Indemnity-Declaration To Enable The Concerned Government Authorities To Transfer The Property in The Name of Legal Heir/s of The
Indemnity-Declaration To Enable The Concerned Government Authorities To Transfer The Property in The Name of Legal Heir/s of The
Indemnity-Declaration To Enable The Concerned Government Authorities To Transfer The Property in The Name of Legal Heir/s of The
____________________________ Wife/Widow
The said deceased at the time of his death was the sole owner of the
residential property namely __________________________ and which
property is more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written
and the same is hereinafter referred to as the said property.
The said deceased died intestate leaving us as his only legal heirs and
representatives according to Hindu Law. We hereby further state and
declare that save and except ourselves there are no other legal heirs and
representatives of the said deceased. Since, the said deceased died
intestate and as we are the only legal heirs and representatives of
the said deceased we are entitled to the estate of the said deceased
in equal share i.e. 1/3rd to each of us.
The said deceased died leaving a will dated ___________. By the said will
the deceased has devised and bequeathed the said property to the
Deponents hereto, a copy of which is annexed as Annexture B hereto.
The said will is duly accepted and acted upon by all of us.
In view of the said Will, the Deponent No.1 has solely become entitled to
the said property. We all the Deponents hereby give our consent and no
objection for transferring the said property in the sole name of
______________________, the Deponent No.1 hereto.
(1) ________________________
(2) _________________________
(3) ______________________________
) Before me,