Learning Spring Boot: Chapter No. 2 "Quick Start With Java"

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Learning Spring Boot

Greg L. Turnquist

Chapter No. 2
"Quick Start with Java"

In this package, you will find:

The authors biography
A preview chapter from the book, Chapter no.2 "Quick Start with Java"
A synopsis of the books content
Information on where to buy this book

About the Author

Greg L. Turnquist has developed software professionally since 1997. From 2002 to
2010, he was part of the senior software team that worked on Harris' $3.5 billion FAA
telco program, architecting mission-critical enterprise apps while managing a software
team. He provided after-hours support to a nation-wide telco system and is no stranger to
midnight failures and software triages. In 2010, he joined the SpringSource division of
VMware, which was spun off into Pivotal in 2013.
As a test-bitten script junky, Java geek, and JavaScript Padawan, he is a member of
the Spring Data team as well as the mobile-oriented Allspark team. He has made key
contributions to Spring Boot and Spring Data REST while also serving as Getting
. He has migrated Spring Data
Started Guides, editor-at-large for
release train's entire reference docs to Asciidoctor in a week. He has also contributed to
multiple Spring portfolio projects.

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He has worked with Java, Spring, Spring Security, AspectJ, and Jython technologies and
has also developed sophisticated scripts for *nix and Windows platforms. As a wiki
evangelist, he has also deployed a LAMP-based wiki website that provides fingertip
knowledge to users.
In 2006, Greg created the Spring Python project. The Spring Framework provided
many useful features, and he wanted these features to be available when he was working
with Python. He has written Python Testing Cookbook and Spring Python 1.1 for
Packt Publishing.
He has completed a Master's degree in Computer Engineering at Auburn University and
lives in the United States with his family.

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Learning Spring Boot

"Very impressed with @springboot so far, 10 mins to get a REST service up
and running, now to add MongoDB. No black magic under the covers!"
Graham Rivers-Brown, https://twitter.com/grahamrb/
Back in 2012, a couple of Spring developers stepped back from the current state of Java
development and asked some questions, "Developers with Spring MVC on the classpath
probably want to use it. How can we make this easier?" "How can we make Spring more
accessible to new developers?" "Why does a computer student have to learn about build
systems, web.xml fi les, and all the other steps to simply display "Hello, World" on a
web page?"
By approaching the topic of simplifying development without sacrificing the power of
Spring, they coded several powerful features. At the SpringOne conference in 2013, they
unveiled Spring Boot with its ability to auto-configure Spring Beans, configure things
with simple property management, and run apps inside an embedded Tomcat container
bundled inside a runnable JAR fi le. They also showed Spring Boot's opinionated
approach to pick which Spring beans were configured based on classpath settings among
other factors.
The response was incredible. The session by Phil Webb and Dave Syer witnessed record
attendance along with lots of follow-up questions. (I know because I was there.) People
were discussing it in the hallways between talks. The ensuing stream of blog articles after
the conference from the Spring community was relentless. Proof of its success and
staying power was further evidenced at the 2014 SpringOne conference a year later.
Spring Boot had woven itself into almost every Java-based demo as a new lingua franca
among Spring developers.
The keynote presented by Andy Glover, a NetFlix engineer who had once developed Java
but left to write Ruby on Rails, explained the reasons why he returned to Java. Spring
Boot made Java fun again! Furthermore, when a contingent of over 20 Spring developers
from the conference visited the Java Metroplex Users Group in Dallas the same week,
there was a lot of excitement. Lots of questions were fi red off to the Spring team with
many about Spring Boot, including "When will there be a book about Spring Boot?"
I hope you enjoy this experience.

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What This Book Covers

Chapter 1, Quick Start with Groovy, explains how to rapidly craft a Spring MVC app that
runs inside an embedded Tomcat container using just a few lines of Groovy and no build
file. You will also learn how to plug in jQuery, web templates, and production-grade
metrics and health checks.
Chapter 2, Quick Start with Java, explains how to rapidly create a Spring MVC app with
Java that connects to GitHub and scans for open issues using Spring Social GitHub. Then
create a mobile frontend and deploy it to the cloud.
Chapter 3, Debugging and Managing Your App, explains how to create a JMS-based
publisher/subscriber app with embedded ActiveMQ that simulates ops center monitoring.
You will learn how Spring Boot auto-configures things as well as how to override its
opinion with your own. Also, you can add customized health checks and custom metrics,
and reconfigure Spring Boot's default management settings.
Chapter 4, Data Access with Spring Boot, explains how to spin up a sports team app
backed by a relational database using Spring Data JPA. You will see how to use Spring
Boot's support of Spring profiles to have an in-memory database for development while
switching to a persistent one for production. You will also discover how Spring Boot
auto-configures database support. You will learn how to export the database layer with
Spring Data REST as a hypermedia-based RESTful interface based on several REST
standards. Finally, you will get a taste of switching to Spring Data MongoDB.
Chapter 5, Securing Your App with Spring Boot, explains how to create a fully functional
sports-team roster app with Spring MVC and then secure it with Spring Security. You
will also learn how to control security through both URL and method-level rules. Next,
you will discover how to configure Spring Boot's embedded Tomcat servlet container to
also serve things via SSL. This chapter also explains how to fine-tune your security
policies to force traffi cover encrypted channels to protect user data by default.

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Quick Start with Java

"With Boot you deploy everywhere you can find a JVM basically."
Oliver Gierke @olivergierke
In the previous chapter, we saw how quickly an application can be created with just
a few lines of code. To fit the more commonly used paradigm, this chapter (and the
rest of the book) will use a project with a build file and Java code instead. However,
we'll still see how Spring Boot makes things quick and easy.
In this chapter, we are going to build an app that scans GitHub issues and uses
Spring Boot to help guide us in reducing the complexity of integrating multiple
Spring projects as well as other third-party libraries.
In this chapter, we will be:

Using http://start.spring.io to create a bare bones Spring Boot project

with Gradle support

Creating a simple app that looks for open issues in multiple

GitHub repositories

Supplying GitHub credentials using Boot's ber easy property support

Learning how Boot finds templates

Adding mobile support using Spring Mobile and jQuery Mobile

Bundling up the application as a runnable JAR and deploying it to

Cloud Foundry

Adding production-ready support with Actuator and then writing a

script to poll for usage metrics

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Quick Start with Java

Creating an empty project with

To kick things off, we need a new project. Instead of starting from absolutely
nothing, Spring Boot provides a website that is used to create new projects at
http://start.spring.io. We enter some information, pick a set of desired
options, and then download either a build file or a zipped-up project.

