The Foremost Duties of Any Prophet Right From The Beginning Are

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Thanks a lot Janab Roohullah Neri and Qamrul A Khanson Saheban:

Very incisive and enlightening. I find the ideals of Islam very simple and quite
applicable if understood in today's context. I find them very inspiring, too. When I
try to relate a few things and share it with my students they are enthused. The
realization of this need by a few of our friends is itself an achievement.

Iqbal has argued that the humanity needs three things today. Two of those things
are: i) spiritual interpretation of the Universe and ii) spiritual emancipation of the

The Universe, unfortunately, has only been looked at materialistically with a view
to exploit it – bereft of spirituality behind it – and in an atomistic manner. I assume
that the science looks at each phenomenon in isolation of the rest. This is the scope
of science, probably. It may not be able to go farther. It could, only if it is guided
and inspired by some higher ideals – the ideals which are holistic in approach. This
is not possible without the confluence and without a fresh understanding of the

The individual, on the other hand, is far from being spiritually emancipated. It is a
long struggle.

Thanks once again for your inputs and best regards.


Ajman, UAE

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Roohulla Neri <nroohulla@yahoo.> wrote:

Dear Mr.Wasim
What Mr. Qamrul A Khanson has explained to your query is quite correct
and need to be followed by every Muslim.
Added to it I am giving some clarifications from Qur'an
The foremost duties of any prophet right from the beginning are
1. Rehearsing to the people Our Signs
2. Purifying the people
3.Instructing them the Scriptures
4. Wisdom behind the Scriptures (Pls. Ref Chap. 2:151)
As for the first one, "Our Signs" stands for verses about the creations in this world and
in galaxies. There are more than 850 Aayaths in Qur'an which talk about His creations.
For eg. Take Chap No. 30 it says
Among His Signs are about creation of mankind woldwide (30:20)
Creations of pairs in mankind and the purpose behind it (30:21)
Creations of Galaxies and the earth with difference colours and languages (30:22)
Creations of System of night for rest and day for seeking livelihood (30:23)
Creations of Lightning followed by rains for refreshment of earth (30:24)
Creations of Galaxies and the earth functioning perfectly in each one's gravitational orbits (36:40)(30:25)
Therefore a prophet at first convinces the people about the creations and functioning of the worlds (2:164)
and brings awareness in them and thus purifies their minds from all sorts of unwanted rituals and
superstitions. (7:157)
Thereafter he teaches them the Laws of Almighty (Vayu Allimuhumul Kithaba) (2:129) i.e. teaches them
as to
how those bounties of Almighty should be used for the constructive purposes (3:190,191) as otherwise
they will face
hell (3:192). He also teaches them the logic behind those Laws (Hikma)
Such is the grand mission that each Rasool brought about to this world and that is why they are not
foretellers and but all Rasools are great reformists who engraved their names in the global history.
If we claim that we belong to "Ahle Sunnath Wal Jama'ath" we should follow the footprints of Rasools
(Ref. 33:21) and carry out those duties as mentioned above.
The track record of Sir.Syed Ahmed Khan is also a lesson for us.

From: "qamrul@qamrulkhanso" <qamrul@qamrulkhanso>

To: voiceofaligs@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sat, 2 January, 2010 4:41:26 AM
Subject: [voiceofaligs] ‘Scientific’ and ‘Rational’ - A Response

‘Scientific’ and ‘ Rational’

Being scientific is an attitude based on knowledge by

which one explores beyond the limits of what is already
known. These habits or tendencies include accuracy,
intellectual honesty, open-mindedness, suspended
judgment, criticalness, and a habit of looking for true
cause and effect relationships. The attributes of scientific
attitude are rationality, curiosity, open mindedness,
aversion to superstitions, objectivity in intellectual
honesty and suspended judgment.

Rational means 'the condition of being rational'.

Philosophers have the view that the aim of science is the
achievement of truth and the avoidance of error such is
the rational approach or rationality. A person with
rationality will prefer the reason in all the actions. Thus
being rational characterizes preferences which are
complete and transitive, and therefore can be
represented by a utility function.

