The 10 Deadly Health Myths of The 21st Century
The 10 Deadly Health Myths of The 21st Century
The 10 Deadly Health Myths of The 21st Century
Copyright 2004 Golden Keys Mentoring Group, LLC
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Everything youve ever been told, taught, or believe about disease prevention may be dangerous to your
How can I make such an outlandish statement without even knowing you or your background?
Well, first of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Jason Blackston, and I reside in Beaufort,SC. Ive been part of and
witnessed a true revolution when it comes to the current state of our healthcare system. The truth needs to be told,
because your life may depend on it.
Let me explain. Ive decided that its so important that you understand the truth (and the myths as well) that I have
made available this free report so you can educate yourself and make the best possible decisions when it comes to you!
Are you guilty of believing any of the Top Ten Myths of 21st Century health? You may be surprised
I sincerely hope you read and value this information because it truly can change your life. Information is power. You
have the right to know.
Jason Blackston
[email protected]
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This, perhaps, is the most widely believed myth in the wellness field today. Yes, absolutely, you need to supplement
your diet with vitamins on a daily basis. However, here are the problems:
1. Well over 90% of vitamins on the market today are NOT fully absorbed by the body. This means that the whole
reason for taking them is nullified! What is the point of taking a vitamin that will just go right through you?
If you don't believe me, just ask anyone working for the local sewage plant about the "tablet" bricks that exist
in the fecal material that are essentially undigested vitamins!
2. Vitamins should only be a PART of your core wellness plan, and never should they be the only aspect of your plan
using supplements.
We realize purchasing a good, solid multi-vitamin in the marketplace can be extremely complicated.
Your vitamin NEEDS to meet the following criteria before you even consider a vitamin purchase:
1. A food based, all natural, vitamin so your body can actually absorb and utilize all of the components.
Most vitamin/mineral combinations are created with isolated nutrients that the body may not use.
2. One that dissolves in your body! (Most don't!)
3. One that is scientifically formulated, standardized and stabilized.
4. When you take your vitamin/mineral, you can do it on an empty stomach without feeling stomach distress
or an after taste.
Here is a test you can do to see if your vitamin dissolves. Take 8 ounces of warm water, 8 tablespoons of distilled white
vinegar (to simulate your stomach acid) and drop your vitamin tablet in the mix. How long does it take your vitamin to
dissolve? Does it even completely dissolve? We recommend vitamins that dissolve mostly within the first 15 minutes.
Later on in this free report, we'll let you know our choice when it comes to food-based vitamins that passed our strict
dissolve test!
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This, of course, is also a huge myth that has been perpetuated (on you) by the health care industry and the
pharmaceutical giants who naturally have a lot of power in terms of money and influence in government policy.
Did you realize that pharmaceutical - related deaths from properly prescribed drugs has been the 3rd largest KILLER in
the United States for the last dozen or so years? Don't you find it interesting how that little known fact is somehow
overlooked when all you hear about is Cancer and Heart Disease?
Have you been noticing an increasing number of stories in the media these days about the dangers of certain drugs:
what's unsafe about hormone replacement medicines, anti-depressants, statin drugs and how few drugs are even
effective at alleviating symptoms? We all need to be aware of what's going on here!
Want to read the truth about the life long effects of anti-depressants? Pick up Prozac Backlash by Dr. Joseph
Glenmullen, a Harvard clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Here are one reviewer's comments:
"an important, deeply troubling examination of the
means by which these drugs have become so widely
disseminated, and the possible long-term toll they may
take As readable as it is alarming." -Janet Maslin,
The New York Times.
In case you haven't been following some of the press coverage recently, here's some excerpts from a recent health
news article (This came after the FDA in March began to issue warnings about antidepressants prescribed for children):
Health & Lifestyle News -5/17/04
Spending Soars for Kids' Behavior Drugs
TRENTON, N.J. - As more children pop pills for
attention deficit and other behavior disorders,
new figures show spending on those drugs has
for the first time edged out the cost of
antibiotics and asthma medications for kids.
A 49 percent rise in the use of attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder drugs by
children under 5 in the last three years
contributed to a 23 percent increase in usage
for all children, according to an annual
analysis of drug use trends by Medco Health
Solutions Inc.
"Behavioral medicines have eclipsed the other
categories this year," said Dr. Robert Epstein,
Medco's chief medical officer. "It certainly
reflects the concern of parents that their
children do as well as they can."