The screen is a bit long and was cut off. The following table shows you all the
settings filled in for this example. However, to see the code behind this website, visit
https://github.com/spring-io/initializr. To whet your appetite, the site is, in
fact, a Spring Boot / Groovy app using the same tools covered in the previous chapter.

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Chapter 2

As shown in the previous screenshot, we entered this information:








Issue Manager


Learning Spring Boot

Package Name



Gradle Project



Java Version




Project dependencies


Click on the Generate Project button; it downloads starter.zip. Let's take a peek
inside the ZIP file:
$ unzip -l <downloaded zip file>






06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37



06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37


06-13-14 03:37



404 06-13-14 03:37


------12 files

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Quick Start with Java

Let's take a look at what we have:

A standard Gradle project layout (src/main/java, src/main/resources,

src/test/java, and src/test/resources)

The root Java package, which is learningspringboot

A build.gradle file, which we'll look at later in this chapter

A couple of classes that are already created: Application.java and


A properties file (application.properties) that we'll discuss in the

next section
Feel free to pick to pick the build system you want. Spring Boot has
equivalent support for Maven. It's also possible to use Ant, but Spring
Boot has no special support for it. For reasons of space and other
factors, this book will focus on Gradle and not show apps expressed in
any other build system.

Before looking at the generated code, let's look at the build file:
// tag::plugins[]
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// end::plugins[]



jar {
baseName = 'issue-manager'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
// tag::version[]
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
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Chapter 2
targetCompatibility = 1.8
// end::version[]
repositories {

// tag::dependencies[]
dependencies {
// end::dependencies[]
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.1'

There are a quite a few parts to this file, so let's walk through them bit by bit.
You might see some comments such as <!-- tag::x-y-z[] --> in
build.gradle and other files throughout this book. These are simple
comments that are used to help pull in subsections for more detailed
explanations and are not required to run any code you write.

The first important nugget at the top is this:

buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {

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Quick Start with Java

This shows you our project, which is configured to pull down packages from
mavenCentral. However, more importantly, our package is using spring-bootgradle-plugin, Version 1.1.6.RELEASE. A key feature that we will see in this chapter
and through the rest of this book is Spring Boot's series of predefined versions for
many third-party libraries (not just Spring projects). By using this plugin, Spring Boot
will set the version number for any dependency we declare that it happens to manage.
Continuing to check out our build file, we can see a list of dependencies:
dependencies {

These include the following:

spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf: This pulls in dependencies that are

required in order to use Thymeleaf as our view engine

spring-boot-starter-test: This pulls in Spring test utilities when we are

running tests

The first one matches the checkbox we picked on the form (but couldn't see directly
due to the cutoff): Thymeleaf. The second one is included in all projects, given the
popularity of automated testing in this day and age.
So, what are these quirky packages? They definitely look different than any packages
we might have used in the past, which we will find out about in the next section.
Before we do that, let's look at another key setting:
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8

This specifies that the project is using Java 8. While Spring Boot provides support as
far back as Java 6, we plan to take advantage of the latest features that are out there
throughout this book.

Spring Boot starters

The packages that were plugged in by start.spring.io are known as Spring Boot
starters. They are virtual packages that are deployed to Maven central. Their job is to
pull in other dependencies while containing no code of their own.

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Chapter 2

To go into more detail about starters, let's pick this one: spring-boot-starterthymeleaf. If we look at its pom.xml build file online (https://github.com/
spring-projects/spring-boot/tree/v1.1.6.RELEASE/spring-bootstarters/spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf/pom.xml), we will see the following



What it provides


A starter that brings in core dependencies that are

critical for any Spring Boot-based project


A starter that brings in embedded Tomcat, Jackson

JSON binding, JSR 303 validation APIs, and Spring
Web plus MVC support


Critical parts of the Spring Framework



Core pieces of the Thymeleaf view engine along

with Spring 4 integration


Thymeleaf dialect module

Wait, I thought this book was focused on Gradle! That's true, but
Spring Boot itself is built with Maven. It is valuable to look at any
of Spring Boot's starters in order to glean what they do.

Spring Boot is designed to help us build good apps rapidly. A key piece
of making this happen is how Boot plugs in its opinion. When we include
spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf, Spring Boot has the opinion that we'll
probably want embedded Tomcat, Jackson JSON support, JSR 303 validation,
and Spring Web MVC. So, it adds them as required dependencies.
Notice how there are no version numbers in the dependencies section? This is
because each dependency we see listed is preset with a version number supplied by
spring-boot-gradle-plugin. It's another opinion from Spring Boot about the best
version of the library to use in conjunction with all the others.
The last thing Boot does is make auto-configuration decisions. The previous chapter
showed us many examples of this, and it's happening here as well. Spring Boot
configured view resolvers, an embedded servlet container, and other components
that are commonly recommended for Spring MVC apps.

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Quick Start with Java

As we continue along this chapter, and throughout this book, we'll get to see more
opinions that Boot inserts (and how it backs off when we make a different decision).
This amalgamation of libraries and chosen versions is known as Spring
IO (http://spring.io/platform) and offers an out-of-the-box
virtual collection of libraries that are verified to work together. Spring
IO is very easy to use, as it's served up through the industry-standard
Maven public repositories; it's not a downloadable bundle that becomes
outdated the day after you get it.

Running a Spring Boot application

So far, we have a bare bones project. There isn't much code. However,
http://start.spring.io creates a single Application class; let's look at that first:
package learningspringboot;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

Let's break this down:

@ComponentScan: This tells Spring to look for classes with @Component,

@Configuration, @Repository, @Service, and @Controller and wire

them into the app context as beans. By default, it scans for classes found
underneath the package where the annotation is declared.

