Btech2010 CS
Btech2010 CS
Btech2010 CS
EN010301 B
Engineering Mathematics II
(CS, IT)
Teaching scheme
Credits: 4
To know the importance of learning theories and strategies in Mathematics and graphs.
Mathematical logic
(12 hours)
(12 hours)
(10 hours)
Lattice as a poset some properties of lattice (no proof) Algebraic system general
properties lattice as algebraic system sublattices complete lattice Bounded Lattice complemented Lattice distributive lattice homomorphism - direct product
Graph Theory
(12 hours)
Basic concept of graph simple graph multigraph directed graph- Basic theorems (no
proof) . Definition of complete graph , regular graph, Bipartite graph, weighted graph subgraph
Isomorphic graph path cycles connected graph.- Basic concept of Eulergraph and Hamiltonian
circuit trees properties of tree (no proof) - length of tree spanning three sub tree Minimal
spanning tree (Basic ideas only . Proof not excepted for theorems)
Module I (7 hours)
Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques
Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds
Module II (6 hours)
Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy
Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings
The information technology industry in India-future prospects
Module III (6 hours)
Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion
Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing
Module IV (5 hours)
National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national
income-difficulties in estimating national income
Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control
Module V (6 hours)
International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism
Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO
decisions on Indian industry
Text Books
1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press
3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India
4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
Communication Skills
To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students
To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social
and professional contexts
To equip them with the components of different forms of writing
MODULE 1 (15 hours)
Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal,
Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of
communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation
Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills
MODULE II (15 hours)
Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix,
affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports
Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal
evaluation for 1 credit.
1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K.
Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007
2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod
Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010
3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House
limited, 2008
4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw
Publishing company limited, 2008
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. M.Morris Mano- Computer System Architecture- PHI- Third Edition-2006
2. M.Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design - PHI -2004
3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Computer Organization-McGrawHillFifth Edition
4. David A.Patterson,John L.Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design-MKArm Edition
5. V.Carl Hamacher,Zvonko G. vranesic,Safwat G.Zaky-Computer OrganizationMcGrawHill-Fourth Edition
6. Behrooz parhami-Computer Architecture-Oxford University Press
7. Naresh Jotwani-Computer System Organisation- McGrawHill
Credits: 4
Objectives:To introduce the principles of Logic Systems and Circuits, thereby enabling the
student to obtain the platform for studying Computer Architecture and Design.
Module 1: (14 Hrs)
Number Systems and Codes:- Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems, Codes- BCD,
Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various Codes.
Switching Theory:- Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De Morgans Theorem, Switching
Functions- Canonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh Map and Quine McClusky Methods.
Reference Books
1. Zvi Kohavi Switching and Finite Automat theory, Tata McGrwHill
2. Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design ,Prentice Hall of India
Floyd T.L. Digital Fundamentals , Universal Bookstall
Biswas N.N. Logic System Theory Prentice Hall of Inia
Leach D. Malvino A.P. & Saha Digital Principles and Applications- Tata McGraw
6. Tau b ,Helbert abd Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics TMH
Credits: 4
_ To impart the basic concepts of discrete integrated electronics
_ To develop understanding about the working and operation of various circuits using
discrete and integrated components
Module I (12hours)
Power supplies: Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers- L, C, LC and _ filters (working
only)- Zener voltage regulator, transistor series and shunt voltage regulator, voltage regulator
ICs, 78XX and 79XX series
Module II (12hours)
Transistor Amplifiers: Bipolar transistor models and characteristics, current and voltage
characteristics, BJT as a switch, BJT circuits at DC, Need for biasing, Q point selection,
Concepts of load line, Bias stability, Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, Small signal operation
and model, transconductance, single stage BJT amplifiers.
Module III (12hours)
Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier, Simplified model, Ideal OP-Amp approximation
and characteristics, Non inverting amplifier, Inverting amplifier, OP-Amp characteristics,
Voltage follower, Difference Amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, Summation amplifier.
Module IV (12hours)
Feedback: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, types of feedback, Effect of
feedback on amplifier performance, Stability of feedback circuits.
Oscillators: Condition for oscillators, General form of oscillator circuit, RC phase shift
oscillators, Wein bridge oscillator using OP-Amp, Working of Hartley, Colpitts and crystal
Module V (12hours)
RC circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine, step, pulse and square
inputs, clipping and clamping circuits, RC integrator and differentiator, Working of astable,
mono-stable and bi-stable multivibraors using OP-Amp, Working of Schmitt trigger, 555
timer and its application.
Reference Books
1. Integrated Electronics Milman , Halkias TMH
2. Microelectronic circuits Sedra , Smith Oxford university press
3. Fundamentals of microelectronics B Razavi - Wiley
4. Design with Op-Amp and analog integrated circuits S Franco TMH
5. Pulse, digital and switching waveforms Milman, Taub - TMH
Credits: 2
1. Familiarisation with computer system compliers, editors and operating systems etc.
2. Familiarisation with office packages
3. Programming experiments in C to cover input output statements, control statements,
functions, string, arrays, Structures, pointers and files.
4. Programes to find factorial, Fibonacci series, palindrome, matrix operations, sort a set of
Credits: 2
Teaching scheme
Credits: 4
Fourier series
( 12 hours)
Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series
Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value
Fourier Transform
( 12 hours)
( 12 hours)
Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation
Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients
Probability distribution
( 12 hours)
Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial
distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting
case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous
distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal
distribution Standard normal curve- its properties
Testing of hypothesis
( 12 hours)
Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples
tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean
chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples
1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd.
2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing
3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill
4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill
5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI
Credits: 4
To provide sufficient knowledge about developing real world projects with object
oriented concepts.
Module I (8 hours)
Introduction to OOP - Evolution of object oriented languages - Need of Objects - Definition
of Object-Oriented Language Classes and Objects Creating and Using Classes and objects
Member functions and variables Constructors multiple and parameterized constructorscopy constructors constructors with default arguments- Destructors.
Module II (13 hours)
Inheritance and Access Control - Member access control in classes Friend functions and
classes Extending classes - Public Private and Protected Inheritance Classification of
Inheritance Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical Hybrid.
Module III (14 hours)
Polymorphism Runtime and compile time polymorphism overloading functions and
operators selecting friend member function for operator overloading - Virtual methods
pure virtual methods Abstract classes - applications of abstract classes.
Module IV (13 hours)
Virtual Destructors Virtual Base Classes - Template- class templates and function
templates- Creating and using templates Namespaces-Dynamic Objects - Dynamic object
allocation - Inline functions. Exception Handling-basics of exception handling-exception
handling mechanism- Throwing and Catching Mechanism-Rethrowing and Specifying
Module V (12 hours)
Data file operations opening and closing files-reading and writing from file-Classes and file
operations-Other object oriented languages Java Object oriented features in Java
Comparison with C++-Object oriented system development-object oriented notations and
graphs-object oriented analysis-object oriented design.
Reference Books
1.. Robert Lafore :Object Oriented Programming in C ++, 3rd Edition, Galgotia Pub, New Delhi
2. E. Balaguruswamy : Object oriented Programming with C++,2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2004
3. Dilkeshwar Pandey,Upendra K Tiwari, Object Oriented Programming with Java, Acme
Learning (Module V), New Delhi ,2010
4. D Ravichandran: Programming with C++ , 3rd Edition ,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
5. Bjarne Stroustrup , The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition..,
6. Randal Albert, Todd Breedlove: C++ ,An Active Learning Approach, Jones And Bartlett
Publishers, New Delhi ,2010
7. Deitel & Deitel, C++ How To Program, Introducing Object-Oriented Design with the UML, 3rd
Edition Pearson
8. Matt Weisfeld: The Object Oriented Thought Process ,3rd Edition,Pearson Education, New
Delhi ,2009
9. Jyoti Singh: Object Oriented Systems & Concepts of C++; Acme Learning, New Delhi,2010
10. Poornachandra Sarang: Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd Edition, PHI, New
11. R. Rajaram, Object Oriented Programming and C++,2nd Edition,,New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi,2007
12. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming with Java, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
13. Bhushan Trivedi, Programming with Ansi C++ ,Oxford Higher Education, New Delhi,2007
Credits: 4
Study of basic data structures Arrays- Structures-Sparse matrix Stacks QueuesCircular queues- Priority queues - Dqueues. Evaluation of expressions Polynomial
representation using arrays.
Module III (12hours)
Linked Lists - Linked stacks and queues - Doubly linked lists Polynomial
representation using linked lists, Garbage collection and Compaction.
Module IV (14 hours)
Sorting methods: Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort,
Heap sort, Radix sort, External sorting methods.
