KM - E - 201410 (1) OCTUBRE 2014

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O C TO B E R 2014


Preach the word; be at it urgently.2 Tim. 4:2.


Song 8 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 14 810-15 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 4-6 (10 min.)
No. 1: Deuteronomy 4:29-43 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Changes That Must Be Made to Please
Godrs p. 369 83p. 370 81 (5 min.)
No. 3: What the Bible Says About Homosexualityrs p. 368 84p. 369 82 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 92
5 min: What Does It Mean to Preach With Urgency? Enthusiastic talk highlighting 2 Timothy
4:2. Use material in the March 15, 2012, Watchtower, pages 16-17, paragraphs 7-9.
10 min: Why Is Our Preaching Urgent? Talk by
an elder based on the March 15, 2012, Watchtower, pages 15-16, paragraphs 3-6, and page 18,
paragraphs 14-18. Emphasize how applying the
direction in the series of Kingdom Ministry articles entitled Improving Our Skills in the Ministry can help us to preach with a sense of urgency.
15 min: Seize Your Opportunities to Spread
the Kingdom Message! Questions and answers. When considering paragraph 3, invite audience to relate experiences they have had witnessing informally. Conclude by tying in the
monthly theme. Encourage audience to read the
two articles in the series A Conversation With a
Neighbor that will be discussed at next weeks
Service Meeting.
Song 97 and Prayer

Seize Your Opportunities to

Spread the Kingdom Message!
1 King David was someone who did not allow his circumstances to paralyze him. For example, David wanted to build a house for Jehovah. When he was prevented from doing
so, David adjusted his goals and helped get

1. What lesson can we learn from Davids example?

For United States of America

things ready for Solomon to build the temple. (1 Ki. 8:17-19; 1 Chron. 29:3-9) Instead of
dwelling on what he could not do, David focused on what he could do. How can we imitate Davids example as we look for ways to
spread the Kingdom message?
2 Do What You Can: Many have simplied
their life in order to enroll as auxiliary or regular pioneers. (Matt. 6:22, ftn.) Could you join
them? As you prayerfully examine your circumstances, you may see that a large door
that leads to activity is open to you. If so,
seize that opportunity!1 Cor. 16:8, 9.
3 What, though, if your circumstances prevent you from pioneering? Do not overlook
other opportunities available to you. For example, if your secular work brings you in contact with nonbelievers, why not seize an appropriate opportunity to witness to them? Or
if you are dealing with health problems, can
you take advantage of opportunities to witness
to your health-care providers? Remember that
there is a provision for those who are very limited in their activity because of age or a serious health condition to report eld service
time in 15-minute increments. When lling
out your monthly eld service report, be sure
to include time spent witnessing informally
as well as any literature placements, including
individual tracts and Memorial and convention invitations. You may be surprised at how
quickly the time from those seemingly small
opportunities adds up!
4 Whatever our personal circumstances, let
us seize every opportunity to spread the good
news. We will thereby experience the satisfaction of knowing that we are doing all we can
for the sake of the Kingdom.Mark 14:8; Luke
2. What self-examination could we make?
3. What opportunities to witness can we take advantage of even if our circumstances do not allow us to
4. What is your determination?
km14 10-E Us Vol. 57, No. 10

Explaining Our Beliefs

About 1914


Song 109 and Prayer

Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 14 816-20, box on p. 147
(30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 7-10
(10 min.)
No. 1: Deuteronomy 9:15-29
(4 min. or less)
No. 2 : Why a Perfect Man Could
Sinrs p. 371 82p. 372 83 (5 min.)
No. 3: AdonijahDo Not Question Jehovahs Decisionsit-1
pp. 49-50, Adonijah No. 1 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 116

The Scriptures encourage us to be

ready to make a defense of our beliefs, doing so with a mild temper and
deep respect. (1 Pet. 3:15) Realistically,
we may nd it challenging to explain
deep Bible truths, such as how we know
that the Kingdom started ruling in 1914.
To help us, a two-part series entitled A
Conversation With a NeighborWhen
Did Gods Kingdom Begin Ruling? has
been prepared. These articles appear in
the issues of The Watchtower that we
are featuring in our ministry during
October and November. As you examine these articles, consider the following
questions regarding the approach taken
by Cameron, the publisher in the scenario.