@EnableAutoConfiguration: This turns on Boot's auto-configuration


public static void main(): This uses Boot's SpringApplication.run()

method as a convenient way to launch the app.

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Chapter 2

The @EnableAutoConfiguration key annotation is used for a Spring Boot-based

application. It tells Boot to turn on all auto-configuration options. Each of these
options looks at various aspects of the application and then makes decisions on
adding extra beans. It makes decisions mostly based on the classpath and settings
found inside application.properties.
Consider this example of auto-configuration. If Boot spots
JmsTemplate.class on the classpath, it's an indication that
the developer has added spring-jms. In this situation, Boot will
automatically create an instance of JmsTemplate and make it
available for injection to other Spring beans. The developer must
still provide a ConnectionFactory bean. More details on how
this works can be found in Chapter 3, Debugging and Managing Your
App, where we will use JmsAutoConfiguration as an example.

Spring Boot's SpringApplication.run() method conveniently accepts a class as

well as command-line arguments. In this case, it's plugging in the Application class,
as this is the simplest way to build an app. We can start adding bean definitions right
here or branch off in other places.

Adding Spring Social GitHub

We have discussed building an app that can scan GitHub repositories for open
issues. The first step is to add a key project, which is Spring Social GitHub:
1. First, we need to visit http://projects.spring.io/spring-socialgithub.
2. From there, we can scroll down and find the latest release. In this case,
we are using 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, as M4 has some outstanding issues.
3. There's a slider that lets us pick our build system and shows us the content
that we need to insert into our project's dependencies:

4. This dependency will load Spring Social GitHub. Since it's not a general
release, we need to add this to the repositories section:
repositories {
maven { url "https://repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot" }

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Quick Start with Java

By default, start.spring.io will include mavenCentral in the repositories

section. In order to access Spring Social GitHub's BUILD-SNAPSHOT version, we had
to add the second Maven URL.
With these two bits added to our build file, we are ready to build our app!

Digging into GitHub issues

Let's continue working on our simple app that will fetch GitHub issues from
multiple repositories. To fetch GitHub issues, we need to establish a domain object:
package learningspringboot;
import org.springframework.social.github.api.GitHubIssue;
public class Issue {
private String repo;
private GitHubIssue githubIssue;
public Issue(String repo, GitHubIssue gitHubIssue) {
this.repo = repo;
this.githubIssue = gitHubIssue;
public String getRepo() {
return repo;
public GitHubIssue getGithubIssue() {
return githubIssue;

Spring Social GitHub comes with a GitHubIssue class, but this class doesn't include
the name of the repository for a given issue. The Issue class listed in the preceding
code is basically a wrapper that adds this extra bit of information. It's designed
to be created through a constructor call that minimizes the risk of initializing it
incompletely. It also includes getter calls in order to retrieve the data fields.

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Chapter 2

Next, we need a service that uses Spring Social GitHub's GitHubTemplate to

retrieve issues:
package learningspringboot;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.social.github.api.GitHubIssue;
import org.springframework.social.github.api.impl.GitHubTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class IssueManager {
String githubToken =
String org = "spring-projects";
String[] repos = new String[] { "spring-boot", "spring-bootissues" };
GitHubTemplate gitHubTemplate = new
public List<Issue> findOpenIssues() {
List<Issue> openIssues = new ArrayList<>();
for (String repo : repos) {
final List<GitHubIssue> issues = gitHubTemplate
.repoOperations().getIssues(org, repo);
for (GitHubIssue issue : issues) {
if (issue.getState().equals("open")) {
openIssues.add(new Issue(repo, issue));
return openIssues;
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Quick Start with Java

This class is marked as @Service, which means that it will be picked up and added
to the app context by @ComponentScan. All of Spring's component annotations
inherit from @Component, which gets them picked up by component scanning.
It has a hardcoded GitHub passcode and a hardcoded organization name, and
will fetch issues from spring-boot and spring-boot-issues. This service also has a
The key function of this class, which is findOpenIssues, loops through the list of
repositories, and then uses GitHubTemplate to retrieve open issues. It gathers them
into a standard list, wrapped inside the Issue object we coded earlier.

Creating a GitHub access token

From where did we get this cryptic githubToken value of
ccdbf257f052a594a0e7bd2823a69ae38a48ffb1? This is an oauth access code that
is required to plug in and talk to GitHub. To create one of your own, you need to
create an account at https://github.com. After creating your account, perform the
following steps:
1. Assuming the account is set up, visit https://github.com/settings/
2. Scroll down until you see Personal access tokens.
3. Click on Generate new token. You'll probably be prompted to confirm
your password.
4. Enter a description such as Learning Spring Boot, accept the default access
controls, and click on Generate token.
You'll now see a newly minted cryptic token code with a copy-to-clipboard icon to
the right. Grab it and paste it into your code, and you're ready! Have a look at the
following screenshot:

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Chapter 2

If you thought all the hardcoded values weren't great, you're

right. It is a bad design pattern. We'll remedy this design flaw
later in this chapter.