Reference Books
Horowitz ,Sahni & Anderson Freed, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd ed.,
Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009
Rajesh K Shukla, Data Structures Using C & C++ ,Wiley India, New Delhi, 2009
Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein, Aron M Tenenbaum, Data Stuctures using C and
C++, 2nd ed., PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 1996
G. A. V Pai, Data Structures and Algorithms Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Tata
McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008
G. S Baluja, Data Structures Through C, Dhanpat Rai & Co. , New Delhi, 2009
Sartaj Sahni , Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ , 2nd ed., Universities Press,
Hyderabad, 2009
Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++,
Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009
B.M. Harwani, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi, 2010
Brijendra Kumar Joshi, Data Structures and Algorithms in C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010
K R Venugopal, K G Srinivasa, P M Krishnaraj, File Structures using C++, McGraw Hill ,
New Delhi, 2009
ISRD Group, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010
Sudipta Mukherjee, , Data Structures using C 1000 Problems and Solutions, Tata McGraw Hill
, New Delhi, 2010
Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures with C, Schaums Outlines, McGraw Hill , New Delhi,
R Krishnamoorthy & G Indirani Kumaravel, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New
Delhi, 2008
John R Hubbard, Data Structures with C++, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New
Delhi, 2010
Jean Paul Tremblay & Paul G Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications,
2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010
Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures , Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi,
Teaching scheme
Credits: 4
Objectives:To introduce the fundamentals of Analog and Digital Signals ,their properties and
introduce the relevant transforms used in Communication.
To familiarize the core ideas of Communication Engineering which in turn adds to
the study of Computer Communication.
Module 1 (15 hrs):Introduction to Signals:- Continuous Time Signals- Discrete Time Signals- Signal
Operations- Properties of Signals(Periodicity and Symmetry), Frequency Domain Representation
of Continuous Time Signals-Continuous Time Fourier Series(CTFS)- Definition- propertiesExamples, Continuous Time Fourier Transform(CTFT)- Definition- Properties ExamplesConcept of Frequency Spectrum, Sampling- The Sampling Theorem(proof not required)Quantisation
Module 2 (12 hrs):Communication Systems:- Architecture of a Typical Communication System Basic
problems in Signal Transmission - Noise Types of Noise- Internal and External Noise, Cross
Talk- Typical parameters of Communication Systems- Signal propagation Delay, Signal to Noise
Ratio, Attenuation, Bandwidth
Communication Channels:- Twisted Pairs- Coaxial Cables- Fiber Optic Cables- Capacity
of a Noisy Channel- Shannon Hartley Theorem
Module 3: (15 Hrs)
Modulation- Need for Modulation
Analog Modulation- Types of analog modulation- Amplitude Modulation, Frequency
modulation, Phase modulation, Pulse Modulation Schemes- Pulse Amplitude modulation(PAM),
Pulse Width Modulation(PWM), Pulse Position Modulation(PPM), Pulse Code
Modulation(PCM),Delta modulation, Sample problems based on different modulation methods.
Digital modulation;- Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK), Frequency Shift keying(FSK),Phase
Shift Keying(PSK), Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM), Differential Phase Shift
Module 4: (8 Hrs)
Multiplexing(TDM)Multiplexing(FDM)- Wavelength Division multiplexing(WDM)
Switching:- Circuit, Packet and Message Switching Schemes, Case Study:- SONET(
Basic ideas only)- Datagrams and virtual Circuits
Digital Transmission:- Analog to Digital Converter(ADC), Serial and parallel
Transmission- Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Transmissions.
Module 5: (10 Hrs)
Error Correction and Detection;- Line Coding Schemes- Block Coding- Convolution
Coding- Hamming Codes
Transmission Codes:- Different Character Codes- ASCII, EBCDIC, Baudot Code, Bar
Coding, Parity Coding
Reference Books
S.Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 2002
Credits: 4
Reference Books
Credits: 4
Complexity classes- Tractable problems Class P P Complete-Reduction problemContext grammar nonempty-Intractable problems- Class NP NP Complete- Cooks
theorem-Reduction problems-SAT-Clique-Hamiltonian-TSP-Vertex Cover-NP Hard
Reference Books
Credits: 2
To acquaint the students with the Data Structures used in the Computer
Science field.
1) Representation of Polynomials using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Polynomials
2) Representation of Sparse Matrix using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Sparse Matrices
3) Representation of Stacks using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Stacks
4) Representation of Queues using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Queues
5) Representation of Double Ended Queue using Arrays and Linked List
and the different operations that can be performed on Double Ended
6) Representation of Priority Queues using Arrays and Linked List and
the different operations that can be performed on Priority Queues
7) Representation of Binary Trees using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Binary Trees
8) Representation of Graphs using Arrays and Linked List and the
different operations that can be performed on Graphs
9) Infix, Postfix and Prefix conversions.
10) Different Sorting and Searching methods.
11) String representation using Arrays and Linked List and different
pattern matching algorithms
12) Implementation and operations on B-Tree and B+Tree
Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 403 can be substituted.
Credits: 2
EN010501 B
Engineering Mathematics IV
(CS, IT)
Teaching scheme
Credits: 4
(12 hours)
Finite differences
Newtons divided difference formula - Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward
formula Numerical integration Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule
(12 hours)
Z transforms
(12 hours)
Complex integration
(12 hours)
Functions of complex variable analytic function - Line integral Cauchys integral theorem
Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types
of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle
contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis.
MODULE 5 Queueing Theory
(12 hours)
General concepts Arrival pattern service pattern Queue disciplines The Markovian model
M/M/1/ , M/M/1/N steady state solutions Littles formula.
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia,
5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill
C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education Asia, 7th Edition, New
9. Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke K ghosh , PHI Learning, New
Delhi, 2009.
10. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition ,
11. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems, Thomson Course Technology,
7th Edition, 2007.
12. Satinder Bal Guptha and Adithya Mittal, Introduction to Database Management
System, University Science Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
13. Patrick ONeil and Elizabeth ONeil, Database Principles, Programming and
Performance, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition, New Delhi,2010 .
14. Ramon A Mata-Toledo and Pauline K Cushman, Schaums OUTlines Database
Management Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill , New Delhi, 2007.
15. Michel Kifer, Philip M. Lewis, Prabin K .Panigrahi and Arthur Bernstein, Database
Systems An Application Oriented Approach, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition,
New Delhi, 2008.
Credits: 4
Text Books
Reference Books
S.K. Mithra Digital Signal Processing , A Computer Based Approach TataMcGraw Hill
John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms
and Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1997
Credits: 4
Module I (8 hours)
Introduction: Operating System Batch, Multiprogrammed, Time-sharing and Real time
systems Operating system structure Operating system operations
System Structures: Operating system service System calls System Programs System
structure Simple structure, Layered approach Kernel, Shell.
Module II (12 hours)
Process Management: Process concept Process state, PCB Process scheduling
Operations on processes Interprocess communication Multithreading Benefits, Models
Process Scheduling: Basic concepts Preemptive scheduling, Dispatcher Scheduling
criteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple-processor scheduling.
Module III (16 hours)
Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section problem Petersons solution
Synchronization Hardware Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization Monitors
Deadlocks: System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks
Prevention, Avoidance and Detection Recovery from deadlock.
Module IV (14 hours)
Memory Management: Resident Monitor Dynamic loading Swapping Contiguous
memory allocation Paging Basic, Multi-level Paging Segmentation
Virtual Memory Demand Paging Page Replacement algorithms Allocation of Frames
Thrashing Cause of thrashing.
Module V (10 hours)
File System: File concept Access methods Directory structure Directory
implementation Linear list, Hash table Disk scheduling
Case study: Linux system.
Reference Books
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, John
Wiley & Sons Inc, 8th Edition 2010.
2. D M Dhamdhere, Operating Systems A Concept-based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010.
3. Achyut S Godbole, Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2009.
4. Elmasri, Carrick, Levine, Operating Systems A Spiral Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, First Edition 2010.
5. Gary Nutt, Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.
6. Andew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2001.
7. Promod Chandra P.Bhatt, An introduction to Operating Systems Concepts and Practice, PHI,
New Delhi, Third Edition, 2010
8. B Prasanalakshmi, Computer Operating System, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, First Edition,
9. D P Sharma, Foundation of Operating Systems, EXCEL BOOKS, New Delhi, First Edition
10. Brian L Stuart, Operating Systems Principles, Design and Applications, Cengage Learning,
New Delhi, First Edition 2009.
11. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems A Design Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, First Edition 2009.
