Crimes of Bolsheviks
Crimes of Bolsheviks
Crimes of Bolsheviks
Crimes of the Bolsheviks
1. Introduction
Nine years have already passed since an indescribable crime against humanity, the Bolshevik Revolution of
1917, was systematically begun. Now in its ninth year [1926], a government exists which calls itself a workerand-peasant governmentbut not one true worker or farmer has ever sat on it. For nine years, torture has been
used in the name of democracy as an official instrument of the state. And in the name of socialism millions of
upright individuals have been murdered, put to death through starvation, or banished from home and hearth to
every distant part of the globe.
In the name of the proletariat the Russian people has been subjugated by rank foreigners, their speech has been
silenced, and their bodies sentto the cheers of the [Jewish] Third International into mass graves.
An old Russian expression says: There are never more lies told than before a war and after a hunt. And in
point of fact the Great War [WW1] never had a true armistice; it never really ended. And the hunt for more
human skulls of course only Christian and Aryan skulls will do continues in accordance with a sinister
and systematic plan. And thus the great lie blooms forth, in effect a form of worship of the Father of Lies, by
that international scum calling itself the Bolsheviks.
Mundus vult decipi! the world wants to be deceived! It believes Soviet lies and fairy tales and even
participates in this sick comedy, sending delegations of well-known people, leftists of course, incapable of
understanding the Russian language, and sympathetic to boot with the goals of the Third International!
[The 3rd Internationale was the third great convention meeting held by ultra-radical Jews and Marxists in 1919
to coordinate Communist activities worldwide.]
Off these foreign guests go to Soviet Russia to study the situation. These splendid chaps have no idea what
Russia was like before the Bolsheviksand what it could have become without them in the meantime! On the
other hand, the Soviet Unions new friends show great knowledge and appreciation for our Russian caviar and
vodka! The caviar is good, the vodka burns like fire going down, and in the brain-fog of democratic good will
one somehow misses the rivers of blood, the dashed brain fragments, and the slithering clatter of millions of
slaves chains.
And so internationalist democracy celebrates its rites of sacrifice. The Christian lamb is slaughtered, and Annias
and Caiaphas [Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus to death], today representing international
stock market capital, are the guests of honor at the feast.
The four JewsMarx, Engels, Lenin and Trotskywho helped to destroy the Christian Russia of the
tsars and replace it with an atheistic Communism in which 66 million Russian Christians were put to
death in the gulags run by the cheka.
For a non-initiate it must be entirely incomprehensible how such a mighty empire, seemingly in one night of
revolution, could be set aflame at all four corners and destroyed.
However, in one night it did not happen.
The events of March 1917 Kerenskys middle-class overthrow of the tsar and of November 1917 the
Bolshevik putsch against Kerenskys government were only the visible result of years of patient, mole-like
undermining activities by the Jewish Internationale: a work which did not begin in the criminal minds of Marx,
Kautsky and Engels, but instead in an earlier alliance of Jewry with the higher grades of world Freemasonry.
These lofty idealists have tortured and killed, in the name of Russias workers and peasants and according
to their very own statistics the following numbers of victims in the first four years of the glorious Russian
Revolution: 28 bishops of the Church, 1,215 priests and 6,000 monks. Why? Just because they were bishops,
priests and monks, and because they believed in God who is of course merely a disposable middle-class
Next come 8,800 Christian doctors and their aides. Why? Because they represented non-Jewish middle-class
Now come the officers: 54,650 army and naval officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant-rank and above) and
48,500 lower-ranking policemen. And for what reason? Because they were military and police officers, and we
all know that militarism is no longer permissible for any nationalistic and Aryan-conscious white people. It is
only allowed to Red bandits, who call themselves proletarians, to dig the real proletariat a mass grave.
Then there are 260,000 flag-loyal soldiers of the old army, all now executed. But even this statistic is trifling.
Now come the intelligentsia: teachers, professors, engineers, building contractors, writers and judges
especially judges, because these were the most dangerous for a state ruled by convicted felons.
To them let us add lawyers, district attorneys and all the college-educated occupations to reach the number
of 361,825 murdered members of our most mentally demanding professions. I will not even tarry over our
annihilated class of large landowners, consisting of 12,950 persons.