The last bit of Java code that is required is a web controller that serves up a table
of issues:
package learningspringboot;


public class IssueController {
private IssueManager issueManager;
public IssueController(IssueManager issueManager) {
this.issueManager = issueManager;
@RequestMapping(value = "/")
public String index(Model model) {

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Quick Start with Java

return "index";

The class is marked as a Spring MVC @Controller. The constructor is tagged

@Autowired, so when the controller is created by the Spring container, it will
initialize its IssueManager class using constructor injection.
The index() method is linked to the web route "/" through the @RequestMapping
annotation. This particular endpoint includes a Model parameter, which is
automatically supplied by Spring MVC. In this case, it invokes issueManager.
findOpenIssues() and stores it in the model's issues entry. Then, it returns
the name of the view to be rendered, which is index.html.
Constructor injection is currently the recommended way to wire Spring
beans. It supports immutable bean configurations in a better manner
and avoids beans getting partially configured at any particular time

The last bit of code we need is a Thymeleaf template created at src/main/


<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<p>Open GitHub Issues</p>
<tr th:each="issue : ${issues}">
<td th:text="${issue.repo}"></td>
<a th:href="${issue.githubIssue.url}"
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Chapter 2
<td th:text="${issue.githubIssue.title}"></td>

There isn't a lot here. The core piece is the dynamically generated table. The template
uses a Thymeleaf for-each loop. The <tr th:each="issue : ${issues}"> tag
generates one <tr> row for each entry in ${issues}. From there, we are able to access
property values in order to populate text values and URL links, and also show the title
of each issue.
We can now run it at this stage! There are a couple of approaches:

Inside our IDE, we can simply go to Application and run public

static void main. (If you've developed web apps for some time,
this is super convenient!)

The spring-boot-gradle-plugin comes with a handy command to

run Spring Boot apps.
Are you using Maven instead of Gradle? Spring Boot has feature
parity with spring-boot-maven-plugin. Refer to http://docs.
htmlsingle/#using-boot-maven-plugin for more details.

Let's engage spring-boot-gradle-plugin by launching the app with Gradle:

$ ./gradlew clean bootRun


__ _ _

/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __

__ _ \ \ \ \

( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _' | \ \ \ \


___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |

) ) ) )

|____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /

:: Spring Boot ::


2014-06-24 23:37:17.164 ... : Starting Application on retina with PID

10443 (/...
2014-06-24 23:37:17.213 ... : Refreshing org.springframework.boot.
2014-06-24 23:37:17.833 ... : Overriding bean definition for bean
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Quick Start with Java

2014-06-24 23:37:18.332 ... : JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation
found a...
2014-06-24 23:37:18.750 ... : Server initialized with port: 8080
2014-06-24 23:37:18.993 ... : Starting service Tomcat
2014-06-24 23:37:18.993 ... : Starting Servlet Engine: Apache
2014-06-24 23:37:19.089 ... : Initializing Spring embedded
2014-06-24 23:37:19.089 ... : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization
2014-06-24 23:37:19.578 ... : Mapping servlet: 'dispatcherServlet' to [/]
2014-06-24 23:37:19.581 ... : Mapping filter: 'hiddenHttpMethodFilter'
to: [/*]
2014-06-24 23:37:19.975 ... : Mapped URL path [/**/favicon.ico] onto
handler o...
2014-06-24 23:37:20.053 ... : Mapped "{[/],methods=[],params=[],headers=[
2014-06-24 23:37:20.056 ... : Mapped "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],head
2014-06-24 23:37:20.056 ... : Mapped "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],head
2014-06-24 23:37:20.082 ... : Mapped URL path [/**] onto handler of type
2014-06-24 23:37:20.083 ... : Mapped URL path [/webjars/**] onto handler
of ty...
2014-06-24 23:37:20.464 ... : Registering beans for JMX exposure on
2014-06-24 23:37:20.502 ... : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080/http
2014-06-24 23:37:20.504 ... : Started Application in 3.896 seconds (JVM

What is gradlew? It's the gradle wrapper, which is a handy tool

for any Gradle-based project. Let's assume that you have already
downloaded Gradle from http://www.gradle.org or installed
it using http://gvmtool.net. Inside your project, you can run
gradle wrapper, and it will create a runnable environment with
gradlew and gradlew.bat scripts. Push them out with your project,
and your community won't be obligated to install Gradle. It also lets
you control which version of Gradle is used for your project.

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Chapter 2

With the app running, we can visit http://localhost:8080 and see the results.

Delving into Spring Boot's property

In the previous section, we pointed out how hardcoding key attributes is a bad
design pattern. Why? It makes it difficult to create updates. It also forces us to build
different artifacts for every place our app might be deployed. Certain values such as
githubToken that should remain secret become visible if our source code is released.
Properties and environment variables provide a better alternative location to keep
such sensitive and dynamic information.
Java properties and their associated files have existed for a long time, but Java's
built-in APIs have always been clunky and require the developer to exert a lot
of effort. This probably explains the relative lack of adoption by the industry.
Spring Boot revitalizes the core idea behind properties, as we'll see.
The following code is an update to IssueManager:
package learningspringboot;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
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public class IssueManager implements InitializingBean {
String githubToken;
String org;
String[] repos;
GitHubTemplate gitHubTemplate;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
this.gitHubTemplate = new GitHubTemplate(githubToken);
public List<Issue> findOpenIssues() {
List<Issue> openIssues = new ArrayList<>();
for (String repo : repos) {
for (GitHubIssue issue : gitHubTemplate
.repoOperations().getIssues(org, repo)) {
if (issue.getState().equals("open")) {
openIssues.add(new Issue(repo, issue));
return openIssues;

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Chapter 2

This version is almost the same as the previous IssueManager class. The difference
is that we are using Spring's @Value annotation to glean properties instead of
hardcoding them. Any of these newly defined properties can be injected from
multiple sources. They are cascaded in the following order:

Default values can be supplied directly with @Value("${propertyName:def


@Value defaults can be overridden in an application.properties file,

which gets bundled with the app in a JAR file

Bundled properties can be overridden in an auxiliary application.

properties file adjacent to the deployed JAR

Auxiliary properties can be overridden by environment variables, either from

the command line, a .bashrc file, or Windows environment settings

In a cloud environment, environment variables can be supplied by the

configuration, as we'll see toward the end of this chapter

Our code also creates GitHubTemplate using Spring's InitializingBean interface.