12. Pabitra Pal Choudhaury, Operating Systems Principles and, Design, PHI, New Delhi, First
Edition, 2009
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. A K Ray, K M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010.
2. Craig Zacker & John Rourke, PC Hardware: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, First Edition, 2001.
3. Barry B.Brey, The Intel Microprocessors, PHI, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2004.
4. Nilesh B. Bahadure, Microprocessors, PHI, New Delhi, First Edition, 2010.
5. K.K Tripathi, Rajesh K Gangwar, Microprocessor and Its Application, Acme Learning,2010
6. Douglas V Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd
Edition, 2006
7. Scott Mueller, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Pearson Education, 17th Edition, 2006
8. Stephen J.Bigelow, Troubleshooting, Maintaining and Repairing PCs, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2001
Credits: 2
Credits: 2
To acquaint the students with the implementation and fundamental algorithms of database
To provide experience on design, querying, and processing of data in a relational
To familiarise the students with 8085,8086,masm programming and various PC hardware
Phase I
1. Familiarization of 8085 training Kit.
2. Simple programs using 8085 Kit.
Phase II
3.Study of MASM Programming.
4.Simple programs in 8086 using MASM.
Phase III.
5.Familiarisation with PC Components.
6.Experiments based on various hardware components.
7.Experiments for communication with peripheral devices using C and MASM
NB: Students should do the experiments in all the phases. External examiner can conduct University
Examinations on any of these phases.
Credits: 4
To develop an understanding about basic algorithms and different problem solving
To improve creativeness and the confidence to solve non-conventional problems and
expertise for analysing existing solutions.
Module I
(13 hours)
Introduction and Complexity
What is an algorithm Properties of an Algorithm, Development of an algorithm, Pseudocode Conventions, Recursive Algorithms Performance Analysis - Space and Time
Complexity Asymptotic Notations Oh, Omega, Theta, Worst, Best and Average Case
Complexity, Running Time Comparison, Common Complexity Functions -Recurrence
Relations Solving Recurrences using Iteration and Recurrence Trees Example Problems
Profiling - Amortized Complexity.
Module II
(11 hours)
Divide and Conquer - Control Abstraction, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Costs
associated element comparisons and index comparisons, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer
Matrix Multiplication, Stressens Matrix Multiplication, Quick Sort, Merge Sort.
Module III
(14 hours)
Greedy Strategy - Control Abstraction, General Knapsack Problem, Minimum Cost
Spanning Trees PRIMs Algorithm, Kruskals Algorithm, Job sequencing with deadlines.
Dynamic Programming - Principle of Optimality, Multistage Graph Problem, Forward
Approach, Backward Approach, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Traveling Salesman Problem.
Module IV
(11 hours)
Backtracking State Space Tree - Fixed Tuple and Variable Tuple Formulation - Control
Abstraction Generating Function and Bounding Function - Efficiency of the method Monte Carlo Method N-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets.
Branch and Bound Techniques FIFO, LIFO, and LC Control Abstractions, 15-puzzle.
Module V
(11 hours)
Sophisticated Algorithms - Approximation Algorithms Planar Graph Coloring, Vertex
cover - String Matching Algorithms Rabin Karp algorithm - Topological Sort Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms.
Lower Bound Theory - Comparison Trees for Searching and Sorting, lower bound on
comparison based algorithms, Sorting, Selection & Merging; Oracles and Adversary
Arguments Merging,Basic concepts of randomized algorithm-Las Vagas algorithm for
Reference Books
1. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer
Algorithms,Universities Press, 2nd Edition, Hyderabad .
2. Thomas Coremen, Charles, Ronald Rives, Introduction to algorithm, PHI Learning
3. Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder , Computer Algorithms Introduction to Design and
Analysis, Pearson Education..
4. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Berman and Paul, Algorithms, Cenage Learning India Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
6. S.K.Basu , Design Methods And Analysis Of Algorithms ,PHI Learning Private Limited,
New Delhi,2008.
7. Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.
8. Hari Mohan Pandey, Design Analysis And Algorithms, University Science Press, 2008.
9. R. Panneerselvam, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, PHI Learning Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2009.
10. Udit Agarwal, Algorithms Design And Analysis, Dhanapat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 2009.
11. Aho, Hopcroft and ullman, The Design And Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2007.
12. S.E.Goodman and S. T. Hedetmiemi, Introduction To The Design And Analysis Of
Algorithms, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore 2000.
13. Richard Neapolitan, Kumarss N, Foundations of Algorithms, DC Hearth &company.
14. Sanjay Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, Algorithms, Tata McGraw-Hill
Credits: 4
Module I (10hours)
Creating & using classes in Java Methods and Classes Inheritance Super Class
Method Overriding Packages and Interfaces Implementing Interfaces- Exception
Handling Exception Types, Threads-Multithreaded programs, Thread Priorities and
Thread synchronization.
Module III (14hours)
I/O I/O Basics Byte Streams and Character Streams, Reading Console Input,
Collections Framework, Applets & Applet Architecture-Applet Skelton- Passing
Parameters to Applet, Event Handling-Event Model- Event Classes Event Listener
Interfaces, AWT AWT Classes AWT Controls Layout Managers and Menus.
Swing- JApplet Jbuttons - JTables.
Module IV (13 hours)
Network Programming with Java Socket Programming in Java-Client SocketsServer Sockets- Secure Server Sockets- TCP/IP Programming with Java Datagrams,
IP multicasting, Remote Method Invocation.
Module V (11 hours)
Reference Books
1) Herbert Schildt, Java 2 Complete reference, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2) Deitel & Deitel Java How To Program 7th ed., Pearson Education ,New Delhi, 2008
3) Cay Horstmann Big Java 3rd ed., Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009
4) Y Daniel Liang Introduction to Java Programming 7th ed., Pearson Education ,New
Delhi, 2010
5) R Krishnamoorthy, S Prabhu Internet & Java Programming, New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi, 2008
6) Rajkumar Buyya, S Thamarai Selvi, Xingchen Chu, Object Oriented Programming
with Java, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009
7) P Radha Krishna, Object Oriented Programming through Java Universities Press,
8) Debasish Jana, Java and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2005
9) G Thomas Wu, An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java,4th ed.,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010
10) E Balagurusamy, Programming with Java A Primer, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2010
11) John R Hubbard, Programming with Java, 2nd ed., Schaums Outlines, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004
Credits: 4
Objectives:To introduce the techniques adopted in the design and implementation of System
Module I (12 Hrs)
Introduction:System Software Vs. Application Software, Different System Software, Macro
Processor, Assembler, Linker, Loader, Text Editor, Debugger, Device Driver, Compiler,
Interpreter[1] Database Management System, Operating System,[2]
Macro Preprocessor
Macro Instruction Definition and Invocation. Types of Macros Parameterised
macros, Nested macros, Recursive macros. Basic functions of Macro Preprocessor Macro
expansion, Generation of unique labels. Macro preprocessor design and Algorithm - Handling
conditional Macro calls, Nested Macro calls and Recursive Macro calls.[Reference (1)] Case Study :
The C Preprocessor [Web- Reference (1) ]
Module - II (15 Hrs)
Assembly Language Concepts Mnemonic Instructions, Assembler Directives and
Literals. Instruction formats and Addressing modes. Program Blocks and Control Sections. Basic
Functions of Assembler. Assembler output format Header, Text and End Records. Assembler
Design 2 Pass Assembler Necessity of two passes and Forward reference. Algorithm for the two
passes. Single Pass Assembler Algorithm for Single Pass assembler. Handling External references
usage of Define and Refer records. Multi pass Assembler, Macro Assembler.[Reference (1)] Case
Study : Microsoft Macro Assembler for MS-DOS [Reference (1), (5)] - Microsoft OBJ file format
(Basic Structure and Important Records Only) [ Reference(2)].
Module - III (12 Hrs)
Linker and Loader
Need for Linking and Loading : The absolute loader, Program Relocation, Relocating
Loader, Linking external symbols. Algorithms for the two passes of a Linking Loader.[References
(2),(3)] Variants of the basic model Automatic Library Search, Linkage Editor, Dynamic Linking.
[Reference(1)] Case study : UNIX ELF and Microsoft DLL (basic structure only).
Module - IV (11 Hrs)
Text Editors : Overview of Editing, User Interface, Editor Structure. [Reference (1)]
Case Study : VI Editor (Basic ideas only)[ Reference (1)]
Debuggers : Debugging Functions and Capabilities, Relationship with other parts of the
system, Debugging Methods- By Induction, Deduction and Backtracking, . [Reference (1) ,(8)] Case
Study : gdb (Basic ideas only)
1. System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming Leland L. Beck, Pearson
Education Asia 3rd Edition.
