Meucci 2011 - The Prayer
Meucci 2011 - The Prayer
Meucci 2011 - The Prayer
1 The author is grateful to Garli Beibi, Arlen Khodadadi, Luca Spampinato, and an anonymous referee.
2 This article appears as Meucci, A. (2011), The Prayer: Ten-Step Checklist for Advanced
Risk and Portfolio Management - The Quant Classroom by Attilio Meucci - GARP Risk
Professional, April/June 2011, p. 54-60/34-41
P2 Estimation
P3 Projection
P4 Pricing
P5 Aggregation
P6 Attribution
P7 Evaluation
P8 Optimization
P9 Execution
A Appendix
The quantitative investment arena is populated by dierent players: portfolio
managers, risk managers, algorithmic traders, etc. These players are further
dierentiated by the asset classes they cover, the dierent time horizons of
their activities and a variety of other distinguishing features. Despite the many
dierences, all the above "quants" are united by the common goal of correctly
modeling and managing the probability distribution of the prospective P&L of
their positions.
Here we present "the Prayer", a blueprint of ten sequential steps for quants
across the board to achieve their common goal, see Figure 1. By following the
Prayer, quants can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that they are not missing
important points in their models. Furthermore, quants are directed to areas of
advanced research that extends beyond the traditional quant literature. We use
the letter "P" to signify the true probability space of the buy-side P&L, which
stands in contrast to the risk-neutral probability space "Q" used on the sell-side
to price derivatives, see Meucci (2011b).
risk drivers
invariants distribution
2: Estimation
invariants distribution
3: Projection
risk drivers distribution
4: Pricing
securities P&L / portfolio positions
5: Aggregation
portfolio P&L distribution
6: Attribution
factors distribution / exposures
7: Evaluation
satisfaction / constraints
optimal positions
8: Optimization
target / market info / book info
execution prices
9: Execution
realized P&L
Figure 1: The "Prayer": ten-step blueprint for risk and portfolio management
Below we discuss the ten steps of the Prayer. Each step is concisely encapsulated into a definition with the required rigorous notation. Then a simple case
study with a portfolio of only stocks and call options illustrates the steps with
analytical solutions. Within each step, we prepare the ground for, and point
to, advanced research that fine-tunes the models, or enhances the models flexibility, or captures more realistic and nuanced empirical features. Each of these
steps are deceptively simple at first glance. Hence, we highlight a few common
pitfalls to further clarify the conceptual framework.
The "quest for invariance" is the first step of the Prayer, and the foundation
of risk modeling. The quest for invariance is necessary for the practitioners to
learn about the future by observing the past in a stochastic environment.
Key concept. The Quest for Invariance step is the process of extracting
from the available market data the "invariants", i.e. those patterns that
repeat themselves identically and independently (i.i.d.) across time. The
quest for invariance consists of two sub-steps: identification of the risk
drivers and extraction of the invariants from the risk drivers.
The first step of the quest for invariance is to identify for each security the
risk drivers among the market variables.
Key concept. The risk drivers of a given security are a set of random
Yt (Yt,1 , . . . , Yt,D )0
that satisfy the following two properties: a) the risk drivers Yt , together with
the security terms and conditions, completely specify the security price at
any given time t; b) the risk drivers Yt , although not i.i.d., follow a stochastic
process that is homogeneous across time, in that it is impossible to ascertain
the sequential order of the realizations of the risk drivers from the study of
the risk drivers past time series {yt }t=1,...,T .
The risk drivers are variables that fully determine the price of a security, but
in general they are not the price, because the price can be non-homogeneous
across time: think for instance of a zero-coupon bond, whose price converges to
the face value as the maturity approaches.
Homogeneity ensures that we can apply statistical techniques to the observed
time series of the risk drivers {yt }t=1,...,T and project future distributions. Note
that we use the standard convention where lower-case letters such as yt denote realized variables, whereas upper-case letters such as Yt denote random
em m + r + 2 /2
m + r 2 /2
) er (
with the standard normal cdf. At each time t, the price Ct,k,e in (2) is
observable, and so are St and t . Therefore, the option formula (2) implies
a value for t , which for this reason is called implied volatility.