The afterPropertiesSet method is called after all properties are configured by
Spring's IoC container. This ensures that githubToken is populated when we create
the template.
As we don't have default values, we need to create src/main/resources/

Let's see what is happening:

org: This is set to spring-projects. Our app's GitHubTemplate instance

will use this to query https://github.com/spring-projects.

repos: This is converted by Spring into String[]{"spring-boot",


As a bonus, Spring Boot provides relaxed rules on name binding. This means that we
can set githubToken using either github.token or GITHUB_TOKEN as command-line
environment variables. This provides universal support on *nix, Mac, and Windows.
There is no need to write any code to process properties files!
Let's try out the latter approach:
$ GITHUB_TOKEN=ccdbf257f052a594a0e7bd2823a69ae38a48ffb1 ./gradlew clean

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Quick Start with Java

In firing up this app, we provided a command-line value for GITHUB_TOKEN. Our

app is preloaded with an opinion on the settings. However, we have the flexibility
to quickly override these values in productionshould the need ariseand critical
security details are kept out of our source code.
It's still the developer's responsibility to not add github.token to
src/main/resources/application.properties and then
push it to a publicly visible repository.

Adding server-side mobile support with

Spring Mobile
So, we have a nicely functioning app that fetches GitHub issues. What can we do to
take this example to the next level and explore Spring Boot? Considering that many
companies are seeing their primary Internet traffic come from mobile consumers,
what if we added mobile support to our app?
Spring Boot comes with out-of-the-box support for this. Just add the following
dependency to build.gradle:

This pulls in Spring Mobile (http://projects.spring.io/spring-mobile),

which is a library that easily switches between different views based on the browsing
client's user agent.
First, add this line to src/main/resources/application.properties:

By default, mobile support is switched off. This value activates Spring Mobile's
ability to switch views based on a user agent lookup.
Other settings are available, as listed in the following snippet:

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Chapter 2

These are the defaults inside Spring Boot and are not in our app.

These settings can be overridden either in our own application.properties file or

later on, as described previously.
While the tablet prefix is configured, we are going to focus solely on
mobiles in this chapter.

This is good. The default template, which is src/main/resources/templates/

index.html, is the same as before. However, with the new mobile/ prefix, we need
to create src/main/resources/templates/mobile/index.html:
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<p>Open GitHub Issues - Mobile</p>

There's not much here. For the moment, it just displays an alternate message, which
indicates that we hit the right view. We'll add to it later in this chapter. Let's just see
how it switches views properly; it's time to fire it up.
Are we ready to test things out? Well, not quite yet. Spring Mobile uses the browser's
user agent to make decisions based on the type of screen that is viewing the site.
While we can use a real mobile device to test things out, this process can be quite
cumbersome and time consuming. It's best to find a plugin for our browser in order
to switch the user agent settings automatically.

[ 59 ]

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Quick Start with Java

Ultimate Agent Sniffer (http://iblogbox.com/chrome/useragent/alert.php) is

one tool that lets you easily switch a browser tab to an iPad, iPhone, or just about any
other device you can think of. However, it's not the only one. You can find one that
suits your needs. The following screenshot shows you how to configure the current
browser tab on an iPhone 4:

With the app running and our browser switched to mobile view, let's visit

[ 60 ]

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Chapter 2

We can see the mobile/index.html template with ease. Things are lined up in order
to create a truly mobile experience!

Creating a mobile frontend with jQuery

Mobile apps seem to be taking over the world. If a website doesn't provide a friendly
mobile view, then people don't seem to like it. As we build web apps all the time, it's
critical to create a frontend UI that is usable. jQuery Mobile is a handy toolkit that
gets UIs up and running quickly.
This is merely a quick introduction to jQuery Mobile. For something
more comprehensive, please read jQuery Mobile Web Development
Essentials by Raymond Camden and Andy Matthews.

In the previous chapter, we took a quick glance at Bower (http://bower.io), which

is a package manager for JavaScript libraries. We will use it to install jQuery Mobile
into our app. Assuming that we have already installed Bower, let's proceed to define
where Bower will put the packages by creating a .bowerrc file in the root of our
project. This file will signal Bower to put all of our JavaScript modules into src/
main/resources/public/, where Spring Boot can automatically serve them up:
"directory": "src/main/resources/public/"

In the previous chapter, we dropped the files into public/. In this case, as we
have a conventional Gradle project layout, the same target folder is at src/main/
resources/. By the way, we have the same options (/META-INF/resources/, /
resources/, /static/, /public/). We simply have to place them at src/main/
Looks like we're ready to go! Execute the following steps:
$ bower init
[?] name: issue-manager
[?] version: 0.1.0
[?] description: Learning Spring Boot - Issue Manager
[?] main file:
[?] what types of modules does this package expose? amd
[ 61 ]

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Quick Start with Java

[?] keywords:
[?] authors: Greg Turnquist <[email protected]>
[?] license: ASL
[?] homepage: http://blog.greglturnquist.com/category/learning-springboot
[?] set currently installed components as dependencies? No
[?] add commonly ignored files to ignore list? Yes
[?] would you like to mark this package as private, which prevents it
from being accidentally published to the registry? Yes
[?] Looks good? Yes

With this setup, let's now install jQuery Mobile:

$ bower install jquery-mobile-bower --save
bower jquery-mobile-bower#*

cached git://github.com/jobrapido/jquery-

bower jquery-mobile-bower#*
validate 1.4.2 against git://github.com/
bower jquery#~1.10.0
bower jquery#~1.10.0

cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.
validate 1.10.2 against git://github.com/

bower jquery-mobile-bower#~1.4.2

install jquery-mobile-

bower jquery#~1.10.0

install jquery#1.10.2

jquery-mobile-bower#1.4.2 src/main/resources/public/jquery-mobile-bower

jquery#1.10.2 src/main/resources/public/jquery

We can see that it installed jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 along with jQuery 1.10.0. This gives
us all we need in order to craft a mobile web page.
Again, this isn't a complete introduction to jQuery Mobile.
A great resource for learning how to drive various widgets
is jQuery Mobile's showcase, which is available at

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Chapter 2

To see our complete lineup of JavaScript modules for the frontend, check out
"name": "issue-manager",
"version": "0.1.0",
"authors": [
"Greg Turnquist <[email protected]>"
"description": "Learning Spring Boot - Issue Manager",
"license": "ASL",
"homepage": "http://blog.greglturnquist.com/category/learningspring-boot",
"private": true,
"ignore": [
"dependencies": {
"jquery-mobile-bower": "~1.4.2"