2. Systems Programming and Operating Systems D.M. Dhamdhere, Tata McGraw Hill
Second Revised Edition.
3. Systems Programming John J. Donovan, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 1991.
4. Writing UNIX device drivers - George Pajari -Pearson Education Asia.
IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming - Peter Abel Third Edition Prentice
Hall of India
Note: separate subjects are provided in the syllabus in the Seventh and Fifth Semesters for the
detailed discussion of the subjects marked [1] and [2] respectively.
Credits: 4
To develop basic knowledge on the mode of operation of different types of computer
networks that are used to interconnect a distributed community of computers and
various interfacing standards and protocols.
Module I (8 hours)
Credits: 4
Objectives:To familiarize the steps in designing a Computer Software System following the
conventions in Engineering Design.
To introduce the fundamentals of Structured and Object Oriented Designs and
Design Tools.
Module I (12 Hrs)
The Evolving role of Software Software The changing Nature of Software Legacy
software ,Introduction to CASE tools, A generic view of process A layered Technology A Process
Framework The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Process Assessment Personal
and Team Process Models. Product and Process. Process Models The Waterfall Model
Incremental Process Models Incremental Model The RAD Model Evolutionary Process Models
Prototyping The Spiral Model The Concurrent Development Model Specialized Process
Models the Unified Process.
Module - II (12 Hrs)
Management: Functions - Project planning - Software productivity - Productivity metrics Cost estimation - COCOMO & COCOMO II - Project control - Work breakdown structures, Gantt
charts, PERT charts - Dealing with deviations - Team organization - centralized, de-centralized,
mixed - An assessment of organizations - Risk management Configuration Management.
Introduction to project management and planning CASE tools.
Module - III (12 Hrs)
Requirements Engineering : Requirements Engineering tasks Initiating the requirements
Engineering Process-Eliciting Requirements Developing Use cases Building the Analysis Models
Elements of the Analysis Model Analysis pattern Negotiating Requirements Validating
Requirements. SRS Document.
Module - IV (12 Hrs)
Design activity & its objectives Function Oriented and Object Oriented DesignModularization techniques - module structure and its representation, interface and information
hiding, categories, specific techniques to accommodate change, stepwise refinement, top-down and
bottom-up design - Handling anomalies. Case Study with UML and CASE Tool support.
Module - V (12 Hrs)
Implementation Techniques - Programming principles and guidelines Structured
Programming. Software Testing Fundamentals-Test Case Design-White-Box Testing-Basis Path
Testing-Control Structure Testing- Black-Box Testing- Various levels of Testing : Modules to
System. Case study : Test case design and Testlog preperation
1. Roger S.Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill
International edition, Seventh edition.
2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008
3. Stephan Schach, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
4. Pfleeger and Lawrence Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, Pearson
Education, second edition, 2001
Credits: 4
CS010 606L02
Credits: 4
Reference Books
Muhammad Ali mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D Mc kinlay , The 8051 microcontroller
and embedded systems,person, second edition., 2006
V Udayashankara,M S Mallikarjunaswamy ,8051 Microcontroller hardware &software
Ajay V Deshmukh,Microcontrollers, theory and applications,TMH
Kennath J Ayala, The 8051 microcontroller., Penram International
1 Satish Shah,8051 microcontrollers MCS 51 family and its variants ,Oxford higher
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. Wilbert O. Galitz,The Essential
Guide to User Interface Design, 2nd Edn., Wiley
2. Ben Shneiderman, Designing the User Interface ,3rd Edn., Pearson Education Asia,Delhi,2002
3. Dan R. Olsen, Human Computer Interaction,Cengage,New Delhi,2009
4. John M. Carroll,Human Computer Interaction, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi,2002
5. Alan Cooper, The Essentials of User Interface Design , Wiley Dreamtech, Delhi,2002
Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
Credits: 4
To provide a fair knowledge of Unix concepts and gain sharp skills in Unix Shell
Module 1. (8 hours)
Introduction to Unix:- Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix , Basic Unix Commands - Unix
Utilities:- Introduction to unix file system, vi editor, file handling utilities, security by
file permissions, process utilities, disk utilities, networking commands - Text
processing utilities and backup
Module 2. (13 hours)
Introduction to Shells:-Unix Session, Standard Streams, Redirection, Pipes, tee Command,
Command Execution, Command-Line Editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job
Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined Variables, Options, Shell/Environment
Customization. Regular expressions, Filters and Pipes, Concatenating files, Display
Beginning and End of files, Cut and Paste, Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with
Duplicate Lines, Count characters, words or lines, Comparing Files.
Module 3. (12 hours)
sed:-Scripts, Operation, Addresses, commands, Applications, grep and sed.
awk:-Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions,
Associative Arrays, String Functions, Mathematical Functions, User Defined
Functions, Using System commands in awk, Applications of awk, grep and sed
Module 4. (15 hours)
Interactive Shells - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH - Shell Features, Special Files, Variables,
Output, Input, Exit Status of a Command, eval Command, Environmental Variables,
Options, Startup Scripts, Command History, Command Execution Process.
Shell Programming - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH Basic Script concepts, Expressions, Decisions: Making Selections, Repetition, special
Parameters and Variables, changing Positional Parameters, Argument Validation,
Debugging Scripts, Script Examples.
Module 5. (12 hours)
Process management:- Creation, Hierarchies, Sending signals to processes, exec, termination,
Zombie, waitpid etc - Network management:- tools, Client server mechanism, address
resolution, ping, telnet, ftp, dns and squid X Window System:- Overview,
Architecture, starting and stopping X, X clients and display
Reference Books
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. Shibu K V, Introduction to Embedded Systems, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009
2. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design, 2nd ed., Tata
McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008
3. Frank Vahid & Tony Givargis, Embedded System Design A Unified Hardware/Software
Introduction, Wiley - India Edition, New Delhi, 2010
4. Wayne Wolf , Computers as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design, , 2nd ed., Elsevier, Gurgaon, 2009
5. Steven F Barrett & Daniel J Pack , Embedded Systems Design and Applications with the
68HC12 and HCS12, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2008.
Credits: 4
and develop of
Reference Books
1. Yashwanth Kanetkar , Visual C++ Programming ,BPB Publications ,New Delhi, 2005.
2. Mike Blaszczals, Professional MFC with Visual C++ 6, 4 Edition, Shroff publishers &
Credits: 2
This lab also explains the allocation of process in the memory with some memory
management techniques.
(Implement the following on LINUX platform. Use C for high level language implementation)
1. Basic UNIX commands
2. Shell programming
- Command syntax
- Write simple functions with basic tests, loops, patterns
3. Write programs using the following system calls of UNIX operating system:
fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir, readdir
4. Write programs using the I/O system calls of UNIX operating system (open, read, write, etc)
5. Write C programs to simulate UNIX commands like ls, grep, etc.
6. Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gantt
chart for FCFS and SJF. For each of the scheduling policies, compute and print the average
waiting time and average turnaround time
7. Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gantt
chart for Priority and Round robin. For each of the scheduling policies, compute and print the
average waiting time and average turnaround time
8. Implement the Producer Consumer problem using semaphores.
9. Implement inter-process communication using shared memory.
10. Implement some memory management schemes
Example for expt 10:
Free space is maintained as a linked list of nodes with each node having the starting byte
address and the ending byte address of a free block. Each memory request consists of the
process-id and the amount of storage space required in bytes. Allocated memory space is
again maintained as a linked list of nodes with each node having the process-id, starting byte
address and the ending byte address of the allocated space.
When a process finishes (taken as input) the appropriate node from the allocated list should be
deleted and this free disk space should be added to the free space list. [Care should be taken to
merge contiguous free blocks into one single block. This results in deleting more than one
node from the free space list and changing the start and end address in the appropriate node].
For allocation use first fit, worst fit and best fit.
Credits: 2
In this practical course, each group consisting of two/three members (four in special cases) is
expected to design and develop practical solutions to real life problems related to industry, institutions and
computer science research. Software life cycle should be followed during the development. The theoretical
knowledge, principles and practices gained from various subjects should be applied to develop effective
solutions to various computing problems. The knowledge gained during various practical subjects to work
with various software tools, Designing tools, programming languages, operating systems, etc. should be
utilized in various stages of development. Structured/ Object Oriented design techniques may be used for
the project. Software Requirements Specification (SRS), Modeling Techniques, Design and Testing
strategies should be documented properly.
A committee consisting of minimum three faculty members will perform the internal assessment
of the mini project. A report on mini project should be submitted for evaluation and project work should be
presented and demonstrated before the panel of examiners.