The implied volatility for a given time to expiry, or better, the logarithm
of the implied volatility ln t , displays a homogeneous behavior through time
and thus it is a good candidate risk driver for the option. From the option
formula (2) we observe that the implied volatility alone is not sucient to
determine the call price in the future, as, in addition, the log-price ln St and
the time to expiry t are needed. Since the time to expiry is deterministic,
the call option requires two risk drivers to fully determine its price
ln St
ln t
The second step of the quest for invariance is the extraction of the invariants,
i.e. the repeated patterns, from the homogeneous series of the risk drivers.
Key concept. The invariants are shocks that steer the stochastic
process of the risk drivers Yt over a given time step t t + 1.
tt+1 (1,tt+1 , . . . , Q,tt+1 )0
The invariants satisfy the following two properties: a) they are identically
and independently distributed (i.i.d.) across dierent time steps; b) they
become known at the end of the step, i.e. at time t + 1.
Note that each of the D risk drivers (1) can be steered by one or more
invariants, therefore Q D.
To determine whether a variable is i.i.d. across time, the easiest test is to
scatter-plot the series of the variable versus its own lags. If the scatter-plot,
or better, its location-dispersion ellipsoid, is a circle, then the variable is a
good candidate for an invariant. For more on this and related tests see Meucci
Being able to identify the invariants that steer the dynamics of the risk
drivers is of crucial importance because it allows us to project the market randomness to the desired investment horizon. Often, practitioners make the mistake of projecting variables they have on hand, most notably returns, instead
of the invariants. This, of course, leads to incorrect measurement of risk at the
horizon, and thus to suboptimal trading decisions.
The stochastic process for the risk drivers Yt is steered by the randomness
of the invariants tt+1 . The most basic dynamics, yet the most statistically
robust, which connects the invariants tt+1 with the risk drivers Yt is the
random walk
Yt+1 = Yt + tt+1 .
More advanced processes for the risk drivers account for such features as autocorrelations, stochastic volatility, and long memory. We refer to Meucci (2009b)
for a review of these more general processes and how they related to random
walk and invariants both in discrete and in continuous time, with theory, case
studies, and code. We refer to Meucci (2009c) for the multivariate case, and
how it relates to cointegration and statistical arbitrage.
Illustration. Consider our first asset class example, the stock. As discussed, the only risk driver is the log-price Yt ln St . The above scatter-plot
generally indicates that the compounded return ln (St+1 /St ) are approximately invariants
tt+1 ln St+1 ln St .
Therefore the risk driver Yt ln St follows a random walk, as in (6).
Now, consider our second asset class, the call option example. The empirical scatter-plot shows that the changes of the log-implied volatility are
approximately i.i.d. across time. Furthermore, our analysis of the stock example (7) implies that the changes of the log-price are invariants. Therefore,
ln St+1
ln St
ln t+1
ln t
This is also a random walk as in (6). Notice that this is a multivariate random
The outcome of the quest for invariance, i.e. the set of risk drivers and their
corresponding invariants, depends on the asset class and on the time scale of
our analysis. For instance, for interest rates a simple random walk assumption
(6) can be viable for time steps of one day, but for time steps of the order of one
year mean-reversion becomes important. Similarly, for stocks at high frequency
steps of the order of fractions of a second, the very time step becomes a random
variable, which calls for its own invariant. We refer to Meucci (2009b) for a
Pitfalls. "...The random walk is a stationary process...". A random walk,
such as Yt in (6) is not stationary. The steps of the random walk tt+1 are
stationary, and actually they are the most stationary of processes, namely invariants.
"...The random walk is too crude an assumption...". Once the data is suitably transformed into risk drivers, the random walk assumption is very hard to
beat in practice, see Meucci (2009b).
"...Returns are invariants ...". Returns are not invariants in general. In our
call option example, the past returns of the call option price do not teach us
anything about the future returns of the option.
time T
tt+1 }t=1,...,T
, iT
f .