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Look at what appeared in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) in 1998:
Medications, potentially life-saving when used
against illness, also can be dangerous and
sometimes lethal. In this analysis the
investigators determine the proportion of
patients hospitalized in the United States who
are affected by serious or fatal drug reactions
defined as a noxious, unintended, or undesired
effect of a drug that occurs at therapeutic
doses. The overall rate of serious adverse drug
reactions (ADR's) was 6.7% of hospitalized
patients. The authors estimated that in 1994
overall 2,216,000 hospitalized patients had
serious ADR's and 106,000 had fatal ADR's,
making these reactions the fifth leading cause
of death.
JAMA. 1998;279:1200 and 1216
Check out an article at this site, which has
won international awards for valid health
information and education.
Here's a little excerpt from the article adverse drug reactions:
A recent analysis of 39 prospective studies in hospitals revealed
an extremely high incidence of adverse drug reactions. Even when drugs
were taken inthe hospital under doctors' directions, there were more
than two million adverse reactions, many of which contributed to patient
deaths. The authors of thisstudy concluded that adverse drug reactions
ranked consistently between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death
in the U.S.21 Newer drugs are particularly risky, since they have yet to
be tested on a large population. Ten percent of new drugs released over
the past 25 years subsequently acquired "black box" warnings (indicating
adverse drug reactions) or were withdrawn from the market because of safety
concerns. Half of these withdrawals occurred within 2 years of launch. The
authors acknowledge that "innovative new therapies are important, but when
safe and effective therapies already exist, any new drug should be
considered a black box".22
Very interesting read huh? As the saying goes,"everything is not as it appears" and that could not be truer in the case of
perceived value with pharmaceutical drugs. Think about it, how could something toxic that will make you literally SICK if
you took it when you're healthy be the answer for your long-term health?
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It's clear the marketplace is making a shift away from Pharmaceutical drugs. If you truly believe pharmaceuticals are the
way to go, take a look at (I highly recommend you research) what some of the more enlightened doctors are saying
1. "The cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs
physicians superstitiously give in order to effect
a cure."
- Charles E. Page, M.D.
2. "Medicines are of subordinate importance because of
their very nature they can only work symptomatically."
- Hans Kusche, M.D.
3. "If all the medicine in the world were thrown into
the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity"
- O.W. Holmes, (Prof. of Med. Harvard University)
4. "Drug medications consists in employing, as remedies
for disease, those things which produce disease in well
persons. Its materia medica is simply a lot of drugs or
chemicals or dye-stuffs in a word poisons. All are incompatible
with vital matter; all produce disease when brought in
contact in any manner with the living; all are poisons."
- R.T. TraIl, M.D., in a two and one half hour
lecture to members of congress and the medical profession,
delivered at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington
5. "Every drug increases and complicates the patients
- Robert Henderson, M.D.
6. "Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the
voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger
signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any
poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on
even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear,
but the patient is left in a worse condition, though
unconscious of it at the time."
- Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.
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Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. Doctors today are hard pressed for time and most don't have the time and
could NOT possibly educate themselves on all of the new discoveries that are literally coming out daily. Most doctors are
not educated on nutrition, but rather trained on drugs by the pharmaceutical companies and their representatives. Have
you been reading over the last couple of years some of the amazing stories in places like the Wall Street Journal
exposing the vacations, travel incentives, etc. that the pharmaceutical companies provide as part of their "education and
marketing" to physicians? Are you alarmed?
Here's an excerpt from a recent article in the New York Times - indicating the whistle is being blown again on the
As Doctors Write Prescriptions, Drug Company Writes a Check
Published: June 27, 2004
The check for $10,000 arrived in the mail unsolicited. The doctor who received it from the drug maker Schering-Plough
said it was made out to him personally in exchange for an attached "consulting" agreement that required nothing other
than his commitment to prescribe the company's medicines. Two other physicians said in separate interviews that they,
too, received checks unbidden from Schering-Plough, one of the world's biggest drug companies.
"I threw mine away," said the first doctor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of concern about being
drawn into a federal inquiry into the matter.
Those checks and others, some of them said to be for six-figure sums, are under investigation by federal prosecutors in
Boston as part of a broad government crackdown on the drug industry's marketing tactics. Just about every big global
drug company - including Johnson & Johnson, Wyeth and Bristol-Myers Squibb - has disclosed in securities filings that it
has received a federal subpoena, and most are juggling subpoenas stemming from several investigations.