Credits: 4
Origin and Use of Perl- Scalars and their Operations Assignment Statements and
Simple Input and Output Control Statements- Fundamentals of Arrays HashesReferences- Functions- Pattern Matching File Input and Output Simple programs
in Perl -Using Perl for CGI Programming.
Module IV (12 hours)
Origin and Use of PHP- Overview of PHP- General Syntactic CharacteristicsOperations and Expressions- Control Statements- Arrays- Functions-Pattern
Matching- Form Handling- Files-Cookies-Session Tracking - Simple programs in
Module V (9 hours)
Overview of Rails- Document Requests- Processing Forms- Rails Application with
Databases Layouts.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.
Overview of Ajax Basics of Ajax Rails with Ajax.
Reference Books
1) Robert W Sebesta, Programming with World Wide Web , 4th ed., Pearson Education
,New Delhi, 2009
2) Deitel & Deitel Internet & World Wide Web How To Program 4th ed., Pearson
International Edition Education ,New Delhi, 2009
3) Deitel & Deitel, Nieto, Lin, Sadhu, XML How to Program, Pearson Education ,New
Delhi, 2011
4) Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, Web Technologies Black Book, Dreamtech Press,
New Delhi, 2009
5) Chris Bates, Web Programming Building Internet Applications 3rd ed., Wiley India
Edition, New Delhi, 2009
6) Phil Ballard, Michael Moncur, Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript and PHP,
Pearson Education ,New Delhi, 2009.
7) Achyut S Godbole , Atul Kahate, Web Technologies TCP/IP Architecture and Java
Programming, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi,
8) Pankaj Sharma, Introduction to Web Technology, Katson Books, New Delhi, 2008
9) Bankim Patel, Lal Bihari Barik, Introduction to Web Technology & Internet, Acme
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009
Credits: 4
1.) To introduce the various techniques involved in the translation of source programs into
object programs by a compiler.
2.) To understand the inner working of a compiler using the various data structures used in the
translation process.
Module 1 (12Hrs)
Introduction to compilers:-Phases of a compiler-Analysis and synthesis phases-Lexical
analysis and its role-Review of finite automation and Regular Expressions-Specification of
tokens using regular expressions-Implementing lexical analyzer using finite automationDesign of lexical analyzer using LEX
Module 2 (12 Hrs)
Syntax analyzer-Role of syntax analyzer-Review of context free grammar-derivation and
parse trees-Basic parsing approaches-Top down parsing-Recursive Descent parsing LL(1)
parsing-Bottom up parsing-Shift reduce parsing-Operator precedence parsing-LR parsingSimple LR, Canonical LR and LALR parsers- Design of syntax analyzer using YACC
Module 3 (12 Hrs)
Semantic analysis-Need for semantic analysis-Syntax directed definitions-S attributed
definitions- L- attributed definitions-Translation schemes-Type system and Type checkingDesign of a simple type checker
Storage Management:-Memory allocation strategies (static, stack and heap allocations)Memory allocation in block structured languages-Accessing local and non local data-Array
allocation and access-Procedure calls-Parameter passing methods-Runtime stack and
storage management
Module 4(12 Hrs)
Synthesis phase:-Intermediate Code Generation (ICG)-Need for ICG-IC Formats-3 Address
code-Triples and quadruples
Code optimization:-Need for code optimizer-Basic blocks and program flow graphMachne dependent and machine independent optimizations-Optimization transformationsLocal and global optimizations
Module 5(12 Hrs)
Code Generation-Basic issues in code generation-Data descriptors-Expression treesGenerating target code from expression trees-Symbol table handling-Symbol table
requirements and organization. Error handling-Types of errors-Compile time errors and
recovery-Runtime errors-Runtime Error Handling ,Cross Compilers and Incremental
Compilers(Brief idea only)
Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.
Reference Books
1.) .Aho A Ravi Sethi and J D Ullman, Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools,Addison Wesley
2.) Kenneth C Louden, Compiler Construction Principles and Practice, Cenage Learning
Indian Edition
3.) D M Dhamdhare, System programming and operating system, Tata McGraw Hill & Company
4.) Tremblay and Sorenson, The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing - Tata McGraw Hill &
Credits: 3
Objectives:To understand the basic concepts of Computer Graphics & display techniques.
Module I ( 3 Hrs)
Introduction: Applications of Computer Graphics, Raster scan and Random scan displays [1]
Video Display Devices, Display files graphical input & output devices-Flat panel displays,
Hardcopy Output Devices, Physical Interactive Devices , Data generation devices.[2]
Module II ( 10 Hrs)
2D Graphics: Output primitives-Line drawing algorithms DDA, Bresenhams Bresenhams
Circle drawing algorithm Other curves,polynomials and spline curves-2D viewing
Module III ( 12 Hrs)
3D Graphics: 3D Transformations, 3D display methods, 3D Object Representation Polygon
Surfaces Curved lines and surfaces-Quadric surfaces Spline Representations Cubic Spline
Interpolation Methods-Bezier Curves and Surfaces B-Spline Curves and Surfaces, Sweep
Module IV ( 10 Hrs)
3D Rendering: Three-Dimensional Viewing Projections [3], Visible Surface Detection
Classification of Visible surface detection algorithms Back-face Detection, Depth- Buffer
Method, Scan-line Method. [1,3]
Module V ( 10 Hrs)
Rendering: Surface Rendering Methods- Basic illumination Models Polygonrendering
Methods,Interpolative shading methods-Constant shading, Gouraud shading,Phong shading,
Texture Mapping.[3]
Fractal Geometry Methods Classification of Fractals Self-Squaring Fractals, Ray Tracing and
Ray Casting.[1]
Computer Graphics (C version) - Donald Hearn & Pauline Baker (Pearson Education
Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics David F. Rogers, TATA McGraw Hill
edition-second edition.
Computer Graphics - Zhigang Xiang & Roy A Plastack, Schaums Series McGraw
Hill edition.
Credits: 3
Module 1
(10 hours)
Introduction: object oriented development-modeling concepts object oriented
methodology models object oriented themes-Object Modeling links and associations
advanced links and association concepts generalization and inheritance - grouping
constructs a sample object model
Advanced Object Modeling: aggregation abstract classes generalization as extension
and restriction multiple inheritance metadata candidate keys constraints.
Module 2
(10 hours)
Dynamic modeling: Events and states Operations Nested state diagrams
Concurrency Advanced dynamic modeling concepts A sample dynamic model
Relationship of Object and Dynamic models.
Functional modeling: Functional models Data Flow Diagrams - Specifying operations
Constraints A sample functional model Relation of functional to Object and
Dynamic models.
Module 3
(10 hours)
Analysis: Analysis in object modeling, dynamic modeling and functional modeling,
Adding operations- Iterating the analysis
System Design: Breaking system into subsystems - Identifying concurrency-allocating
subsystems to processors and tasks, managing of data stores. Handling of global
resources- handling boundary conditions-Common Architectural Frameworks
Module 4
(8 hours)
Object Design: Overview of Object design Combining the three models Designing
algorithms Design optimization Implementation of control Adjustment of
inheritance - Design of association Object representation Physical packaging
Documenting design decisions-Comparison of methodologies
Module 5
(7 hours)
Unified Modeling language: Introduction, UML Diagrams Class diagrams, Sequence
diagrams, Object diagrams, Deployment diagrams, Use case diagrams, State diagrams,
Activity diagram, Component diagrams Case Study.
Reference Book
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design -James Rumbaugh, Prentice Hall India
2. UML Distilled Martin Fowler, Addison Wesley
3. Object- oriented Systems analysis and design using UML- 4th ed., Simon Bennet,Stephen
McRobb, Ray Farmer. TMH.
4. Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications - Grady Booch, Pearson Education
Credits: 3
To provide an overview of the key paradigms used in developing modern programming languages.
To explore the implementation details of languages to provide an understanding of the source
program and its execution behavior.
Module I (9 Hours)
Introduction Role of programming languages - Programming domains - Language evaluation
criteria - Influence on language design - Implementation methods - Virtual computers - Bindings Concept of binding.
Module II (9 Hours)
Data types - Implementation of data types - Primitive, User defined Names Variables - Type
checking - Strong Typing - Type compatibility -Scope Lifetime - Referencing environments Named constants Virtualization - Heap management.
Module III (8 Hours)
Expressions , Assignments and Control Structures Arithmetic expressions Assignment
statements-Compound statements - Selection statements - Iterative statements Unconditional
branching Guarded commands.