Simple estimation approaches only process the time series of the invariants { tt+1 }, but various advanced techniques also process information
iT such as market-implied forward looking quantities, subjective Bayesian
priors, etc.
The simplest of all estimators for the invariants distribution is the nonparametric empirical distribution, justified by the law of large numbers, i.e.
"i.i.d. history repeats itself". The empirical distribution assigns an equal probability 1/T to each of the past observations in the series { t }t=1,...,T of the
historical scenarios.
Alternatively, for the distribution of the invariants, one can make parametric
assumptions such as multivariate normal, elliptical, etc.
Illustration. To illustrate the parametric approach, we consider our
example (8), where the invariants are changes in moneyness and changes
in log-implied volatility from t to t + 1. We can assume that the distribution
f is bivariate normal with 2 1 expectation vector (s , )0 and 2 2
covariance matrix 2 as below
The expectation can be estimated with the sample mean T1 t t , and
the covariance with the sample covariance 2 T1 t ( t ) ( t )0 , where
denotes the transpose.
In large multivariate markets it is important to impose structure on the
correlations of the distribution of the invariants f . This is often achieved in
practice by means of linear factor models. Linear factor models are an essential
tool of risk and portfolio management, as they play a key role in the Estimation
Step P 2, as well as, among others, in the Attribution Step P 6 and the Optimization Step P 8. We refer to Meucci (2010h) for a thorough review of theory,
code, empirical results, and pitfalls of linear factor models in these three and
other contexts.
A highly flexible approach to estimate and model distributions is provided by
the copula-marginal decomposition, see e.g. Cherubini, Luciano, and Vecchiato
(2004). In order to use this decomposition in practice, as well as any alternative
outcome of the estimation process, the only feasible option is to represent distributions in terms of historical scenarios similar to the above, or Monte Carlo
generated scenarios, see Meucci (2011a).
An important advanced topic is estimation risk. It is important to emphasize that, regardless how advanced an estimation technique is applied to model
the joint distribution of the invariants, the final outcome will be an estimate, i.e.
fYT + .
In order to project the risk drivers we must go back to their connection with
the invariants analyzed in the Quest for Invariance Step P 1.
If the drivers evolve as a random walk (6), then by recursion of the random
walk definition Yt+2 = Yt+1 + t+1t+2 = Yt + tt+1 + t+1t+2 we obtain
that the risk drivers at the horizon YT + are the current observable value yT
plus the sum of all the intermediate invariants
YT + = yT + T T +1 + + T + 1T + .
Using the independence of the invariants, (12) yields for the variance
V {YT + } = V {T T +1 } + + V {T + 1T + } .
Since all the s in (12) are i.i.d., all the variances in (13) are equal, and thus
we obtain the well-known
"square-root rule" for the projection of the standard
deviation Sd {YT + } = Sd {}. Note that we did not make any distributional
assumption such as normality to derive the square-root rule.
Simple results to project other moments under the random walk assumption
(6), such as skewness and kurtosis, can be found in Meucci (2010a) and Meucci
(2010i). Projecting the whole distribution is more challenging, but can still be
accomplished using Fourier transform techniques, see Albanese, Jackson, and
Wiberg (2004).
In the more general case where the drivers do not evolve as a random walk
(6), the projection can be obtained by redrawing scenarios according to the given
dynamics, see e.g. Meucci (2010b) for the parametric case and Paparoditis and
Politis (2009) for the empirical distribution.
Illustration. In our oversimplified normal example the projection can
be performed analytically. Indeed, from the normal distribution of the invariants (10) it follows, from the preservation of normality with the sum
of independent normal variables, that the sum of the invariants is normal
T t+ N( , 2 ). Thus we obtain for the distribution of the two risk
drivers at the horizon
ln ST +
ln sT
). (14)
T +
Pitfall. "...To project the market I assume normality and therefore I multiply the standard deviation by the square root of the horizon...". The square
root rule is true for all random walks with finite-variance invariants, regardless
of their distribution. However, the square-root rule only applies to the standard deviation and does not allow to determine all the other moments of the
distribution, unless the distribution is normal.