The details of the Schering-Plough tactics, gleaned from interviews with 20 doctors, as well as industry executives and
people close to the investigation, shed light on the shadowy system of financial lures that pharmaceutical companies
have used to persuade physicians to favor their drugs.
Schering-Plough's tactics, these people said, included paying doctors large sums to prescribe its drug for hepatitis C
and to take part in company-sponsored clinical trials that were little more than thinly disguised marketing efforts that
required little effort on the doctors' part. Doctors who demonstrated disloyalty by testing other company's drugs, or even
talking favorably about them, risked being barred from the Schering-Plough money stream.
Moreover, most doctors are stuck in this medical paradigm of surgery and prescription drugs being the answer to your
health challenges. They're untrained when it comes to using nutritional solutions to help their patients. A generation ago
when we were getting more nutrition from our foods and people were using drugs more sparingly; this wasn't such a
glaring issue.
Drugs clearly are NOT the answer to treating chronic illness!
And this is SERIOUS since the use of drugs by physicians represents a virtual epidemic responsible for killing 250,000
to 500,000 people ANNUALLY.
Hard to believe I know, but it's the truth. Once you see it as such, doors and opportunities to have better health will
open up for you like you won't believe. The key, as you know, is to first recognize the problem. Of Course, I recognize
for some of you reading this book, this is not new to you-just further validation of what you have already understood.
Maybe it's been bothering you for a long time and you've been searching for better solutions.
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It is our goal to assist you to move from this limiting medical paradigm relying on pharmaceuticals, surgeries and other
methods that only conceal the core issues and deal inconsistently with specific symptoms - with horrible and morbid
results to your health - to one with prevention and nutrition that addresses the actual PROBLEM, not the symptom.
We're going to achieve this through this free report and also in our follow up messages that will continue to educate you
on how you can finally make educated decisions when it comes to your health that will put you on the right track!
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WHOA! Well, I hear this one quite a bit, and once again, nothing could be further from the truth
Let's begin by asking the question - "What is healthy eating?"
50 years ago, it was pretty much assumed that most people were getting a good diet. How true that was I don't know,
but now days, the experts say that it is extremely difficult to get proper nutrition. This is not only because of 'fast foods',
but also because most people do not get 9 to 12 fresh fruits and vegetables daily, and those that we do get are
frequently picked before they are ripe and are often prepared in a way that destroys their nutrient value.
Much of the food we eat is grown on land that has been farmed for many years. Fertilizing with 3 common elements can
make a pretty good-looking fruit or vegetable, but the 4-5 dozen trace elements that should be in the plant are missing
because they have not been added back to the soil.
Let's just use the example of the part of your diet that comes from fruit and vegetables. It does not MATTER even if you
are eating 9 to 12 fresh fruits and vegetables daily! Any nutritionist will tell you the reason you should eat fruits and
vegetables is for their "phytonutrients" or "phytochemicals".
Unfortunately, the amount of phytonutrients that are present in today's fruits and vegetables is drastically lower than
what it was 50 yrs ago - and our bodies are paying the price!
The answer is you need to supplement your diet in a way that replaces those phytonutrients we are missing in our
modern day diet! Don't cut your body short of what it needs.
Would you let your car go 50,000 miles without an oil change? Of course not! Don't do the same thing to your body by
not giving it the phytonutrients it needs! And of course, there are other elements of a healthy diet that are important too
like getting a good ratio of healthy protein and good quality fat with your meals. We won't go over all the important keys
about diet right here. But know that this is something we can address with you, helping you to make healthy choices.
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Yes, I have heard this one quite often! Don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with "feeling healthy!" However,
feeling healthy and actually being healthy may be two very, very different things. Have you ever heard about some of the
basketball players and marathon runners who looked to be in the peak of health and dropped down dead? Ever thought
about the fact that people degenerate over time and may not be aware of severe health issues? The reality is that our
bodies are very forgiving and adapt to so many stresses. Yet, sometimes, there's no warning before sudden death or
critical illness.
Let's just take a hard look at the facts and what you are facing in today's world:
A man's chances of getting cancer during his lifetime are now 48% (almost half) and a woman's chances
are now 38%.
In 1900, 5% of the US population died of heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. Today, 95% of us will die
from any combination of these causes.
In the last 20 years, in spite of billions of dollars spent on research, cancer has moved from the number
8 killer of Americans to the number 2 killer.