Module IV (10 Hours)
Subprograms-Fundamentals-Design issues-Local Referencing Environment-Parameter passing
methods Subprogram names as parameters Overloaded Subprograms Generic Subprograms
Separate & independent compilation Design issues for functions Accessing non-local
environments User defined overloaded operators Co-routines.
Module V (9 Hours)
Implementation of Subprograms General semantics of calls & returns- Activation Records
Blocks Recursion
Exceptions and Programming Paradigms - Exception handling in C++, Java, PL/I, Ada ,
Fundamentals of Functional programming language Examples LISP Interpreter -Overview of
Logic programming - Basic elements of Prolog.
q References
1. Robert W. Sebesta , Concepts of Programming Languages 4th Ed,2001.
2. Ravi Sethi Programming Languages-concepts and constructs, Addison Wesley, 2nd
3. Terrence W. Pratt , Programming Languages , Prentice Hall, 9th Ed,1996.
4. Michael L. Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics ,Elsevier, New Delhi,2009.
5. Thomson Learning, Kenneth .C. Louden, Programming Languages: Principles And Practices
, 2nd Ed,2011.
6. Bjarne StroutStrup ,Design and Evolution of C++, Addison Wesley,1991.
7. James Gosling, Java Programming Language , Addison Wesley,2000.
Credits: 4
1. Real Time Systems - C.M Krishna, Kang G. Shini (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Real Time Systems- Jane W.S. Liu(Pearson)
Credits: 4
(14 hours)
(10 hours)
(12 hours)
(12 hours)
2) Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008
3) Pieter Adriaans, Dolf Zantinge, Data Mining, Pearson Education Ltd., New Delhi,
4) Thomas W Miller, Data and Text Mining, A Business Applications Approach,
Pearson Education Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
5) Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, Peter C. Bruce, Data Mining for Business Intelligence,
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi 2009.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer science and Engg.
Credits: 4
To discuss most of the significant data structures and algorithms used in the kernel.
Module I (13 hours)
Basic Operating System Concepts Kernel Types: monolithic, microkernel An Overview
of Unix Kernels-The Process/Kernel Model, Reentrant Kernels Signals sending and
receiving System calls System Call Handler and Service Routines - Interrupts and
Exceptions - Interrupt Handling - The Timer Interrupt Handler.
Module II (13 hours)
Processes - Process Descriptor - Process State, Process relationship Creating Processes Process Termination - Process Scheduling Scheduling algorithm SMP Scheduler.
Kernel Synchronization - Synchronization Techniques - Process Communication - System V
Module III (10 hours)
Paging in Linux - Memory Management - Page Frame Management - The Buddy System
Algorithm - The Process's Address Space - The Memory Descriptor - Memory Regions - Page
Fault Exception Handler.
Module IV (14 hours)
Overview of the Unix File System - The Virtual File System - role of the VFS - VFS Data
Structures File system Mounting.
The Ext2 File system - Disk Data Structures - Creating the File system - Data Blocks
Addressing - Allocating a Data Block.
Module V (10 hours)
Managing I/O Devices - Associating Files with I/O Devices - Device Drivers - Character
Device - Block Device.
Disk Caches - Buffer Cache - Writing Dirty Buffers to Disk - Page Cache.
Reference Books
1) Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati, Understanding the Linux Kernel, First ed.,
O'Reilly, 2000
2) M Bech et al., Linux Kernel Internals, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1998
3) Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the Unix Operating System, First Edition,
Pearson Education, 1999.
4) Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System
Concepts, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 8th Edition 2010.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.
CS010 706L04 :
Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week
Credits: 4
To learn the image fundamentals and mathematical transforms necessary for image
To learn the image enhancement techniques and image restoration procedures.
To learn the image segmentation and representation techniques.
Module I (14 hours)
Digital image representation : Elements of digital image processing systems - Image
digitizers & scanners - Elements of visual perception - Brightness & contrast - colour
perception & processing - pixel based transformation geometric transformation image file
Image sampling & Quantization - Two dimensional Sampling theorem - Reconstruction of
image from its samples Aliasing
Module II (14 hours)
Image Transforms : Two dimensional DFT & its properties - Walsh Transform,
Hadamard Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Haar, Slant, and Karhunen
Loeve transforms
Module III (10 hours)
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez - Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson
2. Dutta Majumdar - Digital Image Processing and Applications, PHI
Module I
(10 hours)
(14 hours)
Programming Concept
Mainframe ProgrammingIntroduction to COBOL, Structure of COBOL Programs,
COBOL words, Identification and Environment Division, Configuration Section, Inputoutput Section, Data Division, Level Structure File section, Assign to clause, Working
Storage section-Editing, Special-names paragraph, Usage clauseSynchronized, Justified,
Redefines, Renames clauses
Module III
(14 hours)
(11 hours)
DataBase Concepts
Introduction to DB2Relational DBMS Concept, Writing DB2/COBOL programs,
Compilation and Binding of DB2 Programs , Concepts of DBRM, Bind JCL, Introduction
Reference Books
1. M K Roy, D Ghosh Dastidar ,Cobol Programming ,Tata McGraw Hill,New
Delhi,1999,Second Edition
2. M K Roy, D Ghosh Dastidar ,Cobol Programming : problems & Solutions, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Saba Zamir, Chander Ranade ,The MVS JCL Primer (J Ranade IBM Series),
4. C.J. date, Colin J White, A Guide to DB2, Pearson Education , New Delhi,4
Edition, 2006.
5. Craig S. Mullins, DB2 Developers Guide, Pearson education , New Delhi, 5th
6. Andreas S Philippakis, Leonard J Kazmier ,Information System through COBOL,
Credits: 4
(10 hours)
(12 hours)
Design: Fundamentals of client server design - Managing the interaction of client and
server - Communications Techniques protocols & Client server interaction protocols Preparing applications for client server - Optimizing applications for client server Example client server implementations - Request acceptance dispatching - Execution
of requests - Client server interaction using message.
Module III
(14 hours)
(12 hours)
(12 hours)
Reference Books
Credits: 2
To enable the students to design and implement modern compilers for any
Credits: 2
credits: 2
The students internal marks for seminar will be out of 50. The marks will be awarded based on
the presentation of the seminar by the students before an evaluation committee consists of a
minimum of 4 faculty members. Apportioning of the marks towards various aspects of seminar (extent
of literature survey, presentation skill, communication skill, etc.) may be decided by the seminar
evaluation committee.
A bona fide report on seminar shall be submitted at the end of the semester. This report shall
include, in addition to the presentation materials, all relevant supplementary materials along with detailed
answers to all the questions asked/clarifications sought during presentation. All references must be given
toward the end of the report. The seminar report should also be submitted for the viva-voce
credits: 1
Project work, in general, means design and development of a system with clearly specified objectives.
The project is intended to be a challenge to intellectual and innovative abilities and to give students the
opportunity to synthesize and apply the knowledge and analytical skills learned in the different
The project shall be a prototype; backed by analysis and simulation etc. No project can be deemed to be
complete without having an assessment of the extent to which the objectives are met. This is to be done
through proper test and evaluation, in the case of developmental work, or through proper reviews in the
case of experimental investigations.
The project work has to be started in the seventh semester and to be continued on to eighth
Project work is to be done by student groups. Maximum of four students only are permitted in
any one group.
Projects are expected to be proposed by the students. They may also be proposed by faculty
member (Guide) or jointly by student and faculty member.
Students are expected to finalise project themes/titles with the assistance of an identified faculty
member as project guide during the first week of the seventh semester.
The progress from concept to final implementation and testing, through problem definition and the
selection of alternative solutions is monitored. Students build self confidence, demonstrate independence,
and develop professionalism by successfully completing the project.
Each student shall maintain a project work book. At the beginning of the project, students are required to
submit a project plan in the project book. The plan should not exceed 600 words but should cover the
following matters.
Relevance of the project proposed
Literature survey
Statement of how the objectives are to be tackled
Time schedule
Cost estimate
These proposals are to be screened by the evaluation committee (EC- minimum of 3 faculty members
including the guide) constituted by the head of department, which will include a Chairman and the EC
will evaluates the suitability and feasibility of the project proposal. The EC can accept, accept with
modification, request a resubmission, or reject a project proposal.
Every activity done as part of project work is to be recorded in the project book, as and when it is done.
Project guide shall go through these records periodically, and give suggestions/comments in writing in the
same book.
The students have to submit an interim report, along with project work book showing details of the work
carried out by him/her and a power point presentation at the end of the 7th semester to EC. The EC can
accept, accept with modification, request a resubmission, or extension of the project.
The students internal marks for project will be out of 50, in which 30 marks will be based on
day to day performance assessed by the guide. Balance 20 marks will be awarded based on the
presentation of the project by the students before an evaluation committee consists of a minimum
of 3 faculty members including the guide.