Now that we have the distribution of the risk drivers at the horizon YT + from
the Projection Step P 3, we are ready to compute the distribution of the security
prices in our book. Recall that the value of the securities at the investment
horizon, by design, is fully determined by a) risk drivers at the horizon YT +
and b) non-random information iT known at the current time, such as terms
and conditions
PT + = p (YT + ; iT ) .
Then, given the security price at the horizon PT + , the security P&L from the
current date to horizon T T + is the dierence between the horizon value
(15), which is a random variable, and the current value, which is observable and
thus part of the available information set iT . Thus the horizon profit function
T T + = p (YT + ; iT ) pT .
Note that the P&L must be adjusted for coupons and dividends, either by
reinvesting them in the pricing function (15), or by an additional cash flow term
in (16).
Key concept. The Pricing Step is the process of obtaining the distribution of the securities P&Ls over the investment horizon from the distribution of the risk drivers at the horizon and current information such as
terms and conditions, by means of the pricing function
fYT + , iT
fT T +
Illustration. In our stock example, the single risk driver is the log-price
Yt ln St . Therefore the horizon pricing function (15) reads p (y) = ey . Its
Taylor approximation reads p (y) eyT (1 + y yT ). Then the P&L of the
stock (16) reads
s,T T + sT (ln ST + ln sT ) .
Hence, from the distribution of the risk drivers (14), it follows that the distribution of the stock P&L is approximately normal
s,T T + N( sT s , s2T 2s ).
For our call option with strike k and expiry e, the risk drivers are the
log-price Ys,t ln St and the log-implied volatility Y,t ln t , as in (4).
The horizon pricing function (15) follows from the Black-Scholes formula (2)
and reads
pBS (ys , y ; iT ) = cBS (ys ln k, ey , e T ) .
When the investment horizon is much shorter than the time to expiry of
the option, i.e. e T , the following first-order Taylor approximation
suces to proxy the price pBS (ys , y ; iT ) pBS (ys,T , y,T ; iT ) + BS,T
(ys ys,T ) + vBS,T (y y,T ), where BS,T pBS (ys,T , y,T ) /ys is the
options current Black-Scholes "delta" and vBS,T pBS (ys,T , y,T ) /y is
the options current Black-Scholes "vega". Then the P&L of the call option
(16) reads
c,T T + (ln ST + ln sT ) BS,T + (ln T + ln T ) vBS,T .
We stated in the distribution of the risk drivers (14) that the log-changes
in (22) are jointly normal. Therefore, the distribution of the P&L is normal,
because the linear combination of jointly normal variables is normal
c,T T + N( c , 2c ),
BS,T s + vBS,T
2BS,T 2s + vBS,T
2 + 2 BS,T vBS,T s .
Notice how the expectation of the call options P&L depends on the expectations of the stock compounded return and the expectation of the log-changes
in implied volatility, multiplied by the horizon . A similar relationship holds
for the standard deviation of the calls P&L.
It is worth noticing that pricing becomes a surprisingly easy task when the
distribution of the risk drivers is represented in terms of scenarios, as (16) is
simply repeated scenario-by-scenario by inputting discrete realized risk drivers
We conclude the Pricing Step by highlighting two problems. First, a data
and analytics problem: in many companies there might not be readily available
pricing functions with all terms and conditions.
Second, the problem of liquidity risk. The pricing step assumes the existence of one single price, which is fully determined by the risk drivers Pt =
p (Yt ; iT ) as in (15). In reality, for any security there exist multiple possible
prices, which represent supply and demand. The actual execution price depends on supply and demand, on the size and style of the transaction, and on
other factors. As we will see, liquidity risk, which first comes to the surface
here in the Pricing Step, aects with increasing intensity the Evaluation Step P
The Pricing Step P 4 yields the projected P&Ls of the single securities. The
Aggregation Step generates the P&L distribution for a portfolio with multiple
Consider a market of N securities, whose P&Ls (1 , . . . , N ) are
obtained from the horizon pricing function (16). Notice that for simplicity we
drop the subscript T T + , because it is understood that from now on the
Prayer focuses on the projected P&L between now and the future investment
Consider a portfolio, which is defined by the holdings in each position at
the beginning of the period h (h1 , . . . , hN )0 . The holdings are the number of
shares for stocks, the number of standardized-notional contracts for swaps, the
number of standardized-face-value-bond for bonds, etc.