Every year over 500,000 women feel fine before being diagnosed with breast cancer. Over 40,000 of these women
die in the US alone every year. Many women have gone to their doctor saying, "This can't be happening to me I feel fine!"
For 63% of the women with heart disease, and 50% of the men, a fatal heart attack is their first symptom.
For the last 2 years, the #1 cause of death in people under age 30 in the U.S. has been cancer.
50 years ago, heart disease & cancer were not in the top 20 causes of death in any age group.
50 years ago, there were no pediatric oncologists (children's cancer specialists) because there was no need.
Cancer ranked as the #8 killer in 1985, and is #2 now.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the world's cancer rate is predicted to increase by 50% by the
year 2020.
You may be telling yourself there is NOTHING you can do about all of these "recent" changes in our health over the last
20-50 years. I know that bad news can overwhelm us and make us feel like we have no healthy choices and don't know
how to recognize good options anyway.
All we need to do is turn back the clock and get the nutrients in our diets our parents and grandparents did 50 years
But, there is one small problem. We CANNOT possibly do it today with our food supply.
Yep, because of soil depletion, pesticides, fruits and vegetables being picked off the vines too early, etc we cannot
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possibly reenact the diets of those 50+ years ago. Not to mention that many of our foods have been genetically altered
and no longer are what we would have called food a generation back.
We CANNOT do it.
However, we CAN supplement our diet in a way so we DO get what they got in their diets 50 years ago!
This is GREAT news! However, you first need to understand what they got, what we need, and how to fill the gap so
you properly prepare your immune system and protect yourself for graceful aging and from all of these killers today.
At the end of this free report we'll assess your situation and recommend a solution that will have you well on your way to
a healthy lifestyle.
Copyright 2004 Golden Keys Mentoring Group, LLC
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Carbohydrates certainly have taken quite a beating over the last few years, and for the most part rightfully so.
Consuming high levels of (refined) carbohydrates, grains and sugars is NOT good for your overall health. Been reading
about all of the low carb diets out lately? They're all about cutting down on these starchy foods, right? And we think
that's a good shift as well.
However, I would guess 90-95% of most people interested in living and feeling better do NOT understand there are 8
ESSENTIAL SUGARS that are absolutely necessary for proper cellular function within the body. This is some of the
most surprising and important news you may have heard in the last 20 years so, read this next part carefully and
prepare to shake up some of your beliefs!
Normally, we would get these eight sugars from our diet, however, for many reasons, we only get 2 of the 8 we need!
Some reasons these essential nutrients are missing from our 21st century diets are: depletion of our soil, processing of
food, fruits and vegetables being picked off the vines before they ripen, use of pesticides, etc etc.
The Discovery of the 8 Essential Sugars
Here's what happened: Over the years, our electron microscopes became more and more powerful. These single chain
carbohydrates became visible for the first time and their vital functions became known only a few years ago! Thus the
birth of the huge new category of science called Glycobiology!
All Sugars are Not Created Equal - The Golden Age of Glyconutrition
Simply stated, the Greek word Glyco refers to "sweet." Hence, a glyconutrient is a biochemical that contains a sugar
molecule. The prefix 'glyco' can be placed in front of a fat, protein, or any molecule and suggests that a sugar is
attached. Glycobiology is the study of the sugar portion of these proteins and fats.
Glycoprotein = Sugar attached to a protein
Glycolipid = Sugar attached to fat
Glycoform = Any sugar form
The "Sweets" That Are Good for Us
Only certain sugars are glyconutrients. For example, sucrose is not a glyconutrient. Sucrose is the "sweet" with which
we are most familiar, but it also happens to be the worst for our health. Sucrose is refined white (table) sugar and is
being dangerously overused. The average American's consumption of sugar has shot from 5 lbs. in 1900 to 163 lbs
today. Refined sugar is nothing but empty calories, has no nutrient value, and does nothing for our health.
While researching, I discovered in Harper's Biochemistry, that there are actually over 200 carbohydrate
monosaccharides in nature and they are ALL called sugars. Only a few of these, however, can be considered 'necessary
biologically active sugars.' Heralded as the vital missing link in our diets, researchers have identified up to 8 specific and
3 metabolic intermediate biological sugars that most of us fail to obtain through our diets. In fact, the average American
diet only supplies two of these sugars, creating what may be the most potentially serious nutrient deficiency we face.