It's time to put the pedal to the metal and load up jQuery Mobile's CSS and
JavaScript components. The following page is a very simple mobile layout that
we need to create at src/main/resources/templates/mobile/index.html:
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initialscale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-mobilebower/css/jquery.mobile-1.4.2.css" />
<script src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-mobile-bower/js/jquery.mobile1.4.2.js"></script>
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
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Quick Start with Java

<a href="/" data-icon="home" dataiconpos="notext"></a>
<h1>Issue Manager Mobile</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview">
<li th:each="issue : ${issues}">
<a th:href="${issue.githubIssue.htmlUrl}"

Where do we begin? Okay, maybe it's a little bit bigger than you expected. However,
if you've done any major hacking on HTML, you might recognize that this isn't as
huge as other frontend systems. So, let's break it up:
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">

The first line is a giveaway that this is most certainly a Thymeleaf template.
It declares the th namespace, and we plan to take full advantage of this later
in the code:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initialscale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-mobilebower/css/jquery.mobile-1.4.2.css" />
<script src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-mobile-bower/js/jquery.mobile1.4.2.js"></script>

The header section starts off by creating some viewport settings. Essentially, it's
saying that the browser should use the full width of the device and that we are
completely zoomed in. Double-tapping the screen of your phone won't cause it
to zoom in any more. Next, we are loading up jQuery Mobile's CSS style sheet.
Then, we load up jQuery and jQuery Mobile JavaScript modules.
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Chapter 2

Now, let's look at the <body> part of the page:

<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
<a href="/" data-icon="home" dataiconpos="notext"></a>
<h1>Issue Manager Mobile</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview">
<li th:each="issue : ${issues}">
<a th:href="${issue.githubIssue.htmlUrl}"

jQuery Mobile is a declarative toolkit, which means that we only have to lay out a
set of key elements, and when the package finishes loading it will apply mobile CSS
styling. In this case, we have a top level <div data-role="page" id="home"> tag,
which defines a mobile "page." The term "page" is wrapped in scary quotes because
it isn't the same thing as an HTML page. jQuery Mobile can support multiple pages
and will only display the current one.
As this is a single page app, we aren't going any deeper into
multiple pages. Instead, we'll focus on the other parts.

Inside the "home" page, there is a <div data-role="header" dataposition="fixed"> tag. This fragment defines what appears at the top. Basically, a
header can show up to three components on the device: the left, the middle, and the
right. In our case, there is an anchor tag and a header. This automatically gets shifted
to the left and middle spots upon rendering. The anchor tag will be rendered as a
button but with a home icon instead of any text. The header tag takes the middle
slot. For our example, there isn't anything that can be put in the right slot.
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Quick Start with Java

After this, we get to the meat of the page: <div data-role="content">. This is the
content and is where most of the device's real estate will be put to work. It's very
analogous to the desktop version of things. The exception is that instead of a table
with rows, we are creating a list view of listed items. jQuery Mobile will convert
every line item into a button.
The anchor tag inside the list item has the URL. When you click on one of these
mobile buttons, it will open a new tab in our browser. The button's text shows you
the title as the text value.

This seems to do the trick! Using our desktop browser and Ultimate User Agent
Switcher has made it easy to build this mobile frontend. However, nothing is complete
without a check from a real mobile device. We'll see how to do this a bit later.

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Chapter 2

Bundling up the application as a

runnable JAR
In the previous chapter, we learned how to run Groovy scripts with Spring Boot's
CLI tool. This empowered us to create runnable JAR files, which can be deployed
anywhere a JVM is installed. In this chapter, let's see how a Java-based project can
be bundled up as a JAR and deployed to a popular PaaS provider.
Spring Boot comes with two handy plugins: spring-boot-maven-plugin and
spring-boot-gradle-plugin. As we are using Gradle in this book, the project file
from start.spring.io has spring-boot-gradle-plugin installed. Earlier, we ran
the app from the command line using ./gradlew bootRun. To bundle up a JAR file,
we merely need to do this:
$ ./gradlew clean build
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:test UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 7.168 secs

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Quick Start with Java

Did you get an error from Gradle? start.spring.io creates

ApplicationTests, which will fail due to the required github.token
property. As we aren't focused on writing automated tests, the simplest
thing to do is to delete this test class and try again. Pay heed to the fact
that skipping unit tests is not recommended for a real production app.

Spring Boot initially builds a traditional JAR file. This file contains the compiled
class files, all the public resource files such as our jQuery Mobile code and HTML
templates, and the pom file. We can find it at build/libs/issue-manager-0.0.1SNAPSHOT.jar.original. This JAR file isn't runnable. In fact, it doesn't even have
third-party dependencies; this is by design. Such a JAR file can only be used to build
a bigger artifact, such as a WAR file.
In the spirit of runnable apps, Spring Boot's plugin takes another step. It creates a
new JAR file based on the original one and then adds third-party dependencies and
some support code in order to load the libraries. This can be found at build/libs/
$ ls build/libs

We can fire up the JAR file now:

$ GITHUB_TOKEN=ccdbf257f052a594a0e7bd2823a69ae38a48ffb1 java -jar build/


__ _ _

/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __

__ _ \ \ \ \

( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _' | \ \ \ \


___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |

) ) ) )

|____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /

:: Spring Boot ::


2014-06-24 23:48:38.119 ... : Starting Application on retina with PID

10542 (/...
2014-06-24 23:48:38.182 ... : Refreshing org.springframework.boot.
2014-06-24 23:48:38.775 ... : Overriding bean definition for bean