For Project, the minimum for a pass shall be 50% of the total marks assigned to the Project
Credits: 4
1.Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing - Kai Hwang &
FayeA.Briggs,McGraw Hill
2. Computer architecture A quantitative approach - John L Hennessy and David A.
Patterson-ELSEVIER,Fourth Edition
3. Elements of Parallel computing - V. Rajaraman - PHI
4. Super Computers - V. Rajaraman - Wiely arstern
5. Parellel Processing for Super Computers & AI Kai Hwange & Douglas Degneot
Mc Graw Hill
6. Highly parallel computing - George S. Almasi,Allan Gottlieb. - Benjamin Cumings
7. HIgh Performance Computer Architecture - Harold S. Stone, Addison Wesley.
8. Advanced Computing- Vijay P.Bhatkar, Asok V.Joshi,
Arirban Basu, Asok K.Sharma.
Credits: 4
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Shivashankar B Nair
Tata McGraw Hill- Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edn ,2004.
2. Stuart Russell Peter Narang, Pearson Education Asia - Artificial
Intelligence- A modern approach.
3. George F Luger - Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education Asia
4. Allen B. Downey (Think Python) Python for software design- How to
think like a computer scientist, Cambridge University press, 2009 .
Web Reference
1. - Website for search strategy
implementation in python
Credits: 4
Reference Books
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, Pearson
Education, Fourth Edition, 2006.
2. Charles P. Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2005.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Dedeep Mukhopadhyay Cryptography & Network Security, Second
Edition,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
4. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson Education, Second Edition,
5. Atul Kahate, Cryptography and Network Security, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Wenbo Mao, Modern Cryptography- Theory & Practice, Pearson Education, 2006.
7. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2001.
Credits: 4
(14 hours)
(10 hours)
(12 hours)
(12 hours)
Credits: 4
Module IV
(12 hours)
Open Grid Services Architecture- OGSA Platform Components- Open Grid Services
Infrastructure- Introduction to Service Data Concepts- Grid Service- OGSA Basic ServicesCommon Management Model- Policy Architecture- Security Architecture.
Module V
(12 hours)
Grid Computing Toolkits- GLOBAS GT3 Toolkit Architecture- GLOBAS GT3 Toolkit
Programming Model- GLOBAS GT3 Toolkit High Level Services.
Reference Books
1) Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Pearson Education Inc, New Delhi 2004.
Credits: 4
1. Setubal & Meidanis, Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology, Brooks/Cole
Cengage Learning 2009.
2. Arthur M Lesk, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, India, 2004
3.Vittal R. Srinivas Bioinformatics a mordern Approach,PHI Learning 2009 .
4.Shuba Gopal,Rhys Price Jones,Paul Thymann,Anne Haake,Bioinformatics with
fundamentals of Genomics and proteomics, Tata McGraw Hill
3.Zoe Lacroix,Terence Critchlow Bioinformtics managing scientific Data,Morgan
Koufmann Publishers
4.B.G Curran,R J walker,SC BhattiaBioinformatics,CBS Publishers,2010
5.Harshawardhana P. Bal Bioinformatics Principles and Applications,Tata MacGraw Hill
Credits: 4
To understand the need and origin of the optimization methods.
To get a broad picture of various applications of optimization methods
used in engineering.
To define an optimization problem and its various components.
Module I (12 Hrs)
One Dimensional Unconstrained Minimization techniques, single variable
minimization, unimodality, bracketing the minimum, necessary and sufficient
conditions for optimality, convexity, steepest descent method.
Module II (12Hrs)
Linear programming, introduction, linear programming problem, linear
programming problems involving LE (?) constraints, simplex method, optimality
conditions, artificial starting solutions, the M method.
Module III (12hrs)
Transportation models, definition, non traditional models, transportation algorithm,
East West corner method, Vogel approximation method. Assignment model,
Introduction, Hungarian method.
Module IV (12Hrs)
Forecasting Models, moving average technique, regression method, exponential
smoothing. Game Theory, two persons zero sum games, mixed strategy gamesgraphical method.
Module V (12Hrs)
Queuing models, elements of queuing model, pure birth and death model,
specialized Poisson queues, single server models. Multiple server models, self
service model.
1. Ashok D Belegundu, Tirupathi R Chandrupatla, optimization concepts and Application in
Engineering, pearson Education.
2 Kalynamoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design, Alogorithms and
Examples, Prentice Hall,
3. Hamdy A Taha, Operations Research An introduction, Pearson Education,
4. Hillier / Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
company Ltd,
5. Singiresu S Rao, Engineering optimization Theory and Practice, New Age International,
6. Mik Misniewski, Quantitative Methods for Decision makers, MacMillian Press Ltd.
Credits: 4
To study the relevance and underlining infrastructure of multimedia system.
To enable the students to apply contemporary theories of multimedia learning to the
development of multimedia products.
Module I
(10 hours)
Introduction to wireless communication system:- 2G cellular network,2G TDMA
Standards,3G wireless networks,wireless local loop and LMDS, Broadcast Systems-Broadcast
transmission, Digital Audio Broadcasting-Multimedia Object Transfer Protocol. Digital
Video Broadcasting.
Cellular concepts-channel assignment strategy-hand off strategy-interface and system
capacity-trunking improving coverage and capacity in cellular system.
Module II
(12 hours)
Wireless Communication Systems:-Telecommunication Systems-GSM-GSM services &
features,architecture,channel type,frame structure,signal processing in GSM & DECTfeatures & characteristics,architecture,functional concepts & radio link,personal access
communication system(PACS)-system architecture-radio interface,
Protocols.Satellite Systems-GEO, LEO, MEO.
Module III
(11 hours)
Wireless LAN and ATM:- Infra red and Radio Transmission, Infrastructure and ad hoc
networks ,802.11- Bluetooth- Architecture, Applications and Protocol, Layers, Frame
structure. comparison between 802.11 and 802.16.
Wireless ATM- Services, Reference Model, Functions, Radio Access Layer. HandoverReference Model, Requirements, Types, handover scenarios.
Location Management, Addressing, Access Point Control Protocol (APCP).
Module IV
(14 hours)
Mobile Network and Transport Layers:- Mobile IP- Goals, Requirements, IP packet
delivery, Advertisement and discovery. Registration, Tunneling and Encapsulation,
Optimization, Reverse Tunneling, IPv6, Dynamic Host configuring protocol, Ad hoc
networks Routing, DSDV, Dynamic source routing. Hierarchical Algorithms.
Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Transmission.
Module V
(13 hours)
Wireless Application Protocol & World Wide Web
WAP- Architecture, Protocols-Datagram, Transaction, Session.-Wireless Application
Environment-WML- Features, Script- Wireless Telephony Application.
WWW- HTTP, Usage of HTML, WWW system architecture.
1. Jochen Schiller Mobile Communications , Preason Education Asia
2.Wireless communications Principles and practice-second edition-Theodore
S.Rappaport,PHI,Second Edition ,New Delhi, 2004
3. Computer
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
To study the relevance and underlining infrastructure of multimedia system.
To enable the students to apply contemporary theories of multimedia learning to the
development of multimedia products.
Module I
(10 hours)
Multimedia Basics: Multimedia and Hypermedia, Multimedia Software, Editing and
Authoring Tools, VRML.
Graphics and Image Data Representation Graphics/Image Data Types, Popular File
Concepts in Video and Digital Audio Color Science, Color Models in Images, Color
Models in Video. Types of Video Signals, Digitization of Sound, MIDI - Musical Instrument
Digital Interface, Quantization and Transmission of Audio.
Module II
(12 hours)
Lossless & Lossy Compression Algorithms Introduction, Basics of Information
Theory, Run-Length Coding, Variable-Length Coding, Dictionary-Based Coding,
Arithmetic Coding, Lossless Image Compression. Distortion Measures, The RateDistortion Theory, Quantization, Transform Coding, Wavelet-Based Coding, Wavelet
Packets, Embedded Zerotree of Wavelet Coefficients, Set Partitioning in Hierarchical
Trees (SPIHT).
Module III
(11 hours)
Image, Video and Audio Compression Image Compression -JPEG , JPEG-LS.
Basic Video Compression Techniques - Introduction to Video Compression, Video
Compression Based on Motion Compensation, MPEG
Video Coding Audio Compression Techniques-MPEG, ADPCM in Speech Coding,
Vocoders, Psychoacoustics, Audio Codecs.
Module IV
(14 hours)
Storage and Retrieval of Images Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries: Image
retrieval, CBIRD. A Case Study, Image Search Systems, Quantifying Results, Querying on
Videos, Querying on Other Formats, Outlook for Content-Based Retrieval.
