for
the a) Al-Si-Mg and b) Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. The lines are added to guide the eye. Note the different
scales on the y-axis for the figure a) and b).
longer ageing times. The formation of small Si particles in the matrix during initial overageing
[73, 74] can be hypothesised to be the cause of the continued decrease in elongation to
fracture during initial overageing.
Samples of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy having the finest microstructure reach or are close to
reaching necking, while samples of the coarser microstructures fracture before necking. The
elongation to fracture for the finest microstructure of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy shows the
expected behaviour and increases directly after the peak aged condition when the yield
strength decreases, see Figure 11b. The two coarser microstructures of the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy
have a low elongation to fracture, around 1%, for ageing times between 10 h and 100 h at
170C. These ageing times correspond to the highest yield strength. The high yield strength
in combination with larger brittle phases and defects in the coarser microstructures, compared
to in the finest microstructure, is thought to cause the low elongation to fracture. An increase
in elongation to fracture for the coarser microstructures is obtained when the yield strength
has decreased significantly.
The Al-Si-Mg alloy in the underaged condition has a better combination of yield strength and
elongation to fracture compared to the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy, see Figure 12. Al-Si-Mg alloys are
therefore preferable to Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys, as long as the Al-Si-Mg alloys can reach the
required strength.
Al-Si-Mg SDAS 10 m
Al-Si-Mg SDAS 51 m
Al-Si-Cu-Mg SDAS 9 m
Al-Si-Cu-Mg SDAS 49 m
Elongation to fracture [%]
Figure 12 Correlation between yield strength and elongation to fracture for the Al-Si-Mg and Al-SiCu-Mg alloys. NA = natural aged, UA = underaged, PA = peak aged, OA = overaged.
Mg alloys compared to the Al-Si-Mg alloys is probably due to the higher fraction of obstacles
to the moving dislocations in the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys.
Al-Si-Mg 170C
Al-Si-Cu-Mg 170C
Al-Si-Cu 170C 210C
Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys [77]
Al-7Si-0.55Mg [76]
Yield Strength [MPa]
Figure 13 Relationship between the strain hardening exponent n1 and yield strength.
overageing (Figure 14b), indicating that a mixture of coherent and non-coherent precipitates
form, where the non-coherent precipitates are looped by dislocations contributing to the
storage rate of dislocations. The magnitude of the storage rate is much larger for the Al-Si-CuMg alloy compared to the Al-Si-Mg alloy due to the higher solute concentration in the Al-SiCu-Mg alloy giving a larger density of obstacles to dislocation motion. The Al-Si-Cu alloy
shows a continuous increase in storage rate with ageing time at the underaged condition
(Figure 14c), indicating a presence of a mixture of coherent and non-coherent precipitates.
The storage rate decreases on overageing, indicating that all precipitates are non-coherent.
The number of precipitates decreases on overageing, thereby decreasing the probability for
interaction between precipitates and dislocations and leading to a decrease in storage rate of
0 [MP a]
0 [MPa]
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 9 m
Ageing time [h]
0 [MPa]
Ageing time [h]
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 25 m
SDAS 50 m
Ageing time [h]
Figure 14 Evolution of storage rate of dislocations with ageing time for the a) Al-Si-Mg, b) Al-Si-CuMg and c) Al-Si-Cu alloys. UA = underaged, PA = peak aged, OA = overaged.
The coarseness of the microstructure, SDAS, influences the strain hardening rate, being higher
with a smaller SDAS. The recovery rate is not influenced by SDAS. The storage rate increases
with decreasing SDAS for the Al-Si-Mg alloy (Figure 14a) as a consequence of the shorter
distance for dislocations to move to reach the eutectic where they are blocked [58, 81]. The
storage rate of the Al-Si-Cu alloy (Figure 14c) shows the opposite dependence on SDAS
compared to the Al-Si-Mg alloy. This contradictory result for the Al-Si-Cu alloy is probably
due to the presence of defects influencing the shape of the plastic part of the stress-strain
curves [82] and the region which can be used to derive K and 0.
To be able to model the tensile properties after artificial ageing the evolution of the
microstructure starting from solidification has to be modelled.