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Chapter 2
2014-06-24 23:48:39.278 ... : JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation
found a...
2014-06-24 23:48:39.864 ... : Server initialized with port: 8080
2014-06-24 23:48:40.156 ... : Starting service Tomcat
2014-06-24 23:48:40.157 ... : Starting Servlet Engine: Apache
2014-06-24 23:48:40.288 ... : Initializing Spring embedded
2014-06-24 23:48:40.289 ... : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization
2014-06-24 23:48:40.935 ... : Mapping servlet: 'dispatcherServlet' to [/]
2014-06-24 23:48:40.938 ... : Mapping filter: 'hiddenHttpMethodFilter'
to: [/*]
2014-06-24 23:48:41.687 ... : Mapped URL path [/**/favicon.ico] onto
handler o...
2014-06-24 23:48:41.803 ... : Mapped "{[/],methods=[],params=[],headers=[
2014-06-24 23:48:41.805 ... : Mapped "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],head
2014-06-24 23:48:41.805 ... : Mapped "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],head
2014-06-24 23:48:41.831 ... : Mapped URL path [/**] onto handler of type
2014-06-24 23:48:41.831 ... : Mapped URL path [/webjars/**] onto handler
of ty...
2014-06-24 23:48:42.042 ... : Registering beans for JMX exposure on
2014-06-24 23:48:42.106 ... : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080/http
2014-06-24 23:48:42.107 ... : Started Application in 4.513 seconds (JVM

Now we can visit http://localhost:8080 and either view the desktop version or
the mobile version. If we check for the local IP address of our machine, we can view
it from a mobile device that's on the same Wi-Fi network.
If you are on a Mac or *nix system, it's possible to find the local IP address
by typing ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v

[ 69 ]

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Quick Start with Java

Assuming that we get our computer and phone on the same network, we can easily
view the mobile version of the app.

We can see the list of tickets open on the GitHub repositories. If we click on one,
it will take us to GitHub, where we can easily view the details of the issue.

Deploying to Cloud Foundry

One popular PaaS (Platform as a Service) provider is Cloud Foundry. You can visit
a public-facing version known as Pivotal Web Services at https://run.pivotal.
io to discover options. It's also possible for you to build and set up your own local
instance of Cloud Foundry using the open source tools found at https://github.
com/cloudfoundry, but we won't go into that. Assuming that you have an account
at run.pivotal.io, let's proceed by installing the Cloud Foundry CLI tool.
If we visit https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli, we can find installation
instructions for multiple platforms.
On a Mac system with Homebrew (http://brew.sh), all we have to do is type
the following:
$ brew tap pivotal/tap
$ brew install cloudfoundry-cli
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Chapter 2
==> Downloading https://downloads.sf.net/project/machomebrew/Bottles/
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cloudfoundry-cli6.1.1.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring cloudfoundry-cli-6.1.1.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz

From here, we can log in to CF:

$ cf login
API endpoint: https://api.run.pivotal.io

Email> [email protected]


API endpoint: https://api.run.pivotal.io (API version: 2.6.0)


[email protected]





We are prompted for the API endpoint. In Pivotal's commercial instance of CF, this
will be https://api.run.pivotal.io. If you are running a different instance, your
API endpoint will be different. We must then use our e-mail/password credentials.
After getting in, we might have to pick our organization and space for deployment.
In all likelihood, your options will be different than what's shown in the preceding
console output.
At this point, we can deploy our app as follows:
$ cf push issue-manager-gturnquist -p target/issue-manager-0.0.1SNAPSHOT.jar -m 512M
Creating app issue-manager-gturnquist in org FrameworksAndRuntimes /
space development as [email protected]...

Creating route issue-manager-gturnquist.cfapps.io...


Binding issue-manager-gturnquist.cfapps.io to issue-manager-gturnquist...

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Quick Start with Java


Uploading issue-manager-gturnquist...
Uploading app files from: target/issue-manager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Uploading 1.7M, 474 files

Starting app issue-manager-gturnquist in org FrameworksAndRuntimes /

space development as [email protected]...
-----> Downloaded app package (13M)
-----> Java Buildpack Version: v2.1.2 | https://github.com/cloudfoundry/
-----> Downloading Open Jdk JRE 1.8.0_60 from http://download.run.
pivotal.io/openjdk/lucid/x86_64/openjdk-1.8.0_60.tar.gz (1.4s)
Expanding Open Jdk JRE to .java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre (1.0s)
-----> Downloading Spring Auto Reconfiguration 0.8.9 from http://
download.run.pivotal.io/auto-reconfiguration/auto-reconfiguration0.8.9.jar (0.0s)
-----> Uploading droplet (44M)

0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting

0 of 1 instances running, 1 down
0 of 1 instances running, 1 failing
Start unsuccessful

NOTE: use 'cf logs issue-manager-gturnquist --recent' for more


First, let's examine the arguments used to push our app to CF:

The app name is issue-manager-gturnquist.

The artifact was supplied with -p target/issue-manager-0.0.1SNAPSHOT.jar.

The memory was increased to 512 MB. It has been observed that Spring
Boot apps need more than the minimum memory for web-based apps.
(Why? I'm not sure at the time of writing this.)
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Chapter 2

However, wait a second; cf says that the deployment failed! Why is that?
Well, it appears to be giving us a clue by showing us how to check the logfiles:
$ cf logs issue-manager-gturnquist --recent
2014-06-15T00:35:23.45-0500 [App/0]
... Could not resolve placeholder
'github.token' in string value "${github.token}"

Ah ha! We don't have the github.token property configured. In all the

other examples of running this app, whether using ./gradlew bootRun or
by running the executable JAR file, we supplied that value. So what do we do
in this situation? Simple:
$ cf set-env issue-manager-gturnquist GITHUB_TOKEN
Setting env variable 'GITHUB_TOKEN' to
'ccdbf257f052a594a0e7bd2823a69ae38a48ffb1' for app issue-managergturnquist...
NOTE: Use 'cf push' to ensure your env variable changes take effect

Okay, we've supplied an environmental variable that will be associated with the
cloud-hosted instance of this app. We can push updated JAR files all we want. As
long as we don't delete the remote app flat out, it's environmental settings will stick:
$ cf push issue-manager-gturnquist -p target/issue-manager-0.0.1SNAPSHOT.jar
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
1 of 1 instances running

App started

Showing health and status for app issue-manager-gturnquist in org

FrameworksAndRuntimes / space development as [email protected]...

requested state: started

instances: 1/1
[ 73 ]

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Quick Start with Java

usage: 512M x 1 instances
urls: issue-manager-gturnquist.cfapps.io





2014-06-15 12:38:26 AM


251.4M of 512M

108.3M of

We didn't supply the memory argument this time, because that

information is already stored with the app, just like GITHUB_TOKEN.