The portfolio P&L is determined by the "conservation law of money": the
total portfolio P&L is the sum of the holding in each security times the P&L
generated by each security
h = N
n=1 hn n ,
where we have assumed no rebalancing during the period.
Given one single scenario for the risk drivers YT + and thus for the securities
P&Ls in (16), the computation of the portfolio P&L h is immediately determined by the conservation law of money (26) as the sum of the single-security
P&Ls in that scenario.
which is in general a very challenging operation. On the other hand, the computation of the aggregate P&L distribution becomes trivial when the market
is represented in terms of scenarios, as the conservation law of money (26) is
simply repeated in a discrete way scenario-by-scenario.
Illustration. In our example with a stock and a call option, whose P&Ls
are normally distributed, suppose we hold a positive or negative number hs
of shares of the stock and a positive or negative number hc of the call. Then
the total P&L follows from applying the aggregation rule (26) to the stock
P&L (19) and the option P&L (22) and thus reads
ST +
+ hc vBS,T ln
T +
Thus, from the joint normal assumption (14) and the fact that sums of jointly
normal variables are normal, the total portfolio is normally distributed. Isolating the horizon we obtain
h N( h , 2h ),
h2c vBS,T
(hs sT + hc BS,T )
+2 (hs sT + hc BS,T ) hc vBS,T s
Notice how both expectation and variance follow from the projection to the
horizon of the invariants distribution (10).
Above we described in full the aggregation step. However, this topic is not
complete without comparing the aggregation of the P&L with an equivalent,
more popular, yet more error-prone, formulation in terms of returns.
The reader is probably familiar with the notion of returns, which allow for
performance comparisons across dierent securities, and portfolio weights. The
return is the ratio of the P&L over the current price RT T + T T + /pT .
The weight
P of a security is its relative market value within
P the portfolio wn
hn pn,T / m hm pm,T and satisfies the "pie-chart" rule n wn = 1.
The conservation law of money (26) becomes easier to interpret in terms of
returns and weights, as the total portfolio return is the weighted average of the
single-security returns
Rh = N
n=1 wn Rn ,
k=1 bh,k Zk .
Note that the attribution to arbitrary factors in general gives rise to a portfoliospecific residual. The formulation (34) covers this case, by setting such residual
as one of the factors Zk , with attribution coecient bh,k 1.
bh, hc vBS,T .
S (h) .
Illustration. In our simple normal market of one stock and one option,
any portfolio is determined by the holdings h (hs , hc )0 . Let us focus on the
first sub-step (38) and let us compute the most basic summary statistics of
the P&L, namely its expected value. Then from the distribution of a generic
portfolio P&L (30) we obtain
S (hs , hc ) E {h } = h = hs sT s + hc ( BS,T s + vBS,T ) .
Similarly, if the manager cares about a measure of volatility, a suitable measure is the standard deviation
S (hs , hc ) Sd {h } = h ,
where h is defined in (32).
For the optional summary statistics attribution sub-step (39), a simple linear
decomposition that mirrors the attribution equation (34) is not feasible. For inP
stance, for the standard deviation it is well known that Sd {h } 6= K
k=1 bh,k Sd {Zk }.
However, notice that numerous summary statistics such as expectation, standard deviation, VaR, ES, and spectral measures display an interesting feature:
they are homogeneous, i.e. by doubling all the holdings in the portfolio, those
summary statistics also double. As proved by Euler, for homogeneous statistics
the following identity holds true
S (h) =
k=1 bh,k
S (h)
S (h)
hs sT + hc BS,T
Sd{h }
hc vBS,T
where h is defined in (32), see the proof in the appendix. The total contributions to risk from the factors follow by multiplying the entries on the left
hand side of (44) by the respective exposures (37).