3.4.1 Modelling of the microstructure Solidification and solution treatment
Scheil segregation was used to model the concentration profiles in the as-cast condition. It
would have been necessary to include back diffusion to calculate the as-cast yield strength.
Scheil segregation however gives an adequate initial condition for modelling of the solution
treatment. The geometry consists of a number of Mg or Cu rich particles with an interparticle
distance, L, see Figure 15a. The particles are assumed to be spherical and are assigned their
stoichiometric composition. The particles of interest are Al2Cu particles for the Cu containing
alloys and -Fe particles for the Al-Si-Mg alloy. The radius of the spherical diffusion field, rs,
is calculated from the measure interparticle distance, using equation 9. A mesh covering the
matrix i.e. having its left boundary at the particle-matrix interface and its right boundary at
the end of the diffusion field, rs, is introduced, see Figure 15b. Local equilibrium is assumed at
the particle-matrix interface and the concentration, Cint, is obtained from ThermoCalc [9].
Due to symmetry a zero flux boundary condition is used at rs. The geometry of the model
with associated concentrations is summarised in Figure 15c.
The calculation routine for dissolution and homogenisation is as follows:
1. Diffusion in the matrix [rpart,rs] is calculated using Ficks 2nd law and the finite
difference method for a time step t.
2. The total concentration in the matrix is calculated. A new particle radius is calculated
using mass balance.
3. A new mesh is generated between the new radius rpart and rs, and the concentrations are
transferred to the new mesh.
The calculations (step 1 to 3) continue until the particle has dissolved. The boundary
condition at the particle-matrix interface is then relaxed and homogenisation in the matrix is
calculated (i.e. only step 1) until equilibrium is reached.
rpart rs
ri-1/2 ri+1/2
Figure 15 Geometry of the model.
The model gave a good fit for solution treatment of the Al-Si-Mg alloy, see Figure 16a. The
equilibrium concentration predicted by the model, 0.34 wt% Mg, was however slightly higher
than the measured concentration, 0.31 wt% Mg. The discrepancy could be due to lack of the
temperature control of the furnace, or due to the uncertainty in the determination of the Mg
concentration of the alloy using OES or the Mg concentration of the matrix using WDS. To
be able to model the increase of Mg in the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy the solubility of Mg in the -Al
phase at 495C must be known. ThermoCalc predicts a solubility of 0.32 wt % Mg in the Al phase at 495C [9], which is much higher than the measured concentration. Changing the
solubility limit at 495C to 0.25 wt % Mg gave a good fit between measured and calculated
Mg concentrations for the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy, see Figure 16a.
The model was initially not able to predict the concentration increase of Cu during solution
treatment. A higher diffusivity of Cu in the Al-Si eutectic compared to in the primary -Al
phase has been reported by Zhang et al. [83], which is a possible reason for the discrepancy. A
much higher diffusivity in the Al-Si eutectic means that diffusion in the primary -Al phase
will be rate controlling. The measured distance between the Al2Cu phases was therefore
reduced only to include the primary -Al phase. The Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys
contain 7.8 wt% Si and 8.5 wt% Si respectively, which corresponds to microstructures having
about 40 and 35 volume % respectively of primary -Al phase. The agreement between
model and experimental data is very good when a reduced diffusion distance is used, as can be
seen for the Al-Si-Cu alloy in Figure 16b.
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 9 m
SDAS 28 m
SDAS 24 m
SDAS 51 m
SDAS 49 m
wt% Cu
wt% Mg
SDAS 10 m
SDAS 25 m
SDAS 50 m
DCutSHT /(0.4rs)2 [-]
DMgtSHT /rs2 [-]
Figure 16 Comparison between model and the experiments for the a) Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Cu-Mg and
b) Al-Si-Cu alloys.
The intrinsic strength, i, was calculated from the measured yield strength of as-quenched
binary Al-Si samples by subtracting the strength contribution from Si atoms in solid solution
and dislocations.
A linear equation was used for the solid solution hardening, ss, as it gave the best fit to the
data sets found in the literature, see eq. 10.
When modelling the yield strength the dislocations present are the ones formed during
quenching from the solution treatment temperature due to the difference in thermal
expansion between the -Al phase and the Si particles. Equations for composites can be used
to estimate the dislocation density. The strength contribution from dislocations, dis, is given
by eq. 5.