And when someone asks me how the Russian intelligentsia can bear the Bolshevik yoke, I always answer that
the Russian intelligentsia is either literally six feet under or in exile, and that the tiny remainder left over has
suffered such a blood-letting and systematic humiliation through the communist steamroller that they have
forfeited every last bit of self-esteem and personal honor.
Finally, we come to the modest numbers of workers and peasants executed by the worker-and-peasant state.
They amount to only 192,350 workers and 815,000 peasants. All these figures are official statistics published by
the Cheka [forerunner of the KGB] and printed in easily obtainable Bolshevik newspapers during this period
when the anti-communist White Russian forces were fighting Trotsky and the Red Army, [1917-1921].
All these facts can be verified in the complete volumes of information or excerpts published in 1922 by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of Serbia, the only country in Europe which is fighting mercilessly
against the disease of communism.
Even this enormous number of casualties is small compared to the mentally ill persons now running around free
in Soviet Russia four million eight hundred thousand of them. But this is no surprise. Even the old Russia did
not have enough sanatoria and hospitals for them. Now the whole country has become a madhouse.
The murders continue and the blood flows on, albeit only Christian and Aryan blood.
When during the 1922 Famine, 30,000 human beings were dying every day, Jewish leader Trotsky made the
sarcastic remark: All the better look at the paperwork that will save us now!
To the bedside of the sick tsar his personal physician, Zakharin, was summoned. Zakharin, a perfectly good
Russian name, and yet a Jew. When he arrived to see the tsar in Livadiya, he had the medicine all ready for
him in his vest pocket. The kind of medicine is easy to imagine: a one-way ticket into the next world.
After the trusting tsar had swallowed the medication and was rolling in pain on his bed, Zakharin bent over-him
according to Saltus with a diabolical grin on his face.
The tsar choked out the words Who are you?
Zakharins answer: I am a Jew! And with enormous chutzpah, he then turned to the empress and the tsars
ministers and said: Not to worry, his majesty is only talking in a fever!
Then he bent over the dying man and grinned at him again: You are breathing your last breathand we have
This comes straight from the Jew Saltus in his book The Imperial Orgy.
and murderous mob, where they were sadistically annihilated. Meanwhile Kerensky, dressed in a sailor suit,
fled St. Petersburg.
Just before that, Kerensky had signed for publicity reasons an arrest warrant against the traitor Trotsky
[Bronstein]. But when General Polovtsev showed up with his Cossacks in Trotskys apartment to arrest him,
there sitting in a plush armchair with Trotsky was Kerensky, sipping a liqueur. He took the arrest warrant from
the astonished generals hand, theatrically tore it up, and sent the general on his way a man who lacked the
courage to simply arrest both these scum for in a revolution, the first one to pick up his stick is on top.
In any case, the Russian and foreign publics were to be treated to scenes of urban warfare and bloodshed.
Aryan blood, of course.
With this softening of the brain a sort of gumming of the tissues he was now fully qualified to pour his
criminal fantasies into the ears of the foaming mob.
Russia already stood in flames, and the shabby gang of brigands were encouraged by Lenins slogan, Rob back
what they robbed from us!
And so the mob hurled themselves upon the meager remains of Russian society. Under the joyful croakings of
Jewry, Mother Russia was submerged.
The brain disease which afflicted Lenin continued to take its course. One insane idea after another issued forth
from his government. The most renowned doctors in Germany boarded airplanes in an attempt to jerry-rig this
decrepit swindler statesman, but he descended further and further into mental confusion. It is said that before his
death he experienced a few shafts of mental light during which he crawled on all fours on the carpet and
whimpered pitifully Forgive me, Lord, forgive!
Truly, truly the international proletariat can be proud: its leader a thief, its prophet a syphilitic, its greatest
man a mass murderer.
Instead of leading mankind into the bright light above the clouds, it has jammed humanity down into the sewer,
and it is no accident that his mausoleum Lenins tomb looks today like a public lavatory.
After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and took refuge with his family
in a house in Yekaterinburg. The Czar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, his servants and family
doctor were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 17, 1918. It has since been
confirmed that Lenin ordered the clandestine killings from Moscow.
