KM - E - 201410 (1) OCTUBRE 2014
KM - E - 201410 (1) OCTUBRE 2014
KM - E - 201410 (1) OCTUBRE 2014
O C TO B E R 2014
things ready for Solomon to build the temple. (1 Ki. 8:17-19; 1 Chron. 29:3-9) Instead of
dwelling on what he could not do, David focused on what he could do. How can we imitate Davids example as we look for ways to
spread the Kingdom message?
2 Do What You Can: Many have simplied
their life in order to enroll as auxiliary or regular pioneers. (Matt. 6:22, ftn.) Could you join
them? As you prayerfully examine your circumstances, you may see that a large door
that leads to activity is open to you. If so,
seize that opportunity!1 Cor. 16:8, 9.
3 What, though, if your circumstances prevent you from pioneering? Do not overlook
other opportunities available to you. For example, if your secular work brings you in contact with nonbelievers, why not seize an appropriate opportunity to witness to them? Or
if you are dealing with health problems, can
you take advantage of opportunities to witness
to your health-care providers? Remember that
there is a provision for those who are very limited in their activity because of age or a serious health condition to report eld service
time in 15-minute increments. When lling
out your monthly eld service report, be sure
to include time spent witnessing informally
as well as any literature placements, including
individual tracts and Memorial and convention invitations. You may be surprised at how
quickly the time from those seemingly small
opportunities adds up!
4 Whatever our personal circumstances, let
us seize every opportunity to spread the good
news. We will thereby experience the satisfaction of knowing that we are doing all we can
for the sake of the Kingdom.Mark 14:8; Luke
2. What self-examination could we make?
3. What opportunities to witness can we take advantage of even if our circumstances do not allow us to
4. What is your determination?
km14 10-E Us Vol. 57, No. 10
How did he . . .
use commendation to establish common ground?Acts 17:22.
display humility when explaining his
beliefs?Acts 14:15.
Why was it good that he . . .
periodically summarized before covering additional points?
paused from time to time and asked
whether the householder understood what he had explained so far?
did not try to cover too much information in one discussion?
John 16:12.
How grateful we can be to Jehovah,
our Grand Instructor, for teaching
us how to explain deep Bible truths to
those who hunger for them!Isa. 30:20.
5 2014 Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses;
C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing
oces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.
Printed in Canada.
Q Service Meeting:
Song 45
15 min: How to Cultivate a Sense of Urgency
About Preaching. Discussion. Have a demonstration showing a publisher presenting the Bible Teach book or a tract.
15 min: Prepare Well to Preach With Urgency.
Discussion based on the August 15, 2014, Watchtower, pages 14-15, paragraphs 14-20. Ask audience what issues or questions are weighing on
peoples minds in the local territory. How can we
address these concerns in our ministry? Have two
pioneers or a married couple demonstrate how
to use this material to prepare presentations that
will appeal to people in the territory. Participants
may determine which publication they will feature.
Song 95 and Prayer
Sample Presentations
34567 November 1
!"#$ November
Everyone wants to be happy, but many
today are not. What do you think leads
to real happiness? [Allow for response.] I
nd the Bible to be helpful in building a
happy life. For example, notice this Bible
principle. [Read Hebrews 13:5.] This magazine highlights four Bible-based keys to
real happiness.
Field Service Highlights
We are pleased to report that on April 14, the attendance at the Memorial was 2,610,810 in the
United States branch territory. This is more than
twice the number of publishers that reported in
April. May we be motivated by
Christs love to follow up on interest generated by this special
event.2 Cor. 5:14.
km14 10-E Us