A strain field appears at coherent precipitates due to the difference in lattice constants
between the matrix and the precipitate. Dislocations interact with the strain field impeding
their motion. Coherency strengthening is used to model the strength contribution from
shearable precipitates, in accordance with eq. 11 [5, 53], where kcoh is a constant between three
and four and the constrained misfit parameter. When the precipitates are looped by
dislocations their strength contribution is given by the Orowan equation (eq. 12) [5, 88],
where is Poissons ratio of the -Al matrix.
The present microstructure model calculates an average value for the radius of the
precipitates. In reality the precipitates have a size distribution, which will influence the
strength by a reduction related to the width of the size distribution. Wang et al. [39] has
measured the radius of the precipitates during ageing and found that the standard deviation
was about 0.2 times the average radius. This relation together with the strength relation for a
size distribution derived by Deschamps et al. [51] was used to include a size distribution in
the expression for the precipitates strength, ppt.
When all strength contributions are identified the final step is the choice of a superposition
law. No clear direction is given in the literature about how to treat the situation for yield
strength. Fortunately the choice is not critical for the present model as calibration is used to
determine kcoh and the superposition law will only have a small influence for short ageing
times. A Pythagorean superposition law was used in the present model, i.e. q=2 in eq. 1.
Calibration of the model was necessary as all parameter values are not known exactly, but only
the range they should be within. These parameters were determined through calibration
against the measured ageing curves for 170C and 210C shown in Figure 17a. The
parameters were varied within their specified limits to find the combination giving the
smallest mean square error. The parameters obtained through calibration are the radius of the
precipitates at peak yield strength, the prefactor for coherency strengthening, kcoh, the lattice
misfit and the precipitate-matrix interfacial energy. The result of the calibration is given in
Figure 17a and an example of validation of the model using data from the literature is given
in Figure 17b. The model predicts the strength for the overaged condition well, while the
underaged condition is less well described. The deviation is thought to be due to a too simple
model for the microstructure in the underaged condition, but the strength equations used
should also be reviewed. The influence of a size distribution of the precipitates on the total
strength is shown in Figure 17a. Included in the figure is also the total strength for shearable
and non-shearable precipitates.
YS [MPa]
YS [MPa]
Coherency strengthening
Orowan strengthening
Size distribution
Ageing time [min]
Ageing time [min]
Figure 17 a) Result of the calibration. b) Showing the agreement between modelled and measured
data from the literature for an Al-7Si-0.6Mg alloy aged at four different temperatures [89].
Samples having a large content of a) atoms in solid solution, b) coherent precipitates and c)
non-coherent precipitates, demonstrates three different plastic deformation behaviours. The
ability of the Hollomon, Ludwigson and KM equations to describe these plastic stress-strain
curves is shown in Figure 18.
KM pure metal
Measured True Stress [MPa]
KM pure metal
Measured True Stress [MPa]
KM pure metal
KM non-coherent ppt
Measured True Stress [MPa]
Figure 18 Showing the accuracy of the fit for samples containing large amounts of a) solid solution
(Al-Si-Mg 20 min 170C SDAS 10 m) b) coherent precipitates (Al-Si-Cu-Mg 10 h 170C SDAS 9 m)
and c) non-coherent precipitates (Al-Si-Cu 85 h 210C SDAS 10 m).
The Hollomon equation describes the plastic deformation well when coherent precipitates are
present, see Figure 18b. The Ludwigson equation is needed when a supersaturated solid
solution is present which influences the plastic deformation behaviour at small strains, see
Figure 18a. Neither the Hollomon nor the Ludwigson equation can describe the shape of the
plastic part of the stress-strain curves of the Al-Si-Cu alloy accurately. The complicated shape
is suggested to be due to the presence of non-coherent precipitates. The result of the
Hollomon equation is shown in Figure 18c, but the Ludwigson equation gives similar results.
The recommendation is to use the Hollomon equation, as the Ludwigson equation is more
complicated and does not improve the fit.