Image Databases Raw Images, Compress Image Presentations, Image Processing
Segmentation, Similarity- Based Retrieval, Alternating Image DB Paradigms,
Representing Image DBs with Relations and R Trees, Retrieving Images by Special
Layout, Implementations, Selected Commercial Systems.
Module V
(13 hours)
Multimedia Databases
Text/Document Databases Precision and Recall, Stop Lists, Word Stems and
Frequency tables, Latent Semantic Indexing, TV-Trees, Other Retrieval Techniques.
Multimedia DatabasesDesign and Architecture of a Multimedia Database, Organizing
Multimedia Data based on the Principle of Uniformity, Media Abstractions, Query Languages
for Retrieving Multimedia Data , Indexing SMDSs with Enhanced Inverted Indices, Query
Relaxation/ Expansion.
1. .Ze-Nian Li and M. S. Drew, .Fundamental of Multimedia., Pearson Education,2004
2. V. S. Subrahmanian, .Principles of Multimedia Database Systems., Morgan Kaufmann
3. K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic, D. A. Milovanovic, .Introduction to Multimedia
Communications., Wiley.
4. R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstedt .Multimedia: Computing, Communication &
Applications, Pearson Education.
5. Buford, .Multimedia Systems., Pearson Education.
6. C. T. Bhunia, .Multimedia and multimedia Communications., New Age International
7. Prabhat K. Andheigh, Kiran Thakrar, Multimedia Systems design., PHI.
8. Koegel Buford, Multimedia Systems., Pearson Eduaction.
9. J. D. Gibson, .Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations., Academic
10. Press, Hard-court India.
Neural Networks )
Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week
Credits: 4
To understand the fundamental building blocks of Neural networks
Module 1 (14 hours)
Biological Neurons and Neural Networks, Basic Structures and Properties of Artificial Neural
Networks, Basic Neuron Models-McCulloch-Pitts -Nearest Neighbour- Radial Basis Function,
Activation Functions ,Singe Layer Perceptrons-Linear Seperability, Learning and Generalization in
Single Layer Perceptron-Hebbian Learning-Gradient Descent Learning-Widrow-Hoff Learning-The
Generalized Delta rule, Practical Considerations
Module 2 (12 hours)
Multi Layer Perceptron Learning,Back Propogation Algorithim -Applications Limitations
Network Paralysis Local Minima Temporal Instability, Pattern Analysis Tasks- ClassificationRegression- Clustering, Pattern Classification and Regression using Multilayer Perceptron.
Module 3 (10 hours)
Radial Basis Function Networks: Fundamentals, Algorithms and Applications, Learning with
Momentum, Conjugate Gradient Learning, Bias and Variance. Under-Fitting and Over-Fitting,
Stochastic neural networks, Boltzmann machine.
Module 4 (12 hours)
Network based on competition:- Fixed weight competitive Network-Maxnet, Mexican Hat and
Hamming Net, Counter Propagation Networks- Kohonens self-organizing map Training the
Kohonen layer Training the Grossberg layer Full counter propagation network Application,
Adaptive resonance theory classification- Architecture Learning and generalization.
Module 5 (12 hours)
Pattern Association: - training algorithm for pattern association - Hetro Associative Network, Auto
Associative Network, Architecture of Hopfield nets stability analysis ,General Concepts of
Associative Memory, Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture, BAM training
1. B. Yegnanarayana, "Artificial Neural Networks", PHI.
2. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks, 2/e, Prentice Hall
3. Neural Computing & Practice Philip D. Wasserman
4. Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence-Limin Fu,Tata Mc.Hill Edition
Credits: 4
To provide an understanding of Greens Function, Integral Equations, Gamma, Beta
functions, Power Series solution of differential equation, Numerical solution of partial
differential equations
Module 1 (12 Hours)
Greens Function
Heavisides, unit step function Derivative of unit step function Dirac delta function properties
of delta function Derivatives of delta function testing functions symbolic function symbolic
derivatives inverse of differential operator Greens function initial value problems boundary
value problems simple cases only
Module 2 (12 Hours)
Integral Equations
Definition of Volterra and Fredholm Integral equations conversion of a linear differential
equation into an integral equation conversion of boundary value problem into an integral equation
using Greens function solution of Fredhlom integral equation with separable Kernels Integral
equations of convolution type Neumann series solution.
Module 3 (12 Hours)
Gamma, Beta functions
Gamma function, Beta function Relation between them their transformations use of them in
the evaluation certain integrals Dirichlets integral Liouvilles extension of Dirichlets theorem
Elliptic integral Error function.
Module 4 (12 Hours)
Power Series solution of differential equation
The power series method Legendres Equation Legendres polynomial Rodrigues formula
generating function Bessels equation Bessels function of the first kind Orthogonality of
Legendres Polynomials and Bessels functions.
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Numerical solution of partial differential equations
Classification of second order equations- Finite difference approximations to partial derivatives
solution of Laplace and Poissons equations by finite difference method solution of one
dimensional heat equation by Crank Nicolson method solution one dimensional wave equation.
1. S.S Sasthri, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis,Prentice Hall of India.
2. Ram P.Kanwal, Linear Integral Equation, Academic Press, New York.
3. Allen C.Pipkin, Springer, A Course on Integral Equations, Verlag.
4. H.K.Dass, Advanced Engg. Mathematics, S.Chand.
5. Michael D.Greenberge, Advanced Engg. Mathematics, Pearson Edn. Asia.
6. B.S.Grewal, Numrical methods in Engg.&science, Khanna Publishers.
7. R.F. Hoskins, Generalized functions, John Wiley and Sons.
8. Bernard Friedman, Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics, John Wiley
and sons
9. James P.Keener, Principles of Applied Mathematics, Addison Wesley.
10. P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy Numerical methods, S.Chand & co
Software Architecture )
Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week
Credits: 4
To understand the role of a software architecture in the development of an enterprise
application system.
To develop the ability to understand the models that are used to document a software
Module I
(13 hours)
(11 hours)
(11 hours)
Formal models and Specifications Formalizing the Architecture of a Specific SystemArchitectural Formalism and its Applications, Formalizing Various Architectural Styles,
Filters, Pipes, Pipe-and-Filter System, Formalizing Architectural Design Space.
Module IV
(14 hours)
1. Mary Shaw & David Garlan, Software Architecture, Prentice Hall India Private
Limited, Third Edition, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Len Bass, Paul Clements, & Rick Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice,
Pearson Education.
Credits: 4
Module I
Module II
(12 hours)
SYNTAX:Word classes and part-of-speech tagging: English word classes Tagsets for
English Part-of-speech tagging Rule-based part-of-speech tagging Stochastic part-ofspeech tagging Transformation-based tagging Other issues. Context-Free Grammars for
English: Constituency Context-Free rules and trees Sentence-level constructions The
noun phrase Coordination Agreement The verb phase and sub categorization
Auxiliaries Spoken language syntax Grammars equivalence and normal form Finite-State
and Context-Free grammars Grammars and human processing. Parsing with Context-Free
Grammars: Parsing as search A Basic Top-Down parser Problems with the basic TopDown parser The early algorithm Finite-State parsing methods.
Module III
(12 hours)
Module IV
(12 hours)
(12 hours)
1. Daniel Jurafsky & James H.Martin, Speech and Language Processing, Pearson
2. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, Pearson Education, 2003
Teaching Schemes
2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week
To impart a basic knowledge on pattern recognition and to give a sound idea
on the topics of parameter estimation and supervised learning, linear discriminant
functions and syntactic approach to PR.
R.O Duda, Hart P.E, Pattern Classification And Scene Analysis, John Wiley
Gonzalez R.C. & Thomson M.G., Syntactic Pattern Recognition - An Introduction,
J. T. Tou and R. C. Gonzalez, Pattern Recognition Principles, Wiley, 1974
Fu K.S., Syntactic Pattern Recognition And Applications, Prentice Hall,
Rajjan Shinghal, Pattern Recognition: Techniques and Applications, Oxford
University Press, 2008.
Credits: 2
DDA Algorithm
Bresenham's Line drawing Algorithm for any slope.
Mid-point Circle Algorithm.
2D Transformations
credits: 4
The students sessional marks for project will be out of 100, in which 60 marks will be based on
day to day performance assessed by the guide. Balance 40 marks will be awarded based on the
presentation of the project by the students before an evaluation committee.
For Project, the minimum for a pass shall be 50% of the total marks assigned to the Project
CS010 808
Teaching scheme
Viva -Voce
credits: 2