15 min: Explaining Our Beliefs

About 1914. Discussion. Invite

comments on each bulleted question.

15 min: A Tool to Help Us Explain Our Beliefs About 1914. Begin with a seven-minute demonstration of a publisher using the
chart on page 11 of the November 1, 2014, Watchtower to give
his Bible student an overview of
how the prophecy recorded in Daniel chapter 4 relates to Gods Kingdom. Invite the audience to comment on why the demonstration
was eective. Conclude by reading Revelation 12:10, 12 and inviting the audience to comment on
how our knowing that the Kingdom
began ruling in 1914 motivates us
to preach the good news with urgency.
Song 133 and Prayer

How did he . . .
use commendation to establish common ground?Acts 17:22.
display humility when explaining his
beliefs?Acts 14:15.
Why was it good that he . . .
periodically summarized before covering additional points?
paused from time to time and asked
whether the householder understood what he had explained so far?
did not try to cover too much information in one discussion?
John 16:12.
How grateful we can be to Jehovah,
our Grand Instructor, for teaching
us how to explain deep Bible truths to
those who hunger for them!Isa. 30:20.

5 2014 Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses;
C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing
oces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.
Printed in Canada.


Song 5 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 15 81-10 (30 min.)


Q Theocratic Ministry School:

Bible reading: Deuteronomy 11-13 (10 min.)
Theocratic Ministry School Review (20 min.)


Q Service Meeting:
Song 45
15 min: How to Cultivate a Sense of Urgency
About Preaching. Discussion. Have a demonstration showing a publisher presenting the Bible Teach book or a tract.
15 min: Prepare Well to Preach With Urgency.
Discussion based on the August 15, 2014, Watchtower, pages 14-15, paragraphs 14-20. Ask audience what issues or questions are weighing on
peoples minds in the local territory. How can we
address these concerns in our ministry? Have two
pioneers or a married couple demonstrate how
to use this material to prepare presentations that
will appeal to people in the territory. Participants
may determine which publication they will feature.
Song 95 and Prayer




Theocratic Ministry School


walk in Gods ways successfully despite

opposition? (Num. 32:12) [Sept. 22, w93
11/15 p. 14 par. 13]
How might the obedience of Zelophehads daughters aect a single Christians view of marriage? (Num. 36:10-12)
[Sept. 29, w08 2/15 pp. 4-5 par. 10]
What was the consequence to the Israelites for their complaining attitude and
negative speech, and what lesson can we
learn from this account? (Deut. 1:26-28,
34, 35) [Oct. 6, w13 8/15 p. 11 par. 7]
In order to have Jehovahs blessing and
prosper in the Promised Land, what twofold responsibility did the Israelites have
to fulll? (Deut. 4:9) [Oct. 13, w06 6/1
p. 29 par. 15]
In what way did the Israelites clothing
not wear out and their feet not become
swollen during the wilderness trek?
(Deut. 8:3, 4) [Oct. 20, w04 9/15 p. 26
par. 1]
How can we apply the exhortation given
to the Israelites to hold fast to Jehovah? (Deut. 13:4, 6-9) [Oct. 27, w02 10/15
p. 16 par. 14]

How to Cultivate a Sense of

Urgency About Preaching

The following questions will be considered at

the Theocratic Ministry School during the
week beginning October 27, 2014.

A sense of urgency must be cultivated, and

it is necessary to have it to survive the end of
this system of things. By heeding the following reminders, we can strengthen our sense of
Pray regularly about the Kingdom.
Matt. 6:10.
Protect your heart by reading the Bible
daily.Heb. 3:12.
Use your time wisely.
Eph. 5:15, 16; Phil. 1:10.
Keep a focused eye. Do not become distracted by worldly desires.Matt. 6:22, 25;
2 Tim. 4:10.
Keep on the watch by remaining alert to
the fulllment of Bible prophecy.
Mark 13:35-37.
Our having a sense of urgency will motivate
us to share fully in the work that is yet to be
nished!John 4:34, 35.