The KM model for pure metals gives a good fit for the last part of the curve for all alloys and
heat treatment conditions, while the deviations are larger for small strains. The large deviation
at small strains is however expected as the equations are valid for a homogenous strain
distribution. The KM model for non-coherent precipitates gives an excellent fit to the
measured curve for the Al-Si-Cu alloy, see Figure 18c. The KM model for non-coherent
precipitates improves the fit for small strains compared to KM model for pure metals. It was
noticed that the KM model for non-coherent precipitates can improve the fit also for the AlSi-Mg and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys, compared to the KM model for pure metals, but the fit is far
from as good as for the Al-Si-Cu alloy. This indicates that the use of a linear superposition law
and kD=0 in eq. 7 for shearable precipitates should be reconsidered.
The aim of creating a model for the yield strength of heat treated Al-Si alloys was reached for
Al-Si-Mg alloys. The development of a model for the plastic part of the stress-strain curve has
been initiated with a comparison of different models available in the literature. During the
work towards modelling of the tensile properties of heat treated alloys new knowledge has
been gained concerning the microstructure formation during solidification and its evolution
during heat treatment, and the relation between microstructure and strength.
Solidification (Supplements I, II & III)
The -Fe phase was the main Mg containing phase formed in the Al-Si-Mg alloy. The
fraction of the -Fe phase was observed to increase, while the fraction of the -Fe phase
decreased with increasing solidification rate. The Al2Cu phase was the main Cucontaining phase in the Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. The Q phase formed in
addition to the Al2Cu phase in the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy. These observations are in
agreement with the literature.
The distance between the Mg/Cu rich phases increases faster than the SDAS increases
with decreasing solidification rate. There are however indications that these
observations may be limited to directional solidified samples, while the distribution of
Mg/Cu rich phases is more uniform for equiaxed solidified samples.
The segregation profile of Mg is influenced by back diffusion giving a higher Mg
concentration in the centre of the dendrite arms for a slow solidification as diffusion is
allowed to take place over a longer time. The segregation profiles for Cu are only
weakly dependent on the solidification rate due to the slower diffusivity of Cu
compared to Mg in the -Al phase.
Solution treatment (Supplements I, II & III)
ThermoCalc can predict the solubility limit of Si at the solution treatment temperature
well. Furthermore the stability of the phases in the Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Cu alloy is
correctly predicted. For the Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy a too high solubility of Mg in the -Al
phase at 495C was predicted.
The time needed for dissolution and homogenisation is strongly dependent on the
coarseness of the microstructure. As an example; 10-30 min. at 495C was sufficient to
achieve complete dissolution and homogenisation for the finest microstructure of the
Cu-containing alloys, while more than 10 h was needed for the coarsest microstructure.
The distance between Mg/Cu rich phases is measured and used as an input to the
solution treatment model. By investigating the position of the phases in the
microstructure by for example grain boundary etching, the distance between the phases
could in the future be modelled. The measured distance between the phases should also
be compared with equiaxed solidified samples to see if there is a difference.
Back diffusion can be included in the model to predict the yield strength for the as-cast
Solution treatment
The reported high diffusivity of Cu in the Al-Si eutectic should be verified by solution
treatment of a eutectic Al-Si-Cu alloy or a binary Al-Cu alloy.
To widen the alloys the model can handle the phase diagram of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys
need to be studied.
Quench and natural ageing is not included in the present model. A rapid quench and
no natural ageing are assumed. Quench and natural ageing is however known to
influence the shape of the ageing curve and should be included in the model.
Artificial ageing
Experiments are needed to determine which are the parameters that influence the
fractions of the and Q phases formed during artificial ageing in order to be able to
develop a yield strength model for Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys.
The modelling of yield strength for the underaged condition of the Al-Si-Mg alloy
needs further attention, for example to see if small clusters could be introduced in the
model instead of Mg and Si atoms in solid solution.
If mathematical relations between the parameters (0, , K) in the KM strain hardening
theory and the microstructure (solid solution concentration, fraction and radius of
precipitates) can be derived for various alloy groups a model for plastic deformation of
defect free alloys can be developed. The UTS and elongation to fracture can then be
derived using Considre's criterion for necking.
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Supplement I
Supplement II
Supplement III
Supplement IV
Supplement V
Supplement VI