Veteran British journalist Robert Wilton explains in his cult classic, The Fall of the Romanovs, how the
murder of the Tsar and his family was orchestrated entirely by Jews:
The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indeliby impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The
murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin,
Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yorovsky, is the act not of the Russan people, but of this hostile
invader. (Robert Wilton, The Fall of the Romanovs, p.148).
This anti-Bolshevik propaganda poster, dated to 1919, shows Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich
Bronstein) as a devil. Elements of the imagery reveal anti-Semitism: a popular anti-communist tactic
was to overplay the role of Jews in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. (From a Zionist website,
attempting to minimize the role played by Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution. See here).
The Chinese soldiers, presiding here over a mound of corpses and shooting Russian Christians to death,
were hired mercenaries for the Jewish Bolsheviks. They did the Jews dirty work for them. Their
reputation for sadistic torture on behalf of their Bolshevik employers was legendary. Thus they were
responsible for introducing into Europe the infamous rat torture, a variation of which was to appear
later as the horrendous climax of Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four.
which a ravenous, starving rat was placed. Through the small water hole in the base of the flower pot a red-hot
iron rod was pushed to torment the rat and make him wild, causing him to try to burrow himself away from the
rod and deep into the abdomen of the horrified human victim.
THE RAT TORTURE: A red-hot poker, when pushed through the bars of the cage, would force
the maddened rat to escape by gnawing its way into the stomach of the human prisoner.
They lined up other victims in military formation, then ordered the first row to place one hand upon a wooden
table. A nail was driven through the hand into the wood. Then they cut a full circle around the wrist skin,
drenched the hand in boiling water and pulled the hand and finger skin right off. This they called making
Interestingly, each torture chamber had its own special torture lady, always a Jewess or Latvian female, usually
with a nickname such as Dora, the glove maker or Rosa, the glove lady.
It comes as no surprise to us to learn that the chief justice of a criminal court in Moscow is also a Jewess, Anya
Glusmann, who is said to love pronouncing death sentences above all else, and, according to a fawning
newspaper article about her, she loves flowers and perfume after a hard days work.
There is more: such as placing a mans head on an anvil, then slowly exploding it using a huge iron hammer
with ever-increasing weights.
Those fated to suffer the same death the following day were ordered to pick up the brain and bone pieces, the
nerve tissue and blood which they witnessed flying around the room. When ordered to their work they were
told: You are digging your own grave. You must be happy that tomorrow your own kind will be picking up the
pieces of your cadavers.
As for men of the cloth, they would bring priests into a church, marry them with a sow or mare in a sarcastic
ceremony and then nail them to the cross over the altar.
The bishop of Voronesh was plunged live into a giant kettle of boiling water and his monks were forced at
revolver point to take spoonfuls of this soup.
High-ranking clergymen had their eyes gouged out, the tongue severed, and the ears sliced off.
Then they were buried alive.
Or their abdomen was opened with a knife and the first section of their intestines was nailed to a telephone pole.
They were then forced to run around the pole as their entrails unwound until death came.
Officers of the Russian navy were steamed to death in their own engine rooms.
They were chained to cement blocks and hurled off the piers so that their tethered corpses, decomposing and
rising under the waves, formed hideous, tossing forests of the dead.
General Viren of Kronstadt had both his arms hacked off and was then paraded around the downtown area until
it became boring, whereupon he was shot.
Human beings had burning cigars pushed into their open eyes until they were blind, their entire body being
roasted on spits.
Heads were squeezed slowly to the bursting point with special brain vises.
The German Army discovered a chamber full of these and similar devices, including a testicle-cracker, in an
underground chamber in Ukraine in 1941. Adapted dentist drills were used to drill deep into the brain.
They sawed off the top of peoples skulls and forced others to eat their brains, whereupon the eaters then came
under the saw and in turn had their own brains eaten. [Paraphrased]
Entire families were arrested and children tortured before the eyes of their bound parents, or the wife was
tormented before the eyes of her husband or the reverse.
The Bolsheviks drove nails into empty wooden barrels, then jammed human beings inside, rolling the barrels
around merrily.
Mass graves of people buried alive were found by the White Army. Victims of live burial usually have dirt in
their mouth and nostrils from trying to breathe. The writhing bodies of these people were found in the most
bizarre contortions.
And all this in the sweet name of freedom and democracy!