1. Why did the Israelites complain against

God and Moses as recorded at Numbers 21:5, and what warning is there in
this account for us? [Sept. 1, w99 8/15
pp. 26-27]
2. Why did Jehovahs anger blaze against
Balaam? (Num. 22:20-22) [Sept. 8, w04
8/1 p. 27 par. 2]
3. What does Numbers 25:11 tell us about
the attitude of Phinehas, and how might
we imitate him? [Sept. 8, w04 8/1 p. 27
par. 4]
4. In what ways did Moses set an excellent
example of humility for us today? (Num.
27:5, 15-18) [Sept. 15, w13 2/1 p. 5]
5. How did Joshua and Caleb provide powerful evidence that imperfect people can

Sample Presentations


Song 79 and Prayer

To Start Bible Studies on the First

Saturday in November
Please note this interesting question.
[Read the rst question on the back of the
November 1 Watchtower.] What do you
think? [Read the two paragraphs under
that question and at least one of the cited scriptures.] May I return so that we can
discuss why Jesus performed these resurrections and what this means for us?

Q Congregation Bible Study:

cl chap. 15 811-19 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 14-18 (10 min.)
No. 1: Deuteronomy 15:1616:8 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Why We Recognize Sin for What It Isrs
p. 373 81p. 374 81 (5 min.)
No. 3: AdoptionHow Adoption Was Viewed
and Practiced, As Revealed in the Hebrew
Scripturesit-1 p. 50 83-6 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 103
10 min: Help Young Ones Prepare for the Ministry. Discussion. Play the video Become Jehovahs FriendLets Go in Service. (Go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS
CHILDREN.) Ask young ones: How many of you
have a service bag? What do you have in your
bag? What was the rst thing Sophia put in her
bag? What else did she need? After her bag was
packed, what important thing was she going to
do with her mother? Have a young one demonstrate his or her magazine presentation.
10 min: How Some Preach the Word Urgently. Elder interviews two or three publishers who
have taken practical steps to adjust their schedules in order to increase their share in the ministry or to pioneer. Conclude by reviewing the
congregations eld service arrangements, and
encourage all to take practical steps to have a full
share in the ministry.
10 min: How Has Your Ministry Improved?
Discussion by the service overseer. Entertain
comments from audience on how the recent
Improving Our Skills in the Ministry articles
have helped them make improvement in various
areas of the ministry. Conclude by encouraging
all to continue to preach with urgency by applying the suggestions in these articles.
Song 100 and Prayer

34567 November 1

Have you ever wondered why so many

terrible things are happening in the
world? [Allow for response.] The Bible
explains why at Revelation 12:9. [Read.]
However, verse 12 gives us reason for
hope. [Read Revelation 12:12.] Satans
evil inuence will soon be gone. This article entitled Should We Fear Satan? discusses how we can protect ourselves from
his inuence now and what will happen
to Satan in the near future. Here is your

!"#$ November
Everyone wants to be happy, but many
today are not. What do you think leads
to real happiness? [Allow for response.] I
nd the Bible to be helpful in building a
happy life. For example, notice this Bible
principle. [Read Hebrews 13:5.] This magazine highlights four Bible-based keys to
real happiness.
Field Service Highlights

Literature oer for October: The Watchtower

and Awake! magazines. November and December: What Does the Bible Really Teach? or Would
You Like to Know the Truth? January: Good News
From God! or Was Life Created?
Since November has ve full weekends, it
would be an excellent month to auxiliary pioneer.

We are pleased to report that on April 14, the attendance at the Memorial was 2,610,810 in the
United States branch territory. This is more than
twice the number of publishers that reported in
April. May we be motivated by
Christs love to follow up on interest generated by this special
event.2 Cor. 5:14.

km14 10-E Us


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