Syed Ahmad Khan was a human like anyone of us with

intellect. Most human do not utilize what Almighty Alloh
has given in the form of “Power of Action”. But he
explored it with the perception of “Learning by Doing and
seeing is Believing”. Almighty Alloh says “He does not
change the condition of a person or community unless
the person or the community decides to change itself”.
Syed Ahmad Khan decided to change by learning,
experiencing, planning and by acting upon his plans.

Tauheed (Monotheism) or Oneness is a quest for a

comprehensive understanding of human existence in
conformance with The Creator Lord of Universe. The
objective in philosophy of Monotheism is to consider the
rational justification of logical inferences, Creator’s
values, criteria for establishing the claims of knowledge
and certainty with reference to Almighty The-God (Alloh),
and interpretations of the creation-reality. The united
insights of all the Prophets and Messengers of Islam from
the Biblical times to the finalisation of Almighty Alloh’s
religion of Submission: Al Islam, all contributed
resources to stimulate united philosophical thinking
based on reality on the matter of Monotheism, meaning
A Spiritually Intelligent believer is a master of
Monotheistic philosophy who could prepare his students
for worldly process of living, abiding with natural laws,
establishing their professional careers in areas, which
require the ability to analyze problems; to think, to write,
to express and practically perform in life efficiently. It is
an appropriate step in life to start with Monotheism
(Tauheed) and whatever comes on the way, evolves from
The Lord of Evolution: Almighty Alloh. Thus, to continue
finding educational tools and knowledge pools within the
appreciative gratitude of Almighty The–God (Alloh) for
professional careers such as Law, Medicine, Social
sciences, Electronics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and
Theology etc. Thus opening the mystery of Almighty
Alloh’s creative expertise from nothing and paving the
way for Mankind to transform things of their preference
by using what Almighty Alloh has created for the Mankind
to explore research, generate, produce and entertain
within the permitted periphery of The Lord of Universe.
For which, Almighty Alloh has already created the seeds
of knowledge, ingredients for production and raw
materials to innovate things for human advantages, to
build infrastructure for their benefits. Unless a person’s
Tauheed is established, the very such advancement in
the field of science would allow UCM (Un-Conscious Mind),
DJS (Devil-Jinn- Satan) and DIS (Devil-Ins-Satan) to
distract human from the reality of its achievement to the
fabricated self-pride in human individualism. Such human
will be dragged in the wilderness of worldly possessions,
which would make him only for this world, and nothing
would come to avail for the Hereafter. Human born in this
world ought to work for both lives otherwise very concept
of human creation and resurrection would be a waste of
time, material and life.
Qamrul A. Khanson
Author, Friday Imam, Dairy Specialist and Spiritual
Mississauga ON Canada

Scientific And Rational

These two words seem very much appealing and
convincing to me ever since I came across them. I
assume that they do not leave an argument incomplete
and take us to the logical end in the most satisfying
manner. Ironically, though, I do not really know much
about these two words. Would be thankful if someone
among the friends on the Forums enlightens us.
There is one more request. It is one of the greatest
mysteries for me to find out where did Sir Syed Ahmad
Khan get the scientific and rational approach from and
how was he able to use it to the extent that he did. I
would request the friends on the Forums to please spare
a few minutes and enlighten about it, too.
There is yet another request. I am perennially in search of
a formula. A formula which may help explain the entire
complexity of life and all its phenomena in the simplest
and shortest words. I need that one liner which might
help in explaining all the bits and pieces of life in a
manner that ultimately I get a complete WHOLE. Why do I
want that? Because I want to run away from the atomistic
thought pattern where I am not able to relate one
phenomenon with the other. I want a body of coherent
ideas so that I do not wobble. And I do not ramble. I want
something like Tawheed, which literally means unification
/ unifying i.e. making something one from waahid.
It is a sincere request and unless I am able to arrive at it I
will feel that whatever I have gathered so far is just the
broken pieces of information. It is not knowledge. It is not
something higher than that. It is a quest and I will be
most grateful to those who will help me in this quest.
Many thanks and best regards.
Dr Wasim Ahmad (MA Arabic 1993-1995)
Department Head of Islamic Studies
Preston University Ajman
PO Box 20488, Ajman UAE
Phone: +97167469555
Fax: +97167469955
Cell: +971505363235

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