The Protection of The Family and Its Members - CI Joint Statement at The HRC Regular Session of Sept 2014

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Protection of the Family

and Its Members

Joint Statement at the 27th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights

Council (September 2014) - Panel Discussion on the Protection of the
Family and Its Members, submitted by Caritas Internationalis
(International Confederation of Catholic Charities) and subsequently
affirmed by Association Points-Coeur, Associazione Comunit Papa
Giovanni XXIII, Caritas in Veritate Foundation, Company of the Daughters
of Charity of Vincent of Paul, Edmund Rice International, International
Association of Charities, International Catholic Child Bureau, International
Institute of Mary Our Help of the Salesians Sisters of Don Bosco IIMA, New
Humanity, Pax Romana (International Catholic Movement for
Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of
Catholic Students), VIDES International (International Volunteerism
Organization for Women, Education, Development), and
World Union of Catholic Womens Organisations.

Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation of Catholic Charities), Associazione Comunit Papa Giovanni XXIII, the Caritas in Veritate Foundation, the
Company of the Daughters of Charity of Vincent de Paul, Edmund Rice International, International Association of Charities, International Catholic Child Bureau, International Institute of Mary Our Help of the Salesians Sisters of Don
Bosco IIMA, New Humanity, Pax Romana (International Catholic Movement for
Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of Catholic Students), VIDES International (International Volunteerism Organization for
Women, Education, Development), and the World Union of Catholic Womens
Organizations welcome the Resolution A/HRC/26/11 on the Protection of the Family, particularly in view of the central role of this institution as the fundamental
group of society and the natural environment for the growth and wellbeing of all its
members and particularly children1. The spirit of the Resolution proclaiming this fact
echoes the words of Pope Francis, the family is the fundamental cell of society,
where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another.2
It is true that todays families are burdened by many social and cultural challenges,

Domestic and external violence;

The global economic crisis and its resultant structural poverty for increasing
numbers of families throughout the world;

Long-term unemployment;

Migration for economic survival or to seek refuge due to threats on the lives or
wellbeing of family members;

Chronic or life-threatening illnesses; and

Exploitation of minors for sexual abuse or forced labor.

Despite these serious challenges, the family has been and remains a source of
strength and security for its own members. For this reason, the co-signers find it
most regrettable that many States and some United Nations agencies portray this
key social institution more as a problem than as a resource. The fact is that the
family is a source of wealth, an irreplaceable good for children, an indispensable and
vital foundation for society a whole and for local communities.
The Panel Discussion on the Protection of the Family and Its Members has the opportunity to address the implementation of States obligations in protecting the
family and its members. Moreover, it gives an opportunity to refocus on the role of
families in development; take stock of recent trends in family policy development;
share good practices in family policy making; review challenges faced by families
worldwide and recommend solutions3.

Resolution A/HRC/26/11 adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council on June 25, 2014.
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, para. 66, November 24, 2013.
Message of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Economic and Social Council in
occasion of the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family,

The importance of the family for the life and wellbeing of society entails a particular
responsibility for national governments and international institutions. Since the family functions as a middle ground between the individual and society, families have
the right to be able to rely on an adequate family policy on the part of public authorities4. Many States, however, have failed to fulfil their responsibilities to adequately
protect families, particularly in the case of those families that face serious difficulties.
As a result of the economic crisis, for example, single parent families and those with
more than two children are most susceptible to poverty5.
The co-signing organisations believe, therefore, that States must enact and implement family-friendly policies that recognize and promote the capacity of strong
family bonds, the birthright of all humanity, to serve as a source of social capital and
stability to the wider fabric of the universal human family.
However, equal importance should be given to the family unit itself and to all its
members. The dignity and rights of each and every members of the family, from the
child in the womb to the oldest or most frail relatives, should be affirmed, upheld,
and guaranteed. Such protection of individual family members reaps wider social
benefits in the community-at-large, which finds an innate and vital expression in the
The family comes first in the hearts of the worlds people and continually exhibits
much greater vigour than the many forces in todays society that try to threaten or
even eliminate it. The co-singing organisations stand firm in their support of such
vigour, and plan to constantly advocate for better protection and support of the
family and all its members as the fundamental unit of society.


Charter of the Rights of the Family, Article 9.

Caritas Europa, Family Is A Fundamental Pillar of Social Welfare and Should Be Supported In Times of
Crisis, May 15, 2013.

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