Just as there are essential proteins called amino acids and essential fats called fatty acids, glyconutritionals are the
newly discovered class of necessary carbohydrate nutrients. The "healthy sweets" we do need are as follows:
Glucose is readily available in our diets (converted from white sugar, fructose, and starchy foods) and in most cases is
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oversupplied in the form of sugar cane, rice, corn, potatoes, wheat, etc.
Galactose is readily available in our diets. It is obtained from the conversion of lactose (milk sugar) and is also easily
obtained from dairy products UNLESS you suffer from lactose intolerance or are a vegetarian who does not eat dairy
Fucose is not readily available in our diets but is readily found in breast milk, astragalus herb, and in several medicinal
mushrooms. It has numerous well-documented benefits for the immune system and has been shown to inhibit some
cancer growth and metastasis.
Mannose is not readily available in our diets. The most popular source is Aloe Vera. It is however, very unstable and
must be taken fresh from the plant or properly standardized to be of any benefit. It plays a profound role in cellular
interactions and has even been known to lower blood sugar levels. It is absolutely vital to proper immune defenses
against microbial invaders and has a natural and powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
Xylose is not readily available in our diets. It is often seen in sugarless gums, candies, etc. in that it has a sweet taste
but does not cause tooth decay. It has recently been added to nasal sprays and appears to discourage the binding of
allergens and pathogens to mucous membranes. It also has known anti-bacterial and fungal properties and may help
prevent certain cancers.
N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid is not readily available in our diets but is another sugar that abounds in breast milk and
dramatically impacts brain function and growth. It, too, boosts immune function and has documented anti-viral actions.
Interestingly, in certain disease states, the ability to digest this sugar is impaired.
N-Acetyl-Glucosamine is not readily available in our diets. It is particularly beneficial for cartilage regeneration and
joint inflammation. Glucosamine, a well-known natural medicine for arthritic conditions comes from this sugar compound.
It has many more therapeutic effects and deficiencies or malfunctions of this sugar have been linked to diseases of the
N-Acetyl-Galactosamine is not readily available in our diets. It is the least known of the essential sugars although it
appears to inhibit the growth of some tumors and, like the other sugars, plays an individual role in keeping cellular
messages clear and promptly delivered.
These sugars are so important to our health, that Mother Nature has made provisions to ensure we begin them early on
in life. Breast milk contains all of the essential sugars mentioned above. Emerging research continues to support how
important breast-feeding is to human development - both short term and long term. Initial feeding with breast milk
nourishment most positively affects immune function and brain development.
Here's the bottom line: Not all carbs are bad for you. In fact, if you don't supplement your diet with these 8 essential
sugars you are not giving your immune system the proper tools with which to fight off all of the harmful things we
inevitably face today!
What's the answer?
Well, science has proven that our bodies need 8 essential sugars (or "glyconutrients") so our cells can properly
communicate and do their job. We only get 2 from our modern day diet.
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What's the Secret For Living A Longer, Healthier Life? Increase Your Intake of Antioxidant Nutrients.
We can't stop the clock from ticking. But for millions of people, the challenge has become not just living longer, but living
better. The key is understanding nutritional strategies that protect the body and prevent disease.
Like an old-fashioned Western, the prevailing theory about body chemistry features molecular bad guys ("free radicals")
and good guys ("antioxidants".) Free radicals break down tissue, injure cells, age the body's organs and set the stage for
disease. The good guys, antioxidants, are the body's peacekeepers and protectors. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals,
thus slowing the aging process and helping the body resist disease. In order to live longer, healthier lives, we need to
increase our intake of antioxidant nutrients.
It's important to live a healthy lifestyle and to avoid excessive stress, which studies show actually increases free-radical
production in the body. Millions of people also take vitamins, minerals and herbs to insure that they are getting enough
antioxidant nutrients. Be sure that the supplements you take are ones that are scientifically proven to be well absorbed
and utilized by your cells, otherwise, you are wasting your money and jeopardizing your health. The Dietary Supplement
Information Bureau recommends the following:
Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients
Vitamin C provides antioxidant, anti-aging protection to every cell in the body and greatly benefits the immune system.
Research shows Vitamin C reduces risks of cardiovascular disease, cataracts and several forms of cancer. Probably the
most extensively studied vitamin, Vitamin C has been shown to be of value in preventing and treating over 100
Vitamin E protects the body from free radical damage (especially tissues, organ systems and the brain) and protects
the immune system. Studies suggest it reduces the risk of such major chronic degenerative diseases as atherosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries), diabetes and cancer.
Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene - Vitamin A helps regulate reproduction, growth and vision, supports integrity of the skin
and mucous membranes, maintains health in the cells that line glands, ducts and organs and is a key immune support
and anti-cancer nutrient.
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is a highly regarded anti-aging nutrient. It also has been shown to protect
against prostate cancer.
Coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10) - a vitamin-like nutrient found in nearly every cell, CoQ10 is a key fat-soluble antioxidant
essential for generating energy for metabolism. It is especially valuable for preventing cardiovascular disease and has
been called a "scientific breakthrough" in the treatment of chronic heart failure.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) - neutralizes free radicals in cell membranes, improves nerve function, aids insulin in
regulating blood sugar and may prevent cataracts. It also recycles other antioxidants like Vitamin C and E.
Hawthorn - Modern research shows that hawthorn enhances circulation and normalizes both high and low blood
pressure. Used widely in Europe to treat heart failure, hawthorn relieves angina and improves circulation to the
extremities, strengthens the heart and helps fight arterial plaque.
Green Tea - The antioxidants in green tea are believed to help lower cholesterol and protect cardiovascular health.
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Green tea fights intestinal infections, supports the immune system, prevents cavities, and protects red blood cells from
free radicals.
The bottom line is you will not get these antioxidants from our modern day diet. You need to supplement your
diet with antioxidants that have been PROVEN to work in the body and do their job acting as the peacekeeper in
protecting your tissues from harm.
The Antioxidant Miracle, Your Complete Plan for Total Health and Healing, published in 1999, his first book for a lay
audience, Dr. Lester Packer presents his evidence - much of it discovered at the Packer Laboratory at the University of
California at Berkeley and his 50 years of research in this area - that there are significant health benefits that
antioxidants can offer. At the heart of Packer's theories is the notion that single antioxidants may be powerful, but that
these compounds work more effectively as a team. Some quotations from the book:
"More than 70% of People will die PREMATURELY from diseases caused by or compounded by deficiencies of
"It is virtually impossible to get the optimal amount of antioxidants from food alone."
"Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors of nearly every known disease. By controlling free
radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how
well we age. There is overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrating that those of us who eat a diet rich in
antioxidants and take antioxidant supplements will live longer, healthier lives."
We'll help you out at the end of this book with some exciting news about how to choose the right combination of
nutrients in order to make an effective antioxidant mix that will help turn back your clock or slow it down! Many solutions
on the market don't meet the standards for stability. Many suppliers have produced solutions based on individual
nutrients without doing lab and field standard tests on effectiveness, so follow our lead and you'll be on the right track!
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Toxins exist everywhere! What are they and how can they adversely affect your health? Here is just a glimpse of what
you face NO MATTER where you live!
Pharmaceutical drugs are now showing up in our tap and ground water!!! The first drug was found by accident.
Scientists doing their routine tap water tests for pesticides in Berlin, Germany, found Clofibric Acid, a
cholesterol-lowering drug. The instruments that found it were calibrated to identify pesticides!!... The scientists did not
recognize the pattern, so they took it to a toxicology lab, which readily identified it.
Many other drugs have since been found in our wells and ground water:
Lipid lowering drugs
Chemotherapeutic drugs
Just to name a few
A summary article on 100 cities found identical results (Chemosphere, January1998).
Antibiotics: Stuart Levy, Director of the Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance at Tufts University in
Boston, MA, states:
"Our concentration of antibiotics is 1000 times higher than in Germany, high enough to affect the growth of E-Coli. This
may be causing the bacteria to become medication resistant."
E-Coli has been discovered in the drinking water of some major and minor US cities.
Estrogen: Shane Snyder of Michigan State University found enough estrogen (mostly from birth control pills) in Lake
Mead to cause male fish to produce female egg protein, and to attempt to lay eggs that they were not equipped to lay.
Disbelieving the results, Mr. Snyder repeated his tests 30 times.
Each year the United States produces over 400 billion pounds of synthetic organic chemicals that are all toxic. This is
equivalent to 80 pounds of chemicals per year for every person on the planet. There are currently 55,000 chemical
compounds in production. Of these, less than 1000 are even tested for toxic effects.