Now, we can visit http://issue-manager-gturnquist.cfapps.io.

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Chapter 2

Perfect! This looks identical to what we saw earlier, except that we don't have to visit
port 8080, and it's available anywhere on the Internet.

If we visit the same site from our desktop browser, we can see the original look
and feel.

Adding production-ready support

So, is anything missing? Well, in the previous chapter, we added @Grab("springboot-actuator") and @Grab("spring-boot-starter-remote-shell"), and it
created a slew of extra HTTP endpoints. While Gradle isn't quite as concise as Groovy
Grape, it's not that hard. Just add the following dependencies to build.gradle:

These two Spring Boot starters activate Spring Boot Actuator as well the CRaSH
remote shell support.

[ 75 ]

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Quick Start with Java

In the previous chapter, we saw some detailed screenshots and explored how to
view these endpoints in our browser. All this is quite useful. However, one thing
that was mentioned was the possibility of writing a script in order to consume the
metrics. What would it take to start gathering metric data every second and dump
it into a CSV file that can be read with Excel? Let's start by creating an independent
script called metrics.groovy in the root folder of our project:
package learningspringboot
import groovy.json.*
class MetricsCollector {
def url = "http://localhost:8080/metrics"
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def keys = slurper.parse(new URL(url)).keySet()
def header = false;
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000L)
void run() {
if (!header) {
header = true
def metrics = slurper.parse(new URL(url))

So, what is buried in this gem of a script? Take a look:

@Grab("groovy-all") brings the vast wealth of Groovy on board (most

We initialize a connection to http://localhost:8080/metrics and then

fetch all keys that start with counter

notably, JsonSlurper)

[ 76 ]

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Chapter 2

@EnableScheduling turns on Spring's ability to have scheduled method

calls; run() is booked to run every 1000 ms

The first time run() executes, it will print out a header with each key's name
joined by commas (the CSV format)

Every other time run() is executed, it reconnects to http://

localhost:8080/metrics in order to download and parse the data

Finally, using the list of keys, each data point is gathered and printed out,
spliced together by commas (CSV)

To use the script, we first need to fire up our new and improved Issue Manager app
with Spring Boot Actuator turned on:
$ GITHUB_TOKEN=ccdbf257f052a594a0e7bd2823a69ae38a48ffb1 ./gradlew clean

With the Actuator up and running, we can now launch our metrics collection script
in another shell (in the same folder in which metrics.groovy lives):
$ spring run -q metrics.groovy | tee metrics.csv

[ 77 ]

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Quick Start with Java

Assuming we have done that, we can now open metrics.csv using Excel.

Gee, that's no fun. The only metrics that are increasing appear to be our script hitting
/metrics. Well, duh! If only there was a way to automatically visit other sites. Oh,
but there is! Groovy is a powerful platform. Why don't we write a script that can
load test our website at the same time? Let's do this as follows:
package learningspringboot
import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool
import groovy.util.logging.*
class LoadTester implements CommandLineRunner {
void run(String[] args) {
GParsPool.withPool(8) {
def loadset = ["http://localhost:8080"]*100
loadset.eachParallel { url ->
def results = url.toURL().text
log.info("Hit ${url}")
[ 78 ]

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Chapter 2

So, what's all this? It's not that long, but it's packed with lots of features:

GPars (http://gpars.codehaus.org/) is the Groovy Parallel Systems

library. We're using it to perform parallel load testing

This script implements Spring Boot's CommandLineRunner interface, so it will
invoke the run() method
GParsPool.withPool(8) creates a parallel pool with eight workers
(because I happen to have an eight-core laptop)
Inside this block, we create an array with 100 instances of
http://localhost:8080, which is the root URL of issue manager
With this array of addresses, we ask GPars to iterate over every entry using
eachParallel { } in parallel
Inside each iteration, we convert url into java.net.URL, connect, and fetch
the text of the page
Instead of printing out the content, we are effectively just clicking on the URL

This effectively hits the website 100 times, as fast as eight cores can go. Looking at
the following metrics screenshot, we can see that counter.status.200.root is now
up to 100.
With this setup, let's launch spring run metrics.groovy | tee metrics.csv in
one shell while we run spring run load_test.groovy in another.

[ 79 ]

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Quick Start with Java

This screenshot nicely shows our metrics counter results, gathered in a

persistent spreadsheet:

Here, we can see that metrics.csv has counts of both counters.status.200.

metrics and counters.status.200.root.
For production-ready support, it's nice that Actuator provides us handy data
that we can consume. The scripts that we used in order to consume these metrics
might seem a bit crude. However, in the real world, we need tools that let us
quickly try something out before investing in bigger, more complex, and often
more expensive solutions.
If our manager wanted a quick read of the last 24 hours of data, we could easily take

metrics.groovy and adjust it to have a rolling time limit. We could then serve up

the content using a little Spring MVC. Cash in on Spring MVC's WebSocket support,
and we could have the screens update dynamically. Program managers love eye
candy, right?
There's no telling what requirements we'll get from system administrators and
managers. Spring Boot's easy-to-consume endpoints provide us with the tools we
need in our main application as well as the support tools we'll build in order to
manage things.

[ 80 ]

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Chapter 2

In this chapter, we used http://start.spring.io to create a bare bones project
with Gradle support. We plugged in Spring Social GitHub and used it to scan
multiple repositories for open issues. Then, we used Spring Mobile and jQuery
Mobile to create an alternative mobile frontend. We learned how to use Spring Boot's
ber easy property support. We bundled it up into a runnable JAR file and deployed
it to Cloud Foundry. Finally, we added production-ready support and did a little bit
of load testing while gathering metrics.
In the next chapter, we will explore all the tools at our disposal that can be used to
debug and manage Spring Boot applications.

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