For the attribution to the individual securities, i.e. the stock and the call
option, a similar calculation yields
Sd{h }
s2T 2s s ,c
Sd{h }
s ,c
s ,c
2s 2BS,T + 2 vBS,T
+ 2 s BS,T vBS,T
BS,T sT 2s
+ sT vBS,T s ,
see the proof in the appendix. The total contributions to risk from the stock
and the call option follow by multiplying the entries on the left hand side of
(45) by the respective holdings hs and hc .
The computation of the summary statistics S (h) is hard to perform in practice, unless the market is normal as in our example (41), because complex multiple integrals are involved. For instance, using the same notation as in (28), the
VaR with confidence c is defined by
f ( 1 , . . . , N ) d 1 d N .
h0 V aR
To address this problem, one can rely on approximation methods such as the
Cornish-Fisher expansion, or the elliptical assumption, see Meucci (2005a) for
a review. The computation of the partial derivatives for the decomposition (42)
of the summary statistics is even harder, unless the market is normal as in our
example (44)-(45). Fortunately, these computations become simple when the
market distribution is represented in terms of scenarios, see Meucci (2010c).
Before concluding, we must address two key problems of risk and portfolio management: estimation risk, introduced in the Estimation Step P 2, and
liquidity risk, introduced in the Pricing Step P 4.
As far as estimation risk is concerned, the projected distribution of the P&L
h that we are evaluating is only an estimate, not the true projected distribution, which is unknown. Therefore, estimation risk aects the Evaluation Step.
As a simple, eective way to address this issue, risk managers perform stresstest or scenario analysis, which amounts to evaluating the P&L under specific,
risk, etc. We denote by C the set of all such constraints and by "h C" the
condition that the allocation h satisfies the given constraints.
Key concept. The Optimization Step is the process of computing
the holdings that maximize satisfaction, while not violating a given set of
investment constraints
h argmax {S (h)} .
hc 1
Then the first order condition on the P&L standard deviation, computed in
(30)-(32), yields
If the correlation between implied volatility and underlying were null, the
best hedge would consist in shorting a "delta" amount of underlying. In general is substantially negative: for instance, the sample correlation between
VIX and S&P 500 is 0.7. Therefore, a correction to the simplistic delta
hedge must be applied.
In general, the numerical optimization (49) is a challenging task. To address
this issue one can resort to the two-step mean-variance heuristic. First, the
mean-variance ecient frontier is computed
h argmax {E {h } Vr {h }} ,
This step reduces the dimension of the problem from N , the dimension of the
market, to 1, the value of . The optimization (52) can be solved by variations of
quadratic programming. The optimization becomes particularly ecient when
a linear factor model makes the covariance of the securities P&Ls sparse, see
Meucci (2010h).
Second, the optimal portfolio is selected by a one-dimensional search
h argmax {S (h )} .
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First, consider the following rule, which holds for any square matrix a and
conformable vector x
x0 ax
x0 ax
To prove (44) we recall from the attribution to the risk factors (37) that the
standard deviation (41) reads
. (57)
2h = (Sd {h })2 = bh,s bh,
We recall from (14) that all the log-changes above are jointly normal. Therefore
the entries of covariance matrix read
s ,c
= 2s 2BS,T + 2 vBS,T
+ 2 s BS,T vBS,T
Cv {s , c } = Cv{sT (ln ST + ln sT ) ,
(ln ST + ln sT ) BS,T + (ln T + ln T ) vBS,T }
= Cv {sT (ln ST + ln sT ) , (ln ST + ln sT ) BS,T }
+ Cv {sT (ln ST + ln sT ) , (ln T + ln T ) vBS,T }
= BS,T sT 2s + sT vBS,T s ,
(Sd {h })2 = hs hc
Then (45) follows from (56).
s ,c
s ,c