Research shows that there are between 300 and 500 toxins in our tissues today that were never found in the tissues of
anyone before 1940. In fact, even the air at the North Pole is polluted with dioxin, one of the worst air pollutants and
cancer causing agents. You are breathing dioxin right now and hundreds of other chemicals that you cannot taste, see
or smell.
Obviously, toxins are GOING to be a part of our lives whether we like it or not. All we can do is make sure our body is
properly cleansing itself of these harmful toxins so they don't stay in our system!
In order for this to happen, your body's cell's need to be communicating properly so they can determine what belongs in
your body and what doesn't!
Makes sense right?
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Unfortunately, most of us today are not getting the proper nutrients to our cells so our body can get rid of these harmful
What's the answer?
Well, science has proven our bodies need 8 essential sugars (or "glyconutrients") so our cells can properly
communicate and do their job. One of the cells major jobs is to rid the body of toxins. These sugars are literally the
alphabet that our cells use to communicate with one another.
They are the alphabet of life! We only get 2 from our modern day diet.
Our recommended complete "glyconutrient" solution can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Also, using a powerful antioxidant and an immune regulator that helps get rid or toxins can really set you up for
protecting yourself!
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Yes, we hear this a lot. Unfortunately, we are seeing many teenagers coming up with illnesses earlier and at a higher
rate than ever before!
Its true, no matter what age you are; your body NEEDS what your body needs. If you are never going to get what you
need from our modern diet, then inevitably your health will pay the price, no matter what age you are.
Here are some important statistics to recognize when talking about age and health:
ALL degenerative diseases are on the rise.
Disease is regularly occurring at younger ages.
Infants and children are contracting catastrophic illnesses at increasing rates.
50 years ago, there were no pediatric oncologists (children's cancer specialists) because there was no need.
The unfortunate truth is disease is increasing at an alarming rate among young people. NO ONE is exempt from being
susceptible to disease!
The quicker you embrace this, the better off you are going to be. Be proactive about your health and give your body
what it needs in order to operate the way Mother Nature intended!
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Out of all of the health myths, this is perhaps the most important one for you to recognize and discard.
The belief that supplements dont make a difference in your overall health is the most deadly belief you can possess in
Heres why: We know NO MATTER what we eat, our diets are not providing the necessary nutrients we so desperately
need in order to maintain great health and allow our bodies to function the way they were meant to.
So, because of that, not only do we need to supplement our diets, but we also need to supplement them with products
that work and are designed to be absorbed in the body just like food would. Here are some facts when it comes this
Many supplements dont work. This is one of the reasons why people have lost faith in using them. Some of the
problems in the supplement marketplace: there is little of the ingredients promised, the supplements are not always
tested or stabilized, many are based on misunderstandings of what is good for the body. Also, many supplements take a
drug like approachFIX THE SYMPTOM. We know thats NOT the best approach. The best way is to supplement the
systems of the body so it can strengthen, repair, and regenerate in a healthy way.
We recommend using supplements that have scientific testing and validation that have a systems approach that simply
put back in the body what weve removed through our modern lifestyle.
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Our Recommendation
Since both disease and health begin at the cellular level, and we know that our cells need eight essential sugars, we
begin by supplementing our diet with those eight sugars. Our recommended glyconutrient product that contains the
eight essential sugars can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Vitamins and Minerals are essential to your everyday health, and its most important to find one that is food based and
assimilates in the body so you get what you need! Our recommended food based vitamin that has been proven to
absorb in the system can be found by CLICKING HERE.
All Antioxidants are NOT created equal. In fact, many of them on the market today have little to no effect in the body!
Antioxidants are very important for protecting your tissues from harm that the free radicals in your body. The highest
levels weve found from an antioxidant in extensive testing can be found by CLICKING HERE.
. Phytohormones also called Phytoestrogens are critical for many functions. Our environment has played havoc with our
ability to manage our hormones, so supplementing is best. Hormonal health is key for cardiovascular health, bone and
tissue vitality, immune system functioning, response to stress, etc. When you supplement in this area, it is important that
the solution be stabilized, standardized, and with the proper co-factors to ensure the nutrients make it through the liver
and the digestion process to be properly utilized in the body. Our recommended hormonal support product can be found
I hope youve enjoyed this free report, and it has you thinking about being proactive about your health.
If youd like to discuss your current options when it comes to supplementing your diet, feel free to contact me at the
information below:
Jason Blackston
[email protected]
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